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its been awhile, heres a midwest thread!

>asl >interests >looking for >not looking for >contact

looking for friends, maybe sexy friends?? kik: pinkdozey
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Midwest Campers is ready to welcome more friends and others
Games, books, movies, hockey, building models
>looking for
Females, femboys, or twinks in Missouri or even on the Kansas side for either fun or a relationship
My discord is realglass._96411 and my kik is hnkfan
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alcoholic gamer and college student. aspiring producer, ask me about Tatsuro Yamashita or Mark Kozelek or my shitty bandcamp with 2 songs
looking for nearby frens, fellow musicians, late night vc, drinking buddies, real human beans etc etc whatever just add me
discord: 0x9932cc
Hey all. Should I move to Topeka?
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28/f/Metro Detroit MI
Anime/video games, memes, going to cons/events
>looking for
Femboys/Female friends to cuddle and hug with, friends to locally hang out with,
>not looking for
Anything romantic or sexual at the moment, incels, bigots/racists/etc. people who live far away I cant see in person, hardcore drug users
Discord: gothbunnygirlx
I like to dress alt/goth
>i like to dress alt/goth
post a fit or u aint a real one
Games, anime, novels, music, magic
>looking for
Biological woman preferably ranging from skinny to somewhat chubby, not looking for men, broke neet right now but I could afford some cheap liquor or weed.
>about me
Fat, black guy here. Autistic and shy, pretty decent to hang out with. Will probably talk about whatever with you.
My discord is thelastberserker69
36 m bi mi 616

Chubby sub looking for all kinds of attention. Very few limits, filthy stuff welcome, please don't be shy!

Kik is yuzukiaizen
32m, bi, fit, hung 317

Hmu on telegram
Games, anime/manga, nerdy stuff, cutesy stuff, blanket hoodies.
>looking for
Friends in Wisconsin area, specifically ones that could possibly be open to hanging out irl at some point. I like to wander with the right people.
Discord is gummywurm.candy
Added you my username is wuddup with numbers, I'm 30/f in metro detroit too looking for friends and we have some shared interests like anime cons and vidya
33 m Wisconsin

Looking for whatever. Pretty lonely. Into strategy and survival games. Play a ton of boardgames and go to cons. Also into competitive card games.

Telegram Moizt2113
Movies, anime, games, and music.
>Looking for
Looking for a woman or a MTF trans to spending time with and explorer this fucked up city. I will wine and dine you and I have no problem going down on you cause that's what gentlemen do. I'm down for long-term or FWB, so let's have some fun.
>Not Looking for
Obese girls, time wasters, men, and people in other states ( made the mistake of driving to someone who was far just to be ghosted, if you are not at least an hour for downtown Chicago I'm not interested).
My kik is begmeplz
Do you like conan exiles
Bio woman in Des Moines, IA. 35 years old. I’m not white.

Burner email: dsm515burner@yopmail.com

Send a brief message about yourself with discord username.
21/M/Northern WI
anime, philosophy, bodybuilding, old movies, camping/backpacking, esotericism, Psychology/MBTI, /fit-lit/ supremacist
>looking for
Friends and potential gf, people to chill with in general
>not looking for
>trannies, gays, people who generally don't share my interests
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36/M/US Midwest


>open to long distance (y/n)?
within the US

>physical description
5'7", 130lbs, red hair, blue eyes

typical nerd shit, bad anime, guns, vidya, reading both fiction and non fiction(mostly history shit), dabbled in D&D, shizo posting, defending the demiurge

>3 songs you like
don't listen to music much, mostly put on audio books or podcasts in the car

>3 movies you like
Frozen, Shrek, being john malkovich

>religious beliefs
lapsed catholic

>political beliefs
right wing, in my heart of hearts I'll always be an ancap though

>dating experience
2 long term relationships 4 yrs plus, 1 girl dated a year, and a handful of first dates. Never married, no kids

>looking for
the mother of my future son

>not looking for
casual dating, single mothers, more than a few pounds overweight, not a big fan of tattoos or body piercings but not an outright deal breaker, someone that gets angry if texts aren't responded to immediately.

discord: marms
20M NE Ohio
Weather, hiking, urbex, rockhounding, homebrewing, gaming, programming, dumpster diving, finances
>looking for
friends and potentially more than friends. Either gender no preference
disc - organizr
I mostly play games and on/off get into shit you'd see on /x/ and /tg/. Occasionally make models, sporadically watch anime and I try to maintain a garden
>looking for
Mostly just looking for friends
Discord: casstap
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Is there massage parlor in cascade county Montana or the surrounding counties I can get a happy ending?
Oops it's Ors0nR
>not looking for incels, bigots/racists/etc
>Primire Pro
making us northwoods fags look retarted
looking for another male within my area to play modded minecraft (and perhaps other games) with. Do not be over 21, do not be younger, do not be homosexual.

