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It's time to defy our gender roles and build an unconventional relationship dynamic.

(Trans women and trans men are welcome)


>Status, gender location:

>About you:

>What your looking for:

>Limits and dealbrakers:
Would be simpler to wish for a million dollars lmao

Women aren't willing to help men in general, so financially ? Get the fuck outta here
>NEET, male, europe, 26

>Artsy lefty guy who loves to make art, music, cook. Talented in many things. A bit of a jack of all traits. I'm 270lbs, 5'6, hairy and bald.

>A serious relationship with a provider with a cis or trans woman. Love comes first. I'm a neet who would like a provider but i do value an actual relationship over money itself.

> not looking for someone who doesn't want a real relationship. Racists, bigots.
>(Trans women and trans men are welcome)
>270lbs, 5'6, hairy and bald
>"jack of all traits"
what woman couldn't wait to spend $50,000 feeding and clothing this man
Women would never do this shit how delusional are you? Get a job retard.
Thanks for all the bumps everyone <3
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Even though I am a NEET, I do get a decent amount of neetbux, so I don't need a provider. But the thread seemed funny so I'm here.

>Status, gender location:
NEET, male, USA
>About you:
6'3, white, blue eyes, 180lbs, pic related is me after I fell and cut myself. I'm laidback and easygoing, it's hard to make me upset. I have a tendency to be impulsive at times, the last year or two I've travelled to random third world countries (Morocco, Bolivia, Nicaragua) on a whim. I spend most of my time inside however, doing the usual 4channer activities (anime, vidya, reading books, etc) nothing crazy there. The game I've been playing a lot as of recently is overwatch 2.
>What your looking for:
I'm looking for a long-term relationship with a biological woman, no trannies/men add me. I want to live with my partner, I don't do LDRs for very long. I want a real relationship, not chatting through the screen constantly or having to be hidden away from your family or whatever.
>Limits and dealbrakers:
Trannies/men/really liberal women (they're annoying)

Discord: lolibeater
Watch this, my guy....ahem...

>Status, gender location:
*sucks teeth*
shhiieeeett nigga I'm hood as shit

>About you:
aite, I owe too much money to baby mommas to get a job you cant put me on the lease they cant know where I live either yknow warrants n shit

>What your looking for:
syo, where da white wimmins at?

>Limits and dealbrakers:
i is allergic to latex bitch

And that, friend, is how to get women to support you.
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He's 270 lbs, anon, make it $150k
U just know bro was gigling to himself like a girl writing this
im gigling to myself like a girl reading it nigga
women are selfish and its debatable if they even actually feel love. there is no woman on this planet who'd be willing to provide for the one they love like so many men are willing to. worthless thread but I commend your effort.
This thread is DoA. Yet another forced tranny acceptance meme thread.
There are some out there, but they're rare, and they are definitely NOT on this shithole of a website, because 99.999% of the time the "women" here are neets as well or some whore trying to whore herself out advertising her dead onlyfans, OR its a guy larping as a female (tranny).
Men like this are pretty rare nowadays
Then where are they?
I'm a 36 year old woman from the USA looking to spend my money on a porn addicted, homosexual, crossdressing cuckold. You must have male androgenetic alopecia and a micropenis. Leave your discords
im 26 and would love to be your jealous sissy cuck slave

aamonbrother is my discord
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Stinky male NEET of 29 sunturns, Westeuros
>about me
I don't shower and I smoke. My hair is long - everywhere. I'm not fat and don't drink.
>looking for
Female who will make me a cup of tea once a month
Boombomklat, figging, pegging, trannies, Christians
"I'm such a comedic genius"
>>Status, gender location:
20 M Usa
>>About you:
Coomer degenerate chillmaxxer. I have brainrot. I love Sonic.
>>What your looking for:
Uhhh just curious to see if anybody would contact me.
>>Limits and dealbrakers:
If you are not female, do not message me.
Discord is tomocoomer
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Holy shit...

This is the most gen z thread I've ever seen

(Picture included because I needed some extra sped for this)

Yeah you faggots win or whatever tf you wanted to begin with I'm never coming back here again after seeing this
LAMGAV coded
4chan is mostly a site for losers like u who care wether or not a person chooses to be trans. The one and only way to tell if someone is weak is if they want to control other people in order to protect themsleves.

