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>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls

You can share also what you were using for language studying (guides, sites), if you took any exams/certifications, how much time you can dedicate to studying, etc.

Also if you moderate any language discord serves, please, share :)
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
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Spain GMT+1
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Otaku that draws
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
maybe, shy retard
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i just know there's some server out there for learning japanese with all these weebs running around here
someone cough it up already
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>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
18/f/USA time zone:CDT

>Native language/Languages that you can teach

English and Spanish to an extent

>Target language
Looking for someone who can try to teach me mandarin I have essentially zero experience in it so far

>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Weirdo autist who rants about random shit super into music genres like rap metal electric etc try to be as open as possible with music smth I could definitely talk about for hours also into rhythm games and fighters a bit mmmm idk that’s all I can think of rn lol

>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
Yea I can vc whenever for the most part

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>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
M/23/US (MDT)
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
Japanese, English
>Target language
German, French, Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew, Russian.
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Language autist recently getting into mathematics. I like fitness and intellectual subjects like poetry, religion, history, and esoterica. I love music/art too and enjoy lots of different kinds! I'm also into pharmacological chemistry, and biology.
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
Yes, VCing is no problem for me.
25 male

serbocroatian native speaker

fluent english

japanese good enough to read murakami but scared to read mishima for fear of not being good enough at the language for him yet, no speaking practice, not autistic about learning, learn passively at a snails pace reading bit by bit (~N2-3 level idk)

contact if interested in language exchange of any sort

discord: radoznalko
this is the last place on earth where i expected to find a JGD meme
19m USA
Fluent in English and Italian, conversational Spanish

Looking for: German/swiss German or anyone looking to practice Italian!

discord: shed.theory
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M / EU GMT+1
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
French / Dutch / Flemmish / German / English
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
I mostly hang around online, doing 3D modeling work and staying busy. I enjoy hanging out in calls, chit-chatting about life, psychology, morality, and the human condition. I also like getting heated about politics and vintage photography. Additionally, I have a mild interest in synths and making my own electronic panels for music production.
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
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3.24 MB JPG
29 / M / EU
>Native language
German / English
>Target language
Hindi (maybe Arabic)
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature

I used to begin learning Hindi before my homeless time with 18, that is also why I stopped. I know Devanagari but I'm slow with it due to not being used. Learning Arabic/Urdu script would also be appealing.

I would consider learning basics of Arabic as well, especially the writing system.
Yes if we get used to each other
endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
28,F, CST
>Native language/Languages that you can teaach
>Target language
Russian and Japanese
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
being a weirdo
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
no video unless we get to an actual friendship or smt
yours first.
>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
40/m/USA PST
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, French
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Outwardly a normal appearing middle aged guy. None of my hobbies would be of interest to people that go on this board or even website.
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
Text and voice chat.

native english

looking for: french speakers

disc: wurm.holee
25, M, UK
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Into BJJ, programming and anime
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video call
Sure, when we know one another
Yours First!
>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
English native
Spanish that sometimes passes for native
Indonesian (can converse somewhat comfortably)
Conversational in toki pona, if that counts
Enough japanese to understand like 80-90% of thats going on in anime
Minored in mandarin Chinese in uni but have not kept up and slowly forgetting it
Can understand filipino and turkish if you baby talk to me but can't really produce it back
Willing to teach any of em in exchange for any of the ones im not native in
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
I like Go (the board game), programming, math and math puzzles, geography and geoguessr
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
yes pls
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>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
21/M/UK (GMT)
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
English and French (both Native level)
>Target languages
Russian, Chinese, and Dutch
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Hiking, bouldering, philosophy, linux, chess, cooking, anki, table tennis, and programming. Not a big music guy but I've been listening to a lot of Victor Tsoi recently.
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
Yes, I'm pretty flexible so it shouldn't be difficult to arrange times that suit both of us. I've never done it before but like the idea of us maybe watching videos together through calls and discussing them in our target languages.
Pissed someone off that keeps posting me in Lewd threads so heres my new @ bringbacktwee
>About you
Movies, books, swiming, hiking and into fitness,
>Looking for
local anons
21m EU
Native in German
Fluent in German and English
I want to learn Danish
Interests/hobbies: I like to learn random shit about History and Monkeys/apes
Contact me on Instagram @anwn.ddu
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>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
23 / Male / Europe (+1GMT?)

