Ask questions, leave reviews, and generally chat about all things art supplies in this thread.In related news, Copic is having a special New Year's offer of a random color of their Sketch line of markers on their website right now for 1 dollar (they won't ship until february though),
>one per email per householdgot me excited for a second
>>7425370Do people really still use copics when there are like 100 alternatives that are cheaper and just as good?
>>7425462Copics are $2 in Japan.
>>7425462name some
>>7425474Literally every other refillable alcohol marker with replaceable nibs. The only really advantage with copics is color variety
>>7425487>color varietyLiterally the most valuable aspect of alcohol markers.And desu if you can get copic at non-extortionate prices, they're legit better than Ohuhu, W&N, Prismacolor, etc.Shinhan is the one true competitor, but they cost the same as copic in the cucked west.
>>7425535>Literally the most valuable aspect of alcohol markers.You can blend and get basically any color. Also blick studio markers are the same quality
>>7425370I really don't get the hype for markers, I pretty much gave them all away. I get much more out of a mijello watercolor set. You have no guarantee alcohol markers last, even copics, and who's gonna commission something they can't hang?
>>7425541You can't blend into the fantastic undertones Copic has.If you wanna draw 90s comic style art Ohuhu is more than good enough.If you wanna do the kinda art artist ally goes cream at it's either Copic, Shinhan or watercolor.
>>7425553reproduction is a thinggranted, I'm not sure what advantage markers are supposed to have (color scheme consistency?), but there's a market for fugitive pigments, so it's not a dealbreaker
>>7425553Most watercolor isn't lightfast either. And toobeeheich lightfastness ratings on color pencils and watercolor are just placebo. If you want your art to last do oils.But yeah markers are watercolors for people who can't do watercolor. I like using them as underpainting for colored pencils but all-marker art with a million blending layers on that weird slick marker paper doesn't interest me at all.
>>7425553clean and convenient, reliable results while the markers last, cheap pulp paper. paint involves a lot of chores.
>>7425560>lightfastness ratings on [...] watercolor are just placebothere's shitloads of tests online, they last
>>7425553As somebody who owns both markers and watercolors (I'm actually waiting for a tube of Mijello right now, how do you like yours anon? Been wanting to try this brand for a long time) I mostly agree with what you're saying, watercolors have always felt better to blend with and I have half pans that have lasted way longer than multiple markers I've used in the same amount of time, but it's sort of unfair to judge them based on whether or not you can hang art made with markers on the wall when that's not the intended purpose of alcohol markers to begin with. Their made for production work that supposed to be scanned and re-produced. So for artists who want something that's less messy, easy to transport and fast drying than markers make a lot of sense. And it's hard replicating the kind of look you get with markers with any other kind of media so there's that too.
>>7425370>preordering copicngmi
>>7425560>And toobeeheich lightfastness ratings on color pencils and watercolor are just placeboIt really isn't. Here are some of the light fastness tests I've done on a few of my paints. All of them were exposed to afternoon sunlight from june to september and you can see how in just a few months they were all effected to varying degrees. The worst one being the PO64 which was actually rated as having 'excellent' LF, but faded more than the one with the fluorescent dye in it! This is why it's important for you to do your own tests (and for companies to properly rate their paints) so you what to expect when it comes to certain pigments.
i like the blick studio brush markers i have lots
>>7425560>>7426549First of all, lightfastness in general is a marketing meme, there's fuckall standards in the industry and it's mostly marketing doublespeak.Second, the "oil is more lightfast than watercolor" thing is debatable with modern paint, there are tests that show watercolor being less susceptible to fading if you go full autism with the paint and paper (similarly some tests show pastels as the most lightfast for some reason), and anyone saying it's definitely one way or the other is a dunning kruger who didn't actually look into it. It's not even entirely known how pigments fade in the first place because some pigments seemingly fade on a curve where they hold out for x time then drop off a cliff.Third, I'm dubious as to whether it really actually matters. The prospect of you being good enough for anyone to care aside, as long as the paint doesn't selectively change color or fade too much (ie the overall composition is largely unaffected and you're not relying on a gimmick), imo you're good. I don't know about you, but by the time I can see cracks on a painting, it may as well be faded
wait, do people actually check what pigments you used, or is it more of a "well if word gets around, it will be bad" kind of thing?either way it sounds like a non-issue, you can just say it's lightfast for the former and not really care for the latter, you're in the clear after like 30 years anyway
>>7425370if anyone gets the opportunity go for some chartpak ad markers.. they're xylene solvent which preceded alcohol markers for pro/commercial use. alcohol replaced it as a safer alternative but damn theyre as mouthwatering to use as they are to huff
>>7426561I like how you clearly don't use the top half because they're arranged sensibly, but then the lower half with the reds and greys is a jumbled mess
>>7426561I got every color they haveThey're niceExcept their greens are kind of shit variety
>>7426586>First of all, lightfastness in general is a marketing meme, there's fuckall standards in the industry and it's mostly marketing doublespeak.I halfway agree. Lots of companies don't give accurate information, either by not listing all the pigments in their paint or by only rating some of their line and not all of it so they can claim that all the paints they've tested were of the highest standard, but that doesn't mean lightfastness itself is some kind of snake oil scam, you just have to be willing to do your own tests and not take a 3rd party's word for it.>Third, I'm dubious as to whether it really actually matters. The prospect of you being good enough for anyone to care asideI care about that sort of thing, and that's enough people for me to consider it important. If I'm spending money on high quality materials I'd like them to last.
>>7426776lightfastness varies even with how diluted the paint is, any worrying beyond cutting out the really fugitive pigments is basically just placebo, the equivalent of intermittent fasting on a gluten free chrono diet
>>7425573>how do you like yours anon?I love them. They do feel very different from western style ones, they use a different "gum" from what I can grasp. My daniel smiths are a pleasure to use but mijello does better fit the cartoony illustration style I tend to go for. My favorite part is mijello work well even on hot press paper
>>7426804>work well even on hot press paperWhat do you mean?
turner is known to have been a retard with his paints and his stuff still looks fine 200 years latermaybe it doesn't look as it did, but it's not like anyone remembers
>>7426659>5.94 bucks/marker>special combo 100 pack: 6.34 per markerlel
>>7426855that's why i said if, i got my set free from a retiring professor
>>7426659>>7426863motherfucker don't huff that, it gives severe brain damage
>>7426892come on, it's not severe
>>7426659>colorless blender melts laser toner off one paper and onto anotherkinda neat,wonder if this could be the ultimate in povertymode trad screentoning
>>7425462>>7425535What about Promarkers?
>>7425370Looking for heavy watercolor paper for wet on wet, is my only option a block? I kind of hate peeling aparts the paper and last time I tried, I destroyed a side of it because it wouldn't pry apart. The heaviest I could find in a bound notebook was 300 lb on Amazon
>>7427051I use Promarkers and I got a marker pad, I also got some colorless blenders. I was unable to actually blend the colors with using the colorless blender or lift the color in my experience. The pigment itself is okay, but I was unhappy with how streaky it came out despite my best attempts.