+ the girl on the bike is actually pretty stunning and the guy on the bike (THE GUY not the trans woman) is probably way more attractive than you sinc ehe actually has the balls to show his face unlike you unc
I love sonic too
>Status, gender location:
NEET, 19 male , Europe
>About you:
5'11 tall white pale twink with long hair. I like vidya and weeb stuff, lately I've been interested in getting into cooking. Im usually on r9k and x. Im introverted with no friends but I don't mind it cause I prefer to obsess over and love one person only (so you). Im also a virgin and a sub.
>What your looking for:
Long term relationship with a cis woman who somewhat shares my interests. I don't mind relocating in the longterm.
>Limits and dealbrakers:
Underage, trans, men

Discord: ash3_5
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>M, 30
Looking for genuine, open, honest conversation

Hi anon. Yes, you reading this.

I ask lots of direct but well meaning questions. I want to truly know and understand you, and I am happy to answer anything you ask me. I look for the sort of conversations that won't be had anywhere else, they'll be interesting and unique. I'm wise and can understand, discuss and hold interest in any topic you share with me. If I don't know much of it, I'll listen to you and I'll learn. That's a promise to a future friend.

While I don't have many people in my life, every friend I've had has been treasured, cared for, and appreciated. I'm not looking to collect. I'm looking for something real.

>Please don't message me if:
You won't let down your walls in time, or if you use me as just entertainment until you grow bored.

No self respecting women wants to give money to a bald man, much less a FAT, BALD man.
you are a 5'6 270 bald neet looking for a boyfriend in a dress to provide for you brother every time you people invoke the word "loser" you fail to look in a mirror and see the irony in it
The only time a woman would provide for another man is if he is model tier.
Bro is gay talking about what is and isnt an attractive man lol
Incels get out
Oh really? I'm so sorry the way i see it is that I have the balls to say what type of person I am and you have to hid behind your fake ass confidence even on the interent.

Lost loser lost
i'm a guy
>nsfw interests
i like raceplay, ageplay, roughness, edging, teasing, mindbreaking, degradation, corruption, gooning addiction, noncon, brattiness, stepsiblings, and more.
i'm mostly controlling but sometimes subby due to certain interests.
>looking for
you should be a white girl or "girl" and be feminine.
you may be anyone you want. however, i'm currently obsessed with queen bitch cheerleaders and wealthy conservative milfs.
you may also send me porn (mostly interracial)
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I am a NEET, but I do get a decent amount of neetbux, and i plan to fix my life so I don't need a provider yet (unless you are unbearably rich). But i like women who like pathetic men.

>Status, gender location:
NEET, male, Germany (actually slavic)
>About you:
6'2/188cm, white, green eyes, 163lbs/73kg, pic related is me. I'm narcisstic and autistic, it's easy to make me upset. I have a tendency to be compulsive at times, the last 3 years I spent as a hikkineet after dropping out of HS. I spend most of my time inside (agoraphobia), doing the usual 4channer activities (reading, workout, scrolling, etc) and go out only for therapy or appointments. Nothing crazy there. I don't play video games, but I do play piano, although i currently dont own one. Also my dick is about 8 inches/20cm.
>What your looking for:
I'm looking for women, no trannies/men. I want to have someone who is attracted to me enough to comfort me and motivate me to fix my life.

>Limits and dealbrakers:
Trannies (ftms are ok)/men/normies (they're annoying)/married women

Discord: gayserum
You’re coping so hard dude. Just like every ugly left wing tourist on this site.
Toursit haha. Bro thinks being a regular on thin awful ass site makes u better persom hahahah please stay on here for the sake of all women and children on this planet

"Ur not from these parts are ya, kid? Yiu see the 4chan realm... this is my realm"

Hahah fucking laughable
how good is your art ? :O i love a little art boy
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i hired a model with my neetbux and made this
i aint ask you! But very cute :3
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>Status, gender location:
NEET, Male, 22 TX, middle of literally nowhere so I can't get a job :(

>About you:
5'8 twunk with small frame, been working out for 3 years, I love artistic and paranormal things, I have aspergers and find it super hard to relate to people in general, dropped out of HS last second because of mental problems and depression caused by a loved one dying and haven't really recovered til about a year ago, just been a house drone for my family so I am groomed into that lifestyle and also having very little in life in general cuz I had and still have zero income (I just don't know how that stuff works)

>What your looking for:
Anything lol, men and women are both fine, would be willing to do anything really

