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Contact, hookup, dating, or just share some pics!
This thread is for all BBWs and chubby women and their admirers.

>About You/Hobbies
>Looking For
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info
>About You/Hobbies
i’m a shy, quiet dude. i am kind of an edgelord. i really like anime, my favorites are Madoka Magica, Steins;Gate, The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya, Clannad After Story, and Welcome to The NHK. i also love music. my favorite music genres are post-hardcore, breakcore, cloud rap, witch house, and brutal slamming death metal. i really like taking walks by myself outside when life gets too tough. i always try to treat everyone with kindness.
>Looking For
a fat girl to either befriend or date. i have a preference for bigger, softer women. especially if you share any of my interests and are very clingy like me! but i will try to get along with most who add me.
>Not Looking for
men, ghosters, mean people, people who don’t share any of my interests
>Contact Info
discord: lolifloofer
I’m tall, fat, and more athletic than I’d seem on first glance. I’m monogamous, though I was poly in my currently divorcing marriage and will never go back to that. I hike and lift. I’m an artist and I work in tech from home! I have a ton of responsibilities and have been through a rough few months but I’m ready to build a connection with someone that is similar to me. I’m a long term relationship person, and long distance is fine but you have to be willing and financially able to travel like I am if we hit it off!

Above 25, physical appearance doesn’t matter to me much but please take care of yourself in terms of personal hygiene and that type of thing. I prefer someone active. Have a job, responsibilities etc. I prefer someone who is not a porn addict or perma-horny and shows some self control when it comes to sexual matters, meaning if you’re currently jerking it with 8 different randos or have fwbs, that’s not going to fit with who I am as a person. Dominant, masculine personalities only.
>Not looking for
Under 25. Subs, switches, feminine men. Lazy or unmotivated men. Sexting or fwbs.
>Discord Tag
32, M

Looking for F to talk during the day, i have a lot of free time, would enjoy some company to talk about anything. Lewd is a +, if you like too.

Discord: magnumdml
Snap: magnumdml
Not working . Add me clintonsboy#1510
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27 f midwest us
>About You/Hobbies
im short and chunky. im a pretty boring person if im being honest. i like to read, watch movies, occasionally ill watch a show. i love playing games, usually stardew but my pc is broken rn so i just rot in bed when im home. i really like to vc, usually in servers but sometimes one on one. i like to send and receive vms a lot too. im told i have a nice voice.
>Looking For
mostly conversation. sometimes i like to show off, but not always. vc sometimes. i like men, women, femboys, mascs, trans, doesnt matter.
>Not Looking for
creeps, weirdos, pushy people. dont start a conversation asking to see me naked or asking if i want to see your dick. no feeder kinks pls
>Contact Info
disc is fatcoochiecat

bonus points if u tell me a funny joke or send me a funny meme (it better be funny)
These two are both lunatics, and not in a charming way. The top one's a bleating whiner, and bottom is a social retard. Save your energy.
Sounds like skill issue.
By all means, go have fun!
lmao what did i do
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>>About You/Hobbies
an enjoyer of cartoons, often a little shy but i like to listen.
oh also general affinity for tummy, so theres that
>>Looking For
a woman who would be willing to eat a sandwich for me (thats my kink). also open to discussions of sexuality as a concept, as mine is very clearly warped and i like getting perspective
>>Not Looking for
men or irl stuff, sorry
>>Contact Info
discord - uberhiccupz
Middle aged fatties posting on /soc/ aren’t charismatic winners?
one of them is 27. 27 is not middle aged, retard.
Need me a bitch built like Hex Maniac fanart RIGHT NOE
Any f wanna have some fun hmu
Kik: connorc3131
no contact info i just wanted to show off
fuck off mickey go and be a retard for attention on discord
Middle aged for a fatty.
yes sir
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>About You/Hobbies
I have my shit together, I work from home with a good career, good sense of humor and I live alone in a beautiful city. Not hideous, good hygiene, pale, glasses, 5'10". Some of my hobbies/interests are: boxing, mma, singing/music, pc gaming, card games, tabletop, psychology, some anime, fantasy, sci fi
>Looking For
huge boob female
>Not Looking for
not huge boob female
>Contact Info
>About You/Hobbies
Introverted nerd, tallish and allegedly handsome
Mainly into games, music and trivia stuff. Rather a horny and kinky soul, no problem keeping it to myself if you are not
>Looking For
Obv a plus-sized woman for long-term relationship, long-distance OK
>Not Looking for
I dunno, men?
>Contact Info
Discord: atwahr
Kik me steve89420
surely moar
That one ghost right on your pussy is not enjoying the smell, evidently.
Messaged you on kik
okiii ^w^
god damn
drooling like a dog
You've posted your discord elsewhere on this board, right? I swear I recognise the sternum tat
yeahhh my discord/snap/kik is posted on the previous BBW thread :3
good boy
Fuuuck, that's right!! You're the babe in socal, God I wish I was about 5500 miles closer. You have the cute little cow maid outfits! And your tats are so good, I love the catgirl one especially, and you look so soft and chunky, I'm in love, truly. I hope you find someone who worships you, they'll be very lucky
holy fuck what have you done to me
couldn’t find ur disc so i’ll dm you on kik, im corvus
The 420 one is your discord?
Don't accept this cunts add. He's been posting the same shit over and over again oozing desperation. Use the archives to find his shit.
>asked for more
>made a horny comment
>said i’d add her when she said her socials were posted

sorry bro my bad i’ll keep it down
The shit I'm referring to is not from this thread.
i haven’t replied in any other threads, you sure you got the right person?
Playing dumb is a new one for you.
go take ur meds man
or show me what ur talking about because im lost
Send me hairy/bbw pics and ill tell you what I'd do to them
Kik: polsk1
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>About You/Hobbies
Awkward nerdy type, a bit of a twink? I tend to get really attached and a bit clingy, I'll probably end up being obsessed with you. I enjoy cooking, cleaning, drawing, and a lot of nerdy hobbies, anime, gaming, etc. Switch leaning more on the submissive side, can be kinda horny but I'd prefer we get to know each other a bit first.
>Looking For
Cute, nerdy, messy, fat girl (trans girls too) NEET types (girld who stink good) with shared interests who like infodumping and being infodumped on. I just want to listen to cute girls go on about stuff they're into or their hobbies or whatever is going on in their life. I'm a bit degen, but I also love sappy intimate shit. Maybe a relationship if we click, open to just being friends though, too.
>Not Looking for
Men, girls looking to lose weight or firmly opposed to gaining weight, people looking to ghost after a few messages, findom.
chaxscxntroller on Discord.
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>ASL - 27 f southern California near Tustin
>About You/Hobbies - fat and short weeb. into j-pop, talking to friends, vocaloid, circusP, anime, manga, and anime style art.

>Looking For - both long distance dating and dating near me. I'm fine with both e-dating and dating in person. irl hook ups, irl meet ups, voice chat

>Not Looking for - e-drama, text only, people looking to talk about my "4chan reputation" I'm just here to be a e-dater.

