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The old one is hitting bump limit soon (497, three to go).

This thread is intended for people to find friends, romantic partners, friends with benifits, gaming buddies, somebody to talk to, somebody to spend time with irl, activity buddies

>ASL / description
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>Other things you might find important to list
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M27, Europe

I have spent the last years of my life unchaining the darkest aspects of my personality and developing a long set of maladaptative behaviors. After trying various moral systems and philosophies, and realizing none of them fit me, I decided to ditch morality altogether, gradually becoming more and more unhinged.

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, skinny, with a Rasputin beard. I do not care about physical appearance at all and I would expect you not to care, but I am not shy about showing myself: if you want a picture, just ask.

>looking for
A girl of any age that would enjoy the most intense relationship of her life.

I will be obsessive.
I will be sweet.
I will lovebomb you.
I will indulge you in any kinks, no matter how fucked up.
I will shower you with affection and reassurance.
I will worship you.
I will be a massive simp.
I will do anything to keep you happy.


I will be abusive.
I will be posessive.
I will control what you eat and how you dress.
I will become unhinged when I am frustrated.
I might be slightly violent.

But I will do all of this out of love, in my own way: you would understand and you would find it pleasant.

Ideally, you would be "broken" in some way: femcel, neurodivergent, perverted, with a fucked up past, or all of the above. I have had my time wasted and I am getting old, so I would be okay with us having a baby and becoming a family as soon as you wanted. Nothing would make me happier :)

Expect me to be extremely sweet from the get-go. I want to know everything about you: your life, your hobbies, your opinions, your feelings, your secrets... I am a very open-minded person: you can tell me anything without being judged.

>not looking for
Troons, avoidant personalities, people not looking for an actual relationship, NEETs.

>contact info
Discord: maconheights
Teleguard: JKZ5HW5KC
>Looking For
Ageplay, text, middles, siblings, childhood friends, women, fem men
>Not Looking For
Under 26, voice chat, littles, babies, mommies, daddies, masc men
>ASL / description
21/m/uk, fairly conventional looking, white, blue eyes, tall, nothing else really worth noting
>Looking for
anyone to talk to
>Not looking for
>Other things you might find important to list
im really friendly and nice and am a stellar conversationalist and you should want to be my best friend
>Looking for
Wholesome girls to talk to but can be anyone
>Not looking for
trannies, femboys and such
>Other things you might find important to list
struggling with direction in life
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>ASL / description
25/M/Midwest US
>Looking for
Looking for woman around my age (20-30) who shares some of my interests
>Not looking for
Non-females, underage, dishonest
>Other things you might find important to list
Do not have a lot of practice at communicating
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video games
game development
making music
reading sometimes but not much (dune right now)
currently relapsed on hoi4 addiction fucksake

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>ASL / description - 27 f southern California near Tustin
>Looking for - romance, flirting, discord meet ups, people I can call at random times, voice chat.

>Not looking for - e-drama, people obsessed with the anonymous allegations about me, which I address below. please stop pinging me about them or asking me about it.

>Other things you might find important to list - I'm autistic so I don't hit it off with everyone. and no I don't run a CP ring, stop asking me about the anonymous allegations. I'm a cis woman too I just have lots of 4chan trolls witchhunting me.
>tag/username - chickn333
>myg0t is back in town
when I get accepted as a janny, you're gone. Also already reported you to the FBI
>get trolled
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Chickn is an obese man posing as a woman. He's a known pedophile who has groomed several minors aged 13-16 and posted their nudes onto several Discord servers. He's a freak who brags about the children whose lives he's ruined, and the only reason he posts is to find more children or adult paypigs to finance his pedophilia.
read her post you nerd
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19/M/Southern Ontario, Canada

5'11, 145lbs, bi fit twink, blue eyes, kinda cute/handsome but look 3 years younger than I actually am.