>Limits and dealbrakers:
Nothing specific I can think while typing this
Anyway here's a cool grim reaper gif I found
Discord tag is
I went to art school and got passed the final exam with the highest grade
I too love sonic
It is a rule of autism, binds us all
You're a literal overweight obese goblin, no one is going to provide for your bum ass. Also I'm brown with a white GF, cope & seethe.
>Women aren't willing to help men in general
Made me sad.. thanks for the reminder I guess..
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>asl + status
5'11 trying to get into graduate school, unable to get a job between. Starting to give up on life.
after covid my social skills perished. Want to be a jack of all trades. Think politics are for the braindead. Grounded and sensible, my end goal in life is to have a house with a yard, daughters, and some animals (I like all animals).
>looking for
a mommy woman who will give me hope to keep fighting. I would prefer a fit woman with small perky breasts who could go on my incel runs with me, but I'm not picky at all.
Being based is a plus.
DC: enochthegreater
Wants mommy, want fit girl, want small breasts

Yeah this guy will be dating trannies by the time he's 30
can i post here if i have a job but can’t afford to rent a house and desperately want to move out ?
>Status, gender location:

>About you:
Senior cloud engineer who took the girl boss meme literally bc asian mother lol. I am very successful in my career so now I am looking to settle down. I look like Lindsay Souvannarath if she was a 5'2 Whasian girl with medium length brown hair and hazel eyes for all the white women only guys on here lol. I like to draw, play vidya, and I am a fujoshi princess. Another thing I like to do is breed and sell captive-bred Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches on the side. I am also currently saving up to buy a house. No I am not a tranny.

>What you're looking for:
I want a husband. I am so lonely and I hate small talk so I want to skip all those stages and adopt a man. I have a hard time dating because I have strange kinks that I need fulfilled. The thing is I want to make my live i husband induce lactation, get his cock pierced and let me do CBT on him. Oh, the roaches make it hard to date too. I plan on getting a house in 2025 but in the meantime I live in a nice 1 bed flat near downtown. My husband will get to stay a NEET but he will have to do the dishes, clean my home, feed my 3 cats and take care of my roaches while I am at work. Its okay if you dont know anything about them they are pretty easy to take care of desu. You will also need to lactate and I can buy you a breastpump.

>Limits and dealbrakers:
No women. No Mexicans (sorry), No African Immigrants. No Trannies.
Please be cat friendly.

I am going to get swamped with adds so just post yours and ill add you
why would you rent a house? rent an apartment dumbass or look for people looking for roommates
Uhmmm Im fine with everything and rly into cbt too... but omfg the roaches part is disgusting... bugs are horrifying to me.. would u be ok with getting rid of em ?
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How about I get rid of you? If you want to live in my home for free you have to take care of the roaches. Theyre cute anyway.
>How about I get rid of you?
Uhmm yes please ?
>Theyre cute anyway.
But yeah no ... I would genuinely rather take a bullet to the head or starve to death than take care of bugs... theyre so damn disgusting and scary... (with a few extremely rare exceptions...(still would prefer not to be round em tho..))
I can offer an ultimatum get rid of the bugs and u can do whatever u want with me uwu
I would gladly take care of the bugs uwu
Thats more than fine. The roaches are probably cuter than you anyway
contact ?
U gotta be ready for cbt too ;3
>The roaches are probably cuter than you anyway
Listen I might not be all that great looking but BUGS ??? Theyre literally creatures from hell.. I genuinely dont understand how can something look so fucking disgusting weird and scary...
discord is molecules1334 but I'm not available at the time to move and I'm not exactly sure when I'll be free to move
So you can't take care of my roaches but you want me to house you, pay for your internet, pay for your phone and everything for free? Go be a hobo idc.

Oh is that so ? ): Rip..


We're not 100% compatible and I know you hate small talk, but you seem like an interesting person I'd like to get to know

