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If the one you watch go further than the basic construction and show how you can use it to create a variety of faces, then obviously I'm not talking about them.
>Now here's how to use andrew loomis
also checked his word, he's shit
what a shit teacher
>just do this and this...
loomis actually gives you a method to manipulate which is exactly what this nigga is doing, you're supposed to change the proportion according to your observation and Loomis himself tells you that, he's not teaching anything new
I'm 100% sure he's a woke faggot
>least attractive dude in the back just trying to put on a friendly, calm facial expression for the photo.
This inspires an emotion in me but I don't know what.
Loomisisters.... VilppuGODS just can't stop winning

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Why is it so hard for Western artists to make action sequences "flow" even when the art is really nice like in pic-related?
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>lack of smooth coordination
i can smell a japanfag a mile away
read a real comic instead of superslop 2024 and you will find that "flow" is something that japanese comics got from american comics long ago. speed lines and motion blur are there to appease to your little troglodyte brain without providing any substance.
>i can smell a japanfag a mile away

I don't determine quality by what team I arbitrarily pick. Japan excels at action because it's comic and animation industry put an emphasis on it. They had decades to hone it to the point that the word "sakuga" is now synonymous with high quality animation.

> got from american comics long ago

They got it from American ANIMATION long ago. That's why characters and motions are more exaggerated. Even classic bloody manga like devilman still had popeye disney esque simple art styles.

Action is my favorite aspect of media regardless of origin or medium. Tradd Moore is one of my favorite artists because of how smooth his scenes are so don't give me that strawman horseshit.
What the other guy said. I don't like manga because it's from Japan, I like it because it's good quality.

Manga was inspired from American comics literally over 50 years ago and then immediately surpassed it while meanwhile American comics abandoned all of its skill in favour of digitally tracing real life photos
Left or right doesn't really make a big difference. It's not like weebs try to read translated light novels backwards. Comics just suck at paneling. They neither stick to the tried and true, nor do they try to design their panels to be intuitive in some primal monkey brain way. They're not even really consistent these days like older comics. You just panels on top of spreads and arrays of panels in random order and other cute little tricks the artist thought would be clever, without thinking about how readers will actually read it. If you're not a genius, just KISS
Are there any mangas that are like Garth Ennis's *good* comics?

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Thread to study the female body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute girls and beautiful women.

No NSFW, to differentiate from /sex/ /asg/ /other generals.

>All art styles welcome so long as the focus is cutesy girls/ beautiful women. Nobody cares about east vs west debates.
>Males are welcome so long as the image remains female focus.
>For male focused thread post in /cgsg/.
>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different women vs girls, Nobody cares.
>No trans/lolicon/futa/. Go to /sex/ or /lsg/ for that.

Previous thread >>7056387
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based and wiggle-pilled
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Not perfect, but I did my best :)
based and yandere-pilled
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I have saved your older design from an oc thread from a few months ago. A delightful design and it seems that youre still growing. Keep up the great work!

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I know they publish several packs of reference images, I wanted to know if anyone has this, publish, thanks
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Yes, I also want that package, let's hope some hero without a cape publishes it.
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She is the best
I'm going to Armenia, all these models are from there
>who are Polish and who adhere to Banderism
you have brain worms, Poles absolutely despise Bandera and his thugs
the only reason we 'forget' about volhynian massacre (known to Ukrainians as 'tragedy', lol 'oops a tragedy happened') is your stupid war
>(and no, before you ask, I'm not ukrainian)
You are a redditor though, that we already knew.

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I mean, I don’t know if I’m dumb or something but it’s crazy how something like this takes months to be memorized perfectly.
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Faggot thread
>just study
>never finishes any paintings
checks out. enjoy never completing meaningful art and doodling 500 disembodied body parts in void.
>has no argument
cope and seethe fagtron
Your combined iqs has less than 2 digits
checks out. enjoy never completing meaningful art and doodling 500 disembodied body parts in void.

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Would /ic/ consider this a good illustration?
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The cards up to phantom darkness have dope art honestly. Lob is immensely overrated desu. Metal raiders had cooler artwork like barrel dragon and summoned skull
honestly I said he was based because I love his most naive drawings, less those with advanced rendering and complex perspective
I love op's card art because of the same reason I think, seb sucking john bauer's soul saved him from becoming generic
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>in 2024
You're in the wrong universe, buddy.
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>I like the designs of the new phyrexian stuff. Just the shell around the body's look pretty cool. And I don't mind surrealism when it's applied well.
Hard disagree. Phyrexian Reaper was peak Phyrexian.
I really like the album covers for Clann.