>Contact Info - chickenclaw3

not a trans woman like other people claim, those are internet trolls looking for clout for making false claims about randos.

I have been flirting with someone who lives near me and who wants to hook up with me, but we haven't been able to hook up yet. so you must be fine with a open relationship/me being poly. I get really clingy and attached easily to many people including my serious boyfriend if I had one.

so me being poly shouldn't be a concern.

tldr; I'm poly but I get attached to my partners deeply and I'm still obsessed with my ex bfs, so don't worry since I will get attached to you too
Steer clear
oh my god this is so sweet :’))))))))))) thank you so much anon!!!! this absolutely made my day,, i wish the same for you! i hope u get a bbw queen lol :3 here’s a cow girl pic for u
Wants people to add her but shows no effort to talk to them. If that's you're thing by all means go ahead.
yes! that ones my discord lol
interesting read very cool
I’m a tall tattooed nerdy stoner with a beard looking to chat/flirt or whatever with a thicc cutie

Kik @ upordown6
Can't find your Discord on the last thread, but if you're open to adding people mine is onionknight1_
Send me bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'd do
Kik: polsk1
she sucks at replying
don't bother
God damn you're sexy
Fuck yeah she does
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Mid 20s/southern USA/cis female
Hi it’s been a minute since I’ve been on year but I’m still fat and ugly so I goes I’ll get on here. I’m looking for nice people looking for a monogamous relationship which I know is an oxymoron on here here. I like going for walks and traveling and dinner and I’m pretty normie besides being extremely ugly. If you want to sext please I’d literally rather shoot myself and you over and over do not contact me I literally do not consider online stuff real until I meet you in person so don’t. FR!
You can dm on IG beingsupersilly2024 I don’t use discord that’s a finsta hi bye
24 M UK

Looking for F to tease me with their boobs as I stroke my uncut BWC and show off.

Big boobs preferably

Kik - Fcsh
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>About You/Hobbies
I am a bisexual dork nerd. Slightly chubby, still have hair unlike most people my age o.O Um. Computer junk, games, retro games, 3D printing.
>Looking For
Chubby nerd tomboys. Or whatever chubby lady's. Just tomboys are hawt. But chubby is too. Comfy.
>Not Looking for
Jackasses, entitled fucks, you know. Just don't be a jerk in general. Or burn random buildings down. Or tell me about tax law.
>Contact Info
Discord: starzac64
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>About You/Hobbies
My hobbies are being fun to have around.

I can talk and talk and talk because my brain is reinforced with partial knowledge of many things. This is from refusing to sit in silence and listening to any auto played longform video essay.

I'm very funny about it too.

I also run a campaign about a man in a wedding dress and a mute who is trying to bring down a moon so they can Africanize an underground race of billions of insects because a yellow man said it would be pretty cool.
>Looking For
Cute fat girl to browse Temu with. Not going to bother with clothes because most of the shirts have spandex in them and make your belly looked like a trussed ham. Unless you like being teased about it, then I have you covered and more.

>Not Looking for
Fat girls bereft of tits and ass. You gotta be skinny. I'm sorry, it's not fair and the government should offer you free ozempic and federally mandate that people be nice to you and let you skip lines. But you're a bad built marshmallow on toothpicks. I will only talk to you if you're literally the funniest person in the world or The Gackmaxxed, First of the Headucators, I'm just not attracted to that.

>Contact Info
21M Finland
>About You/Hobbies
Introverted chubby weeb who mostly enjoys watching anime and pumping but also into games and playing guitar
>Looking For
Likeminded weebs to chat with and maybe something longterm if we click. also open for suggestions
>Not Looking for
Cam/VC, fresh accounts (trust issues)
>Contact Info
Discord eragoner
Kik Pandarra03
Telegram MooD
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>About You/Hobbies
I'm a metalhead shut in awkward loser but I'm really really sweet.
>Looking For
a short chubby alt girl that'll make me weak. I fw tums, hips, thighs, bags under eyes looking all cute and sleep deprived and raspy/lower voice. I love them clingy and an a total brat so don't be shyyy lol and I'm ok with dating or friends.
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info
Discord - m0xxisdead
do NOT message

this bitch has a reputation for a reason
i’m not gonna even lie, my response times are really shit lol. i’m sorry about that,, i get rlly overwhelmed sometimes abt how many people are trying to message me at once and i try to juggle multiple conversations and ultimately get burnt out and stop replying to everyone all together. probably not the best way to deal w that though.

i usually have my phone on DND 24/7 as well because i don’t want people seeing my weird ass notifs. i’m sorry if i’ve ghosted you before, i’m used to people just wanting pics and not wanting actual conversation
replied 2 the wrong comment fuck my fat chungus life
I tried conversing but you'd already burned out I guess

About you: Dominant Straight Male, . Into women fucking toys/objects, public play/humiliation, bondage/shibari, and many other taboos.

Looking for BBW, ssbbw, mom, mature women. I enjoy wit and sarcasm also.

Not looking for Male, underage, rp

Contact: kik: sir83dom
Discord: jaydom8383
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>About You/Hobbies
I like to paint and generally create art in any way that I can, I play fortnite, stardew valley and sims 4 as much as humanly possible. I’m a student(I know I’m a lil old for that idc) hoping to get into grad school to get my masters in expressive art therapy. I live in a very small house, not sure if it qualifies for a tiny house persay. I truly enjoy cleaning and organizing and decorating it. I’m neurodivergent but it’s well managed to the point you wouldn’t know if you met me irl. I like doing substances but currently slowing down. I am a leftist. I love music. I have a handful of great besties irl and feel fulfilled in life.
>Looking For
Just cool cats to chat with. Anyone that looks like Johnnie Guilbert. Maybe someone in Arizona that’s cool to hang with. People to share music with.
>Not Looking for
Fascists, mean people, people that just want to be lewd and not build a connection first.
>Contact Info
disc is clownassbword

pic is me
Just a depraved bwc gooner with a thing for bbws and ssbbws,lookin for any and all to talk to and maybe goon with/for,down for whatever honestly

M/31 in Maryland (closer to DC) looking for a female FWB. Maybe more if we click

Shut-in remote software engineer, into chubby girls, vidya/anime/card/boardgames, hiking and gardening.

kik: wave.existence
I'm your typical latino gamer boy, chubby but I am slowly losing the weight. I like to play games listen to music, read manga, and just chill.
I'm looking for a chubby or bbw who would like to have fun on a regular occasion. I'm into fair skinned women. So if your fair skinned and would like some latino hmu. Kik: Josh_ram19
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>your qualities
pretty handsy with tools, can cook, and I'm training to be one of the strongest zug zug.
>your interests
mmos, competitive games, jrpgs, retro stuff and anime
>your quirks
I sniff hard and a lot to clear my nostrils

>their qualities
23+ stinky femcel thats a shutin and plays vidya games all day
either shaped like a flat twig or pudgy from a junk food diet
girlfailure aesthetic
>their interests
breakcore, /x/, conspiracy videos
has at least 1000 hours into any game
>their QuIrKs
shouts kys or retard whenever they get angry
uses ancient meme lingo and has their mind stuck in the 2000 era
>their location
doesn't matter since I can do LD or we can just stay as online friends

>your ideal relationship dynamic
hisses at me when I get them to shower
begs for food or headpats like a needy pet
if you dont fit the description then please dont add me just because you found my post "interesting"
I dont check my discord often since it takes forever for males to get an add
m/28 looking for any BBW/chubby/fat/thick/chunky female who's up for some fun, or maybe just casual chatting

kik and snap is bongodrumman
24 M BWC

Looking for F to tease me with their boobs as I stroke and show off.