disc: kishkin17
>So you can't take care of my roaches
Mercy please Ill take anything but bugs... why did it have to be bugs... Bugs are evil ;-;
Im not even a neet anymore Id just like to be a housewife for someone...
What do you like to draw? Can you post a lewd drawing you did?
Id provide for my ex if he'd unblock me
not interested but what the fuck got you into raising madagascar hissing roaches
only if we can breed jewel scarabs to sell
and if I can breed you
Does penis size matter to you?
It does happen. I had a woman support me for a bit but ultimately I didn't like her. Kind of fucked that one up.
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> want to make my live i husband induce lactation, get his cock pierced and let me do CBT on him
>You will also need to lactate and I can buy you a breastpump.
>No Trannies
... so you just want to make a NEET incel into a tranny huh?
She does but it's the bullshit where they have to be the ones to transition them. They literally want a fetishist to transition. If someone decided to take initiative in their own life it's unattractive :D
>Another thing I like to do is breed and sell captive-bred Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches on the side
How often do people let them escape? I think in highschool I was told that they're super invasive but I might be misremembering
Men like you probably bitch about women being leeches but on the flip side demand women such as myself to quit our hobbies and passions for you. My roaches are a net positive to my life and make me money. You are nothing but someone who is being offered a free roof, internet, food in your belly, a free phone and all the time in the world in my flat— all you have to do is house chores, make yourself leak milk, get a dick piercing (my faves are Prince Albert’s and Ampalangs) and help me with my cats and my roach colony. Why don’t you make yourself useful by going into a hobo shelter and getting a job instead of being a picky leech like the drug addicted whores from the AAN thread.
I wasn’t allowed any pets growing up except for small animals. I used to watch a lot of Fear Factor and the episodes about eating Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches made me sad.
No get your cock pierced and use the breast pump.

I said no trannies you Retard. Learn reading comprehension or STFU and clean up my roaches’ feces

I don’t know I just know I don’t. The worst that happens
..is that my cats may try to knock over a tank or tub but if any get loose I just find them and put them back
are you not adding people anymore? :(
whats this
My ex had such roaches. They were pretty chill and she loved them a lot. I wouldn't mind them (but I'm not looking to be a CBT'ed live-in husband, sorry). Just out of curiosity, why do you want your husband to lactate?
Yeah, that's the exact type of shit he was talking about. Bunch of weird zoomer nonsense. You literally cum to men in dresses and call everyone else weird.
pls I love this!!

tfw you dont even get a mean reply
What socials do you use?
kek ikr
Fuck. Unironically I could probably fulfill all of your desires & am fairly good company/a riffing conversationalist too.
I do not want to make a throwaway discord tho & posting my main here for the tards does not sound like a good idea.

fwiw im the neet of a literal physician right now but they suck and do not deserve me.
>Men like you probably bitch about women being leeches
I have to admit this is correct... I hate the world being unfair.
>but on the flip side demand women such as myself to quit our hobbies and passions for you.
I disagree with only one of em and I would LITERALLY rather die than take care of bugs (nothing personal)
Everything else including ur degen kinks is fine tho... Bugs are just evil.
i PERSONALLY know two cases even, and im a loser neet.
They seem to be in europe mostly.

First is some girl with a guy who's not looking for a job, just jogs around the city. She's paying both their rents in Amsterdam and is the sole breadwinner. They even got married after a while of this so doesnt seem like she minds.

Second is guy in denmark. Has mild autism, collects disability for it, is kind of ethnic and is into sports. Also got married, child in 2023, apartment bought. He does not participate financially and spends his money on bike parts and they seem to be happy like this.

If i didnt see it happen twice even in my limited friends group, i'd think its ridiculous too, but it happens.
so I have to get a euro gf somehow?
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Got unfriended by somebody who added for being "too nice" like wtf does that even mean?
What do people on here even want?
and is there even a better place to talk to people at?
>Status, Gender, Location:
Single, Male, Egypt

>About you:
I love listening to music and I make music too. I also enjoy reading in general (novels, books, articles, poetry, etc.). I like fashion as well.
I can’t write much here, so come and get to know more about me.

>What you’re looking for:
Someone to fill my day. I want to spend my day with someone, share what I’m doing, and have them share with me too. I’d like to tell them my daily plans, get their opinion on things I’ll do in the near or distant future, etc.

>Limits and Dealbreakers:
Anything sexual.

Discord: useifmagdi
>Status, gender location:
not a neet, 25 year old male, california

>About you:
handsome, talented, silly, and chaotic lad who currently works full time while training for an exciting new career. i don't take anything seriously and i enjoy a large variety of hobbies and endeavors

i am responsible and reliable, i do not do drugs or have any mental illness, and i have great interpersonal skills

>What your looking for:
a goal oriented and ambitious lady to take care of me financially and emotionally. i would like to stop working and instead spend my time as a homebody or adventure buddy and indulge in my various hobbies.

i'm open to any level of commitment or servitude desired and i consider myself a highly skilled and resourceful person who can give a great amount of benefit to my provider.

