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Dirty talk, audio masturbation, vocal smut and shenanigans.

Be as tame, funny, romantic, sensual or filthy as you like. Record your masturbation, try some scripts, improv, sing, play music, talk about your favorite
sexual fantasies, or just look for requests on the thread. Be creative.

Please remember to tag your post with the request link or title and type of work (song, fap, script, etc...)

>If you're new, please post a voice sample before asking for requests of things to do. It helps knowing what you sound like!

Accredited Audio Discord: https://discord.gg/6gSmtTVC
Are you New Here?

Start with these!

Questions for New Boys

Feel free to read anything else you find too~

MSA FAQ (draft)
MSA Scripts

http://pastebin.com/v9d9qf3H (embed) (embed)


Villian Marriage Proposal
http://pastebin.com/B9S1k68j (embed) (embed)

My Pet
http://pastebin.com/rmMkxuFN (embed) (embed)

Love Letter to Mistress
http://pastebin.com/tdgxuGbq (embed) (embed)


FSA Quotes https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/a41e16a784744e8bae0e933e3853944a

DRAMA! (Monologues) https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/d6dac9a80623450b8df5217e31650491

FSA SWEET TALK (SFW) https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/2daa170ecb0841d288e732dc6f399292

FSA Memes, Shenanigans and Shit https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/65137f774595400b87a9a90edc5c5e71

FSA POETRY COLLECTION https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/9809a25c24a64a7c85ea723d849e927f
Scripts for MSA by VK of FSA fame

Evil Squishy
[M4F][fDemon][Supernatural][Ghostly Pervert][RAPE][Molestation][Mind Control][Short]
When you brought your squishy toy home, you didn't know it contained the soul of an evil pervert. Now you do, assuming he lets you remember it.

"A Wedding Game" by VK (Male Script)
[M4F] [MF] [Romantic] [D/s] [oral] [exhibition] [Wedding]

"Airline Confession" by VK (Male Script)
[M4F][MF] [mile-high club] [Romantic] [Vanilla]
You tell the story of the sad flight attendant who you fucked back in the day, while your sub finds a a costume.

"Bratty (random female family member) Bikini Sex" (Male Script)
[F4M] [MF][incest] [Bro/sis] [Poolside][Lapdance][Facefuck]

"Daddy’s Girl Gets Owned by Teacher" (Male Script)
[MFA] [Mf] [Teacher/student] [BDSM] [humiliation][Audio Script][Rape] [Male Voice]
Her awkward teasing has enraged her teacher and he takes her around the BDSM bend

Public Ninja Fapping (Male Script)
At a cafe, you see a girl surreptitiously touching herself. You sit by her and...lend a hand.
VK presents: The erotic adventures of "The Photographer" [M4A][MF!][Various Situations] [Polyandry][Incest]
The two hour pilot "Discovering the Truth About Cuck" was universally savaged by critics but the stories that follow are much shorter and much better.
The Photographer--the biggest perv with the biggest heart. Staff: Kerry 25 yo who does makeup and video editing and whatever else needs to be done. Secretly his wife and submissive. Also, Amara, his young niece who has been his practice model for years and is now coming into her own.

VK presents: The Hypnotist Collection [M4F] [Telepathic Sociopath][Mind Control][Rape][Humiliation][Public Sex][beast][etc]
The Hypnotist--Sociopathic Telepath who grew up thinking he could hypnotize. It amuses him to toy with the minds of sexy girls.

VK presents: Dom with a Bullwhip Adventures [M4A][MF!}[BDSM][Various Situations][subjugation][humiliation][wisdom of Moses]
Wise Dom who uses BDSM to face many of the challenges in his life.