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It’s over….
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When you wanna improve, you study. When you wanna just make something with your current skill level and enjoy yourself, you just do it without worrying too much about having it be perfect

You need balance. 100% study will just lead to burnout, and 100% recreation will just lead to stagnation, which makes you unhappy. You need both to truly GMI
I like to check back on this one guy I knew who drew, and their art quality has remained the same for years now. I just check every now and then to see if he will actually improve.
I have someone who asks me how to improve. I hate drawing and i hate practicing, so i cannot in good faith suggest anything. I will never recommend something i would personally never do
This was literally me! Annoyed the shit out of my art friend. He won't respond to my autistic tangents until I send him figure drawings. At least I'm making more progress now
fucking whore

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Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...
Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.
Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.

Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!

>Thread recap file, updated 23-JUL-2024


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pic related links all seem to be dead
Any links for comic book making / study ? Or even recommendations.

Also how did you feel about Scott mccloud’s understanding comics
what's a decent megapixel for a decent scan?
i'm not really confident with my chinkshit phone, xiaomi note 10 5g specifically
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1200 dpi for colored pages (if you intent to print them as some anons prefers to flip over papers over pdf)
300 dpi for texts and B/W sketches (zipped)
150 for common sharing (pdf/epub)

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There are 1.7 million species on Earth, surely you can draw something else besides humans?

This is my 30 min study of a penguin. Truly, the best.
Who else but a flightless bird could be so emblematic of the struggle, but also so loveable?
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not a favorite, but i thought golden langur monkeys are expressive for what they are
post it
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bumping with old study. Nice thread for a change.
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based nature enjoyers
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20 min

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>Be Hungry Clicker
>Have almost 700k followers, including prominent indie, comic, and manga artists
>Hasn't followed a single person in almost 10 years
>Exclusively posts their work, and doesn't talk to anyone
What mode is this?
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>@58mw91 on youtube.
Thank you brother.
send me the lora when you're done
Hews has 1.5x more followers though and draws significantly less
he also plays the social media game, the op guy doesn't, heck he doesn't even bother to put any text most of the time at this point

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-TRUE UP 2024 edition-

This is a thread for those who want to go through dynamic sketching as a group in an effort to improve drawing skills starting from the very fundamentals. Here we share the tedious grind, crit and encourage each others.
Please specify the week you're on and if it's dynamic sketching 1 or 2 when posting your work.

>What's Dynamic Sketching?
A class by Peter Han that focus on improving draftsmanship, construction and design. It is intended for beginners, but the second class can be useful even for /int/. It covers a wide variety of subjects, but not figure drawing.

>Where to get it?

\Course\Form and Construction\

>Peter Han says to get a lot of material, are they needed?
Your choice. Honestly, just draw. Use what you have. But if you want, you can get it. You can do it digitally, but try to refrain from using ctrl+z and other features. At the end of the day though, do what you want. As long as you put the work you're gonna see progress.

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thanks. i've been trying a lot of different types of brushes. it will depend a lot on your person preference, so you've gotta experiment and see what you like.
those reflections look nice
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I feel like I make zero progress
I've tried a couple of days of this and while thinking i was shit at doing circles and tried doing some of the projects of Art and Science of Drawing and holy shit i was able to effortlessly do circles with the overhand grip this shit does actually work.
How many days of week one do i need to do in order to go into week two?
Can i do other books while i do this one? (Keys to Drawing, Art and Science of Drawing, Draw A Box?)
How should i find subjects or things to draw in my non lesson drawings? I've tried freezing frames of the Jojo OVAs and spend a good couple of minutes trying to recreate the drawing albeit how shitty they are.
Thanks, fren. That entire page is fucking awesome
Slow down and be more conscious of the lines you’re going over. The point is to build muscle memory and be confident and intentional with your lines, to have control. Here’s how I can tell you’re not quite doing that:

Your lines don’t all start at the same point. It’s normal for your retraced lines to end all squirrely, but they should all start at the same point as the first line. Most of your lines start in the same general area instead of right on top of the line you’re supposed to retrace. Also, remember to rotate your canvas/tablet/paper so your arm can work in a natural range of motion. You might try doing one more page of lines and curves to test out my advice and see if it works for you, but otherwise just move forward.

