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>post doodle
>what sort of things do you like to doodle
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incredible niggas

Excellent storytelling style.
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Hey! Follow me on ig and I'll follow back! I'm trying to make art bros
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>what sort of things do you like to doodle
It helps me express my emotions

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This is a thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?" / "What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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What brushes would you recommend to a person who only recently started to use procreate?
It's always the basic one, learn that one first and then you'll understand what you want on top of that
For defaults, the Round brush in the Painting tab is a great hard round type brush to start with. People also swear by the 6B pencil brush if you enjoy your lines a bit toothier and more traditional feeling.
If you desperately want to download something bespoke then the MaxPack Essential brushes are good for everything too. Anon upped them here >>7295593
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Can someone please share the files for these models?
There locked in 2.2.0 onwards so fuck us who paid for the 2.0 version for a one time purchase.
I'm sure there's nothing preventing these models from just working on older version, nothing is different code-wise.

Here ya go!

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Thoughts on this guy?
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TL;DR: he's irresponsible

It infuriates me that he's really the only popular youtube artist in the german art community.
All these art youtubers don't take this stuff seriously enough. they think "oh i wanna make some money with my art, guess i'll make some youtube tutorials because that's the only type of art video (outside of drama) that clicks well" and then end up as some authority figure to a lot of young artist and peddle their subpar advice to them. and his young audience can't even look for some other person's advice since most don't understand english well enough and his videos are the only ones that show up on german youtube.
If you tell people what they should do with their time and they trust you and follow your advice, you are absolutely in part responsible when they waste their time practicing with your dogshit techniques/advice.
The thing with him is also that he didn't/doesn't really improve, he is still around /beg/-tier (probably because he wastes so much time doing unnecessary skits/animation for his videos), so he either recycles his old dogshit videos or makes some other stupid shit to keep himself afloat.
He seems like a good person but his complacency and/or ignorance drives me up the wall.
his video where he claims the Loomis method is responsible for every head looking the same pisses me off, this idiot didn't even read the book, none of these clowns read how to use the Loomis method correctly.
Draws like a peasant
What bad habits does he promote? Sure, it's stylized comic book stuff but that's what most people draw.
>bad habits
Nasty habits.

Have there ever been examples of artists who started their art journey with a realistic/semi-realistic style then switched to a more stylized/cartoonish one with time?
Purely drawing from anime and not from life ruined me significantly
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I want cunny with Frazetta's gesture
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>sexually mature characters are cunny, ha ha right guys?
Begone, pedophile.
I personally started with realism for the most part and had to rigrously train myself to draw anime.
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Before photography was invented, newspapers hired illustrators to draw what they saw on the scene and put that in the paper. When the camera replaced them, many of these illustrators went into commercial illustration, and some of them went on to pioneer comics and animation.

Louis Wain is one such example, best known for drawing more psychedelic cats as he went bonkers. However, this radical style of his was not a result of his deteriorating psyche, but simply him exploring different art styles. During the later stages of his life he still made art in his older style as well.
and he’s beamed into the brains of 1000 uppity niggers as a jewish pedohile on jewish amazon

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Hi /ic/
Can you criticize my silent comic
I still an amateur and developing my skills, practicing every day despite my busy university scheduleand your advices and criticism is really important for me because it's direct and real (not sugar coated like the one's I got from my peers)
Thank you
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Im shy
I don't think OP gonna be rude
But take your time since you're shy
reminds me of that shitty book Sai has in naruto shippudden

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This is a serious question and not meant as a troll thread.
How many artists are unable to mentally visualize what they are drawing? Are there any of them on this board? Have any well known artists commented on it?

How do people work around not being about to picture the image in their head?
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Is that krita?
if you cant visualize or think in words, you're a low IQ npc. Theres no other explanation
The circumstances of your life likely meant that you were trained to do such a thing just by the environment you grew up in. Obviously there's some baseline that may differ between people, but things like "had to get up in the middle of the night to pee and needed to memorize layout of house to not bump into shit in the dark in both trip directions" are these subtle things that train you.

