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Linux users thread

>About me
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Name: Anastasia, may or may not be subject to change
A/S/L: 19, boymoder on HRT, Poland
Interests: Linux (obviously), Arch to be specific; vidya, especially indie platformers/RPGs; movies
Likes: cats; sleeping; cuddling; good, seasoned food
Dislikes: social situations; mean people; creeps
Mostly looking for talking with like-minded people, though wouldn't oppose a relationship if we click (I'm bisexual, attracted to feminine people with some exceptions)
Discord: b.baster
When the FUCK is debian getting python 3.10 as default
It will get it once 3.16 releases
I don't want to talk to other linux users.
Early 20s, m UK.
Looking for nerds and attention from women, why not both?
Would be happy to do MOOCs with you.
Post your tag.
ywnab bro save yourself especially avoid any surgery, get off tranny subreddits and discord server
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
Anything goes
kik: gresskar10
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
kik: linuxdudeplus
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kys chud nigger
>Looking for
Bio f near me
if anyone like that exist, reply to this post amd we'll figure something out
shit thread, dedicated /g/ thread for /fucko/ and other autists would have been better
arch is non free malware and so are you video games
avoiding pisscorp is all you have to do
Dont care
>About me
windows enthusiast
>Your favorite distro
windows 11
>Looking for
windows enthusiasts
>Not looking for
linux poorfags
/thread tbqhwy
31 M Europe
>About me
radical militant anti-corpo free speech FLOSS extremist (abolish copyright and patent law, free access to the internet for all as a public utility, absolute free speech in all public squares), ban usage of non-free software for all public and government services, only smart people should use computers (if you can't fix it and understand it down to every transistor on the silicon level, you don't own it, but it owns you, slave) - commodification and dumbing down of computers to dumb people has destroyed society
see above, also electronics, building, engineering, /diy/, repair, music, singing (all at advanced levels)
>Your favorite distro
Gentoo of course
>Looking for
virgin racist tradwife (no hymen no diamond) (slut for me in bed)
>Not looking for
k k k club (at) hi tler (dot) rocks
when is debilian getting novidya update
This has to be a LARP
25 f eu
>About you
i mostly just make music
music (shoegaze, breakcore, indie etc), anime, vidya, chess, philosophy, history
>Looking for
nice people to talk to and maybe vc
>Not looking for
hey bby come to my place and I'll show you my Linux machines. You can't game on them though...
good morning saar
>i mostly just make music
stop by /cyb/ on /g/ and help make our dreams come true!
based based based. i saw NO a couple years ago and ive got tickets for hooky and the light in a few months here.
Cool, what software do you use to draw?

and what distro do you use?
>30M california
>autistic neet failed programmer
>AI, classical music, sucking dick, sci-fi, crossdressing, physics
>Have been using Fedora with KDE for a few years now, it works fine.
>arch user bf to dominate me

18. F. EU (CZ specifically)


Non binary pansexual

bladee, ecco2k, Poor mans poison, Kikuo, Miku

>About me

Decent physique/muscles. I think im a furry, not really sure though. Very mentally ill. Depressed most of the time , ADHD and probably autism. Childhood trauma and general bullying. I’m not really good at comforting but I’ll try helping as much as I can with anything. Horrible abandonment issues so please be patient lol.


I like watching some tv shows, movies and anime. I love Beastars so much!! Fav anime oat is Evangelion, fav TV show GoT and fav movie Matrix.
Manga too!!! Chainsaw man is probably my fav manga rn. I’ve read JJK, CSM (lol), Beastars and Call of the Night. (wanna start with berserk too)
I don’t really play many video games anymore but I started playing Dark souls recently and I really enjoy it. Favourite game oat is RDR2. I like listening to music. Tame impala, Bladee, Lana del rey, mitski, Kanye west, MF DOOM, really into breakcore :3

>looking for

Some friend I can talk/vent to.
I wont carry the conversation sorry.
Same timezone preferably.
If you contact me please tell me something about yourself!! And have something in common with me so we can have LONG conversations :p
Also please don’t unfriend/block me if i don’t respond instantly, im not chronically online.

