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This is a thread for those looking for a loving BDSM relationship or a loving relationship with BDSM elements.

Feel free to use the below template:

>physical features
>career/life situation
>khhv status
>looking for
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I also love music. Play guitar and bass mainly. Played in a few bands over the years and have a few original songs.

A song in the spirit of my seeking request. Also a pic of one of my favourite restraining ties.
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looking for a findom relationship
discord: kittenzy

previews of me here:
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Diagnosed ASPD; ambitious, driven, I get bored easily since ADHD as well.

Sadism, TPE, CNC, bondage, degradation, humiliation, knife play, rope play, rape play, choking, impact play, spanking, hair pulling.

Philosophy, Astronomy, technology, finance, crypto, politics,
current events, BDSM, traveling, photography, literature, poetry,
media, honestly who gives a shit?
97% of you have the personality of a sack of potatoes -- the odds we brush up on any of this is minute.

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>physical features
6'2 brown hair black eyes. slightly muscular
>career/life situation
IT work from home.
anime, gaming, hiking, gym, biking, manga
>khhv status
>looking for
a submissive woman who enjoys being put to use.
submissive whores who like showing off.

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lol this catfish is really ugly and short xd

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previous >>33241907

If you check at least TWO of these post here with your tag and a small description
>low-functioning autists and other debilitating mental disorders
>NEETS and shut-ins
>friendless (0 friends) people
>into SH or guro and adjacent content
>in a complicated life situation
>talentless, unskilled, boring

not allowed
>thirsty simps only looking for a nursing female, women solely looking for orbiters or to sell content
>bored normies who think pretending to be a schizo or bpd or autist is hype

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24 FTM
Autistic schizo loser with no job and no friends
Looking for people to just chat shit with, maybe game together

Discord tag is braigybraig
no thank you
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All you mentally ill lonely losers who fit in nowhere come here, i literally just made it
Risking sharing pics of my ex that you could expose (I have just 5 nudes left btw)

I'm horny and not the smartest, so pretty gullible and easy to manipulate so please go easy on me when it comes to giving her info or sharing too much

>Not looking for roleplaying.

Kik: totally_completely
Were you the guy on /pol/ complaining about how the vaccine fucked u up?

For very introverted anons to meet each other and be alone together

>about you
>looking for
>not looking for
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I'm such a fucking TheodoreCel I would never do this retard
Oh no the incel's mad. I've been on here for years my age has always been consistent, you must be used to sexting little girls. Fuck off summerfag.

Yeah no, she's great, super funny, easy to talk to, and knows a lot of interesting stuff...

She will block you if you joke about her gooning tho :C
Tits, discord?
Risking sharing pics of my ex that you could expose (I have just 5 nudes left btw)

I'm horny and not the smartest, so pretty gullible and easy to manipulate so please go easy on me when it comes to giving her info or sharing too much

>Not looking for roleplayin!

Kik: totally_completely

I know there's already a adopt a NEET thread but that one is filled with too many people wanting to be better, where's the thread for all the NEETs who are into being slobs as a lifestyle/kink and are looking for providers? The more degenerate the better

>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
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Join my discord server

>about me
I take some time to get warmed up to you but im pretty funny once I figure out that I can be edgy and say offensive shit and generally say whatever to make us laugh, Im pretty level headed but I do have my own problems, Ive had a problem with cutting that Im trying to hold down and its been going well, noones perfect
I like to play games on PC and in VR, collecting rap and vaporwave CDs or vinyls or tapes, trying to make music myself, love to cook but cleaning not so much maybe you can help w that and love to voice chat and do like idk nothing or watch stuff or u watch me do stuff
>looking for
a girl thats in Europe thats eventually willing to move in with me, I have my own apartment and I got a real good job so I got the stability for both of us, just be a goober gremlin sitting around the house ready to have fun whenever im back, wants to be obsessed with me as Im obsessed about them and wants to do whatever with me
>not looking for
bitches with egos and abusive/manipulative mentality, not obsessively religious, wants to be combative and argue all the time
discord - severhead
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are you a slob? send me your money $esketamines

discord: kittenzy
wanna see me naked too?
join here
Risking sharing pics of my ex that you could expose (I have just 5 nudes left btw)

I'm horny and not the smartest, so pretty gullible and easy to manipulate so please go easy on me when it comes to giving her info or sharing too much

>Not looking for roleplaying

Kik: totally_completely

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This thread aims to maximize the chances of 2 anons to be together and motivate lurkers with low-self esteem and confidence to approach other anons. A main rule for all of those who add remember hit up the anon you added with a description about yourself or checking your traits with their traits they're interested into.

