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Welcome to /life/. Life drawing is a great way to solidify your understanding of perspective, forms, and movement in the real world to apply them to your own works and pieces. Drawing from life is critical to your development as an artist, yet unfortunately ignored by many artists. Draw from life. It has all of the answers to any question you have.

“Reminder: Famous artists that learned drawing from life
>Kim Jung Gi
>All the Renaissance masters
>Andrew Loomis
>George Bridgman
>List goes on and on

famous artists who learned drawing exclusively from books and pictures online and anime
>uhhhh idk lol

The age of the copyfag is over. The time of the lifechad has come.“
Okay you first
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Sure. some I did a few days ago of my skull model
Needs more master copies
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I’ve copied plenty of masters anon. Drawing from life and copying from masters are two completely different processes
>famous artists who learned drawing exclusively from books and pictures online and anime
you're retarded.
post a finished work? or are uninteresting studies of house objects all you can do? ;)
>Famous artists
>Andrew Loomis
haven't laughed so hard reading a post in /ic/ in months, jesus christ, nobody but /beg/s on /ic/ know who the fuck Loomis is.
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Here’s something I just finished.

Why are you guys shitting on my work instead of posting a drawing? Too afraid to draw what’s right in front of you? Pyw.

Also, I don’t think most people have a skull in their house retard.
>photo studies
do you even draw from life lmao
Also I’m not the anon that made that whole post about artists that drew from life, I copied it, hence why I put it in quotations. The anime bit isn’t necessary but the point still stands that most artists went pro by drawing from life.
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Yes. Here’s another one.

How many drawings do I have to post before you guys go draw? Lmao.
ik, i was just pulling your leg. good studies

genuinely demonic, inhuman post. I dont' know what kind of spirits you're harboring in your soul, but to be this angry at Loomis, someone must've molested you as a kid
You're a dumb faggot. Drawing from life and copying from a photo are not the same thing. Copying from a photo is easier. It's already projected onto a 2D plane. Drawing from life is harder because you need to transfer 3D form onto a 2D plane. This is why everyone says drawing from life is more beneficial to your progress.
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>no real life naked people drawings
Need to up your game OP
Thanks, it’s hard to tell with ic lol

You’re honestly right, I definitely need to check out a figure drawing session nearby
Didn’t really get any advice on these last
thread so I’ll repost. Thanks OP. Open to advice from people that PTW.
Like I said last time, not a big fan of the shadow/shading on these. They feel like a crutch and a “trick” to hide the forms. Also they make my drawings look too “pretty” without really teaching me anything. Here’s one I tried using hatching the shade forms. I really really really need to study abdominal anatomy. Like I said open to critiques from anons that PTW.
Not sure why these are sideways sorry but I’m too lazy to repost.
What is it about the idea of life drawing that makes people on this board so cunty and defensive? Why are they so offended at the idea of drawing from life??
i used to be a life drawing fag, obsessed to the point where I'd bring my sketchbook to coffeeshops and sketch people who were waiting for their coffee. I did that for years and years, and can confirm that it's about the lowest ROI thing you can do for your art. Maybe life drawing class is a bit better, but not if you don't have a strong foundation. French academies and Renaissance artist workshops would actually prevent students who were too new from drawing from life. Intsead, they were made to work their way up from casts, Bargues, and copies, studying how to use lines to depict a nose, an eye, a profile view, a hand, etc. The idea is to train them to accurately copy what they see and build a sense for design of form. Only when they were advanced could they advance to the life drawing courses.