>>7427057This is the marker pad I got.
>>7427057I guess I really should buy copics then, thanks
>>7427107There are more than 2 marker options on the market.
>>7427109not really
>>7427110Okay retard
>>7427107>>7427107copics have the same issue, it has to do with the paper
>>7427117post the results you get with markers, brainboy
I like crayola super tips 50 pack
>>7427056BeePaper has loose sheet of cotton watercolor paper. It's only 140lb though. You could also buy rolls of paper instead of blocks if you don't mind trimming the paper yourself.
>>7427212I would but mlp is not allowed on non-mlp boards
>>7427450Deviant markers lead to deviant fetishes, NOTED.
>>7426892was kidding but they do smell so fucking good. i used them in the studio and my professor ran over to me asking if she smelled xylene then grabbed one huffed it and moaned. irresistible >>7427046they're pretty intense, i went back through the sketchbook i used them in and it seemed like it ate a bit of the colored pencil layer since the page was super saturated. i realized you can also blend colored pencils with the solvent, interesting results if blending two colors with a complimentary halftone>CAPTCHA: 4DDPP
>>7427343I had no idea at all about that. Thanks anon, good to know.
>>7426982yeah, we're past the stage of severe, we're in deadly territories
I've been using some no brand metal sharpener when drawing outside the house but frankly it kinda sucks. Any recommendations on a sharpener to use on the go?
>>7427764pocket knife**only available in free countries.
>>7426549>lightfastness is a meme>NO! See the paint that claimed high light fastness faded the most!Are you retarded?
>>7427874You also need to note the PG7 & PG36, because those have an 'excellent' rating assigned to them and as you can see that is an accurate assessment. The point of the comparison was that whilesome manufacturers might not give correct information lightfastnessitself is not some kind of gimmick marketing tactic, it is a real, visible thing that You or I can see and measure for ourselves.
>>7427450link to other site
Mechanical or wood pencil?
>>7428926It depends. I prefer wood pencils for shading large areas and for being sturdier at softer grades because the lead is thicker, but mechanical pencils are better for precision work and I can use them with my lettering guide since the holes are so small.
So I want to get into inking, but typical ballpoint pen is makes too thin lines. Are there special simple pens for that or do I have to go into dip pens?
>>7429826take a second to think about the retarded question you just asked
>>7429826Take the sharpie pill
>>7429837ultra fines are fun for doodling but boy are the edges fuzzy
>>7429830Shit is just confusing. I hear something about fineliners but doesn't that mean even thinner lines? Markers are too wet for typical copy paper(or even the bit thicker sketchbook paper) and I have trouble finding typical g pen on the internet because it's isn't quite accurately called in my language, so I just find calligraphy sets that I'm not sure will do the job.
>>7426561I love Copic and still prefer them over other brands just because I've used them for so long, but there are a lot of really good alternatives nowadays. Blick is probably my favorite. I fucking love Blick.
>>7430388just go to a store and ask for drawing nibs, it's not hard>I hear something about fineliners but doesn't that mean even thinner linesgoogle fineliners, are you retarded or what
>>7426808there are different kinds of watercolor cotton paper. Cold press, which has more texture and supports more multi layering work and comes in 2 different textures, and hot press which has very flat surface and is mostly used for lino printing or with dye based inks. Gum arabic paints (aka most western paints) don't blend well on hot press paper, but mijello, which is gelatine based does. At least from the experiments I've done, pic rel is mijello watercolors and liquitex inks on baohong hot press paper
>>7430495I love your result. The colors, linework, texture, the style and technical skill. Thank you for brightening my crappy day.
is there a metal palette similar to picrel but with a rail for commercial pans? I know art toolkit makes something similar, but you have to use their metal pans, but they seem really tiny, and the whole thing comes off as more hipsterish than practical
>>7430455...So, it's literally just markers? In my language fineliner can be translated as "thin-writer" and it's generally referred to a type of writing pen, so I would be confused when people here were seemingly talking about using thin-writing pens for inking large areas.
Does anyone know if the Epson V600 Perfection scanner is actually worth the money for a scanner?
>>7431481>Maximum Scan Area 8.5 x 11.7 inchesno
>>7431481I bought one for $120 used on ebay. If you can get it for that price its worth it because the quality is great for scans otherwise just get a Canon CanoScan Lide 400
>>7431513Are there any reasonably priced flatbed scanners? Most I've seen are $1000+
>>7431566Flatbeds really shot up price-wise in the last couple of years. I remember ten years ago I got mine for like 50 bucks but now it's like 80 - 90, which still isn't as bad as trying to find one that can scan A3 and up for a reasonable amount.I might try in all-in-one printer/scanner combo, those aren't too expensive, especially if you have a second hand store near you, and just stitching larger artwork together yourself like in this video:
>>7425370Sketchbook recs for smaller/pocket-sized ones? I tend to use pencils and want some thing so I can at least doodle often.
>>7431911Jerry's Artarama has a 4 inch by 6 inch Reflexions sketchbook with closing band and elastic pencil holder for 2.85 USD. If you're in the US I think you'd be hard pressed to find a better deal, unless you needed something smaller.
>>7431911picrel's nice and cheapno teeth though, so not sure if you want it for pencils
>>7431915>>7431978I do tend to draw in pencil. But when I'm mobile and not at home, then using ink like ballpoint probably wouldn't hurt.Heard good things about Talens.
>>7430495>Magna Gallina posts on /ic/Based. Good to know there's still some pros on here and it's not just all coomers.
>like pens and brushes and paints>end up only drawing with pencil 95% of the timeIt's over, I can't collect art supplies...
Is this paper from Baohong any good? These rolls are pretty cheap compared to European brands.
>>7432285you can find tester packs in stores in europeI haven't tried the student grade, which I think is in your picture, but the artist grade is goodHOWEVER, the backside is always smoother than the face so for my purposes I get half the paper I'd get from euro brands, since I tend to use both sidesie hp is super smooth on the back, cp is almost as smooth as hp and rough is smoother than the cp face
4H pencils are much darker than I thought, damn. I was expecting spider silk but these Tombows really lay down graphite.
I have amassed way too many markers over the past few months. Some are great, most are rather mediocre or even terrible. Copics are really good.
>>7432303I actually enjoy smooth paper, so that's nice. I was thinking I could make notebooks out of the paper roll.
>>7432285I have some and it's very good quality cotton paper,it's a bit rougher than other cold press,but you can still use pens with it and pencil doesn't smudge too bad. Solid choice if your on a budget.
>>7431978don't reccomend these for wet media especially inks, pencils are more than fine tho. Sakura sketchbooks are a rebrand of these too
>>7432319I used microns on them, works perfectly fine, no bleedAlso handles multiple washes of watercolor, though obviously it's not the right paper for it, but it doesn't fall apart or anything
>>7430495superb work on that cultist.
