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What does your warmup routine look like as an artist
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blackpill me on Videogames
>with your mom
I draw humans/body parts out of boxes and cylinders
>wake up
>already drained and exhausted due to nightmares
>wallow in depair for a little bit
>disassociate for a few hours
>think about drawing
>try to psych myself up to draw
>its already 7pm
>doomscroll the rest of the night to save energy and draw tomorrow
>wake up
>get out of bed

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>be me
>have 12k followers
>try to get comms for $60
>nobody gives a shit
>stop taking comms out of shame
>months pass
>try again, busting the price down to $20 this time
>nobody gives a shit AGAIN
just how over is it?
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I know someone with less than 500 followers who gets commissions, charging over $60 for the top tier
are you on vgen?
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Isn't it just that they have more revenue streams and can just afford to trade commission earnings for exposure since instead of doing jack shit like it used to it actually converts to patreon earnings and more sales of your prints, acrylic keychains, plushies and whatever ?

Kinda like the way streamers would shave their head or deepthroat a dildo for $10 but companies started handing out thousands every month for product placement and they stopped being retarded overnight.
how about you pay me and I won't kill you? Is that adding value to your life?
>get a commission for someone's oc
>the owner loves the drawing and even tips me
>can't post it publically because their oc is so horrifically ugly
I'm on pixiv, I think that has a lot to do with it.

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of my gay fucking painting
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very beautiful, do you have other works anon?
Sell it
Equator dweller
it lacks gay fucking
It's nice, try and vary your value more so that you have a clear set of light and dark tones and then find rhythm in the midtones. I think areas of the hair could stand out more than they do presently. Squint at it / blur your vision and just look at areas of e.g. the hair (but also elsewhere) and you'll see what I mean. It's good though, don't let this advice deflate you.

Try doing a small sketch and pushing these values far further.

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Not sure how else to put it, but I feel like my use of colors is a bit off. But other than that, I'm really proud of this piece and I think I'm going in the right direction with making progress!
You know you can just start a new LSG thread. You don't have to spam this board to make your retarded pedo thread reach a certain page that some autistic anon demands it reach.
These colors look really washed out, like you airbrushed some white over it. And the rainbow hair on the right looks really muddy, you probably messed with them too much. If you want to unify your colors more, try overlaying them all with one singular color (red, for example). Then lower the opacity until it looks natural and all the colors have a similar tint.
It looks like shit.

Forget the colors, the character design alone looks retarded.
I wonder if there were people like this in say, the 16th century. Some peasants or lordlings with free time that used some relatively cheap medium to wring their brains out and drip the shitty ideas onto some canvas for critique. Like some kid with idk, his Christianity OC, an apostle with all of the other apostles powers and also the secret other son of God.

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shit anatomy, shit perspective. naoko yamada can't draw for shit
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>those characters reflect the japanese population just as much
I don't mean looks because it's just part of the designs (which exist in their own harmony) but how they act and perceive the world.

Slice of life is about beauty in the commonplace, that's very bad and not allowed because you need to le challenge the oppressive system.
Aesthetics aside, SoL anime are an idealised version of japanese society as an adolescent. It's all about contentment, happiness with your friends and the society you live in, all of whom are similar to you and have similar values.
This is everything the jews HATE.
This, they all have a shared social context so the inherent differences in the characters and their interactions are allowed to develop in a certain way specific to slice of life.
>Miyuki's back stretching that far
>This is now what sloppa does
This artist had to have off'd themselves by now or became sloppa prompter himself. Misrable existance.

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Pic related is the best /trad/ fags can do. What is even the point of spending years on learning to draw and handle paint if the end result is such a bland result?

You can see the rest of the winners (all of them just as uninspired) in here: https://www.artrenewal.org/17th-arc-salon#/introduction
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They've been (((psyopped)))
What's The Mask doing?
I find it's easier as far as skin is concerned, and it's a lot more open to playing with temperature
I'm pretty sure it's why black subjects are so popular with amateur realists and especially hyper realists
The only part that's harder is finding the sweet spot between drawing dark skinned white people and racist caricature when inventing faces
Agreed, painting black people is way easier.
I'd do it if it wasn't so easy.

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>american racists 100 years ago did blackface, now this cool design choice is banned FOREVER!
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>the monkey can dish out, but he cannot take
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>thinking there are japs here
Even putting way the centuries of sambo bullshit to the wayside, anus lips are fucking atrocious on any character
>but nobody wants to have that conversation
Because its retarded and you being like them "but it's good when you do it" retardation is more obnoxious than the left doing anything le first.
Retard your spanish tards from Spain brought them to the land you stole from the natives, if you hate nigs you need to kill the spanish for bringing them over like a stray dog with fleas into your apartment.