>not looking for

General bigots and assholes. No racists or anything. Anti-furries, Pedophiles/lolicons, trolls, ppl looking for money.


24 M italy

Programming ans vidya is life

I use arch btw

Need someone to pick programming socks for me

Kik betaboi1999
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24/sigma male/USA
>About me
I'm just a dude, you know. I like tech. Video games like DotA 2, Mount and Blade: Warband, and old console games like RE4, Ape Escape, Silent Hill, and others. I enjoy modding consoles. Mod chips, jail breaking, loading ROMs, expanding storage, restorations, etc.
Tech, swimming, gaming, history, lots of stuff.
>Your favorite distro
Linux Mint 4 life
>Looking for
Cool people to talk to
>Not looking for
Homosexuals or transgender people. Sorry.
logicbombinurface on everyone's favorite NSA approved chatting app :P
I like music and anime I guess
My favorite distro is lubuntu and have been using it as a daily driver for a decade+
Looking for: anime music people who love monero
Not looking for: rap or breakbeat enthusiasts I guess
Handle: unmannedsurveyor (discord)
this is not me btw, im the real voah and this person has changed my original post to troll me
Bookworm (stable) is on Python 3.11
I agree if they are GNOME users, systemd enjoyers or otherwise supporters of shit that does not follow the Unix philosophy. Every time you don't follow it, users pay for it with inconvenience, breakage and faggotry.
I do agree with a lot of what's in "about me"; don't push for it or talk about it but I'd love it if it happened. Also the Hitler part at the end.
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>Main Interests & Hobbies
History - mostly modern, particularly interested in revolutions
Politics - ideologically left-wing but I hate identity politics
Programming - very interested in Linux (I use Debian) and FOSS
Retro video games - particularly old Nintendo/Sega ones and PC sim. games

>Other Interests & Hobbies
Model building
Working out

>Physical Appearance
White, above average height with slim build. People say my face is attractive but you’d have to judge
>Looking For
Any women interested in chatting.
>Not Looking For
LGBT (including transwomen), I’m heterosexual
>Some friend I can talk/vent to.
>no Anti-furries
You're gonna have a hard time
I just really miss my friend wheyfumo because I know his life is pretty shitty and he deleted his discord account a couple months ago. I miss my Tas bro even though I'm Amriki and been worried about his wellbeing for a while now. :(
>using Python
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29/M/USA (CST)
>About you
Relatively chill, normalish guy comparatively to most peeps on the chans. I'm most social during late afternoon & evening. Got five cats who I love very much and will send you a lot of pics of. I'm very understanding about mental health issues and I don't mind discussing them, so I can always an open ear if you need to vent to somebody. Started studying for IT certs lately, really fun. I am planning to build up a library of both books & physical media, really love cinema, literature, and gaming. Talk to me about history, animals, or Linux in any order especially.
Fallout New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Hollow Knight, any decent platformer really.
>Looking for?
Looking for people closer to 23 & above, won't go below 20. People to message on Discord throughout the day. Fun, nice, talkative and passionate people who enjoy the things they're into and wanna tell me about em. Fellow adults who are a bit lonely online and like having/being company through Discord. All timezones welcome.
>Not looking for
I don't associate with transphobes, homophobes, or /pol/ types. If you're one of these, stay out.
>Favorite Distro
Debian of course. I also am pretty knowledgeable with green lizards.
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41/M/Canada (Toronto)
>About me
Finally trying to make something of myself after wasting half my life blaming others for my own shortcomings. Better late than never!
Anything that's stimulating or challenging on a physical or mental level. If it builds muscle, activates neurons or rewards me with dopamine, there's a good chance I'll enjoy it.
>Your favorite distro
Guix, despite knowing fuck all about Lisp.
>Looking for
People who try their best to be living examples of their own personal values and principles, whatever those may entail.
>Not looking for
People who treat lying like it's a lifestyle or a sport.
Surely, you must mean my SimpleX address. Look to your left!
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20s, f, dk

>About me
programmer but also, i draw and stream and went to IT school
this is so gay, what is this gay girly question? i d k. stallman's views are my optimal interests. and penis.