No strings attached just send a pic and let's have fun!

Big boobs preferably

Kik - Fcsh
30 M

Looking for a bigger woman. I don't care if you think you're ugly or dumb or annoying. I want to build you up and cuddle you and play games with you and have sex with you and make you feel good whether it is through games sex banter or praising you or any way else. I want to entirely devote myself to you and make you happy.

discord: mef_3
Could you add me on discord: Penjamin3 I’ll do anything for you I swear please
added u on snap i think :3 under a new contact tho bc RIP old account :( @gecpill3d on snap
I need to write whatever I am told to write on my pig torso. Just message me and tell me what and where.

kik: JustADeadPig
>About You/Hobbies
Tall with a lean athletic build, big dick. Like dominant, older women. Into generally geek hobbies, video games, D&D/tabletop games, anime, but also into health and fitness and outdoorsy hobbies. Really enjoy talking about things like spirituality, history, philosophy, culture, etc. Also really enjoy reading and writing.
>Looking For
A cute chubby girl with big tits to talk to, maybe sext or more.
>Not Looking for
to be cucked or humiliated or abused
>Contact Info
kik: hinterlandsman
discord: wandering_stray
Man i don't get it. I want a dude that's chubby-slightly fat but everyone that responds is barely overweight or very much morbidly obese, no between at all. The types I'm looking for are always taken. Rip
all i can say is that my slightly fat-ness is something i'm trying to RID myself of before i'd so much as attempt a relationship
im chubby with a slight belly if thats what you mean
I think i might fit that, if you are a F
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23/male (white)/Tennessee
>About You
INFP neet. Introverted, passionate, emotional, scatterbrained, imaginative, idealistic. Very heart driven, romanticizing so much in life. Maybe rose tinted glasses are glued to me. I want love more than anything in the world, and friendships that last a lifetime. That, and to just generally live a comfy life with those loved ones. I'm trying to better myself nowadays in any way I can, taking whatever tiny victory I can get. I think it's bearing fruit, but it would be nice to have someone by my side so we could both better ourselves together
>Your hobbies/interests
Psychology, history, spirituality/religions, lost media, unsolved mysteries, philosophy, stories, cultures, nature, animation, music, meditating, architecture/aesthetics. I like politics to an extent but I tend to keep my ideals to myself aside from some basic stuff, seems how politics is so divisive. Just know I'm conservative but economically leftist.
>looking for
A chubby white female to get to know and eventually date. Ideal would be like the image i posted. Not someone too fat, but definitely with a tummy to grope. An introvert. A hopeless romantic like i. Someone with similar interests, hobbies,values, the usual. Supportive, deep, and wishing to bond/ explore each other's souls as best as we can. Maybe clingy
>Not Looking for
Inexpressive people who can't hold a conversation beyond simple statements/words. Trans folk. Ghosts. Genuinely, if you're gonna friend me and never talk, just don't friend me at all
>Contact Info
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24/m/denver, co
>about me
tall (6'6), slim white guy; dark hair im growing out & well-kept facial hair. fairly good looking, w/ a college degree and full-time salaried job. i enjoy pc games, anime, rollerblading, and do some singing & novice music production
>looking for / kinks
im alvinolagnic, which means i have a midriff/belly fetish... i appreciate all sizes from under to overweight. i have many related kinks such as navels, feedism/weight gain, size contrast, digestion sounds, burping, and vore. if you have any of these kinks, wanna chat or meet, or just want someone to appreciate your body (i love soft tummies), hmu.
>not looking for
men or trans, sorry
discord: koalanon
snap: midriff_enjoyer

About you: Dominant Straight Male, . Into women fucking toys/objects, public play/humiliation, bondage/shibari, and many other taboos.

Looking for BBW, ssbbw, mom, mature women. I enjoy wit and sarcasm also.

Not looking for Male, underage, rp

Contact: kik: sir83dom
Discord: jaydom8383
b3n_cannoli on discord if you're interested
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20, boy, europe
>About Me
I am a cute boy i love video games
5’10 120lbs
>Looking for
i am looking for overweight people but not the hairy ones sorry, also people who plays a lot of video games cause they are cool
>Not looking for
hairy people, penis photos, and please have an anime profile picture I don’t trust people without anime profile pictures
discord: finalfantasyviisnowboarding
you are so beautiful though, i dont see how you can consider urself ugly
21 / M / NYC, USA

>About You
Caucasian, brown eyes, short brown hair, nice jawline. I’ve been told by other women that I’m handsome and that I’m hung. I have an average build with some slight muscle. My fashion is usually alternative but I don’t dress stupid.

I like to perform my instruments. I also create art. I enjoy studying Asian languages and traveling to Asia. I play many video games and do other nerdy stuff.

>Looking For
A monogamous relationship with a BBW or SSBBW. I will date any age that is 18+ (I’m okay with dating a millennial). And I’m attracted to all races but I do have a soft spot for East-Asian and Latina/Brazilian women. I especially love foreign women since I am interested in other cultures and languages. It’s also a plus if you’re nerdy but you don’t have to be.

>Not Looking for
Men, trans, fwb, poly, hookups

>Contact Info (Discord)
Sent friend request on discord
32M. Maryland. Looking to cheat on my gf before we move in together. clean and fit. kik cresentmoon91.
CarbonHurdle on Discord if you're in Florida.
Bump for some talk tonight
M 26
>About you
>Looking for
Wanna jerk off to you. Send me some pics and if you're lucky I'll send you back a tribute.
>Not looking for
kik: JoeTrowel
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hai fat girl looking to get used

u couldve posted me on the SKinner one instead of insulting me putting this fat chicks photo saying its mine u retard

Hi, this is not me. I posted someone else’s tag in a fit of rage. Please mods delete this, and please no one add them. I am deeply sorry for what I did to them
27 M US
>About You/Hobbies
Work in IT, love all kinds of stuff! Reading books and manga, going to the movies, playing games, watching anime, watching soccer.
>Looking For
Hot fat girls! Hit me up (please)! Also any cool people who want to talk and form online friendships.
>Not Looking for
Bigots, impatient people
>Contact Info
Discord: snydercut
>About You/Hobbies
Introverted nerd, tallish and allegedly handsome
Mainly into games, music and trivia stuff. Rather a horny and kinky soul, no problem keeping it to myself if you are not
>Looking For
Obv a plus-sized woman for long-term relationship, long-distance OK
>Not Looking for
I dunno, men?
>Contact Info
Discord: atwahr

About you: Dominant Straight Male, . Into women fucking toys/objects, public play/humiliation, bondage/shibari, and many other taboos.

