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I'm a fairly newer user of the website, I started posting art back in 2021, and for the past 3 years I've never had any real issues or major dramas on the site until recently (around august of this year). Is there some kind of secret blacklist? I just woke up one morning to go upload some art and I noticed that I was descouted after having a bunch of my art deleted. I figured maybe I overlooked a rule and broke something so I didn't think too much of it but then I started to notice that I was getting rejected left and right from a ton of collabs (which previously has never happened plus I've hosted a collab fairly recently also in August). Then I noticed that my newer community posts keep getting deleted. Am I on some kind of secret blacklist?? And how would I know if I've done something to piss off the moderators, I'm not a really active member of the community or any circle jerks I just kind of post my art and occasionally join collabs without saying anything.
Isn't that a site for animations? What format do you work on? Just image format?
I post artwork mostly, and I have been posting regularly and steadily for the past 3 years. Never had a problem until recently.
I would email staff directly, if you truly don't know what you'd done, it honestly sounds like you're getting report spam gang stalked or something. A lot of websites (like this one) won't admit it openly but if enough loser retards or bots report your posts you will get shadow banned or banned outright via some automatic process without a single human soul addressing why.

Example: I would make a post or two a week in the drawthread on /co/ inviting them to the drawpile thread on this board. Within minutes my post would be deleted, and I would then get banned for up to a week at a time for "spamming" and "flooding" (by making one post linking back to a thread on another board). The lunatic that ostensibly "runs" that thread doesn't like anyone interrupting his conveyor belt of free commission work and if a single post gets out of line he'll bot report that post until it and its user is removed by 4chan's hidden moderation bot.

You, too, may have pissed off some retarded braindead autistic faggot and now they're similarly leveraging their mental illness against you unfairly by exploiting tools mistaking their autism for genuine user consensus.
That does make sense, I was recently involved in some Twitter drama and was harassed briefly.
Isn't reporting posts systematically like that a much greater violation of rules than making some allegedly "unacceptable" post?
It should be
You just got blammed!!!
Just ask to tom fulp. He answered me kindly to anykind of issue
jesus christ this is horrifying
I have been, he's been ignoring me.

Democracy will not survive AI.
I just got an art piece deleted, got unscouted, and I'm not even sure why.
Damn, so it's not just me then.
Deep inside you know "why", but you won't be telling us obviously.
proabably he said something based and uncucked
requestards get really upset at drawpile posts "stealing" their drawfags
Genuinely, no, I have no fucking idea.
>isn't in a circlejerk
>posts abominations
>probably posted some political wrongthink on the forum
Site has been dead for a decade. It's not worth to attempt to stay on there unless you are friends with the big guys.
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you probably pissed off TurkeyonaStick. he's one of the jabronnie art moderators who will fuck you over if you piss him off or his cadre of woke friends. He's one of the reasons why we don't have a Politics or General thread anymore.
/co/ is the only board it ever happens on, in every other drawthread the Drawpile is received mostly positively or ignored at worst-why wouldn't it be? Getting banned for a week for making a single post in some unremarkable thread is unhinged, and it has everything to do with the apostle of a thread OP who thinks that his "thread rules" take precedence over the rules of the website itself-and unfortunately so long as things work this way and so long as his proxies are given the same judicial sway as a real flesh and blood user, he's right.

