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What's the point of drawing if you have 0 intention on showing it to anybody besides yourself
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I do have an active Twitter account but I pretend that I don't on /ic/
because the final masterpiece was the 3D model. I don't need to show my thoughts on the design and choices :DD
To get better at it.
Or to have fun
More like what’s the point in drawing if you suck shit and never get any better
Perhaps to better understand how the human body moves, according to FORCE author Michael Mattesi.

>get a batch of commissions for 500$
>I'm so self-critical that never show them and keep making edits
>client gets tired of waiting after 6 months and moves on to another artist
>despite being almost done, I still don't show what I got, I lie and tell him I didn't do any art because family stuff.

I fear criticism to the degree it's a mental illness
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This happened to me several times in the past, plus, a few clients refunded me and my PayPal got blocked forever. It's all so tiresome.
All you need to do is to boost your self esteem and stop being insecure. My suggestion is to start having a lot of sex with beautiful girls or if you are an ugly manlet, or asian, start with sports. Hiking, swimming, running, bicycle, etc. YagtmiA, just stop sitting in from the computer all day.
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If you pay me a 20% fee i will finish them for you. Also pyw
Well no shit they refunded if you don't deliver on commissions :s poor people commission too

But yeah the trick is just to remember that non-artist commissioners like me really don't know enough about art to be hypercritical about this stuff, and 9 out of 10 times prefer faster delivers to something that's 100% perfected
>this thread again
>as always, bo work will ever be shown
>gullible fools still buy that shit

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Based or cringe?
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Show me how far it can raise its shouders up and forwards and backwards, most dolls like this fail to do basic stretching poses like that from what ive seen.Usually when you pose with both arms up with the elbows pointing upwards, the elbow goes above the height of where the top of the head is because your shoulders raise up a bit, but most dolls I've tried can't move the joint up as far.
i own one too. the joint goes above the head. not because of the mobility though. the limbs are just disproportianally long which is kinda part of the stickybones esthetics. it is a very good figure but most of the time it will stand just as a decorative piece on your table.
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Sticky sad
Can stickybones cross their arms like a real person can? I bought this cheap figure that couldn't do it and I had to take it back.

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We all know /ic/ is a hilariously toxic shithole, but most art communities are poisonous in one way or another, being either vapid hugboxes filled with meaningless ball fondling or burnt out hoods filled with gangbangers who relentlessly fling their shit at every sincere question or discussion. I'm curious about why, in all things, artists are so resistant to the very idea of authenticity, of actually talking about art and what they like about it.

The zeitgeist everywhere online is self-deprecation, self-hate, and a complete refusal to take what one does seriously, or talk about it without having to wink at the audience or debase themselves in some way.

For example, an artist posts a piece that moves me. I leave a comment along the lines of "I love this, the two figures seem to represent [blah blah blah.] Was this your intention?"

Artist responds with "yeah I guess lol it's really just a bunch of pretentious crap tho I'm garbage glad you like it but whatever it's shit lol nobody cares anyway."

This is the default mode. On /ic/ art related questions are always met with "kill yourself" or immediately turn into a shitshow of hot takes. One gorilla takes a shit, another gorilla runs with it, takes another shit, and by the end it's just five monkeys jerking off in a pile of their own feces. It's impossible to discuss or analyze art for art's sake without some sort of meta-aware self-deprecating zoomer showing up to shit everywhere in an act of defiance against what they perceive to be "cringe authenticity."

Why? Why are artists like this? Is it some weird maladaptive coping mechanism for having been shamed or bullied for drawing dinosaurs in highschool? Is having a passion for character design (or even anime titties) that embarrassing? Why do artists have such shit self-esteem, and why do they perpetuate it by internalizing negativity? At what point did artists go from casually talking about what they authentically love to refusing to take their work seriously?
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let lil chris chan cook you motherfucker >:(
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You might have alexithymia anon.
Here's a wheel. Good luck. You may disagree with this particular wheel's order.
Don't stress about the names. Notice the colors and try to notice your own feelings. Look for a matching name and color.
You experience all these emotions. If you don't, that means your emotions are active and suppressed.
Finally: when we have active and suppressed emotions, our logic is flawed. If you want to grow as a thinker, get in touch with your emotions and the emotions of other people.
Cognitive empathy is different from "I feel you bro." If you can't feel other people, that means you have room to grow. You can practice emotional mirroring by repeating back what people say to you in a conversation, kind of like a sounding board. You can check your understanding by asking others if you're following the conversation and like making sure if ya'll are both on the same page.
Because there is absolutely no reward for doing so, and everything to lose and get hurt by. People are assholes, and people take immense pleasure from hurting others. Hell, there's even official terms for how people put on a facade when dealing with others.

>In Japan, honne refers to a person's true feelings and desires (本音, hon'ne, "true sound"), and tatemae refers contrastingly to the behavior and opinions one displays in public (建前, tatemae, "built in front", "façade"). This distinction began to be made in the post-war era.[1]:35
>A person's honne may be contrary to what is expected by society or what is required according to one's position and circumstances, and they are often kept hidden, except with one's closest friends. Tatemae is what is expected by society and required according to one's position and circumstances, and these may or may not match one's honne. In many cases, tatemae leads to outright telling of lies in order to avoid exposing the true inward feelings. In English speaking countries they are telling “white lies.
No no, I'm pretty sure it's just narcissistic psychopathy and borderline personality disorder combined with a high IQ and inability to regard others as anything more than walking science experiments.
>Because there is absolutely no reward for doing so

> and everything to lose and get hurt by
Like, if instead of crying like a baby you grow some thicker skin, you become less fragile. Quite a reward if you ask me.

