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Post here if you consider yourself an incel
>money situation:job/uni/neet
>picture or looks/10
>dick size
>reason for inceldom
>General 3
>money situation:job/uni/neet
>picture or looks/10
>dick size
>reason for inceldom
social anxiety + all the aforementioned
Well bumped the thread and someone posts. Good to know, good to know.
>>money situation:job/uni/neet
In school, fuck all money
5'7" 170cm
>>picture or looks/10
I look most like the guys in 4 and 5
>>dick size
6.6" x 5.4"
>>reason for inceldom
Autism, ugly, short. Girls just fucking hate me.
>money situation:job/uni/neet
make ~150k+/yr - depends on overtime
engineer, in grad school (professional program while working
>picture or looks/10
have been told I am attractive or decent looking
>dick size
smallish (~5-5.5 in x 4 in)
>reason for inceldom

>never tried for a relationship
>thought I'd meet a girl by chance through friends/work/etc
>began to socially isolate self in college over a >sense of shame over my life - related to the lack of relationships and lack of career at time
>watched everyone I know slowly get married or have kids
>made me feel worse about myself by comparison
>introspected about why i ended up in my current situation
>feedback loop of rumination and introspection
>further decided to socially withdraw out of a sense of shame to avoid making others feel a sense of pity or awkwardness
>never tried online dating
>view self too inadequate to deserve a relationship now
>too old to explain away experience
>view self as too boring after years of anhedonia
>work a job with few women - very odd/demanding hours
>was overweight/chubby most life until got fit in late 20s.
>never leave house other than work or gym
>invisible to women, not even considered a prospect
>don't want a hook-up - want a relationship >likely overlooked flirting due to that and self-hatred, as don't believe any compliments are genuine. usually believe they are social niceties or hold ulterior motives
>avoid letting anyone close as assume they will see how terrible i actually am

mainly just depression and self-hatred. possibly mild avoidant personality disorder (though I don't like labels - was diagnosed long ago but don't trust the mental health system here)
>money situation:job/uni/neet
>picture or looks/10
been described as 3.
>dick size
>reason for inceldom
idk autism probably. think i just hate myself and refuse to make friends though
>money situation:job/uni/neet
Used to make 6 figures after uni, currently neet for 2 years
>picture or looks/10
>dick size
6 length, 6 girth
>reason for inceldom
Autism, depression and bad mental
29, going to be a wizard in about 4 months
>money situation:job/uni/neet
ICU nurse, make like 80k a year which is not a ton because I live in a HCOL area
>picture or looks/10
2-3/10, I'll post if anyone is interested but I've posted on virgin/ugly threads before
>dick size
7" on the mark, not important if women don't want to see though
>reason for inceldom

Face looks like it was slapped together with clay by a 5th grader

Visibly balding but my head is large and oblong so I can't shave it

Beard won't grow on both sides of my face right on my jawline

Skin is shit with acne scars and is still incredibly oily

Women in my area have incredibly high standards due to the ratio of men:women here

All of my hobbies are male dominated and my coworkers are all 45 years old and married

Used to be an extrovert but work drains my willingness to go out and talk to strangers because that's what I fucking do all day at my job
Sharing and talking about thick brown zoomer whores i know with interested incel anons

Nerotns on discord or kik
Who put Anthony Davis at 3
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>money situation:job/uni/neet
>picture or looks/10
6/10 i guess
>dick size
7.7 in.
>reason for inceldom
Mentalcel and looks
>ICU nurse
I wanna see
>money situation:job/uni/neet
make 80k a year
5'6" lole
>picture or looks/10
like a solid 5 or a 6 on a good day
>dick size
6.5" inches
>reason for inceldom
anxiety, socially awkward, dont like going outside much and women have treated me like shit all my life so fuck them. I try to make a dating profile and they just want to be entertained. im gonna be a wizard soon so maybe I can just focus on making money intead.
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>money situation:job/uni/neet
I've been fired 3 months ago, I've been failing at my meme online coding classes - I don't like computers and don't study at all - currently NEETing and two cunt hair away from actually roping or slitting my wrists and dying like a pig bleeding on the floor.
>picture or looks/10
Brown, never began.
>dick size
>reason for inceldom
Born in a thirdworld shithole, dad's is a deadbeat far-left communist mix of Alex Jones and Joe Rogan, checks for all the requirements of DSM5 narcissistic personality disorder, wouldn't listen to Jesus if he appeared in front of him. He drives an Uber in Portugal.