black 19/f/cbus, oh
music, driving around endlessly, doing random stuff in the city… don’t really have any good interest though. i work + am in school, so i spend my free time doing random stuff!
>looking for
someone near to talk to, see if our chats are nice, and maybe meet up. looking for genuine friend connections who are down to do stuff around the city with me!
>not looking for
creepy, only-lewd seeking people. people who expect conversation 24/7, just because i’m seeking friendships doesn’t mean i want to rush into them! if you aren’t comfortable with time stamping with your face don’t message me. not saying i’m a 10/10, but if you look like a creep i might unadd.
only have disc - loooplooplop
include your asl, where you added me from, and some of your interest! if it seems low effort i’ll unadd :3
m46 Illinois. Dom seeks sub for ltr. Looking for a long term sub. I'm into all sorts of things but really I want a strong control and feminization dynamic. Younger is appreciated but I will not turn down skinny shaved husbamds too. Shaved and scrawny to the front.

kik mrzer04202
27 M Chicago
Looking for F. down for anything
kik: ChitownGuy2025
23 m Iowa, near Omaha, Nebraska

I like shooting guns, fishing, bowling, playing pool, and watching races/tractor pulls

>looking for
friends, but hopefully there's a nice girl to talk to lol

>not looking for
no gay stuff

Disc: Forlorn Slayer
Snap: bnowhammies
Are you only looking for femboys, what about male boys?
22/M/Metro Detroit
6ft Hispanic, enjoy biking in my free time as well as watching sports, I also enjoy video games, comics, movies and cooking.
>Sexual interests
I don't have too many kinks and I would love to try new things. Some of my kinks include passionate sex, rough sex, anal, breeding, and praise and degradation.
>Looking for
A women who's looking for some fun. I'd be down for a one time thing or maybe more if we click. I will be in Chicago this weekend so if you're there and looking for action hit me up.
Disc: showerhead2479
Kik: Showet12
Were you circumcised?
Anybody here from South Dakota?
Collecting Military gear, vida, working out and petting wild animals
>looking for
>not looking for
Dudes or someone LARPing as a female. Must have two X chromosomes
Discord: MixMasterOink
I just want to try talking to more women and making more female friends desu
>South Dakota
lol you wish

>"b-but OPs pic-"
op is a fag
square states are flyover
I recently moved to the Midwest from the east coast to live with my wonderful older poly boyfriend that I met on chan, just looking for friends/people to vent to. I love movies, anything horror related or art house kinda vibe, I listen to everything but really need some new music recs, I like art a lot and just anything cool/interesting
I'm a good listener as well
>looking for
Someone to vent to when I'm feeling mentally ill, friends in general, people in the area, playmates ?
>not looking for
Insufferable assholes, conservatives
Tag is Schwartz4L
>about yourself
I'm a nerdy writer who enjoys games, reading, music, cooking, and hiking, and my big thing is movies. I am a huge horror fan with a movie collection ranging into the mid 2k and gamer who also enjoys the outdoors. I love talking and debating, having my viewpoints challenged and being introduced to new hobbies, ideas and sensations, bring on the enriching experiences. Sex is great, but as stated I need the emotional and intellectual connection.
>looking for
An female friend with benefits who is lewd, engaging and fun to hang out with. Someone athletic would be nice too to help with my weight loss motivation.
>not looking for
I'm not an atm.
Dis: Burnuponmeeting
Tele: @Spookyguy2299
Snap: Haddenfield
maybe im out of touch after all these years but if you can't vent to your bf then they're probably not a good bf. good luck tho
>older poly bf

Long ass way to say "pedo" but go off I guess
blud aint no way
North Chicago suburbs big guy looking for women/fems

Kik bigdiesel4969
Come on down to the original shithole. We may have lost our seedman, may he rest in seeds, but we aren't entirely dead yet. We still need enough retards to revive our orgies after the passing of our late Cups, may she rest in peace.
I just really like seeds.
618 / M and barely holding on
i haven't been held in over a decade

is anyone out there?
sent you a quick message, hope to hear from you soon!
The bull- cuck thread is down the hall and to the left.
18 f
Looking for Cool, funny, chill, interesting people. Maybe some server recs. Idk I'm bored and high
Not looking for retards, racists, incels, e-dating, lewd,

Disc: bluedawn0481
kik is pprstnn
Looking for F or whatever
32/m/Twin Cities
New to town, looking for friends.
Not looking to date anyone.
Into outdoors (already in that Discord), movies, art/music, TCG stuff, gaming.
Telegram @Stonecaster
Discord herbofwar
Oh boy here we go

