>googles how to get better at drawing>buys loomis>gets told to just drawdid she browse here?
also what books are these, I only recognise hamm
>>7441152I'm pretty sure that the manga version of that scene have Loomis.
>>7441149This website is not as unique as you think.
>>7441152Anatomy: A Complete Guide for Artists - J. SheppardSuper Dessin - People, volume 1Perspective for comic book artists - David Chelsea (Title's slightly different, but it's a match)Drawing The Head and Figure - Jack HammPose Catalog 4 - 2 people collection (Published by "Maar", just like all of the other books with the sun face logo)Style and Technique of Illustration (?) - T. R. "Gurenosu" (Glens? A reference to Villpu, perhaps?)Q&A on sketching - ?While looking for this book, I've found this video: in the description there are Amazon links to most of these books. The Q&A one has been swapped with a similar sounding one about watercolor. Some of them, listed on the bottom, seem to be fictional. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG12KAvVcf0Draw Manga Step 7 - Textbook - Part of the "Gekiman" series (激マンシリーズ)Drawing with Pen and Ink - A. L. GuptillPose 2000 vol. 1 - MaarIllustration Lession 1000 - KobunshaDrawing the Head and Hands - A. LoomisBackground Catalog 2 - Street Corner CompilationManga Technique - Draw characters as you want (思いどおりのキャラが描けるテクニックBOOK?)Perspective Sketch Basics (スケッチパース ツボとコツ)Pose Catalog 6 - Face, Hands, Feet CompilationMoving Pose Collection 1 - Action CompilationThe one on top of the others is マンガ上達ドリル "Manga improvement drill".
>>7441149>electric sharpener on desk>character uses mechanical pencilunwatchable slop
>>7441149Studying perspective is the most important thing tho. Before I understood perspective, I basically had no idea what I was doing. Perspective is like a guideline, so you know what you have to do in the first place. Without it, it's basically like drawing with the lights off.
>>7441149Is this movie worth watching? Isn't it just the same exact thing as the manga?
>>7441149Damm even in anime hey fall for the loomis meme
>>7441321The movie is better than the manga imho.
>>7441320Yeah this is true
>>7441318non-photo-blue pencils