VK presents:The Bartender- A Romantic Sensualist. He moves around and fucks with feeling and enjoyment, and gets many callbacks. Loves his job and loves the bar he owns. But mostly he loves fucking.
Request Anchor
Delivery Anchor
dead thread for real
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im back

Dani has their pastebin for the men who wanna record some MSA for them

only be lewd if you would like to make it

this one was my last Argentinian daddy's script

when he recorded it for me
this was his style of MSA recording: https://voca.ro/1le06LAMO6i2

you can try to be better than my last Argentinian daddy

pastebin link: https://pastebin.com/VGJZwT7Q

im non-binary, then i understand that not every man knows about gender identity, more specifically agender identity.

if you guys have questions, check this link: https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Agender

if it's not allowed, i apologise to everyone.

im just trying to help those men who'd like to record some specific MSA (Male Sexy Audio) for me

im not that sexual but someone exhibitionist, therefore here is some info: long black curly hair, BIG bubble butt, thick thighs, parts of my body are hairy and BIG bubble butt is as clean as possible.

im not perfect at all but I'm somewhat curious for the mind of those men who'd like to imagine me and wonder themselves what // who Dani really is.

NOTE: all I know there are many homophobes and transphobes on 4chan, therefore please, make sure to skip this post. Once I was very mistreated here and I felt like not posting anymore. From this point, I'm just giving it a try one more time.
M4F horny caged sub boy fantasies. Includes moaning and edging for no extra charge!
What happened to the other thread? I went to see the new posts and it was gone and we haven't a thread for a long time
it's a bit of a taboo request, but can any lovely anons here make a nazi themed audio? the plot is that he is a high ranking ss officer who uses one of the prisoners, it would be nice if he spoke some german
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No thanks, I'm saving my "Male Sexy Audio" until AFTER holy matrimony
Request for someone to pretend to be a teacher, reading aloud from a classic novel.
Also seperately requesting a bully scenario.
Why is no one posting on here

Come on yall, give me your best sexy southern drawl… tell me your darkest sexual fantasy.
Can you post something a video example of the Southern drawl you'd like? Also if you want a specific dark fantasy I can give it a shot later when I'm home.
Throwing a few things I'd like here, in case anyone likes any of these and would enjoy making my day!
I am the same anon from the previous thread who asked for a One Piece themed audio where the speaker acts as Sanji jacking off thinking about Nami (or Robin, or any other OP character of your choice). I got a very sexy audio last time that I enjoyed very much, but I'm still open to more interpretations of this prompt, if I am allowed to be greedy. (You don't have to voice act or have a similar voice to him at all, btw).
Other requests also include the speaker jacking off - I'd really enjoy a self SPH type of audio where the speaker talks embarassedly about having a small penis. Another idea is the speaker jacking off and begging to be pegged by the listener, because he can't cum without being pegged or something - feel free to go as subby as you want.
Thank you for reading! I'll be sure to reply if I get any fills!
"I love you"


Kind of a ramble no-fap about sph. I'm a 'big' enjoyer of it.
Reeeeally hot, thank you! Thank you for taking your time to fill this and for how much you talked here <3 Love the part about how you jack off without using your whole hand, it's one of the hottest things to me about small dicked guys.
I have been toying with this idea too long so today I take the plunge and do it...

I am a Female British Asian who is obsessed with phone sex, I just love to talk dirty. I want to put my number out for anybody who wants to call and just talk dirty with me. Open now for calls

[m4a] [no sex] [just talking]
Happy Halloween
I am happy you liked it. If you have any other requests, feel free. I love the sph type stuff.

am new. be nice pls.
[M4F] I Found you [Nazi] [Rape]
I did my best sexy voice. Will post more
Could I get an anal/assplay audio where you humiliate the listener and tell her that she’s too worthless and that she doesn’t deserve it in her pussy, so he fucks her in the ass instead? Bonus points if you can include some dark, fucked up shit in your vocaroo as well >_>
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cen someone plzz making sexy sound for me?
u: big fat ugly man
me: 5’2 blonde shy scared girl
u like to come to see me at work ramen shop…
we have sexy time and i want audio of u describing how big and fat u r from all the ramen i fed u as u pound me and u deep moaning and breathing… thankk u o _ o
yummie thank you
Comfort + cat cameo bump (sfw)
I gotchu senpai.
A dark place (sfw) for those with anxiety
A bit late establishing considering I made the thread lol but hi, I'm Ascii! I do M4F audios, most of mine are dom leaning but I also enjoy making comfy audios! I've been told I have a comforting voice so if anyone has any requests I'd be up to suggestions! Really I just enjoy for the listener to have a good time and enjoy what they're listening to.