>Native language/Languages that you can teach
Polish, English (pretty decent desu) , French

>Target language

>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Simple Slavian trying to learn Latin (again) to read original ancient texts (or translations from other Mediterranean languages).
Interested in ancient history and prehistory, Aryan invasions and so on.

>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
I could do voice calls over weekends.

Hi, what about italian? I can introduce you to basic spanish too.
I need a native american to correct my mistakes to get a c1 decree.

Want to partner up?
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
Spanish, some english
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
tech stuff, nature. learning new languages/cultures.
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
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>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
23/M/California (PST)
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
Japanese/日本語, Italian*
*Relative is going to Rome soon, if you got a learning cheatsheet I can give them, that'd be amazing
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Nerd that likes the nerdy culture that is Japan, considering moving there someday. I fighting game/travel/music/photography sometimes.
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
Really just looking for someone to share Japanese resources and interests, so mainly text.
It'll probably take a while to figure out a consistent time for me to be available but I'm open to voice eventually. No video.

please, god, this would be great too, and not the "only full of ironic weeb memes"-type discord
>english is my first language, i know spanish fairly well
>target languages have been biblical hebrew and latin, going for greek and sanskrit once i am proficient with those
>love linguistics, love shamanism, love philosophy
>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Cycling, electronics, BJJ, outdoors, cooking, honestly so many interests we will find one in common. I'm 5'11, white, a little fat but decent looking. I work from home so socialization is sometimes hard because my French is bad which is why i'm on here.
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
I want a decent girl from here as a friend but I'm not sure I can fit learning German into my schedule right now
>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Cycling, electronics, BJJ, outdoors, cooking, honestly so many interests we will find one in common. I work from home as well
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
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Just started. Here's the link.
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>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
31 m California (GMT -7 hours)
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
English (my level of education is a Bachelor's degree)
>Target language
Mandarin, 普通话
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
I have studied a couple years of manderin in school, but it has been a few years. It would still be a slow learning process, but I'm still familiar with fundamentals about the language (eg. tones, pinyin, radicals, etc.)
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
yes, I am as comfortable with texting as I am with voice chat and video calls.
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Been busy with life shenanigans recently so I'm not really available for this anymore, disregard my post.

I'm in this server though >>33298380
rate my spanish

puta madre cabron. puedo comprar a toda tu familia, marica de mierda
>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
24 f GMT
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
English. My grammar is very good. Take my word for it.
>Target language
French! Only from a France person
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Art, food, museums, coffee, French stuff (no degeneracy). Just want a French friend to learn about stuff with. Not for the dating. I'm a francophile. I like that animated movie about the tour de France and a song la boheme is stuck in my head since opening the thread. Did the French invent almond croissants? Amazing.
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
Respond if you'd like to be friends.
>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
27 M US, EST
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
English is my native, and I'm conversational in Japanese.
>Target language
Brazilian Portuguese
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Work in IT. Love video games, books, manga, movies, anime, sports, animals, all that stuff.
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
Not immediately! I'm into voice messages though.
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You can add me : kerokroko
I live Paris (and was born here),
24M, not interested in dating either just to be clear. Possibly VC though
>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
26/M/Spain for now but will be US soon
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
Cycling, bikepacking, running, brewing coffee, Russian literature. I biked from Montreal, CA to NYC, US recently. It was pretty fun (I slept in the woods but didn't die as there's black bears but no black people in Vermont).
Coffee brewing and drinking is a fun hobby of mine and I travel the world trying and comparing different coffee shops. Top 3 countries for coffee have to be US, Japan, and Netherlands.
I also like regular guy stuff too like video games, gym, and casual racism.
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
Yes. Mostly texting and voice messages first but I'm down to do calls if we get along.
Are you offering to teach German?
>Languages I speak
German and English fluently.
>Target language
>Short bio
I'm not much into anime as you might have thought. I'm more of a video game kinda guy. I'm currently learning Japanese only with learning apps, like Bunpo, MochiKanji and I recently started using Satori Reader. Other than that, I don't have a single Japanese person in my friend group so my progress is rather low.
>KYS !

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