Life drawing itself is not useless when paired with a strong foundation, but if you throw a beginner before the life drawing model, they will in fact plateau and not improve for years, as evidenced by the thousands of mediocre artists today. What's lacking is not life drawing, but the rigorous training of the eye. People literally cannot copy accurately anymore. That's the lacking skill, and you won't get it from life drawing.
>I did that for years and years, and can confirm that it's about the lowest ROI thing you can do for your art.
If you’re saying that simply going to a cafe and sketching from life is all you did, no classes, no books, no theory, then yeah, you’re probably not gonna improve much. But I guarantee your life drawings absolutely did up the quality of your work whether you knew it or not because you were DRAWING. So this is bullshit. You’re on a board where people copy floating loomis heads all day and make gesture drawings from photographs. There is zero chance a life drawing class, or training in life drawing in an academy will not put you far ahead of those that simply copy photographs. Which I know you stated, so I’d concede that maybe, for some people, if not most, training is necessary because life drawing is a MORE COMPLEX SKILL that should require some training first. But once you have the training, (which isn’t much) you WILL up your drawing game tenfold by drawing from life A LOT.
>People literally cannot copy accurately anymore. That's the lacking skill, and you won't get it from life drawing.
Because the point is not just to copy (entirely). It’s to use life to understand perspective, form, and values on an intuitive level. If your goal is to make a 1:1 accurate drawing of life then yes, just “copy.” But if your goal is to LEARN from life, TO UNDERSTAND rather than COPY, to use life as an inspiration to make your drawings more dynamic, less flat, and more lifelike, then yes, you HAVE to study from life.
>Drawing from life and copying from masters are two completely different processes
except that you do the exact same thing while doing both
you measure shit and use your retarded hands to put down lines/values on paper
you're a fucking monkey
Where did the cunt say that "it's easier/harder"
you inbred gorilla?
Nowhere, you still do the EXACT same things while doing life drawing or copying shit from a photo you can pretend like you're some kind of wizard for doing it but you ain't.
And no before one of you spastics thinks I'm against life drawing I'm not but stop pretending like it's some super secret that'll magically turn you into fucking rembrandt or whoever the fuck you like.
bro you dont get it this is finally the magic bullet i need to get out of /beg/dom if i life draw i'll finally unlock the secret to being asian and drawing anime girls
in master studies, the whole aspect of simplifying/abstracting/improving upon reality is missing, the master already did that work for you
when drawing from a photo, the composition, subject choice and focus is already done for you
I see what you’re saying. One has to know how to copy a photo effectively before trying to learn from life. Of course if your eye isn’t trained, life drawing won’t benefit you, but copying from masters and drawing from life don’t train your eye in the same way. the two are completely different processes (as perfectly said by >>7341057), and copying from photos doesn’t mean that transitioning to life will be easier for the student. I’m gonna be completely transparent here anon I’ve been drawing for years and drawing from life is hard as fuck for me because I’ve been doing pictures so damn long. I’ve got the copying part down to a T but the 3D space , perspective and form element are only things that can be learned by drawing what’s in front of you and pictures can’t teach you that nearly as well. I hear that life drawing needs a strong foundation, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s overwhelmingly MORE beneficial to draw from life than anything else because life can answer questions no book, tutorial or picture will ever be able to.
They’re scared to draw from life, anon. It’s really that simple. It’s a massive step outside of their comfort zone. That fear is exactly why these anons need to draw from life
i agree that it is a little daunting I just started 1) drawing from life and 2) using pen to do it both of which are fairly new to me. I've copied objects in my room and house but I still find that a bit easier than just going to a park and sketching.


I'll post more soon. 2 years into drawing and I've come full circle and am once again learning from Vilppu - he has courses on every aspect of life drawing (landscapes, animals, people) and they are all good.
Those tree drawings are wonderful anon.lots of life in those leaves. Doesn’t matter if you’re in your house or the park, it’s great that you’re drawing from life
thx :)
Did another one today, think I improved on the abdomen by just simplifying it. 2 hr long pose.
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Some scooters a Cylinders and ellipses are still kicking my ass. Gonna try to work with them more and go back to base one. I feel like my brain just can’t wrap around them, but then again I don’t really draw them from life so we’ll see
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+ uni library. Chairs are hard
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Didn’t get to finish but can tomorrow. Forgot how fun drawing trees is
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>Also they make my drawings look too “pretty” without really teaching me anything. I really really really need to study abdominal anatomy.
There's plenty to learn by indicating forms with light and shadow, especially anatomy wise, keep at it. Supplementing with anatomy study will let you know what to look for and make your eye more keen. I'd also suggest to work larger so you have more room for those form indications.
You’ve probably never taken an art class or met any real artists/illustrators because if you had you would know that Andrew Loomis is a very, very, very well known illustrator and usually the first person people point those who want to learn to draw towards.
so nobody knows who the fuck he is? my post is still correct then :)
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first time drawing a landscape, harder than it looks!
Victor A Lundy’s WWII life sketches
Why did he dieded?
imagine killing a guy and then sketching him. Sociopathic
it's a good sketch though
/beg/ mindset. Draw everything.
would have been really cool if he used the dude's blood for the sketch actually.
the old dvd vilppu landscape videos are so good. highly recommend giving them a watch.
>/life/ general
But I don't have a life...
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New to art and never drew from life before so don't rly know what I'm doing but I enjoyed. I tried not to use a ruler much
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>you measure shit and use your retarded hands to put down lines/values on paper
With a master copy, you could perfectly copy everything exactly as you see it, both lines and values, because all the interpretation work has already been done for you.
When drawing from life, it's a completely different game. You don't copy, you interpret and construct. You could be working on one side of the torso, getting it perfectly, and by the time you move to the other side the model has moved. What do you do then? Do you copy an incongruent torso? You copy the face outline, and when you go in for the eyes and nose the model moves a quarter of an inch to the side. Do you copy the facial features onto a face that's not there anymore? And how do you copy values? How do you "copy" all the values between some dark black hair in shadow and a shoulder highlight with your HB pencil? If you are copying values, then please pyw so we can laugh at it.
Kek copyfags btfo
it's like people don't understand that the hardest thing about drawing from life is not what happens on the paper but what happens in your mind. It's not about replicating what you see on a white surface, it's about understanding, interpreting and restructuring reality.
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Very nice, was this at the Smithsonian, or a museum of some kind?
Very nice work, keep it up. Strong lines too

