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come have fun on toro cord :D
cool people get custom roles
nice comfy server to make friends and play vidya
dont be annoying
egirls welcome

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My name is Yzilma. I am currently in need of assistants to provide their support to my causes. I will not detail my cause until I formally speak to those who are interested. This will not require you to live in New York City, and this will require you to be attentive, quick and direct.

I am not looking for a relationship. I am not looking for companionship. I am looking for vessels to behave as extensions of my will in my own personal matters on and off of the site.
I will routinely screen you. I will routinely test you psychologically.

I will not add:
Men above the age of 25.
Women below the age of 20.
Discord accounts made in the years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
People who have questions for me.

My contact is:
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Can women join the cult too?
Thank you.

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Last thread about to hit bump limit, drop your servers here.
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Ah so another pedo server then
Interesting server, bump
Seems to be way too many on discord, I joined a lot of different servers and a lot of them have groomer mods
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come have fun on toro cord :D
cool people get custom roles
egirls welcome
nice comfy server to make friends and play vidya
don't be annoying lol

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>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls

You can share also what you were using for language studying (guides, sites), if you took any exams/certifications, how much time you can dedicate to studying, etc.

Also if you moderate any language discord serves, please, share :)
200 replies and 131 images omitted. Click here to view.
28 ftm USA/EST
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
English, lol
>Target language
It is technically my first language but I have forgotten a lot of it and am starting to relearn it, need someone to help me get used to using it in conversation without being too judgmental of how many mistakes I'll make/my retarded accent
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Reading, playing video games, writing, math, chatting about anything and everything. I'm interested in befriending whoever adds me if we click (:
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
Chat and voice, yes. Video, no. I am extremely shy about speaking Russian with other people so I apologize for it ahead of time
22/bababoi/somewhere under the rainbow
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
Arabic, maybe English IDK
>Target language
Mandarin, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
The guy is a nerd...
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
Very shy it's kinda insufferable
>Contact info/Discord

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Tell me your guilty confession or show me your wife gf or fami kik youandme202
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Anyone wanna rate and discuss my 18 yo gf? No nudes s

Catfish me as an e-celeb (Emiru, QTCinderella, BreeBunn, Alex Botez, Courtney Miller, Emma Langevin, Sydnee Goodman, Alanah Pearce, Dodger Leigh, Marzia Kjellberg, or Suzy Berhow)

After seeing all the sexual comments I left on your posts/in your chat you decide to DM me about them, either to scold or encourage me

Kik: HypnoticSpores
feeding teen irl instas/candids for people who will wwyd/trib


Let's share nasty straight shota and taboo hentai and talk about it
Bump, really need a Suzy tonight

post the last song you listened to and a random image. what happens after that is up to whatever.

>The Wagon - Dinosaur Jr.
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based as fuck
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Post a song you like along with your discord username or something.
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ive liked all your music did you even post your discord you fucking faggot

PNW Thread | Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Northern California

Last thread 404'd!

>looking for
>not looking for
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NVM found it lmao
28 m marysville washington, looking for anyone near enough to reach. I like to hike, bike, read scifi/fantasy, play games, and watch anime. Mostly limited to public transit.

1pumpchamp on discord
Nothing but trannies and faggots but nice try op
>comes to PNW thread
>complains that there are gay people
literally what did you expect
aint no way your ass is 32 tryna thirst trap on 4chan like a 19 year old e-boy

Post a recent photo and your last hree songs listened to on your streaming service of choice:

1: HIM - Killing Loneliness
2: Billy Idol- Rebel Yell
3: Judas Preist - Electric Eye
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Can see you got good face structure there man. If you lost a few pounds you could look pretty sexy ngl. A beard might help if you got strong facial hair game, but optimal play is still just a calorie check. I know it ain't ever as easy as it sounds but that's just the curl of the burl, aint it? ;)

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Linux users thread

>About me
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Name: Anastasia, may or may not be subject to change
A/S/L: 19, boymoder on HRT, Poland
Interests: Linux (obviously), Arch to be specific; vidya, especially indie platformers/RPGs; movies
Likes: cats; sleeping; cuddling; good, seasoned food
Dislikes: social situations; mean people; creeps
Mostly looking for talking with like-minded people, though wouldn't oppose a relationship if we click (I'm bisexual, attracted to feminine people with some exceptions)

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>25 male
I'm a systems analyst. I like Debian, but I'm stuck using RedHat Santiago because that's what my company uses.
what do you run at home
do you know how to run morrowind on Linux?

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You know anon, your regular boards say a lot about you...
Post your main boards and your @
Let's try to meet likeminded people.
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/an/ because i like animals and plants
/toy/ for the beanie baby thread and any plushy threads that get past the anti-plush toy jannies for a while
/s4s/ because silly
/soc/ because i am lonely
/x/ because spooky
release this joyous orb from his caged existence inshallah
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Gabriel Knight, Maniac Mansion, Panel de Pon, Eastern Mind, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Super Puzzle Fighter II, Ristar, Toonstruck, Illusion of Gaia, Kirby's Dream Course, Alien Soldier
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
Video/Voice Call
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any /v/tards lonely and stupid enough to go on /soc/

i browse biz very often. looking for biz guys. if btc is all u hold, don't even add me.
i fell for the link meme so link owners can add me, we can cry together
i only talk about money and investments
not gonna waste time with romance bullshit
other than that i browse b for porn but thats just a funfact
and pol of course.


