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Design YOUR ideal partner! The template is in the replies.

>DON'T: Argue and de-rail the thread
>DON'T: Make massive, "thirsty", or text-only posts

Things to include in your post:
>their qualities
>their interests
>their QuIrKs
>their location

Make sure to be UNIQUE! the best images will have:
>lots of color
>clear, legible text
>decorations and accessories

Remember to /soc/ialize; Add a contact like:
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Hi, I'm M 19 USA. I'd just like to get to know someone over Discord, maybe we could vc or video call some time too. Have a blessed day

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picture is my ideal


>About You/Hobbies
183cm, white, black hair and eyes, average to skinny. Sleeping/napping, piano, pc games, reading manga, cooking/baking

>Looking For
BBW+ 18-28 people, ideally women, the heavier the better. Looking for interesting chats, if you have feederism related memes, send them to me

>Not Looking for
Nudes, pic exchanges, roleplaying

>Contact Info
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Discord: tetrachlorohydrex

Because people are dumb...do NOT add me if you're:
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Best gf right here
>Best gf right here
Depends on where you're from
well i'm from europe but i don't know where a girl like that pic would be from
this kind of girl will ruin your life dude
I used to be that kind of girl, less sexual more hyper. Glad I'm not anymore. If they're not BPD, then they're traumatized and will hurt you regardless. If you like that kind of girl, you are most likely the same. Seek therapy.
i always like this thread but nobody likes my funny national stereotype gfs :( (except this time it's the actual correct thread YEAH)
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me: late 20s, US, male (fem af), bi

white, 5’7, 140lbs

hobbies: vidya, movies, reading, rotting

looking for: idk, wanting to talk with a good, solid dude that is interested in friendship first. we dont have to have the same interests. i just want to talk to someone thatll make me feel happy and go from there. i am very clingy.

not looking for: immediate sex chats/pics/etc. women. trans. total assholes (you can bully me but please get to know me first because im really sensitive :})

contact: pls reply with your discord because im too bitchmade to post mine here despite using a throwaway.. I am generally glued to my phone or PC so ill probably respond pretty quick
interested in irl if nearby? what state?
i would down the line, i am up for traveling too if there’s a connection but would prefer strictly online at first

borchent, 32/M/USA and that all sounds good to me.
mm okay
i like anime/vidya as most do and im southeast coast
not fem but if i had motivation+time i wouldnt be opposed to working on it if it matters to you
what vidya do you like?
you should drop your disc! chatting here is a pain
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okay, but be warned that im honestly shit at small talk
also im about 10m away from going to sleep for work tmmr
tag is in the picrel
i'm f east asian 5'6 117lbs
hell yeah let's go. im bored of this dull life
no i want to have fun and see crazy shit
Dont hit all of those, but I do hit most. Got a post over here if you're interested
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>your qualities
pretty handsy with tools, can cook, and I'm training to be one of the strongest, zug zug.
>your interests
mmos, competitive games, jrpgs, retro stuff and anime
>your quirks
I sniff hard and a lot to clear my nostrils

>their qualities
23+ stinky femcel thats a shutin and plays vidya games all day
either shaped like a flat twig or pudgy from a junk food diet
girlfailure aesthetic
>their interests
breakcore, /x/, conspiracy videos
has at least 1000 hours into any game
>their QuIrKs
shouts kys or retard whenever they get angry
uses ancient meme lingo and has their mind stuck in the 2000 era
>their location
doesn't matter since I can do LD or we can just stay as online friends

>your ideal relationship dynamic
hisses at me when I get them to shower
begs for food or headpats like a needy pet
if you dont fit the description then please dont add me just because you found my post "interesting"
I dont check my discord often since it takes forever for males to get an add
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Discord: Basementtapes1999
me but i don't do drugs
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nice trips
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discord: Hieronymus21
I know that you are probably 19-21, but how old are you, yourself?
scary_16, id love to get to know you better
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nigga is the ideal thread police LMAOO
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23/M/Hungary/East Euro/ 247lbs 6'4"
Competing Bodybuilder
A huge nerd
mentally unstable, clingy, and emotionally dependent
more normal than.most guys here though
I really.need a.patient F that thinks they can fix me.and help me get my.shit together
DC = pusztitopako47
this made me laugh so much my stomach started hurting. thank you anon.
i knew a moid like this
lmao i've heard of you
Tfw all i get are boring adds when all i want is a feisty bitch I can meet up and fight.

It's over.
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she doesn't exist

discord: trapper.dan
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26m, my discord is scary_61st
I have other shit instead if you want.
About me:
I'm short, chubby (currently losing weight) and brown (mixed, not white). I like listening to and searching for new music, drawing and doing other kinds of crafts. Sometimes I watch anime and play video games. I also like movies, specifically horror. I'm kind of shy, cold and standoffish but if I like you I can be clingy, sweet and teasing.
If you think we'll get along drop your discord and I'll add you.
Where can I contact you from?
>If you think we'll get along drop your discord and I'll add you.
Please excuse me being a dumbass then. Also I turned 31 over the summer and I'm technically no longer in your age range. If that's not cool I understand
I'm fine with 31. Drop your discord.
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template for anyone lazy or shit at photoshop
Hmu! I'm 31 also tho...
My Discord tag is 21181514
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I posted this about 2 years ago and some japanese tranny living in brazil reported back but unfortunately our conversation ended up dying. If that person happens to magically be around again I would like to talk again
Obviosuly also open for other girls who think this describes them
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i respect the introspection and self awareness. I do not wish to date you but am interested in talking with you about the thought process you took to get to this point. discord is t.bigdilf.

known pedophile

he's trying to help you, you retarded faggot

reddit onions

I'm adding you but not because i am a girl and interested but because I am a boy and you seem based
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>their (stuff)
Covered everything pretty well in the image. This is a compilation of things I find attractive. Not everything is required for me to like someone, but similar interests (platonic/romantic/sexual) are a must, and my preference for body type is unfortunately non-negotiable.

Please be a decent person as well, I'm looking for someone I'd want to spend my life with. Part of that includes being trustworthy to treat me well.
>their location
Preferably somewhere in the USA since different citizenship complicates things massively. I'm looking for someone I'd want to spend my life with, and getting together in person is obviously important.
>your (stuff)
I'll have a version depicting myself in the "post yourself" companion thread. You can search it with my discord tag using ctrl F. If you have any questions or can't find it for whatever reason, feel free to add me and I can answer/send it to you.
>your ideal relationship dynamic
Gentle femdom/role reversal
soldier69 on discord
I thought it would more evident from my pic, but apparently I need to spell it out. That pic is my ideal GF, and not myself.
I'm a middle aged 42 year old man. Full time good job, stable income, weeaboo, nerd. I dont mind talking to guys, or making friends, but I am not the person in that pic.
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Discord: anonhusband_17024
>middle aged man wanting something of a sex puppet in their 20's
Thats a huge fuck off walking red flag man. If you have anyone that adds you, they should be jailed for being criminally stupid.
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I'm gonna level with you bro you are NOT going to find that type of women on this type of site with a picture of an anime cowgirl

I think you need to set your standards MUCH lower
Sorry I'm not her
This could be us but I'm pasty and my ass is flat <\3
>I'm pasty and my ass is flat
that just makes it better
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Well hey there...
Well drop contact, will you
are you gonna come out of my tv in a few days?
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>I'm a middle aged 42 year old man.
Imagine my shock.
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I showed you my cursed VHS tape, answer me
(If you post @ I will try to work up the courage to add)
I am none of the previous people but add me anyways cause I think you're goated
witheralt - discord
I would like to know if you're actually as advertised
>degree OR job
excellent, I'm in! the 15 years of crippling student loan payments were worth it!
You looks fun haha
If you want someone else to chat, add me, magnumdml
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i had to do it with my mouse, sorry! 20mtf, discord 9eta_ x)
>I meet everything
Knowing I'm your type I need to change.
shut the fuck up, unhelpful faggot
Talked to her before and she's cool, just go for it
Look who’s talking
He’s a grown ass man.
Go back to /pol/
okay my turn to compete for attention
tag is coquillett
Sure I'll bite, NoticeMeSempai
how the fuck do you guys even stay alive when you're reduced to begging for crumbs of attention from women and competing with countless other guys
i literally will never understand this. don't you feel shame?
I didn't even know it was a woman, nor did I know it was going to be some kind of competition
I just respected the LARP and wanted to see what the guy was all about
It's part of the whole onryō code to add those unfortunate enough to ask to

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I just want a femanon who will treat me right and be nice.
I'm speaking to 3 of that type of girl right now.
They aren't in my country and that makes me sad
Would a femanon love me even if i had a physical disability?
Ideal gf:
>Bags under eyes
>Black hair, short is cute (not necessary)
>Hardworking and practically only has time to chat after work
>Drinks or Smokes
>Likes old music and games
>Enjoys the local music scene or is willing to get into it with me.
>Ambitious and willing to be positive
>Wants to do the things they couldn't do as a kid
>Movie nerd
>Likes to read
>Loves being outside
>Loves to laugh
>Isn't afraid to be goofy and out there.
>Likes weebshit
>Likes going out for night drives
>In their 20s
>Lives in U.S.
>post @
i want to, but i also don't want to be another crab in the bucket with the other swarm of crabs that clawed onto this with their @
>try to work up the courage
you're a cutie without even trying
>Pasty and flat ass


Sounds about right. I will never take a flat butt ever again.