>AS and maximum distance
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that are totally not your type
>Their interests

>Body traits
>Personality traits

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puppy boy tgirl here looking for a master and someone to grow close with

not into sending pic requests or talking w people who have a low emotional maturity

I prefer “normal” men or women not femguys or manbabies

being humiliated gets me hot also NOT ACCEPTING ADDS FROM ALT ACCOUNTS, if I talk to someone I want it to be really them and I don’t want to be hidden

my disc: polskadusza

This is my ONLY account I made a new one recently and purged my old one, I need new friends
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>AS and maximum distance
24-40, biological F. preferably somewhere in EU
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
Pale, likes nature and animals of all kinds
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
Misanthropy, bags under eyes, messy hair, clinginess, obsessiveness, jealousy, introversion, violent ideology, ecofascism
>Traits that are totally not your type
Dislike towards nature, extroversion, pacifism, nationalism
>Their interests
Nature, total human death, gore, murder, maybe warhammer 40k, bonus points for Chaos
26/M/Eastern EU
>Body traits
Pale, freckles, long hair, glasses, fading fit

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>MtF (post-op)
Wow I wonder why nobody likes you when you don't even like yourself.
>AS and maximum distance
22-34, bio F, within EU
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
kindness, affectionate, nerdy, wanting a partner for life
>Traits that are totally not your type
smoking/drug usage, excessive drinking (some alcohol once in a while is fine), unstable due to mental illness (such as BPD), friend collectors, unusual piercings/obvious tattoos, unable to take care of herself
>Their interests
Any creative hobby, anything nerdy

28 M Netherlands
>Body traits
1.92 meters tall, skinny beanpole, no tattoos/piercings

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>AS and maximum distance
f from northeast US or anyone willing to do long distance
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
progressive feminist, isn't abusive, has basic decency, isn't consumerist or high maintenance, doesn't want bullshit detached single family home suburbs lifestyle, doesnt want kids, is fine with a relationship with no power dynamics/hierarchy/dhsm shit inside of or outside of the relationship, likes cats
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that are totally not your type
conservative, male, abusive, requires her bf (me hypothetically) to have sex
>Their interests
could be anything

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This is a thread where Young Men and Older Women can either sext or have a hookup. Post your kik and location to meet and talk
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Need a milf mommy to jerk and pump to

Kik anon24anon24
32m. Maryland USA. Looking to cheat on my gf with a more experienced woman. Fit Latino with a thick dick. Kik cresentmoon91.
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boy looking for an older girl

I dont really care about ur age or whatever just dont be like 60 or a convicted felon or somthing

My timeszone is really screwed up (GMT +12) so dont get mad if i domt respond when ur awake.

Im kinda busy? I dunno I'm clingy but i can take care of u n stuffs yeah. Other than that i dont care about anything else. Im asian btw

discord is e3458.
dont forget the dot
Bump I’m back
Always dreamed of being with an older woman. The experience and knowing that they have control is thrilling. Use me and tell me what to do and how to please you
Robdobflob m22

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Previous thread >>32898935 hit bump limit, time for a new one!

Dirty talk, audio masturbation, vocal smut and shenanigans.

Be as tame, funny, romantic, sensual or filthy as you like. Record your masturbation, try some scripts, improv, sing, play music, talk about your favorite sexual fantasies, or just look for requests on the thread. Be creative.

Please remember to tag your post with the request link or title and type of work (song, fap, script, etc...).

>If you're new, please post a voice sample before asking for requests of things to do. It helps knowing what you sound like!

