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It's time for a new thread.

>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag

Post a picture of yourself if you're feeling brave, or maybe a random pic from your screenshot/saved pics folder.

Keep things friendly and civil, have fun making friends!
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Typical Gay Bottom
>About you
I'm not very interesting
Will tell more if you were to add
>Looking for
I'll be honest, hot guys, of any variety, very feminine, very masculine.
>Not looking for
Insane people, but honestly as long as you're manageable insane
>Discord Tag
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35yo in search of a massive black master

/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
28/m/uk gay bottom. More on the fem/camp side but not enough to be considered a true "femboy". Not bad looking.

Looking for a top (ideally more masc) around my age or older.

I want someone who wants a relationship and wants to fall in love quickly and become obsessed with each other. Ideally uk based.

I'm talking about intense love where we will start to catch feelings within an hour of talking to each other, want to make it official asap and fall deeply in love. Love at first type kinda stuff.

Especially want someone who will want all of my attention and would get jealous of anyone else I spend time with. If you like being controlling, that's a bonus too.

Add me
Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
are you a chubby kind of guy by chance 0_0
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>About you
6ft, skinny, nerdy, sleepy, introverted, likes cute plushies
vidya, music, movies, horror movies, programming (kinda)
>Looking for
masc beefy/chubby/muscular guy who wants to chat and maybe watch movies together?

prefer older guys!
>Not looking for
skinny guys, femboys, femboy chasers, internet brainrot, weirdos
Post your birth chart.
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M 27 Bi TX

looking for young tops to jerk to my ass

tag nihoa22
Middle 20s, male, South America (not comfortable to tell ahead my country, sorry).


>About me
5' 10'' tall, skinny otter nerd naive white boy. I'm submissive and bottom-ish, although versatile if comfortable enough with someone. Definitely as autistic as sounding, pleasantly (at least I think I am) otherwise. 99% of time, often I'm fairly paranoid and feel I'm the one being a cumbersome weirdo to talk with or making you uncomfortable, even if also 90% of friends I often talk to always say the contrary. I'm particularly pompous when my mood hits for it, and I have been on therapy for the while, sorting out my personal issues, so while I'm not really deranged, it's still a fair warning to those reading this. I just wouldn't like to be rejected right off because my mind process things differently.

>hobbies/ interests
Beyond passive hobbies, I'm really just loving of talking and talking. I'm bilingual. 100% bara furry lover, generally big anthros and alike, but not limited to.

>looking for
Whether are you chubby or muscular or a mix of both or, if you're big and manly, thumbs up already. Blue-collar men, large men whose hobbies involve labor (working out, hiking, boxing), male-oriented kinds of leisure. I like both bi and gay men. If you love being paternal figure to some vulnerable boy like me, that would be great, but know I'm an adult too (we can work up on details later). Matching interests is no obligation at all.
Basically, if you ever saw pics like pic related and said "god, I wish I had that smol bf to cuddle and love with", hit me up. Nudes exchanging, yes and encouraged!

>not looking for
Aside what goes without saying (no minors, no girls), I can't really think of anyone. I guess make sure you're not short-tempered and wishing for immediate things? If it doesn't work, it's okay.

>Discord tag
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
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Gaming, music, manga, anime, fashion, cosplay, horror, movies, all that fun stuff
>looking for
Anyone interested in selling pics. More than happy to send money for some nice ones
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25/M/West Coast
>About you
Victim of the gifted child to disappointing adult pipeline. I was really mature as a kid and have only gotten more immature with age. I can be depressing and cynical but also silly and childish at times, and be a bit neurotic as well. I've also been told I have a me against the world mentality. I'm mostly easy going, and I try to suppress my depression as much as I can. Still wondering where the ducks go in the winter.
Learning about and collecting old technology. Going to arcades. I do like a bit of true crime as well and going down wikepedia rabbit holes in the middle of the night. Other than that, consooming like everyone else(Film/TV, Music, Anime, Books), I tend to gravitate towards media with dark themes. I'm not really much of a gaymer but I have played a few games. I also like 2000's nostalgia.
>Looking for
People to chat with. I'm not gonna be your e-boyfriend because that's stupid, but I am open to other stuff if I like you. If you had bad parents who left you unsupervised and watched too much adult swim growing up because of it we'll probably get along. I also wouldn't mind having people who feel just as lost as me to talk to. Or just chill people to shoot the shit with I guess.
>Not looking for
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22/M/West Coast
>About you
not much to say, currently working at a bookstore and being depressed.im 6'3, blonde hair, and decent dick, and pretty fit since i work out and play some sports.
i love to read, watch movies and discuss them, music, i collect lots of things, love to play vidya as well. i love to bike ride and can talk a lot about random shit
>Looking for
whatever comes from talking or more, im open to many things and like to meet people. am open to sexual things as well and love to be horny with others
>Not looking for
anyone over 30 really
21m tn bi
6ft bear top
i like history vidya music and gym and internet culture horror
>lf :
tgirl or a sub twink to goon erp sext and trade with
>nlf :
other tops overly hairy subs
disc : hannibaalbarca2.0
30 male australia
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
bi top
>Looking for
femboys, trans girls, sissies to mic chat
>Not looking for
regular guys
>Discord Tag

looking for trans girls, sissies and femboys to mic chat with while i encourage you to cum for me, give loving aftercare and listen to you
sometimes into softer domination
28/m/uk gay bottom. More on the fem/camp side but not enough to be considered a true "femboy". Not bad looking.

Looking for a top (ideally more masc) around my age or older.

I want someone who wants a relationship and wants to fall in love quickly and become obsessed with each other. Ideally uk based.

I'm talking about intense love where we will start to catch feelings within an hour of talking to each other, want to make it official asap and fall deeply in love. Love at first type kinda stuff.

Especially want someone who will want all of my attention and would get jealous of anyone else I spend time with. If you like being controlling, that's a bonus too.

Add me
Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
25 / male / latino
>>About you
Just a friendly dude, I enjoy getting to know new dudes and maybe even becoming friends, pretty talkative and into general nerdy stuff
I draw a lot. I enjoy anime, manga, videogames, you know, the usual nerdy stuff. Recently got into reading, I absolutely love horror
>>Looking for
Any fun chat, but I specially enjoy making friends. I'm down for horny chat if we click that way
>>Not looking for
Females, trans(or anyone on this spectrum),
a boyfriend
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32/M/US. Bi.

>Looking For
Someone fun and cute to chat and play games with. Maybe more. Someone close to the midwest would be nice.

>Not Looking For
Not after anyone who's super pessimistic all the time or anyone without a sense of humor. Not especially after fat people either.

Reading, writing, vidya, retro anime, sci-fi, fishing and fitness.

Discord Cucgf


Looking to cum and willing to cam and show my cock cumming to you, I’m straight and have been eding for hours
18 mtf europe (eastern)
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
L T (taken)
>About you
touhou, i love music, i love vocaloid, i love basically anything if im in the mood for it? i actually have started playing the guitar again which is nice, i love games, those from paradox are nice but im not so good, i kinda like playing osu and other stuff like project sekai but only casually, on the topic of gachas i do play a lot of them, like blue archive, azur lane, nikke, genshin and hsr, i like geopolitics and politics in general, we could talk about that maybe? history too is nice, i love learning languages (both alive ones and dead ones), i love conlangs, worldbuilding, talking and discussing religions, i love learning more and more about them, feel free to add and we can see where it goes!
>Looking for
long term friends, i want to find genuine people who will stick by my side, not toxicity, not sadness, no more of that, i want to find a great friendgroup and settle down
white girls, brown girls, femboys, men (maybe) who know how to control their libido and dont act like animals, going back to their base functions when they see anything resembling a female
>Not looking for
men who do that, psychos, terrorists, schizos (nothing wrong i get it its just most of the time it never even ends up working), bpdemons (never fucking add idgaf), idk just overly sucky people, i want good friends since i want to improve myself not someone who will drag me down to hell again
>Discord Tag
>About you
Open minded and mostly pretty kind and approachable. Creative and I like unique people. Quite tall and skinny, english is my first language.
Anything underground and obscure, music to art to literature.
>Looking for
Other men around my age, who are looking to make connections.
>Not looking for
Out of shape people or total perverts.
>Discord Tag
22/Bi, tending towards the gayer side/Poland
>Open to long distance (y/n)?
Yeah, I plan to move out of the country after the next year of college
>About me
I work full time in a small company that makes websites, sadly just on the frontend so i'm a codemonkey, mostly because i'm quite dumb (atleast I think so).
I'm a gym rat, professional, going to the gym daily, but also on a bulk so I ain't got a six pack sorry.
I like to do /tg/ tier worldbuilding and writing in my spare time, I'm supposedly quite good at if some people are belived. I have two 80+page google docs with my rambling, if that's all You are curious about.
Extreme introvert, the reason for why I'm writing here is because I can't stand talking with normies on dating apps, or meeting people in general.
Writing / sci fi / vidya, whenever time allows
>Songs you like
Mastadon, Alkaloid, Alleagon, Avatar, Gojira, Korn, etc, etc, I like those types of metal
>Movies and tv you like
Dune (new and old), Kaiju stuff (new and old), generally sci fi
Currently on an old sci-fi show binge so if you want to talk about farscape, stargate, babylon-5, firefly, X-files, and all that stupid shit, talk to me.
>Religious beliefs
Agnostic I suppose, though I have a rather great interest in ancient religions as a source for writing.
>Dating experience
Had a partner for a few years, the relationship broke off after I said some stupid shit while drunk, other than that terminally alone.
>Looking for
Generally anyone who is as brain rotted / terminally online as me / anyone who will bother to talk, I'm not picky, that much
>Not looking for
Obese people, sorry, not into the ideal American bodytype
Guys more buff than me - I prefer twinks / femboys in males, generally just insecure about my own body so anyone more buff is a mental turnoff.
>Contact me
doom_rider_ on discord
only anime pfps pelase


>About you
I have been having an >ASL


>About you
Threads about to die, but I have been having an unfortunate go of it as of late so I’ll post anyway. C’est la vie. Every time I post on here I get very few adds and I suspect it is because I furnish so few details about myself.

