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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Previous thread >>7363712

Welcome to /sex/, your general thread dedicated to sexual artworks ranging from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography. Please feel free to pick your best works in progress or finished work and post it here.

>General Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of art styles are welcome and encouraged; submit your work and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 pixels before posting.
3) Share whatever knowledge you can. Please provide references whenever possible.
4) Do not be afraid of asking for critique, be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY and FURRY PORNOGRAPHY along with BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except for /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

>NSFW image resources

>Timed drawing gallery
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new thread literally as i was about to post in the old one
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Celebrating a year of /sex/ artists. Here's to a /sex/ier 2025. Cheers.
My patchy didn't make it into the OP
/sex/ anons, I was scrolling pinterest and found an old blog that has some refs you guys might like.

If you liked, you're welcomed, if you didn't, it happens.
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Were you on lm’s discord? You seem familiar
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trying to make use of perspective grids for a change
not bad
How the fuck do I draw like this? If I could get lineart down like that I would be satisfied in my entirety with my drawing ability, forget even finishing it.
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im flattered you think my lines look nice. i tend to try using as few layers as posibble so usually i just draw with a really big pen then erase it down until it looks more presentable. im not currently worried about clean lines so i just wing it
Maybe lineart was the wrong word. Your forms look like attractive women and not mishappen abominations. Explain exactly what you did to make that happen for you. Your lineart is very nice though.
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oh lmao, i dunno then. just practice i guess, i try to keep proportions fairly rounded if that makes sense, i think bimbo bodies are kind of gross. i also generally like drawing different body types so maybe thats helped me
Question. Can I post a Squirrel Girl sketch here? I checked the furry thread, but they said it doesn't count.
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I don't give a fuck, please post it.
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Doesn't look anything like Deku if that's what you were going for.
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It isn't really much. It's my first time drawing anything sexual. I wasn't sure what to do with her face either. Will try to sketch more after work. Feedback is appreciated.
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Which one is better?
Damn one of my drawings made it
Also cute Leaf, love this cute little shitter
Left one, because of the warmer colors. They suit porn better.
i really like this
right for girl, left for guy
because red eyes are more expressive with contrast
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It took me a while
Fumiko is dead meat I kek @ u. Asa Mitaka superiority.
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Really cool to be part of one of the last /sex/ OP's of the year thank you.
Here's a fan art of a friend's OC I made that I think you might like
remove 4/5 of the white effects in general and 9/10 of the effects on his cock.
Busy and distracting af.
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bro go study your fundies please
man, I don't think I can keep up with MWF schedule.
one day i will be this efficient
Great fucking work, as always.

I fucking hate self centered assholes like you.
I'll take that as a compliment, but to clarify that timelapse gives off the wrong impression about this thumbnail page, its work time is a little over 12 hours at that point, spreading across two months.

thanks, although I don't think the personal aspirations type of selfishness is bad, because it doesn't impacts other people negatively.
porn is bad
>Anti-human robotic hands typed this
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Here's to a commission. Hi, /salt/.
Kudos to this client for finding the loophole I purposely left on my commission sheet about NSFW pieces.
Shame they left me on seen, though, I didnt even deliver to them the proper file, but a screenshot instead. I got paid already, so its no big deal.
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something I did for a request in /d/
Thoughts on this? Have been struggling a lot with feet and no matter how many refs i try to use, it doesnt seem to fit my style

okay guys how do i draw a benis and a bagina? any cheat sheet?
By opening le panda and studying versions you like, then incorporating them to your works.
thx this is actually a good idea
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Hope y'all like
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pretty good. some things just lack volume: hair, clothes, nipples.
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idk what it is about it, but this is one of my favorite nsfw drawings despite it being the most tame. I don’t even like girls with no ass, but the way her body looks so…honest? god it’s adorable
If you need to ask this kind of question in the first place, you're either underage or a retard.
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>I fucking hate self centered assholes like you.
what's wrong with you?
Take a vacation before you need therapy.
>you're either underage or a retard.
where do you think you are?
>what's wrong with you?
I have a thing called empathy, and am not autistic. Shocking, I know.
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There's too much gay stuff in this thread.
then draw some women and post them you dumb nigger
And now there's also a bigoted asshole, yaaay.
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pretty good. some minor things i would do different.
>Am not autistic
>Posting on 4chan

Which one anon?
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Drew these for sum draw threads
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worked on this a lil more
its looking nice, anon!
Great shapes and appealing style. GG.
In the right picture her knees are bent unnaturally to the point of being broken.
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well, this is about as far as I think ima take this one
tyvm anon
You're an absolute legend OP, thanks for your invaluable contribution to the board.
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tf2 comic

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