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A general for whatever miniscule portion of New Zealand's 5 million citizens would be the type to post here, or on 4chan at all.
discords, meetups, discussion of new zealand, memes, pics, anything really
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cmon dont die
David Seymour is right, those who are opposed to the bill are simply idiots who prefer to have less rights because "colonisalism"
My discord is street_pharmacist2000 btw
Any oldfags from tinychat/nzcam days?
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Gay fag wellington puppyboy who's not actually gay but is just skinny with femboy gear and likes the attention here.

How do we feel about the maori chimpout in parliament a few days ago?
maybe they had good reason to do that, but if they wanted to make a statement they could have just declared they were against the bill and ripped it up, they didn't have to bring that gay ass dance into it
the haka is the fucking definition of a forced meme and the maoris just make themselves look dumber and more cringe every time they do it
new zealand in general has a problem with taking the few things we have going for us and running them into the fucking ground, like the ghost chips ad or the whole "LAWD O DEM RANGS WUZ FILMED HEAH ZOMG HOBBITS WAOW" shit, but i can't be suprised given we have fuck all going for as a country given how small our population is and how much we're essentially just diet australia with no history
australia keeps stealing our shit, like pavlovas, fairy bread, and "yeah nah yeah"
at least we have fejoas. thats good, we get to have that all to ourselves. luv me a good fejoa
Anyone on kik ?
5 million already? I know it's not a conscious decision, but I feel like it's fitting to still have the Queen here. Doesn't feel like any other monarchs will ever have any "power" or "majesty", at least once King Charles passes.
>cmon dont die
Bump. I feel that. I remember browsing the archives to find an old NZ thread on here.
I am not a fan of the way Seymour did things. Though I can't say I am really much of a fan of him at all to begin with. It reminds me of the USSR's gambit to join NATO. I agree with Luxon on this one being too simplistic for something that is pretty complicated. If Seymour wants to wipe the slate clean and (in good faith, honesty, with a well-planned out plan) introduce something that provides satisfactory equity in wording that does well with equality, he can do try and do that. But that is separate from mucking about with the treaty isn't the way to do it.
Personally, I don't really care too much about the haka thing. Mostly just the stupid responses I see made by people who don't know what they're talking about. Spreading the moriori myth. Fucking horrendous.
Not sure if I would put the Haka next to the ghost chip ad. One is tradition (even if you don't like it) and the other is nostalgic pop-culture. Not the same.
> just diet australia with no history
We have a history, just that people don't pay too much attention to it because it ultimately wasn't that influential outside of small things in New Zealand. I've been wanting to get into more NZ history. Slowly, very, very slowly. There is interesting things here but the sources are scarce and there is little attention paid towards them in the first place. Bit of a shame, really.
> luv me a good fejoa
I feel like this sort of "chill, humble guy in the room" persona we want to keep up might be why we don't really like loud performative actions.

My disc is bernardfreyburg
Just read up on freyburg's wiki page recently, is all.
> he can do try and do that. But that is separate from mucking about with the treaty isn't the way to do it.
,he can try and do that. But that is separate from from mucking about with the treaty. This isn't the way to do it.*
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tiny nz tiddies
Idk anon from what I have seen from NZ posters they mostly just spend there time posting the gay which is pretty cringe.
Does anyone still watch rugby or has the league disease well and truly taken over?
What a faggot
Trying to save this thread, because I want kiwi anons to talk to
Bumping. Post tags anons!

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