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Previous thread >>7334251

Welcome to /sex/, your general thread dedicated to sexual artworks ranging from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography. Please feel free to pick your best works in progress or finished work and post it here.

>General Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of art styles are welcome and encouraged; submit your work and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 pixels before posting.
3) Share whatever knowledge you can. Please provide references whenever possible.
4) Do not be afraid of asking for critique, be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY and FURRY PORNOGRAPHY along with BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except for /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

>NSFW image resources

>Timed drawing gallery
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This is one of your best drawings, if we overlook the lazy faces you always draw.
The thing that completely destroys the drawing though, is your handwriting. Is it really that difficult to add some quality looking comics fonts once you're done drawing?
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SAI doesn't have a text tool so i just handwrite it, tho an upcoming set is gonna force me to try and shift to CSP so i can do magazine pages and that might just stick
Too much gay shit in this thread. Imma kill myself.
We trained him wrong on purpose...
Would you be interested in castration fetish? I mean, since you already delve into amputated fetish.... It doesn't have to be gory, just "implying", showing their penises on jars, etc. Like one of your evil OC caressing a severed penis and making the victim feel that phantom pain, that's some fucked up shit your characters would be into, it would seem.
Congrats on your almost 20K followers.
Do people who learn to draw so they can do porn do it solely to satisfy their fetishes? No one learns to draw to do vanilla porn?
There's enough vanilla porn already, infinite amounts of it. Why would anyone do any more of it? Vanilla is a beg crutch really, which is fine, for begs.
oh yeah lol i've done that before lol, and thanks
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First time drawing nsfw
I really like your hands, could you share your process and/or artists that inspired them?
yo, you should update to sai 2 for that matter, you can even just port your brushes from 1.
oh there's a SAI 2? well shit i'll have to look into that
I do it to make money. People that learn to draw in order to draw porn for themselves seem fucking weirdos to me.
Can't people just get AI to serve up coomerslop for them these days?
I'm sure a lot of them do. Those that buy art because they like the actual artists and the work involved don't care about it.
Oh hey youre the warhammer guy. Do you have a blog?
It's a shame that I started drawing while my interest in csm is at it lowest
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no real process involved. i usually use my own hand as a reference. inspiration is joel jurion
>joel jurion
Holy shit, anon, you have brought back some memories. I was wondering what it was about your art that was so familiar. Very based taste. I forgot this guy existed and only knew him as frenchy or something like that.
By the way, really like that art you posted. The stiffened arms and surprised face are very cute and the ass has such form.
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I rendered it
You "polished" a turd. Grats.
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>made it into OP

This is where the sketch is right now, any suggestions before I move on to painting it?
Looks good
eh, massive bovine balls aren't really my thing, but fuck it, looks decent, just get to painting it
Her hands are way too small. An extended palm should cover the entirety of the person's face.
Also, her face is too angular and her eyebrows are too thick, which makes her look too masciline imo. But that's an argument of appeal, which is subjective. Take it with a fist of salt.

Also, just to troll you. I see a fly's face in the balls. I hope you can't unsee it now. :^)
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Spent an hour shading this just to realize it looked better as flats. Do you have any advice?
>Do you have any advice?
Yes. Find a gf. She will help you to understand how to feel the shape.
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too lazy to draw her clothes and succulent hotdog
you can push the redness of the shadows to give more warmth and life to the image. That, and there were a few spots in the original where light didn't seem to behave as Id imagine it. Even I wasn't sure how to place the light on the right asscheek desu so I gave it my best shot

I am curious, could you post the reference you used? the posing here is kinda confusing. Her legs dont look like they're going forward, just pointing back. Normally, she would be sitting with her knees going forward and her forelegs supporting her. If her legs are pointed backward, they would be blocking more of piccolo's head, and her arms would be down to stop her from falling forward

Nice try friend

a few things:
-Gather the appropriate reference for the image, and multiple separate angles so you can fully grasp the anatomy and form as you draw it. Trace it, if you need to, but focus on understanding the underlying form and how it works. I can see you struggled with the main girls neck/shoulder/chest/clavicle. These issues usually come from a lack of reference or understanding of the form

-Your lighting in your render reads as flat. When you render an image, focus on really understanding where the lighting is coming from. Imagine that you are the light source, the sun or the lamp, and you are looking at the subject. What do you see? the things you see are in light, and the things you don't see are in shadow. There is a lot more nuance to it that this, but this trick will help you place your shadows and lights better

if you post the refrence for this picture, I could redline it for you so you could get a better grasp of the forms. do you have it?
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Thanks a lot I appreciate the feed back here's the main reference
Alright so I was gonna redline it to show you the forms. But honestly, many of the anatomy problems in yours are the same in here, your problems are just amplified because what your working off of isn't that accurate to begin with. This isn't throwing shade to the original artist, but generally its best to either use real people as reference, or 3d as reference. The way the main girl is bent, the position of her hips, her chest/shoulder/neck is all kinds of off