>About me
I'm at work the absolute majority of the time (precision manufacturing). If I get some time off, I usually like to go on a long drive to a remote hiking trail. Big fan of blues rock, metal, industrial, jazz, and neue deutsche harte. I love Noir - both in books and films. I'd love to discuss books and movies with you - please recommend me more similar music/literature/films! Very honest and loyal, but also extremely lonely, and unfortunately hypersexual.

Don't be angry if I only reply in the morning or the evening! - cannot really text at work :(

>Looking for
Really anyone cool (bois, girls, whoever else) who wants to talk about mutual interests and be friends or partners, meet-up, and maintain a relationship. I'm just tired of having no one in my life.

>Not looking for
If you are a "top", fat and/or brown (read pajeet), I would prefer not to engage in communication.

>Important note
I'm a massive social retard.

discord: realcatbtw
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I'm tired of being the one that has to force conversation or take the lead. I'll still try but I hope you'll try too

33/M/USA, pretty much average
>About me
Employed, functional adult, fighting deep lifelong depression. I like anime/tech/travel/tea/cooking and maybe some other things. Isolated and lonely.
>Looking for
Romance, and/or friendship. I want to love and feel loved so ideally the former but I'm not one to push the issue.
>Not looking for
Lgbt, politics, anything immediately sexual
I'm active on Element/Matrix, if you want to try me there too just ask
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Im a short bipolar man who sucks at everything and never learns from his mistakes. Im also strong, resilient & wise.
>Looking for
A friend or a girl to talk to I guess. I dont have anybody in my life.
>Not looking for
Gay men, creeps, old folks
>Other things you might find important to list
Im not well.
Im on dxm 2nite
Finna delete this shit holy cringe
F18 Texas

I keep getting cheated on. i have no romantic prospects and i dont expect any. 5'4" chudette with short brown hair and glasses. i like the sims 4 and vampires

>looking for
White european men

>not looking for
americans or canadians. please don't be hairy, old, or overweight. i am not.

22 Male New York, United States

>About you
I am a self destructive egocentric megalomaniac on 4chan for the past two years. I have a steady career in being an apprentice draftsman for a construction firm that I am contracted with for the next decade. I like to talk to new people and hear out different perspectives on the many walks of life out there. I am a very sentimental person in the way I appreciate a lot of small and trivial behaviors and mentalities. I hold a lot of optimism for the world, and I grew past a lot of the cynical views that are constantly being exposed on the internet. When it comes to sexual attraction for others, having respect and admiration for them is important for me. I want to be enamored by their presence and I want to be motivated by their strength. I will be patient to give others the chance to demonstrate their capabilities.

>Looking for
A 22 to 25 year old woman.
Is human.
Is a Gemini.
Has a blood type of B.
Has pink hair.
Lives on Earth.
Likes to go shopping.
Has a fear of complete silence.
Has a news reporter like personality.
Likes to eat cherry vanilla ice cream.
Is unable to handle spicy food.
Is a talented dancer.
Is able to play several musical instruments.
Likes to wear crop tops, mini skirts, long gloves, headphones and heels.
Has a firearms license.
Is a bit of an airhead, confident and brave.

>Not looking for
18 to 20 year old women.
Has a blood type of AB.
Has green hair.
Is a virgo.
Wearing chokers and fishnet stockings.
Has a fanclub.

Is arrogant and deeply competitive.
Is spoiled and immature.
Has a history of mischief.

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hihi, i am an extreme recluse trying to get out of it. for my entire life ive been sliding into more and more isolation, but now i am attempting to get out of it. : ( i am incredibly obese (295 lbs, almost 4'10 ) so i would like to get out of the house. i live in central NH ^^

>about me
general overview
reclusive neet trying to not be so reclusive.. .... i enjoy learning, and want to learn more about anything, in specific linguistics and silly factoids muahhahhahaa. i want to siphon knowledge out of you and share mine the same!
listens to buttrock, buttpunk, industrial, industrial metal, stoner sludge, thrash metal, bossa nova, experimental electronic, synth, very into cheesy shitty love songs right now and mixing that with desolate ones.... lol
denying myself love as i am incredibly clingy and insecure when i do trust, i am obsessive. i want to improve with a close friend; that is my only goal for now.