Is there anyone else that is dumpered out? Anyone at all. Speak now of forever hold your peace.
I cant even find one.
It's so over

I regret posting this lol it was funny to me for a second, now I feel like I derailed the thread being a coomer
I hope you find what you're looking for!
>I feel like I derailed the thread being a coomer
wdym? your posts didn't have coomer vibes and you didn't derail the thread

>Multiple men building a reply ladder, desperately clawing over each other's dicks to reach you at the top while you sheepishly look down upon them and say "I'm scared to respond :<"
>Its so over

Either you are a troll or the epitome of woman brain.

I'm leaning more towards troll wasting the time of everyone here.

Add me and explain yourself if you are not a troll.
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>is ok with trannies
>is ok with my low libido due to sexual trauma
>has a job and his own apartment maybe willing to help me pay for surgeries
Wow if it isnt the biggest walking red flag ive ever seen.... and ive been on 4chan for years
Best girl
The biggest red flag was "lives in england"
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disc: .winterenjoyer
email: winterenjoyer@proton.me
pls only add if you have autism friendly cognition (no cluster b)
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boggington on disc
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disc : roverontheclock
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>Late to thread + looking for a single femanon in 2024

I know i'm not gonna find anyone but fuck it.
Haven't done one of these threads in ages and 4chan femanons were my favorites back when soc was amazing.

>Posted in the wrong thread to boot
How does 30 sound?
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Boring nerd seeking another boring nerd, discord: obsessionandtruth
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need her so bad :(
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Do you have a contact if you don't want to share my discord is burn06952
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I'll biteif this is a female posting this
>Add me and explain yourself if you are not a troll.
Lol still shooting your shot
>31/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 35
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord
sorry was just posting my ex because I miss him
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A friendly girl able to joke around in a cute way immediately appears more attractive no matter her looks but /soc/ is since a long while now grounds for girls to be swarmed by orbiters and so I hold back to only check the threads for funny self/ideal descriptions (or, very rarely, rants like this one).
lol that ain't you chief
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Yeah you know what I was gonna give up bc it probably wasn't worth it but fuck it, just to spite this retard
Hit me up anyway
How big was his dick?
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Discord: arcaneee1nn
Ah, shit
If you miss me that much just reach back out again. I'll hurt you.
P. Diddy pedo satanic scum. *stfu*
interdimensional vampire sucking the essence of our youth . a """star""" huh xDD
You silly globalist puppet, shame on YOU !
>pain mode
lol me with my endometriosis but my tooth DOES hurt right now cause I got a crown put in yesterday
Mari, if it is really you...
i think we dated the same guy. do u want to get in contact

pol always reminded me of ravenous monkeys overpopulating an abandoned building.
First of all, why post in an ideal partner thread if you are looking for just friends.
Second, leave a contact, and let's see what can be done with you
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might as well post my past creations
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I'm looking for something pretty specific. I'm trying to come across as un-autistic as possible. Or maybe extremely autistic if you like that.
I really love older women. And I'm not a zoomer who hopped on the hag train in the last few months or whatever, I've always loved older women for as long as I can remember, and have dated a couple albeit briefly. My ideal woman is anywhere from mid-thirties to late forties, and is an oldfag in one or more senses of the word: Used to lurk or even post to 4ch or 2ch, likes 90s/00s anime and internet culture, etc. Optionally she can be removed from it now entirely, although doubtful if she's reading this, but still has nostalgia for that early internet era. She's sweet and caring, has a big heart and knows how to enjoy the little things. A bit of cynicism is ok, so long as you're not a complete doomer. I also really like artsy souls, so if you draw or do anything else artistic, that would be great. If you have one or more autistic obsessions you can gush about for hours on end, by all means let me hear it. I really love to listen and learn about my partner's interests.
Picrel is pretty ideal appearance-wise, but I'm not the most picky when it comes to that. However if you're a goat or cow woman then you win my heart.
>About me
I'm a pretty basic thin white guy with longer hair. I'm a very creative person and have lots of artistic endeavors, but would love a partner to help motivate and inspire me. Been doing too much scrolling lately and it's starting to upset me. I need to get off my ass. I'm very optimistic and even naive a lot of the time. I'm very in touch with my emotions and I ask the same of you.
I'm really tired of lurking here, making alts and whatnot. I hate what /soc/ has become and I'd like to put this all to bed. I hate to make this a bit more inconvenient but I'm just gonna make a burner email. Please reach out to me if you think we'd be a good fit!
hahaha lil nigga is getting no pussy
These are my ideal boyfriend/future husband's appearance. If any of you look like or look similar to them please leave your contact info for me!!!
I'm 20 years and a biological female. I'm not overweight just ugly and sub-5. I don't care about your personality or age (though being in your early 20's are preferred). I want a long-term relationship that will end with us being married but if you want uncaring and toxic, I don't mind that either! I will do nothing but love you unconditionally. Please just look like them, thank you. :)
I'm 20 and I look almost identical to top left except I wear glasses.

I also want to get married eventually. However, I'm specifically looking for a serious bdsm relationship so idk if that's something you'd be interested in. I'd also want to fully take care of you after I graduate.

Discord is if you're interested: gate.ngate
>About you
I like reading, programming, working out, listening to music, meditation. I am currently reading carl jung, though ive read quite a lot of books in my time (far far too many to count), i enjoy learning about other cultures, people; their mindset and what makes them tick.
>Looking For
A woman to make mine and obsess over.
>Not Looking For
Thank you for existing! I'm not into bdsm though or I don't know if I'm into that sort of stuff. You sound really handsome if it's okay with you I want to message you but I'm just not sure about bsm thing.
I'm more like wolf boy from twilight
Gl tho
Looking for someone to share my fantasies or even roleplay with.
Really into archetypical cheerleaders (younger), conservative milfs (older), etc.
Please add!!
I look like them!! add me on discord
eatmedrinkme <3
be super serious rn one femanon to another
I love that set of pics and understood less than 1/3rd of the Nonenglish text, anon.
Good stuff, the only worthwhile thing ITT in my view, in fact.
28/F I'm looking for an accountability partner who wants to discuss /lit/ related topics. I won't be able to engage in highly religious matters, /pol/itics, or blatant pseudoscience. I love hearing autistic rambling otherwise from knowledgeable people. I love to read poetry. You can be despondent, insane, an underground man.. or just a shitposter. literature related to the human condition :3 My favorite authors are Faulkner, Pessoa, Proust, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Tolstoy, Lispector, Nabokov... too many to name. Let's read together.
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what you want is someone supported by their mother
discord blank100k
I put actual effort into this because I was bored, I am owed a close relationship now I think
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Pic rel
Early-mid 20s

28/M white army vet from the Southeast
700 credit score
Doing free college at a private uni up north, going for a masters
I like guns, hiking, philosophy, politics, 3d modeling, do a bit of gamedev, reading, usual nerd shit
Not entirely all there but I cover it up well
Want kids and land in the near future

You're looking in the wrong place, anon.
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discord is starvecel
>About you
gaming, reading, working out, usual stuff ;p appreciator of tummies also.
>Looking For
Okay, so, I think I might be gay... or at least leaning that way? It's all still kinda new for me, but one thing I really love is cute boys' tummies if you've got a nice tummy and are down to share some pics with someone who appreciates them, hit me up
>Not Looking For
>ideal bf
nice tummy
Sadistic, obsessive, possessive, hypersexual, romantic, cnc,impact, blood.
Willing to be the posted picture.
For me it's mostly Kierkegaard, Baudrillard, Calvino, Hesse, Beckett and Hemingway (I will not be accepting criticism at this time), but I am pushing 40 and an insufferable hermit.
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I'm 29 M from germany. Got my life in order, last piece missing is my better half

>talks a lot
>plays video games with me
>spends time with me

yea its not asking for too much
dc fexx
oh ya...
>cis F
>>33580386 edouardmassred if you're still watching this
Discord? or contact?
I'm lonely and these guys are my types :/ i really don't have anything to lose
I have also dodged one, lying, bullet already, not only using another person's pictures but also lying about his race and being a tranny chaser.
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hi I'm 30 F and from IL, hoping to find someone in the midwest!
>their qualities
age 25-35
genuine kindness
autistic humor
deep voice would be nice
will hold me tight
big spoon
emotionally intelligent
has their shit together (I'm serious, I'm not dealing with this shit again)
will watch weird shit on yt to spend time together
would be willing to visit me sometimes too so all the travel isnt all on me
can we watch south park together?
fun dinner dates!

