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Whens the last time you had sex anons?
I haven't had sex in over a year now, what is the cause of this illness?
7 months, a week before i broke up with my last girlfriend because i almost watched her die of alcohol poisoning for the 2nd or 3rd time in my life and I couldn't handle the stress anymore. taking some time to be alone and flirt but not date.
Thats charming, maybe in the future you should avoid alcoholics, its not good.
it was a tough situation, we had been dating for a long time and the alcoholism developed over that period. It's definitely a hard line for me now but I don't resent her for it, I just hope she gets better.
she didn't want to ride me cause I came too fast; I didn't mind doing all the fucking though
Its okay anon, you will get over it oneday
5 minutes ago, you were there.
earlier in the year, met up with a girl I chatted through tinder, came once while she came several times. Honestly I don't know how I bagged her but we just did it the one time and then she ghosted me right after.
i'm 30
>what is the cause of this illness?
its the fact that you're an ugly, mentally ill and unstable troon
I am a heterosexual man with no history of mental illness? Do you think I was born a woman?
Just over nine years. And it was over nine years the time before that. Sex twice in eighteen years.
Just discard people and get a replacement if they don't act as you want, it's easier this way.
i went through my season of great personal pain and came out of it wanting to be kinder, so i won't be doing that, even if it would be easier.
/soc/ is not a blog, and none of these posts are ever going to be verifiable.
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i have never had sex
Your witch eyes give you away, homeless
never had sex. but i know i will someday. female privilege

also, what mountains are these?
>femanon here
problem, moid?
Oh, it’s cute how you use 'moid' unironically. Bet it feels empowering to recycle tired insults while clinging to 'female privilege.' Truly groundbreaking stuff.
it was ironic. i actually thought about adding a tone tag for the autists on here. /srs
Oh, so you were ironic about your female privilege, but serious about needing a tone tag? Seems like you’re juggling a lot of contradictions there.
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me but 29
like a year and a half. but we'll pull through
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This photo was taken while I was climbing Mt cloudsley near castle hill.

Why'd you do it anon?
Hi are you by any chance from Europe?
You look cute
No I never been to Europe in my life, I am from the opposite side of the planet T_T
That is why I am still single and will never find a wife.
sounds about right everyone from new zealand are super weird
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Thats not very nice anon, what have I done thats weird?
>what is the cause of this illness?
laziness/self esteem issues, anyone can get laid. dont be a fucking creep try and be romantic keep speaking to women dont give up after like 5 people on tinder in a day and start crying baww they only fuck niggers and 6'6 chads

like god damn here in canada dating apps are all rapist jeets/arabs women are legit getting scared as fuck being around jeets even in public because of how they treat them they're creeps and sexual assult/rape has horrifically skyrocketed.

when apps are 90% brown people that believe women are objects that should obey them and be filthy whores for them. knowing how to cook being kissy and romantic and having hobbies even if you are a manlet goes a long long fucking way man.

people need to stop being lazy. unless youre like me and fucking hate causal sex and in turn women because of this. like dont you dare fucking tell me the sex is beyond amazing and etc. yet refuse to date someone and think i wont be fucking mad because im no longer a fucking teenager. if the sex is so good and im so romantic kissy touchy then why the fuck do you say you dont want to date even fucking worse when someone tells me the sex is legit the best they ever had. because dick size always having sex for 1-4 hours once again being touchy kissy love eating a chick out will slam them with 120-180 ppm while pushing a wand on their clit and they start coughing/choking/shaking from shit feeling to god damn powerful and they've coomed multiply times in 2 hours. even fucking more so when they bitch 90% of the time they have sex with a guy they dont coom.

tl;dr stop being lazy unless you hate whores/causal sex
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wtf are you even on about? use punctuation ffs
>wtf are you even on
drugs anon drugs

my point still remains if you are not having sex its because you are being lazy and speaking to handful of people then giving up. depending where you live dating apps are fucking horrific now a 5/10 is now a 7.5/10 if a woman knows the odds of being sexually assaulted/gang raped are zero.

