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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Rendering and painting is easily the most neglected topics despite being essential to making polished, finished pieces. Post your work, advice in the form of critiques/ paintovers.

OP is my own work, please critique.
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Seconding this
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Alright thanks for input, guys, appreciate it. Turns out that using a second laptop to show my reference, while convenient, will skew values quite a bit and that I shouldn't shy away from airbrush.

With my last study (pic related) I feel like I'm ready to cautiously start getting into colors, as my values are getting good enough, unless you guys have some more tips?
I think this is a step foward anon. Also be shy about including much looser paint of the bg when studying I found that it help alot with value accuracy

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/trad/ thread. Post your traditional media works.
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Another one
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I love your work so much, please post moar on your socials!
Thanks, anon! :)

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Any good sprite or pixel art tutorials?
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/ic/ sometimes has a pixel art general here is the OP, but hasn't had one in a few months. It includes a series of resources.

Previous thread [Link to previous thread]

> Rules:
- Resize your images before posting!
- Binary art allowed if its low resolution.
- Converted/Photobashed images are not allowed.
- NSFW allowed.

> Resources
How do I learn pixel art ?
Where do I learn those things?

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Holy shit, thanks senpai, also we can use this thread to post our shit as well.
I love pixel art stuff but I don't wanna post my stuff in that one dudes thread. It's his thread and I'm not gonna shit up his game.

Spriting is hard at least for me. I have an easier time with backgrounds. I have the best success with drawing something on a 2000x2000 canvas or smaller. Then I convert it to monochrome and adjust the alpha so a lot of the work is done.

After that I save the original drawing as a PNG then shrink it waaaay down. It's the best method I've found for keeping detail when shrinking stuff down like 90%
You can post your stuff here
How's pyxeledit?

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pro art tip : make more art about cats.
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Seems expensive
this cat is very vocal about being cock blocked
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I don't know Japanese but I can get the gist of this comic
So if you see a piece doing numbers that's a drawing of raven from teen titans, your pro tip would be to draw girls with blue capes? How autistic can you be?
drawing silly comic strips aimed at normalfags is not what most people here want.

Most people here want to create beautiful art that invokes emotions, ie ILLUSTRATE.

Drawing intentionally ugly doodles about le mondays has fuckall to do with the fundamentals of art.

I know someone is going to respond and say "well actually her fundamentals are great because she has appeal and the forms are consistent and-" you're wrong, and you are retarded. The worst possible outcome. She isn't creating "pieces", she isn't making illustrations. So there's no reason to compare yourself to her.

Another thing is times have changed, the internet landscape changed drastically in the last ten years, let alone the last 15. If you want to get more popular for drawing illustrations, look at popular illustrators that got popular recently. Sakimichan is pretty much grandfathered in, if she started now, nobody would like her art.

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Show us your projects, big and small!

A project can be anything including but not limited to:
>a manga/comic
>a short animated film
>piece(s) for an art exhibition
>video game assets
>series of illustrations

>What type of project are you working on?

>What inspired you to create this?

>How far are you into your project?

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Depends on the story. The main one is modern fantasy, think Earthbound or FFXV.
>Is it NSFW stuff?
No, drawing genitals disgusts me, and the protags are mainly teenagers and non humans so it would be kind of weird.
art and plot synopsis or progress updates or just whatever about the proj you want to talk about
>What type of project are you working on?
I’m illustrating and Co writing a comic

>What inspired you to create this?
My scenarist’s cousin is an unemployed voice actress who asked him to write her a story because he was in cinema school, he talked about an old project I ended up loving it. We initially wanted to animate it but it’s too complicated for me to do alone so it’s gonna be a comic instead.

>How far are you into your project?
There’s 3 season of eight episode. Season 1 needs to be beta’d and the other to are roughly shaped.

> Any previous projects?
Short films for him, lots of illustration for me. It is our first time experimenting with comics.

>Any social media?
@reirozen it’s dead, the few panels of comic I did are obsolete as I’m working on changing the general style. I have too many irl people on it for me to feel confident posting so im moving to @roeklose (haven’t started)

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>What type of project are you working on?
A novel with music and images.
>What inspired you to create this?
Nothing, it spawned from thin air when I was a kid, although in the beginning it had heavily inspiration on Ben 10, I have been leaning away from it as time went on.
>How far are you into your project?
Its technically finished, I know how starts, I know how it ends, but I need to write the thing down and make it happen, the thing has 6 sagas and 2 of them are written down, with the others already planned.
>Any social media?
Yeah, but I dont post my stuff there.
>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?
I need to learn how to take criticism, so sure, why not.
Edgy (in a melancholic way) meta story about a kid who screwed up beyond repair and is trying to fix things while dealing with the consequences of his actions.
Im doing it in HTML format because Im stupid and I wanted to add interactivity, such as music, fancy effects, drawings and some animations.

