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Previous Thread: >>7337213

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others! Don't take anything personal!
Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 2000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials
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did a self portrait
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Wow. How long did this take you and what is your process like?
It took about 3 hours, and I will probably remember to record a timelapse one of these days.

- Research
- Sketch
- Clean up the sketch, don't bother lining
- 50% gray base color
- Paint in grayscale lighting, pretend you're painting a figure made of gray clay. Shadows and highlights all on the same layer. Do the lighting colors here if need-be, just no material colors.
- Merge it all
- Colors over top on overlay. I like to block in colors with a big airbrush, and clean it up later. Lets them bleed into each other for a bit, and helps harmonize the color palette.
- Merge again, and paint over it, clean up, blend.
- Do some PP stuff
- Fin
Thank you very much. I've tried a similar workflow in the past, but I can never get the transition from greyscale to color right. I'll try it again soon.
Hmm so thats why your work always looks so messy and flat usually. Makes sense.
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this is a general example of my current ability (2hrs), its pissing me off because its nowhere near where i want to be
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new to body drawing
can someone help me with this shitty proportions?
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Messy, yes. Flat, no.
You can just as easily do really formy stuff with the same method. But I don't like it. There's a delicate balance to be had with the rendering for cartoon-ish stuff so it doesn't start looking uncanny or coom. Honestly, I learned the most about drawing characters by just stopping myself from shading completely.

Closer than you think. You might actually be rushing too much. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
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I wanted to try new perspective. slight overhead 3/4. Not sure if I pulled it off
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lovely art and great advice as well
dunning kruger sama i kneel
I want to lick and kiss her neck and armpit
Do you look like this anon? *_*
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just some sketchs
probably will lineart the ones up top as welll later
How did I do?
If I post my stuff in here,will the thread be abandoned?
But.. bu... it's something that I worked really hard on.

Would you believe that it's a bunny girl with a massive veiny horse cock?
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wanted to make a series of redrawing monster hunter renders but already gave up on the second one
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Pretty good, I feel like you're not going hard enough on the clothing shadows. The face has that nice cripsy gothic feel, but it starts getting a bit goofy and plastic looking toward the bottom. Don't have to do anything fancy over there, just get some more harsh blacks down there.
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Cook me up
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Posting anyway!

>*scratches head*
Nice shapes, they hold great energy! you did a wonderful job simplifying while keeping Tigrex charm. What was the other monster?
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tryna get better
did he died
Plenty to go after, but I'll just say the fray on her shorts looks like varicose veins
rathalos, he's too detailed and ugly imo
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I feel like I need to actually start doing exercises to stop being ngmi, but those are so demoralizing
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Cook it
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I do a lot of these unplanned organic things when I'm totally wiped out. I skip pencil and do them straight with pen. This is like a warmup crossed with decompressing from the day
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Any criticism is welcome. How to get better with backgrounds?
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>Merge it all
>Colors over top on overlay.
Absolute madlad tactics. I'll try this next time because I love your colors. Also what kind of PP stuff do you do? I'm guessing the grain texture. Could you post the drawing without PP?
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This one really doesn't look significantly different without the PP. The colors are mostly a result of an orange color fill on the shading layer. Just think of what color the lights in the room are, and fill with that.

- Grain, fairly small, overlay, ~10%. Larger grains look better with simple lineart. Small grain looks better with dense detail.

- Gradient map full of random colors, Color mode, ~5-10%. Causes a lot of banding, but the grain will help dither it, as will the next step. (Didn't use it on this one, it's meant to mimic defects in vintage lenses, but didn't really fit with the classical theme here)

- Duplicate entire image, blur it slightly, and set to color at ~10-20%. Blurs the hues together a bit. It's another thing meant to mimic old film, but I think it just looks nice anywhere. Really desaturates things, though, so not great if you want really poppy colors. Sometimes also split the color channels on this layer, and shift them around by a couple pixels.

- Add some sharpness. Gives it a bit of 3D texture, desmoothes the blurry perlin gain. Stronger adds a bit of a physical paint effect. If you use photoshop, could probably also use the emboss filter.

Didn't do these here:
- Sometimes, bitcrush the entire thing. With a good handle on realistic lighting, some compression artifacts can make very convincing looking images. CSP doesn't let you adjust the jpg quality, so I use this thing:

- Additional step, I sometimes do is to change the color from 3 channel to 2 channel, again a film thing. Split the image into RGB, delete B, hue shift the G to cyan, and set everything to add on top of a black fill. Gives that 60s Technicolor color palette. Looks best in outdoor daylight scenes.
You have great work anon. Not a fan of the straight lines, but they are useful for ref.
I'm not an anime fan, but you've posted some good stuff
Very interesting, I've always shied away from filters but I can really see a difference in your stuff. Makes it feel more tactile, a bit more organic on the screen. I know what you're talking about because I've tinkered with editing/drawing software for 10 years, but man figuring this stuff out is hell. Since you're clearly good on digital, got any resources you could share?
Do studies. Draw something on a piece of paper, take a photo of it, and try to recreate the photo from scratch. That kind of thing. There's definitely tutorials on this stuff, it's what photoshop is actually supposed to be for, after all. But I think it's more valuable to just work it out on your own so you're actually giving yourself more tools to work with, rather than just going through the motions because someone else told you to.
what kind of studies did you do to get this good? astonishing skill...
Well yeah, I've done a couple throughout the years. The problem I have with digital is that a bunch of tiny things feel off. Linework always miffs me, are the pressure settings I'm using actually good? I usually eyeball it. Is this brush good for shading? I think I'll experiment. Is this combination of hotkeys actually useful? What about shortcuts? How to use layers and colors?

Like, I appreciate the sentiment of 'keep trying' (and I will) but there's gotta be something out there that can kinda lay out the groundwork on how to "get" digital. I can do watercolors and oils just fine, but digital is just such a myriad of options and settings I just get overwhelmed.
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I don't really do a ton of straight 1:1 studies. I'll copy the lighting, or the mood, or the style, but try to do my own thing with it. TV, movies, memes, magazines, games, etc. And a lot of intersectionality in there too. Just as hobbies I do stuff like gardening, programming, engineering, automechanics, music, history, whatever. It doesn't seem like it matters much on the face of it, but to create an interesting image, it helps to be interesting and interested.

The truth is there isn't really any groundwork. There's any number of ways to do things, and most of them work. You don't have to use everything there either. I really only use 2 blending modes: Overlay and Color. You can build yourself a palette to stick to. Use Rebelle. If you don't like linework, don't do linework. I certainly don't.
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I did this one a couple weeks ago. I like how the hair turned out. I feel like I am always painting hair all the time, it never ends.
Jace, your heads always look so weird like they're out of proportion to the rest of the body and the neck is waay too thick.
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The hair is probably a bit too big on top and I can shrink that down. The actual head size seems alright to me though. Same for the neck. I think the way the hair frames the neck might imply it's larger than it is, so I can bring in the hair a bit to "squeeze" that part.
her neck is massive bro
the rest is very nice, i rly like it
I'm loving the gun under the microscope thing going on
The head is still far too big, unless she's supposed to be like 14, in which case, that's creepy.

You're using anime proportions with realistic features, so it looks uncanny. The neck size is technically correct in relation to the head, but not to the body.
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Looks fine to me
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Well I made the hair smaller so the head looks smaller, and tightened the hair around the neck to make it look thinner.

If I made the head any smaller it would just be out of proportion and tiny.
And just to say, it's about 7 heads tall when I draw out the legs so it's average now.
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You sure about that? Unless her legs are Sailor Moon proportioned, she's only about 6head. And an extremely thin 6head. You could fit her on a bookshelf sideways.
check the width
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Your 7 heads is a bit exaggerated there, but she's still around 6.5 heads... which honestly is perfectly fine. A head being 2.5 heads rather than a full 3 is also perfectly fine proportions. Throughout the 50-70s, pinup illustrations had these proportions pretty commonly. Larger heads for pinups is the norm. Just like making the eyes bigger, the noses smaller, and the lips fuller while remaining smaller as well. These aren't just anime things, they are common throughout illustration history.
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If there is one thing I know, it's pretty lady pinups.
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1. Feet aren't that long I drew them (badly) in perspective. The lines are measured correctly.
2. Even in your references, the legs are much shorter, not even half the total body length.
3. If you don't do a hack job cutting up that right reference, she's actually over 7 heads tall.
4. I don't know what the width comparison is there for besides to demonstrate that her ribcage is almost quarter head too thin (being generous)
You are clearly blind. The girl on the right, Ryonen, is 7 heads tall. No stylization at all. The pinup on the far right is only 6 heads tall, not even close to 7. Ryonens head is 2/3rds of here shoulders (and she's puffing out her chest like in the picture next to that one).

Then compare that to Vargas pinups >>7400320 which even with elongated legs, are 6 heads to 6.5 heads. A stylized pinup. The shoulders are again, less than 3 heads wide. The chest is exaggerated for the corset, while the one on the far right isn't.
>Massive neck

I dated a girl like that, she was very attractive but very insane.The last time we had sex she put my hand on her neck so I could choke her I do not think it could fully wrap around. In order to get over her I started calling her Gul Dukat

Oh and btw I'm the first person who replied to you I left to do other things a while back. Look at the neck on >>7400337 overlay look how different it is. Maybe you learned how to draw from modeling photos and do not know that they protrude their necks in order to get a more defined jawline in the picture?
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and lastly, since we are going full autism mode at this point and I have no idea why anyone would care this much, the body type I was going for is petite. I like smol girls. My ex was like 5ft2in and asian. Jenna is 5ft1in, so her proportions are more in line with my painting.

