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Exactly how many minutes, seconds, and books until I can draw a fox like this?
Mmmmmmmm I'm going to prescribe at least 250 boxes, stat
memory copy bargue twice from life
6,000,000 andrew bridgeman anime girls
>3rd ‘veri thread on the ‘ic
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id tried
File deleted.
second time is the chance
>second time is the chance
I meant ''charm'', autocorrected fucked me in the ass again, damnit
fiddle inspired me to start drawing, i can only hope i could draw fox girls nearly as cute as hers
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I just checked all her social media and she basically said that she doesn't put effort to get better at drawing.
She's a "stay in the comfort zone" Gal.
>Picrel is a tutorial made by her
0, trace it.
Not even kidding.
Copy the picture and post it and I'll tell you
looks like a nutty squirrel fox combination
very interesting gun i wonder which she holds
if you want the on model averi is kemono small snout huge eyes and most importantly very cute fox
It's crazy that you even have that. That's probably been gone for like what, over 4 years? Wtf else do you have?
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I did a thing.
That's not a fox. It doesn't look like a fox.
you are what is wrong with america you dumb furry
years of grinding boxes and loomis heads
then the /ic/ council will discuss the possibility of you starting to learn how to draw anime girl or cartoon beasts
It's a dbz fox that's why.
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hold on
dat artstyle...
Nta but what they posted looks nothing like that pic.
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disguised spam thread
A poor disguise at that, but you have to appreciate the art people are drawing for it. I don't know about you, but I find them pretty hilarious.
shitposting is what makes people draw so in a sense they are more useful then rage bait thread number 948223324
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vidya gaems?
this is great
I can see why she got canceled.
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How about drawing foxes like this?
Nice digits btw
kek, love it
love the style
She got cancelled because her artist was based on Twitter
300 Loomis boxes and 100 Hamptonian-Bridgmanian elliptoids should about cover it
>the joke heavily implies that was known
and yet i only got the joke when you pointed it out
If someone else told the same joke and it was the first time I saw it, I would've been like "Wait, what? Oh. He's shittin' on league. lol"

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