Anime/video games, memes
>looking for
Female of the same age and Interests that lives somewhat close
Kik: 19silver95
Teleguard: 9QNXCCDWP
32/M/SE MI

Nerd Shit
Tabletop Games-Wanting to get back into Warhammer 40k and I really enjoy MESBG. Also would love to get back into playing D&D regularly
Vidya-Right now Project Zomboid but I also enjoy Arma, Counterstrike, L4D, and many other games.
Always down for a little MTG
Real shit
I’m buying a farm within the next year. Shooting guns, cutting down trees, building things, fixing things, taking care of critters.
>looking for
Friends. Bros. Hangout buddies. Casual chats. People to shoot the shit with and vibe with.

>not looking for
Not interested in anything sexual

Anime and manga, gaming, reading, drawing and painting, learning new things, exploring the city, discovering new music, etc
>looking for
Someone to hang out with when I'm not studying or in school (recently started going back to college). Ideally would like to find something long-term but depends on if we click or not. Maybe fwb, again just depends on you but not looking for that primarily.
Discord is azure_phantom
Bump, looking still
Don't be shy, filthy stuff welcome
also in Chicago but black, fat and broke currently in studies and grinding certifications
22m Chicago - bi curious boy new to town - hit me up!

kik: jamesolof
25/M/ SE MI
anime, manga, lifting, games.
>looking for
any woman looking for fwb. Im down for w/e.
>not looking for men
forgot kik: pepeKNE14
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18+ /out/doors server
38/m/ 402

straight only looking for women

looking to chat and see if it leads to fun

kik currentyear2024
36/M/Metro Detroit MI
Disc golf, hikes/trails, vidya, some anime, just chill shit overall
>looking for
Women, mostly those into exhibitionism, chill and down to chat with the goal to meet up.
>not looking for
Single guys, online dating, people who need 24/7 attention.
Discord: pirelli266
Kik: pirellinyh
Don't be fucking weird. And no, I don't want to see your mom/sister/who the fuck ever
>19 and with a "polyamorous" man
anon, men with commitment issues are NOT WORTH IT. you can do so much better, stop being a doormat and leave him before you get an std
SW Michigan/28m
Looking for F in area (or not) to snap with, eventually leading to meeting up. Add aaronlondy, F only, open to all body types

I'm currently doing great and have the time and resources to enjoy life. Getting to this point wasn't easy, but now I'm going to enjoy it. I love being active outside, I've gone on several vacations this year, and plan on going on at least one more, and there's a lot more to come.

Looking for a younger woman, preferably early to mid 20s (absolutely NO underage), to be join me, and possibly turn into something long term. You must be able to hold a conversation and be able to keep up with me; I'm very active. Also you must be from the U.S. If you're up for it, add me on Discord.

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20 m kansas.
i like jap music, anime, pc games (cs2, mc, ow2, and dominion), guitar, and cats. as for intellectual stuff i like some phil, econ, and reading. i’m fairly funny in vc.
don’t add me if you’re cringe, take everything serious, or don’t like vcing.
discord: wafflewalph

Into anime, gaming, and trying new ethnic food places. If you would be interested in checking out new places, or new restaurants that would be awesome!

Looking for food and adventure buddies, also hoping to find a long-term GF, or even female fwb if we click.

Discord: theillusivechan
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You're a fag for not knowing the difference between a square and a rectangle.
I really enjoy gaming mainly but am open to and do enjoy other things. I'd really appreciate a friend who'd play minecraft that I can potentially meet up with and become RL friends with.
>looking for
just midwestern friends
>not looking for
snowflakes, dickish people, people significantly older or younger than me unless they play java minecraft, atheists
Tag is itends4
Also, please tell me if you added me in this thread. I tend to get side tracked alot with other things.
I recently moved to the Midwest to live with my wonderful older boyfriend that I met on chan, we are in an open relationship, just looking for friends/people to vent to when he's busy. I love movies, anything horror related or art house kinda vibes, I listen to everything but really need some new music recs so plz feel free to send, I like art a lot and just anything cool/interesting
I'm a good listener as well
>looking for
Someone to vent to when I'm feeling mentally ill, friends in general, people to flirt with mayhaps
>not looking for
Insufferable assholes, conservatives
Tag is Shwartz4L
Traumatized sluts, let's fuck your mind.

kik: release4her
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28/M/Minnesota, MN, Minneapolis, Twin cities

I like to paint, read, rock climb, heavy music, travel, anime, vidya, kinks, and a whole lot more.