>>7432308share your secrets, before I make expensive mistakes.Copics are good (though not without faults) this much is established.What else works well enough?What to avoid?I appreciate any input
You fags know anything about pencils? I got an issue and I'm wondering if throwing money at it will make any difference. I'm /beg/ and I'm not terrible at pencil (because it's retarded easy,) but when I try to use pencil to do a sketch for ink or something, I always do stupid things. If I use a hard lead I'll scratch the page trying to make it darker, either from stress or fucking my lines up, or from just habitually trying to make lines look darker and therefore better. If I use a "B" range lead, I just end up turning the sketch into a pencil drawing. I'm using a mechanical pencil, and the only wood pencils I've tried are cheap and shitty. When I started drawing again, I bought a 4 pack of Derwent and I'm convinced they are low quality. I've heard a lot of bullshit about Mitsubishi, Tombow, Staedler, Faber-Castell, and of course, >bLAckWiNg(!!11one!). Will purchasing any of their products in any lead hardness configuration alleviate this in any way? I doubt it. I hear all these shills talk about "smoothness" like it's a thing. I highly suspect it's all hype and self delusion, but before I randomly order shit on Amazon, I'd like some input from a board too slow and unpopular to bother assigning a shill bot to.
>>7432841please kill yourself
Moving sucks because all your art supplies are stuck in the mail AGAIN
>>7432841smoothness is real but it's mostly a preference thing. it's also easier to notice at the other end: the general's i've used were loose gravel glued inside wood pretending to be a pencil, for example. but it doesn't matter unless the consistency is so fucked it has patches that won't put down a line.this has nothing to do with you being a monke though.
>>7432853How's it feel to be so lonely you replied so fast? No wonder suicide is the first place your mind goes. >>7432874>has nothing to do with you being a monk(e.)We all got to start somewhere. Anyway, in going to have more money than time soon. Are any of the premium pencils going to feel any better than my pilot lead in a mechanical pencil?
>>7432878>replying in 11 minutes means you're lonely >replies to a post in 5 minuteshave sex incel
>>7432893She's ragging. I'm actively deciding what to buy. You're losing an argument with a stranger.
Also, it seems that the "blackwing" is just an expired trademark and marketing hype. Everyone's lying or fooled by the lies.
>>7432878>feel any betterunknowable. i've been using a box of unbranded ungraded pencils that were leftover party favors because they feel good lol.
>>7432894>1 minutecalling the fbi, we have a school shooter here
>>7432901Nah, my trigger finger is sore. That's why I push too hard on my underdrawings.
>>7432900Okay. I'm either going to buy the $7 box of uni 2bs or the full set of hi unis. It's worth $25 to just do it myself and find out if there's a fucking difference. Kind of looking at the Staedler Mars lumograph black, but I can pick up just one at the art store. No need to buy a set.
>>7432939Different pencils handle differently with certain papers, well, differently. It's part of the reason art schools often prescribe specific pencils and specific sketchbooks, because there might honestly be enough difference in how graphite hits the paper that the instructor can't account for it. Fwiw I doubt anyone outside of very talented artists with very specific needs will care. Grab a wide variance set of Lumographs and a sketchbook you think is big and cool enough. Do a bunch of drawings with all the assorted grades to find your preferred style. For me, I rough in sketches with Staedtler 10H and come back with Staedtler HB to finish and hatch. But you might want something different and it's tough to say what.
>>7432955>Paper I was just thinking of that. I bought these pencils over 2 years ago. I've been doing other shit since then. At the time I was using a W. A. Portman sketchbook from Amazon (discontinued) 120 gsm. I had just quit smoking cigarettes and needed to do shit with my hands.
I picked up some Kokuyo business paper recently as is the cheapest fountain pen friendly paper per sheet I could find. Here's a test I just did. I figure before I buy anything I should reacquaint myself with what I already have.
I also had a set from hobby lobby but it's so bad I wouldn't give it away to anyone over 5 years old. It had a lot of grades but it was total shit. If I'm going to Michael's or blick, is there any paper I should look into? I got a lot of watercolor paper, so I figure between that and the ๆฅๆฌ copy paper, I'm good.
Bruh, you're unironically autistic and 99% chance eternal forever permabeg. You can do infinitely better on printer paper with any pencil on the planet.It's not the material, it's 100% you. As in absolutely nothing is holding you back and nothing will make you better to any degree whatsoever.
>>7432985Material fixation is a form of analysis paralysis that people often let themselves succumb to when they're anxious about the gains they're making, or not making. Prisoners can scratch out Renaissance pieces with safety Bics and legal pads, just depends how badly you want it.
>perma/beg/It can seem that way when one has a job and other shit, crabby. I know my limitations and I know I'm getting better. One big problem is that it's a perishable skill and I was very busy this year. I'm going to be working so many hours that $50 on pencils will be trivial. Maybe I won't buy any, I dunno. If you got nothing to say about pencils, I'm not interested in your opinion of my work. Show me your drawings with a Walmart pencil on copy paper and maybe your opinion will mean shit. Probably not, but one can hope.
>>7432989I got that, but I'm not an art student. I have a job. And I have money for toys. Pencils are cheaper than guns. What you say is correct but doesn't apply here. There are very bad art supplies. There are very good ones. They do make a difference and there just as much cope for poorfags as they is for the no draws. I just don't like wasting money when there's no difference. I'll happily spend $100 on good Scotch and get pissed on wasting $15 pencils that are no better than what I got.
Like it or not but drawing isn't like cars or guns and you can't spend your way into a good drawing like you can with a good quarter mile or grouping. Someone who drew with their free bank 2B pencil will be light years ahead of someone who analyzed every sketchbook and graphite grading available on Amazon.
you know it's bad when the people that argue about shades of white tell you to just draw
>>7433020Yes, and that's not relevant to my line of inquiry. This is the art supplies thread. And your argument is bullshit. Go make a blended colored pencil drawing with hobby lobby pencils on copy paper. I'll wait. Anyway, enjoy your place on the rim of the crab bucket. If your advice was worth a shit you wouldn't be here. Honestly, now that I think of it, you're probably a bot.
>>7433028You know it's bad when you can't pass a Turing test on an image board.
Getting mad on the Internet means you lost whatever you thought you were competing on lmao
>>7433035That's why I post my work. It makes you guys mad that it's shitty and somehow better than yours.
Take it to /beg/ and stop eating up the bump limit, chomo
>>7433053>Don't waste the bump limitDoes your hypocrisy know no bounds?
>>7433002You're not good enough for materials to make a difference.
>>7433082At least I'm human, Hal.
I just bought some more 10H and 2B pencils and did it all on my own
>>7433128Pics or it didn't happen
>>7432305Nip graphite (so jap pencils and blackwings) is anywhere from 2 to 4 grades softer than European pencils. My HB Pentel Graphgear writes like a Staedtler 4B, it's comical.
