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Men, boys, femboys post your feet here
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Why femboy here! Follow my Snapchat and you will occasionally see legs n feet :3
(Snapchat : FuzzyIsAlive)
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Kik helenbronw

I'm a sexy Latina, write to me I'm bored
I definitely do <3
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Very lickable

A thread to find people to voice chat/call with.

>looking for
>not looking for
>when you want to call/how often
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hii, i know alot of girls say they’re losers for the aesthetic but im actually like fucked up, i haven’t went outside for any reason in months and im a mess. it’s ok though i don’t rly let it define me totally ^___^ im prettty cool for who i am i think!

autistic as fuck, into weird shit

nsfw is cool as well if i find your fetishes interesting enough to toy with

i’m a switch but ill only dom if i actually like you!!

i won’t accept if ur pfp isn’t cool or isn’t the type of anime art that i like x3

you can invite me to servers if they’re active

anyways, for private VCS i loooove accents but totally not a requirement, just have a nice voice i guess

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M25, USA
>About me
5'10, Pale Skin, Dark Hair, English/Spaniard mix, look pretty young, face is cute so is my voice apparently willing to prove it. Recently got my own apartment, I'm Christian, but not a saint, i'm mostly into video games (literally everything from Fortnite to horror, to strategy games, to singleplayer stuff i'm actually good at them too), have a gaming PC, I build computers and sell them, I also love reading manga (tens of thousands of chapters read I also like anime i'm literally only 50 episodes behind on one piece), studying languages, and working out actively mostly Calisthenics (pushups, situps, squats).
>About you/looking for
I am a little picky I won't lie, but i'm not super shallow I promise so don't be scared, pic related is my "ideal" but it's not a requirement by any means, i'd rather you tell me more about yourself in private but no trans individuals please, I want a serious relationship and I don't think i'm a bad catch, I haven't been in a relationship since 2023 and every relationship I have had was serious a few were irl, and some were mixed long distance/irl, I have a passport and can afford to travel so distance isn't an issue.

Frankly I just want someone who wants love preferably has similar interests and wants to settle down eventually, if you're interested
>when you want to call/how often
Well since I have my own place we can call almost all the time if you really want to, I do get busy sometimes but i'm fine with even sleeping on call together if you're into that kind of stuff.
Come join our server, looking to grow for future movie nights

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Normal 4chan creep in to anime and gaming
>>looking for
An f to talk while I jerk off, submissive and in to humiliation (super quick shot) but it can be about whatever doesn't necessarily have to be jo material, don't mind just talking for a bit on text first
>>not looking for
>>when you want to call/how often
Looking for a one off but wouldn't mind doing it semi regularly
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active vc rn come say hi :D


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Thread Only +18 To meet, chat and have fun I'll start Snp Mvillegas0214
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1. cucks send me your girl
2. couples send me snaps while you fuck and use my as your sex toy
3. single women (including trans) hit me up for chat/sexting, pic exchange, porn watching, etc
Hung BBC bull here looking to impregnate your slutty gf, wife or family members. Hmu to show them off and if we're close (currently in Florida but travel a ton for work) meet ups so you can watch me empty my nuts in your slut. Make me nut on my secretaries lap top keyboard. Bet you cant

M18, 8inch 6girth, showing off for a feed/cucks. (I'm new to all this)

Telegaurd GZ9G8KFNA

Telegram: BreadHubs

Kik: TempyForNow
active still for anyone interesting
37F. Married teacher here. Looking to chat with some younger studs. A major plus if you’re sexually experienced. Love chatting with bulls. Must be fit/muscular. Especially fun if you’ve recorded yourself fuck. Kik miatallard or telegram kss3022. Please send a photo for a reply...

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Anime/Mental illness Discord Server Thread

Post your discord server thats on topic
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DUOLICIOUS app server SPLINTER! semi-endorsed by the dev; main server is dead/just for reporting issues.

YOU CAN: shitpost, vc, meet cuties, choose from many color roles, play with dumb bots, get blogs, request things for the server, stuff like that!

18+ ONLY
neets, weebs, gamers, edaters, incels, femcels, losers, hot girls & guys, dorks, dweebs, queers, ambiverts and all of the stuff between and below.
come find your ekitten or whatever

female owned by bpd girl

only adults
Obsession with wealth, sex, pop music and fantasy.

Hey everyone, been a while!
I am looking for a longterm stroke buddy and ideally friend. I am usually pretty lonely working alone from home and would love some lewd pals to chat with about nsfw and sfw things! Here is a brief snippet about me!

NSFW Interests
>>Lately been getting into animation/drawings/anime/hentai more so please share! But mainly porn stars, leggings, joi, big booty girls, BBC, SPH, tight clothes and women dancing. I am an absolute simp with a tiny 4 inch penis so need a hung bud to rub his huge cock in my face and make fun of me:) My sexuality is mainly straight, but I do fucking love looking at big huge cocks and wishing I had a real man dick between my legs! I would love to worship your cock, and call you daddy, master, or anything you want:) I also am primarily looking for someone able to feed as I am unreliable when it comes to being able to trade porn, but I typically can share pics of myself!