It's effortless for me to read nutrition facts but that's probably because as a kid I used to eat cereal marketed to older people at my grandma's house, so there was very little of interest to look at on the boxes while I ate besides that. Meanwhile getting most people to actually pay attention to this shit while shopping has been like pulling teeth. They aren't familiar with the format and so it takes mental effort during something people usually find stressful.
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you seem to have mistook me for someone reasonable
no, it's gimp
i'm trying to port the pencil to mypaint engine though. that would be usable in krita, but that's not going too well
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I can solve this easily and I don't see shit in my head
I "feel" shapes and relationships between shapes and directions and curves and corners and relative positions
I can zoom in and do the with smaller details and I can zoom out and do that with larger blocks
I can feel an apple in much the same way. it's a feeling that sort of has to build and rebuild itself over and over. like I'm touching an apple with my mind
I know this is different from actually seeing stuff because when I'm very tired or sleepy, sometimes when I'm on the edge of falling asleep or waking up, sometimes when I'm on drugs I can actually see things clear as day
the thing is, if you actually see things that clearly regularly, that seems like a pretty useful thing for art and daydreaming and jacking off, but a huge inconvenience for just going about your day

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someone you liked or worked with before? I found @FluffyCataaa while I was browsing /lgbt/. I wonder if you Anons found any artist that uses 4chan as well? please post them in this thread <3
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Watatanza 100%
Watatanza is goated. Love how there's a 90s aesthetic thing going on with his furry characters. Dude doesn't tumble into drama either. Just pure art. Legend.
it's broken somebody call an ambulance
fuck off fluffycloaca
Commission Beigriff if you want some real art. Be sure to tip, though, they don't charge enough.

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people really doxxing themselves every time they do a commission? how do anonymous feel about this?
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Monero is pretty based, the biggest issue is how fucking convoluted it is to purchase it. A layman will never adapt to something so autistically inclined.
Deviantart art is a shit middleman.
See, literally nobody asked for this shit
You assholes sure like to gloat
try $20,000 or 250 transactions

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post your:
>traditional artworks
>questions about traditional media
>sketches, wips, inspiration

Old: >>7275163
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I did basically the same with charcoal. Im working with acrylics on this one, oil wouldnt work.
I thought maybe there is a new, easy solution, but its seems not to be the case. Anyway, i dont really like photorealism, i may quit after one painting anyway.
Use lean medium for lover layers and fat for the upper.
What causes a brushstroke to be so thin it's barely glazed in the center but pushes up opaque furrows on the sides? Incorrect paint loading? Wrong consistency? Using a no 3 round with acrylics over other semi-gloss layers not base gesso
are ya smushing it
Not at all. Maybe my brush is damaged or something.
>Use lean medium for lover layers and fat for the upper.
I mean I know this but after 100 corrections how do i even know which one is appropriate or necessary

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How does one go about drawing the weird shape of the pussy?
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Have we really become so delusional that fucking a man in a skirt is considered straight? HELLO?
He could've just said that then.
I don't agree with that claim, but I'm willing to accept that other people hold it, and I won't argue against it.
His whole spiel about "you're gay for liking futas because futas are men" was incredibly inane.
you're a fag anon
"Late Stage Porn Addiction" goes hard

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Welcome to the OC Redraw thread!!

>Post an OC
>Draw someone else's OC
>Have fun

This one is more for trading than just for sharing
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My pleasure, he was cute and I wanted to give him some love. The post was from a while ago so I'm pleasantly surprised you saw it, two wins with one of them being drawing him. Have a good day o/
Do you have another fullbody of this guy in color? Asking for a friend :)

Any of you guys have any OC that i can draw for you? I loved how you made my Shikigami Raccoon
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Nah i just have the same pose with a background This is all i have for him.
And some older designs but he looks too different with brighter colors in those.
This works!

are "AI artists" even real artists?
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Industry artists are just as short sighted and sociopathic though. Really, I think the landing pad is going to be passion, relatability, and creativity and a lot of people working in the industry traded that in a long time ago. They can't relate to the average person anymore and are much more bitter and reprobate than the worst person here. Their creativity died in art school. Seriously, one of the most black pilled things you'll ever see is a students art book from when they enter a place like calarts to the point where they get a job in the industry. By the end every bit of technical talent is worked out of them. It's bizarre... and passion, well, they are passionate about "the message".