>>7433160the secret behind their smooth feel
>Be me, total /beg/>Interested in oil pastelsUnironically should I just buy Crayola crayons? As a cheap "start to learn how to color/draw" thing
>>7433178Wax crayons are unironically a high int coloring medium. And Crayola color pencils are also not for beginners since they're a layering oil pencil similar to Polychromos and Polycolor. Crayola's child friendly marketing is malicious imo. They set up kids to fail by selling them supplies that underperform drastically if you don't already know a lot about the medium.
>>7433178Get real art supplies. Pic related are dirt cheap (like 8 usd for 50 sticks) and will let you practice with actual oil pastels.
>>7433178Youtube Shibasake-san and don't look back
>>7433191the child friendly part is that they can eat them, not draw well with them
>>7433201idk about pastels, but his watercolor advice is shit tier
>>7433178crayolas are very very very slow to draw with if you want results that don't look like a toddler made it
>>7433205Idk about shit tier but it's about on par with any random talented YouTuber. His pastels are great.
>>7433178They can't be worse than the ones that came in the hobby lobby set.That shit shattered. >Learn how to color/draw2 completely different things. Coloring is easy. Drawing is super hard.
>>7433002You are also old enough to know that what you say is true.Tools 100% matter.It's just that... once you skip the bottom tier that dissuades everyone from continuing a hobby, the playing fields really gets rather even. At some point better doesn't matter to everyone, some materials are wasted on /beg/s.But take markers as an example: some are shit, some have a short life, some don't allow mixing colors, etc... I'd agree that one should just go with Copics (and have a few odd 2nd tier colors).The cheapest markers are not even worth the cheap price.Can a /pro/ make good art with shit material? Yes. But even that is a waste of time, because working with coal on cave wall requires a different skillset and results in artwork that is softcapped by the medium.
>>7433227>2 completely different thingsno it isn't, it's the same exact thingdrawing =/= line
>>7432878>Are any of the premium pencils going to feel any better than my pilot lead in a mechanical pencil?I'd at least suggest upgrading your mech leads at least. The ones that come with pentel or pilot are way too hard and scratchy. It doesn't have to cost much though. I've been using June gold lead for years now and they're fantastic for the price.
>>7433271dude what, June Gold are universally known for being bad
>>7433271What lead grade are you using that Japanese leads feel hard and scratchy for you? Least of all in comparison to fucking June Gold?
>>7433228I haven't done markers yet. Too much bullshit to get into another medium. My real problem is I never learned how to relax when holding a pencil and to this day I catch myself death gripping it. Mentally I have to trick myself into not relapsing into elementary school. The only thing today is that I saw that stupid blackwing pencil online again and wondered if my Derwent really are shit. Some people say they are, I dunno. Really I'm just distracting myself. I start a new job Monday and I don't want to think about it. >>7433271I have the neox in 4h, hb, 4b. Like>>7433325 in this photo on the left. My problem is I scratch the shit out of my paper with the 4h, and I burn through the 4b in minutes. I'm pushing too hard, I get it. I have my whole life. Honestly I should just mass train brush pen because it forces you to hold it away from the page with zero net pressure. It's just really hard and tiring. I just want to sketch some shit up and ink it..>>7433234I learned color on minis. There's literally no drawing involved. It's a 3d coloring book. Just because drawing โ line doesn't mean drawing = coloring.
>>7433348>I learned color on minislol no you didn't painting a wall or a car isn't "learning color", eitherliterally the only difference between drawing and painting/coloring is the medium, dunning kruger
>>7433348Minis have literally nothing to do with the topic of this board, which is 2D art, which you seem to be struggling with even the most basic concepts of.Also, that's a shit tier paint job.
>>7433351>Dunning Kruger The irony. Painting minis isn't solid colors like model cars. There's a whole thing to it. You paint highlights and shadow. There's transitions. You mix colors and blend. There's dry brushing, glazing. I honestly think you are a chat bot. Post your work with timestamp, Hal.
>>7433358>Shit paint jobShow me yours. >Nothing to do with the topic. It's/artwork critique/, /art supplies/I hope you draw better than you parse English.
>samefags, seethinglyJust go draw, retard
>>7433360We both know you can't paint and never tried to, either. You know why? Because painting minis doesn't teach you how to paint.
>>7433371What the fuck are you trying to say? It's a sculpt, and etc covers that anyway. You really are everything you accuse others of. First you say it doesn't cover 3D, then you link a definition that lists sculpture. Know when to take the loss. >>7433379>Samefagspic related
Learn English
>>7433386I haven't gotten to oils and acrylic yet. I wanted to learn how to draw because I already know how to color. You are so full of opinions, but we both know you are even more ashamed of your art than your online behavior because you won't post any of it. And that's assuming you're even human.
Also, it's kind of hard to paint at work.
>>7433348no pencil is going to fix you being a hammer gripping tardliterally just stop being retarded, what fucking solution are you even expecting
>>7433395You are in for a rude awakening if you ever actually make an attempt lmao
>>7433401Nigger, I'll do one tomorrow. I got the shit. Unlike you, I'm not afraid of anything. You're afraid to even fake your work on here. At least Photoshop a timestamp on someone's shit. >>7433397You'd be surprised what the human mind can do. I mean, if you are human. You really sound like a chat bot. Actually, no. Bots are capable of punctuation. Anyway, I got what I needed. I ordered the hi uni 22 set. Fuck it, I've spent more on a cocktail. Enjoy your small pond, retards. After the 900 second when you're forced to clear your cookies.
>>7433405>You'd be surprised what the human mind can doyours apparently can't make your hand hold a pencil like a human
>>>7433405>bragging about buying a $25 pencil setWhat did he mean by this?
Why does this thread attract the most delusional people?
>>7433437why not?
>>7433272>>7433306I dunno what to tell you I just like 'em. I have a whole carton of pentel 2B lead that just suck ass in comparison. I do have some kokuyo lead that I really like though, and some mitsubishi wood pencils I love, for mechanical pencils though I've never had a problem with june gold.
watercolorpenpill me? are they gay and i should just use actual water color? i bought a set off amazon but i want to add accents to my pen stuff but they seem to be some cheap hobby tier shit and a couple of the pens brush wouldnt even refill after using them for like 5 min lol (havent tried using them again).
>>7432841A pencil is less than two dollars. Buy one of every brand and see for yourself.
>>7433348>The only thing today is that I saw that stupid blackwing pencil online again and wondered if my Derwent really are shit. Some people say they are, I dunno.Only one way to find out. Just buy one pencil to test your theory - it won't break the bank.Don't pinch, deathgrip your pencil, you'll cripple yourself forever. This is a very very serious thing. I know an artist who cannot do anything involving precision with his right hand anymore. Takes painkillers, too.
>>7433386>>7433351is this anon right?I do digital minis and traditional and didn't really notice that big of a difference.Was I missing something the entire time?(not that unlikely, because I am low /int/ at best)
>>7433689Painting miniโs isnโt painting. Iโm not that guy but i have enough experience to know those are two entirely different things.
Have any anons tried acrylic markers? What paper do you use? I hate poscas but I'm excited to try some other brands with brush nibs
>>7433705He didn't say they were the same thing,he said that's how he learned coloring. ESL night, tonight I guess.