In its defense it's a nice site that gladly hosts large full res files, I think it still has its place for people who aren't looking to build an audience, it's a creator's website and the people you interact with on it are far more likely to be other artists, musicians etc.-and most importantly never a bot.
also to add, Turkey is one of the more active, anal forum moderators, too. he would have blacklisted the Sleepycast bois if they posted their 2010s shit today.
>Captcha: GAYHKK
I've seen /tg/ throw a tantrum over it back when there were still drawfags to lose there
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>someone actually defending Newgrounds instead of jumping into the hate circlejerk
I respect that. A large majority of animators that I follow are because of Newgrounds. Funny enough, at least 5 people who have seen my drawings say that I've been influenced by the OGs (David Firth, Krinkels, Zach Hadel, ect)
Alright, I'll bite. What the hell did you do?
What. I got the impression newgrounds was the one website spared from woke tyranny.
>being influenced by the madness combat guy
I wouldn't invite that association lol that dude can't draw for shit.
>it's a nice site that gladly hosts large full res files
Doesn't sound like it if people are getting their artworks deleted
I said I think Jimmy urine is a pedophile and then drew him fucking a cake, fucking a raccoon, as a Loli, fat and farting, and wearing a diaper shitting himself. This made a lot of msi fans angry for weeks.
Jimmy Urine IS a pedophile so keep doing God's work, son. Everyday you must remind them.
Inshallah I will
I'm with newgrounds on this one. What the fuck
hasn't been since friday night funkin got popular. A lot of art got deleted and accounts banned. I remember getting notified that a ww2 drawing I did years ago got deleted because of "nazi imaginery"
So would you say that it's just because /pol/ agenda? Can you post any other fucked up shit unrelated with politics?
>I said I think Jimmy urine is a pedophile
did a quick google search yea nothing wrong with this
>and then drew him fucking a cake, fucking a raccoon, as a Loli, fat and farting, and wearing a diaper shitting himself.
Jesus christ, keep the autism to yourself next time anon
I am not sure. I have seen nsfw and gore last time I used the site, 2 years ago. Now this might sound insane, but I believe nazi imaginary specifically was banned right after shadman's arrest, nazi costumes were a big part of his brand, and he was a huge icon for the site. With him gone they just dropped the edgy brand all together
i would have thought msi fans could laugh at that kind of shit, who knew.
You would think...
Did some major account got nuked or is the "Undiscovered Artists" section bugged out?
I'm seeing some big porn artists in there who were clearly scouted.
why would you draw something so disgusting
Why are you so mean and snobby?
How fast do mods usually respond to messages on Nu-grounds?
I want to appeal over some art getting removed but if it's to get a response in 3 months, might as well jump ship.
I've noticed this as well, a bunch of people I follow (almost exclusively porn artists) no longer appears in the art page for scouted users and now shows up in the "Undiscovered" section instead.
It feels like Tom or/and some mod(s) is having a meltdown and sneakily decided that A-rated stuff no 'longer belong on the art page.
Mind you this problem seems to have mysteriously dodged the biggest users like Diives or Derpixon.
This makes more sense then, because the drawings in question that did get removed were "taboo" and pornographic
From what I understand, the way unscouting works is that if an artist repeatedly posts low effort stuff he may be descouted. However, if the person who scouted him were to be banned or have their scouting rights removed, the entire list of people they have scouted previously (and the people scouted by the people who they scouted etc) will also be descouted.
this doesn't explain removing entries like >>7391132, from my experience if you incorrectly tag it and it gets a lower age rating, the moderators would just change it manually, probably give you a warning, not outright remove it.
>gladly hosts large full res files
After converting them to webp, making said files worthless to anyone who would wish to save art they like without jumping through hoops.
If you want proper uncompressed files, use itaku
I got unscouted too, I'd previously uploaded some fetish art to my account (vore), but stopped after being blammed and some hateful comments and since then I only uploaded my vanilla work. Suddenly like 3 years into uploading I'm unscouted, I don't even upload that much to the site due to my usual demographic but now I can't use postybirb when I'm uploading my galleries for jewgrounds.
what murdaaa???
If pic related says anything, I suspect >>7391080 might be right and some mod is having an episode. Seems like nsfw artists are getting purged/unscouted over random offenses.
So it begins...
It's this behaviour that caused my hatred for Fulp. He waved a big welcoming flag trying to get all the tumblr traffic to newgrounds after the porn ban, yet had zero intentions of actually accomodating us and at worst we were thrown to the wolves of his 2010 minded faggot audiences for more "out there" content.
>accommodating us
Are you a consistent uploader there? What's your experience with the site? The only place that I would open an account would be NG but to post coom unsuited for most normie socials. Is that out the question now?
Reading into rules (and holy shit it's buried deep in the FAQ), apparently aged up characters aren't allowed because "it's creepy"
But in my case I got art removed and I highly suspect some mod consider flat women to be "questionable"
I am >>7391671 as mentioned I stopped consistently uploading fairly soon into my experience due to the poor reception my genre of work gets. If your coom is not vanilla as fuck (more than most of /d/) it will get downvoted or blammed (if it's animation) or open season for hateful comments from people with the mind of 13 year olds (who are probably in their 30s).
That wasn't a problem for me, I've never delved into aged up or "petite" subjects. I'm very much a "thicc" artist, so whatever problem they had with me was something else.
The animation community is notoriously much MUCH harsher, you can post a gif animation on the art portal that'll net you a positive reception and post the same on the Movie portal and you'll get absolutely shredded.
I'm getting followers despite posting nothing new and it's by accounts with suspiciously low levels of interaction, like 10 or fewer total favorites on the site. It's making me wonder if I'm on a list of people to follow somewhere or something. That or it's just bots but idk what they'd get out of it.
Yeah, Nugrounds have a bit of a bot problem it seems, I usually like to see what people who follow me likes, and I noticed sometime there just an account with absolutely nothing on it, that then disappear within the month.
>(more than most of /d/)
That's actually a good example of the content that I would like to post. Is there any other place other than /d/ itself to post that kind of stuff? (Pixiv is out of the question since it forces you to censor your shit)
...the fall of nugrounds
What alternatives to Nugrounds? The reason I joined it was the lack of bullshit but that seems to be out of the picture now.
If they were bots, wouldn't they have ridicolously high amounts of interaction with the site?
I guess it's possible they just found me from r34 or something because my newgrounds is usually listed as the source
You definitely have skills, you're like intermediate tier. People ITT seem to dislike your subject matter and general sense of aesthetics but don't let that discourage you, I've seen similar things get a very warm reception in other places in the internet. Idk why your stuff gets deleted though. Weird.
Skill is overrated. Good taste is what matters.
I think the site is too full of weird autists as opposed to angry autists, which is a little better than everything else but apparently interacting with the community is a big part of site culture and getting seen. I wasn't willing to do that so I simply parted with my account despite getting quickly scouted. It seems like a good website if you already have an art style newgrounds seem to like and you have some sort of nostalgia factor or attachment to the community or even an interest in interacting with the forum, but I don't really care. The faggots there seem insufferable in their own way with their muh internet culture retirement home theatrics. It's maybe a good site for weird talented(?) autists with styles too weird for other websites.
yeah that's botfag, he spams requests in just about every drawthread on 4chan. he's also a zoophile and pedo.
agreed with the other guy, there's no reason this should be deleted other than someone having a vendetta against you
If you throw them a bone and participate in a contest with an earnest entry they will usually shower you with recognition, you don't need to give a fuck about the forums.
Welp, apparently one of my character "looks underage", so basically woe to thee if you make slim women.
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Ty anoon, been a little insecure ever since my computer broke and I've had to go back to using ibis with my finger on my phone. The change in brushes have been a big adjustment struggle.
I noticed joaoppereira, a popular brazilian artist (like 30k fans in Nu-grounds), got unscouted, as his stuff shows up in the unscouted section.
I really wanna know what rule he could have possibly broken, considering the shit he draws.
I don't see anything wrong with your art, but I thinkg this happened because a moderator thought you did a 'hecking racism'.
can i see?
If I'm not mistaken I read through the info about scouting and if the person who originally scouted you gets unscouted can affect you in the very same way, probably can be even a domino effect
>probably can be even a domino effect
It got changed a few years back to prevent this specific problem. An old account got hit and it caused a cascading effect that unscouted a huge chunk of the userbase.
Now iirc if you get unscouted, it only unscout the people you are directly scouting and that's it.
I've seen his art, one thing to note is that he posts a lot of small characters. It probably rubbed the nugrounds jannies the wrong way.
Heck. Why not. Have a small collection of various Jimmy scribbles. These used to all be on r34, but slob Jimmy specifically sparked and I was banned for it. And anytime I reupload any kind of Jimmy art, it gets removed.
*Sparked a heated argument between moderators and commenters.