I added a pic that I felt was closest to what you were going for, but even then its different posing/perspective. Redlining this doesn't help you because this isn't the image you were trying to do. the best I can recommend is that, moving forward, you grab some reference off a site like https://realbooru.com
Thank you, this will be useful. I usually draw art that peaks my interest but this will help with accuracy. The reason I go for fanarts is because I can copy the way they do rendering in a stylize way. Maybe I should mix and match more references
Oh, this explains a lot. You have no taste whatsoever.
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I hear you, and it's important to study art that you like. But even then, its important to be critical of that art too. What flaws does it have. What part of it do I like? if I was going to do that, how would I do it ?

and friend, if your goal is to improve, focus on understanding the choices an artist makes when they stylize something. If you understand why your favorite artist does X and Y, then you can take a piece of reference or image and recreate it like theirs using the same stylization. You don't do this by copying stylized work, you do this by drawing from reference, but making the same choices to stylize the same things as the person you are learning from

I've tried to do a redline fixing some anatomical errors in the reference. DESU I am not a porn artist and don't do much stylized work, and my anatomy is not perfect either. But I hope with this redline you can understand the value of understanding the structure below the image then applying stylization to it
Thank you, looks great even more 3D I will use more references from now on
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Wanted to try to do some sort of sexy scientist thing. Hope you like it, I tried.
That's going in the next Thread image for sure.
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I can't read your watermark bro, blog?
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thanks. heres the ref i used
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Not the most sexual but yea
Jesus everloving Christ I wish that was me I want the life to be smothered out by a BBW

So I gave it a shot altering a few things. I think you could use what I did here as a jumping off point.

-The way her ass folds over the guys head gives some depth you didn't have in the original.
-The feet give context to the posing and help it feel like she's supporting herself
-the breast and stomach you added to the side don't really work too well since the original posing would mean those are completely obstructed by her body. If anything, you could potentially add a bit of her breasts hanging down to both the left and right, depending on how big you want to make them. But for sure you wouldn't be able to see her stomach

let me know if any of this helped. I really think this could be cute if you rendered it out. Piccolo is a lucky man
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Is it over?
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Drew Anila from granblue. Feedback would be appreciated- I noticed I struggled a lot with the hair, face and made the hands too small.
I'll focus on studying the skull + facial features next
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odd enough, I feel like the things you mentioned are the least of your issues, friend.

The hair, face and hands are passible, but the body, breast, stomach and legs are all misshapen. I think what you were going for was some form of forced perspective where we are looking down onto her from above? in that case the lower half of the body doesn't make much sense, and her head isn't connected to the shoulders properly

I've been annoying and asked a few times already in this thread, but if you could share your reference, I could redline and draw the supporting structure under it. That way you could better grasp the form and how the perspective effects the body.
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Some sketches of an OC from me and his Succubus GF
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Great work anon.
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Thank you for the feedback anon
>I think what you were going for was some form of forced perspective where we are looking down onto her from above?
That was the idea
>in that case the lower half of the body doesn't make much sense
I see. Should they be underneath her more and smaller from foreshortening?
>and her head isn't connected to the shoulders properly
It does look off but I'm not really sure what to do... Should the head come forward more and move up?
>if you could share your reference
I tried drawing this from imagination so I don't have a reference pose which is probably the source of most of the issues... sorry... I only have this lazy excuse for construction
Next piece I work on I'll 100% use reference and take more time on my construction
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Where can I masturbate to more of your work?
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mean to clarify the pose I did from imagination. I used reference for the face
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My OC in the middle of the OP imagine nice. Here's some more art of her
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twitter or rule 34 will be the most updated places, i've got a newgrounds but keep forgetting to update there
bro that doesnt help me, got a link?
Also fix those faces in the drawing plz
Very talenting, cool drawings
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oh lol i forgot the link, here
will see about changing the faces tomorrow after work cause i do think those eyes look good
krenz perspective course
Alright I'll get to work on that tonight then
>Alright I'll get to work on that for the next months/years then
Fixed that for you.
I'll start right now* and constantly try applying the stuff as I learn as I go along
I wish I had the creative vigor you and others have, you always have something news to show everytime I check in.
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I miss drawing lewds...
Do any of you draw manga/comics? Or is it just coom illustration?