>>7434475just take the L already
>>7432649Avoid markers made in China, unironically.
>>7435729They're some of the best though.Unironically and with absolutely zero intention to jest or deceive. The Touch clones are using Shinhan's old formula and form factor which is better than anything in the market except modern Shinhan, Copic and Ohuhu.
>>7435956What, these things? They looked like blatant knockoffs so I never gave them a chance. Do they even come with brush tips?
going to japan in two days, what art supplies should I be on the lookout for? What can I get there that I can't get in canada for a reasonable price?
>>7436112Copic markers and inks with no import tax.The discontinued Copic SP nibs, which if there's any remaining on sale must be being hoarded in Japan. These were (are) the only pigment fineliners with both replaceable ink and nibs on the market, but they've been duds since Too stopped selling the replacement nibs in 2021.However I really, really, really like ink. You might have other priorities.
>>7436112Get yourself a 3p with some delihelu girlsArt supplies I dunno, I didn't get anything over there.
This Chink is awesome:
>>7436155what's a 3p?
>>7436281virginspeak for threesome
>>7436112screentones, manga paper
>>7433661I can't get blackwing individually. >>7433688I'm thinking the secret may be the point. I was driving by Michael's and Barnes and Noble and I picked up some Faber-Castell and Staedtler in 4h and I got a discount on the lumograph black. Those actually work, I tested one of the lose ones with a flashlight in the store. The Faber-Castell wrote the best, but it had the sharpest point (came that way.)So I tried using the 2 hole sharpener on the Staedtler and that seemed to even them out. I then sharpened the Derwent and it still wasn't as good, but it's not a fair comparison as it's an HB. As for the pressure, the super sharp point forces you to hold it lose and light our the tip breaks, so that helps. I've been too busy with job interviews and restringing and playing my guitar to draw (I haven't played in over a year.) I got a couple of notebooks to test, but I'm not even opening them yet. I also picked up a big book by Loomis so I can do studies from the illustrations without having to use my phone or a monitor. I would have gotten a blackwing from Barnes and Noble, but they only sell them in 12 packs and I'm not spending that much. The Mitsubishi Hi-Uni set should come today. It's probably a waste of money, but as I said, it's worth $25 to know. A lot of people say these are the best pencils you can buy and I want to see if I can tell the difference. As it is, the Staedtler with the shaper point feels basically the same as the Faber-Castell. Maybe the FC is slightly smoother, but it's so close and that could have more to do with point geometry than composition. My conclusion so far is that what you're paying for is QC. The cheapest pencil can potentially be "just as good" but it's increasingly possible that there will be defects of one kind of another. FC also seems to make a better point off the shelf, a feature that's meaningless if you plan to knife sharpen or want a shallower point like Derwent comes stock with.
Also, I like the 4h better in either pencil with a sharp point than putting 4h pilot neox in a mechanical pencil. With an HB, I like the mechanical better.
>>7436140I don't reccomend SPs. they are generally of lower quality than a normal fineliners. Nibs are absolute shit and the ink is kinda grey when it's supposed to be black. No wonder they discontinued them, desu. You can get an entire new disposable fineliner for the price of a replacement nib.
>>7436784>creative illustration
>>7437014It's big and has lots of full size images. IDGAF about the text. I was hoping for a big book of John Sargent images, but this was the best they had.
>>7437047nigga, you are literally years from being able to use any of itseriously, and without ill intent, come to grips with the fact that you are an extreme /beg/ and need to work on extreme /beg/ things
>>7436784How's the painting coming along?
>>7437063Bullshit. I draw just fine when copying directly, crab child. Are you a sad human or chat bot designed to demoralize people on an uncensored platform? >>7437074Sorry, I just had a lot of job interviews. Been busy. I'm free tomorrow and Thursday. What would you like me to do? The best artist paint I have is acrylic. I have oil and gouache, but they're hobby lobby and I don't trust the quality per se. Maybe you can post one of your paintings as an example. Oh wait, you went have any.
>>7437429Well I mean, you have none either, despite apparently cleaning out hobby lobby for some reason
>>7437449I bought a bunch of stuff over 2 years ago. It was mostly shit. I bought better stuff. I've been posting stuff in this thread and an offering to paint tomorrow to test your theory. You can even prove you're human.
>>7437429Anon, I...
Okay, it's put up or shut up time. Some texting possibly human entity in here wants to imply that miniature painting teaches nothing about "painting." Well this is the supplies thread. Here are my supplies. The acrylics are higher grade and I've actually used them on miniatures (the heavy body isn't ideal, but doable. I just wanted to try things that, unlike paints sold for minis, actually list the pigments.)So here we are. I've never painted in my life (since minis clearly don't count.)I don't have a proper canvas, I've got those 10 pads. I figured why buy a canvas of I have never painted before. I don't have gesso, but I've got matte medium. I've got 2 days until my new job orientation, I can stop by the art store. So here I am. Ready to test your assertion. I've been sitting on this shit for over 2 years, and it's about time I gave it a go anyway. I'd like to get started by this afternoon. If I'm going to need to hit the art store, please let me know soon.
>>7437939you don't need the mineral spirits, you can use liquitex flow aid or water for acrylic thinning/glazing
>>7437951I didn't realize until after I posted that you can't see the oil paint clearly. It's my understanding that oil is actually way easier to work with. I know all about thinning acrylic from mini painting. In fact, I was just using that acrylic gouache to touch up the iron sights on my wife's p238. (That's a different slide in the picture, not hers.)I have the orderless spirits from using colored pencil (not a fan, colored pencil is an overrated medium.) I'm open to using oil, regular gouache, or the heavy body acrylic. I'm just apprehensive about the Master's Touch shit because some of it is total crap. I have used the black gouache for painting eyes on minis. It's actually very effective since you're can remove them with water when you fuck up, and then you carefully seal them with mate varnish from the air brush when you get them how you want. Also, the pencil set came.
Also, I didn't pay full price for any of the hobby lobby shit. I bought all of that on sale when I quit smoking cigarettes and started drawing 2ยฝ years ago.
I just noticed that the binder is dextrine in the hobby lobby gouache. Maybe I should donate the hobby lobby paints... If I'm going to try oils or gouache, I should maybe not use this lowest tier shit. Or, maybe get a few tubes, life enough for a zorn palette and compare.
>>7437970there's absolutely nothing wrong with dextrin, and doubly so for someone who's not used to gum arabic in the first placestop defaulting to needing to buy things and just do something ffs
Can we start a new supply thread that isn't shat up by this overly sensitive schizo spamming about how he wasted thousands on goauche for painting fucking miniatures of all things and still doesn't doesn't have an iota of skill, let alone work, to show for it and how he needs to run every pencil in existence through a battery of scientific trials to make sure the pencils can handle his schizo pre-/beg/ shit scribbles, and just let him have this one to freak out in?