>Your favorite distro
ubuntu. i've used arch, debian, etc since 2019 and decided to just stick to ubuntu instead (since last year)

>Looking for
i d k. maybe danes cuz locals are better than e-friends

>Not looking for

give me yours first. otherwise people spam add me just cuz "OMG FEMALE???"
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ok i came up with some. my arduino and breadboard projects. also, cute feminine twink boys. yoga. audiobooks.
>stallman's views are my optimal interests
post pic of your libreboot thinkpad running lfs with libre kernel
then we will setup xmpp server together
25 m IT
>About me
work in it, gamer, weeb
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
online friends. any gender
>Not looking for
nespolume on discord
18, male, nz
>About me
dumb field, if you want to know more about me youll have to ask like a normal person would.
linguistics, music making, hardware, old hardware, cooking simple, cheap & healthy food, scrabble, chess and anthropology (mostly human behaviour).
>Your favorite distro
Don't have one.
Distros I like:
void, parabola, xubuntu, debian, fedora, desu i like all distros except proprietary software like ZorinOS and others.
Distros I use:
NixOS and Kubuntu.
Distros I used in the past:
arch, mint, windows, apple, parabola, void, peppermint and slackware.
>Looking for
unrestricted, unless youre a coomer.
>Not looking for
dear god at the distro list
distrohopping is mental illness
29 F USA
>About me
Not much to say, I'm not incredibly talkative unless it's something I care about, I'm more of a doer when it counts, I'm generally chill and don't enjoy conflict but I work through most things, I don't sweat the details unless they're relevant
Anime games reading cats souls-like/rogue likes
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
A cute girl to fondle, play games with, watch movies, live in a secluded house with a garden and a cat or something, exercise buddy, someone with their own hobbies and life too
>Not looking for
Men trannies
this is, in fact, a male tranny
how're the no adds going, you bug chasing faggot?
I'm not interested in your fat neckbeard ass
Go larp as a white knight away from me and other lesbians, they don't want you
>t. ranny
go abuse yourself and leave women alone, faggot
They won't talk to you
>its phoneposting now
thats just sad, DUDE
Ah yes, the fedora wearing retard who never leaves the house wonders why people have phones
Go figure
point in case. this is a man, women avoid. thank you proving my point you mentally ill queer.
bro why do you insist on embarassing yourself. as a bystander this is sad LMAO
I'm not posting myself for you to fap to
Go look at pictures of your sister again for that
Anyway, this is mainly why women avoid fat neckbeards, they're just too unstable and have horrible personalities
You're scaring off all the women who would want anything to do with you. Are you not self aware?
I can tell you're lonely if you're going to sit on a linux thread and try to pinpoint the trannies whom surely have it worse than you and rightfully so
didnt read tranny chaser
this is indeed a man. women avoid.
>distrohopping is mental illness
midwit take if i ever heard one. distrohopping is a perfectly normal phase and a rite of passage for any self respecting linux user. gaining experience with multiple types of init systems, package managers, tooling, design goals, use cases, installation procedures, philosophies and communities is never a bad idea, and it is the only way to truly find out which ones are a good fit for you. besides, we all settle down eventually. notice how he's only actively using two at the moment, that's less than the number of distros under my roof (guix, nixos, ubuntu studio and steamos).
>gaining experience with multiple types of init systems, package managers, tooling, design goals, use cases, installation procedures, philosophies and communities is never a bad idea
you know you can install those on any distro?
you are just distrohopping because you are consoomer
and if you are gonna pretend like you care about those details you can just make your own distro
>installation procedures
uhh you know you just copy fs and boot into kernel with set /init
there is no different installation procedure for loonix
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18 f
data, rhythm vidya, building computers, adderall
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
so whats the point of a linux thread if everyone here is pisscord fag anyways
wondering the same, no one ever wants to try email
why? I see people keep saying this but distros are so easy to install, really what's the problem? I legitimately want to know.
Possibly next thread someone might mention use email instead or something else
Pisscord is shit and we all need to move on
if only OP wasnt a fag pole
whole thread is a sausage fest. everyone here has a pp.