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uhm I need criticizm. :p
Ive been learning how to draw in the moe artstyle and this is my first artwork
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why not posting on /beg? anyways its looking pretty good, one criticism would be that id like to be able to see her eyes.

love the scene vibe though
lmao that looks dogshit. OP's is better
OP whats your discord username? i want to groom you


Read all of this, draw it again, then come back.

Shouldn't take more than one week


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looking for some interesting artists doing asian food and drinks, preferably. picrel is by angela sung
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idk but i like her color pallete
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yeah it's refreshing; the use of clear strokes is enjoyable too

picrel: ala southiick; not asian but nice too
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Nabatame Kaztaka

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Previous thread: >>7066089

What is /ALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly, keep discussion at a civil level.
>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?
To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.
>Community Resources
>Tag the OP if you want a resource included here.
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the only reason im redlining anything is because this is already rlly good so im nitpicking details

i think the upper torso is a bit too long for her proportions, also a detail but the staff overlaps her ear creating a weird tangent so maybe u can move it a bit so it reads more clearly, otherwise this is already looking good
Good advice, I'll implement this. Thanks for the redline, I appreciate it.
I don't find memes too appealing, but this one got me somehow, so I had to... you know
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woflgirl or smth like that oc i've been working on

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Post boggu links. X/Twitter, Instagram, Patreon.
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my tablet broke so I'm drawing with my mouse
sorry if it's bad
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Twitter / X @TopherSoc
Discord tophertalk
A quick Google search for nsfw art communities should point you in the right direction, thou some seas are rougher than others, so choose wisely, you can also explore hydro to flip some bucks on your content.
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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

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>Hundreds of these
True, sometimes you just wanna relax in your comfort zone of curvy women standing upright however.
Does this look any better?
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Ink practice before bedtime
Then I fucked it up by applying watercolor to them (ink started washing out and blended together with the watercolor, even though speedball india ink should be waterproof)
Maybe I need to wait at least 3 hours before applying colors. Or maybe I just have to switch back to fine liners because I know for a fact that they can handle watercolors easily without the ink going to shit

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This won't have happened if she learned to draw hands better.
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>You're too pretty, sorry if I can't tell you in person but I get too nervous (maybe because you're so pretty)

>I hope you like the drawing <3

>I'd like to know you and talk with you, we could meet in front of "conchas" friday at 11

Anyways looks fake and gay
It's a girl being rejected by another girl
why are you dumpster diving? are you homeless?
not sure if he is, but there's an anon hobo who sometimes makes posts from drawings he finds in dumpster

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Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite

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magic drawing pad
Refurbished iPad.
The s series Samsungs are ok but get the highest end model 8 gen 2/8gen 3 if you don’t want lag, the other ones even the tab s9 fe is slower than the base a14 iPad
Does anybody here use a Wacom One with the OpenTabletDriver instead of the Wacom one? I'm having issues setting it up, what are the ideal plugins/settings for art?
It just takes some time getting used to it but it's never gonna feel like traditional if that's what you mean
depending on your budget:
>s6 lite
>s9 fe+ / magic drawing pad
>m2 ipad air

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How do you go about shading a line artwork?
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Why do I unironically like all these scribbles, though?
they look like someone told an ai to generate scribbles
you look like someone told an ai to generate scribbles

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What is the best framerate for pixel art sprites?
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i love this one
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Amazing eye blink animation. Pro level.
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Previous Thread: >>7102789

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others! Don't take anything personal!
Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>dA /ic/ group :

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

>General resources :

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I remember years ago /ic/ used to talk about photobashing all the time like if it was some god technique, but I sincerely never understood how and what the hell exactly you do with it
Still pretty sad that I had to mercy kill the first one I saw in my life.
After seeing them fully functional tho, I would fucking never go near one alive. That thing can probably chew one of your feet off or worse
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got a girl
>understood how and what the hell exactly you do with it
I don't know how others use it but like i said i only use it to smooth things out.
I took sections from this woth the lasso tool and put it over my existing drawing then lowered opacity to get a more uniform skin texture.
I could've done something similar with just brushes but this saves up time.
It's just a tool, don't think too much about it. Either use it or don't.
You got it wrong but the reply still holds value. I never had self worth and the worth of my drawing faded away with time. By trying to claw out some "success" out of the only thing I loved so I could shove it in the face of the world i lost all meaning. So I guess I should just start working on myself a bit.
I just wanted to win once man. I wanted to show everyone and myself that it wasn't all for nothing. I should had known better

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No one is reviving the thread and I think it's so sweet that /ic/ has a space for this, so I guess it depends on me now
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is the tree actually standing in an empty white void or what's up with the colours
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Kind of. I was thinking of harsh midday sunlight from the upper left, maybe with a slight breeze.
You are using a round brush for a pointy leaved plant. I suggest sharpening the silhouette or trying another brush.
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Wow! So cool, do you have a blog?

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