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I'm a fairly newer user of the website, I started posting art back in 2021, and for the past 3 years I've never had any real issues or major dramas on the site until recently (around august of this year). Is there some kind of secret blacklist? I just woke up one morning to go upload some art and I noticed that I was descouted after having a bunch of my art deleted. I figured maybe I overlooked a rule and broke something so I didn't think too much of it but then I started to notice that I was getting rejected left and right from a ton of collabs (which previously has never happened plus I've hosted a collab fairly recently also in August). Then I noticed that my newer community posts keep getting deleted. Am I on some kind of secret blacklist?? And how would I know if I've done something to piss off the moderators, I'm not a really active member of the community or any circle jerks I just kind of post my art and occasionally join collabs without saying anything.
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If it was that easy, migrating when you're a porn artist wouldn't be a massive fucking hassle. You've only proven you know nothing of what you're talking about.
Whether you like or not, porn is art, just like the rest.
just be yourself and get your own website :DD
hi andrew
The quality of the art page have gone downhill since they started purging.

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I really like the stuff I've seen from Krenz but it seems scattered all over the internet. Post krenz images, videos, and courses ITT please
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this is all literally just copy pasted straight from bargue courses and loomis
lmao chinks
Nothing new under the sun but you can't really expect zoomoids to sit and learn the way a 20th century draftsman might learn. If someone chops Loomis up into bite sized TikToks full of vine booms and Fortnite dances then fuck it, at least it'll work.
Anon... I...
Americlap zoomgroids about to lose 44% of their brains overnight lmao. Barely enough brainpower left for walking to the gas station to get zooted on Chinese mystery carts.
if youre lazy then just learn his cube rotation then his perspective course if you want to learn more

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Michael Hampton Edition

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

/ic/ official torrent

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Whatever course is not out is the course we need.
>Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby

I don't suppose anybody has ripped this? I can't find it in the usual places. The method looks very interesting but nearly 300 dollars for one course is eye-popping.
>CG Spectrum 2D animation course
Is it on a torrent or telegram?
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It's on OCC but that website sucks ass they divided the course on 100+ links.

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post blogs, rate, give advice, talk shit, etc

previous thread

question on my mind - we've established that bluesky is dead until further notice, or until Musk pisses everyone off again. But what about Threads? Anybody getting any mileage out of that?
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You guys draw western as fuck for mongoliean forum users...no offense.
Whatever, whenever
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do you guys use glaze/nightshade to protect against ai training? if not, why not?
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>do you guys use glaze/nightshade to protect against ai training?
>if not, why not?
i get 0-4 likes a post man
legally theyre equivalent, at least in my country.
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>All our "leaders" in the US are pathetic, cowardly, treasonous cuckolds for Zionist Jews.
Glaze is a really cool programme.

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Asking for 35 bucks to tell you how to know what to draw lmao
a few bucks for something that can be summarized in a setence:
Look up subjects you find appealing and draw them. Birds, anime, portraits, coold fashion, gadget.
Make a pinterest account even.

Still dont understand why proko entertains this 'jeet
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>the science of...
no, thanks
Bernie Madoff didn't effect me personally.
P Diddy beating shebbons and raping kids doesn't effect me either.

I still don't like it, and I'm not a blackpilled kike who just goes "oh well". Bad practices should be called out
It's affect. Affect is a verb. Effect is a noun. Y'all are pissing me off.
>food analogy
prove it "teaches you what to draw"
Do any of these online drawing assistance series work? Looking at references and pirated artbooks has been the most helpful, I've tried using free youtube tutorials but they didn't help me at all.

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>soles of the feet
>rendering hair
Knowing how to draw these things has been widely devalued by AIslop. I'm so glad I never wasted my time learning
slide thread
indian thread

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Previous episode >>7425834

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Message vastian0988 on Discord for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

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I'd be an Omega, sometimes my micropenis turns into an innie and when I pee it sprays everywhere
Yeep. Me time is over. Prepare to be loved anons :^)
Scythes are extremely impractical weapons against anything that isn't grass.
your ass is grass
This anon is right though. The farmers use them to fight because weapons are expensive.
This sythe is fat, ugly, unwieldy, flain, basic bitch looking. There are countless sythe designs that you can look at to draw inspiration for your own design.

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