if you want to fug and have seggs put in some god damn effort
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I never said I was trying to get laid, I am trying to find a wife. Sex is overrated and wasn't overly enjoyable. I do not want to have sex with a random person it makes me uncomfortable.
oh, i get it now
that doesn't really apply to my country but... i'm a depressed shut in so yeah... can't complain if i don't even try
>'m a depressed shut in so yeah.
anon try hiking/cycling being active helps your mental state so much after neet'ing it out
i mean i also said i hate causal sex and whores now.
but yeah in this case "keep speaking to people" really doesnt help. and the people that want to have kids/dont care if they get pregant. most are very very trashy. I find its even worse with "educated women" not even working professionals. it drives me fucking insane most women dont want children unless they're turning 40.

how the fuck can you hate children they're so god damn cute and like you are creating a little mini (you) that you can raise and do wtv. they dont even view them as a toy yet will play the fucking sims/animal crossing/etc.
or worse they fucking hate children, like how the fuck can you hate children.

the thought of having children at 40 is terrifying the odds of autism/birth defects skyrockets ill be almost 60 when they are 18 meaning the odds of seeing grandchildren are so fucking low. it really is depressing and bleak.

Honestly moving from the west would solve this problem quickly, which is rathering engaing but like srsly why the fuck is it so hard to form a long term relationship now fucking trusting someone legit loving someone
I hate modern society social media has fucking poisoned us so badly its not even funny
>they fucking hate children
yeah, lots of those on ig
they'll regret it when it's too late.
>>anon try hiking/cycling being active helps your mental state so much after neet'ing it out

i see your point... doing stuff alone by myself it's hard for me.
no but fucking srsly how in gods name can you hate children. everytime i see a baby now I cant stop looking at them going OwO cuteeeee.

like what kind of evil sociopath monster hates children its in our fucking DNA to love and protect children.
Yeah, they're cute until they start crying. And "crying baby" ranks high on lists of the "most annoying sounds" every time researchers try to study it.
just take out your hearing aids bro, oh wait lmao who knew hearing damage had some uses after all
14 years ago
No fighting in my thread nerds or you'll get the boot
Pushing 30 and I've never even come close to it.
yesterday, early evening i think?
I've never had sex in my life. I've also never been kissed by a girl. I did however hold hands twice. I was pretty enthralled honestly.
2021 by a hooker never had a kiss or a gf
last night
I haven't had sex in about 7 or 8 months. Not too sure, I was spiraling pretty bad towards the end of my last relationship.
Since then I haven't so much as held a woman's hand. Last week one of my guy friends kissed me at the bar while we were drunk, that was the first kiss I've had since whenever xD
No chads allowed in my thread T_T
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Never. I'm 35. My dick barely even works any more. I hate the company of literally every person I know at this point. I'd fuck an escort if I was there wasn't guaranteed herpes at the least, and herpes+jail time at the worst. Can't even pay a girl to fuck me without risking losing everything.

I hope everyone who reads this has an awful day, and an even more awful life.
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Who’s that in the picture? You? I mean, coming from a fem here you seem pretty attractive, just try harder. Hehe.
Oh, I would’ve thought you’re actually European. New Zealand makes more sense, kind of. How old are you islander anon?
Thanks for thr support anon, sadly I am a washed up 24 yo boomer. It hasn't really worked out so far so not attractive enough 8(
No worries :( well, sorry for my stupidly long reply I was falling asleep. I think you look fairly nice, do you like vidyas? We could maybe play sometime if you’d like. I’ll leave my discord here. @ebolaisme
maybe 3-4 weeks ago. I met a guy from /soc/ and we had been talking for a while and it was the second time he picked me up for a 'date', we went to the same park we went to for the first date just to get away from all the town noise and we kissed a bunch in his car which was lots of fun.