>their interests
metal/prog metal music/ rhythm game music
Visual novels
would be nice if they like model kits
games ( please stream for me!!)

>their QuIrKs
god please just don't be an ass or sex obsessed
>their location
hopefully somewhere in the midwest but as long as you're in the US its fine.

my discord is milkychoux

if you add me without having read all of this I'll just remove you
I think my chart disturbed them.

Y'all have a good night, I'm gonna go to bed and check the thread tomorrow.
what is your chronic illness? and are you fat?
one of 500 discord alts
you sound very fragile
unlucky for you im all these things but 5ft 8
No I have really thick skin I just wanted to make everyone in this thread aware
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Hm. I don't really know what else to put on here that isn't already on my chart.

I swear I'm more interesting when you actually talk to me

Discord: macarthy
Wow the girl can't even have ear piercings. You're going to stay alone for a long long long time
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I just want her so bad.
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I'm a shortstack bbw clown lady. I'm 25 and I like retro vidya and drinking and doing drugs. Hit me up. uwuowouwuowouwuowouwuowo

I don't know why I'm posting this again it's not gonna work out.
Short stacks usually don't have a weight range starting with a 3
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short stack enjoyers usually dont have a weenor range starting with a 3'.
31 m USA

Looking for pic obviously

Into tpe,cnc,impact, humiliation, degrading, obsessive, possessive.

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I TOTALLLY dont expect or maybe even want to find someone on here and i deeefinitely got carried away sorry for so much text but i was having fun F 20 canada :p my contact is khaleesini on discord
what does this mean? penis? am i retarded?
i was so excited until i saw "f" wtf. i am literally picrel but im gay and not bisexual. the one straight woman on this board just happens to be the one who wants someone exactly like me. i hope you find a guy like that anon, you seem very sweet and loving
Yes she wants a guy with a massive penis but she is a hambeast who will do nothing to earn it
thats soooo tragic i hope u find someone too ;(
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bump with clarification. discord 9eta_

ill make an exception...for you...
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i think I'm lonely enough to finally post one of these, even if nothing comes of this it was at least fun to make

well what's your discord? even if we don't click i'm always up for interesting conversations :P
I've added maybe three people from threads like these over the past few years, but not once in my life have I seen someone post something that is so genuinely "Literally me" minus maybe one or two things (sorry man I like my early-mid 2010's wubwub music)

SO MUCH SO. That if you do end up adding me back on discord I can show you the bf/gf I made about me and my ideal match if you're still here my discord starts with "Shell"
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To all the beautiful doomer girls out there, I want to know you.

Me: 32/M/UK, can cook, own place, has got life together but it feels like something's missing deep down inside.

Discord: uraby210
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Not leaving any contact because I doubt he’s out there. But you’re welcome to prove me wrong
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literally me but i’m a schizoid 21 year old angel trapped in human flesh
who the fuck is the ratboy genius
>no cutting
you’re posting here slugger that’s a big ask
>prefers being on top
buh buh zased
that outfit is horrid tho, fuckin plastic demonias with red laces and too many fishnets screams ‘i get all my shit off temu’
there’s a deep melancholy in your eyes only present in eastern european gay porn
for posting the chill dude who lowkey doesn’t give a fuck you sure seem to be giving a fuck about her ass
you have posted the antithesis of the average /soc/ browser
jesus fuck what is this godforsaken excel spreadsheet of loneliness
i would torture this twink in a shipping container for a year
>makes fun of trannies with me
>describes tranny in the making
lol. go get em tiger
I’d beat his face in if he ever considered transitioning. Won’t happen on my watch
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if he’s a cute early twenties twink at the time and you truly do love him, you could accept the differences between you two and honor what he truly wants and he could end up your beautiful androgynous transsexual failwife. if you beat it out of him he will simply repress it while with you, hollowing on the inside until he is 45 years old and then troon out in secret behind your back becoming an ugly monster and corruption of who you once loved and spent your life with; the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. two roads lie before you in this hypothetical.
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some amendments would be you listed 18 - early 20s so higher chance for him to end up a beautiful wife. that, or the thought of him being a tranny would make you fall out of love, and you can always just wake up and break up or something. shrug.
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Hopefully he hates trannies as much as I do :^) No such thing as a man who will ever be a “beautiful woman”, but feminine men exist. I’d never indulge in someone’s delusions that way, I’d live a life of lies and that leads to unhappiness for both of us
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i see why you have made your choice, but it makes me sad that it is one out of malice instead of ignorance. instead of picking something that may be tough in the moment but lead to a greater understanding of one another, you doom you and your partner to a life of mutual pain and longing. it hurts me a bit to hear that. i still very much hold much hope we can grow kinder and find ourselves more gentle, together; both you and i.
and i mean there are plenty of examples of it all working right! look at angelica ross or hunter schafer. they are quite beautiful women, no?
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Weird roundabout way of saying you’re a sexual predator who hates women and adopted an “identity” that didn’t exist until the early 2010s, like all troons.
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Ideally, these are goals. Be impressive if any one girl had them all.
> Male, 32, Central TN, 6'7", White, Brown Hair, Blue Eyes... etc etc
> Mostly a gamer of sorts, enjoys analog stuff mostly (Board games, card games, TTRPGs, etc) but also enjoys video games (mostly Co-op stuff, Survival games and the occasional odd genre)
> Fairly family oriented, has pets (cats), stable job, and wants to settle down.

> madmalk
What form of contact do you prefer?
I match pretty much everything, i even had people call me Snufkin. My music and fashion tastes are different though

pointless generalization
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Hello, I don’t fit everything on your list but I would like to say I’m very close. I’m 26 years old from the UK. I love neofolk and I visited Mishima’s family shrine in Japan earlier this year whilst on a martial arts training course. I’m not a KHV but I haven’t had a girlfriend in three years. My ex used to tell me I had very feminine eye lashes and a cute butt. My favourite Neofolk album is Beauty Reaps the Blood of solitude by Nature and Organisation. I enjoy industrial, post punk, goth rock, New Romantics, synth pop, dungeon synth, and black metal. Mishima is my favourite author, with Celine and Goethe in joint second place. I enjoy reading, films, camping, cooking, and martial arts amongst other things. I would like to dress more neofolky but it’s expensive and I tend to end up looking more dark prep/academia than neofolk when I try…. If you wish to continue speaking with me please reply to this message.
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women are awesomesauce and sexual predators should face the wall and have their brains blown out nice projection anon
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I also forgot to mention I’m more moominpappa than snufkin… anyway check out my new wooly pully
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>pointless generalization
i never said it wasn’t pointless i like making hypotheticals and picking people’s brains about things. people are interesting and seeing their desires through threads like this is even more so. also i’m schizoid
>hates dubstep
i’m glad you get it. dubstep is fucking awful like any sort of hardcore is infinitely better
this girl would make the most insane gizmos and gadgets out of gears and cogs. i get this post on a deep level i love her so much
this one is really realistic and achievable this will happen someday real soon good job anon
>no reddit atheism
based spiritualism enjoyer
right is mostly me but tights & skirt > thigh highs & skirt any day of the week it’s not even close. also asking for no bpdemons is a big ask with girls like these.
absolutely zased i love her
>the thing all men have wanted for all of human history is a red flag
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Hi, I'm 19/M/USA. This is my ideal gf, the red text is really important while the green text is optional stuff. If you feel like you match the picture, please add me:


You seem really nice and romantic, minus the inappropriate stuff ofc
May I ask, where did you hear about me?
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Men that don’t want children and want to consume and be consumed by their one and only lover don’t exist unfortunately, so there’s no point in posting.
Nice try, slit your dick avatarfag
>ruby and max
(also i just realized while typing that out that their names are like the rabbits. was that on purpose?)
18f england. i don't have b cluster before you worry!

pls dm with ASL + a little info about yourself ^_^
disc - hime.joshi
bait used to be believable
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what does ‘slit your dick’ mean
>wants to be tradwife
hopefully tradWIVES with that username sister
if your ideal partner is akin to a living sex doll you are a sociopath of some kind or have lost touch with some part of your humanity plain and simple
>will be nice to my plushies
this is the biggest green flag any man can give

> with that username sister

i didn't expect to be called out for the hentai username haha

i dont think its worth asking for girls to message me on here either so i didnt mention yuri :P
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himejoshi shouldn’t be considered a ‘hentai username’, no? it just means that you are a female fan of yuri; lit. ‘princess girl.’ there is nothing sexual about it, just that you consume gl media
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if ur out there

disc: funnycats22

Most people I've seen immediately attribute it to the hentai unfortunately :(
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pic related
It’s not bait, I need that
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Contact? I made a throwaway discord in case you want to message
Oh wow our music and literature taste is really similar, sure let’s talk
you're an avatarfag but you seem nice
>asking for no bpdemons is a big ask with girls
yeah ik but also hate being loved bombed then chucked to the side in a period of a week or two, they are kinda a lot to deal with so i try to avoid them since bad experience, prefer dry conversations that lead nowhere then someone who pretends to love me
Sent you a request, good user name choice!
oh my god so fucking pathetic literally all women can do to insult men is "you're an incel" or "your penis is small!"
>weenor range starting with a 3'
a 3 foot dick? damn, that's insane
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I'm 99.9999% sure this isn't gonna work but it's fun to sit down and actually do this and give it a shot anyways. Have fun shitting on my tastes.

I'm in my 20s, I'm Non-Binary (AMAB) and I'm in the US. I'm mixed, pretty skinny, 173cm, experimenting with my gender and kinda lonely. I really like Vtubers (specifically Gawr Gura) but I also like anime and movies/tv shows. I'm not really into video games but if you're super into them that's not a deal breaker at all (it'd be really stupid if it was lmao).

What is a dealbreaker is being racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-semitic, pro-israel, etc. You get the gist.

I'm on 4chan so I already know I'm gonna get people telling me to kms but meh. Like I said, it's fun listing down all the qualities of a hypothetical ideal gf. If you fit these qualities hmu.

discord: idiotechque
A lot of you really just need a close friend to help you workshop out these weird-destructive tastes many of yall have

Like id love to be duplexed to death by an Amazonian but who is the guy/girl sitting down for even 3 minutes to do this.

You will all succeed if you become bar alcoholics, I promise you
If you're still lurking around here I meet most of what you're looking for, would be interested in chatting at the very least
Discord is feylix
This is what it sounds lke when you're jealous and can't get a girl. I'm willing to do a lot, if you're not this guy :) thanks for explaining it to my suitors.
My ideal gf? will be born in new york or at least the east coast, and then go to https://mysticcombat.com/ and click on the Girlfreind Applications applications button
so true
This is literally me but I'm almost 32.
Hope you find what you want.
post disc and don't be fat
I am bumpin' this thread
my ideal gf has a lot of body hair that she doesnt shave
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he also likes vincent gallo.
Fit almost all those – the idea of having a dick piercing repulses me. Guess it wasn't meant to be.
I'm saving this cause it describes me too perfectly. My box of mementos stops me from dropping a tag. Good luck on finding yours. I fondly remember talking with someone from here about Buffalo '66.

thank you, anon. I really appreciate it.
Why would your age pose a limit?
Unless that's how you view it?
Would you want to leave your email here?
If you check the thread again.
Hey Im lookin for someone in the melb area that perhaps would wanna bring some dick or something to fill ;)

My discord is Enavers and my address is 57 Cosmos St glenroy. hehe i kinda like the idea of being small and a twink so anyone that is big please come XXXX
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Discord: under_echo
Are you in Europe?
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25 m us, discord is internetwithdrawal
youre certainly casting a wide net
struck me as reasonable as far as asks go
I need help cumming to my neighbor. Shes a cute blonde with a bubble butt. Audio call as I feed you and share her. Plz help me cum to her. Nude and nn pics

why did you suck off a nigger?
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idk if you exist, but if you do, I have a ring waiting for you.

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Maybe wildly unrealistic but here it is.
this is cool
888rem@protonmail.com if you want to chat
Lol took a pic straight off the catfishing black woman. Bud is down low.
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- 27 Male SoCal

- White/Asian 6'1" Slim

- Into making things
- I like rhythm games ,eating out, watching anime, going to cons, cosplaying, and computers
- I have a sense of Dark Humor and find stuff that is really stupid incredibly funny
- Still heavily into Vocaloid, Jpop and some Edm
- discord kuno_inu
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My disc: rena_iuh
>traditional life
What did she mean by this?
literally me aside from unemployment, so sad
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It's a thing.

Disc: askanon2
I am an extremely successful(and rich) man, I like to read, workout, listen to music, and i also enjoy many different types of conspiracies. very easy going and extremely easy to talk to. i dont judge.
>Looking for
A girl to manipulate
>ideal gf
>Not looking for
Was it something I said? Or you just found someone else?
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23/M/Central America
Hispanic/5'10"/Very slender
I'm a recent college graduate with a good job and gentle personality. I've never had a girlfriend before, perhaps because I am quite shy and have trouble meeting women all together. I enjoy company, of course, and spend most of my time interacting with my friends. My hobbies are writing, reading, drawing sometimes, watching anime, etc. I try to be a good listener and always be considerate with others, and people often hold me in high regard when they get to know me, and all I want is to prove them right.
>Looking for
Someone that wants to try getting to know one another.
>ideal gf
Maybe it's foolish looking for her here, but I've always wanted an emotionally mature type of girl, someone who is not insecure about being herself or doing what she thinks is right--or is on her way to be that type of person. I want someone I can trust intellectually and intimately.
>Not looking for
I feel awful having to say it, but of course I'm looking for biological females only. Aside from that, I don't have much things to list here. I'd rather date someone pretty, of course, but I don't think I'm particularly picky.
ikuradesuka on discord

I hope I did it right.
You can live what is often considered a traditional lifestyle without thinking a woman should be baby dispensary.
I would, yes
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My ideal partner is literally just Scout from tf2.
I haven't played the game in ages but I still love this dumbass and I fear that I'm never going to get over him.
Do women believe that conservatives don't want respected and trustworthy partners who can be relied on? I'm genuinely curious as to where this propaganda is coming from. I WOULD stick by my wife if she turned out to be infertile. I would NOT dedicate much to my time to even get to know a woman if the only thing she has to offer is a womb.

If anything I'm more turned off by the idea than you are.

As a conservative male I'd be worried about a leftist dropping a no fault divorce on me just so she could single mother with alimony from me and raise my kids as trans.