>Limits and dealbrakers:
i'm openminded and easy to negotiate with for the right person

discord: _pamplemousser_
This larp and the guys falling for it are hilarious
If you’ve never met a woman like this you’re just a loser desu

I meet your standards and would actually be serious about this if we can make it work.

26F single, no kids, work in healthcare. I would do this but the guy would have to be super attractive with a big dick and cuckquean me with hotter girls while I was working to pay our bills
Honestly I’m just horny posting and probably don’t really want this
At least post your tits then
Hornyposting in the aan thread is based
what do you consider big?
If you have to ask you’re probably not it
Kek, am normally monogamy only but I'd be interested in seeing how easy hookups would be as a cheater. Are you more into just knowing its going on while pretending its not, or want details and getting compared to the other women?
That sounds fun using you then having hotter women over. As soon as you get home from a long day at work you walk in to the sounds of me backshotting another woman. If you're interested my discord is burn06952
Who cares you said you wouldn't do it anyway. Post tits.
I would definitely want the details but a fake affair could be fun too where the cuckcake isn’t in on it
Azns with their bug food. Who knows what other horrors lurk in an Azn Femanon's house?

How do they make you money? Sell them to the buffet?
insectdadapplicant on discord. Will do chores, babysit meows and roaches, will get pierced and leak milk, lets talk ^_^
>Status, gender location
Provider, female, europe

>About you:
28yo, lonely catmom.
I make enough money to provide for a man. Very introverted, very caring and affectionate. Not hideous nor morbidly obese. And born a woman.
>What your looking for
Cute, emphasis on cute, guy. 18-30, tall and white preferred. Not fat. Good hygiene. Preferably artsy in some way. Nice hair and fashion sense.
Is willing to move in with me and do chores. I can cover travel costs

>Limits and dealbrakers
Drugs, cheating, lying
The usual

Drop your discord if you fit the description and are interested
Too bad you aren't serious, would be worthwhile talking enough to find were too far, boring, not each others type, or perhaps a fun new reason not to. If you were willing to remain faithful and exclusive to me while I go about hunting more side action, I could get my hopes up a bit before reality set in lol.
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>tall and white preferred
I'm curious enough to want to talk to you and see what you're like.. I do fit the bill, and I'm in Europe too.

Can you add me on discord? My username is gentlerush
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Im pretty cute and have a 9 inch dick, im 6’1 and white
What started out as a thread for average-looking men to try for the impossible, became Chad and their foid harems doing the USUAL.

So you're basically admitting that you're not just Chad-only, you're AbuseChad only. At least you recognize you don't deserve model-tier guys. Thankfully these guys are extremely blackpilled on hypergamy, that's why they abuse you. Make better choices. You WILL hit the wall in 3-4 years.
Average sized cock but compliments-from-strangers level of hot.

What’s your anything?
look at my post
Id much rather a thing where I provide for a woman and she is kind and affectionate. Like im livestock or something idk. Im financially successful but emotionally, I grew up in abusive household and havnet had any experience, so I crave approval and affection.

Id love a relationship where I can provide but be emotionally submissive at home.
My brother, please, this is 4chan. It was a hornypost. I don’t care about looks in a partner it just is sort of an important factor in that specific fantasy because they need to be able to attract the stacys
you guys can leave contact if you want but just know there’s only like a 4% chance that I’d actually go through with something like that kek
Well, i think at least a fun chat we can try, right? Add me, magnumdml
i was thinking exactly this... he probably made this thread because his grandma inevitably died, leaving him with no caretaker.

i was e-dating lamgav when i was 16 and he was 24, he always shamed me for not having a job and called me a bum, while he at the time had not had a job in 5 years(still doesn't have one) and lives in his grandma's attic.
he said if we got married, i would have to pay all the bills while he stayed home. when i encouraged him to find work, he called me a gold digger.

flash forward to now, almost 4 years later, i recently got married to a good traditional guy who provides so i can stay home to cook/clean etc. and lamgav requested to bypass my +g on IRC to call my husband a paypig. he is still unemployed to this day.

this guy is a degenerate and he is delusional. he is waiting around for his grandma to die(if she isn't dead already... she has terminal cancer) so he can get her house, but he will lose it in no time. the guy has $5000 canadian dollars in savings and genuinely believes he can survive for 2 years with if he is ""frugal""

i advise people in general to steer clear of him. he thinks tooth brushing is unnecessary and rarely showers or changes clothes. he is a pedophile. he cried one time because he thought the FBI tapped his phone so he deleted all his loli futa porn(36gb iirc)
and he literally said word for word that when his grandma dies, if he doesn't have a provider by then, he will starve himself to death by the computer rather than finding work.

