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Post some peculiar specimens , I need a wider range of character design templates.
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>sleeve symbol
oh no anon what the fuck
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Where can I get t-shirts printed with original (fan) art of Big Corp IP? I have designs that are obviously parody and that I made (by hand, not AI), so should run afoul of neither copyright nor trademark. Redbubble's being a bitch.
Local print shops. Check gmaps for them, they usually exist in most towns. Or ask your favorite mom n pop local business where they get their uniforms.

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>sees a good drawing
>no signature or it's outright illegible
>no links to blog

Is it that hard to sign your shit? Why would anyone neglect that?
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It's Another Day in Paradise for him.
I'm not good enough.
Not him but what's the alternative? If I don't construct proportions are wrong, joints are out of place. Memory? I'd just trace and adjust at that point and save myself thousands of hours of grinding since I'm digital.

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Previous: >>7224964

OP credit: Gizmo(s)

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) or any off-site that hosts images for your works.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post child photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Main resources & FAQ
>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon

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is this OC? looks nice
It is. A Selkie girl that loves the beach. Sun-kissed cunny.
can we have a new thread before we disappear
hug me back and maybe I'll make one
Ok, but it has to be your art

Many of (you's) don't retweet my artwork, so i have to set the example and unfollow all of you's.
But i get depressed when people that i know compliment me, but don't follow me back in return.
I feel conflicted.
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Ishtar, iganak. Sodomuru what's an AI indian?
You're an artist, people follow you for content and expect the people you follow to have good content. Just the game, is all
Fuck them, The Love Ru was quite suggestive like in this image and that wasn't even a doujin
you are an asshole, jerks have nothing to do with the love ru you fucking retard.
Honestly You sound like a bitch. I will unfollow before you.

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I've been dedicating some time to learning art but I've slown down significantly in recent months.

I feel like I can learn whatever topic if I apply myself hard enough, but actually applying them to a study or, god forbid, my own work, even if it's as mundane as trying to draw X character in Y pose, almost always comes out shit.

If I could figure out how to apply what I learned to something half decent within reason of what's possible, that'd be sick, but I feel like half the time I'm either failing miserably or putting random shapes down on paper and hoping it turns into something.
Draw from memory
There is a lot of value in finishing a piece you think is terrible. It teaches you to constructively ignore your inner critic. The truth of the matter is your expectations for yourself are higher than your skill level is. Let me put it like this. If you're an athlete you go to the gym to do specific exercises. Why would you beat yourself up for not being an expert martial artist the moment you step onto the mat if you've only been working on getting your body in shape? Learning the fundamentals is a life long process of refinement, but if you only ever focus on learning those and not trying to create pieces with what you've learned you'll never learn how to actually "use your muscles". As you complete more full pieces you'll learn how those fundies work together, what you need to improve on, what is strong, what you'd like to explore next. Also, 9/10 times you'll be somewhat proud you stuck with it and completed a piece. You are what's holding you back bud.

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Client refuses to pay redditor muralist for their work: https://www.reddit.com/r/painting/comments/1ebw6e9/the_client_doesnt_like_the_results_i_was_told_to/

What do you make of this?
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They wanted a beautiful mural and got begslop. I wouldn't have paid for, nor applied for a job I wasn't qualified to do.
permabeg tier "muralist"
i do think the buyer still needs to pay, their own damn for hiring bottom of the barrel trash.
The artist says in the Reddit thread that it’s 3 feet above floor level because the owner is going to put in booth seating for a restaurant. Read the thread you fuckin goons.

That said, it still sucks.
I did, retracted my statement and it didn't make their case better dumbass.
People who don't make things and only buy IKEA furniture and other packed items often think that things are pre-painted and then assembled, when in reality most things are painted after it's all put together.

This is something the artist, if he was experienced, would know he has to guide the client through though. But the client also has to pay what he agreed, assuming he did see the artist's other works and that corporate flat blob garbage is representative. If the artist was advertising way better than what he delivered though, then he could be in a pickle.

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I’ll draw 6 hours per day from various references including morpho book and see how far I can progress after a few weeks
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Keep going anon!
Now answer me this, throughout those 6 hours a day of arduous artistic exercise, how many times did you get up from your (I'm assuming you were sitting down) chair, stand up to stretch and move about? and how long did each recess last? Did you also remember to hidrate during that time?

Art prowess is important but your health is more important, you can't do art if you are dead.
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How rich could I have gotten as an painter of girl feet in previous centuries?
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I reckon it's more like foot fags in the olden days were just guys who kinda liked pretty feet, but now when someone who likes pretty feet comes across some chick with pretty feet posting her oiled up soles on Twitter it quickly develops into a feverish fetish.
Haven't seen any fetish community as fervent as feet fags.
feet and anal and the like were less popular in times where hygiene was more difficult
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feet thread?
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Nah it's actually because women feet were treated like shit back then, pretty much only royalty would have the means to have pretty feet but I doubt it.
With the rise of technology and digital art we can achieve 2d perfection like this >>7245131
It's only natural that one feels attracted to such display of beauty.
tarantino memes existed before internet.