My mom is an orphan doormat SA ridden with a inferiority complex who clings to controlling narcissistics. She divorced my stupid father and tied the knot with a retard lefty dyke radfem who's been trying to get rid of me since I was 15 and has thrown me in the streets and paid for me to live in random peoples basement since then.

I'm probably on the spectrum, depression, TAG and ADHD. Can't get off bed if I don't take my Vyvanse pill, still can't do shit with it besides daydreaming about not being a total dysgenic fuck-up. Never began.
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Only one from work I have, can't take pics on the actual unit due to HIPPA BS
I want sex but haven’t had any in 3 years. I never go out and I have 0 personality
>BROKIE 4 figure net worth, probably going to law school next year
>6’.75” with 6’4” wingspan (naturally broad) @ 170lbs
>blue eyes thick lashes and brows, George Washington nose, weak jaw and weak chin sadly
>7.5” non bone pressed x 6.2” girth
>no confidence no personality and I’m a bad person and I don’t deserve sex
from this image you don't look unattractive anon, chin up, it gets better

>money situation:job/uni/neet
Full time press operator


>picture or looks/10
4 because I'm obese, could maybe reach 5 if I try harder

>dick size
Flaccid: 1.5"
Erect: 6"
A fucking grower

>reason for inceldom
Asperger's, complete lack of self esteem, crippling social anxiety. Am currently trying to date but, to no surprise, I'm getting absolutely zero attention from anyone. I don't blame anyone but myself. If it weren't for my belief in Christ I'd have painted the ceiling by now
>money situation:job/uni/neet
broke in an endless loop working 2 shitty jobs that take all my time and let me keep no money
>picture or looks/10
i'd say about 7 or 8. its not my looks holding me back, though i could use some muscle. i go to the gym but never really gain
>dick size
grower, 1 to 5 on a good day
>reason for inceldom
too broke, moral, and autist to be a real man. even if i could afford to do anything in this world, let alone date, i hate everything its become, all the hoops I'd have to jump through and keep going through to have a modern girl, or even friends. i dont understand or care about social media, and want to be in my 80s - 90s bubble, listening to rock and watching old sitcoms. i hope trump will start to fix things, starting by making it possible to get a good job again. aside from the shit jobs not one place has even interviewed me in a year.
i did have 3 gfs throughout my years, most recently my oneitis i always loved--after she was older and done with the chad carousel, but never had real sex, only with clothes on, where she came and i got sore. then she cheated anyway and if someone as nice as her isnt safe, who is? i am still casually holding out for love i guess..i dont want to play the tinder game and hopelessly compete for broken sluts, due to my dick i'd probably be no good at hookups anyway even if i wanted it and all the risks that come with it. I did pay a streetwalker $10 to let me motorboat her tits for a bit when i got desperate. for now just gotta keep grinding away to get money and probably end up with a hooker in vegas in a few years if love doesnt save me outta the blue first.
Aw, you're actually pretty cute, definitely not a 2-3. Would def try flirt in the med room if we were on the same unit. Any chance you're in Florida lol
>money situation:job/uni/neet
I got a nice job. It doesn't pay a lot but at least I'm in a non toxic environment, I enjoy it there and I've working there for about 2 years now, so I know the job pretty well.
1,76 / 5'9"
>picture or looks/10
6, a good day a 7
>dick size
12cm / 4.7
>reason for inceldom
I'm gay so I don't care about girls. Thing is, even if I'm an average Joe, I still got situationships or even some relationships. But men in the gay community have so much high standards, it's impossible and exhausting to meet the criteria. I mean, even they themselves don't have the looks they're looking for in a guy. He "has to have a big dick, be a 10/10, a gym freak, intelligent and funny". There are available and friendly guys, but most of the times they are fat and ugly. So the dating pool for me is very tight. It's like there's no hope...
>>money situation:job/uni/neet
recently finished college, left home, currently working minimum wage shit work but able to make it work on my own, and looking for a "real" job
5'5 iirc?
>>picture or looks/10
0/10. On higher end of healthy BMI, shitty long hair that nobody likes, facial hair that women hate
>>dick size
never measured but Im assuming its small
>>reason for inceldom
I am an unmasculine undominant unconfident man who does not want to have the dark triad chad personality. I also have strong left wing progressive values, I want an equal loving soft relationship without any gender roles/dominance/hierarchy shit in it, which means not even left wing women want me since they still only want dominant chads. Also I don't want kids and I'm awkward and boring and dumb
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>money situation:job/uni/neet
taking classes
working part time
doing a side hustle
>picture or looks/10
about a 2/10
>dick size
>reason for inceldom
Looks, IQ, Race, Height. The only relevant reasons.

tag is wifeceladdict add me if you wanna hear me complain
Nah ha float between Utah and Colorado, I've never set foot in Florida somehow.
Well thanks, lighting and the hat probably make me look better here than I actually am but I'll still take it
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Anon I'm 27F and had similar situation, thought I'd just attract someone because I'm slightly above average now after growing up kinda ugly and awkward, but it didn't happen so far. And most people my age just want to hookup. What are your hobbies?

