How you're ANALYZING the ACTION by TAKING and LETTING the LINES go THROUGH the FIGURE to EXPERIENCE the ACTUAL CONNECTION of HOW the VARIOUS PARTS RELATE to eachother.I have the notes, I just can't seem to actually use that knowledge
>>7439329i fucked your mom
What story are you telling? Whats your end vision for the illustration? Answer these before even starting - "gesture" is literally everything in the picture from the arrangement of anatomy to color choices to whole-picture design. Look at renaissance art pieces to know where he learnt and is inspired from - multiple figures interacting within relevant backgroundsThe stuff he's teaching is useless for 1girlwhitevoidpinups or conceptartslop - you have to think of several characters (not necessarily figures, can be the landscape even) connecting with each other; main point, secondary point etc.
>>7439341>useless for 1girlwhitevoidpinupsActually, a good 80% of Vilppu's educational stuff is solo figures
>>7439343thats like 15% of his stuff lmaoall the others are landscapes, composition, gesture, paintings, clothing, animal anatomy....
>>7439343"Solo" figures that are meant to be placed within an interacting environment whether illustrations or animations.
>>7439345>>7439347That you have to know how to draw at least step 1 before you can think of doing more than one
are you winning, son?
>>7439329I still don't get it
>>7439341>>7439343CounterpointWhich of these drawings has more gestural energyWhich one takes the eye on a ride and which one throws it into the washing machine
>>7439341>gesture is color choices
>>7439366It's not color but it is the composition of the color
>>7439349here's a trace of it for people with bad eyesight
>>7439341>The stuff he's teaching is useless for 1girlwhitevoidpinups or conceptartslop - you have to think of several characters (not necessarily figures, can be the landscape even) connecting with each other; main point, secondary point etc.a single figure can also be thought of as an interraction between several parts
>>7439354Does this help?