I don't think this is a major hazard that most women would make happen, but it confuses me to see women consistently see men as threats instead of realizing everyone is in the same boat when it comes to picking for compatibility
What does that even mean? Your life purpose as a Human is to reproduce. You’re a loser otherwise, just like all the types of leftists on social media and r/antinatalism.
I got a bucket of chicken. Wanna bang?
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Only if you're cute and can't read properly
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Unfortunately, I can only fulfill one of those two.
My boys can swim, though.
moron alert
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Discord: humanecondition
>As a conservative
Your posts fits your description. Are you genuinely surprised why the only girls that talk to you are unemployed overweight third worlders?
>Your posts fits your description.
Ah, yes, generalized allusions. Quite scathing.
>Are you genuinely surprised why the only girls that talk to you are unemployed overweight third worlders?
Actually the conservatives in America have a much higher chance of being healthy and even fit, and I'm the one not talking to people internationally because I'm not desperate or seeking a culture clash. Also, living up to the meme for you a bit but who gives a shit if the woman has a job? The man should provide, if the woman wants to work too then all the better. Stop acting like raising a family can't be a fulfilling lifestyle choice.
I am an extremely successful(and rich) man, I like to read, workout, listen to music, and i also enjoy many different types of conspiracies. very easy going and extremely easy to talk to.i dont judge!
>Looking for
A girl to manipulate
>Not looking for
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>About you
gamer. absolute dweeb about movies. i yap like a film student over anything we're watching. i'd rather watch kong war kai than wes anderson, but i like both. i would rather be treated correctly by someone that i don't love than try to force my love into someone's life that cannot give me what i need.
no scat. that's my only hard no. i'm into a lot. was a sex worker when i was young. i can support ddlg and age regression partners, since my wants are likely going to interest people looking for an age gap. if you want a list of what's on the table, it would look like:
24/7 bdsm, blackmail, bondage, breath play, collaring, contrapolar stimulation, cnc, ddlg, dom (i'm a service top, but i can play the switch role for fun if you need me to), edging, degredation, humiliation, forced orgasms, orgasm denial, spanking, flogging, golden showers, watersports, hogtie, rope rigging, shibari, impact play in general, inspections, knife play, blood, pup play, rape play, being drugged, wax play and even vanilla sex too.
>Looking For
a pipe dream really. someone that wants to be a mother, but isn't yet. i'm not a father and i feel like that dream passed me by. to reduce the risk of complications at my age i'd prefer a younger partner. someone that can either play games with me (or against me. competitive feuds are hot). someone that's either into my yap sessions during a movie or has plenty to say themself. someone to spend time with.
>Not Looking For
sex right away. i'm not unattractive and don't have trouble getting laid. we can fuck, but take me to dinner first. you know?

i won't be adding anyone from these threads. if you're interested, reach out. tell me why you added me in your first message. if you posted, screenshot or link me to your thread so i can read it.
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A girl who is...: funny/dorky/quirked up, affectionate, sometimes doting (i love to dote back too), adventurous homebody (me too!!), cute laugh is a nice bonus. loyal to the point of being a bit clingy or more. has at least some shared interests with me but I think that when you really click with a partner you should be able to talk about everything and nothing.
18-28 age wise, skinny-slim/fit builds are admired, hapa/white, not a transformer
finishing up college, fun jobbo, good savings. nice!! & white
conventionally attractive but i lean to like the boyishly handsome side and i like being clean shaved. very anglo face, my cheekbones get complimented lole.. 5'10 slim build
i have cute pets that i like snapping pics of & pics of birds and stuff & oddities && it would be nice to have someone to bombard with pics..... mutual life blogging is fun :3
including but not limited to...: birds, reading, UFOs, kayaking, hiking, camping, road trips, local theatre, some collecting, vidya, cards, anime especially oldfag anime, lain, gundam, galactic heroes, but im not above watching seasonal stuff... project moon, yapping, nonsense, merely pretending, (you). i moved my computer into a new case recently and it looks RLY kewl let me show off
bumpity bump pls add me
this guy is a demented trans pedo btw, look them up on the archive
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just a fantasy
27/mtf/southern cali <3

music i like if music is your thing (its a list so you'll have to copy and paste the url)
https://youtu.be/SvXrjpi_pmI?list=TLGGXRcQqOjOZssyODEyMjAyNA [Embed]
I also included pics to prove i'm not gnarly looking. A little afraid to put myself out there after yet another /soc/ relationship failure, but I guess it's really hard to find the right people in life.

disc hazelkitt if anyone's interested
Yesterday I thought you were a mentally ill tranny but now it's harder to tell. I give a thumbs up for dedication and persistence.
Not sure why duplicate though.
that comment felt uncomfortable and mean but ok
I want a GF that's big into something, like in the middle of making a comic or running a company.
Damn my tranny radar is off, I wouldn't have guessed it, I just look at your picture first and thought you were beautiful and immediately wanted to hug you
well if you live in my area i might take a hug o.o you sound like a bad guy tho, i dont hug bad guys.
Just a little bad. I don't live in your area. I still think you're beautiful. Take care, anon.
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getmeoutofthiscave on discord
18 f

why are yall always so young where at the 20+ goonettes on 4chan
18F. Virgin, looking for a nice boyfriend.

>that description
Me. I'm english though and you are probably a yank.
I am literally the guy in this photo but bearded.
Can you handle being in the woods?
theyre all 30+ but know they only get added if they say they are 18
>not accepting friend requests
>dislikes furries, commies, and nb
Please explain
none of them are likable
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Yes, but that's an individual trait, not a group one. There are plenty of trannies that aren't likeable, but you(?) don't want to accept as your own trait
uh yes i'd very much like to build my own home somewhere remote with my own piece of land and live off grid, im very smart so i think i can do it. Being in the woods is fine with me, I was just hoping to meet a guy who has the time to see me often because my life goals are pretty far away right at this moment.
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Wherever you are, I want to slip in between the gaps of your rib cage and live there.
What color is your kid? Just curious
Hmm... I'd say somewhere between #fee3d4 and #feede3
If I date you can you take a thick 8 inch cock?
Looking for friends too, or just a real bf?
Conceivably. I'd give it my best shot.
Well, a boyfriend is the hope but I'm not against making friends. I'm very awkward thoughever. I'd just appreciate being told right away so I can adjust my expectations.
go enjoy your old women that have been plowed in countless times
im looking for someone that can explain shit to me not a temporary hookup
Would you be interested in a bdsm type relationship?
Only on the 30th of February.
i will do all this but carry you on overwatch. deal?
i turn 26 next year, but otherwise fit to a t.
pls wait for me
Feel free to add me now, if you want that is. If you really are that guy, being a year below my preference won't be an issue.
literally me if it weren't for the clean shaven req, absolute tragedy :(
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contact is iambutabug on discord!
i'm 18/f/usa
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I am 26 M Aus and I believe I’ve captured the essence of what I’m after here

disc: changelingchanging
AGP hands typed this
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this is my ideal moid
contact me at "whynot@kittymail.com", tell me about you, and give me your discord
don't contact me if you're not him, thanks
Best of luck anon. I truly hope you can find your non-faggot 4chan non-failed normie 4chan husband.
this sounds like me except for the open relationship thing ngl
where did you come up with this? you couldn't of just made it up, it feels really similar to me.
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First off: Almost 40 and in Ohio. Prefer 30s and ~300 miles from central Ohio ig.

>nerdy, sarcastic, not religious, open minded, want to start a family, liberal
>cult movies/tv, anime, gaming, music, drawing, crafting
I match almost every descriptor including the medical diagnosis. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself cultured, thoughtful, or artsy, but my primary hobbies happen to be reading and writing, and a good trigram to describe me would likely be "bookish eccentric schizoid."

Unfortunately, the best way by far to describe myself would likely be variations of "ugly disgusting freak."
Hate women so much it's unreal
Greetings from Kazakhstan
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f19, i dont really use 4chan but ive been so bored recently
willing to chat about anything with anyone just please god let it have substance
discord is sissyphus24601
(not trans but the name was too good to pass up)
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yeah the thing about this kind of person is that they'd never in a million years ever reply to a post like this because they understand that a true person who'd enter their lives would only appear naturally through something theyre tangentially interested in, and reducing yourself to the point of replying to a 'ideal bf/gf' post on 4chan would totally obliterate any authenticity in their discovery for each other

like even reading any of those descriptors and for someone to be like 'oh thats so totally me bro' would be so fucking faggy to even reply to a girl's post like that, like this is obviously a post by some wattpad tier ass zoomer girl that was exposed to internet at an early age and is constructing her cute but significant bf because she's been so exposed to so many creepy ass loser fags from 4chan

these kinds of guys are lurkers and never step foot here, they're obsessed with their hobbies and never even put a second thought into finding a generic person that isnt even remotely interested in their cool niche hobby. these kinds of hobbies dont attract women either because women dont like cool things, simple as.
Yes, that is exactly the problem with these sorts of posts. But 'Schizoid' is becoming the new term like high functioning psychopath or autist- anon is absolutely not looking for a true schizoid, just the cultural phenomenon.