Job (govt employee)


Solid 7.5/10

8 inches

I'm sort of both an incel and a volcel.

Volcel because I can't stand most women's personalities. Most of the ones in my life are like overbearing mothers, attempting to control or heavily judging the way I live and the choices I make. Not that it works, I simply disregard the opinions of most women, but it is grating to listen to as it is, and I'd prefer not to make it worse by dating any of them.

Incel because, in the rare case I encounter a woman who does not act like this, I am far too petrified to act because I fear rejection and don't know how to flirt. I was raised to focus exclusively on academics with strict parents as a child and as a result missed out on learning how to do that while all my peers got ahead of me.

These two factors combined, that most women aren't worth my effort, and that I can barely speak to the ones that are, have resulted in what will inevitably be a lifetime of purity.
>money situation:job/uni/neet
>picture or looks/10
>dick size
1 inch
>reason for inceldom

Wanted to add onto this that I quit my job to take care of a sick parent and am planning to go back to working. I've always avoided girls that were into me as it felt too foreign bc I was ignored until my late teens by girls and I become too jaded after that to date. I tried last year, but it seems everyone is too focused on hook ups or are misandrist in general. It's too difficult to relate to women anymore as it seems many have already had relationships before while I focused on my career and I know too little about them to have things go natural. I also think too many people want to take things too fast and finding someone that likes to take things slow is near impossible.
>Money's not great, I work as a freelance illustrator for small gigs, but I'm trying to make more.
>Probably a 5 in the past, more like a 3 now.
>Who cares

I honestly just never really understood how to actually begin dating to begin with, and I'm just not a very outgoing person. So even in situations where I worked or was around girls, I just didn't really ever have an interest in talking to them. Now I'm too old, despite still being basically the same person I was at 22, so I've got nothing that women around my age want, and I'm also not the kind of person younger women would want, and even if it weren't the case I work from home and I live around mostly old people so unless it's on some dating app or whatever, I'm never going to engage with other people anyway.

years of anhedonia kinda ate away at me. feel like i never have time to do much anymore. when I do want to do stuff, I am paralyzed by guilt thinking I should be doing something productive.

largely just play vidya and lift now. It's all I really have time to do between working a lot of overtime and grad school.

>tinker with stuff (servers, 3D printing, mining rigs, etc)
end up doing this a bit as I can at least justify it as a learning experience or slight side cash (e.g. mining or selling some 3D print stuff). As I get older this taken more precedence than vidya
>some outdoorsy stuff (less than I used to) - hiking, skiing, snowmobiling/fourwheeling (don't really do this much anymore - have a motorcycle now)
>used to play sports growing up - now only real "sport" I do on my own is disc golf which is just an excuse to hike a bit on my own
>teaching self piano, used to play trombone (for years, played into college) and guitar
>learning a couple languages (japanese/german)
>like to travel
don't do this often despite liking to. feels awkward traveling by yourself, though I actually don't mind it that much. you can blame any awkward behavior on a language barrier or different culture. Don't do it to avoid the awkwardness and to avoid the cost while trying to save/invest atm (want a house)
>>money situation:job/uni/neet
side gig as musician
>>picture or looks/10
>>dick size
>>reason for inceldom
There's not enough single white women my age, I refuse to date fats and I refuse to date browns
>money situation
min wage from part time. Took time off looking for a full-time (I kinda regret doing this for the past 6 months) to upskill and work on a project. I wanna go back to apply for full-time so bad.
>picture or looks
>dick size
like 5.9. shy of 6 in.
>reason for inceldom
I definitely have some undiagnosed mental illness. Why am I sure? I have poor social skills because of mild anxiety and overthinking a lot. I also suspect I might have adhd, but it's not too bad. Once I get a better job, I'll see a pysch to get formally diagnosed for ADHD meds.

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