Was lenient with the head count because of the shoes and one foot in front of the other, you can maybe squeeze it into 6.5 heads if you really, really wanted to. As for chest size, 2 heads, maybe a tiny bit more. The thing about Ryonen is that she is very curvy, she is not a petite girl. And neither are vargas pinups, they are meant to be extremely curvy. with an hour glass shape.

Loomis is meant to be realistic... for the most part. His "heroic" proportions of 8 heads is ridiculous. Every pinup to ever exist will stick to 6-6.5 heads.
The far right one is 6 heads tall... if you forget that knees bend from the front, not the back. And that she has a tall hairstyle. And that her head is like a whole 30 degrees off axis. You literally picked the longest possible line you could get through a head, and decided that was a good meter stick.

Ryonen doesn't have the hips of a 12 year old, nor is her head actually that big. If you actually match up the shoulders, you can clearly see the massive difference in head size.

Holy fuck, you're actually being bad faith with those measurements. If you don't measure from the tips of the ears like an asshole, her body is actually about 2.5 heads wide. If you do the same thing with yours it's 1.5 heads, your measurements have like a 50% margin of error.
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>The far right one is 6 heads tall..
I have it at 6.5 and even if you say I'm being generous, 7 heads would be the max. With heavily elongated legs at that. The other one is straight up 6 heads, there is no debating that one.
>Ryonen doesn't have the hips of a 12 year old
Your hips are smaller than your shoulders. her shoulders are at most 2.5 heads. You have to be blind to see something other than that. I didn't even measure her hips so I don't know why you even bring that up but still. Hips<shoulders. It's anatomy.
>tips of the ears
I clearly overlapped them so it would be cheek on cheek. I cut off the main heads ears completely. How can you not see that? Even pushing them right up next to each other and eliminating the ears completely, she is still 2 heads, maybe 2 and a quarter. Plus she's wearing fucking shoulder pads.
>yours it's 1.5 heads
You are fucking blind, again.
>50% margin of error
maybe 10%. You are seriously trying way too hard.
this also shows the neck was fine from the beginning. How you get "1.5 heads" from that I have no fucking idea. Jenna's is clearly less than 2.5 and far from loomis 3 heads.
I like it! Nice work, anon.

Been playing the beta. Super clean work.

Please push the dark values more. You're very close to finishing this.

Probably a compliment, but this looks like AI. Very large head. Very strange cranium overall. Absolutely lovely color and composition. I wanna render hair this well eventually.
Look man, I'ma be real. If you can't take criticism, I don't know why you're posting here, you're practically bullying yourself. All you had to say was "The head's not big I just like em small", but you had to clap back and argue she's totally 7 heads tall. Or wait, it's 6.5. Wait, no, it's 6-6.5. Here's a model that proves my point, oh wait she's not the same body type nooo you can't compare those. Get a grip man, take it on the cheek, move on.
I pretty much argued that it's 6.5. I estimated 7, and I was wrong and just said 6.5. I provided examples of real life people that were 7 heads tall and examples of people that were 6 heads tall. I showed examples of illustrations that were 6.5 and 6 as well. Someone complained about width for no reason at all and I posted an example of someone with 2.5 heads of width that was the same as mine. Because my cutouts weren't 100% perfect, someone had to bitch about them and then I went back to fix them to show that yeah, they were 2.5 heads like I said. Then someone just says "No bro yours is 1.5" when it clearly fucking isn't.

I brought up the body types because while the heads might be the same height, the shape is different. Vargas and Ryonen are curvy, I like petite. Mine was meant to be petite. I wasn't complaining about anything, I was just pointing that out.

I took the criticism, I made the head smaller a long time ago. It was the hair that was causing the problems so I made it smaller and got rid of the tangent on the neck line that made it appear thicker than it was. At that point it should have been done, but for some reason people felt the need to be autistic and say "It's not 7 heads, it's 6.5" and I just pointed out why that doesn't matter at all because that's still normal. I also just wanted to say that pinup art always makes the head larger and less than 7 heads, just as a little trivia. It's based on history.
Nah senpai you are cracked
Her face, her hair, the reflection on the hair, it's all fucking beautiful, incredible work anon.
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The pencil version...
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And after a touch of black gel ink.
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Painting freestyle, process in-between so you can see how bad my process is. I really need to become more efficient with time/output.
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Wish I wasnt so fucking lazy
You're not lazy, your disinterested in what your drawing. You should be beaming out "oh, that would be cool" "oh shit" etc. if not you're probably not having fun with your subject thus turning you off for a bit.
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Im super into my own ideas, I'm really just a lazy fuck
Executive function and all that
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Starting a black metal project soon, figured I’d draw a potential album cover for inspiration. I kinda wanted it to look like shit, but now I think it looks like shit, but doesn’t look shitty enough to look like the shit I want it to look like. If that makes sense. Suggestions?
Very cool style. Gives me a similar vibe to some of the stuff from Walter Moers
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