Aside from the starting point of the lines, these look fine desu. It’s normal for the exercises to look ugly. As long as you’re drawing/sketching with confident, intentional marks, it’s fine. That should be your intention from the get-go, even tho it’ll take practice and mileage to actually pull off.
>was able to effortlessly do circles with the overhand grip this shit does actually work.
Cool, isn’t it?
>How many days of week one do i need to do in order to go into week two?
Doesn’t matter how many “days” as long as you do the exercises. Like if it’s 4 pages of the exercise or 8 pages of drawing a given subject, you can do them in however many days.
>Can i do other books while i do this one?
Yes, of course! If you’re a complete beginner, it may be better to do enough of those that you can see properly before you add in dynamic sketching. (see >>7239582) Also, DAB is dynamic sketching only beginner-friendly. You can do a few lessons of DAB and then jump into DS.

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Can we have a thread to analyze Aleriia_V's process?
She has a YT channel where she's posted a few tutorials and a lot of speedpaints:

What I'm really impressed by is how -fast- she seems to put out work...
Her pieces are pretty detailed and she seems to be able to get it done in a single sitting
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spoon feed me, are there long time lapses of her?
Thanks mom
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Nice selfie.

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Should you apologise for the stuff you drew in the past?

Especially during the edgy periods of the internet
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>If you're apologizing because you're concerned about what people might think of you and you're trying to save face, you're a disgusting hypocrite and I despise you.
Isn't this the sole reason why people apologize - concern about how people think of your actions and a willingness to do better? You sound bitter for no obvious reason.
I mean that is true. Cops are bastards.
i probably would not address it, if you have a real concern with past content i did then you can talk to me personally and we can have a real talk. fuck this posting on social media where people will find the tiniest thing to blow up out of context and out of proportion. waste of time
No. A lot of people apologize simply because they're concerned about their reputation and see themselves at risk of losing social status, so they do so to save face. They don't actually regret anything besides accidentally setting themselves up in the past to lose status today.

If you've ever had someone hysterically demanding you apologize when you don't think you did anything wrong, and a friend or family member was like "dude man just apologize come on", it's because they care more about stopping the conflict and preventing a potentially-status-lowering situation than anything.

Abusive shitheads also know this btw, it's why some will bully people into disingenuously apologizing and then continue to rake them over the coals later on by keeping "reciepts" instead of playing by the rules. Some ways this happens are
>"oh so that apology was fake then?"
>"you're a liar, you lied about apologizing back then to save face"
>bullying the person into apologizing again and again and then getting them to start lying, as a power move
>"I will tell Jane you were lying when you apologized to her if you don't do this"
And so on. It's worse when it's crowds.
Weird how I kinda respect Dobson now.

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Previous thread >>7218107

Welcome to /sex/, your general thread dedicated to sexual artworks ranging from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography. Please feel free to pick your best works in progress, or finished work, and post them here.

>General Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of art styles are welcome and encouraged; submit your work and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 pixels before posting.
3) Share whatever knowledge you can. Please provide references whenever possible.
4) Do not be afraid of asking for critique, be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY and FURRY PORNOGRAPHY along with BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except for /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

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how would i go about animating an existing 2d image? what software is best for this? i chopped up some of the assets in photoshop and made a timeline but its janky and annoying to do. there must be something where you can set up key frames then tell it to translate an asset at a certain speed
The keyframes ARE the speed. You might be thinking of easing in/out and interpolation for fine-tuning the subtle movement. Another common trap that makes animation look janky is when everything starts and stops at the same time, generally it's good to split up all the body parts (as you've done), pose the keys, then offset all the keys so the parts closer to the head start/stop first, while further extremities move a few frames later. Remember, signals take a small amount of time to move from the brain to the limb as they travel down the nerves, exaggerating this in animation makes it look more alive.
If you're willing to put the time in it can be a fun exercise to animate the way you're doing it, then drop the opacity and rough out another layer from scratch on 2s over the autotweened assets. Lets you tie everything together just the way you want it.
be careful about what you wish for, anon.
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Can you guys share tips and tricks to optimize drawing like 60 pages for an oneshot.

So far my ideas.

>Use blender grease pencil and it's mangaka plugin for backgrounds
>Make a cutout template and then copy and paste it, edit so you can quickly dont need to redraw it entirelly

What I need are tools to automatically ink my sketch and put out easily the manga tones of it.
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>Post his workslop in /ic/
>Got clobbered
>Post his workslop in /v/ thinking there's more of his pajeetskin brethren
>Got even more clobbered.
How did Cris endure this for 10 years? Is he a masochist?
his workflow

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