>>Coding, computers, anime, television, movies, the outdoors, vidya, anything nerdy!

And that's everything! Please reach out if you're interested:3



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>19 m lil chubby
location: poza rica de hildago ^_^
originally from Louisiana but I moved here for other reasons
looking for friends who live here or silly (lewd) times >_>
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So dead, that sux. Have a bump amigo, I wonder if there's any more idiots that browse /soc/

>Looking For
Friends? People to chat with? I feel like most Mexicans don't look for other Mexicans online but who knows.

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Fixed the small details for you.
Never let it be forgotten.

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Last one died. Lowkey there are only socal and norcal people. Central cucks.


>Hobbies and Interests
>Looking for(PS: there are no girls on 4chan)
>Not Looking for(PS: saying dudes is useless)

Updated notices:
>Created a tagmap(join fggt):
>Please update urbex in ur local area:

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This guy will go away for weeks at a time, then if you message him, he'll block you. He's been posting for awhile, few people I've met up irl have encountered him as well. He'll just end up ghosting then blocking you.
26 M San Diego

Straight guy looking to try sucking cock, or just jerking together

kik anon6942020
disc brisk.walk.
37F. Married teacher here. Looking to chat with some younger studs. A huge plus if you’re sexually experienced. Love chatting with bulls. Must be fit/muscular. Kik miatallard or telegram kss3022. Must sendd a photo for a reply,!’
My block list is quite small, you must be a charmer.
M/31 Brown cuck with a skinny gf looking for a tan skinned hung bull living in SoCal who wants to create and have a consistent bull relationship starting on this app then progressing.
TeleGuard: JSDUDGZ9S

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Say anything
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Hope you're still with us, anon



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>Looking for
>Not looking for
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27, F, europe

>about you
i'm chatty, i love to joke around, i enjoy serious topics as well. meme enjoyer. i love a bit of edgy humor (if not too cringe and too overt). i'm mostly a loner and barely hang out with people irl. music wise- i'm into alt stuff, some pop, folk metal. it's a decent variety. i'm very lyric oriented so i'm not into instrumental shiet. i'm not in a gaming phase rn but i like single player rpgs and roguelikes. not into multiplayer stuff at all. other than that i'd say im funny, decently smart, introspective, and i like discussing any sort of topic in depth

consoomer ones are gaming, tv shows, movies and browsing. other than that i like swimming and fishing but i rarely get a chance to do those

>looking for
i wanna make long term online friends. i'm decent at keeping a convo going but i dont want it to be one sided. i'd like people who are decently good at it too. i'm a fan of clingy people who like to text a lot and who put in effort in getting to know me, since i'm usually the one interviewing people like a retard and it's annoying. i love me some attention and i'll give it back just as well, if we get along. i'd prefer to only text at first, but if we get along we can VC. i'd like to practice my spoken english

>not looking for
anything nsfw, dry texters, boring people. also weebs who can't speak in a non weeby way (cringe weeby reacts etc). otherwise weebs are fine lol, but i'm not into anime whatsoever, just so you know

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188 cm pale white, ginger hair, A10 blue eyes, slim build, starting to build muscle from activities I'm a little more toned than a skeleton now
I'm a techie, i mess around with electronics, also run an electronics repair shop from home
For my hobbies I do simracing, archery, making primitive stuff from scratch with AI, currently trying to get into blacksmithing so I'm building a forge from scratch, I'm drying the clay for the bricks now, harvested from the local stream
I have many many skills I've acquired over the years, I get obsessed with something, get good at it and move to the next thing, right now archery simracing and blacksmithing
Anime, shows, movies, music, games, the usual
I have injured myself pretty badly at work a while back, developed neuropathy so I'm in a constant state of pain and misery, but the painkillers work a bit i guess, so other than running the non registered repair shop from home I'm technically unemployed, waiting for my disability papers since I have to wait a while to get treated.
Also kinda very racist, not like I do anything with it, but I would love to terrorize immigrants in Europe someday
I live in the same house as my parents, why would I pay some kike to have a place to sleep when my family has a big house lmao
>Looking for
Long term partner, for life, I'm not trying to get involved with multiple people in my lifetime
>Not looking for
Liberals, Jews, Muslims, Browns, Blacks, Materialists, Feminists, Trannies

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28, M, Scandi - 193cm, ~100kg (bulking a bit, around 16% body fat). Blonde/golden, green eyes, Engineer.

>About You
I can talk about pretty much anything, not trying to "win" the convo, just trying to get smarter. Sarcasm is my love language. If I'm joking, I’m probably coping with something, lol. Kinda introverted, but if I feel safe around you, I’ll talk your ear off.


Gaming: Mostly RPGs and strategy games, but I’m down for whatever.
DIY: Just did up my whole apartment—really enjoy getting my hands dirty and learning.
MC: Not Minecraft lol, motorcycle. Love riding, freedom and all that.
Bicycle: Ride about 24km a day, and I like fixing up bikes too.

>Looking For
Not really looking for anything specific, let’s just see if we vibe. Start online, and if it clicks, we’ll take it from there.