>>7437979Hi, I'm off topic and trigger and I need a safe space thread. I don't say anything useful or post images on an image board. >Overly sensitiveFor someone who's been triggered by on topic posts and is demanding a safe space, I find it hilarious that you'd say that. >Thousands of dollars in gouache It's one tube...>>7437976If I was going to buy things for the sale of buying them, I would. I'm here specifically for information. Your assertion that it's fine is what I'm looking for. >Just do something ffs Yes, that's the plan. I've committed to a project and time frame. I've actually been looking at reviews for the gouache set and it's apparently not bad. The oil on the other hand looks like maybe it's a hard pass. Also, I find the lack of images on an image board disturbing. Y'all want to show me something you painted with dextrine? Show me what you're using? This is the art supplies thread, not the criticize anon who's actually posting images of supplies and asking relevant questions thread. Now please, I want to start by this afternoon. If anyone has input on the context of the challenge (mini painting isn't painting, you have no idea what you're in for) than please let me know. Otherwise I'll just make decisions on my own (probably skip the art store and go with what I got).I'm actually feeling pretty excited about finally getting around to isn't this shit and if like to thank anon for the challenge, even if it wasn't in the mean spirit that he meant (assuming he's human and not a bot.)And please, post images. It's an image board for fuck sake!
>>7438007>If I was going to buy things for the sale of buying them, I wouldyou did
>>7438011No, I asked questions first. I bought them to try and see the difference. As far as we can tell you have nothing but an Obama phone since you can't even post a crayon.
>>7438007>If I was going to buy things for the sale of buying them, I wouldYou literally just finished spamming pictures of shit sitting in original packaging "for over 2 years"
>>7438017Wtf would you gain from other anons clogging up the thread with meaningless pictures of completely untouched supplies? Do you just want company in your nodraw hell? Here, take it, absolution for the crime that seems to weigh so heavily on you, buying a ton of shit and never using it. Now stop doing it.
>>7438017bruh I probably have 10 tubes of white gouache alone, I'm not gonna post my work arguing with a literal nodraw
>>7438018>>7438022>UnopenedThe whole point of posting is that I'm going to use them today, at least some of it. I work full time and to a lot of shit. >No drawNot only an I not the one triggered and needing a she space, but I'm also the only one posting my work. The actual problem I have is that I'm usually pretty busy. But until you post your opened and used supplies and work like I have, then I literally have the best work and most experience with the thread topic by default. Yes, pic related is a copy, but it's not traced. You or someone exactly like you implied I'm bad and can't paint. Now the art store opens soon and I got to go grocery shopping, then I got nothing to do to Friday. I'm posting supplies. I'm asking relevant on topic questions. I'm using supplies. I'm responding to posts. I deliver what I'm staying. You and the posters like you didn't post shit and do nothing but complain. Now please stop with your manufactured drama and protection. Put up or shut up. I'm delivering. You or someone like you asked how the painting was coming. I'm sorry I got an interview for a paying job at more money in a recession. That's sorted and now we can get to the business of seeing just how hard painting is and how the supplies I bought affect it. Since I have money and am willing to buy things, a good anon might suggest things I find go buy and to test. Or he could shut the fuck up if he didn't have anything useful to say. Sorry to anyone else about the rant, but these critical triggered projecting hypocritical and possibly artificial posters really need to be put in their place. Anyway, I'm thing m thinking of trying to use 3 sheets of that canvas pad. One acrylic, one gouache, and one oil. Maybe keep it simple and try a Zorn pallet portrait for each. Constructive suggestions welcome, and there's still time to hit the art store. Fuck it, I'll even buy canvas and gesso if anyone wants to be nice about it (and thinks it's necessary.)
>>7438024Post tubes>I'm not going to post my workWhy, because you don't want to be recognized and you're too afraid to talk like an asshole if people recognize you, because you know you'd be torn apart, because you literally don't have any, or because you're a bot?
>> you actually believe that looks accurate enough to be tracedYou have issues, anon
>>7438049No Mr Crab, I believe that someone would say that I traced it since they say I can't draw, and anyway, I any see you posting any better, so it's better than your drawing ITT. You're just pissed because I've proven you wrong any every objective thing you've said and so you got to go with the subjective and off topic criticism of my abilities, which is fair but irrelevant. I work full time and barely got any practice in last year. I'm starting up again and I'm very excited for this project. You can help it you can continue to be an asshole and come off as a bitter loser. I'm sorry if my existence upsets you, but I'm not going anywhere. Now I got to get going with my day. Can we please be nice and can you please give me useful information on what I'm doing here. For someone who is against shitting to the thread you sure do a lot of it. Can you please resend yourself and it would be swell if you could post an image of something you use that might be helpful.
>>7438065What information, retard? You have everything you need. Just fucking use it
>>7438058There, that wasn't so hard, was it? Why so many extras of the same brand? Do you go through that much? Was it on sale? I understand you're grumpy, but you must believe how genuinely pleased I am you actually posted something. In all seriousness, I'd like constructive advice on how to go about this beyond "just draw." You seem to prefer that Plaakkaatverf. The others look mostly untouched. I really do wish you would post what I've used it on. It's so rare to meet a confirmed human poster these days.
>>7438067>What information If I knew that, I won't need anyone to tell me. Duh?
Schizo anon is unemployed and his "interview" was definitely with a psych so he could keep his neetbux. Nothing else explains this lack of self awareness combined with autism strong enough to strip the paint off a boat. Thanks for shitting up and otherwise good thread, I'm sure your single mother feels the same way about you shitting up an otherwise good life.
>>7438069you are a dumb fucking worthless faggotI gave you genuine advice and you just got butthurt and doubled down on acting like a mongoloidkill yourself
>>7438075When did you give any advice? Which post was (you)?
>>7438093>so /beg/ and butt flustered he can't read or recognize advice>Thousands of dollars in paper, paint, manuals and pencils completely untouched for years>Still spamming a completely unrelated thread soliciting advice and crabbing while being a complete and total multi year nodraw holy fucking shit dude
>>7438097>CrabbingThat's (you) Do you even know what crabbing means? >Multi year no drawI've posting drawing in here, you don't know what that means either. >Spamming No, in responding and posting on topic, you don't know what this means>Doesn't recognize advice No, I asked what advice was (you)Learn to read.
alas, the fate of all gear threads, no matter the hobby
>>7438106I suppose it's my fault for responding to the crabs. I got food and don't need to go shopping until tomorrow, there's just one more thing. I'm using this canvas pad. Will I need to apply gesso? I don't have any but I have acrylic matte medium. I'll probably try the gouache first. I also got plenty of heavy body white acrylic. What do?
>>7438106would be great if there was an iota of moderation available to timeout spergs when they start to hyper fixate and spiral like this. must be pretty euphoric for this guy to be able to just keep going on without his SPED teacher there to put him in the quiet corner.
>>7438114They don't bother much because it's piss easy to ban evade now. >>7438097>Thousands of dollarsI see maybe $200. How poor are you?
hopefully this doesn't immediately get buried in assburgers:how's the pigment density on white nights compared to other brands?I can get white nights for a fraction of the cost of western brands, but idk if it's worth it
>>7438122Just draw, stop asking questions about art supplies on the art supplies thread.