I've wanted to get into drawing my own erotic manga because nothing out of japan satisfies me anymore. I want to place a specific emphasis on narrative-driven eroticism rather than pure visual stimulation. Do any of you have a good learning resource for this?
deeply hilarious cause i consider you a hugely productive artist lmao
do NSFW artists screenshot porn videos to use as references? I'm wondering if they use references and where they get them from
Anyone have good references of dicks that are half wet? Like someone's been sucking on them or they've been in a pussy? I mean drawings, not IRL stuff, just trying to see how artists differentiate between the wet and dry parts
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i've showed my bf a few of your pieces (v much his type), he loves ur stuff:-) this scene's a fav
it may sound weird but I felt that I am not making porn that resonates with people, like I don't even get shit on, just creating in a vacuum, but when I measure my output in an objective metrics it always magnitude less than how much I thought I draw, and its mostly in my heads.
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i know the feeling of overestimating how much you make cause i have the same feeling sometimes, can't speak for resonating but i do know the feeling of 'am i doing this right, what gets these other people reactions but not me?'
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>decided to take a break from drawing yaoi
>start drawing hetero/straight sex
>all of the females I draw are either flat chested or very tomboy-ish looking
fair enough
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as they should be
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Masterful taste anon
I like it but it looks like a boy
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another one
That's impressive, however your file names look like they were downloaded from somewhere
Are these actually your drawings?
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downloaded them from my twitter
Reverse search comes up with nothing on all of them
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i don't think it gives any shit especially if your blog barely known to people
Well yeah I can see why. You're 90% degenerate so youre probably shadowbanned. It can help to post some more non sexual things in between the hornypostings. I'd say make an alt for 18+ but I see you said you cant so rip
i don't have plans for monetizing anyway so i'll continue my degenerative filthy fetish posting
How do you keep your NSFW art secrete from your family?
Dont live around them, or dont draw it while u live with them. They will find it.
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i'll try to draw more women, i promise ;_;
>How do you keep your NSFW art secrete from your family?
thankfully, my family doesn't use the computer, not even my little siblings, they're always on the phone. I only draw nsfw when my family isnt around or when I'm alone... That being said, sometimes I do draw NSFW in front of my family but I make sure to zoom in enough so is not that obvious.
what resources helped you with painting and color besides studies if you dont mind answering?
Get a fucking Ipad for fucks sake
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Sorry for late response anon, busy weekend imo. Also, I am in no way a professional or a NSFW artist in particular. I have been on a long hiatus since family members have been sick and decided to end my break by trying to help out since most personal work I do atm sucks ass. Take what I say with a grain of salt since I am rusty

So I took some time to look at what you said and compare it to how I would decide while working on it. Reference is always handy in situations like this- but just as a tool to help understand how the form behaves

To answer your questions, for how extreme the foreshortening is in your image and her bust size, hypothetically you should only be able to see her breast and little more than that. Her head would come down and bust would come down and her arms would be obstructed- almost everything would be covered by her breasts up to probably a bit of her thighs. This is a pose you find rarely in NSFW content because it isn't as popular since it obscures most of the body. Looking back, its probably closest to a "cum on her face" pose

This said, I went around in search for a pose that is close to the original and struggled to find it. I ended up finding one a few pages in under the "Looking_at_veiwer" tag that I thought was close. I used it to box out the forms, and then used that to create a base. Keeping in mind the reference is a femboy and the character is a woman, I added fat and curves that the reference lacked. I further refined it to add the arm underneath to bump up the one breast since the image seemed lacking and not very faithful to the original

I did not do the eyes or the face since, honestly, I suck ass at anime faces. I roughed in the idea of where they would sit, they follow the same persp. as the rest of the body


Like the other poster said, the Krenz course is a good resource for helping understand box forms and how to overlap forms to give depth. Its a resource I go back to often since its quite handy. Try stacking boxes in 3 point perspective to get the knack for how these poses work, and of course, keep up with your anatomy studies.

I don't want to dissuade you from drawing from imagination, because I feel like that is where the true joy of drawing comes from: creating something through your own interpretation of the world. Reference is just as it is though- Reference. Something that you can turn back to as a tool to check the accuracy of your forms. Just like with what I did, I didn't let the reference rule the image I was making, but used it to inform my decisions

Keep going sempai. WAGMI
can't remember one desu. Maybe Ahmed's meds map helped a little or Itten's book about color. But the most useful thing was searching other people's artwork that could give you an example, a hint of how to do something better than you do it by yourself and try not to only study, but to replicate some aspect of it up to the direction of the brushstrokes in your own pieces. Paintings of impressionists have a lot to offer for instance
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I drew the big booba
>lol tiny balls
Wait a few days for response
Damnit anon was a faggot after all, even after getting help

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