i draw moe anime trying to branch into portraits etc, cutesy joking stuff extreme fetish stuff (/d/ tier and it is kind of embarrassing so idk if ill show the extreme nsfw out the gate...)

fighting games

i quite enjoy ss4 amakusas revenge and sf2 the world warrior so far. i finally got a good computer so if you know how to pirate tekken .. .. . id be willing to play. muahhahahahha. get ready for your raping.
general nature stuff (i used to go outside a lot for nature, museums, science centers, aquariums, i miss it so greatly. it feels a piece of me is missing being inside like this.)
9mm.mauser is my disc
>ASL / description
24 M US (ND) / semi-normie uni student interning for the government. aged to 85 from three years of night-shift. slowly benjamin buttoning myself by living a normal life. (gas station roller bites, i miss you) play a bit of video games, though i'm getting back into modding so i can impress my russian fanbase. also getting back into reading and lifting. (need more in my personal life than brainrot on ig)
>Looking for
people to talk to / play something and yap, or watch something and yap. chat or vc is cool.
>Not looking for
if you're at a stage in life where saying the hard R brings you joy, or carry an overt negative outlook on life. (unless you're trying to change)
>Other things you might find important to list
gold nova 1 in cs2, so i'm headed to the pros soon
boggington on discord
>ASL / description
>Looking for
lonely woman without any friends
>Not looking for
sluts,drug addicts, friend collectors, trans or gays
>Other things you might find important to list
i'm pretty boring
dis: wild_thing
Hahaha hahaha i love to fuck with a bitch like this hahaha
based chickn exposer
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Maybe if you found someone hairy, old or overweight people you wouldn't be cheated on? Well, maybe not old but my point still stands, frau Chudette.
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26 M Croatia

>about me
-anime, mango and video games; also love aquariums and fish/plants.
-enthusiast aquascaper
-Am obsessed with psychological horror/thriller and Korean films.
-Love going to the cinema and sometimes hiking.
-Never smoke, never drink or do drugs.
-Catholic, but don’t go to church and don’t mind other religions/agnostics/atheists
-don't really have friends so you would the only person I talk to

>looking for
-A femanon that feels we can connect.
-Someone whose definition of happiness is relying on each other and cuddling while playing games
-I don't mind mental illness and neets, I will always love you

>Not looking for
Men, trans, people who just want to be friends, people that don’t share any of my passions

Discord: ashenarm0r
>Looking for
interesting people to talk to, friends & company to pass some time
>Not looking for
relationships, pervs, sexting etc. etc.
>Other things you might find important to list
interested in drawing, discussing current events, politics, exploring new music, metalhead, vidya when i have time, CATS...
22 troon, EU
I'm not lonely but somewhat alienated, I never had issues making friends with people but I never met anyone with whom I actually enjoy spending time in the long run.
>looking for
a friend with curiosity about the world, maybe someone who wants to discuss books with me. Schizoids, avoidants, autists are welcome

not looking for
>consumerist cattle
>tik tok or other social media npc
>people whose only hobby is gaming/watching crap
>ultrawoke or neonazi