i use arch btw.
lol. why not use one of the many open source, privacy oriented, decentralized chat protocols that are out there? any one of them is better than email.
>any one of them is better than email.
smtp is superior, simple clients and simple server
fuck off with your matrix whatever else
irc / xmpp / ssh chat are also acceptable but those may be more viable for group talk
"open sores"
its free software you faggot
have you tried simplex?
>its free software you faggot
only if the license adheres to free/libre principles. all free/libre software is open source, but not all open source software is free/libre.
No one gives a fuck and I did mention anything is better than pisscord
>have you tried simplex?
i dont care about your meme consoom software
my irc server ran as tor hidden service has survived test of time and will live on forever
your meme will get replaced in 2 months
>but not all open source software is free/libre.
yes and thats why i said open sores you moron, non free software is malware
this pretty much
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27, m, italy
mostly arch, debian, fedora, ol
>looking for
gente che suda e rootta nei miei paraggi,
or anyone else really, just add me we'll talk.
>opened /soc/ to look at dicks and somehow fell into a /g/ thread
I guess I have Void Linux on a laptop that I rarely use, otherwise I use Windows 10 on the desktop
There seems to be a few """""females""""" here
ok i take everything i said back, i looked at your first post and you seem based, keep simplexing
its just sad that majority of posters are pisscord fags you probably can predict what they do on there
>About me
I like web development, linux, the xfce mouse, konqi, vlang weasel
coding, video games, music, instruments, etc etc
>Your favorite distro
I guess kubuntu. I like xfce though, and my hardware is usually so new I'm forced to use patched mainline, so I kinda wanna switch to something more suited to me (but idk what)
>Looking for
friends, especially people who like coding and wanna do something together uwu
>Not looking for
>ok i take everything i said back
in the name of saint ignucious, i forgive you.
>dislikes: social situations
>mostly looking for [social situations] though wouldnt oppose [social situations]
come on man
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North America, Male
>>About me
I majored in computer engineering, and I have been using Linux as my main operating system since 2016.
I like videogames, game dev, learning about computer in general. I also like anime and recently been going back to studying math and physics on my own. I am working on a paid indie game, which is taken casually at the moment
>>Your favorite distro
I really like Ubuntu Cinammon. Mostly because I don't care much about the system itself but doing stuff with it. I wanna try installing Gentoo in a virtual box, mainly to improve my bash skills.
>>Looking for
Anyone who wants to discuss gaming in Linux, progaramming languages under linux, game dev, discussing about physics and math under linux
>>Not looking for
People who want to gloat about using Gentoo, or bashing others based on the amount of code they can produce in 15 seconds, people who want to debate about everything. People who believe Windows to be a good system.
Discord: namelessone9801
if only real life tr**ns were as cute as these depictions
If you're Gentoo curious, as a former Gentoo user of yester-decade, install it bare metal on your daily driver and keep using it until you feel you have learned enough. You will know when you have reached that level.

