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Previous 3 threads:
#21: >>33500095
#20: >>33423908
#19: >>33364725

Deleted #22 general: https://archived.moe/soc/thread/33577272/

>Duolicious website
>Duolicious Github
>Server status

Last Online: Now
Gives Replies To: 89% of squeaks
Gets Replies To: 7% of squeaks
Account Age: 0 days
>Jannies Are Newfags And Deleted The Other 22nd Thread Edition
Because you keep posting links asking for donations which are against 4chan rules. If this is the 22nd version of the thread you should know this by now. RTFM.
>11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
>you keep posting links asking for donations
I wasn't the anon who posted the deleted thread which contained the link, you sausage
is there even a point in using this site if you're a man?
All women on it are super mentally ill and looking for simps
is 24 to 18 an ok age gap? it seems alot but alot of people r 18
if you are both consenting to the relationship and don't develop an abusive dynamic then it literally doesn't matter. i started dating a 25 year old as an 18 year old and we are still happily together 2 years later. shared interests, personality compatibility, life experience and equal emotional intelligence/maturity should matter more than just a number
i'm willing to wager every account from Uintah, Utah, and Winton, Washington are bots
mfw TOO autistic
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>"Last Online: Now"
>no replies
I'd like to think there is for the off chance a real one comes by but there are a ton of women who aren't even pretending to take it seriously. I just cut out anyone below the age of 25 at this point because they're just looking for sugar daddies or put zero effort into their profile. How the fuck am I supposed to get a feel for someone if they've got no bio and only like 110 questions?

On a side note, interesting how many vtubers I have in my recommendeds.
It's all legal, who cares?
I've got a 72% with a girl using that image but the account is newer than your post. No bio either, lol.
I made the previous thread and just copied some older OP because I had it in an opened tab. Normal people wouldn't consider this advertising, but I guess it gives haters like >>33579409 some attack surface.
looks good
petition for reported/bot accounts to not count toward "Gets Replies To" metric
most people don’t care. like 90% of them. the only people giving the 18 year old shit are going to be their 18 year old friends. no one else on the planet cares. hell, some people go for younger than that and nobody bats an eye as long as you don’t age like milk.
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idk why but this is so funny to me
there's fucking nobody in europe worth even talking to.
any fembots in europe who wanna just have a bf and play vidya together
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Went on a few great dates with a girl that I was really feeling. Things got lewd even. I wasn't sure if it was gonna lead to forever but I did enjoy hanging out with her and thought maybe it could turn into something else. Was a total one in a million. Lots of shared interests.

Said she doesn't wanna pursue anything romantically or intimately with me today when I asked her out. Gut punch. What a shame bros.
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I know you guys like to complain about women on duo, but this image unironically sums up 90% of the interactions I get when I don’t react to your retarded openers or cock rate / nudes requests.
least unhinged sonygger
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He reminds me of Idubbbz if Idubbbz had aids.
So this is a reply to rape rp turned into a cucking situation or what happened here
would be nice to add a filter that hides bitches who never respond to intros, a percentage threshold or something
i added a girl from here. she wanted some sex pic exchange but turned out to be quite ugly. ended up acting just like this guy. if that's what women experience on a daily basis then i finally understand the bear meme
They do this because it works by the way, bitches can't help but respond to guys like this.
I understand that the ratio of men to women is pretty bad, however, my god are the women their stuck-up. I feel like 70% of my conversations i've had to do most of the talking. Now of course, I did originally go in as a joke of a profile, but come on. These women will get nothing except mass attention. Which I guess is good enough for them.
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This app fucking sucks
I met like 1 person on Duolicious but they disappeared and I haven't heard from them in months (through discord).
Most Duolicious women will either ignore you or message you once before ignoring you entirely, it's stupid.
this has to be a troll
>3 jobs
Probably, hopefully.
I tried the app like 3 times, never heard from a single woman over the course of who knows how manhy months. Thankfully met a good pool of girls on here with at least one who is showing promise so far as far as potetnial marriage material goes but even Tinder gives me like a dozen likes within a day with my looks (granted they aren't necessarily the type of girls I would like based on interests and looks). Maybe it could benefit from some sort of matching system besides just the questions but the nature of it being this sort of memey site makes it unlikely for many to take it seriously as an avenue to meet any sort of life partner or whatever.
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Today, I will remind them.