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>"I might be slightly violent."
Femcel dream right here, they soak for a male that will beat the shit out of them and decide every microsecond of their life for them.
Don't forget to use your elbows.
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Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account.
hello hi hello
recluse shut-in that cannot go to public places without panic attacks and i cry when things are too loud (i wear noise cancelling headphones everywhere)
i am fat but want to be underweight :( i suck at weight loss i binge eat allllll the time
i want to learn to draw but i hate everything i make and havent finished a drawign in 8 billion years!!
i have an unhealthy obsession with the sandy hook case! i know way too much and i need to know more when there isnt anything more to learn :(
i like video games sometimes... webfishing i heart you i also like rimworld and zomboid!! gonna buy satisfactory during steam winter sale ^-^
i want to learn new things please add me ans tell me about things you like
no nsfw or romanctic relationships please and thank you
gukibori on discord!
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>About you
I'm a bit of a loner with some mental health issues, but I'm working very hard at resolving those things.
I love to be outside in nature with my dog. I love hiking, camping, just wandering around and looking at people.
I like to read about anything, and I really love history. I like to watch movies and listen to music.
In my free time I also like to mess around with computers and play some games. I'm a bit lost and lonely, so I'm looking forward to meeting new people.
>Looking for
Meeting and learning about people, chill conversations, sharing hobbies and interests, and maybe we can share some pictures of our pets.
I want to hear about you and what's happening in your life. I would prefer to chat with people over or close to 30, or at least be mature and capable of having an actual conversation.
>Not looking for
Hateful people, bigots of any kind, dating, sex.
Discord: denoal6
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I'm looking for other autistic people to be friends with. I have no other goal in mind than having some similar company with which I can hang out. It would be best if you don't mind someone dry, socially inept, and sometimes busy. I encourage you to add me and ask me any questions you might have about what kind of person I am.
Add me by using: imspedgar
>ASL / description
18/M/US, shut in going to uni, some mental issues, enjoys music from the 90s and tf2
>Looking for
cool people to talk to really, dont talk to many people why do you think im here
>Not looking for
anything romantic, ive only had bad experiences and dont want what this website has to offer
>Other things you might find important to list
chronically online so i can talk about most anything, i enjoy deep conversations most
disc: obscenery.
>ASL/description: 27F San Antonio, red hair, blue eyes
>looking for: Tall thin men, ages 30-39
I get obsessed if you text me enough. After I get obsessed, I'll then want to text you all the time. If I really like you, expect at least hundreds of texts a day. I'm disabled due to schizophrenia and I don't work, so I have a ton of free time and want somebody to talk to. Hoping I can find someone that replies almost instantly to match my obsession.
Spirituality is very important to me. I've had spiritual experiences with both God and Lucifer. it would be nice to find someone who appreciates it.
I also would appreciate help making decisions. I really like it when the guy I'm obsessed with decides my stuff.
>not looking for
People who take forever to reply
Guys trying to sleep with me right off the bat
Fat people
>Other things you might find important to list: Into a lot of things like spirituality, mental health, meditation, yoga, writing, horror especially Stephen King
22m ny
>looking for
I'm looking for lonely 18+ women who want to voice call on discord.
>not looking for
Men, minors, anything illegal, anything disrespectful (if that makes sense?)
Okay this is the part where I ramble lol. I'm an autistic guy. I have a quiet monotone voice, which helps people to calm down. I'm looking to talk with women who are overwhelmed or just not feeling good. It's (sometimes) kind of my thing to play that therapy daddy role - whatever that means to you. We can talk about your problems, or not. Maybe I can put you in little space, or not. Maybe you just want to hear me ramble, or not. I like helping women calm down like from situations of sexual abuse especially because my life is spiked where I'm pretty naive with a lot of things, but because of a lot of exploring with porn, well tldr is I talk about perverted stuff because it's what I know and what makes me feel comfortable. I'm (sometimes) silly or a flirt too and because of the autism, it can fall flat. That being said, feel free to leave if you want but I've had scenarios where ig being patient with me worked out well. I will say, I might ghost or get avoidant if I'm uncomfortable. I scare easily. It's not to hurt ppl. I just have my triggers per se. Anyways, I'm hoping you can communicate boundaries. Also, I plan for this to be platonic (even if I start talking about something raunchy, I won't direct it at you if that makes sense?). Some stuff like drugs and cutting, I will probably disappoint you in helping you out because I'm sheltered in a lot of ways. But, no worries if you scream or cry or shit on men or whatever. I don't like misandry, it makes me uncomfortable, but it's different in this context because sometimes those feelings come about with trauma. Also, no promises I can help, but I'll try as much as you're willing to try. I am busy too btw, just a warning.
>discord (lmk where you added me from and your asl)
Any lonely girls want to talk to an older guy? I enjoy giving advice, listening, and chatting. Not looking for a relationship, lewd is fine if you want but I'm not pushy about it.