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Are you still around? The tag didn't work.
20 m Italy
Looking for blue-eyed girls, Just love to see a cute girl with blue eyes
Telegram: n0cturne_k

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DDLG Thread. Daddies can find their special little girl and little girls can find their very own daddy. Post your contact details and what you're looking for. (18+ only obviously)
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nightmaremeelk on Discord
37F. Married teacher here. Looking to chat with some younger studs. A major plus if you’re sexually experienced. Love chatting with bulls. Must be fit/muscular. Kik miatallard or telegram kss3022. Please send a photo for a reply…
I like emotional needy girls.
I want someone that needs help with homework and then tells me they wish they could blow me while I do it for them.
Let's talk

21+ looking for needy little kittens and puppies in search of a Daddy Dom or Master

also looking for Daddy Doms looking for the perfect kitten (f 21+) or puppy (m 21+)

serious and not serious inquiries only
20 trans f/boston
>looking for
idk somebody to take care of my daddy issues also be lewd with
seominsoos on discord

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Trans women get all the chasers, might as well give the other side some love. Who doesn't wanna knock up a guy sometimes?

Typical intro format expected, you know the deal.

>About Me
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
>Contact Deets
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U are have somebody to expose or u wanna expose urself? Kik me justooz, erome sirtooz
I just want to get fucked in the ass by an ftm's hrt dick
If y'all want to make fun of ftm's and make them do kinky and crazy shit just go to an expose website there's a lot of them
24/m us
>>About Me
Creep and weirdo addicted to anime
>>Looking For
An ftm to bully or get bullied by, would prefer if you were in to misgendering and being talked down to
>>Not Looking For
>>Contact Deets
Bump, looking to own a younger ftm

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Thread for drawfriends to find other drawfriends!
>looking for
>not looking for
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We started an art server last thread and it's been going pretty well if more people want to join. It's very comfy and full of cool things.
currently trying to learn to draw
if you have any tips on how/what to learn please tell me T_T
would love meet drawfriends!
@piyopeck on discord
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loves drawing, gaming, cooking, watching shows, chattin' about whatever, learning new things with art and helping others grow in their hobbies as well.
looking for friends, people to draw with/for, anything really.
Not looking for racist weirdos or political cultists.
fesh_pwince on discord
have a wip

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Duolicious is a blight on humanity, and the world's most popular free and open-source dating app

>Duolicious web app
>Duolicious Github
>Server status

Previous thread: >>33683969
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I could get a girlfriend at any time, you can’t say the same, can you demon?
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So go get one and post tits, faggit
>you can’t say the same, can you demon?
lol if you knew who you were saying this to
>reduced weeks of progress on the gender ratio in days
Because people were deleting their accounts after they fell in love with an unlikely match, right?
A sorry excuse for a man.
My standards are high.

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Dirty talk, audio masturbation, vocal smut and shenanigans.

Be as tame, funny, romantic, sensual or filthy as you like. Record your masturbation, try some scripts, improv, sing, play music, talk about your favorite
sexual fantasies, or just look for requests on the thread. Be creative.

Please remember to tag your post with the request link or title and type of work (song, fap, script, etc...)

>If you're new, please post a voice sample before asking for requests of things to do. It helps knowing what you sound like!

Accredited Audio Discord: https://discord.gg/6gSmtTVC
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cold first read, sorry for slight hitches.
Thank you for giving this a go. You're giving off fuckboi energy with this though and for me, it doesn't hit.

I enjoyed the tone and the pacing of this very much. Thank you so much for giving it a solid try. It paid off well. <3
damn that's hot
glad you enjoyed. <3 if you have any requests please feel free to post them. i'm a voice actor who recently lost some files so i'm trying to refill my portfolio
[M4F] [Msub]



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The last thread is past bump limit. Post here if you're looking for a serious, loving relationship.
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26 male north italy

>about me
otaku working adult
180cm tall kinda slim, no muscles

>looking for
anything really we can talk about whatever you want

>not looking for

witchcraft0278_53660 on discord
you are being deceived you dumb fucking simp goober, they can seem infinitely cool until you voice chat with any of these broads for more than 10 minutes and realize they are boring POSERS .
25 M PA near philly
>about me
I like to do art. Also enjoy cinema and vidya. Enjoy learning new things, want to explore the world some more.
>looking for
Girls near my area and around my age who would wanna hang out.
>not looking for
Too far away
Under 20
Stop spamming every thread you shitlord.
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>about me
walking a ton
i read lots
some programming and jrpgs weird indie games I guess
personality models in general in the widest sense possible
i like music and making it
i am funny (extremely so)
6'1 white guy
>looking for
i like when people do creative stuff

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This thread is dedicated to all the beautiful very skinny and lanky men out there. Bonus points if you're a skeleboy and you post yourself.
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nice quads musclegirl

not coomerposting here just body insecure or something

who let this guy transplant a bbc wtf
interesting. explain this jewellery and the photo editing.
>not coomerposting here
why not
people find the edits and jewelry hot. what more is there to say.

lmao I'll take that as a compliment
is there somewhere i can see more of these pics
@manifoldafterdark on bsky

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