It is a yearning to return to the speed of binary package management, but not without having first developed a respect for source based package management. It is the humility to admit that although having autistic levels of control over your software's USE flags would be invaluable in dozens of use cases, there are few, if any, that are particularly worth worrying about on a home desktop. It is a sad realization that the next distro you try on probably won't have the coolest screensaver on Earth, the one which is integral to the Gentoo user experience: compiler output rapidly scrolling down a console tty for hours on end. It is that elite super computer wizard hackerman status you had hoped to gain from "compiling your own kernel", how badly your expectations were shattered to bits after doing it the first time, because the entire process was way too damn easy to derive much praise, or to even justify the effort involved in raising your hand in order to pat your own back, but it's still not a bad deal. After all, at least now you can tell normies that you "compiled your own kernel". It's all worth it just to see the awestruck looks on their faces, some of them will look at you as if you had just told them you got a career at NASA JPL. It is the harmonious sum of all its parts, and best of all, it is the most cleanest, mutually respectful, drama free, mature, amicable "break up" you will ever experience with a distro in your life. Gentoo isn't sad to see you leave, it's just happy to have been a chapter in your journey. Another door opens in the distance. As you approach it, you notice the usual jitters aren't there anymore. You carry yourself with a newfound confidence like never before.

That is how you do a proper run of Gentoo.
>23 M EST
Hello, I am currently looking for a longterm jerk buddy to play with! I am looking for someone ideally older, and with a bigger cock than my 4 incher. This person ideally would enjoy feeding big booty women and other porn. I would love to be your little perverted pawg addict! I love mic but sadly I cannot because I don't live alone.

Gaming, reading, hiking, the outdoors, cooking, any technology,

>Sexual Desires
Joi, SPH, BBC, Big booty women, twerking, tight pants, big butt cheeks, I really want you to own my little baby dicky and make me cum whenever you and your big daddy cock say so

>Favorite Women
Alexis Texas, Abella Danger, Siri Dahl, Crystal Lust, Jada Ramsey, Mandy Muse, Sophie Dee


Thanks for reading! Im looking forward to meeting you!
FUCK gnome and FUCK gtk3
based gnome hater
No reason not to do a mix. I run arch, but I have about 20 packages that, while in the official repos, I compile myself because I want a different configuaration than what the maintainers offer. These 0.2% of my total package count is where I saw a reason to have "autistic level of control".
I did try gentoo for a bit, but I felt like I was fighting the package manager all the time, especially when I wanted to change an option that wasn't accessible via USE flag.
Also, compiling your own kernel is something you can do on basically any distro. I still do it on my Pi running ALarm.

Wake up. It's gtk4 now. Gtk stop being shit once gnome devs stop messing with it. At that point you can patch it to behave like (You) want and they won't break it anymore.
Since the devs have moved onto a new shiny toy to stick up their asses, gtk3 is now available to salvage.
>No reason not to do a mix.
My mentor ran Slackware for a stable foundation with Gentoo safely cradled inside a chroot. Guy was a madman. Many years ago, inspired by his setup, I improved on that idea by substituting Gentoo with Arch and chroot with schroot. Those were the days...
>compiling your own kernel is something you can do on basically any distro
Of course, except Gentoo actively encourages you to actually do it! For a lot of people, Gentoo is the first distro where they will spend hours going through menuconfig, section by section, item by item, until they end up with a slim, safer, satisfying kernel configuration they can truly call their own. A lot of other distros warn, intimidate and discourage users away from the idea unless a specific piece of hardware requires it. When I was using Gentoo, the most unique thing I saw about it was how their developers wanted their users to really get their hands dirty. I had a lot of respect for that.
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>About me
sperg that likes to tinker with computers and listen to shitty 80s music. i just graduated so i have lots of free time.
computers, guns, watching pig videos, playing minecraft, uuuuh thats about it
>Your favorite distro
RHEL 9 hehehehehe
>Looking for
friends who like linux stufff
>Not looking for
user201452 (discord)
what the fuck
>shitty 80s music
You shut your whore mouth. No one made shitty music in the 80s.
>It's gtk4 now
I havent used it so idk if its good or bad but does the file picker have typeahead? if not then fuck anyone that supports it and fuck everyone that codes it
Regardless, FUCK gtk3
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>about me
ADHD, angry about greedy tech companies. Angry in general. Switched to Linux cuz I got angry at windows once, and have been using it full time for 3 years now.

Distro: Ubuntu (sue me)

>looking for: people to share memes with while I'm working. Preferably people who grew up with half life and gmod, internet forums, that kind of vibe..