Good stuff, I love the way you draw leaves

100%. It’s a very different drawing experience. Really teaches you how to simplify and emphasize accordingly
Reupload. That’s what I get for phone posting. Live model sketch.
We're on /ic/ and loomis is famous on /ic/ so don't get upset.
Your average, non-artist person doesn’t know most of the artists we mention on this board, because…you guessed it, they aren’t artists. So this isn’t really saying much. Ask people on this board who the point guard for the Knicks is, they probably wouldn’t have a fucking clue, but if you go on a sports general they’d obviously know. Loomis is still incredibly popular in the art community, even outside of /ic/…proko made an entire video on his method and the “Loomis-method” is coined as a highly relevant term in the art community.
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Something simple. I’m enjoying chair drawing more than I thought
Bump, I’ve been the only one posting recently. Come on anons , go draw from life.
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Here anon, a fancy window I drew. I like to life draw with pen because it forces me to be more thoughtful with my lines, even if it comes out ugly sometimes.
Good job, anon. Nice subtle perspective. And drawing in pen for that reason is great; it’s why pen is one of the fastest ways to improve
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Something more abstract. Tackling my rubix cube next for perspective
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Tree drawing is unbelievably fun .
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Thank you anon
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J'aime votre dessins
Merci beaucoup, anon
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Man on the bus
Love to see it, great job on the face especially
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Watched Jurassic park 2/3 plus world today. All were pretty good
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Didn't get to finish the face on this so it looks derpy.
>copying Bridgeton skulls
I love literally everything but his skulls and faces are literal cancer that will legit fuck up how you draw shit. Just stick to loomis.
I wanted to go through the head section because I just can’t stand the idea of finishing the book and there being this huge ass chunk that I didn’t ignore, but what you said is making me reconsider. What makes you think his skills are that bad? I agree that Loomis has better faces and skulls but what do you mean by it’ll fuck up how I draw shit? Bc I’m not gonna go through it if that’s the case
It's just bad reference. It's disproportionate and won't really help you simplify the head for drawing. Thankfully bridgman didn't go too much into drawing heads but everything else is still good. Just stick to Loomis for heads his measurements are better for you to commit to memory.
Good stuff anon, really nice forms .
Good stuff, but those delts and traps are too skinny for such a big torso/pecs. The traps should extend a bit more to the sides, and the delts should be beefier. Talking about the figure on the right. And your two pecs are not equally proportioned.

Are you using any anatomy books? Bridgeman is a meme but still good, then there's Bammes, Lauricella, Peck, that big book from 3D Publishing with pics and drawings. Any of those will help you a lot.
Thanks, and yeah I see what you mean. I’ve studied a bit of bridgeman and anatomy for sculptors but I’ve heard iffy things about that one and how it tends to exaggerate muscle forms a lot, so I’ve been recommended Peck as an alternative so definitely gonna check that one out.
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In class
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Rubix cube
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Drew some brass knuckles
kek I used to do this too
Wait this is fucking great. Good job at capturing those forms