That being said, I’m the tall, quiet White kid type who sits in the back of the class. The only time I attempted to have sex with someone (not into hook-ups or Grindr) was with my ex-bf and he rejected me once he saw the framed picture of Baphomet and the SS figurines in my bedroom. That better explains who I am than rattling off adjectives. I loathe doing that because it feels so immodest and insincere.

Reading (history, philosophy, literature) and the outdoors (camping, hiking, shooting, fishing) mostly. Also video games.

I have been having an unfortunate go of it as of late. C’est la vie. Every time I post on here I get very few adds and I suspect it is because I furnish so few details about myself.

That being said, I’m the tall, quiet White kid type who sits in the back of the class. The only time I attempted to have sex with someone (not into hook-ups or Grindr) was with my ex-bf and he rejected me once he saw the framed picture of Baphomet and the SS figurines in my bedroom. That better explains who I am than rattling off adjectives. I loathe doing that because it feels so immodest and insincere.

Reading (history, philosophy, literature) and the outdoors (camping, hiking, shooting, fishing) mostly. Also video games.

>looking for
Something long-term hopefully. Ldr ok.

>not looking for

fucked that up
There's a delete button my child
28/m/uk gay bottom. More on the fem/camp side but not enough to be considered a true "femboy". Not bad looking.

Looking for a top (ideally more masc) around my age or older.

I want someone who wants a relationship and wants to fall in love quickly and become obsessed with each other. Ideally uk based.

I'm talking about intense love where we will start to catch feelings within an hour of talking to each other, want to make it official asap and fall deeply in love. Love at first type kinda stuff.

Especially want someone who will want all of my attention and would get jealous of anyone else I spend time with. If you like being controlling, that's a bonus too.

Add me
Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
>About you
Nerdy shy guy (less shy once I know someone). 6' 170 lbs, average-ish body. Tendency to grow body hair but I trim as requested
Hiking, video games, social drinking
>Looking for
Super skinny (BMI <16) guys or ripped guys. Any body with no body fat basically. Preference for skinny and bony
>Not looking for
dood4skinny on discord
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
working 30 year old guy. I like vidya and am pretty chill. Not sure what to put here.
I mainly browse /k/, I collect fire arms and play vidya. I like hiking and going to anime cons.
>Looking for
anyone who lives in texas looking to be friends or maybe more.
>Not looking for
People who ghost, people who give 1 word responses or long distance relationships.
>Discord Tag
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
gay femboi twink bottom
>Looking for
older man to own me and make me their slut
>Not looking for
anyone fem
>Discord Tag
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22 Femboy US
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay ish
>About you
22 Half-Japanese twink / femboy, live in NY work in finance!
Like to hike, read play tennis, also into history / vidya
>Looking for
Hung guys to be lewd with (bwc <3)
>Discord Tag
>23 M EST
Hello, I am currently looking for a longterm jerk buddy to play with! I am looking for someone ideally older, and with a bigger cock than my 4 incher. This person ideally would enjoy feeding big booty women and other porn. I would love to be your little perverted pawg addict! I love mic but sadly I cannot because I don't live alone.

Gaming, reading, hiking, the outdoors, cooking, any technology,

>Sexual Desires
Joi, SPH, BBC, Big booty women, twerking, tight pants, big butt cheeks, I really want you to own my little baby dicky and make me cum whenever you and your big daddy cock say so

>Favorite Women
Alexis Texas, Abella Danger, Siri Dahl, Crystal Lust, Jada Ramsey, Mandy Muse, Sophie Dee


Thanks for reading! Im looking forward to meeting you!
Don't add me. Who ever posted my ass to 4chan can go fuck themselves.

I mean, am I attracted to guys? No. Am I attracted to he idea of being topped by one and forced to take a big thick cock? Yes.

Looking for some detailed, roleplayish, sexting based around a dude forcing me to take his cock. Hopefully it'll last more than a night, but no expectations.

I'm also open to females and couples, but who are we kidding there's no actual girls messaging people on here.

Disc: yujibaka.
28/m/uk gay bottom. More on the fem/camp side but not enough to be considered a true "femboy". Not bad looking.

Looking for a top (ideally more masc) around my age or older.

I want someone who wants a relationship and wants to fall in love quickly and become obsessed with each other. Ideally uk based.

I'm talking about intense love where we will start to catch feelings within an hour of talking to each other, want to make it official asap and fall deeply in love. Love at first type kinda stuff.

Especially want someone who will want all of my attention and would get jealous of anyone else I spend time with. If you like being controlling, that's a bonus too.

Add me
Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
You two need to get together
28/m/uk gay bottom. More on the fem/camp side but not enough to be considered a true "femboy". Not bad looking.

Looking for a top (ideally more masc) around my age or older.

I want someone who wants a relationship and wants to fall in love quickly and become obsessed with each other. Ideally uk based.

I'm talking about intense love where we will start to catch feelings within an hour of talking to each other, want to make it official asap and fall deeply in love. Love at first type kinda stuff.

Especially want someone who will want all of my attention and would get jealous of anyone else I spend time with. If you like being controlling, that's a bonus too.

Add me
Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
22/MtF/Western Europe
>About me
5'11, brown (multiracial), 190 lbs but losing a lot of weight lately. MtF but currently I present as a fairly feminine twink, so be warned.
Love games based around logistics (Workers and Resources, Dyson Sphere Space Program and you can guess the rest from there). Programming nerd, pseudointellectual in many broad subjects (I always have a Wikipedia page open on, idk, the gulf war) and desperate overachiever.
>Looking for
Mainly other MtF's I can share the struggle with, but anyone interesting can hit me up. Don't mind sexual stuff but it isn't my focus as of late, although I have a really soft spot for bigger people (and I mean *big*).
>Not looking for
Old cis guys, poltards, y'know.
>tag (discord)
B (bottom)
>About you
I'm a chill masc dude who gets horny from time to time.
Videogames, gym, cooking.
>Looking for
A masc dude to be fwb with, either online or IRL if given the chance
>Not looking for
Non masc dudes, relationships, other bottoms
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18/m/midwest usa
>About you
introverted guy, rly invested in art and weirdo abstract things. trying to get better at guitar. just a general nerd. getting into psychology. slightly unhinged
gaming, music, art, writing, forests, y2k shiz
>Looking for
feminine ppl to hang out with
>Not looking for
masc dudes, minors
>Discord Tag
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30 m faggot
Total loser here willing to expose myself doing faggot stuff (ie sucking dildos, deepthroat, fucking my ass, writing stuff over my face and body) just for your entertainment!

Love being laughed at and cyberbullied by guys (especially good for bored groups of guys who want to have some fun with a real faggot like me). You can record me and ask me to do nasty stuff on vc. Can also send hundreds of my nudes.

Into all types of exposure, humiliation, degradation, being trolled... just have fun with a lolcow faggot like me!

discord tag: nerdfggt
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
hi I'm bi and chubby. im just under 6ft, 260lbs, kinda hairy
coding/Linux, music, instruments, video games (Minecraft, Bloons, cs:s, other stuff). I have a lot of weird website projects I like doing, it would be really cool to have someone to use them with
>Looking for
a bf :3 I wanna talk about our days and say good morning and play games together and everything else. I don't care where you live, I don't care if you're fake
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
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20/m/ southern california / pansegsual
>about me
im a 6'0 white guy, blue eyes and brunette
i like to play guitar and listen to music all day :p
i like car seat headrest, elliott smith, duster, radiohead, and tons of other stuff just ask. i like anything indie rock really
>interests and hobbies
i guess i just wrote about my interests and hobbies
>looking for
ideally someone to fall in love with n marry, fine with ldr if we click honestly
>not looking for
hookups, nudes, scary people, people who aren't sure what they want
decayedemo on discord
Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For
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26 m submissive looking for a Daddy

My discord is chasply
bi but gay leaning i think, still not sure :P
horny lots haha but pretty chill, rly want to become like the ideal femboy lol
love nature gaming and alcohol :3
anyone rly im just horny in chastity and rly want to become more fem
disc: snegma
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30 yo sub from Poland

I show my firm and sexy ass to everyone for free. I will also be happy to make some requests for you

Kik: AnonimJack
doesnt work :(
22m gay eu - tall, skinny, hung.

looking for a good bottom boy - preferably younger, small and submissive, who likes to explore kinks and being showered with attention :3

tag: n3ckhugger
34 m str8 USA

Just took Xanax and covered my cock with benzocaine

34/M/US/BI as hell
Wish me a happy bday tomorrow!