Looking for BBW, ssbbw, mom, mature women. I enjoy wit and sarcasm also.

Not looking for Male, underage, rp

Contact: kik: sir83dom
Discord: jaydom8383
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Big titties allowed in the thread?
Please have a snap, I can post mine
Absolutely allowed
God please smother me with those things
holy shit im in love
25 M looking to be horny with chubby gals
No tribs, sellers, or guys.

kik: flapjackk999
30 m Canada

Bwc love bigger women would love to chat and possibly meet

Yeah I have snap drop yours?
Pretty straightforward
I’m down to talk to you too. My Snap is the_vv86
Hey, hoping u add me to
Mine it’s @Randomguy300909
what's ur discord?
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24 / M kinda twinkish looking / EU (Wanna move to USA)
>about me
Im pretty curious, openminded and honest, if u dont share those traits please skip me as we probably wont get along.
Mostly into nerdy stuff and nature. I can be pretty random, blunt and I believe I have ADHD.
>looking for
Trans or cis gf from USA. (Pls no bpd lol)
BIG PLUS if ur masochistic or sadomasochistic.
Feel free to hmu even if u have weird/degenerate needs/desires (sexual or not) as Im quite flexible so I dont rly mind those kinds of things.
>not looking for
Online only.
Discord: aurelian4
29 m NYC
>about yourself
gamer guy, love art, movies, music, and anime
>looking for
chubby/fat gamer girls in the NYC area for friends or more
>not looking for
men, trans, crazies, ghosts
Yours actually isn’t working
Hey I’m trying too I need a really good massage today
Any chance of a disc?
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>About You/Hobbies
my main hobbies are mma and jiu jitsu so i like to wrestle and play fight, i play video games and watch anime and shit in my off time, im a pretty calm and reserved person so im hard to anger and im very open to any conversation but i can also come off as unemotional or unfeeling sometimes, but i do care.
>Looking For
a girl to become friends with or date, dont have any expectations of rushing things but im pretty open to whatever pace you are interested in
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info
Zoggere on discord
Yeah I can make one
Add jjeff554
Add gungk_ on disc. I’d love to worship those fat tits.
Disc is CarbonHurdle
You sound like a dream come true
I'd travel to meet you
j73626565, thats my snap
god i need you in my life
Oh wow, that body looks almost exactly like mine.
Try this one randomguy300900
Sorry if the other didn’t worked
I wait u on snap
if you happen to have a kik or make one: penpaller
Me too girl.
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Too similar.
Mmmm love your body
i like those hips
24 M Scotland

Looking for horny F to chat and trade about anything.

been gooning and edging to big boobs with a hair tie around my cock and balls. Happy to show off

I have very little limits.

Kik - FCSh
Thanks chaps.
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No thank you!
if you got kik ad >>33293814 wouldn't mind more of that body.
I'd love to see more of that body too, kik is wolfsbane0420
need someone 2 tard wrangle me
26 M Tx
>About me/Hobbies
I enjoy relaxing at home with spontaneous adventures here and there. Really more of a chill at home guy. I like to game with friends, play guitar and am into cars and working on em sometimes. Ask me about what manga I like :)
>Looking For
Women to talk to, anybody who need a new pal or gaming partner. Maybe someone who plays D2.
>Not Looking For
>Contact Info
Discord is 2bigbowlz
Lovely body feel free to message!

Kik sir83dom

Disc jaydom8383
Love it! Please add me

the best kind of round tho.
>About You/Hobbies
Introverted nerd, tallish and allegedly handsome
Mainly into games, music and trivia stuff. Rather a horny and kinky soul, no problem keeping it to myself if you are not
>Looking For
Obv a plus-sized woman for long-term relationship, long-distance OK
>Not Looking for
I dunno, men?
>Contact Info
Discord: atwahr
happy fat girl friday bros
mickey you should have choked on your own vomit last night
i wish i did

Am chubby myself (6' 300lb) and lile big and bigger women. I like to cook and eat (obviously), workout, read, and video games here and there.
Would like to chat and if things progress from there that's cool.

Snap: aawj54
Kik: reptarV
mickey there's no sexual tension, you're not white.
i’m half i swear D:
tard wrangler reporting for tard wraling duty
you want a helmet, champ?
you mean 1/3rd. 1/3rd flip, 1/3d white, 1/3rd chubby.
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bump teehee
Really sexy!
bump pls i am lonely ;-;
Whatapizzashit if you're still around
Nice trips, I don't know how to talk to a girl but I really, really like this pic, thanks for sharing
Post it here?
YOOOO can you unblock me on your snap pls
You know this is my fave sfw pic of you
u prob had my old snap, i deleted it. i have a new one but i dont wanna post it and idk who u are
Add my burner and it’ll clear up quick
my snap is rheumach (pls add me im begging)
got me swooning
>About You/Hobbies
I like plushies and doodling here and there
>Looking For
Nothing really? Maybe a quick hookup
>Not Looking for
Relationships,, please no

Add me if u wanna hookup y4mix1 on discord
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question for the girls:

just out of curiosity, how many ads do you get on average out of this? over 50? or even more?
I haven't posted here recently, but last time I did somewhere between 50 and 75 people added me. Just for general advice:

>>Don't add someone in the first 24 hours after they post, EVERYONE will be adding them. The woman you're talking to will have dozens of conversations going on.

>>If you're talking to someone shortly after they posted, be prepared to mostly carry the conversation. If you keep it going for over a week, most of the conversations will have died out then it'll probably be more of a 50/50 conversation.

>> Don't repeatedly say "hi" every 2 hours to the woman. If you're looking for attention and/or worried she'll forget about you, say something interesting! Send her a picture of your pet, ask questions about her, tell her about your day, fuck asking her favorite dinosaur is would be better than the 5th "hiii" in a row.

>> Let her lead the way with lewdness. If she's clearly looking to show off then appropriately admire her, but if she's just going about her day odds are you'll be catching her at times she isn't horny. Spend some time building up the friendship. I know rizz isn't 4chans strong suit, but it's a solid skill. Practice.

>> Be prepared to talk about yourself at least a little. I understand privacy concerns, but if you avoid saying anything at all it seems like you're incredibly boring. It's possible to talk about your workday and life without doxxing yourself, I promise. There's a HUGE difference between "I went to work today at 224 main street from 9am to 6pm today then went to the Walmart on second street on my way home" and "I work in an office, I put some pictures of my dog up in my cubicle! The receptionist at the front desk keeps a water bottle of vodka that she thinks nobody notices - I think she fell asleep in the conference room today!" You've got to give up some information to seem like an interesting human.

