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I reading books/manga/comics an hobby I can maintain even after deciding to significantly improve my art skills and spend most of the day drawing in spite of having a job?
I might need a source for creative ideas in general even as a wagie.
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NTA but just look at your day and find out what youre spending time on and how much. Once you know you can easily choose what to cut and what to keep. That's it, it's literally that simple
>Any tips for time management?
>lists a bunch of shit designed to procrastinate
just fucking draw and limit time not spent doing that to 1 hour or something
its not that hard. you dont need a course for it lmfao
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>Any tips for time management?
don't spend too much time on it
Use a timer on your computer/phone to see how long you spend doing things over the course of a week. Write it all down and ask yourself if that's really a good use of your time. Treat yourself as if you're someone who you actually care about and see potential in. Give some leeway as habits are hard to change

A self help book wont help you but "the power of habit" is free on youtube so if you have 10 extra hours to waste, might as well do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqWuLDEfR-I

This anon is correct
>Use a timer on your computer/phone to see how long you spend doing things over the course of a week.
I've timed myself before, and one single quick "break" on 4chan takes up a minimum of 15 minutes. Even if I only intended to stop for 2-3 minutes.


What do you see in the shapes? What can you turn them in to? Draw inside the shapes.
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I quite like the Ed
Very nice and versatile. Especially like the gnome
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I held off on looking at others so I could come at these with a fresh mind; that is to say all my drawings are probably the most obvious interpretations, ha.
Anyway, I had fun.
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be careful, theres a jew on the bottom right

>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>basic programs


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Finding the right program to animate in is a hustle.
I can never get used to drawing complex things on ToonBoom but it's a great program to animate in.
CSP is the best for drawing but when it comes to animating arrenging the frames and folders is a pain in the ass.
I got TV paint trying to get a job but it didn't work out. The program is good but it's old as fuck and has some weird ass shortcuts. Overall I prefer toonboom for animating.
What software? Adobe animate?
What a CHAD.
Kritas good. Works just like toonboom. Nta but what software is good for after affects?
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its called spine. basically a 3d program but with 2d assets instead of 3d sculpts. you make meshes, skeletons and add weights and shit

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Hi /ic/
Can you criticize my silent comic
I still an amateur and developing my skills, practicing every day despite my busy university scheduleand your advices and criticism is really important for me because it's direct and real (not sugar coated like the one's I got from my peers)
Thank you
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Didn't you understand
The OP and this anon who's posting his comic are leftist
So they love nigger way of speaking and share with them the same ideologies
Kys and go back to /pol/
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that's it, and that's probably all there will be.
Legendary work. Mescalito is cute, I was sad about horse though...

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Hawdy! saw the need to start a thread with higher level artwork that you MIGHT have, it is embarrassing seeing the weekly dogshit of traditional and digital art that yall post here so.

>bu- bu- but my disproportionate body with big tiddy draw is ART!

no is not.
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You should have used the thread this anon did about his art collection >>7220634
I would like to see a general thread about real art collections here.

I like that art piece, but I don't like the person shadow, and that curved little shadow neither.
this is engraving, especifically etching of landscaping.
i apreciate the feedback, thing is this engraving is pretty old both shadows were mistakes of tht time and the cooper plate got lost.

now about threads, both similiar but i feel more amused to see what anons have to show
double trips of confusion

That's what you are, op, you're confused. Come out of the closet, do not torture yourself.
btw it would be good if you weren't an insufferable pretentious schmuck

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why are logo artists such niggers ?
Either they're selling the most soulless cartoony traced dogshit, or they're indian scammers.
The legitimate sellers charge $500 for a fucking sketch
how much meth are these cunts smoking ?
Character artists and background artists don't charge even 1/3rd as much and are significantly more talented
What makes them so entitled ? Is it because they hold a monopoly and have all agreed to charge ludicrous amounts and call everyone that refuses to pay, poor ??
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I think I can do it
Do you have the exact measures for the distances between the center of the circles and the line of ground? I was thinking that I could do the sketches by hand and the inked version on csp.
Btw my contact info is rockrolito on the cord.
my advice is join 99designs and designcrowd, enter about 300 logo competitions, establish a process, use a sketchbook and inkscape, and you will get decent at it, then start on upwork

but the truth is, since the appearance of ai, the value of a logo design has dropped in half and i don't see any reason why it wont keep dropping
>i don't see any reason why it wont keep dropping
Well stock logo sites have existed for some time, and cheap Indian designers have been around too, and that hasn't stopped designers.
To me, it seems AI is replacing stock images and lower end stuff, so ironically it'll hurt Indian designers the most, but higher end designers will be fine.