That is not even to mention that this sort of format places an extremely high burden of expectations that the prospective other must meet or conform to, which is naturally repulsive to a schizoid.
I'd like you if you were older because Mahler is awesome but we're both out of each others' age ranges
Sent an email, hope you reply or something
i dont necessarily agree with the hobbies portion of the other anons post but what you said about meeting or conforming to expectations is 100% correct and is the reason why i've always dreaded even opening these threads. it's absolute torment

can’t stand when people choose to be deliberately obtuse and critical for no good reason. this thread exists specifically for outlining your *ideal* partner based on whatever specific preferences and tastes you have... that's the whole point. when some sad sap wants to craft his perfect porn mommy, tard wrangler, tradwife on a png, no one bats an eye. but the moment i try to find a single dude i actually can tolerate... somewhere overwhelmingly populated by men...it's an issue? the concept of e-dating itself, especially on a board that functions as a classified ad, is already an inauthentic way to build relationships. what should i do? just list my age and gender, sit back, and sift through the 3,992nd friend request hoping someone stands out? no, im here to be clear about what i like. your commentary is pointless and nonsensical.
damn you must really get requests then huh? i haven't had any real adds in the last several months so i've kind of lost hope and stopped trying but still linger on this board for some reason. my own comment wasn't really meant to criticize you, that anon just made a comment that surprised me because it hit close to home.

i'm almost twice your age so i won't be messaging you, but even if we were close in age your post (not just yours, but all posts in this thread) are incredibly intimidating and quite frankly beyond my reach, there's no way i could meet anyone's standards here. good luck with it all
>wants an anti social weirdo
>that doesn't give off a failed normie vibe
are you fucking retarded?
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him -
follow autist or NT
is fine with me being obsessively clingy or needy
latino or white weeb who uses anime profile pics and likes weeb shit too
PC gamer
won't block me or ghost me like most men do, communicates with me like a normal person instead of resorting to ghosting
likes to voice chat
virgin or has had limited sexual experiences
-18 and above, 18-30

>autistic weeb
>fat and short
>clingy and needy
>loves j-pop and k-pop
>late twenties

>if you're interested my discord is chickn333

I'm a cis f I just have dedicated internet trolls who want to scare me off the internet.
Avoid, pedo catfish. Link has evidence.
Wow. I don't know if this is depressing for me or hopefuelling
Where are you and how old are you?
someone doesn't know what "failed normie" means. essentially, an NT newfag with a nasty attitude who still wants to conform, but can't. not a "weirdo" who has risen against it and accepts their oddity. would take some effort to simply lurk and find out, but it's easier to be angry and insufferable, isn't it?
18 and above is a lie btw
alright. let's start - pic recognition check, top to bottom
1 & 3) al pacino, dog day afternoon. yes. love this movie. don't have his gruff looks
2 & 7) shun, tokimeki tonight(?). vague knowledge but haven't read in full
4, 5, 6) yousuke, yotsuba to!. like the guy. i think yotsuba's great
and the text parts, left to right, top to bottom:
>quiet personality, silently enjoys my energy
i'm pretty quiet but upbeat around people i like, do silently enjoy energy because i don't call people out on good vibes
>(but can yap for my enjoyment)
>not afflicted by any kind of porn sickness, faggotry, or deep rooted psychosexual neuroses
i like feet
>pale, dark hair, dark eyes
yes, decently pale, black hair, brown eyes
>distant, aloof, antisocial toward the world, to the point of probably being afflicted with SZPD
i've been professionally diagnosed with a couple mental illnesses that hinder my social skills, i tend to be kind of stupid by nature but not deliberately or to a fault, don't really consider myself that antisocial but i do prefer to have a small, tight-knit friend group
>but i am his special, warm source of joy and innocence
this is pretty much exactly how i treat my friends in practice
>has a very eclectic and rich musical taste, can enjoy experimental sound
not to sound elitist but i've been listening to experimental/eclectic stuff since i was young, very well-versed in insane (good) music, covers almost all genres
>i am his angel, i am his baby, he adores me, he treasures me
i'm too shy to say this but the person will know this extensively through being showered with attention
>+if mechanically inclined
i don't know what this is attached to
>is artsy, is cultured, but isn't a sissified cosmopolitan
i look at google arts & cultures and other gallery/archive sites to look at popular artists & movements, couldn't name those that aren't at least decently popular for the life of me though
myself im 21m and I'm engineering student I'm 5"10 dark eyes and hair
you'll know me more when we click
fuck here's my tag
cartaxguy54 guess not having my coffee fucks me up TwT
This is so specific but I can't help but agree. Probably a good amount of these in Turkey.
Well, it's THE ideal gf, I don't really expect to meet someone who meets all the criteria, I'm not that delusional yet. It's pretty much a description of myself if I was a woman.
I think that's healthy. To meet someone who reminds you of her but who you don't have to break your promise to get to.
I tried to send you an email but it bounced. I hope you're doing well. I'm leaving now.
I'll scream if you don't. And like I heard from a kind soul:
Fuck off faggot We're done
I can't draw but I wanted to participate anyway
What if im 6'2?
You clearly mistook me for someone else. I don't know who you're talking about, but I'm certainly not that person. I've never given my email to anyone from 4chan, I've never made any promises to anyone from here, and the original post has nothing to do with Turkey, it's based on a jewish judoka that I once talked to.
Tall people are overrated
so true, the world just isn't made for us and stooping down all the time is back pain central
Real, need this
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weird girl group photo
If looks were all we went on every woman here would be 10/10
Ideal self bump
Interesting. What's your tag?
you are a total fucking loser
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found this a while ago on /pol/
This post smells so bad. Never try a bitch with million conditions and fantasies like this. You'll never live up to her imaginary boyfriend she read about in some romance or wrote him herself. Add onto that that she's probably ugly and there yoy have it.
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Im too late arent I
pic is my ideal partner

I'm 21, business psychology student living in Germany, 148cm short, 65kg, huge ass and hardly any boobs. I speak 7 languages, have over 750 yt subs, do art, make/play games and compose songs. I dress like a tomboy goth and can get a bit obsessive xd I'm loyal and will treat u like a king if I'm attracted ^^ am a virgin if it matters
My type is kinda specific and unconventional lol, but if u have all of these marry me plz haha.Disc is karael_alt
>145 lbs
Lose some weight please
what kind of psycho shit is this
why would anyone post this, do they think this woman is going to read it and go
"hey, im beautiful but i dont know it! that's me"
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>Was born during Obama
Bruh you mean 16 years old, max?
Maybe an indicator that you shouldn't be reusing material from /pol/ for anything other than pitiable humor.
The one that looked like Shego was a lot more accurate in her appearance and I don't think we're safe around each other outside of public forums. Unless of course this wasn't about me, in which case it should be.
bro youre like awesomesauce except that youre american!!!! wtffff!!! you are like the bug collector by haley heynderickx
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Fuck it, what do I have to lose?
>I'm 35/m/usa
>Louisiana boi
>157 lbs
>5'8" height
>green eyes and red hair

lol damn I'm almost ur ideal gf (I circled the ones that match)
but u ignored my ad :c
You sound cool. Are you trans by any chance?
no lol, thx for saying I'm cool hehe. guess I'll add u :p
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me on the left, you on the right
Discord: wildwildhorses
whaat i didn't ignore anyone
add me again maybe you copied the name wrong
new id cuz laptopposting
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I think I check most of these, any info on you?
You would rather dodge that bullet
Kek well you made the post, what's teh worst that could happen to me?
me frfr
>mentally 12
>emotionally 35
This but reversed
That sounds like hell anon. Imagine being played AND being subjected to temper tantrums
are there really no other attributes you'd want out of your ideal?
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dear p
im sorry for ignoring you for being such a simp cuck girl i miss you so dearly and we could go back and play runescape and get our attack level up... it really hurts and kills me to know we couldve been levelling up and instead i was off adding random soc girl gooners.. you know my username text me and maybe we can play like the old times
fish lvl?
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new to this site idk
No contact shame shame
whats ur body count?

oh mb I'll give you a contact if you fit these specifications.
Why Arab or Jew?
I find some of them attractive. Whites also.
Oh i didnt read the whole thing, some people would consider me fat. Im sorry to waste your time.
I meet your requirements pretty well I think. If you want I could give you my Discord
Eww no standards
I fit literally all of these haha
Hey if my user ID is different, its still the same person. If it's the same, great! I really don't know how the user id works. anyway, you can write your discord and I will write you.
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I'm looking for the perfect cis/trans woman.

The pic on top describes all the sort of women and features I prefer.

I'm looking for a woman who is obedient and would do nearly everything for me. Someone who is very masochistic but also isn't afraid to bully me from time to time.

You have to either have no preferences or strong preferences for fat hairy short guys who are bald like me.

As a NEET I'd hope to find a woman who provides for me financially although it's not a dealbreaker.

I'm want a true connection a best friend but as a partner. Someone who enjoys art and music as much as me and also loves being critical of the media they consume. I'm a leftist so I vastly prefer other leftist women with the same perspective as me.