>>7438113>What do?You literally just try. The paper in >>7437939 claims it's primed, so just try. Start with simple shapes rather than trying to paint a Guts. Perhaps draw flowers. If it turns out the brushes lose hair, get decent ones; otherwise, you should have everything needed for a start. However, when you want further feedback beyond this, please go to the threads/generals meant for feedback. This is not the place for the questions you're asking, even though you believe the contrary.
>>7438106it's pretty rare for the thread to go sideways like this. it's probably some new years resolution fags that'll be leaving their art supplies in a box for the remainder of the year soon.
>>7438170This is not the place for the questions your asking.That's fair, but I got side tracked by the argument about wether minis counts as painting. Initial inquiry was legitimate and all you can blame me for beyond that was engaging with no post crabs. (It was about pencils.)I will say this. The hobby lobby gouache white is sticky as hell, but I don't know if I can blame the dextrine as loud of white paint is sticky. The easel kinda sucks. I don't think gouache was the best choice to start with and I get why they say to use acrylic first. If you will indulge me, I will post my work when I am done in the context of the supplies I used for two reasons. 1: I was called out on it specifically and I'm demonstrating the integrity to follow through and post my work2: A legit beginners take on cheap gear is relevant as long as it's not overly done. But yes, questions regarding the crab drama will be directed to the /trad/ and /beg/ threads as appropriate. And I'm having a hell of a time with the gouache. I think with some patience all get the hang of it.
>>7438234No, it's the assholes who say shit like "kill yourself" and their betters not putting up with it. If you have such a problem with it, why are you talking about it in the thread? Don't start nothing there won't be nothing. You know how you get rid of content you don't like? Don't respond.>You're responding. I'm not the one bitching about it. I'm just explaining well the assholes are. The only thing I'm guilty of is coming back here when usually I end up figuring out my issues myself. If I was smarter, I'd ignore the mentally ill projecting crabs and leave.
please fuck off
>>7438234seeing as how he's dredging up 200 year old paint or whatever and splurging randomly on a shit ton of new supplies 2 weeks into january it's safe to say he'll pack his shit away soon, another year without drawing, and we won't have autistic tantrums clogging up random threads for a while.
Where to buy stuff online desu? I need watercolor pans and 5ml holbein tubes.
>>7432878>He did a pen drawing of an etchinglawl
>>7438271wherever's cheapest for your location
>>7438273Kill yourself
>>7438279I said, "Kill yourself".
>>7438282are you retarded or something
>>7438271>>7438273>>7438278>>7438279>>7438282All me
>>7436318It's just what threesomes are called in japan, unless the entirety of their country including their prostitutes are virgins?
>>7438293to a close aproximation
>>7438272I don't know why that's funny to you. I can show you a YouTube video of an art professor doing the same. Funny how "nodraw" draws more than you.
>>7438325I'm not the nodraw lonely anon, but as to why its funny, that's because you are lamenting the results of your materials while behaving with ignorance of technique. I do knoew a thing or two about pencils, but youve not given enough information about your problem to determine if money is going to be a factor. Given the poor pen rendering of the etching, and the pencil examples given, and the fact you work on lined paper and still have incorrect proportions to your study make me think the problem is not material, but mindset. I have had the same problem in my watercolors which is why I say that.
>>7438405Thank you so much. As for my problem, I think the solution is the super sharp point so if I press to hard it snaps. I didn't need expensive pencils for that, but I enjoyed the process of inquiry (and acquisition.)As to ignorance of technique , I asked one of the threads here how engravers get those lines. I'm well aware it was an engraving. I just wanted a picture of a monk to draw, and I was testing a ใปโใฉใผ็ญ pen and wanted to see how will I could match the engraving when I found it. Obviously engravers aren't trying to do this on a tiny journal page, but I would like to know how they get those lines so even. As far as proportion and mindset, I think I'm my case it's just a lack of practice. I didn't get a lot of practice last year and have been trying to get more in. And the lined paper was bought for a different reason, but I found i really liked the feel of it. I bought white fountain pen paper recently since although I like the yellow lined aesthetic for certain things, it does get annoying. One one thing. Ann old friend I haven't seen in years stopped by and I did a quick bullshit sketch on that paper for him. He was genuinely moved and said no one's ever drawn him before. I know it's not great, but the human connection is real. He wouldn't stay still (he didn't realize I was drawing him) and the proportions are of course off, but he actually asked for a folder so he can take it with him.
>>7438434Then it sounds like you need to set out a standardized test that should in theory produce the results you find desirable, and then use that as a metric to assess the value of material. pic related is one that I use.
And since he came over, I'm calling it on this shitty gouache painting. I made my point, I'm not afraid to paint. And yes, painting on canvas is different than minis, but I never said they were. I said I learned to color from minis. So criticize it all you want, is literally my first attempt on canvas and I used cheap gouache. The muscle movements are totally different and it's going to be a challenge training my arm to move without bracing on the table (something you have to do with minis, or at least brace against the holder.) Whatever I do from here I won't bother anyone with. I'll see if there's a /trad/ thread. >>7438454Thank you. I'll try to do that.
I don't see a /trad/ thread. If no one starts one today, I'll make one tomorrow.
>tfw 10H HB master race10H sketches rub off clean and leave me free to put some some crispy HB lines with a P207. Does anyone really use the whole gamut of grades? I'm sure they can be used but I just feel like I get so much from one grade that it would be hard to really use the full range of more than two or three.
>>7438736That's what I'm finding as well. Not just my noob ass, but the pencil YouTubers who aren't selling pencils seem to only use 4 at the most. > P207My mind can't not read this as a Sig Sauer pistol model...
>>7438461>I said I learned to color from minis.Look at your colors. Does that look like you know how to mix paint? You literally don't even know how to apply paint, look at how streaky everything is.I genuinely cannot comprehend what about that you believe you achieved through your experience painting minis that someone who never did wouldn't do as well.
>>7438743he's obviously talking about the pentel sharp .7 mm model. although 0.7mm is for fucking wishy washy BITCHES who can't commit to the girth of a 0.9mm or the sharpness of a 0.5 or 0.3
>>7438761.03mm is the only other size I use but only in Pentel smash because for some reason that piece of shit graphgear snaps leads and gets clogged. Most of the time though I'm drawing big and sometimes if I really feel it I'll come back and do a face or something in .03.
>>7438758It's literally my first upright canvas and I'm using gouache. It kept reactivating. I'm using a 4 color zorn pallet. Fuck off loser. You don't fucking know shit. Take a look at this. It's fucking ballpoint pen. Can you make a flesh tone with pen? Didn't think so. You made yourself look like an idiot because you said minis aren't art, then you linked a discussion that included the word "sculpture." I'm done with your shit. Post your work or GTFO. You're fucking pathetic and your need to get your shit in order.