It's not like it was back in the day where you had people with varying beliefs but in the end the consistency of the worlds they were creating or the love of their craft itself won out. Now "everything is political" as I'm sure 90% of industry artists would proudly say.
A lot of the younger crowd got pulled in while naiive, and then got sunk-cost mentalitied into not leaving. They just are repeating what everyone around them is telling them because they live with 3 other people in a 2 bedroom apartment and are at risk of losing everything if they start to doubt things are as they've been duped into believing.
For a lot of people it's a "dream job" which means they're willing to put up with a hell of a lot of manipulation and abuse. But then they end up internalizing it, and the cycle renews as they do the same shit to the next crop of recent-grad hires.
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>Even if you have all the same parameters, seed, model, etc, you can't actually regenerate the same image as someone else with the sampler set to say, euler a
You're referring to the random noise generator that allows for generating from a smattering of points in an area of the latent space instead of just the one exact point that said parameters corresponds to. Regardless of that, every generated image has a corresponding set of parameters and seed and if you have these then you absolutely WILL generate the exact same image every single time if you don't have random noise enabled.
It's math, damn it, there is no such thing as "randomness". Algorithms don't have a spark of animus, and your weakly clinging and grasping at the belief that there is anything there but hard, cold math that goes 2+2=4 and nothing else is pathetic cargo cultist cope. I was on the mark about how image generators work and you know it. Sampler my ass.
Oh I'm sure. It's probably especially hard not to lose who you are when you are constantly surrounded by it. Still at some point you need to draw a line or you have officially become the thing you are just going along with. For instance, I was willing to get black listed and made an example of just to stand up for what was right by fans of something, let alone something genuinely morally reprehensible. I've always been real hard boiled on stuff like that though to the point where my friends call it "almost" autistic. I got my morals, I stick with em. I wonder if these people would find themselves in the same predicament if they stuck to theirs? Maybe so, but perhaps they'd have more people internally willing to fight for what was genuinely right rather than throw them all under the bus when something better came along. Who knows, but I know that most deserve what's coming particularly in the western entertainment industries.
This whole thread reeks of language models, will there be another after this one dies?
I know next to nothing about generative model theory and you know less than me.

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post the full thing
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title says it all
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Is a troon
>she's a woman
>she wears a garter
>call her gaby garter
the level of thought that went into this is impressive
the lack of thought that went into this is impressive
...said no man ever.
whats her @
anyone have this?

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For the past two weeks I have been way too horny, I couldn't draw anything that wasn't porn.
How to fix this?
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I saw your account, and I think the great following/follower difference for such a new account might trigger the spam marking. Maybe wait a few more days??
It's impressive how he hasn't improved at all
Oh, I see. Clever girl. Anyways, knowing the outcome kinda ruin it for me, for some reason. I prefer to be left in the uncertainty of her terrible final fate. It keeps emotions activated and "tingling". Like in the "1001 Arabian Nights", every night she was supposed to be beheaded, buying one more day of pleasure just by chance
Well there's still a chance she didn't get knocked up and after a month when no change in the belly has happened, she might not have gotten pregnant, and the 'execution postponed' rule doesn't apply anymore. They won't make the same mistake twice after that
Interesting story, If she keeps seducing any guards or handlers near her, she could keep arguing that she would be pregnant "any moment now"... and keep avoiding her execution through that loophole. Of course they will command to leave her alone. But that's the exciting element of the story, men can't resist the temptation. And if a guard gets caught fucking her, he could be executed for disobeying the order, but no her, since she could be pregnant. A guard could even give up his life knowing that he will be caught, but by doing so, she will live on if she gets pregnant, or at least to have that one more month of living spared. Ah, So romantic and tragic. The same ol' tale, always re-told again and again, since the dawn of times.

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