Is there any way to move beyond drawing like a 10 year old and having little to no creativity? I think I might need a mentor because I definitely wasn’t made for self-teaching. It feels like I’ve wasted three months just walking in circles
>>7441553You could start with posting work instead of a reaction image.
if you want specific advice on how to improve your studying methods, be specific about how you've been studying up until this point. e.g., how many days a week you've been drawing, how many hours a day, what resources you've used, how you've been studying them, how far you've gotten through them, etc. and like the other anon said posting your work would be helpful.
>>7441557Sorry, I've been following multiple guides without sticking to a single one out of desperation. I used KTD as a reference for some time
>>7441558that's something, but respectfully, could you answer the other questions I posed (and others, if you like) about how you've been studying?
>>7441553>It feels like I’ve wasted three months just walking in circlesI wasted years but now I'm serious.
>>74415533 months is nothing. It takes years to be good at this.
you were supposed to be having fun all those months, so it wasn't wasted. Getting mileage is good, you WERE having fun, right?
>>7441553>It feels like I’ve wasted three months just walking in circlesLearning art is just like this. Obviously the catch is that you don't want to actually be wasting time and learning nothing, but even while learning it can feel like that's what is happening. So you have to have a certain level of self awareness, while also not being too in your own head to the point you hold yourself back. As for how to draw more gooder, draw from life. Do specific exercises like "full body, 10 minutes". (this is what you do in art school) This also helps with comparison over time. I will feel like I have made no progress, then I see my drawings from a year ago and it looks like doodie compared to what I do now. For drawing more creative-like, think about what you want, what kinds of art do you wish there was more of. Try to get over your inhibition. I struggle from this. I think "that idea sucks" then I never pursue it. But ideas aren't just a thought, they are developed. Just like how drawing is something you build up, work back and forth with. You don't just do it all at once and it's perfect. You have to massage it, caress it, you have to kiss the neck of your idea, and really feel its curves.