>looking for
A girl who likes intimacy and some of the same nerdy shit I do. A soul mate, casual, or anything in-between. We can have adventures together or stay in and play board games.
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I go to emo/hxcx shows and stand awkwardly, inbetween sets i smoke awkwardly or i drink in my car. Idk if i really have fun but its a way to get out of the house and i like music. I have a good job i really want to quit (hopefully will soon). Enjoy working on old BMWs and Mercedes cars as a bit of a side thing. Sometimes i paint and make tshirts/ clothes. Often defeat the no-singles policy at the movie theater. Aesthetics based individual. Im short and kind of weird looking. Often go to milwaukee or chicago to visit.

here are some cranes from my backyard to appease the outdoor posters. looking for women i guess.

M21 Kansas
Looking for people to talk to and be horny with. bonus for knowing we live in the same area. I like public stuff
@randomguy8976 on kik
Live in the midwest. There simply isn't anyone who cares about me or if I'm around at all. I don't have any ways of contacting me. I don't know why I'm here. In fact, nevermind.
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I'm big into outdoors, shout out to Midwest campers, had a really nice chat with them when I was drunk a couple nights ago, really great dudes. I used to lift 3-5 times a week but I stopped when my dad died a couple weeks ago. I'll go in the morning if I don't oversleep and I have time. Other than that I just play video games, drink and hang out with friends. Last night I was driving around with one of my buddies looking for deer for him to shoot out the window of my pickup.
>Looking for
Hard to make friends nowadays. Everyone is busy with work, gf, etc and doesn't seem to want to socialize. I'm looking for some dudes to play games with, talk in VC or even hang out IRL. I'm open to women also but not really looking for an online relationship.
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CAnt sleep im wet looking for a man who can zip my juice and want to relieve his blue ballz
KIK: ziasky19
22 m mo. Hmu if you're bored
Hey 18m here looking to share nn pics of my high school crush (18) with yummy tits! Would love if you wanted to chat about how you'd suck them in front of me ;). Let me know your age and if you like to suck tits in your reply.

Kik: Raven19852

BI curious looking for someone to experiment with or just seeing what is out there. open to male and females. also down to see your cocks and rate.

kik: bicpl4fun3
am also in chicago. just sent you a friend request on discord
Any girls need a father figure to help them feel wanted, useful, and give them purpose...

kik: release4her
34/m NW Burbs

Tall, lean, masculine swim coach with a shaved and cut BWC. If you love long cocks with huge cut heads dont be shy.

I love mutual exhibitionism, playing at the forest preserve or getting my cock sucked in meetings from home.

Open to anything.

Tel: MstrE777
22/M/Metro Detroit
6ft Hispanic, enjoy biking in my free time as well as watching sports, I also enjoy video games, comics, movies and cooking.
>Looking for
A women who's looking for some fun. I'd be down for a one time thing or maybe more if we click. When you message me tell me what you're into and looking for.
Disc: showerhead2479
Kik: Showet1
>its central north
explain this americans
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I love seeds so fucking much bros.

Please remember to drink plenty of water.
Look both ways before crossing the street.
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monsieur_teste everywhere

Looking for people with vaginas. Let's also say I love Snapchat Live. If you're around the area I can teach you some things.
bruh ur also in the northwoods????
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Looking to chat with men and seeing where it goes. Kik leiolm27 or my discord leiolm26

looking for someone to get drunk in front of me and let me take advantage kik: pinkdozey
disc: xfroztedflakez
25 - 815
>looking for
>not looking for

Looking for a local jo bro. Just blow off some steam and chill. Not into kissing or topping or bottoming or dom/sub shit. Just chill load blowing.

omi im sorry please unblock me if you see this
Everything is measured from True America, the original colonies, since the rest of the country didn't exist and was added on later. So you have East, West of the East, more Westerer, Midwaywest, really really West, and then just "the South" which was a terrible place full of mosquitoes and jewish plantation owners who, like today, won't stop bringing black people here on boats.
Eastern SD here
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45/M from Canal Fulton, OH. (Nearish Canton, Akron)

Big on age gaps, but the age gap threads are too spread out to actually find anyone locally. Strong preference for girls (~18-24) who have a thing for men old enough to be their father, but boys who look like girls work too.

I'm looking for someone close enough to actually meet in person, who wants to meet up. Hookups, FWB, or real long term relationships, all on the table depending on how far away you might be.

Discord: shinmanokodou
22m Chicago, new to town - bi sissy LF cute young (under 25) tops to come worship my booty.

Kik: Jamiejay032
24 m from canada passing through beginning of october
wouldn't mind some trans folk, really not into masc cis folk but women trans cis or trans men or femboys or anything are gravy
recently single and taking a road trip so it would be nice to meet folks
discord: camjam99

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