Accredited Audio Discord: https://discord.gg/MADgVBuw

(I am not an admin of this discord, just a member sharing the love)
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Posting here for the first time, so doing the new boys thing
I hope this is what you were wanting :)
request:i'd appreciate a m4f or m4m sub listener sibling incest rp. if someone could give me this degeneracy i'd be grateful. thank you

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Let us guess each other ethnicity :)
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Let's have a try, if thread is still active
whaaaa... Very interesting combination I first thought you were asian???
Italian? Maybe middle eastern? Montenegrin?
Nah, you've guessed wrong

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>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for

AL - Alabama
AR- Arkansas
GA - Georgia
TN - Tennessee
MS - Mississippi
LA - Louisiana
VA - Virginia
WV - West Virginia

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>Physical description
short, fat, white, brown hair, blue eyes
FFXIV, SoL anime/manga, lifting, cooking, gardening, floating the river
>Looking for
Hanging out irl!! I'm in hermit mode but want to do stuff. Also need a lifting buddy, but that's a long shot.
>Not looking for
Sex, penpals, alphabet people
I usually wait for replies because lurkers from way too far away love hitting me up :l sowwy

I had a pal up near Staunton or somewhere like that whom I met in one of these threads, but I lost his contact info.
We went to a winery last time you came down :'3 so message me on Kik or reply if you're reading this.
Bait. This is just a hentai and chat server.
Actual SE server directory:

4chan Southeast Server: https://discord.gg/7XBeau75k2

Ozy's Server: https://discord.gg/gqE2WWT8d7

Southern Excellence Server: https://discord.gg/cwM7UhDGJQ
>Physical description
6'0, tan, long dark hair, average build
video games, photography, film, traveling, a little bit of cars
>Looking for
people around my age to make friends with, preferably in Georgia so i can make actual irl friends, but southeastern is still ok too. don't really care if we have similar interests or not, as long as you're trying to be friends thats good enough.
>Not looking for
coomers, rudes, server invites, people under 21, gays and trans (sorry, i'm sure most of you are nice i just don't have good experiences with a lot of them though), ghosters
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Diagnosed ASPD; ambitious, driven, I get bored easily since ADHD as well.

Sadism, TPE, CNC, bondage, degradation, humiliation, knife play, rope play, rape play, choking, impact play, spanking, hair pulling.

Philosophy, Astronomy, technology, finance, crypto, politics,
current events, BDSM, traveling, photography, literature, poetry,
media, honestly who gives a shit?
97% of you have the personality of a sack of potatoes -- the odds we brush up on any of this is minute.

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Is it over for me yall? What’re the odds of me fucking a baddie?
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I'm white with european heritage lmao. I went to high school in a majority white city, and I can confirm that dudes that looked like this were very popular. And before you say it, no I'm not into BBC or BNWO. To everyone outside of 4chan, this guy is very obviously good looking
lol ok. what kind of white wouldn't have European hertiage by the way? It's funny you had to clarify that. Mestizo?
Buy a normal jeans at least buy a Levi 501bro.don’t fk wear these oversized shite anymore.unless you’re over 6
Lose the dreads I can smell them from here (it smells like shit), plus they look like shit and dont fit you you dumb lightskinned fuck
You talk like a nigger but I respect the anti-smoking shirt

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What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?

How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?

How often do you masturbate?

When do you usually masturbate?

What is your preferred method of masturbating?

What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?

When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?

When was your first orgasm?

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Absolute coomer mentality

>bro you dont understand, this definitely real and not fake person responded bro, that makes my entire coomer porn-addict thread entirely valid!

please kill yourself nigger
Shame you're western US but I still really qanna talk about it
Discord is kushman.exe
Kik is lenroyjenkin
>Do you squirt every time?
Depends, if I stick a finger in me I will
>Is it something you can choose not to do? Or can you not control it, and it just randomly happens sometimes but others
I mean, I always hold it because I don't wanna make a mess on my bed but that liquid is going to have to come out at some point. And it's not random. If I stimulate myself vaginally I will squirt, if I don't then I won't squirt.
>Do certain kinds of stimulation cause you to squirt and others don't?
Pretty much already answered.
Interesting, thanks anon
OK how about now

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Welcome to Hikikomori Homes! A server made to have a best effort 18+ only community for adults to meet and hopefully find a beneficial situation with someone else.

We believe in the concept of:

Providers who can assist those in need.
Roommates who are looking for someone to help share the burdens of life.
NEETs who are looking for help or moving in to a new position in life.

All of these can be found here and we hope you will find something that will suit you. We look forward to seeing you there and wish you all the best in finding what you are searching for.