I have extreme kinks. I will want to treat you like a slave in bed who doesn't say no. I will do quite disgusting and painful things to you if you let me. We can get into the details if u add me on discord.

21+ only

I know this seems like satire but it's not. I'm entirely serious and just being myself.

Discord: fattysoulmate
I love u
Ily2 <3 Hope you find a bitch to beat, fat boy
I think I fit most of these, my disc is gmsaar
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I'm a fat hairy NEET who wants a trans/cis woman who is a limitless slave to abuse and also love unconditionally.

I like women who are fucked in the head. Women who like to be misstreated to an extreme extent. I'll shit on you and order you to punch yourself if you'd let me. The one thing I don't enjoy is non-monogamy. I'm looking for something exclusive.

I want someone who enjoys doing awful tasks for me. Someone obedient. A loser who will send me videos and/or voice messages of herself doing anything I tell her. (Obviously, I will respect your boundaries and limits. Consent is key.)

I will fall in love with you if you play your cards right, and I will expect to develop a true and loving relationship with you. I just want to find the one person on this planet who fits with me. Y'know?

Despite all these weird extreme kinks, I am a leftist. I know it's hypocritical as hell, and I wonder why I am like this, but maybe you could help me change that? In the end, I generally just wanna be accepted. So even if you can tolerate me but are not into the sexual stuff, i'd still love it if u added me!

I love all types of bodies, but I do have some features that make me bark, which might sound weird to some.

I love "swaybacks" they're so attractive. Also, anything saggy is an instant turn-on. Tall women are gorgeous.
I love hormonal bellies, flat chests, and wide hips, I don't even care if the ass is big, but when the hips are wide, that's beautiful.

21+ only. I don't mind if ur much older than me, but just make sure ur above 21.

Discord: punchu2sleep

PS. : Plus points if you are a sugar mommy or can financially support me.
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add me if u meet these high standards
.sladger on discord
21/M/US, someone told me this is the only way to get a gf. I don't do anything currently but I have 30k saved from past jobs, I'd like to get to know someone and meet, hopefully sometime in 2025. Discord is courier7325
whyd you post such nasty old wrinkly ladies then one cute girlie with a tiny penis
where's the middle ground
i fit everything, aaartifice
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I need a self hating jewish gf in my life
Add uncle_sams_luckiest_lad
Can't be bothered to find my thread but I now found a boyfriend so don't add karael_alt anymore :)
somali muslimah, 21-30, terminally online & unstable, pervert, EU
youre all weirdos baka
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I'm all of these things except glasses and smoker.

Discord: ozentherealone
This me except I cant grow facial hair.
disc is lostsavant.
This is literally me except that im younger than you ;-;
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She's perfect
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No contact makes me sad
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Found it in the archive from someone else but it really fits well
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Open to all ages but would be nice to talk to someone in their 30s for a change

Interests: Military and guns, politics, cars, music, sports, vidya
>physical description
5'10 190 pounds, Fit, Dirty blond hair, Tanned.
>looking for
A relationship with the end goal is marriage. Open to all races somewhere here
>not looking for
racism, friend collectors, insane ppl, men
Genuine question, why is it preferable for some men that a woman not have friends? In most cases, someone not having any friends is a red flag.
Couple of reasons I can think of, would make it mentally easier to move in the future to be together for both sides, not wanting to date a normie, being able to build each other up socially and have a common friend group irl, etc. Wouldn’t be a dealbreaker for most people here one way or the other probably but people often like to have compatibility with their significant other.
Some parts jealousy and fear, but also because they are friendless and someone that is in a similar position is easier to connect with.
Not having friends is a red flag, but mostly in the context of wanting a "normal person" or "normal" relationship.
Interesting, I appreciate these perspectives.
Ideal bf
-Don't care about age but he is probably +45, the older and uglier the better desu
-Has money and wants to be my full provider
-Location doesn't matter he can take a plane anytime to meet me or relocate me
-Is a gentleman
-Wants to show me the world
-Proposes marriage in 6 months or less
-Will buy me a nice house I can decorate however I want
-Gives me gifts like jewelry, roses, dresses, plastic surgery
-No other girlfriends
-Maybe he wants to have kids maybe not
Ideal BF:
Looks like Nikita Lytkin.

(seriously,would take off boxers w my teeth kek)
I just want a girl who will pretend to shrink me / be a giant for me. I don't care if you think you're ugly or fat desu it adds to it for me. I wanna worship my big gf and if you're down for that ill love you forever.

Disc: sneed2100
>approaching peak modern woman
I meet all those except
>fashion taste
>listens to neofolk and industrial (i don't care much about music and listen to stuff depending on my mood)
>snufkin's literally me (never heard of him before)
>18-25 (i'm 28)

Otherwise you sound perfect

Add me on discord if you are interested: atazs
>ideal gf
fucks other men
I fit that to a T 100%
Omg i know someone EXACTLY like this
Age and location?
I too know someone like this but unfortunately she is a pretty big degenerate herself. Sorry

easier to control a woman without friends. Lol, trust me. All these other reasons the other two anons gave are trash. From personal experience, people jsut wanna control others when they dictate their friends.
Can you send the user though still? sounds cool
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posting purely because i have nothing better to do and i like designing such templates in my own way, as i'm 99% sure that my ideal lover doesn't exist on 4chan and even if he does then i'm 99% sure i wouldn't be his ideal lover (cri)
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me but in USA
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I have radiation poisoning and all I got for it was a stinkin Jellyfish.


>about me
I'm a fun, dark humoured dude. I'm around 6ft on a good day with the right shoes, super open minded with a thick 7inch cock. Dark medium length hair, white, with a slight dad bod.

I love flirting, making jokes, sharing things. I'm working in being more open.
I'm equal parts funny, hot, nerdy and a total fucking loser.

Many! Music wise I'm currently listening to a lot of Tool, Death Grips, J Dilla, Nujabes, and random Phonk songs on YouTube.

I love movies, any film from kino cinema to slop (but I have limits there). I also love TV, anime, and manga.

I love gaming, currently playing Baldur's Gate 3, Apex Legends (I'm not like the other boys don't me judge too harshly), fallout games, and emulating old PS1, PS2, and SNES games... I'm so old. Oh, and Pokémon and other Nintendo games.

My biggest passion is D&D! I'm usually the DM and would love to run a private sexy game for you, even if you're new!

So many, usually extremely pervy. I prefer being the Dom but I am a switch and happy to keep it neutral.
Incest, ageplay, Dom/sub, petplay, free use, forced, and anything perverse. I'm into a lot of hentai scenarios and hentai in general and I love loli/shota a lot so I'd like you to be cool with it or into it.

>looking for
Girls, MtF's, femboys, twinks.

Aside from the sexual things, I'd like someone to talk to, game with, hang out, watch things on discord together and do fun things like that!

I'd like someone to at least enjoy some of the things I like, also to know that I'm like addicted to stroking and cumming and either share this, encourage this, or tolerate this. Also I prefer it if you're into loli/shota hentai.

I want someone open minded and perverted with similar kinks.

>not looking for
Men, and people who just aren't into anything I am into, and non sexual or asexual types.

Discord: gooningboy9
Kik: Sirbro93
Snapchat: sirbro20
Teleguard: RG4YK33B5
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need a gundam pilled gf to sperg out with PLEASE

discord: sweatythighs_
This is me
>Two years too old of your age range
Shame, it's the only req I'm missing
>Bruh you mean 16 years old, max?
Judging from the rest of the "criteria" I'd be shocked if they'd settle for a girl older than 13.
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catholic physics major (fascist)
5'10 white brown hair green eyes ~6-7/10
money in savings
employed, has been asked out by a woman before

You are a white christian virgin who is younger than me

discord: slerkedly
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22/M/Washington Metropolitan Area

Mainly people in my area, Frens

>LF (romantically)
Mainly Girls, feminine looking fellas can get it too though

>Not LF
evil people ):

thornedweasels (just stop by saying "I'm here for bullshit!" so I can know you're from here!!)
To follow up, I love shut-ins! I love sharing a blanket!!!!! I just don't like to be out of the house, by myself!!!!!!
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disc: .white.glint.
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me: 24/M/midwestern usa

white, blond, blue eyes, short beard, glasses, 5'9, 160 pounds
heavy body hair, no tattoos

smart but scatterbrained. oldschool weeb. generally conservative but not a larper. loyal. introverted but not cowardly. funny (if you ask my mom anyway)

bachelor's degree. currently unemployed but searching. last job was as a teaching assistant overseas. the kids liked me.