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Dark hair, olive skinned, overweight (120kg /5' 11''). Dead inside and haven't smiled in 3 years
>Looking for
I recently got a job but currently I feel like it's pointless. I want someone to make me feel it's not. It's my first job and it's hard to understand or see a purpose with no companionship.
>Not looking for
Men, trannies, non-virgins, cutters
>Other things you might find important to list
I seriously want to kill myself rn.
There is too much unfairness in the world.
The things I did wrong I will never be able to amend them.
>ASL / description
Mid 20's, Female, Australian
>Looking for
Intersting people and kind people. Someone that would help me.
>Not looking for
Trouble, for people who are ignorant of the world around them.
>Other things you might find important to list
I am a mighty fine example of how someone intelligent can still end up being a stupid stupid poo head. I hardly have access to the internet, technically the way I'm connecting right now shouldn't even work but it does because I hit my head against it until it listened to me. I like video games but I don't have a stable internet connection that can handle gaming, if I tried to launch something like Discord my computer would blue screen, too. I like deep conversation, I'm usually an open book, but I have become quite reserved now. Don't take that personally. I like to email, I like to send long emails and talk about mundane things like the weather and how the grass grows. I like cooking and sewing. I like loud music. I think I'd like motorbikes but I've never had the pleasure of riding one. If I could be any animal I'd be an Orca. My favourite colour is Green.
22 Male United States

I am very distant, cold and neglectful. I tend to be very sad on the inside. I lose sight of the world around me because I just crash on the inside.

I am looking for someone to bring the best out of me in a romantic relationship. I need help, and I would like to seek the best in others to help inspire me. Please be my muse.

Not looking for anyone to just ask of money from me, not looking for anyone wanting to be trapped in sadness. Lets escape together.

My Discord tag is 21181514
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>ASL / description
>Looking for
silly and funny overseas friends to chat with
>Not looking for
pervert people and dry people
>Other things you might find important to list
i dont have anything to do and very bored. lets be friends!
Bumping... :(
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>ASL / description
25 male usa, nc
skinny hairy white guy who kinda looks like jesus
>Looking for
love from a woman, gaming friends, adhd yappers? maybe a wingman? maybe someone to share offensive/edgy media with
>Not looking for
anything not what i stated above for the most part.
>Other things you might find important to list
i struggle to connect to people till i think ur worthy of friendship, i pretend to be a realist but im quite pessimistic and it bleeds into my everyday life
mostly play overwatch, webfishing, stardew valley and warthunder as of late.
30 M eastern US

sex and porn addict, semi-attempting recovery, high stress and high pay job. Don't really get the chance to meet many new people but I have lots of down time

video games, reading, running, medicine.

>Sexual Interests
handjobs, voyeurism, mutual masturbation, suction cup dildos, intimacy, cum play

>Looking for
female, chatting, lewd or not, preferably long term. happy to answer medical questions too

>Not looking for
male, VC, cam

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>Looking for
e-friends, maybe IRL friends

>Not looking for
Coomers, severe autism

>About me
I'm friendly and can carry a conversation. Enjoy learning about people and giving advice. I struggle with motivation/ambition, an underachiever with a sentimental soul. Libertarian-minded. Enjoy nature and adventuring around; traveled a lot this year. Dark humor. Horror movies are a passion. Music: see picture. I play and would like to make my own music one day. Video games: playing a lot of Hell Let Loose on console lately, love the Fallout games.