Same for illustrators.
>The legitimate sellers charge $500 for a fucking sketch
Underselling themselves.
Should be aiming for 2k minimum when it comes to logos

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I think him keeping good companies does not count as "a problem".
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Imagine drawing characters less attractive and idealized because you feel threatened, inferior and put upon by cartoons.
Don't women ever have any self awareness and realize how pathetic that is?

I get it, rooftop koreans are based and asians work hard and succeed which is why they don't get preferential treatment in clown world. even if he's right, he still pushes the whole "white people bad"by default

my only point was he has not chilled out and still has political brainrot
Tbh it's a cheatcode for engagement. If you have no morals and don't care of the consequences of your actions in the long term, then you can just create ragebait or politically radical art. You'll find a fervent audience, always have high engagement and no doubt find retards willing to pay top dollar for your work.
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Jesus Fucking Christ, I thought he was kind of based when the only thing I knew about him was the "My turn!" comic... this is almost Dobson level of cringe

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I drew the ASL alphabet to get better at drawing hands. This was the most fun I've ever had in a drawing exercise. Crits welcome, I know I have a lot to learn still.
I could've posted this in /beg/ but it was such a fun exercise I wanted to share it.
please learn about cylinders
copy bridgman's hands twice, once from reference and once from memory
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Your hands are pretty good, you just need a bit of milage and to simplify, think of it in terms of, if one line could suffice try not to draw multiple. I would also avoid chicken scratches but it's a really nice exercise.

Wishing you well OP

Drew this for a /i/ thread about drawing simple things. Is it me or did i do something poor with my drawing? (not counting the simple anatomy and amount of lines drawn)
Sure the female character's ass is thick and juicy, but the problem is...she doesn't look pretty feminine.
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One more bump for the road
Looking good, anon
coomers need to stop drawing
Thanks for the bump!
Thanks anon! I got quite a bit burnt out. it's being difficult to build up strength to finish this one. But I'll get there.
Lol fair

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-TRUE UP 2024 edition-

This is a thread for those who want to go through dynamic sketching as a group in an effort to improve drawing skills starting from the very fundamentals. Here we share the tedious grind, crit and encourage each others.
Please specify the week you're on and if it's dynamic sketching 1 or 2 when posting your work.

>What's Dynamic Sketching?
A class by Peter Han that focus on improving draftsmanship, construction and design. It is intended for beginners, but the second class can be useful even for /int/. It covers a wide variety of subjects, but not figure drawing.

>Where to get it?

\Course\Form and Construction\

>Peter Han says to get a lot of material, are they needed?
Your choice. Honestly, just draw. Use what you have. But if you want, you can get it. You can do it digitally, but try to refrain from using ctrl+z and other features. At the end of the day though, do what you want. As long as you put the work you're gonna see progress.

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no, God bless
click the check marks to select the ones you want to download (cheeky bastard) or adjust the priority on \Course\Form and Construction\ to download the ones you want first
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I did DAB to lesson 3-ish when I first started drawing, and everything I’ve done thus far in Dynamic Sketching is stuff I already did a version of, so it feels like a good refresher. I’m excited to get to the stuff I’ve never seen before. This version of the dissections is slightly different from DAB, though, which is neat.
Those are some sexy boxes
I am not looking forward to the texture part.
Ooh, nice forms
Looks like fun desu. I remember it being a mindfuck, but still fun. Wonder how it’ll go this time.
how retarded are you to not be able to google "link magnet" or "magnet link" and get your answer? actually kind of wild
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Yeah forms intersecting is fun but its rough. Its like a puzzle. Stellar exercise to really develop that 3D visualization skill though, for beginners. That and just contour lines on organic is like a magic trick to unloxk form understanding in beginners
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Yep, it’s fun. It’s a good way to brute force the ability to feel the form. Nice refresher, fun to do this stuff again. It’s not that bad except combining cones with cylinders and spheres is an absolute mindfuck. 3 pages to go!