Very happy to see more and more anons drawing from life. Let’s keep it up.
Thank you :)
>draw people from life
>people don't stay still and move around or away
oh wow I'm sure glad I'm not one of those losers drawing from still photos
Davinci actually recommends drawing moving figures sometimes. Also it’s very easy to find people not moving much for 30 seconds or a couple minutes if you leave your house once in a while. It’s called sketching.
Or just take a figure drawing class. Fag.
People moving is what makes life drawing so hard, which is exactly why you should do it. Learn to try and capture elements of a pose in your head that you remember
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A lot of these drawings would benefit massively from learning perspective and reading some anatomy/figure books desu. There's a reason why people go from copying drawings -> sculptures -> people
>life general
>talking about books

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A healthy combination of both is best. I’m doing perspective made easy to tune up my perspective knowledge and taking what I learned and applying it to life to make it more practical and intuitive. Plus you can use life to study fundies, books aren’t even completely necessary. There are many ways to learn drawing
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Yall niggas are funny
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Chair I drew earlier this year.
>a lot of these drawings would benefit from more studying and practice.
Any more genius insight. Also, I noticed you forgot to post your life drawings in your response. Was this a mistake and you simply forgot?
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Good shit

They never have drawings to post themselves because they don’t draw from life lol
Hey there, anon! I noticed you posted a critique in the /life/ drawing general without posting any of your work. Unfortunately, in the life drawing thread, we do not take critiques from anons that do not post their work. If this was a mistake, simply respond to your comment with your work. Otherwise, either post your work along with your critiques, or refrain from posting your critiques. Best of luck out there. And remember to always draw from life!
Just finished the book to see this posted. Very based amigo, very based
Imagine spending this time being a sarcastic cunt instead of drawing from life and posting a drawing

Couldn’t be me.
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What I hate about lifedrawing is starting, because of scale.

Should I just doodle whatever random element I'd like as a reference and then draw everything else proportional to it?

Should I worry about how much is going to fit on the page instead? Should I think about composition or just draw a copy?
Should I cheat reality to make things look nicer?

I don't even go out, but I will soon move to a new place, small city with a slower pace of life, so I might start going out and sketching.
Hey there, anon! Actually, I’ve posted several in this thread! Here >>7371526 and here >>7368612 just to name a few. But I noticed you didn’t post any of your life drawings (once again) in your response, even though you posted that it “couldn’t be you” to post a quote unquote “cunty” response without posting your work to accompany it. Rather ironic, anon! Was this a mistake and you simply forgot? If deliberate, please refer to my previous comment in which I suggested you post your life drawings otherwise your words here have no value. Best of luck out there. And remember to always draw from life!
Your sentence format is pretty sarcastic to me, anon.
You should check out some of Kim Jung Gi’s fisheye/5 pt perspective drawings to see how he fits his entire POV and FOV in a drawing. Watch some vids on 5 point perspective.
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How's this long pose coming along? The size is slightly bigger than an A4. I need to start modelling the light now.
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I’m guessing you’re the anon that criticized us initially. You got the responses you did because it was vague as fuck. Going to a thread full of drawings and saying “you guys need more fig and perspective help” isn’t helpful at all, especially when you don’t tag the ones you’re referring to. It’s made worse by the fact that this is something people who draw from life eventually conclude THEMSELVES. I’m done with this. Just keep posting your life drawings and let this go.
Replying to the wrong person, buddy.
Scaling is the hardest part for sure. Perspective goes a long way with helping that, as well as counting how many elements of what you’re trying to include in your drawing, and what you want to simplify and emphasize .

>should I just doodle whatever random element I’d like as a reference

I think you should start with the most difficult element of what you’re seeing imo. Like if I’m drawing a figure, forming the spine from the head is super challenging for me, so I get that out of the way and work with what else I see. It’s hard to really explain. You just have to do it and figure out what works for you, because your brain will go tons of different directions when you draw from life. It’s what I love most about it:

I wouldn’t worry about fitting everything on the page. Chances are most of what you’re seeing won’t actually fit, so just get what you can.
I don’t think I am anon
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>still no response from copyfags nearly a month later
I was criticizing the anon who criticized the posters without posting his work. I wasn't the one who said you need more "perspective and anatomy studies." You're confused. Trust me.
I’m not confused anon. I was criticizing the anon who criticized us for criticizing the anon that criticized us. YOU are confused.
You said "im guessing you're the anon that criticized us initially." I am not, therefore, you are confused.
It’s looking really damn good anon. Idk if you’re done with the shading, but maybe shade the belly to be more spherical? If you were going to do that, it more it. Otherwise i think this is good work. Keep posting.
It’s not confusion. It’s the fact that we’re on fucking 4chan and nobody has names
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I'm Pete, nice to meet you.
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How do you guys get over the anxiety of drawing in public? I'm more self conscious because my drawing skills are poor
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Be proud of yourself - and take pride in- drawing people in public in the first place as a way to improve your skills. Don’t worry about how it’ll look, don’t worry about what others are thinking, and don’t worry about your perceived lack of skills- just worry about drawing. That’s the only thing you can control
I said the same fucking thing lmfao, but you get the memo.
I've had it with your shit, Pete.
This is part of why life drawing is so important. It builds confidence. I don’t mean socially (maybe that too) but in your art. Once you’ve sketched in public, at a museum, on the bus, at the park, in a class, drawing from reference at home becomes a LOT easier. Confidence in your abilities is important in literally any skill.
Just getting back into art again after many years, did this quick while on exercise bike so it's a bit messy from the constant moving, pretty happy with it, seems like good practice
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Drew a car.
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Good stuff anon

Good stuff as well. It’s definitely good practice, and you created a really interesting pov with the exercise bike lol
Thanks. Good to contribute to one of the few threads on this board where anons actually post their work.
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"why do you draw genitalia?"
"because it's there"
I remember Gi said he doesn't draw from life directly but will do draw roughly from memory moments from his day. I think that's they best way, don't try to be a human camera showing exactly what your eye sees, draw whats there irl but from your imagination
He did both. Stop being so transparent and trying to make excuses for why you dont want to take a sketchbook outside or why you just don’t want to draw.
> don't try to be a human camera showing exactly what your eye sees
this is not what drawing from life necessarily entails. There is an artistic component to drawing from life, the point isn't just to copy.
> draw whats there irl but from your imagination
How about both? Why the fuck are you telling people what not to draw? Post your work.
>constantly barge into other threads to talk about life drawing like a faggot
>2nd day of no new life drawings posted
yeah niggs gonna nogg
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Not OP, but actually I've been drawing primarily from reference these past few days. Because i draw from life, I draw from imagination, I draw from reference, I draw everything anon! Let's see your work.
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Cast done from "life"
Assuming this wasn’t from photo reference, nice work!
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Figure drawings from a couple years ago
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charcoal is so gay

Very nice
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this is the /life/ general, I wouldn't post photo-based work. I said "life" because some people say we should be drawing from actual living things and not an inorganic cast. And thank you! It took me 4 or 5 weeks, can't remember.

i drew my anime figure. can i post it here
Post it fagit
This motherfucker still hasn’t posted it
What about Krenz?
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Caught some people lacking on the plane lol
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He draw from life constantly
Of course he did. He drew constantly in general. Trying to claim otherwise is fucking cope. You simply do not get to his level otherwise.
He draws from life to learn, until he got good enough to change what life showed.
Bump, lets see some Christmas tree drawings and shit
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Working on shape language for the hand
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Unfinished live model drawing
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another with corrections from my teacher.
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Here it was unfinished before corrections. my teacher noted that there is a lack of planar understanding here which he was absolutely correct about (i.e lack of a clear side plane that should be visible on the body given the lighting of the setting.)
Only good drawings itt
Very, very nice work. Such strong perspective knowledge

All good drawings. I love the way you’re consistently applying those forms
The judge hath arrived. Did you forget to post your life drawing when you posted? I’m not seeing anything.
Once again, this motherfucker still hasn’t posted it
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nose cast guy here, ty. This is a 60 hour pose from life. My teachers say my form on the model is not as good as on the cast, but I'm trying. On my last day I noticed how badly placed the eyes are, way high up on the face.
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Neat. It's cool to see the studies of someone attending lessons
thanks, I do a lot of studying on my own as well. I love your style and strong use of perspective btw, any resources you can recommend for perspective? books, video courses, anything? They won't teach me any perspective where I'm at but I'd love to get to your level.
Spectacular work, glad to see it ended up well!