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How to start drawing if you have no talent?
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>This thread
You should too. If only you knew.
I'm a fucking natural and I love drawing, I have more skill in my actual shit than most people will ever see in their lives.
This, a weeb website of all places though, is the place you came to to complain about weebs? Really?
I don't draw like a fucking weeb, but there's nothing wrong with it, let people draw in their own style, it doesn't hurt you.
bro you're humble and self aware, you're good, I hope you can draw more on the future and get the results you're looking for
>If a drawing i slaved over does shit numbers
What do you mean by this? "numbers".

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Art Supply Thread: Dip Pens Edition
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Look, stop being retarded and just buy a couple of nibs and draw, there's absolutely no value in theorycrafting about tools you've never used.
Get a 512 EF from Hunt/Speedball, or a Saji pen from the japanese manufacturers. It produces consistent lines. However the whole point of using nibs is getting line variation so you'd be better off with felt tip pens or rapidographs.
So they literally just changed it, because 'Non-photo blue' has better internet analytics, than just a random light blue? OK, great, because I tried searching for light blue erasable open stock and was coming up empty. Even tried searching Reddit for the change and found nothing.
>There are hundreds of whites, and no untrained eye can name them by appearance.
>Even amongst india inks, I don't really care *that much* which one it is
Not everyone is like this. I over a dozen or so ways of putting white down: 9 different paints, a pigment marker, paint pen, gel pen, and correction pen. They all perform very differently from each other. For example, Golden Hi-Flow white dries so slow I have nearly no use for it. Holbeing Super Opaque White acylic ink is my go-to for coverage and drying speed. Flashe White is excellent if I need it super matte so I can draw over it, but it's thicker so I have to be mindful of thinning it just-enough. And the Pentel Presto is the fastest in terms of setup and drying for fixing inks and adding small solid highlights.

The amount of earth tones I have is even more ridiculous, especially if you include copics.

I use a tachikawa G but they're harder to find. Just accept you're paying more for your preference, it is what it is.

NPB used to be important in the 80s-and-earlier. It's more that they didn't change it. You may find better results searching for cyan, turquoise, or teal erasable pencils. Or just go into an art supply store and see what they have open stock, they're usually cheaper than online.
With light pressure the lines are more like a micron 02 or 03. If that's no good then maybe a Hunt 56? It's stiffer without being too hard on your hand, like a school nib. But I'd tell you to use a little less ink than normal because it tends to blot on paper.

Do you draw your own smartphone wallpaper?
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I used to care about wallpapers but now I just use the default. Sometimes I switch to dog painting as my background for comfort. There are no more good anime wallpapers anymore it's all Blue Troonhive on wallpaper websites.
I will now
I have a black screen that I got by placing my thumb over the camera years ago so you can say I made my own wallpaper to save baterry.
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I just use a crop of my existing art for my phone and computer wallpapers.
no, i'm very original and used that particular model's xray image from ifixit

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>be 30yo oldfag
>want to achieve the art skills of my favorite artist
>too old
>set a goal to achieve within 3-5 years
>check his first pixiv art
>already better than what I'm doing right now
It's over for oldfags, do I really have to spend another 15 years to draw good anime art? a 45 years old man, drawing cute anime girls, as a hobby? WTF IT'S SO OVER FOR ME
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I've lowered my standards to the point that all I want is to be able to match the efforts of ordinary children who have no particular interest in drawing, and even that seems impossible. I understand how to get better at putting lines on a page and copying, but actually drawing is such a complete mystery to me that I have no idea how to approach it. What are people even doing when they draw? Do they use some sort of mental process to transform the subject into lines, and then copy their mental image of those lines? I'm not sure how to try to learn something like that.
jesus wept anon if you think you can't do something you'll never do it if you don't at least start with the mindset of "I can learn to draw anime tits just the way I like 'em" then of course you'll never do it
I've learned that a lot of people tend to have a specific field or style they get really good at quick regardless of age.
>t. 30 year old boomer who spent 10 years grinding anime without much success and got to a pretty good level at landscapes and layout drawing in about 3 years
You're 100% overcomplicating the process. Take a photo or a piece of art you think looks cool and copy it with a pencil and paper, compare the two and note down which fundamentals your version hasn't matched, then try again. If that's too much you can just trace a piece of art you like to get a physical feeling for how the artist drew before doing your own study. Work big to small, do some light lines to get a feeling for the overall composition before you start going into forms and detail. Most of an artists visualisation happens on the paper, not in their head.
If you convince yourself it's impossible, erase every line a thousand times, punch yourself in the head while saying "stupid! stupid! stupid!" and scrunch up the paper before you're finished you'll never progress. Put down the eraser and just finish something even if it looks bad. Quantity is better than quality.
Menea the dog got good in 4-6 years

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For all the anons here that have made it, what did you do to really solidify a secure income off your art? Is drawing porn the only way? How long did it take? What advice would you give to someone pursuing the same in 2024? Is it still even possible to make a living in the actual art/animation industry since its been crashing and burning for the last 2 years? Would appreciate any input from any of the more experienced anons here
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live in latin america or another country where the US dollar goes farther
Just draw, I believe in you anon
I don't know what your artwork looks like, but you may not be as skilled as you think.
I also question the length and dedication of your little trial.
Draw portraits of people's pets and horses
have a personality if i had to guess

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