The vast majority of women on dating apps like this (and on /soc/, really) aren't looking for partners. They're looking for entertainment. They want monkeys to cure their temporary boredom, and once they're sufficiently pleased, they will drop you and move on to the next entertaining loser. Men are a commodity to them, nothing more. That's not to say there aren't exceptions, but that's just how things generally are. Blame social media and simp "culture" for enabling this kind of behavior.
It's grim man, duo is a barren wasteland for us euros. It's even worse now than a few months ago.
I have been telling all of you to kill ourselves. No one listens to me. You are only delaying the truth and the right path.

Or just jerk off and go to sleep
grim. i’m glad i gave up a long time ago. putting on a circus for these cunts that got a long list of other clowns waiting for her is never worth it.
i talked to a girl in the discord and straight up she said (paraphrasing) "yeah that's the way it is, you need to entertain me" same girl had been using it for like 6 months and hadn't gone on a single date.
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I just released a new feature on web: Voice bios

They currently play automatically when someone visits your profile which could be annoying. Let me know how how you all go with it.

Yeah, I've seen the other anons do it and they were fine

They stop being counted once the reported account is deleted
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You record your message on the profile tab, here
Thanks for this feature! I love uploading unique biometric identifiers!
I don't want everyone to know what a nerd I sound like :(
>implying every guy isn't going to put Randy from South Park saying "NIGGERS!" (bass boosted)
and i thought *i* was naive
Not a single person has uploaded anything yet. Not even randyposting.

Would you ever post in a vocaroo thread?
if you get x'd does your intro replied rate go back up, or only when the account is gone?
Only when the account is gone. Why would getting skipped count as a reply?
skipped after sending an intro
my gif won't upload. i select it, it does the little spinny "uploading" animation, and then it just doesn't appear.
It's probably too big, either in terms of file size or dimensions. It needs to be between 10x10 and 800x800 pixels, and it can't be any bigger than 10 MB.

I'll probably add a more informative error message in the next 24 hours.
I don't like it.
Duodaddy, when are you going to give us the option of sorting people by their replying percentage? People have been demanding it for weeks now.
I'm just glad to have it shown at all. My matches are very slim as it is and it's good to know who not to bother wasting time on.
I recorded myself. What would emotionally stable men prefer to hear from a woman?
You are soo handsome please be my super sexy chad husband and have hot romantic unprotected baby making sex with me uwu
Something like that would probably work.
Yeah thats the least sexy way you could possibly say it, still 10/10 I think that would work perfectly
Same, bro. Now we can avoid all those
>Gives Replies To: 3% of intros
>Gets Replies To: 100% of intros
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Good job goyims
Has the data breach thing been fixed?
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Although it's impossible even for Tinder to prevent scraping, I've made it harder by disabling access from Tor, disabling disposable emails, and enforcing stricter rate limits.

I suspect that the people who made duoleak were the same ones who published the fake European academic paper. The paper says they got passed rate limits by using accounts created using disposable addresses and a VPN. Although it's hard/expensive to disable VPN access, I think the other measures should go a long way.

There's also a privacy filter to hide yourself from unverified users.

I've got a couple of tickets for filtering by reply rate and "last online" time:


Not sure when I'll have time for them
>girl writes to me first
>I respond
>she never responds
probably a bot; had that happen to me a couple of times
check their "replies to intros" rate, if it's zero it's definitely a bot
>not sexy

> be me
> come back after 4 months
> feed still dead af
> oh, that's the girl I was obsessed with who ghosted me on Discord without even reply my first message
> decide to message her again, new account so she won't know it's me, for now
> no reply
> last online 19 days ago

Well its whats on the inside that matters frend, don't worry about ti too much
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How am I looking?
Why/how is it free?
lmao did they add those stats? the total blackpill stats. OP that is wrongthink you're not allowed to expose foids like that. holy based
Its very disheartening trying to start a conversation with people on duo. Or at least it is for me because I'm retarded. I've found the best success when I open with some vague insult but then I don't know how to follow up because I don't like actually being mean to women.
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If you see someone, that means their filters are set for you?
I see a lot of ages that make me question if that's real
Starting conversations isn't hard but I've yet to meet a woman who doesn't make me carry the entire thing. At least show a little bit of interest if you bothered to respond in the first place.
How does it help, anon? It only helps if you’re desperate for any form of female attention. You won’t get a proper convo or her socials when you act like this, let alone a meet up.
I only login to make sure my meme account doesn't get deleted
How am I supposed to verify my photos using this stuff?
I was told I'm too attractive and autistic this is why I don't get messaged first
Sweet thanks for the heads up, I'll try and get some nudes out of her right now
Well yes, they are.
It's basically like how women post thirst trap pics on their profile to rake in messages, but in reverse, they send out hate to every woman to rake in replies, some people just want attention and nothing more.
This explains why I never got a single intro ever lol. I even checked out the other guys and could only find like two half decent looking ones close to my level, granted that was just out of the gay/bi ones but still. If only I was capable of messaging girls first...
Ok, that was a huge mistake