I'm a mobilefag. No idea why but my phone just deleted a big chunk of my sentence.
I thought newgrounds was cool, welp, another one bites the dust.
Noticed yet another A artist got unscouted very recently, some mod is definitely having a vendetta.
I've interacted with him multiple times before, it's pure forum moderation bullshit, pretentious, presumptuous and really want to have the last word on everything.
He actually makes it hard to do anything on forum when he's involved.
>interacting with the community is a big part of site culture and getting seen
>if you already have an art style newgrounds seem to like and you have some sort of nostalgia factor or attachment to the community
This is what Newgrounds is nowadays. The majority of the community (art/movies/games) is really nice but hard to get into and will belittle people outside of their space. They'll be really nice if you're thinking about joining the site but if you say you aren't interested they'll practically shun you over it. Funny enough Jaoppereira as >>7397732 mentioned had this problem and got reviewbombed for using PostyBirb and having some NSFW stuff get a bot-moderated award.

The other problem is that the community forum is composed of an entirely separate audience that does not interact outside of the forum. It's practically a different site. Most of the users on the art/movies/games side are in their teens and 20's while the forum side is mostly guys in their 40's reliving their glory years shitposting. Easy way to find a forumfag is to check their profile, most will easily pass over 10k forum posts while your average user will never pass 500.

TurkeyOnAStick is one of those forumfags who goes full jannie on anything he doesn't like. He's completely out of touch with the website and only cares about stuff within the forums. I'm not sure if he's the reason for people getting unscouted but he's always the first person to talk shit to anyone asking about it in a forum page. If enough people mention him to Tom Fulp I would not be surprised if he losses mod powers.

>Just ask to tom fulp. He answered me kindly to anykind of issue
Tom is a true legend at how quickly and nicely he'll respond to almost any comment. You could just tell him about something interesting you found and he'll almost always respond to some capacity.
So what was the big idea behind Takeover Tuesday? It's fucking awful to look at and take a fuckton of space, I had to remove the entire thing with uBlock.
you perfectly knew what kind of reaction you would have gotten by posting this
I'm glad you got deleted, I'm sick of seeing this shitty pooner fujo art style, keep it off newgrounds and go to some containment zone on twitter or bluesky where your kind belongs
being blacklisted from newgrounds in 2024 is like being thrown out of a derelict warehouse by the 2 hobos that live in it

newgrounds has nothing new to offer so it has to retread the glorious past when artists were actually allowed to post what they made with their own two hands, at the same time catering to the patreon cargo cult 15 year old zoomers who want you to know they are aware of egoraptor cartoons from 2007
I still like this site

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