>requires id
>requires picture
no thanks, I get trying to keep kids out but this glows

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Old one hit bump limit. Post what you're looking for.
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28 m Naperville, IL
Kik Poseylo
34 m Chicago, average height and weight, white. I love music, photography, architecture, drinks, and especially going around the city looking for the best dives and cheap, admittedly unhealthy eats. It's Friday and I'm looking to get together this weekend after work. I'm looking for a female fwb in the Chicagoland area (burbs are OK, I have a car) to get flirty with online and meet up if we vibe. If that sounds like you, my discord is emeraldstgeorge
28/M near-ish Cincy and/or Indy
Would like to go to more concerts in the area at small venues
Kik: LumpToad
Bump, looking still
Don't be shy, filthy stuff welcome

str8 or?

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Because there's 0 threads for LTRs on the catalog. Wtf /soc/

Post here if you're one of the few anons left who doesn't want to just goon n' go.

Optional template:
>Describe yourself and your interests.
>Future goals/aspirations
>What are you looking for in a partner
>Not looking for
80 replies and 29 images omitted. Click here to view.
eastern canada

Disc is profile_asphalt


I want a housewife. In 2025 ill have a good job and I want a woman whos not a boring ass normalfag nor an annoying sassy bitch. You wont even have to work Ill be the provider.

Bonus if unvaxxed and not too mentally ill.
20 f us
>Describe yourself and your interests.
neurotic 5’3 fake blonde with slavic-jewish facial features. i like kino, gore, chan culture
>Future goals/aspirations
i want to be a homemaker with as many children as financially possible
>What are you looking for in a partner
older, high iq, high openness, high agency, high sex drive, savior complex
>Not looking for
anyone too close in age, newfags, jeets
>Describe yourself
Im 6 foot 2, a tiny bit thicc but strong cause Im a construction worker running my own site as a scaffolder foreman, bald, a bit of facial hair. Im big into PC and tech in general, love to listen to rap and vaporwave, make my own music too, it takes time to get to know me but once I figure out how edgy and offensive I can get so we can say stupid shit to make each other laugh then were more than good
>Future goals/aspirations
Ideally would want to get better at music so I can live off it, want to save up money to start my own business but Im not sure maybe we can work together in a food truck? Im up for whatever, my calling is still out there I just gotta find it and I will
>What are you looking for in a partner
A girl thats between 18 and late 20s in Europe so we can live together, someone easy going that loves to be nerdy and play games and do whatever as long as its together and its fun, you dont have to work unless you want to or you can be a stay at home gf and help me out around the house, I dont mind thicc but dont be morbiously a beast, someone thats as edgy as me and wants to joke about everything, just be faithful and want to become a better person and be real with me and yourself
>not looking for
Girls that want to be combative, overly religious and argumentative, massive egos
29/ladyboy type individual/near Atlantic Ocean

Recent Music: /watch?v=T_zS2TFmeqo /watch?v=Ksfd6AmkkoU
Faves: /watch?v=zobf_4sfEbQ /watch?v=YL1CAUjc3rw /watch?v=1MobY_vR7-g /watch?v=f25R9Gl6FWc /watch?v=PelenogTUEk /watch?v=FU_yNE2MMOU
Bonus Track: /watch?v=EWxFMUik4mQ

I find it necessary for my partner to be 25+ (emotionally mature), 5'9"+ aka 175cm+ (taller than me because I need to feel like he is my dad), and okay with not having sex ever because he too understands there are many more important things in a relationship. Also I have to like the music you listen to or I hate u.

I can be rude so do not message me if you cannot deal with that.

discord: .werekitten.
boy looking for an older girl

I dont really care about ur age or whatever just dont be like 60 or a convicted felon or somthing

My timeszone is really screwed up (GMT +12) so dont get mad if i domt respond when ur awake.

Im kinda busy? I dunno I'm really clingy but i can take care of u n stuffs yeah. Other than that i dont care about anything else. Im asian btw

discord is e3458.
dont forget the dot

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Post your fully hard penis and age if you've never had sex before. Let's see those unused dicks.
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amazing vein!
I'm not really the type to show off publicly but I'd appreciate if you could come rate my virgin cock. Femanons preferred but it's okay if dudes want to as well. I genuinely just want to know if my cock was attached to a guy the girl liked if she'd enjoy fucking the cock or not.
Kik: cloudcloud74
I thought this but then I put "looking for an autist to cuddle" on my bio and suddenly very attractive men are initiating conversations with me
Just post it, you're among other virgin men here

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