>> Also, please be an interesting human. I KNOW you have interests.
If you still around and made a discord, mine is hidoshisan
>between 50 and 75
hot damn that is a fuckload. the fucking pings would drive me nuts.
>asking her favorite dinosaur is would be better
adding that to the list
>please be an interesting human
ayeee, ripping afforementioned list apart.
32m chubby lover here. I get so horny for fat girls but I also like to talk kinda mean, call then fatty, cows, etc. Married to a skinny woman but secretly want to breed a thick mommy and use her like a dairy cow. If this interests you message me, my Kik is cya619
Wanna chat?
"uwu just a nerd anyway here's my 8 paid socials"
Drop your discord!

Most of the people never really progress beyond "hey what's up?" "not much, you?" "not much" "oh cool" so it's not nearly as much as it seems. Also, you don't need to do interesting things to be interesting! Just have to interact with the world you live in. Even if you just went to work as a janitor and then spent the other 16 hours of the day in your bed you probably have things to talk about. You just have to have the text-based communication skills do discuss them! What kind of music did you listen to while you work? What are your coworkers like? Love them? Hate them? What'd you eat? Did you cook it? Microwave it? Do you think your microwave gives you cancer? What'd you do in bed? How strong are you opinions on what kind of sheets are the comfiest? What's your favorite pillow?

Answering like, half of those would make someone an interesting person to talk to. You just can't coast through life without thinking about anything or forming opinions on anything. You also have to be capable of typing a coherent sentence (though that seems to be a personal pet peeve of mine, I see two people typing like retards to each other all the time).
Different person than the one you're responding to, but Whatapizzashit on Discord
one of these days i will overcome that high bar (relatively) of my social retardation.
>please be an interesting human
Well I don't add anyone anyways
And you look like a really interesting person to chat. Seems like you likes to write and thats always good!
If you want to try, thats me
I can manage to hold a decent conversation for a day or so, but I feel like it dies soon after. I know you said these things tend to last a week max, but I still can't help feeling disappointed.
this anon gives good advice. I hate when people whine they don't do anything interesting. it's not what you do, it's how you interact with it that makes it interesting. you can go to italy and a conversation can still pan out like
"how are you"
"good I went to italy for vacation"
"oh cool how was that"
meanwhile you can read comics or play games all day and if you mention what you ate, what you did, how it went, what you liked, what annoyed you, etc. then that will be interesting.
It's hard unless you have something in common! I'd personally suggest some sort of activity together. Video games are obviously the easiest, and my preference but even something like reading the same book at the same time will give you an ongoing conversation topic. Alternatively, it can be a shared goal - fitness, learning a new language, practicing a skill. It can't be JUST sexual (though that's probably what a lot of people are looking for here). Otherwise it'll just devolve into a mismatched "wyd?" every time one of you is horny but the other will be off running errands or something.
I feel the same anon, its disappointing because feels like the other part dont even want to try to have a decent conversation. I even stop and wait a few days to get back to the chat, but still its rare to find a good conversation these days
Sure, it's redburgundy, I may not add you right away just running some errands and a family event today
my snapchat views on my story went up 100+ after posting

i regret adding all of the requests as i cannot keep up with that many conversations, and people chats keep getting pushed down by other people bumping their chats. same goes for discord, except i’ve probably only gotten ~45 adds on that.
I get around 30-50ish, I used to get around 75+ if I posted a body pic or was open for sexting. 98% of them are duds, meaning the person doesn’t fit what I’m looking for but wanted to try anyway, is not engaging, or refuses to show themselves which is a hard no for me.

This is the PERFECT advice. One of the things that gets me uninterested is a person being very very pushy or unable to tell me about themselves. Another one is asking me questions I’ve answered in my post, like my age or my hobbies.
>went up 100+
fuuuuuuck my life...you gotta have a score of like 1 mill or so then.
ye, i can understand how one would fall through the cracks and get ghosted/feel like getting ghosted. even 24 hours in a day woudln't be enough to handle all that.

>30-50ish, I used to get around 75+
so over all around 50 and likely more if the kinky mood hits.
surprisingly my old snap [the one contact i posted the most,, recently got banned] only had 85k hahahah,, it raised a crazy amount though i think 80k to 85k because i posted on /soc/

i just ended up making a discord server desu and it helps me talk to people that wanna chat with me more + wanna see thirst traps
to add on, i cannot tell if making the server was a good choice or not— it’s been a week since ive made it and it’s at 282 members

i feel like there might be Tooooo many eyes on me sometimes lmfao
how does one get nuked from the snappers? can't you pretty much do whatever ya want there? or did they start cracking down on their tos?

yeee that is a whooooole lotta attention kek. you probs a veteran and know how to sail the 4chins seas, still gotta say it tho, don't get your butt doxxed.
>how does one get nuked from the snappers?
i had a nsfw story on snap and got taken down for sexual content,,, my fault though Xd oops

>don’t get your butt doxxed
o7 thanks bro, i’m trying. trying v hard to not end up in a youtube lolcow documentary in 3 years
interesting. i guess the government spanked snap verbally. when i was still using it nsfw was going ham with OF poppin' off.

What's your discord server?
um no? im a whore for fun
mickey stop lying you are fucking dying to appear in a turkey tom video,
idk if mods r gonna take this down or not but https://discord.gg/fn9fskvE ^__^ make sure 2 get ur roles in #roles esp if ur only joining for the lewds.

kek,, tom is my bf in my head
i don't think turkey tom would tarnish himself with you.

maybe you can get destiny to fuck you after damian has spooged in you.
>About You/Hobbies
Introverted nerd, tallish and allegedly handsome
Mainly into games, music and trivia stuff. Rather a horny and kinky soul, no problem keeping it to myself if you are not
>Looking For
Obv a plus-sized woman for long-term relationship, long-distance OK
>Not Looking for
I dunno, men?
>Contact Info
Discord: atwahr
I'm average height and chubby, I like to play video games, get high, watch anime, and just chill out. I'm also really into music and am currently looking for recommendations.
Looking for a similarly aged chubby little lass who would like to get to know eachother and enjoy eachothers company online. Discord: smolchokochip
Ever thought about putting everything you achieved in your life in someone's other hands? Well, that's exactly what I am doing for more then 10 years with my subs.

I will own your life in every aspect 24/7 without any limits. I will decide what you think, say or do. I will play with you as I wish. Sometimes I will make you better, sometimes I will let you suffer.

Looking for longterm only. Singles and Couples welcome.