Gaming, watches, cars, guns, manga/anime, cooking, and a little bit of music

>Looking For
Someone I look forward to hearing from every day, pervy talk not required one bit. But I do like some flirting.

>Not Looking For
Immediate horny, people who don't like a little humor

>Basic Description Of Myself
Muscular build, average height , beard, broad Shoulders, brown eyes, big dick, chill & laid Back
>Hobbies and Interests
Video games, gym rat, anime, listening to music, watching movies, love to laugh
>Looking For
Looking for new friends, people to chat with, play games with, down for whatever
>Not Looking For
Minors obviously
>Discord Tag
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28, Male, Midwest USA
Bi / Pan
>About me
5'11, white, blue eyes, brown hair, skinny. I'm a software developer for my day job and have had too much free time lately and not enough friends to talk to, so here I am. I have a pretty bubbly personality and love laughing and talking for hours about the mundane or esoteric and learning new things.
I really like all things horror, from literature to manga to movies to games. I also love metal and emo music (I like most other genres too) and endlessly perusing new album releases online and at record stores. I'm also into studying Japanese (started in 2017), fashion, computer science, and poetry, and just watching random educational videos or documentaries online when I can't find anything to do.
>looking for
Someone nice to hang out and talk with that's close-ish to my age (anything above a 4 year gap is probably a no-go sry). I would like someone that's a good conversationalist and doesn't shy away from venting about life and stuff or geeking out about our interests together. Someone to share art and music with and learn more about each other in the process. Maybe watch movies or play games together too.
>not looking for
Constant debbie downers or people that don't take care of themselves, anyone outside the Americas (timezones sorry), people interested in sex over a friendship first, anyone with alt-right views.
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
Cyberpunk internet hermit, bit of a furry at heart (but don't do the fursuit thing). Also a bit of a misanthrope. Quiet but not shy. Very old fashioned.
Computers, machine learning, building things, strength training, reading, geopolitics.
>Looking for
I like shy guys (but who are still somewhat assertive of their interests) Younger is fine but as long as you at least somewhat have your life in order. I'm not looking to play adopt-a-neet. (and NEET is fine as long as it's only a temporary state of being) Looking for a +1 in life. A voice in the night. Someone to stream with, game with, watch movies with.. Looking for romance- long distance at first with the objective of eventually meeting if things work out.
>Not looking for
Sex-obsessed weirdos. If we click emotionally and mentally then we can start talking about sex. If you come at me waving your ass around we probably won't click- at least not on my end.
>Discord Tag
23 M Bi

treat me like a slut. I want to be totally fucking dominated, kinky and want to explore more. love spit. used to erp, haven't in a while but I think a group sesh would be fun. I love being called names
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>Discord tag:
Chubby 32 / M / Dutch / Bi
Stable diffusion, fakes of f&f's, Classical music, Programming
>What you're looking for:
Chats/pics with any big dicks/femboys/tgirls. share our favorite porn and share our pics.
>What you're not looking for:
Scat, Humiliation, Pee, Inflation, Old men
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I'm gay/bi whatever you know i swing all ways.
My name is pamir, but you can call me fagmir (haha). I like to play hard to get.
I recently got badly drunk on whiskey the night after my 19th birthday, embarrassing myself on cam with strangers ;).

add me, p.a.m.i.r
Radiohead, Bjork, Portishead, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack, Depeche Mode, Boards of Canada, Gorillaz, Susumu Hirasawa, Flying Lotus, Autechre
>Looking For
Downtempo, Breakbeat, Trip Hop, Big Beat, Electro, Ambient Techno, IDM, Drum and Bass, Ambient Dub, Illbient, Alternative Dance
>Not Looking For
Anything lewd
28/m/uk gay bottom.

Looking for a top (ideally more masc) around my age or older.

I want someone who wants a relationship and wants to fall in love quickly and become obsessed with each other. Ideally uk based.

I'm talking about intense love where we will start to catch feelings within an hour of talking to each other, want to make it official asap and fall deeply in love. Love at first type kinda stuff.

Especially want someone who will want all of my attention and would get jealous of anyone else I spend time with. If you like being controlling, that's a bonus too.

Add me
Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
kik: daddyissues796 X
23 m bi
any daddies looking for a bit fat ass to jerk to? come make me yours :3
into: sph, bbc/bwc, cumplay, feminization, spit, humiliation, etc.
disc: leakygoonpig
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>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
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Repost from mental illness thread.
30m europe
>Mental Illnesses
Diagnosed depression, undiagnosed but been told by diagnosed autists I'm likely on the spectrum, into shota/loli. KHHV.
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Death Note, Tokyo Ghoul, I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability
>Describe yourself
Loser who has realized I'll never probably have a truly good life and just kinda stopped caring about it. Not a smelly NEET, have a job and hygienic standards, just a combo of physical and mental abnormalities that means I will likely never have a normal romantic relationship in my life. But enough whining, I can be interested in nearly every topic but typically I'm heavily interested in 1 topic at a time. There are some persistent ones though - science, Fallout, cutesy depressing RPGs like Omori. I sometimes create descriptions of fictional planets in-depth trying to make them interesting and original but also scientifically possible. I love synthwave, nostalgia and weirdcore music/vibes/aesthetic.
>Looking for
Someone who actually reads this and won't be like "oh sry i don't remember ur post i reply to everyone". Someone ok with my interaction being irregular sometimes. A good natured person. Someone who'd actually be interested in shit like "oh so this planet I made up is an ocean planet getting 3x less light than Earth but due to a think hydrogen atmosphere its oceans are actually hotter than the boiling point of water at 1 atm" or me getting sentimental over anime boy characters from pixellated RPGs.I like younger femboys the most but desu you can be any age or gender. I'm bi so open to NSFW chat with either gender if we share interests but not looking for that as the main thing.
>not looking for
Boring people, scary psychos, judgemental people, people who don't really share any of my interests.
>Discord tag
Reply and I will add you.
30 M Norway
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Bi closeted switch leaning bottom.
>About you
A4 life but never explored this side of myself. Looking for anyone in Europe but ideally Scandinavia to work towards meeting irl. Start online and take it from there. I know I could just go on Grindr and find out but I am more comfortable with this.
Hiking, running, triathlon, sports generally. I know a little about a lot of things. Some gaming but don’t have much time for it. I am a therapist by trade.
>Looking for
Top/switch ideally in a similar situation as me. Could be someone also wanting to explore or someone who knows what he is doing. Could be down for couples too both MM and MF. Age or looks don’t matter that much but we will be sharing photos and stuff long before we meet.
>Not looking for
Immaturity or a life partner.
>Discord Tag
Are you Mr Crabs?
here's my tag
23/ftm/midwest us
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
b, t
>About you
student in between jobs. stoner, pierced, some tattoos. bf is out of town for a week. always excited to explore kinks, etc etc etc.
movies, film photography, rimworld, art history, music (especially into folk/country rn but i listen to anything)
>Looking for
someone older (usually!). bonus points for bears/beefy guys. please be able to carry a conversation
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
I've been a social recluse for about two year now, I had a mental breakdown two years into my last uni after being quarantined in the dorms and yadda yadda yadda im a loser ok
I suck at yapping and expressing my emotions, but I try
videoessays, RPGs, idm, jogging, GoT, basedaks, fagslop, and having a new hyperfixation every week
>Looking for
cool chill guys to talk to once in a while, guys to exchange memes with, funny weirdos
>Not looking for
gooners/sex pests
>Discord Tag
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
G/gender fluidity
>About you
Fluctuate from fem to tomyboy expression but usually horny and looking for any type of kink related fun and chatting :3 I’m really kinky and don’t mind much! I’m also into voice or cam when comfy :D love dom men as well… I’m also average bodied. Not fit, not full chub. Some belly.
Gaming/science/reading and honestly just going through the flow of life
>Looking for
Men, dirty talks, regular talks, chatting etc. I don’t mind any at all!!
>Not looking for
Fem, long term relationships or any relationships.
>Discord Tag
>>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>>About you
I have been a neet for about a year. Depression hit me like a truck. Trying to change that now.
Slightly autistic, very awkward socially, it's very hard for me to maintain a conversation.
Not fat, but out of shape (but working on that). Very hairy guy.
Mostly passive entertainment, reading, watching movies, watching random documentaries on youtube. I like chess, am around 1400 elo in chess.com. I'm a mathematician, so if you want free math lessons or want to read some math together I am down for it. Not into games or music.
It's fine if we don't have the exact same tastes, but we most likely want to have at least something in common to talk about.
>>Looking for
Friends, open to more. Long distance friendship is ok, probably best if we're in similar timezones of course. Long distance relationship most likely not.
>>Not looking for
Sex for its sake. I'm open to it, but I prefer we talk about other things.
>>Discord Tag
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25 / M / EU/Ireland
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
1.75m (5' 9") tall guy. Fit bottom, introverted, and kinda shy. I can get a bit jealous sometimes bc I'm insecure but I'm nice, I think.
Pic is me trying to show off after a cut late last year. Bulking now so no abs :(
I like going to the gym, horror movies, camping, hiking, going to different places to eat, traveling, and getting to know people.
I'm a software engineer so I like tech stuff and /g/.
I also like MtG but I'm too poor and dumb to play lol.
>Looking for
A cute US bf who wants to marry me and bring me over to the US :P I'll trade you my EU passport and get you some free healthcare.
>Not looking for
Just friendships or people who aren't open to meeting IRL in the future.
>Discord Tag
28 m usa
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
I am an all around average man. Kinda chubby but average build. Into games, movies, music, etc.
Look above
>Looking for
Im into femboys, sissies, crossdressers, and decent cocks. I'm also down to chat about interests. Just let me know what you are and want to chat about
>Not interested in
>Discord Tag
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gay, vers, twunk/jock
I'm a physics student and enjoy math, anime, manga, yaoi, sports, gym, mystery series, romance novels, gaming
>looking for
hot guys, twinks, jocks
stem friends
conversations about either my or your interests, sharing hobbies
either nsfw or sfw are cool
>not looking for
annoying, boring, untalkative people who think a convo = passively answering my questions
those who can't/don't introduce themselves after adding or say why they added me
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
I'm 5'8" and weigh 62 kgs. I'm pretty submissive, I want to hug and cuddle a guy and feel comforted but unfortunately it seems like that will never happen :(. Pretty shy and quiet until you get to know me well, at which point I'll feel comfortable being stupid around you :p.
Math, /g/-related stuff, watching /tv/ (especially horror), occasional shitposting
>Looking for
I'd love finding a boyfriend and falling in love but I know that's not going to happen. Being friends with someone would be pretty nice, I can't tell irl people I'm a fag.
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
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gay discord....
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No longer looking for friend requests. Sorry!
26/M/LAT (Soon Italy)