Is this low /int/?
SOVL can't be measured.
What is the purpose of this thread? What exactly do you hope to get out of this?
Are you actually unsure if this professional published work is of an intermediate skill level, or are you just trying to bait replies to talk about Mashima's work? You know there's a whole board for talking about anime and manga, right?

How's my anatomy looking?
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The woman in the middle needs a little bit of muscles since her face is somewhat dominant so i assume that she's dominant types of person hence needs more muscles not too much but fit
Looking good anon. I prefer feathering myself when it comes to showing/implying muscle def but your work definitely has appeal.

I agree with, >>7219651, tho. Not sure what it is specifically. It could be just due to how different each knee looks from eachother.

Love the Satyr, good job with her legs.

Nobody cares
learn your anatomy faggot!
Then why are you asking, faggot?

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I wish I was good enough at drawing that I could go out on a street and draw people who have time to sit but I'd be mortified if my drawing came out wonky and the person left unhappy with my attempt. How do I best pursue this dream without it becoming a nightmare?
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i dont know how to draw at all and ive done this twice. one them got pretty annoyed after he saw my drawing
>How do I best pursue this dream without it becoming a nightmare?

You start.

I am not kidding:

1. Go somewhere outside and just start sketching people and things. They don't have to know that you are drawing them. This is to help you get more comfortable drawing outside.

2. Find someone to bring along. They can be there for moral support, another artist, or they can pretend to be your first customer.

3. Find where other artists are congregating and ask them questions and just watch them work, see what kind of materials they are using and what kind of signage they have. What are their hours? You can even follow them to keep in contact with them. Some stream themselves doing it online. I would even suggest to keep these spots in mind when you are ready to start drawing outside for money.

4. Go to big events, such as parades, etc. You can offer to draw people for free or $1. It would be preferable to find a space where there's seating and tables so you can save money.

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6. Set up payment that is really popular with people wherever you live. This way you don't make yourself an easy target for thieves. You can even set up a QR code that has all different ways for people to pay, give you tips, etc. Unless you live in an area where no crime exists, at all, and you rather cash I would suggest just keeping your money next to you or in a really safe spot.
likeness is the hardest skill to develop. anything, and I literally mean even a single millimeter off, can ruin the sensation of likeness. it could be where you show your lines, or how you shade. the only way to get good at conveying likeness is to practice until you can recognize those small errors in your work and adjust. there is no easy way to learn except practice

tldr just draw
Prob by just drawing through observation constantly to get a handle on rapidly sketching people. And then just getting used to not being able to erase with with pens/markers

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Is art for bisexuals? I'm asking seriously. Like, drawing good men and women requires an understanding of both you would have to be attracted to them to do?
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Yes I'm from Canada.
Sterilized and ready for (art) battle.
Yes, real man only draw girls like Zun
This is what protestant values do to a motherfucker
Why are anglos so dysfunctional about sex?

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now that i think about it why arent cities built on the walls ofcannyons
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Here's the real answer, OP

Contrary to popular belief, high lands are NOT stable places. In fact, they are the single most active and dangerous places you can go to.

Imagine this:
The highest wind speeds are blowing upon its entire summit
The winds are carrying torrential amounts of rain and hail that weather the rocks
Gravity is acting upon the boulders

These 3 factors act upon the entire elevation 24/7 non-stop. A small chip that you saw 1 month ago can suddenly grow into a large crack and it will grow at an ever-increasing rate until the pressure finally gives in and it causes a rock slide

And you want to live at the bottom of it?
because thats a retarded idea if you have any knowledge of modern civil engineering
not that its not doable
far from it
it would be so much more expensive and a pain in the ass to live in such a thing

basically the saudi Line, but the outer walls are natural
Funnily enough, nope. Water = easy trade, way more valuable than any local natural resource. Except maybe oil. People didn't build the majority of their cities by major rivers or seas for fun, it's because the settlements by major rivers or seas grow into major cities by being centers of trade. Trade facilitated by those water features. Transporting cargo by water is by far the cheapest method. Why do you think it's still the primary method of transporting goods?
this anon is correct >>7221674, gold might have more value on paper but its ability to support every step required to get to that gold ultimately makes it more valuable
something something about selling shovel in a gold rush, or in this case selling water

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