Teleguard: BPC98VKUA
Kik: fullforcecis
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20something f somewhere
>About You/Hobbies
lowkey big titty goth gf vibes
i rotate between sardonic bitch and huge sweetie, depends on YOUR vibe honestly
my biggest hobby is being hot and fun, i also like to watch movies and give my pretentious opinions. i smoke a lot of weed, i have been watching histories of south america, i keep having dreams about being burned alive, i have been teetering on the edge of a manic episode for the last 6 months
>Looking For
recently got my heart STOMPED on, looking for someone to be nice to me (and mean to me) while i lick my wounds
i feel unhinged every time i come here and i need that energy matched
i'm open to flirting and showing off (entirely dependent on if i think your personality is hot) but if you're too pushy i'll get annoyed and if you're too pussy i'll remove you as a sexual option in my mind full stop. (boy women sure are complicated aren't they?)
sense of humor is a must, if you can't make me laugh i don't see the point in us speaking
blah blah blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Not Looking for
i DON'T want to date you, i don't want to be your mommy, no feeders, no early 20s, no brainrot coomers, no racists
>Contact Info

pic related is basically my body type
32m. Maryland USA. Wanting to cheat on my gf. Want me to fuck your woman? Kik cresentmoon91.
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do to them
Kik: polsk1
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>About You/Hobbies
Hi there! I’m a goth, preferred whimsigoth in the subgenre for clothing! I have a black cat, 23 tattoos, some piercings.
I enjoy art (painting), makeup, nature. I collect animal bones and creepy stuff.

I’m on the chubbier side of things, i’m actually looking to lose some weight too. I have bipolar type 2.

>Looking For
People to chat with, cute guys who like bigger girls obviously. I have no specifications honestly

>Not Looking for
Creeps, assholes, anybody under 21.

>Contact Info
Discord: Meatjpeg

PLEASE CONTACT WITH AN ASL and which board you contacted me from!
M/18/USA, NC
>About You/Hobbies
Physical:A bit chubby with some muscle (still working out), curly hair, mexican. Non-physical:Huge nerd for anime, comics and video games over the usual stuff. I like to exercise when I can. Been called sweet and weridly enough silly whatever that means. Got emotions to share that friends cant fill in for
>Looking For
overweight all the way to fat girls what else? Brown girls are just a step up compared to white but thats still on the table too.
>Not Looking for
Black girls, sorry just not for me, single moms, one night things.
>Contact Info

hi wtf is an ASL


33 yo male
age / sex / location (country)

>About You/Hobbies
I'm ugly as fuck, bald, small penis, extremely fat, boring, no hobbies, nothing going for me, sexually frustrated, intelectually undercapacitated, I love eating and shitting and getting my dick sucked and watching movies and traveling and browsing the internet.
>Looking For
A fit woman on steroids who has a large clit and lots of money and a nice car who will fly me over and we'll travel together and she'll suck my cock every night and post pics of ourselfes on her Instagram and find us sexy babes to fuck together and I might leave her if the babe in question has more money.
>Not Looking for
Femcel losers.
>Contact Info
Post yours and all your stats and I'll think about it.
nigga leave me alone
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I don't know if I'm considered big enough, but I do have a belly and I'm borderline overweight. Don't even know what I want I'm mentally ill and asexual but turned on by weird shit like vore (wish i was small and get eaten by a dude, or shoved into his cock/ass). I guess desperate for a distraction from anxieties and pain from irl. I like to chat about random things with new people, but then likely need to ditch to hide the logs from snooping spouse who is making me unhappy.sorry if you want chat longer then I need to disappear.

>About You/Hobbies
League of legends, digital art, hunting, vore, animals including bugs, morbid fucked up shit idk. Confused person. Tomboy slob/borderline neet. Brain feels like it is melting.
>Looking For
Not even sure. Friendly chat most likely with people who have similar interests. But maybe I don't know what I want. Just selfishly want comfort.
>Not Looking for
Longer term contact, or not to be mean, people who have double digit iq and only after nudes. I might regret even posting this and will bail. Sorry if I do that. I'm scared.
>Contact Info
Disc cannibalism7108
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Oh and here's the fat hiding under the loose clothing. I hate it.
well now you're gonna et swarmed even more lol
This should be a pinned post. This should be a pop up for every contact thread.
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do to them
Kik: polsk1
>says they're goth with that picture
damn you forgot to include literally mentally disabled and fucking retarded in your bio
Sorry can't accept any more requests right now. Need to focus on current conversations. Thank you, you are all very kind
5'10, 180lbs
Just a reasonably well adjusted dude living life who's into soft women
Reading, mtg, travelling, baking, nature, ice skating, anime, vidya
>Looking for
A cute (soft) girl to talk, to get to know, maybe get lewd with. Just see where things go.
>Not Looking for
Men, unhinged people
Aside from bigger women, fake boobs, hairy pussy, trans, pregnancy, oral, thick, pawg
Discord: Ichiyaaa
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>About You/Hobbies
Average build, Six foot and brown hair
Into the standard nerd shit like vidya and music. Ask me about myself
>Looking For
A lady to talk to and we will see what happens. Would like someone from Ireland
>Not Looking for
Rude or crazy people
>Contact Info
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this is genuinely hilarious to read
what the fuck are you idiots doing? this is like jumping through fifty billion hoops to talk to a person who is probably even less valuable than you, and like 95% of the men here can't even do it. i feel so fucking bad for anyone who actually goes in with this mindset. i am a man who genuinely hates men and adores women but this is the most denigrating shit i've ever read, as if our entire sex is here for the sole purpose of being mass entertainment and gladiating over women who don't care at all about them and view them as replaceable. no. this is not how you do it. you GET THEM TO ADD YOU. Okay? Do you get it now? YOU make a post, and YOU make it interesting in the thread, and suddenly you aren't lugging a ten thousand pound weight up hill trying to snipe attention and appear more interesting than the other peacocks. She's already into you a bit if she added you. This is the worst advice ever.
Horny Mexican, looking to chat our day and get naughty with each other.
>Looking for
Looking for young and older woman who are chubby, thick, or bbw. Also into huge titty and love big areolas too (bonus if they are brown or dark). Not looking for serious relationship. Hoping to goon and admire you sexy body as I please myself to you.
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>About You/Hobbies
Relatively normal nigga who's into anime and video games.

>Looking For
Women who are close by so we can maybe date or even just hookup

>Not Looking for
Men and trannys

>Contact Info
Disc: frostedfool

> Kinks
BDSM, feederism and degradation

>Looking For
Fatty or piggy to chat with, encourage to get even fatter and humiliate for fun.

>Not Looking for
Annoying people

>Contact Info
As a woman who has posted in here before… this. This is exactly right.

Like, women posting on here is like casting a commercial fishing net and trying to catch a really rare minnow. Might it be in there? Maybe. But you have to wade through the other million fish that are caught to see a glimpse of it.