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>What type of project are you working on?
different comic / mangas. but they are interconnected and have a central story. I'll post more about it later. I'm on the toilet.

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>formerly the webtoon making general
All formats of webcomics are welcome. PYW and show us what you got.

>Why would I make one?
To be rich & famous, of course. All jokes aside, the pay is low if you're lucky enough to get hired in the first place, the deadlines are more brutal than the manga industry, and the average reader age floats around 11. But as a novel medium with a growing industry, it may still be worthwhile enough for you to experiment.



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Thank you!
I plan on it. I was working on it last night while I was up waiting to go save the eventual drunk driver
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>tfw just finished making a comic page
feels good man
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good job anon-kun
thanks. I got 4 upvotes on Reddit. WAGMI

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Why are Americans so shit at making anything that looks like Anime?
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>East vs West faggotry

Go back to /co/
>don't attempt to ape anime
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I don’t HATE anime influenced western media. If anything, things like Wakfu and Radiant are genuinely interesting experiences. I am however biased against that specific Netflix corporate korean outsourced animesque shit you could find on Netflix and the likes due to their inherent constant desire to try and be subversive despite being otherwise too safe and bland visually. Most of these cartoons feel like they’re made by people who don’t even like anime. I dunno, it’s just the feeling I get.
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Anime isn't just about wearing its wool. There are many variables that the corporate boomers just don't get, haven't gotten, and will never get. You can never get away with pic related scene in the west, for example. Western cartoons need to be moving all the time, non-stop and on steroids. It can never have moments to catch a breath or a moment in silence.

I'm sure you've watched shows plenty of times where there are long pauses where you don't hear any music but just the rain or the sound of cars going by, etc. All done in a way that moves like an actual movie. A western cartoon however, especially an "anime" inspired one, doesn't behave like this. Instead, the boomers and the think tanks that think they know anime see Trigger shows and think LSD sakuga is all what anime is about. Theres way more to it than trying to ape a style and why these threads are 1) stupid and 2) annoying
>anime does x
>just ignore trigger

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How the fuck do you make art look "clean"?

I don't know how people do it. It seems like even the most stiff, untalented deviantart artist has an easy time coloring and polishing art, even if their base drawings are terrible. Meanwhile I just can't seem to ever make anything that has that same quality to it.

What gives? How to people do it?
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Aw, man. It's always the solution you're hoping isn't the one that's the most practical, isn't it? So it's kind of like applying layers of accuracy with the lines? What about the main linework, I only have to do it once, right? I guess that wouldn't add a ton of time, it's more the part after sketches that gets me. I like the youtube vids idea, I just wish 90% of them weren't speedpaints. I can't really get as much from that.

It's up to you. Do it until YOU are satisfied.

This guy channel is full of videos showing his process. You can always slow it down with youtube player.


This is how most artist work. The only way to speed up your process is to do it a lot until it's ingrain in you that you can skip couple of steps to get to the end result. Just learn to enjoy the process. Good luck with your art journey.
follow through on your final lines, dont stop and start.
What do you mean? Like don't finish it another session?
>just can't seem to replicate it, and when I do it takes forever. Jittery hands? Lack of skill? My software? I just can't figure it out.

It's literally just, after you finished your messy sketch, you draw over it again with your pen tool and steady stroke enabled. Your drawing program should have a steady stroke feature to make it easier to draw clean lines.

drawing was a hobby to me. Until I saw a guy drawing really amateur bad crap with almost southpark anatomy. the guy was getting paid and I still can not believe it. This sketch is mine, should I try NSFW?
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Aren't you getting a bit over yourself calling that image "erotic" instead of "pornographic"?
I don't know what you're trying to communicate here
>the guy was getting paid and I still can not believe it
lmao how long ago was that? No one is paying low tier drawfags after the AI dropped.
Looks pretty good if somewhat unpolished

NSFW is a market always in demand and it's very fragmented so there's not much winner takes all and people always hunger for more, plus the stigma acts as a barrier to entry

Main issue is general bullshit from websites and credit card companies so you gotta be prepared to deal with that, and keeping your identity private
This is AI isn't it? Why is no one else calling it out

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Why aren't (you) working on your indie animated pilot, anon?
Who knows, you might become the next big thing
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Very smooth, love the look of it, but the voices are a bit hard to understand
why do you feel the need to lecture men? kill yourself.
Thank you anon, I was thinking of adding subtitles but then decided against it because it takes up screen space and they're not really saying anything that's essential

But I definitely plan on fixing it for part 3
I like doing animation memes atm and am currently trying to build more familiarity with my characters before doing more story-driven stuff.