dizzydipper on Discord
>Looking for
someone i can anonymously vent to about my crazy life, i'm also a good listener
>Not looking for
judgement, sexual relations
>Other things you might find important to list
tfw no fren
neet, sperg, weird, tons of special interests, age regression
>Looking for
someone i can be weird around and not fear judgment
>tons of special interests
well tell us, fren
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Please be at least 27 years old if you add, I really can't relate to younger people at all these days
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>ASL / description
currently devastated over the news that david lynch requires oxygen to walk
>Looking for
a friend
>Not looking for
politics, sex, people under 21
>Other things you might find important to list
went from having a very full & active life to complete stillness this year. cut off all contact with the outside world and keep sinking further into depression. i was told to socialize so i’m here
>I hardly have access to the internet
>I don't have a stable internet connection that can handle gaming,
>if I tried to launch something like Discord my computer would blue screen, too.
> Australian
this is the standard australian internet experience
24 m ca
Chronically depressed man trying to cultivate relationships and better my life. I love learning new things especially history and science, movies / tv, and gaming. I also have a knack for editing.
>looking for
>not looking for
Men, trans(unless you pass), racists.
>ASL / description
>Looking for
Someone I can vent to about relationship problems with my fiance. I'll listen to your venting in return. No-strings-attached style conversation.
>Not looking for
A romantic relationship/horny bullshit
>Other things you might find important to list
If channer lingo like "fag" upsets you I'm probably not the best person to talk to.
anon14442 on Discord
im new to this board and looking through the catalog i decided to pick this thread
to ask...how come there's not just a normal rate my face thread in this whole board? dicks, boobs, fat, trans, sissys, discord kik, themes all sorts of shit but no basic rate thread?
I wonder if you are the same wigg3r I have heard of (I took your base and all your shit in VS)
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27/M/Canada. White, 6'3"

I'm a creative / curiositymaxxing / intellectual interest sort of guy. I've dabbled in 90 something hobbies, mostly settling on writing, painting, reasing, singing, and music. Formerly gaming was my biggest hobby for years.

I love deep conversations, whimsical interactions, new knowledge, originality, initimacy, emotion, novelty, and spontaneity.

I am very accomodating of neurodivergent behavior like autism.

I have friends, but many of them are introverted and do not really vibe with how I like to interact.

>Looking for

Friends / interesting conversations / potentially dates

>Not looking for

Introverts who dislike long conversations, or gay relationships.


Discord chucksneed5026
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24, Male, Switzerland
Depressed NEET that's pretty much open to talk about a million topics, but beware if we're talking about something that i love, otherwise i won't ever stop
>hobbies, interests, whatever
-Video games
-Furry stuff
-Long ass, intimate discussions where I can't keep track of the time
-Probably some other stuff too
>looking for
Friends, people to talk to i guess, see if it even works between us, if you're into racing games that's a plus
>not looking for
Dry people, please
>david lynch requires oxygen to walk

Depressed wagie with no irl friends. Probably autistic, really bad at social stuff but trying to improve. Generally into nerdy hobbies.
I've been told I'm handsome but my tism repels women.

Games, Warhammer, Gundam, history, TTRPGs, anime, art.
I like for example Elden Ring, Monster Hunter, Stellaris, Helldivers 2, League of Legends, Dead by Daylight.

>Looking for
EU woman with similar interests. Someone to chill, chat and play games with. Open to both friendship or romance!

>Not looking for
Non EU, not willing to VC

Will add on Discord if we click.
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>Looking for
People to chat with throughout the day.
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>ASL / description 18M US (Virginia)
Really just pretty lonely and love starved, hoping to change that.
Sperg, around 6'1, hazel eyes, long (by male standards) fluffy blonde hair, paler skin, all around just average looking.
>Looking for: Girl that is 18 or 19, just looking to talk and see if we go anywhere from there!
>Not looking for gay men, trans, e drama, mind games
>Other things you might find important to list you can be kinda obsessive or moody sometimes, I'll try my best not to
>Interests Video games, music (especially older metal), reading, cars, paranormal, really I can talk about anything I'm not picky!
>tag/usernames discord: dockta55
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