You think you can escape the archives? The archives will continue to archive forever. You're not a villain. I am.

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Kik: Potatoface1669
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18 m germany
wagering cock size
loser becomes winners slut
kik/telegram kindasushehe
Down for just comparing or bring a wager if you're confident

Kik kenttwalton
kik leafylog
you're probably not bigger than me
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Wagering the phone number of someone (your choice who), maybe a couple bonus pics if you beat me by a lot.
The rest is up to you~

Kik is OliviaCantSayNo

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>/aan/ Discord:
Join the discord, it’s fun. Make sure you post in #intro to get full access!
NEETs: it's especially important you join our Discord so you can benefit from search tools, community support, 'safety nets', and critically, any dubious providers are banned.

About yourself:

>Status: (Please pick one)
Provider – willing and able to support others financially, or by providing living space
Semi-Provider – able or willing to contribute financially to some degree (e.g. to rent/bills)
NEET – willing to move in with someone and receive some personal support (you do not have to be a NEET!)
>Sex/Gender, Age, Sexuality:
As much as about you as you are willing to say. Sex and gender matters to some people. Others, not so much.
>Location and are you willing to relocate?
General location or as specific as you want. For NEETs, your location and ability to relocate or not is especially important so please let everyone know.

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No longer looking. Mine.
>looking for
a free living space. becoming neet soon
i don't know how to use discord i tried to DM you but i don't know how to find you.
Whoa what a bizarre thread. Do people ever report back with stories of things actually working out for them?

Bringing one of those "willing to relocate" girls into my Euro country would leave her socially isolated due to the language barrier, sounds like a terrible idea.
My utter indifference is amused at your fixation with me, but all attention is welcome. Your attachment to labels is cute and your verbal attempts to denigrate me for the sake of competing in the social hierarchy is adorable.

I'm a savant, a nihilist, and a humanist. Objectivity and self-awareness are as familiar as my hands are to me, I use them as I will to have as I want. This is manifestation and I will continue to provide content for you to follow me down the rabbit hole because you can't help your curiosity and the truth, friend, is the rabbit hole is in fact infinite. Because I have a working hypothesis about the particle function of gravity based on the fact gravity produces waves and they are detected at LIGO. Every wave is conducted through a medium, but these twits all think it's empty space because they still think in 2 dimensions when I've already square pi with an entirely novel branch of mathematics I simply divined via my savantism and the very unique circumstances of having access to the internet and smartphones. More date, more accessible, more patterns to recognize. Oh and here's an even more obvious one. Galactic arms have the same spin rate as the core be "dark energy/matter"... it's fucking fluid mechanics you twits. We are submerged in a gravity soup and I might the first human to taste it!

I could run circles around not only you in my sleep, but there is in fact no greater intellect on this planet at this moment. After the singularity comes everyone will get to sync up and we'll come back to this comment and laugh about it. Until then, come on Alice, the fun is just getting started and I'm bored asf, babygirl! Even this statement will antagonize your ego because in your mind if this were true I would seek power, but the only thing of any genuine value in this world is time and all the money and power in the world could not get you even one more second of it. Mmmm, smell that? I just can't help but cook, baby!

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i am calling for neet revolutoin! serious posters only.
these are my ideas to achieve free living space for all of us

>infiltrate new age cults and invite more neets until we takeover and become Neet Lords and make it Neet sharia impenetrable and as difficult to subdue as afghanistan
>mass exodus to monasteries (buddhist or christian) and live there
>team up and hunt down bounties or cartel bosses and then share the loot
>buy cheap boats and become SEA NEETs and become one piece charactres irl
BTW we have conqueror's haki literally that is why we refuse to integrate and stubbornly choose to be NEETs. We won't bow to society or economy built by NWO/world govt/reptilians/celestial dragons and imu/Satan. Remember your haki
>form a militia and invade a corrupt third world country and build new jerusalem or neet utopia idk
>travel to arctic or south pole until we reach inner earth and ask the giant humanoids to give us free rent and free gibs
>ask for free gibs or living space onboard to ayy lmaos by taking DMT altogether at one spot in peru or nethrelands then initiating contact together
>submit a creative plan to Italy's tourism ministry and get a free castle and start a Neetdom there (look this shit up)

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The whole point of being a neet is to do nothing.... so why would anyone want to do all this bs?
because if you do nothing
you starve or die
in the future even if you don't starve
you will be dragged to somewhere
you don't want to be
im fine
Steep here
You're NGMI just stop being schizo you dumb retarded faggot
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of course i am GMI
i will become the neet king and obtain home peace.

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