>>7438840I can't tell if you're the guy or making fun of him
>>7438845Why? He says I can't mix color. This is literally my first time painting on canvas. I'm actually working on acrylic now, but I'm running into the problem where if I put another layer on top when the layer beneath is why, the paint tears and it won't take more paint. Minis dry faster. You'd have this problem a lot on space marine shoulders. I also ran into the problem that the paint developed a skin even in the wet pallet when I went and had dinner. Minis use less paint so that never happened before. Like the previous one, I'd rather start over. It's 80ยข/sheet. But you can clearly see I can mix color. I'm just hung up on lack of vertical muscle memory and being unfamiliar with how the paint behaves at this scale. Or maybe I'll try to salvage this one. I also made the mistake of doing the lines in black instead of a neutral color. It's tempting to start over without doing that.But I clearly have flesh tones made from only 4 colors. That's what a Zorn pallet is. I'm using zinc white, ivory black, yellow oxide, and quinacridone red. They aren't in any kind of finished state since when I added highlights it wasn't fully dry beneath and it ripped down to the grey base coat. I spent the last half hour trying to fix it, but no luck. When this happened to my space marines, I'd just strip them and start over. Anyway, my other pic was to illustrate that I know how to color (the only thing I claimed.) The pen example doesn't involve paint. Do you get it now? Maybe I'll try the oils next. I've legit never used oil paint before (except house paint.)
>>7438866>I know how to colorYou really, really don't. You're making an idiot of yourself and shitting up the thread.Please just go.
>>7438871No I'm not leaving because you lost an argument and can't cope. You've been objectively wrong in every one of your posts and you haven't posted a thing of value. You don't belong here. You are the shit that is shitting up the thread. You should have shut the fuck up the first time I called out your stupidity, nodraw no post triggered loser.
>>7438874Anon, you're the newfag here, there's no argument to win and I'm not whatever boogeyman you made up in your head.You lack any semblance of self awareness and you're shitting up one of the rare useful threads on the board. Just fuck off.
>>7438888Cry more loser. You shit up your own safe space thread by arguing with me and losing like the loser you are. Let me make this clear to you. You care far more about this thread and board than me. You can shit the fuck up and learn your place, or you can continue to embarrass yourself and drive away the closest thing you have to friends as the thread and board due because people are sick of your shit. Makes no difference to me and I'll leave it and when I feel like it.
holy assravaged manchild, batman
>>7438303Japanese girls are sluts that lose there virginity young then get gamgbang by old man
what paper should I use with copic markers?
>>7438978Not even old bastards are getting laid in Japan anymore. The public toilet streets are barren of johns and studios have been importing hispanics for JAV because they can pass for hairy japs.
>>7438969>>7438978>>7439003And this is why
>7438908>Let me make this clear to you. You care far more about this thread and board than me.Sir, this is a hobby forum, not the forum for kissing any single person's ass. You accuse others of being bots but you're literal bot-tier yourself with how off-topic you are.>>7438866>I'm just hung up on lack of vertical muscle memory and being unfamiliar with how the paint behaves at this scale.This clearly demonstrates that painting minis barely carries over to painting on canvas. The argument is over, you lost... or won or whatever helps you sleep at night, you giga autist.
"Don/t get high on your own supply."
>>7439140I said coloring. You are desperate and retarded. You are so but hurt you're still quoting shit I'm not saying to you and trying to twist it because you can't deal with being called out on your stupid comment. Let me make this clear. You are taking an on topic comment I made generally and not to you and quoting it for an off topic purpose while accusing me of being off topic. And since you show a lack of human sapience and don't post images, the accusation of being a bot is spot on, while trying to apply it to me it's the biggest "no you!" cope, and it doesn't even make sense. You have no life and as far as we can tell, you do nothing of value. Get help, loser. You're sick.
>>7438998hammermill color copy cover 80lb is what tableguy usually shilled. it's no fun using pencils or anything else on it though.
>poster whiteWhat is Andrew referring to here? If you google it, you just get posters. What did they use back then?
>>7439404I'm assuming white poster paint aka gouache
>>7438122once again asking this due to aspie meltdown burying it
>>7439404>>7439442I assume the same. Pretty much any opaque white paint should create the bold highlights he's talking about, I wouldn't even see an issue with opaque white color pencils though they're less time efficient to use. Gel pens tend to be smudgy and look "heavy" in my experience, so I'd avoid those.
>>7439003>studios have been importing hispanics for JAV because they can pass for hairy japs.I am a hairy Hispanic. How do I apply?
>>7438871show your first color work
>>7439668you don't know color on your first try lol
>>7439442>>7439523Yeah, gouache. I should have realized. I'm not really worried about trying to do it exactly, more curious since like you said, white gel pens aren't the greatest. He also devoted a page to shill "craftink," a Cleveland printing and clip art company that went out of business in 2009 (after being bought and changing it's name.)
*craftintMaybe the Japanese still make something like their products for manga.
>>7439685Lol, it's a Starbucks now...
>>7439685it was a weird way to put it, like saying indian black and meaning indian ink
>>7439668If it's comparable to a first attempt, he doesn't know how to do it
>>7439680t.not me>>7439680You're talking to someone else >>7439796stop samefaging
>>7439883>not me>stop samefagging
How the FUCK do I get pyrrole stains off the palette?
>>7439940Have you tried alcohol?
>>7439970Yes, but I didn't think of anything.I'll try rubbing it on the palette
Who are they fucking then? on twitter and instagram jap girls are slutting it up
>>7440361don't worry about it
>>7440361Hispanics as pointed above. For some reason Mexico and Brazil of all places have the best international relationship with Japan. They can stay in Japan for six months with no papers while everyone else gets kicked out after 90 days without a visa.
>>7440361They're photo op sluts but they're still the most virginal women in the free world. 37% of Japanese women in their 20's are virgins vs 9% of American women in their 20's.
>>7440474>most virginal women in the free world.Wouldn't that be middle eastern women? since lots fear their family.
>>7440476>F R E E W O R L D
Sir this is the art supplies thread
>>7440497It usually isn't this bad. Hoping by the time I make the next thread everyone will have gotten... Whatever the hell this is out of their system and we can go back to our scheduled 'making basic supplies out of unicorn hairs and a troll's toenail under a full moon' level of chicanery and not petty squabbling and racebaiting.
>>7439940Magic erasers are REALLY good at getting all kinds of stains out of palettes, even really stubborn ones like dioxazine or pthalo green. Combine with castille soap and it's like your palette was brand new again it helps to let the soap sit for a few minutes before scrubbing so it soaks in.
>markersDo the colors on the blick marker caps match the actual color they make? I have the ohuhu gray set and picking the right one is annoying because the caps are wrong.
>>7441276Marker caps literally can't match because the caps are colored with pigment and the inks are dyes.
>>7441276tape a swatch to the marker
>>7441276>>7441435That, and paper changes the color, even it's two different white papers. >>7441442Basically this. Or just have the swatch sheet handy when working.
What about amazon basics arr they good?