Guys… make a post. Tell us what you’re into for hobbies and the kind of woman you’re looking for, what some of your views are, what you want in the future or from your interactions on here. Give us SOMETHING to go off of. Were absolute inundated with adds and messages and it is not possible to dedicate the time and effort to every single person who adds us, let alone ask the plethora of questions it takes to pull the very basics from you.
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33 F southern US
Hmu if you're local or I also enjoy interesting people to talk with and share experiences. Looking for connection more than anything. No I don't do content but I am a freak. Bwc to the front of the line please. I'm a cute nerdy and blonde 5'6 milf
Kik mud_in_her_tires
19 yr old guy well built not fat looking for f hmu we can do or talk about anything you want

Kik- cabbage234
i have used that analogy before to try and explain to my fellow males who post here the mostly futile but not impossible (it has worked for me somehow) nature of adding a woman from a thread who, like we both know, are already absolutely inundated with others trying to do the exact same thing you are
and then explained how making even a meh effort post in somewhere like the ideal bf thread almost always gets you attention from women here
>League of legends,
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My fuck pig wife
Obese lazy NEET looking for worshippers to spend their entire life under me, doing everything I say.
>About You/Hobbies
Pretty independent man, home owner, office worker so I can be pretty busy, but it's time to find someone. Interested in union advocacy, bodybuilding, music and dumbass cars. I have ADHD, so intense interests that tend to move around quite a lot.
>Looking For
Female/trans female, younger than me preferably but I'm open for the right person. Girls who are nice and have some passion in their life, even if it's about NEET shit
>Not Looking for
Anorexics, girls who want WLS, tik tok brainrot, etc
>Contact Info
Discord: Crestfallen0807
M 4 F

Looking for curvy F to chat and trade with if comfortable, and maybe become FWB who knows.

Happy to rp or jump straight into the dirty stuff.

Big mommy kink atm too

Kik - FCSh
Does she like to be shared?
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do to them
super hot but I'm assuming you're a guy?
32m. Maryland USA. Looking to cheat on my gf soon. I have body and dick pic to share. Kik cresentmoon91.
got my hopes up too lmao but yeah thats obviously a guy, the character in the image is a guy
Thin attractive guy with a big dick looking for chubby girls to use/be nice to.
Kik is bigspaceprogram
M, 26, EU.

I’m 185cm, athletic, short brown hair, green eyes, pale. I have my own place, steady job, nice car. I dress well, and have good hygiene. I’m looking for a girl who’s plus sized but not morbidly obese. Under 30, white. Black hair, tattoos, and piercings are a plus. It’s important you take care of yourself. I appreciate maturity and frankness. I’d like someone with some real hobbies beyond just consuming media. I like cooking, reading, writing, nature, and spooky shit. I’d say that I’m very neurotic, and probably somewhat of a bad person. Long distance is fine.

kik: chimpout666
disc: alimonyactual
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do to them
Kik: polsk1
Total Life Control
Kik: fullforcecis
Teleguard: BPC98VKUA

Looking for a sexting/gooning partner. Hit me up if you love ssbbw

kik: itsathrowaway33
Bump for some chat tonight
add my discord or snapchat

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30/F/SF bay
>About You/Hobbies
Somewhat functioning adult bored with my life. I like reading, hiking, and going to concerts. I read mostly fiction- thriller/sci fi/fantasy. Coastal trails are my favorite. I'm into electronic, indie rock, jazz, rap really all over the place.
>Looking For
Chit chats
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info
snap: well.alrighty1
Very cute butt! Do you have kik?
32m. Maryland USA. Looking to cheat on my gf. Fit Latino here. I have body and dick pic. Kik cresentmoon91.

I’m looking for kinky girls of any size, but I particularly love teasing and pleasing bigger girls. I value your discretion and privacy if you so desire. My list of kinks is all the way to the horizon and back. Incest, Impactplay, Beast, Size Difference, age play, Trust me, if you’re into it, I either have tried it or will try it.

My Discord is kinsif0492
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do to em
Kik: polsk1
Sexy ass. Would love to spread them.
32m. Maryland USA. Ladies, your man wants you to fuck someone else? Looking to cheat? Fit Latino here with a thick dick. Kik cresentmoon91.
Do you have snap?
i need to get back into hiking. i miss taking photos from nive viewpoints.
you guys make me wanna kill myself how hard is it to read a post

bumping regardless i need the sweet dopamine hit and i'm stoned and chatty. come say hi
no racists.... damn
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Make fun of me. Post snap
tag doesn't work
Jdee372 add my snap

Tag doesn't work
Add me, Whatapizzashit
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Here I will talk mentioning more that I am chubby as this thread mentions, you can know more about me anything
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do to them
Kik: polsk1
i'll make an exception for u

should work now
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Im prob too late to the thread but w/e
picrel, it me
>About You/Hobbies
Im just a lame NEET who likes Gaming, scribbling and snacking when I can afford it
>Looking For
Honestly no clue! I suppose friends for starters, as I don't have many at all to talk to since I'm a loser neet lol
>Not Looking for
Uhh mean people, people who don't play games? People who only want to talk to get nudes out of me.
>Contact Info
Updated 7/22

25/M/Virginia State U.S. (Long-distance is A-okay.)

I'm a 5'4" smol, slim, toned boi. I'm handsome and cute. I work a service job and live with a roommate. I deal with depression and OCD, so I can get rather tired easily. I still always try to do my best and improve. I range from being playful, feminine (in personality), and bubbly to more tame, relaxed, serious, to dank, derpy, and silly. I am very introverted and prefer to stay home and relax. I do like going out for dates though.

Hobbies and interests:
Memes, cuddles with My Kitty, singing, etc.

I'm a huge videogame buff, from N64 to Wii U, Gameboy Advance to 3DS, is my area of expertise. I'm super into youtube documentaries of all sorts: Corruption, Game Industry, History, etc. I like other types of videos, like let's plays, creepypastas, podcasts.

What I want out of a relationship:
A long-term, monogamous relationship where we both love and support each other unconditionally. Where compromises are sought out just as often as doing some things really special for one another. A CGL/MDLB dynamic would be great, but if you're just very motherly, doting, and sweet in general, I'd be open to try. Showering eachother with praise, affection, focus, and time would be really lovely and appreciated.

What I want out of a partner:
Preferably a lovely lady 18 to 35 that is nerdy, geeky, and silly. Open-minded to try out different hobbies and interests, but also willing to hear and accept all manners of jokes, opinions, and ideas. Somebody really clingy. Wants to have long calls, make big texts back and forth from the start. Be in contact as much as possible. I get along best with NEET/shut-in/Autistic ladies. I'm very easy to please when it comes to appearances. Let's trade sfw pictures early on. I don't care about your job, status, height, weight, or anything else.

-Not religious & don't want kids.
-I would want to vc and spend quality time together tons early on.