Not looking for: elitists

Discord: brkd4l4w
>18+ ONLY
pick one
>Linux users and other tech nerds welcome
you are getting shot
Idk, I just use alpine with xfce like any other sane person.
based rat enjoyer, tell me more
not a linux user but looking for genius, cute, 180+ cm above 25yo, hardworking, masculine, white software guys. bonus points if autistic af and emotionally available


>not a linux user
Great, a scenewhore. This brings me way back to those 2600 meets.
>looking for [stacy's typical shit]
I got all that and a bag of cocaine. You gonna post any more of your specs, Female from Europe?
>bonus points if autistic af
If you're looking for one of us to install Linux on your laptop, you could've just asked.
>and emotionally available
We can discuss that after I see how well you do with Linux and with me, both of which are too much for most women to handle.
You'll have to do better than that before I gas up my jet. I've had enough of women who don't put any effort into it, you know?
Not a lot more to say, I've tested dozens of distros, DE's, window managers, etcetera. Reached the conclusion that Alpine is the best distro, and Xfce is the best DE. Everything else just gave me trouble in one way or the other. I'm glad I found it, as I was about to give up on the thing entirely. Too much bullshit around Linux.
I don't understand how people can use things like Debian, which commits suicide if you try to use anything other than systemd, and KDE, which takes 15 seconds to load on my machine even though it is stripped of all the bloat (by just installing plasma desktop); not to mention it being terribly ugly with its new Windows 11 UI and as slow as ever.
No need to mention Gnome, any sane person knows it's dogshit.
Other window managers are just useful if you wanna do some fancy screenshots.
I could ramble all day about all the shit I found. Like Slackware being unable to install its bootloader and it overall being completely abandoned and barely working yet somehow no one seems to address it anywhere.
Linux Mint being shilled everywhere even though it's fucking dogshit.
Anyway, yeah, Alpine is based and so is xfce.
Both are miles ahead of any other distro/de that I've tried, weird not to see them being talked about, but, again, there's too much bullshit around all of this. It's clear that 90% of people you see in places like this couldn't care less about utilizing a decent and stable system. After all, nothing too exciting about mountains and rats, and you can't use them to take those cringe ass screenshots with floating images and videos.

I guess there was indeed a lot more to say.
what makes you this I want to talk to a 40 yo grandpa like you
you are not welcome here, pisscord faggot
>says alpine is the best linux distro
>can't even run steam normally
What's there to talk about? You don't use Linux. You're just a Discord tranny who doesn't even have programming socks.
Well, I don't run Steam on it.
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
>Not looking for
LGBT, super rude people, immediate sexual talk
Lycan909 on telegram
>linux thread
Read the fuking room lmao
It appears i have either been a dyslexic retard or the post was edited.
their post always said telegram
the former, newfriend
>the post was edited
that'll be the day
good morning sirs
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18 female

I remember you, you deleted me cause I was your height, 5'7", and you wanted a taller guy, so obviously you put physical characteristics above intelligence
Even women who claim otherwise are essentially superficial and shallow AF.
That sounds like me yeah. The only 5’7 guy i’d talk to is messi.
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>About me
Schizo bipolar bisexual NEET himbo savant
I like making music drawing getting /fit/ shitposting watching movies reading occult and esoteric shit I have extreme energy my hidden powers are stalking listening and lovebombing sometimes messing with my computer I've dabbled with Python Haskell Java and things like that but I got bored I like Pinterest Im unironically a pretty nice person though
>Your favorite distro
Ubuntu (I'm a retard)
>Looking for
Cool people schizo friends other gooners nerdy people who are lonely
>Not looking for
I'll have to think about it
discord is umfiend
I can make xmpp if you want
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MtF/18/England (south west)


Mentally ill boymoder (8 months hrt), history of abuse, anorexia nervosa recoveree, chronically lonely, severely autistic and anxious.

