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Figured we'd restart this thread
Same rules but lets throw in some color if we want. Any cool arts allowed as long as you think its got some nice lineart
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also shortstack shehulk
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Physical 3d art, I mean. Not /3/d cg.

Now I’m a bit conflicted on where I should start. I’m interested in casting/metalworking, engraving, sculpting, chasing/repousse, and wood/stone carving. Obviously very different mediums requiring different tools, but the underlying principles are the same. I’d like to learn them all, but again I don’t know where the best place to start would be. Any advice?
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Do they just destroy the sculptures once they’re done with them?
probably, it depends on the type of clay. But yes most of the time you take photos of the finished work then after you're done you just scrape off the clay. The armature can also be reused for the next project.

is there anything wrong with stonehouse anatomy outside of claims that feminine/masculine posture is inherent to the female/male sex? i like that he goes into depth on WHY a certain piece of anatomy is the way it is, not a lot of anatomy books do that, they just give you the part and a name and move on.
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>long torso short legs and masculine faces
I feel like the creator is a dyke can I get some confirmation?

Rey bustos does mention it too in one of his lectures iirc
i'm male but my legs bend like the right

Love that is page btfo trannoids on xitter.
They had a full blown meltdown about their "unfeminine" man hips and how they didn't match the woman in the anatomy book.
Lots of coping and seething. Sad!

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Exactly how many weeks, months, and tutorials until I can draw a fox like this?
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kys serbian zellig pedo
There's a LoRA for her that's really good, so zero
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Like a week. The art style is simple. I don't miss this artist's Furry Nothing Content Boykisser shit polluting my feeds but if you want to take up the torch you do you.
In the 13 years of my Steam account, I've spent over 11500 hours on Steam games alone. God knows
how I would draw if I spent all those hours drawing. It's almost 100 days until the new year and if you start drawing right now and do it 8 hours a day,
by next year you'll have 800 hours and enough experience to create a foxy like this.
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>Exactly how many months
Let's count. I have 80 pieces on my pixiv accounts. Probably about the same number of earlier works that I haven't uploaded anywhere. Each normal drawing takes me on average 2 to 4 hours (early ones probably less).
That would be (160x4h) 640 hours just for completed works. Probably some hours I spent practicing, but I don't like learning, so we'll round up to 1000 hours total.
So, what do we have? There are 1440 hours in two months. And that's why I can say I've only been drawing for two months.

The answer to your question is two months. Four if you like to sleep.

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How detailed do you reckon should concept art be? Especially for character specific conceptual art.
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hijacking your thread
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What do you guys think of Shane Frost?
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I fucking love Nah Nah
Found this on YouTube
yea i guess i would a talking snake

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Day 1 trying to make money making art while viewing it purely as a commercial enterprise as I am a soulles Jew who doesn't care about art because I fucked up my life and I am 30 and jobless.
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Make sure you keep a list of archived link or your threads then to track progress. Good luck Anon!
Are you the whore painter from the trad thread?
The whore guy actually does something, OP's obviously a faggot larping and trying to blogpost without literally anything to say.
People who sound nice on 4chan are Psychopaths and you seem to want too much information. Scary. [spoiler] on the off-chance you are nice, thanks. [/spoiler]
I never said you should to SHARE any those links with /ic/ you dumbass. It is for your OWN progress to track! Tracking progress is one thing people often miss because keeping track of what you do is boring and a painful. It reminds you of all the shit you have gone through and how you did not get the results and that you should do more but you are not doing it. It is the mirror that you need to learn to look into and accept what you see so you could move on and be better.

Also why would anyone give care about your information? You are just some random nobody on an Anonymous image board where you can impersonate others or have a conversation with yourself without anyone finding it out and that is if they are already giving a fuck which they won't. This isn't fucking facebook. You are not the main protagonist of your own anime series.

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Show us your projects, big and small!

A project can be anything including but not limited to:
>a manga/comic
>a short animated film
>piece(s) for an art exhibition
>video game assets
>series of illustrations

>What type of project are you working on?

>What inspired you to create this?

>How far are you into your project?

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made a lot of changes to the art,
i realized that once you have the concept down it's actually easier to make animations than i thought at this pixel resolution.
i'm thinking about actually maybe making an action rpg game instead of a turn based game after realizing this.
Very cool stuff, anon! That animation looks smooth as hell
Do a mixed style, like Paper Mario. Peak combat design. Looking good!

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Heres some of my art. Am i done for or is there hope
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NTA but why?
What's wrong with practising on a notebook?
Is this the 6 months schizo? Does anyone know what happened to him?
Idk who or what that is
Very nice. Do you use any construction techniques?
The fuck is that

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If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

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not him but the vibe here is much better. makes the characters pop.
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I guess I should study anatomy more before attempting complex poses
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Part 2

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otter edition

>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


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new thread when?
new thread NOW

Thanks. That's actually what I'm trying to do here, and what I wanna do for the next while. I've got a lot of bad habits I need to shake off on top of the areas I need to work on.
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Not exactly "furry," but scalie.
It's a WIP. Gonna go full color and shade on this one.
Ooh, great Wendy, really cute. Can’t wait to see how this turns out.

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I kinda feel bad for Rob. He had everything to be where CSR or Nyantcha are now, but he was too much of a lazy bum to live up to any of his obligations and spiraled as a result. You hate to see it.

He's still a scammer and a bum though.
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I'm confused, you're trying to disagree with me while literally just showing that he's always drawn stuff like this.
Anon's post predates that thread's creation.
Oh what the fuck this is a week old post
I just saw Wednesday and thought it was today
Sounds based to me.
i'm curious on that sperg's reaction when swimsuits were changed in schools in japan.

>post doodle
>what sort of things do you like to doodle
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incredible niggas

Excellent storytelling style.
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Hey! Follow me on ig and I'll follow back! I'm trying to make art bros
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>what sort of things do you like to doodle
It helps me express my emotions

Have there ever been examples of artists who started their art journey with a realistic/semi-realistic style then switched to a more stylized/cartoonish one with time?
Purely drawing from anime and not from life ruined me significantly
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I want cunny with Frazetta's gesture
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>sexually mature characters are cunny, ha ha right guys?
Begone, pedophile.
I personally started with realism for the most part and had to rigrously train myself to draw anime.
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Before photography was invented, newspapers hired illustrators to draw what they saw on the scene and put that in the paper. When the camera replaced them, many of these illustrators went into commercial illustration, and some of them went on to pioneer comics and animation.

Louis Wain is one such example, best known for drawing more psychedelic cats as he went bonkers. However, this radical style of his was not a result of his deteriorating psyche, but simply him exploring different art styles. During the later stages of his life he still made art in his older style as well.
and he’s beamed into the brains of 1000 uppity niggers as a jewish pedohile on jewish amazon

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Hi /ic/
Can you criticize my silent comic
I still an amateur and developing my skills, practicing every day despite my busy university scheduleand your advices and criticism is really important for me because it's direct and real (not sugar coated like the one's I got from my peers)
Thank you
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Im shy
I don't think OP gonna be rude
But take your time since you're shy
reminds me of that shitty book Sai has in naruto shippudden

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