>About you
I am a gaymer (FPS, RPGs, Mobas, Sandbox), writer, occasional artist (bara enjoyer) and lately a gym rat. I enjoy talking about almost any topic, especially geography and existentialism (I may even guess your country). Lately into DnB, Dark-techno and Y2K aesthetic/music, feel free to shoot me your tastes too, I am pretty laid back (nsfw stuff is ok but let's not make it the only thing we can discuss).

>Looking for
Friends, either IRL or LD, something more if things get there, no hurry. Fellow gaymers, artists or furbags (furry here, but the cool type I promise). Someone that I can talk freely and any topic with, I prefer honesty and things to be frontal. (I can VC eventually after we know each other a bit).

>Not looking for
Ghosters or lurkers. Got a bunch already on my friend list and recently did a wipe. I don't mind if we didn't click just lemme know so we can move on.

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26 / F / west coast united states

Bi cis girl

Me and some friends made a horny server for sharing porn and goofing off and chilling. People are sending selfies, porn, memes, and just chatting. basically everyone's welcome (18+) pic is a sample of the kind of stuff that gets posted here

>Looking for
boys, girls, whatever. we're pretty much all bi and horny. just be nice to everyone and you'll get along great

>Not looking for
Jerks, racists, edgy incels, etc. don't show up with a WW2 pfp and insult people and then get mad when people don't want to talk to you.

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24 / mtf / us
>looking for
someone to watch movies with, share music with, I'll play any games you're into.

Will praise me, bully me, voice call with me.

You can be controlling, use me as a verbal and physical punching bag to let off steam, or just to be abusive.

Has an interest in actually bonding with me, I'd want to learn all about you. If we click I'll be completely obsessed with you.

I'm into fashion and have been told I'm attractive and pass.
>not looking for
minors, fwb, racists (jokes are ok.)

Discord: backwardsthrough
28/m/uk gay bottom.

Looking for a top (ideally more masc), ideally based in the UK but not set in stone. will relocate fo the right guy.

I want someone who wants a relationship and wants to fall in love quickly and become obsessed with each other.

I'm talking about intense love where we will start to catch feelings within an hour of talking to each other, want to make it official asap and fall deeply in love. Love at first type kinda stuff.

My ideal man would: want someone who will want all of my attention get jealous of anyone else I spend time with. If you like being controlling, that's a bonus too.

Especially have a soft spot for nerdy/right wing guys.

Add me
Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
kik: daddyissues796
Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Godflesh, Primus, Rammstein, Killing Joke, Foetus, The Shizit, Ministry, Ikd-sj, Pantera
>Looking For
Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal, Beatdown Hardcore, Ragga, Rap Metal, Digital Hardcore, Turntablism, Funk Metal, Neue Deutsche Harte, Cyber Metal
>Not Looking For
About me: 28 year old bottom from the UK. not really a nerd, but find nerds hot and want a nerd who wants to turn a 'normal guy' into his dream nerdy bf. I'm white, 5'8, slim, pretty good looking.

What I want: A *top*, nerdy/geeky guy who is looking for a serious relationship. Ideally you're dominant. Uk based would be good but would relocate for the right guy.

Bonus points if you're into politics and are right wing.

I don't mind what you look like so well as you're hygienic.

I want someone who wants a relationship, and is serious about being with someone and making it work.

Add me on:
telegram: twb96
discord: zarabp
kik: daddyissues796
fat ass curious college boy looking to talk to guys

disc: runninglow1
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One of the Jannies here is randomly deleting posts from this thread that don’t actually break any rules. Hooray
19 M (gay) MX
>About you
average guy, 5’6, 148lbs (I’m working out to get it down), long haired, brown-ish, nice butt:-)
tech stuff, programming, video games, horror movies, documentaries, learning math/new languages, exploring the world in general. also big fan of the nature; country side, beaches, mountains, hiking, farmland.
>Looking for
someone to chat with, VC, play something or just talk about whatever we both feel like. it can be sex stuff if we click but not as a first-interaction. French speaker is a plus.
>Not looking for
fem guys(sorry), weirdos, gooners.
>Discord Tag
For some reason it won't let me add you, fuck it, I'll post my tag here, it's basedillo (others interested also feel free to add me pls).
Looking for kinky sissies, femboys, crossdressers, or mtf trans. Discord: thewalkingman88_44971
25/great big weird lookin (t)f/pittsburgh
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
pan~asexual demiromantic transgender woman
>About you
journeyman guitarist ~20y. small-time adventurer. hobbyist dooder. hopeful apprentice butcher. vegan.
you are greeted by a bespectacled, oddly proportioned androgyne who flashes you a grin with a big gap in it. tattoos. pock marks. piercings. scars. big scars.
playing music, push pits, vibing at shows, not losing my glasses on the bus, saying im gonna use my nail products
>Looking for
other vegetarians/vegans/hindus, ideally...would love all your perspectives
alternatively, please catch a show or a game with me, it could be really nice
>Not looking for
nazis, "strasserists"
>Discord Tag
>Bonus song
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20/mtf/some shithole in south america
trans, bi (taken)
>About you
ex-neet, studying lingustics. a bit introverted, but open minded and talkative once i get to know someone. i can't talk to normies irl due to being "that weird kid" all my life so all my interactions are online, yet i haven't really dedicated myself to meet people online (due to anxiety and bad experiences in the past) and that loneliness bothers and bores me the whole day. so i kinda wanna start sharing my hobbies and experiences with people after years of not doing so.
music. anything regarding music. im always in the lookout for new releases/genres/artists i can dive into. genre, time period, language doesn't matter. favorites are post-hardcore, metal, pop, and anything gothic.
weeb shit, mostly what early 2010s weeb culture was like, (touhou, vocaloid, steins gate, kaiji, k-on, fate) just to give a few examples. i've been wanting to get into visual novels as well.
other interests are writing, mostly poetry, but i love just writing in one take and having it be raw thoughts. vidya of course, i have lots of games and franchises that i love, mostly pc titles, and a fascination for history, geography, language (obviously) and different things about the world.
>Looking for
long term friendships, maybe a friend group if possible. people who are just as bored and don't mind getting into nerdy conversations for hours. it doesn't have to be that serious either, just want to do whatever friends do on discord you know? vc, games, all that.
>Not looking for
anything nsfw, dating, hateful/extremist people, people who just add on discord and never respond after a few conversations.
>Discord Tag
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bi but gay leaning i think, still not sure :P
horny lots haha but pretty chill, rly want to become like the ideal femboy lol
love nature gaming and alcohol :3
anyone rly im just horny in chastity and rly want to become more fem
disc: snegma
About me: 28 year old bottom from the UK. not really a nerd, but find nerds hot and want a nerd who wants to turn a 'normal guy' into his dream nerdy bf. I'm white, 5'8, slim, pretty good looking.