>>hobbies, interests, whatever

Vidya (dayz, titanfall 2, battlefield 4, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, plus loads more), science (medicine, pharma and chem with a dabble of nuclear physics), linux fuckery and FOSS, gardening, hiking, rats (picrel is my girlie) and the British Empire (God save the king and so forth).

>>favourite distro

In general, gentoo, but I run on mint due to lacking the motivation in recent times to have fun with gentoo.

>>looking for

Friends, maybe a boyfriend, anything to quell chronic social isolation.

>>not looking for

Mean people


Discord: digitalis_nervosa
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>About me

when I am not working, i spend 99% of my free time on the internet, i have been terminally online since kindergarten. I don't have any real friends, i am hoping to make some.

internet privacy, creative writing, podcasts, tv shows, darknet markets, MDMA, graphic design, internet forums, server hosting, anime
>Your favorite distro

>Looking for

as stated above, friends.
>Not looking for

people with no common interests, nsfw

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>About me
self-employed nerd in northern Sweden with a summer house in the woods
free software, electronics, cartoons, hunting, forestry, communist theory
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
single ladies near me
maybe later. but I'm on IRC and (regrettably) d*scord
>internet privacy
>darknet markets
but how?
NTA but you can register poopcord with a receive-only SIM card that you can get for free
but i dont want pisscord
i can just run ircd on my router
tls 1.3 libressl
even tor hidden service so i dont have to give people my ip
how easier is that than javascript malware
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sadly most people don't know any better and continue to be useds he said typing on a website that also uses proprietary javascript and crimeflare
>he said typing on a website that also uses proprietary javascript and crimeflare
that is the consequence of google getting control over the html and other internet standards (which update daily)
the thing about this website vs pisscord that this website is public, there are archives saving every post so i consider this place public domain
while pisscord is gated software, you need to download and use its stuff to be able to search information on there and is meant to be meant for "private" and "public" conversations

i will always be here, unfortunately
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same desu
There's already a chaser thread
Name: anon
asl: 35/m/NYC
2004 era ex military ancientfag running Linux engineering at a giant hedge fund. Hiring in NYC/Miami/Dublin/Bangalore/HK/Singapore variously throughout the year(s). Wouldn't mind having a protégé I can train up on HPC and ultra low latency optimization or anything else that might be useful some day. Most interested in hiring for Miami, affordable Latino twinks a definite plus but for purposes of having some fucking help in my timezone I'll settle for a traditional nerd. If you have any experience in user mode socket programming, kernel bypass, multicast, exanic/exasock, FPGA or anything else along those lines would love to chat. If you're interested in that stuff would love to chat too.
Kik renarddesetoiles
Disc anonfrak
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IDK why my ID changed, this is me
>any experience in user mode socket programming, kernel bypass, multicast, exanic/exasock, FPGA
literally me
thought not sure what you mean with the text above that
also dont have kik or discord
is this u Sean?
you can use discord in a browser. there's nothing forcing you to download any software to use it
that was a very unexpected autistic meltdown, you okay man?
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i said what i said
>looking for
anons to goon and trade pics with
>not looking for
facesitting, latex, paizuri, impregnation, hair-pulling, bondage, choking, cosplay
>Discord Tag.
this is linux thread retard
typesetting languages don't count as fetishes
>About me
New baby gay trying to expand social circle to more than 3 people
Cryptography, Embedded systems, Boys, DIY
>Your favorite distro
Gentoo/Anything with portage
>Looking for
People to date ngl and argue about software with, YEs I know this is the wrong spot
>Not looking for
Women, romantically at least, we can chill otherwise
Why not? Emacs is just a editor and makes me ultra horny. Gentoo as a distro, too!!
>Emacs is just a editor
WRONG. Emacs is a great operating system, it just lacks a decent text editor.
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Looking for (You)
check out my sway rice
oh shit, tag is prefix9000 on discord and @qfrognet:matrix.org on matrix
troff is best
not today NSA
looks retarded, sorry
networkmanager sucks
alacritty sucks
sway sucks, fucking gayland
>your favorite game
Dragon's Crown
>your favorite music artist
Trevor Something
>your favorite anime
Tie between Violet Evergarden and Banana Fish
>your favorite show
Bojack up to season 4, otherwise most adult swim stuff or Mike Judge shows.
>your favorite manga
Mostly read manhwa and too embarrassed to say
>your favorite movie
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or Big Lebowski
>your favorite book
Haven't read a full actual novel since highschool honestly. Mystic River was my fave back then, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
I didn't post this. Don't add me.
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23, Dude, Europe