Once again, nice work
They're scared of life AND drawing. You put those two together and it causes a meltdown.
>they won’t teach me any perspective where I’m at

The only subject we ever work with is the human figure (full figure, portrait, self-portrait) so there's no real chance to learn perspective when it comes to a complex scenario like >>7410657 is working with. No landscape, no still life, no interiors or architectural pieces. Just the human figure. Limited, I know, but it's what I got.
And on top of that, it's the human figure in classical poses (19th century academic), so again, nothing to work with in terms of perspective.
This is really good. Nice work. How long was each session and was it daily? I’ve never done longer than a 6 hour pose and this is inspiring
thank you! It's a daily 3-hour session for a whole month, which comes out to 60 hours, give or take.
thanks again.
And thank you too. I don't think i have any perspective books to recomand in particular. I started with Scott's how to draw, but that one's more about hard surface objects in perspective and less on perspective itself. Still good, just brief. I learn most of what i know with observation and a lot of studying based on those math rules i learnt from there, or i guess in general perspective math rules. It's mostly intuition, not measurements. The math is just to build correct intuition.
Sick drawing but how was this drawn from life?
How can i draw the figure from life if i can't afford life drawing sessions or transportation to move very far from my house?
You can look at your naked body in the mirror and draw it. Quit making excuses
Thanks but i don't understand the hostility, i was genuinely asking since i was inspired by how good everyone who posted here is
I’m sorry, I took the original question as trying to shit on drawing from life as a premise by trying to say how difficult finding figures can be.
Do you think that will help me gain the same skills as a model drawing session? I fear it might be limiting since i'll only draw one body type
It definitely won’t, because of it being one body type, but I find it preferable to not drawing a body from life at all, so it’ll help you get better in general, but not at drawing different bodues
So it's still an improvement from drawing from pictures you think?
Other anon is right use a mirror or sketch real people in the world which likely won’t teach you too much about anatomy since they’re mostly clothes unless you live in San Francisco. Also, remember, using references and anatomy books is perfectly fine and better than nothing! It’s just that those are typically meant to be applied to a live figure.
Yes, a massive improvement. Always try to draw from life more than from photographs, if it can be helped.

I can't really leave my house currently, but i'll definitely follow the mirror advice, drawing with pictures help me check my acurracy more easily but i'm sure there's a workaround to that
There are other ways to study the construction of the human figure actually, using organic forms. Maybe study drawing broccoli, garlic, simple shapes that exist in the form such as boxes, tubes, etc. that’s the advice my teacher >>7407630 here gave me at least.
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Idk if they count, desu, sorry if not. It's drawing from memory of life, as in, i saw that scene irl but didn't have a sketchbook or such, drew it afterwards.
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quick studies, the goal was to learn about color saturation and not use white. I only put a tiny bit of white on the apple.
Damn, if that’s all from memory you have a crazy good memory. Super good work anyway.
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Had a weird urge to draw pillows
Drawing pillows is good for learning organic forms imo
Yes I agree
I found a weekly live model session for like 3 bucks a session, is live figure drawing once a week enough for improvement?
As opposed to what? Not drawing from a live model once a week? Yes it’s an improvement.
Don't be disingenuous, you know what i mean.
3 bucks? Hell yeah go for it
Absolutely. Live figure drawing is crazy good. I found a weekly group and I'm super hyped.
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I do this a lot, mainly at work.
Really good stuff. But please, invest in a sketchbook. Get some nice pens/pencils too.
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Did my first portrait class today. Used the block-in method for this which I normally really hate and never use for figure drawing but for portrait drawing I find it helpful.
This is great work anon. Out of curiosity, how close were students to the model?
i was about 4 feet away looking up at her.
First live drawing session was a complete failure, this was the only pose i could somewhat finish since i had to constantly re-start the drawing, hopefully i'm better prepared for next week
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When I draw things from life I often get overwhelmed by all the information, any tips? Anyway here's a drawing of my decorative skull, tried some things other than graphite and it turned out so-so
Failure? I’m gonna sound like a fortune cookie here, but you didn’t fail if you tried anon. Good job on going to a sesh
Nice work anon. Did you notice a difference between drawing the figure from life and drawing the figure from photo reference?
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I think your goal when drawing from life should be to feel the form and try to replicate the 3d space, which I think is what needs work here. The skull anatomy is fine, but some of the form communication is weak, especially around the mandible and zygomatic bone. Teeth too. I think you’d find pic rel helpful.
Day 2 of portrait class. WIP.

I would say just remember to breathe and most importantly, think, and think slow about the geometric forms and keep them simple.
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Forgot the file that’s embarassing
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I'm just so fucking tired, man.
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