What I want: A *top*, nerdy/geeky guy who is looking for a serious relationship. Ideally you're dominant. Uk based would be good but would relocate for the right guy.

Bonus points if you're into politics and are right wing.

I don't mind what you look like so well as you're hygienic.

I want someone who wants a relationship, and is serious about being with someone and making it work.

Add me on:
telegram: twb96
discord: zarabp
kik: daddyissues796
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Join our discord server! We have the hottest babes and cutest dudes on our multispectrum lgbt server! Looking for casual chats or something lewd we got you covered just say hi in the chat and you'll get orbited.

22 M bottom
looking for peeps to talk with or to get dirty with, tell me abt your fetishes i love to please
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M/23/ CenCal USA
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
Workaholic lunatic that’s emotionally unstable and unavailable. I’m pretty normal acting until you actually speak to me.
I’m very interested in politics and conspiracy theories. Philosophy and history are also fun. I also collect vinyl, drink too much, and am very into lolcow bullshit.
>Looking for
Ideally people near by the be friends with and maybe fool around on occasion. Mostly interested in people my own age but I’m open to older.
>Not looking for
Really old people I guess
>Discord Tag
29 / M / USA PA

>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)

>About you
Im someone who likes talking to people about their interests and sharing things we are passionate about with each other. Also a furry so at least be cool with that please. I can be socially anxious, especially at first, so please be patient :)

I am really passionate about a small number of things (Pokemon, One Piece, sports, Nintendo) but I have plenty of other interests outside of those. Recently getting into tcg games, as well as dabbling in music composition

>Looking for
Just friends for now, we dont have to have the exact same hobbies, but at least be willing to take an interest in each other. Would be extra cool if we were near each other to meet up

>Not looking for
People who want to be horny right off the bat, people who respond with one word answers, people who want pics right away, minors etc

>Discord Tag
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26 M Winnipeg Manitoba
>About you
I am obsessed with internet lore and surround myself with gaming, Drama and lolcows
Flight Simulator, Russian Pop Music
>Looking for
Autistic Pale E-gurls with serious issues
>Not looking for
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Bi bottom
>About you
I'm a dude who says he's straight but secretly wants to get picked down by a powerful man
Vidya, music, need shit
>Looking for
A good conversation and a great top
>Not looking for
Boring people
>Discord Tag
34 m USA married

Straight. Taking Xanax and covering my cock with benzocaine.
22 Femboy US
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay ish
>About you
22 Half-Japanese twink / femboy, live in NY work in finance!
Like to hike, read play tennis, also into history / vidya
>Looking for
Hung guys to be lewd with (bwc <3)
>Discord Tag
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18, male, United States
Asexual, Biromantic
>About you
5'10, black, chubby, black hair, dreads, dark eyes. I'm legally blind and walk with a cane, but that doesn't mean I can't feel my way into your heart.
I play video games, watch anime, and I am a relatively competent illustrator (7 or so years experience).
>Looking for
Girls or guys, don't care. Someone who is fine with asexuality. Someone who shares my hobbies and interests, preferably drawing.
>Not looking for
Anyone significantly older than me. Racists, or political extremists.
>Discord tag
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
hikki lesbian slut kek
>About you
i’m 5’3, i wear glasses, i like to read, write, calls are nice if i’m not nervous around you, i like punpun, madoka magica, the flowers of evil, nagataro, etc. i play piano, i like baking and i am very kinky lul
walks at night, reading, music, art, personal conversations!!! anything really
>Looking for
mainly trading!!!
>Discord Tag
Are there any older bottoms 30+ I can talk to? I'm straight but curious lately.
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
I've never done this before. Im huge into long detailed sexting. I'm self conscious about my voice! I'm just over 5 feet, 90lbs.
Reading, anime, food
>Looking for
Trading and long sexting with a lot of words!
>Discord Tag
>Looking for
Looking for people to jerk off together with on cam
Love watching dicks cumming
>Not looking for
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
5'9, white, total bottom from Canada. I'm a pretty busy person. Not super masc or super fem. Looking to meet a level-headed guy and see where things go. Boywife-coded.
Cooking, reading, pc gaming, hiking
>Looking for
Online chatting and getting to know eachother with the longterm goal of metting. Preferably a relationship someday.
>Discord Tag
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
phat booty bottom that can be a brat
Film, big into music, gooning, crossdressing, history, guns n shit, occasionally into vidya
>Looking for
friends, tops, femmes, idk jerk buds? idrk
>Not looking for
meanies and losers
>Discord Tag
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Bi but heavily gay leaning
>About you
Used to think I was straight, now I struggle to imagine a future where I fall in love with someone who’s not a cute boy haha. I mostly think of myself as a bottom, but I’m probably more of a switch, though I don’t have much experience with other guys at all. I’m about 5’10, skinny, long hair, white and pretty introverted. I’d rather just hang out at home than party or anything. I’m pretty fit, don’t wanna get too big though because I’m not really into masculine guys, soft, sweet boys are more my thing. I won’t lie, I struggle with a bit of a porn addiction, but I hope to get over that and be a normal person haha.
The usual I suppose, vidya: souls games, mgs, binding of isaac, anime: dbz, one piece, jojo, stuff like that. I’m a big movie buff and enjoy watching all kinds of genres from all over the world. Love tv shows too like breaking bad, better call Saul, twin peaks and stuff. I also like a lot of different sports, don’t really have a professional team a root for but I just like watching games.
>Looking for
Someone to fall in love with. Hopefully get to know each other, find similar interests, share experiences and become close. I want to be someone’s world and have that person be mine. Holding each other and saying “I love you” sounds like a dream~ I’m mainly interested in softer twink type guys, hopefully around my age lol
>Not looking for
Super masculine dudes, sorry but I like cuter stuff better :3 Also not looking for someone just looking to jerk off together and stuff, I’m wanting more from this
>Discord Tag

>discord needs a hashtag
Idk if I’m stupid and not understanding what you’re saying, but I don’t have a hashtag anywhere in my name :/
34m bi looking for nice cock and ass. Hirny abd looking to stroke to what yiu send
Ki lookinfuntimez
Discord removed them over a year ago
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18 femboy looking for cute boys/girls and cut cock to trade with
I love showing off my thick ass cheeks and making guys hard
HMU discord/kik: thickfemboycheeks
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21 m nz
disc: snegma
femoby but wanna become more fem
rly curious and wanna explore stuff ;) also a virgin
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>about you
>looking for
bf to go on mundane dates, fold paper airplanes and stroll around a boutique store
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30 M Ireland Bi
Looking for chats mates possible real life dates.
Looking for bottoms twinks fems submissives etc.
>Turn ons
soft vore, tentacles, milking (cock and breasts ///), micro/macro, groping/molestation/soft non-con, furry x human, pokefur, exhibitionism, blackmail play, wet and messy (lotion, oil, slime, etc.) mpreg cuckolding(both sides), fatplay, sex to music, otherwise open to many other things, let's experiment <3
>Turn offs
Feral, bestiality, toilet play, hopeless subs and betas, passive partners and everything too violent or bloody ;w;
>What do you want to do with your potential new friend?
I'm looking for a new partner to frequently voice lewd/sex with and to unwind at the end of the day, sharing some comfy hours and love together~ If you're looking for a squishy, chubby femboy as a sidedish or discord gf, don't be shy ;3 native english and german speakers heavily preferred, older partners also preferred~ or people looking for a discord voice gf ;3
>Not looking for
People unwilling to voice, looking for trading pics or want to get fed, people who want to cam, people below 18 ofc, people who speak English as second language~
>Time zone/location and scheduling
>Discord tag if you are feeling brave
>Do you top or bottom? (or Sub/Dom status)
actual switch :3 I enjoy both sides
bored af tonight, any group of friends want to laugh at me and do some bullying?
discord: nerdfggt
I'm normally straight. But I want to suck and get fucked. Just don't tell my girlfriend. If you're willing to chat and send pics my discord is thewalkingman88_44971
Watch me cum and pick how and where I do it!

It’s Friday night after all.

Cam is perfect and I want you to keep yours off, just watch me


Disc: isgild
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22/M(gay)/ON (Canada) - NY

>about me
5’4” gay, thin, dark hair but usually in a buzzcut. I’m pale but not 100% white. I have facial hair. I’m usually told I’m fairly attractive as well :]

I’m an artist, I make traditional art, graphic design stuff and videos. I really like music and listen to a lot of western pop, K/C/J-Pop, and indie/experimental rock + electronic. Other general interests include zoology, psychology, TV/movies, and broad 4chan/internet culture.

>looking for
Cool dominant/masculine men that live somewhat close and want to go on dates. I really want to see someone semi-regularly irl and build a lasting relationship with them. I don’t care what race you are but it would be cool to talk to a brownoid like myself lol

>not looking for
Women, feminine people in general, one time hookups, self proclaimed severe mental illness. I don’t want people who almost never respond to messages or randomly ghost for days on end. I am serious about the last one.

