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Art with an emphasis on landscapes, plants, animals, and mythical creatures are welcome!

>Wildlife Reference Photos:

Animals Real and Imagined:https://kupdf.net/download/animals-real-and-imagined_58cd8907dc0d60e255c3465e_pdf
An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists:https://anatomiaartistica.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/ellenberger-atlas-animal-anatomy-for-artists.pdf
Botany for the Artist:https://docviewer.xdocs.net/view.php
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hello nature frens. i'll post some that i already posted last thread just because i haven't had time to paint/draw much lately.
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this one's new- made it for a worldbuilding project of mine
oh my fucking god i hate 4chan's file size limit
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Begfag here. Tips for adding detail to a landscape, or anywhere I can look for advice on the matter?
Don't fuckin let this one die, too, faggots. Bump.
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Practicing anime background
not joking but go watch bob ross and look at how he adds details and try to find brushes that can replicate it or try to make your own
the default chalk brush in photoshop is a decent starting point
what the other anon said, honestly. also, this video halped me a lot with understanding how to add detail to my paintings, even if in the video the man's talking about drawing.
i also like watching speed paints, trying to analyze what, how and why the artists are doing what they're doing, even better of course when they *explain* their decisions.
i love this guy's channel. i really like his art and his speedpaints have helped me a lot, from composition, to color, to details.
Check out this book

Essential Techniques of Landscape Drawing: Master the Concepts and Methods for Observing and Rendering Nature https://a.co/d/hysfVGL
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Just started learning watercolor, what should I draw? Any animal reccomendations?
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and my best watercolor painting so far
Very nice work anon. Try a tiger, maybe? To expand your color range
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I originally wrote "Good suggestion, I struggle with tigers a bit, actually, but I'm willing to try", but I remembered that I already drew one recently again.
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Also have this griffin, although I edited it digitally a bit, if you can notice
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Cool, a new thread
draw a horse
mr. horse?!
Does this qualify?
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we just know that you're mentally ill
Could be an intentional stylistic choice, but I think varying your line thickness more would look good with your style.
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New tiger
Very nice work anon, I really love your style
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+failed donkey and tiger
I feel like your eyes are too cartoony to be real cats, they look like warriors, but I have this problem too (or it might be intentional)
Start focusing on the shapes and materials. How light interacts with a reflective surface, how colors change hue depending on the lightsource and try to block them out as 3D objects almost resembling that cotton candy stuff.
Also don't be afraid to study challenging perspective or subject matter.
A street view, the setting sun, lots of bounced light and maybe some building still being lit up by it, a car in the foreground, some people walking, reflections in the asphalt, ambient shadows all over the place.
You grow by challenging yourself.
In this particular painting you could add a new layer and practise reflections on the surface of the water. Also the clouds (particularly the top ones) are a bit flat.
If you're working with a reference don't be afraid to alter and stray from it.
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I'm gonna have to learn to draw them first so please feel free to point out mistakes
Third one looks like Play with Gilbert
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fair remark, feline eyes are hard to do. Cute art
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there is clearly no need for a thread like this. 90% of the posts are bumps, and if it reaches 50 posts in a month its saying a lot.
just use the other 2 threads we have for this, either beg+int or trad
i like nature
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That's fair. Won't force another thread after this one dies, but I'll keep this one up until it dies since it's allready been made.
>we need to make room for more off topic ai/porn/bait/twitter drama/whining threads
No, fuck off.
This is one of the only good threads on this board. So no. Plus 90% of the posts aren’t bump, there are plenty of pieces here
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Fuck you this thread is based and naturepilled. Hide it and go hang out in coom general if you hate it so much.
6 posts in 7 days since I posted that. 5 of those were replies to my post (1 from OP himself) and 1 was a bump also from OP.

I do like nature and trad work, but theres not enough participation in this thread to make it worth, the first post was a bump ffs. This is basically OP's blog. There is nothing he is achieving here that he couldnt achieve on the trad or int generals. He'd get more people appreciating / critiquing his work that's for sure.
The only thing we miss out on are the links, but if OP gets them in a single pastebin link I guess they could be incorporated into beg+int's OP
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Cope, seethe, dilate, etc. Over half the posts are people posting their work. If you think this thread breaks a rule, report and hide, otherwise fuck off. Simple as that.
gorgeous brushwork!
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Crossposting one of my nature studies

IMO amount of drawings posted is more important than a speed of the thread. It's more useless to have quick threads where everyone argues and no one draws, which negates the purpose of this board in the first place (drawing).
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