You need to shill your work in more places anon. You worked really hard on it and it deserves to be seen. I like the atmosphere in this btw, very cozy!

I wanna be like you when I grow up anon, so stylish!
thank you anon, I like your aesthetic so just keep at it
i paint

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A thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?" / "What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

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Can anyone put a finger on what kind of brushes ZawaZawa is using? It seems to be some kind of G-pen but it's tuned to get really nice detail and hatching
how do I get those ragged sharp-edged texture brushes used for concept art/landscapes in SAI2??
Anyone know the model for this >>>7216842
Anyone got this? https://dizzytara.gumroad.com/l/CreaseyPack

I'm also interested in this brush set with paper materials if anyone is willing to share it.

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Doodling is very important as an artist, it helps you with brain storming ideas, puts away the pressure that finishing pieces sometimes entails and it's overall a fun way to relax while drawing.

Post your doodles, low effort studies, early WIPs. Doesnt matter if you think they are bad or just not good enough, if you had fun while drawing it, it's a good doodle.
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I couldn't sleep last night and drew this. How's my SOVL /ic/? Or do I have none?
The one who has SOVL does not have it.
The one who does not have SOVL has it.
This is the way of things.
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This quite hot anon. Draw more of that.
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Here's another I did while watching a movie(unrelated to the film itself).

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i dunno what to write, little sketch of me idk who to draw
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there was some guy with the same nickname, sorry
Is this image supposed to be leebait?
No, it doesn't work like that. Just fuck off back to tiktok willl you
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Draw a moai head or something, or try a side profile of a the same girl from a different perspective

some people are fake what else is new?

if you keep posting your work eventually people will have to respect it.

kys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBy53cNYHc8

Stop namefagging rooskie

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Join artists from all over the world in the Drawpile, the Premiere Cross-Board Collaborative Drawing Event. A 9500 x 9500 pixel shared canvas awaits!

Drawpile Software: drawpile.net/download
Session URL: sigmatelier.asperger.pro
NEW- Browser access URL (iPad):

Server is accessible 24/7

A growing amount of sporadic activity can be found throughout most weekdays, official meetup starts Sundays at 5pm CST. Hope to see you there!

Be conscious of the canvas size and considerate of others with the size of your own drawings, make note of your own monitor resolution and magnification. Try to stick to 100-200% magnification-or even higher depending on your native resolution and the relative complexity of your intended work. Read the room, let's try and get the most out of each theme!

Canvas images posted to the thread are .jpg files at 70% scale and 40% quality to meet 4chan's resolution and file size requirements.

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See what you can do in a set limit of time. Pic related don in about an hour and a half.
What can you do in between 1 and 2 hours? Post results here!
Get to drawin!
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Lol! I think everyone's journey is a bit different. But i think the basis of your interests is probably most people's north star. I like drawing things and concepts that appeal to me. Dinosaurs, religion, the beauty of the human form, unorthodox futuristic machinery, knights, and superheros are all things that I have enjoyed and had a facination since childhood. Even unusual dreams i have had can be a great inspiration. What about you? What interests you? What do you like to draw or 'would' like to draw?
>What about you? What interests you? What do you like to draw or 'would' like to draw?
I like figure drawing. I'm shit at it, but that's what I want to eventually be able to draw well. I'm not yet at the point where I can really draw one from imagination. I'm also really interested in drawing things you would find in the rulebook for a tabletop RPG like here https://www.thearcanelibrary.com/pages/shadowdark
Then you're already on your way, my friend! Imagination is partially memory and recollection, so why dont you try drawing a picture that you felt particularly moved by, and recreate it from memory? Dont reference it, just draw the stuff you remember of the top of your head. There will be differences, and that will be from your imagination! As i said to the other anon in regards to this post, >>7220331 i used ideas from 2 different paintings in order to draw what i had there. It just takes practice, just have fun! And post it here too, even if you dont like it! I'll give you a critique if you wish!
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1 hour study. really bad still - working on it.
Woah, aside from the -ahem- "theme", that pic has some amazing dynamic composition. Kim jung Gi vibes.

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