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B (bottom)
>About you
I'm a chill masc dude who gets horny from time to time.
Videogames, gym, cooking.
>Looking for
A masc dude to be fwb with, either online or IRL if given the chance
>Not looking for
Non masc dudes, relationships, other bottoms
23 male Europe
>>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)

>>Looking for
I wanna sext with dom guys about BDSM, cucking, serving, humiliation stuff like that.

>>Not looking for

>>Discord Tag
Bump, bored on a weekend
25 / male / latino
>>About you
Just a friendly dude, I enjoy getting to know new dudes and maybe even becoming friends, pretty talkative and into general nerdy stuff
I draw a lot. I enjoy anime, manga, videogames, you know, the usual nerdy stuff. Recently got into reading, I absolutely love horror
>>Looking for
Any fun chat, but I specially enjoy making friends. I'm down for horny chat if we click that way
>>Not looking for
Females, trans(or anyone on this spectrum),
a boyfriend
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20 m Southern California
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
loser neet
vidya, books, and sleeping
>Looking for
gay friends to flirt with and play vidya with
>Not looking for
league players (you’re all mentally ill)
>Discord Tag
24/M/NC, USA
Vidya, history, food, visual novels, furry, older movies and shows macabre things, learning about random things
>looking for
idk hit me up if any of that sounds okay to you
>not looking for
people who don't like any of that
paddywackratpack (on discord)
I'm not good at voice chatting
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25 M Canada

>about me
Nasty faggot gooner looking to ruin their life!! (Video is meee)

>What I'm looking for
Help me do things that I'll instantly regret, like making myself go infertile or other fun games!!

Please send me encouragement and the best ways to ruin myself permanently!!!!

>What I'm not looking for
I'm okay with anything except loli, blood, or scat! (especially love things that pertain to going permanently limp, new and exciting ways to torture my balls, risky, or even nasty suggestions to do, etc)

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>About you
Femboy, pretty laid back
Videogames, mainly
>Looking for
Almost anything really
Kelly4087 (Discord) And Kellycd454 (kik)
m18 lvl
searching for someone into medical rp (sub), gender doesn't really matter, but preferably someone who'll play nurse.
mostly i'm into medical procedures, restraints, enemas, intubation, palpation, ultrasound and endoscopes. aside from med related is tummies, feet, oviposition, maybe inflation and very (very) limited watersports.
open to almost anything, just be gentle and no hardcore stuff

discord - vanuchkaaa
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
Chill Hung top
Reading, Video game, 3d printing, 3d modeling, working out
>Looking for
People in their 20's with the same interests and looking for a good time, looking for cool people to be horny and play games with.
>Not looking for
Drama, older people,racists,dumb shit.
>Discord Tag
26, male, Europe, mostly bottom, bi
Usually late evening to night (or early morning if weekends) - CET
>Brief desc
Slim, tall guy, really wanna get off with some cute anon(s). Would like to talk dirty, maybe show off, I have a nice ass and feet. Something fast preferably.
>Sexual interests/kinks
Buttjobs, thighjobs, rimming, oral, rough, verbal (being called a slut/etc.), but also really enjoy seeing other guys or girls' butts/legs.
"Caging", feminization, scat, guro, or anything gross/malicious, NTR/"cuckolding", weird stuff, I don't cam
>Looking for
FWB who are generally nice, whom I could get along with. Am welcome to trans/NB and anyone wanting for me to show off. Anime profile pics get a plus.
>Not looking for
Politics talk, ghosters, people with no profile pic, romance, anyone unpolite, dick pics that were never solicited. I can adapt to your fetishes to a degree.
I can talk about anything, and I don't mind if you would rather get to know each other. I like music. If I don't reply right away I might be asleep/busy.
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24 mtf east coast
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
trans, bi
>About you
5'2, currently a neet, sleep schedule is nonexistant, if i click with someone ill talk too much. coding nerd
watched over 250 horror & thriller movies, VN enjoyer (when i actually have the brain power to read), mostly been playing a shitton of singleplayer games recently but i play league and some other competitive games. i enjoy reading a bunch of yuri manga and watching random anime
>Looking for
someone to talk to with some similiar interests
>Not looking for
idunno, don't have a default discord pfp i guess
>Discord Tag
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
Work 9-5, and when home, I'm busy cleaning and being lonely, so I'm hoping this post can help fix it somewhat
I'm usually just minmaxxing Elden Ring/Dark Souls 3 builds like an autist, if not, I'm on YouTube, or/jp/
>Looking for
Gay Twink bottom to befriend, cuddle, and do that gay, cuddly lewd stuff with
>Not looking for
Hairy, unwashed married men posing as sissies or femboys looking to get off by sending me.nightmarish nudes
Talking cumdumpsters with emotional attachment to anything
>Discord Tag
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Bumping. I won't be available until later in the evening CEST (so in about 4 hours). I'd like a casual chat, maybe we can be lewd as well though, let's see.
44 sissy seattle needs traininng.

Wife doesn't know... eeek... corrupt me..abcx

discord: littlerainbowcakeya1
19m bwc let’s chat, compare, have fun. Into incest
Kik lazi564
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>About me
I’m a bi but gay leaning total bottom who lives with my parents and works from home, so kind of a shut-in haha. Looking for top and verse guys I can chat and sext with. Happy to let out my inner subby slut and show off for you in pics and vids ;)

I hate leading the conversation all the time. I love being pursued by someone with dominant tendencies who knows what they want and how to ask for it.

Got an otter-type body, kinda skinny but soft i guess with a juicy butt and reasonable amounts of body hair.
Vidya, history, reading, playing guitar, running. Also dabble in writing sometimes…

Pretty kinky, like chastity, gooning, being submissive, exhibitionism, dirty talk.
>looking for
Open to all ages, heights, body types, hairiness, locations, etc etc. Only thing you HAVE to have is a nice dick (sorry, kinda a size queen aha). People who are good at dirty talk and leading a conversation to the front!
>not looking for
Meets, face pics (you or me), monogamy, anything serious, needy people. I don’t expect instant responses and don’t give them either. You gotta be cool with sporadic messages over a longer period of time. Let’s just be virtual fwbs ;)
eachopeach on discord
Hung 18m, neeeeed boys with fat asses, feel free to hmu
kik is deslocuda
22m Gay

I want friends I can rant to about music, video games, language learning, or just life in general. I think talking is equally enjoyable as sex and am looking for people who are also down for it.

Tag: warc1to
19 bi m
Would really love to be sent huge futa (especially anything horsecock) to edge and leak over or sent hung trans, pegging, sissy, Hypnos, musk, babecocks, belly bugles, monsters, hentai beast, BD toys or any big dildos/dicks gaping and pounding holes and even more. I can tell you what my horny mind is thinking about what id want to do/how id want to be used with each thing sent too, hot to know my thoughts turn you on.
Also can show my fat virgin ass and love to hear or be shown how I should be used or be hot if anyone can trib or babecock me.
More kinky the better.

Please tell me what you want to do. Discord kinkycrazed
19m bwc let’s chat, compare, have fun. Into incest
Kik lazi564
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18m, US


>About You
Socially inept nerd, love listening to people rant about their niche hobbies

I'm into DC, D&D, video games, card games, board games, anime, cooking, the weather, hiking, and playing instruments

>Looking For
Horny nerds or cute older guys

>Not Looking For


Pic related
I like it
25 M Canada

>about me
Nasty faggot gooner looking to only get worse!!! (Pic is meee)

>What I'm looking for
Abuse me! Bully me! Blackmail me! Expose me! Make me do nasty, and degenerate things!!

Please send me encouragement and the best ways to ruin myself permanently!!!!

>What I'm not looking for
I'm okay with anything except loli, blood, or scat! (especially love things that pertain to going permanently limp, new and exciting ways to torture my balls, risky, or even nasty suggestions to do, etc)

28 m uk
>about me
White, 5"8 bottom gay guy. Work in marketing. Social, outgoing, not bad looking.
Music, history, politics, festivals, travelling
>looking for
Looking for a dominant guy for a relationship ideally. I want a guy who likes control and power and wants a relationship with a high level of kink and dom/sub dynamics.