>About me
Just a friendly guy wanting to invest some time into my privacy, security and having control over my operating system

Permaculture, folk music, donating blood and TCM

>Your favorite distro
Arch (but it kept breaking on my latest laptop so not anymore)
Would want to try Artix (but installer keeps fucking up bootlading)

>Looking for
Someone to teach me basics so I wouldn't have to go back to Shitdows ever again :(

>Not looking for
MacOS users :///

27/F/US, FL/Heteroflexible(?)

- Metal, punk, noise/ambient, visual kei
More specifically brutal death metal, metalcore, nu-metal (yes fuck you), first wave black metal, pop punk/skate punk, thrashcore/powerviolence, noise rock, death industrial, deathrock, post-punk, eurodance, nerdcore techno, bubblegum dance

Also into creative stuff, I draw, do photo manipulation/editing, in the process of learning guitar, also interested in getting into painting and assembling BJDs

>Favorite movies
The Blair Witch Project, The Mask, Borat, Versus, Angela, Solaris, The Dirties, Seven, Cube

>Favorite bands/artists
Dir en grey, Rise of the Northstar, SpaceGhostPurrp, Malice Mizer, Endless Dismal Moan, Ali Project, Yokai Jaki, No Zodiac, Mindless Self Indulgence, Kickback, Art Marju Duchain, Jig-Ai, Maximum The Hormone, Reol, Godflesh, Kuroyuri Shimai, Rufio, Zebrahead

We can exchange last fm and letterboxd profiles if you wish

>Physical description
Latina I guess lol

>Looking for
Mostly just friends/acquaintances into similar things but if a relationship can happen I'm all for it, not super concerned with age though would prefer 21+ for a relationship, whether you're neurotypical or not doesn't matter to me (though if you're on this site you're probably neurodivergent lol) I'm probably autistic so yeah, mostly into men but wouldn't mind masculine women either

>not looking for
/pol/tards, people who have twitter tier political beliefs, /fit/fags, people who believe in gender identity, trans

Cringiest shit I've seen all day. You trying on your r9k buddy's advice on talking to women or something?
>this nigger took that shit seriously
You have autism.
name Dan
asl 18 Straight Poland
interests Homemade weapons and walking in forests, larping
like Debian, Cats, mexican food, chinese food
dislike Non autists
discord: snownickel
Alpine is a good choice for different purposes - security, lightweight, unbloated (remember, systemdless). Thanks to his small size and using musl as libc is a perfect match in embedded systems, and a excellent choice especially if you want to run different type of hosting clients (Apache web server, mail server, this stuff). Decent package manager, and if you want to run Docker containers and apps under Flatpak it's also a must choice. I don't understand why using a single distro - main is Gentoo anyway, and also enjoy messing with *BSD.
But what what about Linux? What's your main distro?
This is a biological male btw. Not even on estrogen or feminine looking at all, larping as a girl and then putting no trans on his post LOL
Then my guess would be PoopOS. Thank you, anon.
>You have autism.
>implying it's a bad thing
Serious btw. The "looking for" part was part real, part joke. I'd also be willing to accept a "normal" racist trad-wife that's not a slut. Maybe a girl that's in touch with her feminine side, hates big corporations, likes nature, etc.
Correction of my post, "anti-corpo" meant anti-(big)corporations, not any other meaning.
its fumo here
add trenfumo on dc

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