We tried to have sex the first time but he surprised me that he actually had an oversized dick. He had trouble keeping it erect but my boypussy was so tight I couldn't blame him. So the second time we had the same problem but he brought coconut oil since he was so big, i was so tight, and he didn't make much precum. We didn't really have much fun because his car was so uncomfortable we had to call it quits, but it was so nice when he did get some movement going for a second. It was literally as wide as my wrist, he put his fingers around my wrist to show me. Normally a penis just slips in with patience, precum, bodily oils, and good mood, but this thing was scary big. The rest of the story is not really safe to tell a bunch of trolls on 4chan.
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Rate my bird

Why post such useless bait?
Earlier today and im feeling paranoid about getting sick, it was a person i just met and she mentioned something about having sex often. I didnt care cause i was horny but now im regretting it.
it wasn't bait. sometimes sex doesn't go how you want it to.
Six months
I live together with my gf...
About 9ish months now, and before that about 2-3 years. As much as I would like to have sex, I've gotten to the point (and age) that It's become a "if it happens it happens". If I'm truly that hard up I'll just squeeze one out myself, less hassle than trying to date in modern times.

Also, why the fuck is there a 15min timer now to post?
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Is this what love is anon? Romantic
The other day. Me and my boyfriend fucked raw. I love him!
about a year ago
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Remember to where contraception next time, Aids and monkeypox are no joke and can lead to serious illnesses.
i havent had sex in over 3 months because my boyfriend has no interest in me sexually anymore
are u canadian?
I got fucked by another anon over the weekend.
the last time I had any form of sex was about a month ago, mutual oral with a thai massuse at a massuse place. for vip, with a prostitute over the summer for 15 or so minutes.
with a non sex worker, it would have been about a year and a half ago with my ex-fiance, she said 'thank you my son' out of the blue and cuddled me when it was over, shit was cash. i need a fuck buddy.
post penis
Never, is this the alps? Doesn't look like it but kinda does
No, why?
No, I am no gay.

What alps?
who said you were?
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Why would I share my penis with men if I am not gay?
Literally never

Thought it was meant to be easy but guys are cunts
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I don't have much camaraderie with soc posters desu, a lot of them are not good people.

What exactly do you mean by that anon? What expectations do you have of men that aren't being met?
About 7 years ago
why do you keep coming here then? just wondering
I have nothing better to do rn, so here I am. I am having my fun.
why not go have sex
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Because I think that rape is immoral and also illegal. It requires two parties to engage in legal sex, also I as an introverted person I find the act of having sex with someone I am unfamiliar with uncomfortable so I would prefer not to do it. So until I meet someone who is both willing and viable as a prospective partner I will be unlikely to engage in any sexual relations.
Have I answered your question in a manner that is satisfactory to you?

Moids are all cunts that only want to fuck sluts
no not really
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Anon why did you post the same thing over again instead of answer my question? >>33599658

Then what else would you like to know?
you already said you wouldn't show that. i'm just shooting the shit now
>t. ugly troon
Fuck I wish
Then I could see cock more ig

Or find freaks that like trannies and get them to fuck me
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I was asking if I answered that question correctly.

So you only want to have sex? Then that should be really easy.
there's no wrong or right answer but it certainly is illuminating that you started with rape and ended with 'unlikely'
jesus. then, i whish you good luck anon.
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disc: the_nicest_person
If you want to be my friend, I am bored. I will unadd if you do weird gay shit or after a while if you don't start conversations ever because that is really annoying . Love from new india
you guys are super woke
Not really, it isn't any different than other countries of western European origin.
I've put my passport tinder to Toronto.
There are many uggos lol
Still now matches
Like, 2 years ago, maybe 2 years and a half.

We didn't do much and it was a very lame fuck. I ate her as my life depended on it though. Meh, back then I was fat and depressed. These days I'm neither of those. I want to get laid but I really want to find someone that will hug me and stuff like that. I'd kill for cuddles, I'm at that point where more casual sex is going to make me feel worse.
Make it a routine of checking all over your body for anything odd and get tested throughout the months, and make sure you get swabbed too. Just calm down before you freak yourself out and end up in the ER from panicking. Even if you are infected with something right now without knowing, making yourself sick from worry won't make it go away. Just wait to do that until you get your results so you can be productive by knowing what and how to treat whatever it is you may have.

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