You can find my audios here:
I would love it if someone could please read aloud from Blood Meridian, I can link a pdf copy if that helps. I don't mind where in the book you read from, it's just a favorite of mine and I would like to listen to someone reading some of it to me.
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whos a good girl + puppy praises??? plsplsplsplssss.......
Swoopin' in with a shitpost from the discord.
whoops lol
So cuuuute
Thank you kindly! If you think of something else you'd like to hear me say, just let me know.
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I would've said more but I got to nervous.
I hope you enjoy, and that you don't, hate it and decide to beat me to death with hammers or something.
New to this but I want to try more
Script I found off of reddit if anyone wants to fill it out >.<
Might try giving this one a shot. Which path would you prefer?

Give me a script or something and I'll say for you hun.
not the requester but this one looks up their (and your, maybe?) alley:
Reflections by R.S. Thomas [SFW]

what kind of stuff are you looking for? i don’t wanna give you a script you don’t like ;;
dealers choice :3
Done and done! Hope you enjoy~

Oh I'm free for all kinds of things. Though, CNC does make me a bit uncomfortable.
I guess if I had to choose, I guess you can give me a script for praising?
This was right in my wheelhouse heheheh

That's, very long, and I doubt my skills in being able to make all of those fabric noises but I'll look into it!
Thank you for the suggestion!
I realize I should have anchored these three posts. >>33571760 >>33571845 >>33580359
hmmm hows this?

Well, I do have a creek creaky chair and a loud keyboard. I suppose I'll try and record it tonight for you then.
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I don't get why I ask for requests then get a little anxious when preparing to record them.


I shouldn't have taken sleeping pills before making this, I apologize if It's not so great.

Also some audio of me singing, which may also be not as great.

I hope you enjoy listening!
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mr.ascii .... this + the "Little Night for Daddy's Girl" audio you posted on soundgasm.... woww.... i need more from you </3
Maybe I'll do this one next? >>33585882

Can a guy tell me that he loves me and that I'm a worthwhile person who isn't disgusting please
Request: >>33589491
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I hope you're doing okay out there anon.

ascii this was delicious, loved the parts where you laugh at the listener! i started listening to this right when you posted it and my headphones literally died 5 seconds in ;-; so glad i got to listen to the full thing last night!
Aaaaa I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! And even wanting to listen to it as soon as I posted it, I'm flattered. If there's anything else you'd like me to record that would be just as delicious, let me know. ;3
MOAR ABDL PLEASE.... even if its not nsfw omgggg your voice is so calming i want to be in little space with you as my care taker
More ABDL, you say?
Yandere [SFW] [sweetheart] [obsessive] [Yandere] [Stalker]


Bump! Don't you die on me!
i need you so fucking bad oh ym goddd....... wtf... please never stop <33

Hope everyone is having a lovely night.
beautiful voice!
Such a sweet voice. My night would be infinitely made better by hearing more of it. I haven't been lurking in a while so I'm not really sure what you're into... which makes requesting things difficult. Would you be open to talking about what you perfect night in looks like? :3
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Thank you kindly.

I hope you're having a nice night, sorry im so breathy and my mic pics up literally every breathe i take lol.

Wait my ID is different.
I'm posting from a friends house, sorry for any confusion.
That sounds like a damn near perfect night, actually. A good book, a nice cup of tea, and a storm outside? Very cozy.

Knowing you're up for anything... how would you feel about potentially doing a ramblefap? :3

And I really enjoyed the audio itself. Hearing the breaths makes it feel more... personal in my opinion.

Oooh~ alright! If I cant get it done before bed due to potential privacy issues I'll get it done for you in the morning c:
Oh goodness. Either way, I an very excited to hear it. And thank you in advance. :3

It's a little short (I didnt have a lot of time for privacy) but I hope you still enjoy~
I promise when I have more than 15 minutes of alone time I'll do a longer one. I know this one is awfully short, but I still hope it's enjoyable~
I posted this just in case you didn't see it: >>33596324

[M4F] Hey Honey [Established Relationship] [Breeding] [4th Wall Break] [Sadism mention]
I... loved this actually. <3<3<3 And knowing it was the first one you've made... makes me like it even more. Hehe. You sound so... sweet. My goodness. Thank you so much SleepyBoy. I definitely look forward to hearing more ramblefaps and more in general from you. :3 Thank you for remembering mid-horny. Hehehehe.
I'm glad you loved it~