How can i contact duodaddy directly?
guys wtf are u supposed to send to ppl
esp if the profile doesnt have any interests or w/e
You don't send messages to those profiles
I just think with my dick whenever I message first its works pretty well imo
No darkmode for the app yet? At least a high contrast mode?
I'm a sugar daddy and haven't found a single girl so far who is looking for one.
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No way to share/link profiles? Interesting move.
Either way, tell me if this looks like complete shit.
Genuinely terrible profile. You're completely unaware of how unfunny you are
this isnt actually that edgy if u just read it desu. the last line is like a punch to the gut though, all this half-pretentious half-sarcastic schizobabble into "im sexually violent" is funny as fuck and does not mesh well at all
You reload a bajillion times until the robot says yes.
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>You're completely unaware of how unfunny you are
>is funny as fuck and does not mesh well at all

All of these mixed messages, feels like college all over again.
It was a spur of the moment thing, I don't really put a lot of thought into what I write anymore because I am completely mindfucked.

Honestly I'm just glad I wrote in complete sentences and was resolute enough to have a voice on a platform of some sort. I'll probably forget about it in a day, but in all attempts, both catering and inauthentic, I have found that it doesn't matter for engagement.

>mfw I'm so unfunny I round back to funny
where's the joke fuckley
Doesn't matter if it's funny or not, you write way too much to say too little. Women don't like someone who can't just say something and get to a point
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There's a voice memo that frames the bio but I can't link profiles.
I put it in ChatGPT just for (you).
So should I download this app? Can I really find fencers on there or is this just a massive psyop so the feds can get to know me better

They don’t charge you money and it has interesting gimmicks.

I did recommend the app to a male friend and also my female friends. So far so so results. Dating is still rough.
I finally got a reply and it's some crazy girl or someone roleplaying as a crazy girl
Femcels don't exist, but there's plenty of bpd whores on here.
It isn't possible to be a femcel and anyone larping as one is just picky.
Since you're a ph*neposter, no you shouldn't
I know you don't want to socially engineer things too, but we need to come up with a way to incentivize girls to send intros. Bitches be sending one intro for every thousand they receive
Why would they put in the effort when they don't have to? It'd be nice if they did but looking at it from their perspective, there's no point when everyone comes to you. Half of them can't even fill out a profile or answer more than 150 questions.
Idiot here. I've noticed that some audio bios are getting saved as empty files. If you've noticed that your audio bio doesn't play after reloading the (web) app, can you please let me know:

>if you're on web or mobile
>if web: what browser you're using (e.g. Firefucks 128)
>if mobile: whether you're on Android or iOS

what OS you're using might also be useful
>there's no point when everyone comes to you.
Well considering some of them have been talking to people regularly and have accounts that are over 9 months old in some cases I would argue they would have much better luck if they actually looked for a match instead of entertaining the desperate guys who flood all their inboxes.
As much as (some) women may complain about incels having really poor social skills, women also tend to have really poor social skills. Possibly worse in the case of sending messages first, since they've never been expected to do it.
Is this app actually any good? The majority of women on there are trying way too hard to be edgy. I did get approached by one "femcel" but that girl stopped replying after like 5 messages (right after changing her profile to memes crying about nobody replying lmao).

I did try approaching my highest match who was some 18 year old. cute but a complete bum (no job, no college, only plays roblox). As expected she ghosted after talking for a few hours. I don't have any pics of myself but I wonder if it'd make a difference
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Im sorry that didn't make any sense.
What I meant to say was,

I've never gotten any changes in engagement no matter how I've composed my profiles, with my face or not, and at different times of the year over the past few years whenever it suited me.

It never changed that nobody ever reached out to me, which is my preference, as the stereotype of our cultural courtship rituals so often go.

I'm also a gay lil writer who sees a little too much of the world. It's probably different in isolated spheres. Everyone is shy so treat it like tindr or treat it like grindr, it's ur spectrum lil autie guy

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