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Post your contact info ITT, I ended up getting 2 adds from the last thread, but they were both underage.
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26/M/PA (USA)
discord: lolibeater
discord: blackshark357

Down to talk online.

Nice 10 year old pic kek
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It's from 2022, here's a photo from last week. I don't take many photos, I haven't changed much (besides not shaving for a month)
25/m/West coast Canada

6'0, German/French ancestry, blond hair, blue eyes


Have a passport. Willing to go up to Canada. White guy, masculine, enjoy hiking, fishing, outdoors.

Discord: novasingularity
white cock for white pussy. men who date asians are always ugly af and rejected by their own women ... sad
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Whoops. Discord: aximaalt_02271
its true, ive only seen mega spergs date asians (not even hot asians either)
my friend was dating white women before he met his asian fiancee, he just says they are loyal smart and want to have a family but I told him to stop dating liberal white women lol
shit man i hope his kids dont turn into elliot roger or that girl from facialabuse with the goldman sachs director dad
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t. asian male
25 M in Youngstown Ohio, I can send pics over discord.

Discord: rehmisme
Newlysingle2669 on kik, 29 m Ohio
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Fuck it why not
31/M/WA (Snohomish county)
discord: drjp1337
Anyone else end up getting adds at all from these threads?
Kik skyman1221
26m bwc Dom

Love Asian girls.
In cali
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How can such threads be still online ?
This against /soc/ philosophy, wich issaying something
25M in Texas
Discord: dowhaticando
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26/M/NSW Australia
I could use some sex, why not.
Discord: loopy16777216
Should be re-titled to WMAM since this is already a sausage fest.
Discord: .dequi
Racetraitor manwhore why you got the perfect white genes and your gonna go slap ham with a gook? Really man your better than this stop trying to get with the these brown nippled seamonkeys
25/m/West coast Canada

6'0, German/French ancestry, blond hair, blue eyes


also i'm black
19 f asian

Currently bored and horny, wanna have a funtime
Looking for something lewd and interesting, not sure how far I'm down to go, so please be respectful
Disc: off.to.kms

USA Mid Atlantic

28m NY (upstate)
Kik RaspberryCumquat
Snap Raspcumquat
F kik Ai.riss
kik usersl54

35/ M/ usa east coast

If you like big white dicks hmu ;)
27 m with a bwc ready to stroke for a pretty Asian lady! S_ep222

Ready to suck bwc rong time res res

Disc: madeulookwhiteboifaggots
Discord: Sieg1

Add me, would love to talk

discord: mischief_speaker
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7.5 inch dick looking for casual chat

kik: velikynovgorod
do any asian girls want a submissive twink?
26 M CA

>Describe yourself
- 5'11" nerdy half white
- minimal autism
- Dark and retarded humor

>Looking for
- introverted slim bio asian girl 22-30
- likes Vocaloid, anime, foodie, plays MC
- yapper

>Discord tag
Dom and horny BWC love a good sub asian

Kik: domitabwc
26 m, NYC, 6’2 athletic white guy with a 9 inch cock

Looking for women who fetishize white men/like to be fetishized by white men

I really want to pick your brain and learn how you got into it

discord doemoe62920


That username looks really legit larper
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24/m/north texas

6'4 blue collar military/first responder
not coombrained like the rest of this board

da 'cord is ayayadtg
looking for longterm contacts to talk about my chinese gf and our sex life. you can ask me anything about her


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