I was very nervous making it but honestly it kinda made it more enjoyable.
If you have any other requests let me know c:

same goes for anyone else!
That's a cute brain you got there.
Hi, i dont know how i feel of saying something sexy but im always told i have a sexy voice regardless.. Your opinion? its probably the one talent or skill i have as a 20M that people older than me dont usually have. Never really done this sort of thing so i kept it short. hard to talk when i usually have nothing to say

i like to think i can do an OK elvis impression
heres a little more regular

ALSO. ive not posted on this site in years, do you seriously have to wait like 10 fucking minutes to post? i had to and even turned off my vpn. theres also email verification wtf how do you avoid this bullshit without shilling $$$ to yellow moot?
mwah mwah mwah

Was that along the lines of what you want to hear? Or do you have any other suggestions?
[M4F] Hypno Rapist [Rape] [Misogyny] [Bitch] [Hypno] [SFX]
The trigger is a snapping sound. It's entirely fictional though so listen at your own discretion.


Nobody asked so-

Fucking awesome, dude. 10/10
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I wish this thread got more requests! Aside for maybe 1 or 2 requests, they've all been filled.

Thanks! I'm glad my audio is appreciated by at least someone on this board. Also, I prefer Adam, Mister, Sir, respectfully.
holy christ I wish I could masturbate right now.....
Thank youuuuu so much sir <3 <3
"rapist seed" is something I need to hear more often

I'll touch myself like crazy once I can


I've been thinking about getting into writting lately so I could come up with a script maybe this coming month. I love the objectifying and patronizing kind of smut, something among those lines
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Do the femboy's part.
Thank you for your very enthusiastic words!
fixed link it's [sfw]
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Alright, may as well do an intro of sorts

would be curious to see if anyone wants me to do any specific audios. Open to most things as long as I don't need to scream
Bumping so thread doesn't die!
Request: could anybody just do a lengthy ramblefap? I'm in such dire need.
Thread is slow. Finished a short audio while I think of something for a bigger project.

[M4F] This is what you wanted? [Slut] lots of [Good Girl] [Feral Speaker]

bumping from page ten!

also could somebody please do some degrading forced petplay? with lots of pet names (puppy preferable but up to you!) and condescension and laughing at how dumb the listener looks. doesn't have to be long or anything but i'd love to hear this. please and thank you, anyone willing to give this a shot!
Amateur voice actor here, a good delivery of this line is killing me. Is anyone willing to give it a shot?

>you: big studio executive
>line: "I'm sorry, it's just not good enough. Come back when you have something more authentic."

(Changing my handle from sleepyboy to mellowtonin just because I like it more and im not too well established save for a few soundgasm uploads)
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Hii, I have not had the chance to make audios lately, so it's nice to finally post something!
Hope you all enjoy it~ <3

The party healer takes care of your wounds

[M4F] [Fantasy Setting] [Soft Boy] [Mommy Bf] [It's like a mommy dom, a guy] [Femboy] [Gentle Dom] [Mommy Dom] [Soft and cute] [you call HIM mommy] [Sheep Boy] [Monster Boy] [Consensual] [You give handjob]

Ugly male with an ugly voice here. Does anyone want to hear it
I have uploaded the wrong audio under that link. the tags and the name are good, but the audio is not!!

Here's the right one:
I've had a very specific scenario I've been wanting.
M4M blackmail type thing.

You catch your friend that has a girl looking at gay porn, you jokingly snap a photo/say you'll out him, ect. He offers to do anything, to which you then keep your phone out and start recording, say something like "ok you want dick so bad? Here's mine" make him blow you while saying you'll tell his girl if he doesn't do a good job, call him a good boy, say things like you'll make him do this whenever you want or else.
Would love to hear you go until you finish. You can be verbal and creative, add in things you enjoy too if you want.

Please and thank you
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i would like to hearing from you, boo.


Wanted to read Ahab for /lit/, but Moby-Dick lost the election. Maybe someone here will get a kick out of this, since there seem to be some literary minds ITT.
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I don't know why I put off doing this.
I hope you enjoy it anon!


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