why post here?
been posting on 4chan since around 2014. feeling lonely lately since being unemployed means little contact with people outside my family. saw a post on another board from a girl who claimed that she found her bf in one of these threads. made me want to try. I figure every girl who posts a discord here gets inundated with messages so I'd rather put myself out there if any lurking girl thinks I sound up her alley.

looking for:
women. preferably a cute skinny fujoshi. bonus points for brunettes.

discord: fredegar9
based armored core enjoyer
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(just venting btw)
my ideal partner is a pathetic (adult) little boy with mommy issues. a dude who's seeking a mother figure in his romantic partner and has an irrational fear of abandonment, so he would become emotionally independent on me and be absolutely terrified at the idea of me leaving. the previous romantic partners ive had who expressed wanting to call me mom or mommy have done irreparable damage to my preferences. The cherry on top is when they're buff as hell, so they look really intimidating but at heart they just want to be babied and protected
just go to r/Marvel and pick a guys post lol
how old are you? I'm a little interested but I want chore money.
Something tells me the dudes in that subreddit have wrists thinner than mine and have faces only a biological mother could love. Otherwise I'd be tempted
I'm not looking for a male prostitute, you misunderstood the post
i can do chores tho like take out your garbage
so you want to yell at a man to get a haircut and to do the dishes and to go to the gym
sounds based desu
Well I'd rather not yell but something like that yea
I have genuine fear of abandonment due to some trauma and intense attachment issues. Only thing is I'm on the skinnier side. Still kinda toned, I'm not anemic or anything, but definitely not buff
I'm guessing you've had no luck posting or lurking in the femdom threads?
I’m just ranting but I wish I had a girl to brutalize and dominate and make MINE, nobody else’s in bed, then care for and caress and talk to them about our lives together it’s such a poison idea that will never happen because I’m terrified of opening myself up to anyone rant ovet
okay, maybe u should add me then to discuss further
I hate that I want this and have been subconsciously becoming this.
Lurking there didn't see anyone to add that caught my eye, hopefully because the type of guy I'm into would be too scared to admit he wants this. And I've never posted there because I never considered this to be a significant enough part of my personality if that makes sense
Sure, if you're in Europe send your @
It's hard for me to accept it too, I don't know if it's just me being unhealthy and craving a toxic relationship in which I'm in control or if I can have a relationship with a dynamic like that and still be healthy and long lasting. I don't want someone to be stuck with me because of their abandonment issues I obviously want them to stay because they want to, but I need to feel needed
Multi posting is a thing sir!
On one hand, I'm an adult. I want to have a functional, fulfilling relationship that I don't have to quantify with hesitancy.

On the other, I really do want to be so utterly weak and rely on someone, be able to turn my brain off to some degree, and just be controlled and taken care of.

Wish you were lookin'. Would love to talk.
>32/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 35
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord
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Sorry for spamming, I just personally don't like multiposts )):

I am looking I just don't have my hopes up

If anyone wants to try their luck:
I lift heavy, I'm a freelance illustrator, I'm center right.
Discord: milliepedeleggies
I haven't spoken to my mother since I was 15 (am 23), I'm a kissless handholdless virgin that ruins all of my relationships because of my fear of being abandoned scaring the shit out of my partner, but I live in the US
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I felt like drawing some ideal gf's
Btw im your ideal to a t but i recently made up with my mum after 7 years so i guess im not your type.
Unless you have family in Europe or come very often for whatever reason it's really not realistic. I'm open to pretty much all of Europe cause I'm close to Paris so it's really easy of access but other continents is definitely pushing it too far

Good relationships with parents are great, I'm not trying to trap anyone in a cycle of abuse by isolating them bro
Omg that's such a fun idea
>The cherry on top is when they're buff as hell
Are you a dom or a sub?
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im 18/f/usa :)
@cinmion on discord
Least obvious bait
>added her
>she accepts
>i say hi
>she doesnt respond at all
Good bait
>marriage and kids
So many people say they want this on here but their actions suggest otherwise desu
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My perfect gf. Email is lhpmail12@proton.me
If you'd like to message me on another platform you can request through email.
>add someone just to say "hi" and nothing else
You get what you deserve
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I really do like finnish people!


You realize women get 50x more adds than men do right?
Do I have to mother you and tell you to introduce yourself at least instead of dry texting if you want to have a chance?
>inb4 womp womp life is so unfair
Grow a pair
And water is wet
Yes thank you for stating the obvious. I cant be expected to write a novella every time i first talk to someone. "Hi" is a very good way to start a conversation with someone.
27FSan Antonio
Into a lot of things like goth fashion, spirituality, mental health, meditation, yoga, writing, horror especially Stephen King
>looking for: Tall thin older men, ages 30-39
I get obsessed if you text me enough. After I get obsessed, I'll then want to text you all the time. If I really like you, expect at least hundreds of texts a day. I'm disabled due to schizophrenia and I don't work, so I have a ton of free time and want somebody to talk to. Hoping I can find someone that replies almost instantly to match my obsession.
Spirituality is very important to me. I've had spiritual experiences with both God and Lucifer. it would be nice to find someone who appreciates it.
>not looking for
People who take forever to reply
Guys trying to sleep with me right off the bat
Fat people
I like dudes that look like this fanart of Jacket from Hotline Miami, so I'm just gonna ask, how fucked am I? Are guys that look like that rare in meatspace? I'm currently kind of a hermit so I don't really know.
I live in europe, in a slavic country specifically if you need to know. So are there a lot of guys that look like this walking around? Because I find them really cute.
This is really embarrassing for me but I have nowhere else to ask.
The only based response on this whole post
They do exist in the meatspace. I'm one of them. Now post your discord so that I can add you.
i got added by only brown girls
Send them my way.
>i got added by only brown girls
Well you asked for christians, it's a brownoid religion after all
m but whatever
wathes anime
like baggy clothes
tall, into petite

computer person(into comp stuff)
can take care(still wants being taken care of)
idontfwgayppl(its a username lmao)
3 posts to dead may as well let it die
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bap bap bap take it easy forever thread
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why yes i am doing this because i want to post mine but actually have someone read it in a fresh thread and not at the end of a 3 month old thread stealth necrobumped by that one guy who makes it his lifes work
501, in the red woooo
I swear it was 501 right?

Meatspace? No. They know how to stay polite or they're homeless.

People who are really like that, not necessarily killers but who are mad in a really specific way, express it only in ways that preserve their status as 'gray' members of public.

We live in a gawking age with no privacy, so existing as a separate person in separate worlds is necessary.
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Um anon, I think you misunderstood what I was posting. I wasn't talking about Jacket's personality or actions, I was just talking about the way he looks in that fanart because I like blond tired looking skinny guys. I don't want my boyfriend to kill anybody and even if I was a hybristophile and wanted to fuck a guy like that then I wouldn't post about it on glowniggerchan .org, that's just stupid.
Jacket is a cool and interesting character but being his girlfriend would probably be stressful as fuck lmao.
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I'll work on it and edit it more but this is what I got so far, i'll prob do a combo version including myself in the future but since the thread is about to die here's an early version, here's a description of me + contact info if interested

M25, USA
>About me
5'10, Pale Skin, Dark Hair, English/Spaniard mix, look pretty young, face is cute so is my voice apparently willing to prove it. I'm Christian, but not a saint, i'm mostly into video games (literally everything from Fortnite to horror, to strategy games, to singleplayer stuff i'm actually good at them too), have a gaming PC, I build computers and sell them, I also love reading manga (tens of thousands of chapters read I also like anime i'm literally only 50 episodes behind on one piece), studying languages, and working out actively mostly Calisthenics (pushups, situps, squats).
>About you
I am a little picky I won't lie, but i'm not super shallow I promise so don't be scared, i'd rather you tell me more about yourself in private but no trans individuals please, I want a serious relationship and I don't think i'm a bad catch, I haven't been in a relationship since 2023 and every relationship I have had was serious a few were irl, and some were mixed long distance/irl, I have a passport and can afford to travel so distance isn't an issue.

Frankly I just want someone who wants love preferably has similar interests and wants to settle down eventually, if you're interested
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(ideal bf direct not exist)
20cis girl ask for disc if u want!!
whats ur disc?
what exactly was the point of your reply?
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Imma be honest, I'm not ready. I need to diet again and find a job and considering my preferences (happy, not depressed, energetic) this is not the best place to try out.

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