Discord: bunnyboymeow
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do to them
Kik: polsk1
is that on discord?
Why haven't you aged in the past 2 years?
>33/m/new england
>vidya, play by post rp, old movies, punk music, tobacco, and lots of other dumb shit
>chubby/fat/bbw/ssbbw girl who wants a beta simp
>people looking for money
Love fat bitches

Im not fat


Canada quebec
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do then
Kik: polsk1
-18/F/north america
>About You/Hobbies
hi!! fat gal who's into anime (kinda) and video games ofc,,, also kind of into vtubers? but i'm very selective with them. i play the trumpet though not well lol. i've been really into "the boys" recently too! also im very bad at overwatch lol. i'm kind of an awkward person, i only recently became more social and got irl friends so i can kinda struggle with interactions sometimes. i wouldn't really call myself a neet but i definitely self-identify as a loser. also i'm black don't be weird lol.
>Looking For
friends! possibly something more? i'd prefer it if you didn't try to push me into doing anything sexual though ^^ in terms of sexual things i kinda have taboo kinks, sorry. im generally only into guys and MtFs who are clocky. i like tall guys but heights not really a factor for me desu. also only really into white guys (ironic im aware). anyone with a foreign accent is a plus! i like hearing voices, and you can hear mine as well if you want.
>Not Looking for
anything irl, sorry! people who don't have similar interests. im not super into politics but anyone who's on the right isn't really my thing... being vaguely conservative is okay, but i'm not into bigots. anyone into feederism
>Contact Info
disc: swayz
Asl 26 'F
About me
Im a bored Whale looking for people to game , watch anime with I enjoy showing off as well . In desperate need of freinds . Anti social hermit otherwise . I like videochatting / voice chatting on discord not much of a texter
Feedie whose head is mostly empty only think of snacks
Looking for someone I can make watch my favortie anime and games with someone who enjoys my fat as much as I do and can bully into doing my bidding

Not looking for edating, relationships

I am biggi.egirl on discord tell me your from here in the first few messages ,games you play and anime you watch and want to watch
Pay for entertainment like the rest of us loser.
Chubby myself, have always liked bigger girls. If you want to show off or just lewd chat I’m open, will be around a little while. Also open to talking long term
Kik throw35446, just start with age. 18+ only
Is pic you?
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Chubby bi trans (shemale, femboy, whatever) here. I'm pretty open minded so everyone is welcome.

Discord: chubbytsdenise
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30 M Ohio
>About You/Hobbies
6'4" 315 lbs blonde bearish type. Shockingly I'm actually a big dork for video games and just about anything dark fantasy.
>Looking For
I can enjoy a nice soft, plush woman to indulge in and be friendly with. I typically associate /soc/ as a place to tap for lewd shenanigans but if you want to just chat and be friendly and not jump headfirst into the lewd stuff is fine too.
>Not Looking for
SSBBW types. I have kind of a size/figure wall that I can hit in regards to my interest. Sellers.
>Contact Info
Discord: maximilianthermidor131
chubby chasing server

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boy looking for an older girl

I dont really care about ur age or whatever just dont be like 60 or a convicted felon or somthing

My timeszone is really screwed up (GMT +12) so dont get mad if i domt respond when ur awake.

Im kinda busy? I dunno but i can take care of u n stuffs yeah. Other than that i dont care about anything else. Im asian btw

discord is e3458.
dont forget the dot
M18 looking for a fat degenerate submissive girl to be my slave and listen to my commands just let me degrade you and do as I please >:3
Discord: Kal_el0408
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do then
Kik: polsk1
Heyyyy, you have kik too? I'd love to chat geeky stuff with you. Mines ajamesjunior82
31/F/Austin TX Metro Area

>About You/Hobbies
Short, plump, (more on the bbw side than chubby though.), actually goth (yeah, I love the music) but also obsessed with anything 80s,
I like most metal but I gravitate towards glam, NWBHM, power, doom and other genres. I don't care for 'screamo'.

I'm slightly artistic, slightly autistic. Not sure if the two are mutually exclusive. I just like to draw fanart from whatever I'm hyperfixated on at the moment.

I'm not much of a gamer, I'll get obsessed with a specific game for a while and then take years to pick up something else so if you're looking for a 'gamer girl' seek elsewhere.

Not a dommy mommy type at all, more of a cool older sister type that will smoke weed with you and buy you snacks. I am full time employed so I can really only devote weekends to fun stuff.

I'm Apolitical for the most part because I have a deep distrust of the US government and choosing sides is NPC behavior. I don't have kids.

>Looking for:
Cool people to talk to who aren't turned off by the fact that I'm 30+, dating, potential long term relationship/friendship. Long distance is ok.

My personal preference would be men in the age range of 26-40, preferably into geeky shit like fantasy anime, horror, and /x/ related topics including conspiracies bonus if you're willing to teach me tabletop games.

Long haired metalhead types who can play are my absolute weakness. Bonus if has cool tatts.

Any gun related hobbies are 100% ok and encouraged.

>Not looking for:
Transwomen, Femboys. I've had bad luck with those types in the past. Hookups (will never be a thing I'm comfortable with.) fwbs.

Snap: countgrimsnacks
No discord or kik?
Gave you an add on snap, should come up as Jay, the add also ends in r12, hope to hear from you soon.
32m. Maryland USA. Anyone woman looking for a Latino? Fit and with a thick dick looking to cheat on my gf. Kik cresentmoon91.
30m here, bored at work, looking to chat. I love to explore people’s fantasies and desires with them and to bask in the glow of their arousal. I love receiving pics, but I never spread them around. I’m selfish that way.

Girls, tell me what gets your engine going.

Guys, feel free to share pics of the bigger girls in your life who you can’t stop obsessing over.

Kik: Shady_Jeph
Very nice ad, shame you're such a slut and a junkie.
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do then
Kik: polsk1
Green text the story anon
33313809 here, anon can't, nothing to green text because they're a liar. Sorry to get your hopes up.
run with me daddy snap: vanessapink00 telegram: rossluna2024
32m. Maryland USA. Fit Latino with a thick dick here. Ladies want to try a price of this latin dick? Or just want to show off? Hit me up kik cresentmoon91.
Add me back then
>About me
6ft 2, shut in who somehow has a job, 1 friend (Not even a pity joke), got dumped about a month ago from a 10 year relationship (fml), gets overly attached quickly... basically a loser lmao
Airsoft, video games, music (sabaton mainly) and cooking
>Looking for
Any girl who's willing to take a chance with a 19 stone loser lmao (though I am working on that, don't like being fat)
>Not looking for
honestly don't even know, dudes I guess. and maybe people larger than me
Discord: averageroman
(no I don't see myself as a roman don't worry, it was a inside joke between my old friends back in high school)
32m. Maryland USA. Fit Latino here with a thick dick looking to cheat on my gf. Are you a couple looking for a Latino man to fuck their girl? Ladies, looking to cheat on your man or just want to show yourself off to me? Hit me up. Kik cresentmoon91.
32m Bwc, Send me mom/bbw pics or sis pics and ill tell you what I'll do then
Kik: polsk1
What do you mean? It's literally in her ad.
29 m from Australia, interested in friendship, dating, and fun.
Anyone can add me on DC at Mattk_1870
18 m looking for a f fairly well built hmu we can talk about anything you want

Kik cabbage234

Discord - beast16172763
>About You/Hobbies
University student in the midwest, like to game, play piano, go on long walks outside, and sightsee
>Looking For
literally anything, texting, calling, belly play, whatever really
>Not Looking for
men or trans men or women
>Contact Info
skdjdjdj11010 on discord
Tag doesn't work
[19M, US]
If you're a gooner looking for a submissive bud to control with tasks I can be your pathetic obese virgin loser to humiliate and make fun of. Make me your punching bag and cuck me to your hearts content.
I'll worship you and your cock too!
Kinks: HMVs, PMVs, armpits, bleached, blacked, NTR

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