Especially interested in guys who are white, and nerdy and right wing guys.
>not looking for
Bottoms, guys who just want something casual
telegram: twb96
Discord: zarabp
Kik: daddyissues796
>32 / M / Nevada
>Black, 5'10, Slim but fit build, Feminine & Gothic aesthetic / style, Black Hair
>A little shy, good listener, tries to be understanding & patient, & relatively friendly.
>Art/Drawing, Video Games, Anime, Documentaries, Working Out / Gym
>Loves to laugh
>Into Alternative Rock & some Metal music
>Would enjoy having a partner to just make feel appreciated and loved. And to encourage as they go on with their gym
>Video Games (Tekken, Soul Calibur, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, Ratchet & Clank, etc. I mostly like Platformers and fighting games and am more of a retro gamer)

Looking For (The art is just rough mock-up of the kind of guy I'm into lol)
>Male only
>25 to 40
>Muscular Guys (I especially love Bodybuilders - and yes, I'm okay with "gear" )
>Into nerdy stuff (anime, video games, etc)
>Into Rock and/or Metal music (I just would like to have some music taste in common)
>Long Hair (though it's not required, I just can't deny that I find long, well-taken care hair attractive on a guy lol)
>Enjoys showing off their gym results, especially on their leg days (to which I will shower with praise lol)
>Alternative Aesthetic (Not required but I just feel that guys with a slightly alternative look to them will be more likely to be okay with someone like me)
>Loves to laugh at and show stupid memes (I'm that person myself, I love a good dumb meme)
>Likes guys who are smaller and more feminine than him.
>Caring & sweet guy

Overall I'm just looking for a nerdy musclebro who likes feminine guys

My Discord is Decadenttwilight
Oops I did it again
>About you
Nerdy shy guy (less shy once I know someone). 6' 170 lbs, average-ish body. Tendency to grow body hair but I trim as requested
Hiking, video games, social drinking
>Looking for
Super skinny (BMI <16) guys or ripped guys. Any body with no body fat basically. Preference for skinny and bony
>Not looking for
dood4skinny on discord
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vidya (horror, grand strategy, fps, league) politics, history (1400s-1800s, Roman/Greek, Hittite/pre greek anatolia) knitting, gardening, music (R&B, euro-, hyper-, pop, shoegaze)
>looking for
fwiends that i can vc with, text, play vidya with that are not weird or horny 24/7, i dont mind casual flirtation but-
>not looking for
a relationship, women, old men (30+), gooners/bators or anybody in that cringe "subculture"
Hey everybody,

28/M here. I have seriously been considering transitioning for the past few years but fighting with myself over it. I think being a woman would bring me everything I want out of life but I’m terrified to take that leap, what if it doesn’t work out how I had imagined. Or what if I’m too late, or too ugly.
Also as stupid as it sounds, money has always been an issue and something that has hindered me.

Idk what I’m looking for here, maybe just someone to chat with, explore this, possibly figure out if I should just finally do it.

Anyways thank you, love you all!
Discord: macabre_queen

dude go to a tranny place, this is for gays
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Bi prefer boys tho
>About you
Just a guy that gets attached too quickly (probably too young to be here)
Im really into linux/computers/tech in general, i play vidyia like stardew valley, minecraft, terraria and genshin, i also play some sports
>Looking for
Nice cutesy people
>Not looking for
horny 24/7
>Discord Tag
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20 M looking for a confident, manipulative, and abusive dom; ideally a hypnotist or someone with similar interest in taking control over someone mentally and having his way with them. I'm not the sort of sub to comply immediately but if you're confident, domineering, and manipulative I'm sure we could work out fairly well. Posting an alt for privacy reasons but I'll give you my main if we get along well.
picture of me (hairy but I'd like to think I'm decently shaped): https://files.catbox.moe/zdd8dm.jpg

oh god i threw up in my mouth. fuck this thread.
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20/femboy/US chronically tired nerd


- Anime (if u cant tell by my discord name im super into fate)
- Vtubers & vtubing
- Programming (CS student, love low-level languages like C)
- Music (listening and performing)
- Plushies

>Looking for
- affectionate people
- outgoing people. i tend to be a lil bit quieter / introverted but can yap lots when needed

>Not looking for
- meanies unless it's playful bullying
- only lewd (im a person too! i like genuine connections)
- people who need constant attention. i tend to get a lil busy with uni and work but i'll always let u know when im gonna be away for a bit

bump + I FOUND MY GLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>bonus song
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26 M Winnipeg Manitoba
>About you
I am obsessed with internet lore and surround myself with gaming, Drama and lolcows
Flight Simulator, Russian Pop Music
>Looking for
Autistic Pale E-gurls with serious issues
>Not looking for
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Skinny dweeb with unkempt curly ginger hair, ppl call me cute but i think im a little ugly desu

Rlly like vidya obv, into history/political stuff (not a chud i swear) listen to a lot of bad music, open to listening to even more lel, i really enjoy like those lost media/internet creepy mystery rabbit holes, watch too many lolcow stuff and adjacent brainrot

looking for a bf honestly preferable, frens are great tho too ofc, into honestly lots of types of guys. Twinks! Musclely guys! MtFs are completely fine too! Twunks are prob my kryptonite tho

Only ppl im NOT into are bears/fat guys. sorry im not being mean its just not my thing guys, plenty of people are into u tho

I lean bottom but like to touch my peepee too so i could prob go either way

my disc is cam2782 dont feel anxious or wtver to talk to me, if ur weird or wtver ill let u know kek, wont just block you

pic rel is me and theres plenty more if u wanna see!
holy shit this thread has been especially disgusting/weird compared to the previous gay dating generals, would be embarrassing to post at this point... what the fuck
27 m uk

Im just looking for some nice cock, bonus points for cut

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agree, every post should only mention needing someone to hug and cuddle
female 2 male
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
g t
>About you
mentally ill boy.. will obsess over you very easily!
true crime, animatronics, clowns, canines, bad movies, postal, ranfren, resident evil 7, and moar
>Looking for
offputting, obsessive, posessive, mentally ill guys
>Not looking for
women or nsfw
>Discord Tag
Kay, if your still around gimme a reply and I'l give tag.
Sure thing, here's my tag.
kinda hard to believe someone attractive would actually be in the thread
>About You
Guess you'll have to find out
Art, travel, anime, sport, reading, etc

>Looking for
Needy guys that are desperate to please me and get my approval. I'll probably be slow to reply and hard to satisfy, but deep down you kinda crave that sort of treatment and thrive on it. If you're a rich guy looking to waste your cash, even better.
>Not Looking For
Crazy people

Am I making this post as a silly troll? Am I serious? Do you think this is the stupidest fucking post ever but also you're grossly intrigued?

Post your discord as a reply and i'll message you.
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18 mtf UK
>about you
18 year old diaperfur trans girl new to using the chan :3
>looking for
dommy diaper daddies wanting to discipline a stinky widdle girl like me :3
>not looking for
pathetic beta losers
This isn't them, obvious prank post
You have no idea how much I need that right now.
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I've got a pretty good idea of it, unfortunately
You and me both anon, in the end were all just looking for someone to pour our love into
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
neurodivergent furfag who likes to fly drones and take photos
drones, photography, tech
>Looking for
M frens, anyone who is chill :3
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
.phoke (with the dot)
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5'6 115lbs
>About you
neurodivergent furry. hypersexual freak
art, tech, gaming
>Looking for
older guys ideally, not necessarily though. just send me rape threats and I'll probably send nudes back.
>Discord Tag
pic is me
What part of the UK?
We are a diverse freedom of speech with no ban policy (unless you're extremely obnoxious and nobody wants you in). Join you homosexuals

19m Philippines
g bottom
>about me
freeky bratty fem-catboy who DESPERATELY needs a dom master. not horny, js need a master who can spoil and make me happy hehe ~ :3
i can tell u more ab me on my inbox o.O
pc gaming like league, valorant, and tft
fashion >w<
education (im a nerdy loser o-o)
>looking for
a dom master who can tame bratty me hehe :3
>not looking for
horny incels who look for one thing ... (ew ;w;)
>discord tag
23/M/US (Colorado)
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Bi/pan (bottom)
>About you
Employed college student, too busy for a relationship but still have sexual needs. Kind of hypersexual, I’m fit and submissive and like sexual attention.
Gaming, outdoors/exercise, having sex with men
>Looking for
Tops in CO. Hopefully somebody clean, safe and kinky to be fwb with. Also down to chat about our experiences if not local
>Not looking for
Trading/pic collectors. Crazy ppls or fat guys.
>Discord Tag
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Asexual Homoromantic (Greysexual or whatever, only into kink)
>About you
Chubby pale tall dude, wear my weight well.
Thought I found someone who I really connected with but that ended recently. Sad and taking my time to get back to me. Could use a friend, or tentatively hopeful to start something new at a slow pace (Trying to leave that situation I mentioned with no baggage ).
Adhd as fuck with a whole bunch of hobbies, games, tv, movies, anime, books, etc and pretty much any genre you can think of. Would like to share that with someone. Love rpgs. I also like hiking and would love someone that wants to encourage a healthier lifestyle despite my chubby frame.
>Looking for
I’m into any body type other than slim, into masculine dudes. If you want sex, only can get off to kink / bdsm so uh… unless that’s the route you wanna go down looking for friends.
>Not looking for
Slim & or trans identifying. Have a lot of those type of friends would like someone I share interests with.
>Discord Tag
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gorgeous funny genius twink
cooking, music, fishing
>looking for
people funny and or horny enough to hold my attention
> not looking for
old and or guys hardcore into feminization

21/m/hell(South africa, wanna relocate obv)
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay (I like regular and fem guys)
>About you
A lonely but sweet soul looking for friends and a partner to give meaning to endless struggle of my life. Very open person who never ignores. I'm a tall masc thin white guy with dark hair. Dom but not a coomer.
Ultra nerd into history philosophy languages religion computers metal/rock anime horror movies hiking casual games etc.. basically everything lol
>Looking for
Friends to chat about anything and a potential relationship with someone who appreciates affection and gives it too (start ldr but I'm able and willing to move anywhere in EU or NA for love, nearly did with my ex), furries are fine too, I'm a very open person
>Not looking for
Mean people, ghosters, people who never talk, overly sexual coomer types
>Discord Tag

Versatile Pansexual

>About you
I have slim & well trimmed body.Im loving, caring, honest and loyal person. And I'm a neuro divergent person with autism, ADHD and Bipolar. Sometimes my text could be look dry or different because I'm not good at holding conversation.