save yourselves, anons.
eh, fuck it, closer to a provider but should be a more interesting chat than average. humble_spaghetti_farmer

female provider HAHAHAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJJAJA id rather die than finance an excuse for a man. If you want that dynamic just consider becoming a tranny and live with other incels
Why was the male provider thread deleted
chad cant pay for all his holes you dumb bitch. you're the dumbest fucker in this entire place. you have no idea at all.
yeah sure i am the one who has no idea at all lmfao good look finding a female provider that isnt a dementing grandma while you barely know how to wash ur own ass. Lmfao im dead the current 4chan excuse for a men are bold nowadays overestimating their value by tons but meanwhile they filled this whole website up with trannies catering to their fellow incels cause nobody else wants them otherwise
seems like a bit of projecting and a lack of perspective. not only are there kinks and personal preferences to consider, but you literally sound like one of the unhinged incels with the genders mixed up
>yeah sure i am the one who has no idea at all lmfao good look finding a male provider that isnt a dementing grandpa while you barely know how to wash ur own ass. Lmfao im dead the current 4chan excuse for a women are bold nowadays overestimating their value by tons but meanwhile they filled this whole website up with trannies catering to their fellow incels cause nobody else wants them otherwise
literally how you sound btw, I only had to edit like 5 letters

not looking for a provider rn but I'm a cute artsy musician who could use someone to talk to

disc: kishkin17
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>Status ASL
Poorfag Student, Male, Sao Paulo, 27
Uni student late starter (neeted before that), now struggling to pay bills.
5'9, 133 lbs, brown short wavy hair, brown eyes. I like weeb books, 2000s animanga, sociology, bike riding, urbanism, linux, and am starting to learn piano.
>What your looking for:
An older or at least close in age (>25) women to talk about life and stuff (god i hate being surrounded by zoomers in college). Maybe someone who could exchange Christmas gifts.
pls don't ask for nudes for at least 2 weeks. It makes me uncomfortable.
cbt n forced laction? count me in!
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25 / M kinda twinkish looking / EU
>about me
Not a neet atm but I used to be one and wouldnt mind doing it again especially if my partner wanted something like that.
Pretty open minded and flexible person. Like to try new things, hike, especially in the nature and travel. If inside I usually spend my time gaming, watching stuff and such.
Very open minded when it comes to kinky stuff as well, even if its extreme feel free to hmu and elaborate to see if theres any compatibility.
>looking for
Anyone physically feminine is fine just pls dont be extremely mentally ill lol
>not looking for
Online only.
Discord: aurelian4
>about you
Cute, Open Minded, Serving in the Military so not exactly neet, but I'm not doing much either. I just need to chat with someone, be it politics, or a soft domme that understands my position.

fit enough, most women like me in my outfit

28m from central europe here

Discord: atazs
I can imagine how seething the femcels are looking while looking at this.
I swear I am perfect for this.
I am a 30 year old male live-a-home.
I haven't worked in 4 years (I did minor construction work for a day) and have only smoked weed and drank everyday since then. I have learned the ins-and-out from cooking during this time and know much of the palate.
All I've done is party basically by myself (sometimes with my parents who are a pain but w/e) and played videogames/learned videogames. I've learned a lot of magic the gathering, but I wish Dota. I've watched quite a bit of Dota, but I was really hot before i lost old latop and got this cheap one. I went on a 12 win streak with anti-mage and learned how to farm efficiently and stay in lane by teaching myself.
I used to work when it was 8.50 an hour. I worked mainly in resturants, getting shafted by people that would only give me the job of busser or dishwashing. You could not live for 8.50 an hour doing these. It was terrible. I could hardly afford a car and weed.
I tried a girlfriend for years but that was also empty. I never felt like she was in the relationship. Just wasted money and time, but I did learn. Now minimum wage is 15 dollars an hour but I don't believe in working or the government. I think us working for laws and other things is silly and ludicrous.

im high rn i guess here is my discord if you are interested in me usednapkin8
If I was rich I'd adopt you to be my weedbro, even tho I'm a man
dont think too deep into it, if you were actually with that person you would probably be scammed, abused or fucked over lol
disc: nirnwe

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