Movies/show mainly western stuff, not really into anime.
Novels & poems are love.
Psychology, philosophy,politics.

>Looking for
I want mainly 2 types of people right now 1st who wanna love someone and build a healthy & meaningfull relation. And 2nd who just wanna do dirty thinga like sexting, watching porn & fapping together l, sharing nudes, VC, etc. If you're either one of there then come text me.
Plus I have mommy issues too so moms are always welcomed.

My TG @cristian_4883
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The Gaygenerates is a server i made a while back for gaymers like myself with the idea of it bein a place people can hang out and stream and there isnt like cliques and a place for people who arent offended at everything.
A shame you're not accepting requests anymore. I'm not gonna post my main tag here because everyone's looking for just sex. But I'm male (AMAB), taken, and I'd love to talk about music -especially metal-, languages, 2hu and whatnot
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reposting from discord cuz im lazy

>hobbies, interests, whatever
I work full time and I spend pretty much every hour I'm awake listening to music so I'm down to trade music or just give recommendations
I love movies and tv shows
I like video games too but I haven't been playing many lately because of work and stuff
>looking for
people to watch movies with or maybe play video games
music frens
annnnd maybe a relationship or something
>not looking for
idk just don't be mean that wouldn't be cool
Femboy desperately looking for anyone longterm who wants to see me show off my slutty panties n bras and goon to any sorta porn/hentai we want! i’ll be horny all night, so plz hmu~ (prefer fem and trans) ;) discord
kik: Sefho9

>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
Poetic high-energy nihilist. I've probably got something to say about something that you'll find interesting. I kinda have the vibe of a grungy 2000's 'older brother' kinda guy, if you're into that. Some people have told me I'm very handsome or beautiful, and others have described me as the raggedy school-shooter type.
Hoping to get into chemistry; I don't really have many hobbies rn.
I listen to a lot of music, stuff like Korn, Burzum, SOAD, Mindless Self Indulgence, Negative XP, Linkin Park, Pantera, Deftones.
>Looking for
It doesn't matter if you want me to dominate you, submit to you, comfort you, etc. I can be anything, come divest me of my loneliness and I'll take care of you.
>Not looking for
Guys who are pretty ugly or overweight. Face is more important than body imo. If you give short responses or take a long time to respond, please don't bother. That being said my standards aren't too high I think?
>Discord Tag
22 M

5'5 113 pound twink looking for a top

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21 NZ bicurious virgin
wannabe femboy looking to be feminised broken and so much more pls.
disc snegma
26 y/o indian twink into piss play, ABDL. looking for a black hairy master to be his slave. willing to edge myself on cam.

into scally lads/gymbros/junkie guys who like to humiliate cute boys, wanna to be bullied by mean straight guys

Agreed 100 fucking percent
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19, ftm

>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)

Kanye supporter, roblox and genshin player, art/drawing/painting, horror games

>Looking for
friends that dc if I lewd or not

>Not looking for

>Discord Tag
21 / m / TX
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Mostly gay
>About you
Thin pale bottom
Nerdy stuff
>Looking for
Tall or well built tops with big cocks to suck :3 preferably confident n dominant!
>Not looking for
IDKKKK lol don't be a mean bean
>Discord Tag
34 m str8

Took some benzos and I'm feeling subby

Disc is silverjay2345
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Finland 24
I love rape!!!

Disc: Denkonite
Cock is covered in benzocaine and I'm gooning
Reading this thread while looking for someone with a semblance of maturity is one of the most depressing things I've ever done.
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>About you
The Michael Jordan of being a counter cultural Christian
Christianity, prayer, setting up accounts I soon after abandon on obscure social media platforms, extremity in art, the decline of the west, Neo folk music, hypnagogic pop, working on a zine currently, feel free to ask me about it
>Looking for
men, with hair on their chest, and real scars if you catch my drift
>Not looking for
Anti art cretins, people unwilling to read my writing, cultural marxists, marxists, anyone who aligns with mainstream left wing thought, people who vote, agp weirdos, bisexual men, women, ((women)))
>Discord Tag

M 29 bi bottom looking to meet long term jo buds, cam, swap, edge, etc. let’s have fun
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Think I’m turning gay for bbc
Can’t stop Gooning my small dick to black cock.
Now all I want to do is make one cum

Wtf does that even mean
Bump I guess
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Discord Cucgf
Kik cucgfcuc

M/straight willing to cam and cum/ even moan for soft soles, been edging now I want a guy to show his soles and make me cum
28 m uk
>about me
White, 5"8 bottom gay guy. Work in marketing. Social, outgoing, not bad looking.
Music, history, politics, festivals, travelling
>looking for
Looking for a dominant guy for a relationship ideally. I want a guy who likes control and power and wants a relationship with a high level of kink and dom/sub dynamics.

Especially interested in guys who are white, and nerdy and right wing guys.
>not looking for
Bottoms, guys who just want something casual
telegram: twb96
Discord: zarabp
Kik: daddyissues796
28 m usa

Closeted sissy fag. Can't stop myself from wearing ladies clothes and playing with my ass and clit. Need a dominant man to make me a kept slut. I want to serve you on the regular.

Disc: gooner_3342
Discord Cucgf
Kik cucgfcuc

Straight guy, looking to cum to sift soles, willing to go in cam with a gay guy who shows feet/soles/socks and make him watch me cum and moan on vc??
How right wing are we talking about here?
30 m sweden
Bi/pan. Very kinky, very submissive, love being lewd in general.
Used to post in trap threads and similar here on 4chan 10~12 years ago. Have been quite sexually open minded and kinky all my life

I like food, drinks, cocktails, tv series, gaming, movies, all things nerdy, all things horny and lewd also politics. Im interested in most things =]

I dont know what Im looking for, just bored sometimes in general. Can be horny sometimes too if you wanna add me for some lewd fun erp or chat or similar.

Not looking for trading pictures and sending nudes. It was fun 12 years ago, not for me right now.

disco tag:
Femboy showing of bubble butt to big dicks! kik: brattyo123
Bi Switch Arab looking for a BWC switch into raceplay. Add me xxwbz
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22 m bottom

>about me
short attention span, hyperactive, light brown hair and brown eyes.

i like reading, playing weird jrpgs, bad 80's movies and baking

>looking for
I get bored very often so i'm mainly looking for other people to talk with and make friends. Maybe something more if we hit it off
bonus points if you have old trashy movies to show me

also like hearing people out so you can gush out abt your interests and i'll be happy

>not looking for
don't be turbo weird

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26 m USA submissive looking to be owned

Discord is chasply
19 bi m
Would really love to be sent huge futa (especially anything horsecock) to edge and leak over or sent hung trans, sissy, Hypnos, musk, babecocks, bbc/blacked, belly bugles, cum inflation, monsters, tentacles, hentai beast, BD toys or any big dildos/dicks gaping and pounding holes and even more.
I can tell you what my horny mind is thinking about what id want to do/how id want to be used with each thing sent too, hot to know my thoughts turn you on. Tell me if you want to hear that or not.

Also can show my fat virgin ass and like to be sent porn of how you think I should be used and abused, more degrading, humiliating and kinky the better And love if possible any edits, babecocks or tribs done to my ass too

Please tell me what you want to do.
Discord kinkycrazed
check your discord.
28 m Ireland
Lean more towards bottom, bi
>Physical Description
189cm/6"3, 76kg, black hair, green eyes, decently attractive
Open minded, daydream a lot, emotionally intelligent, understanding, talkative, melancholic when alone, more excitable when in company.
Outdoors, reading, listening to music, languages, astrology, pets.
>Looking for
Someone my age or older to talk with and hopefully meet up one day. Maybe more if we click really well.

Just looking to share some pics of myself, bit of horny posting, watch you cum ;p

kik: FemboyZebra
i lewd with women**
Do you have a discord, cutie pie?
At it again
What are your favorite jrpgs? You might be a guy after my heart.
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27 cis f southern California
lost my opportunity to lose my virginity because the man I was e-dating turned out to prefer men/femboys

looking for bi men to either make me get worse or help me get better. I'm deeply depressed so do whatever you want

discord tag is chickenclaw3
Annoying faggot ass bitch
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30 m Blackpool UK
>about me
norf twink with long hair and blue eyes
cooking, computer games, cosplay
>looking for
big muscular men
>not looking for
skinny boys
disc: quinn90
Avoid, catfish.
I wanna boyfriend who is obsessive and will coddle and will be a genuine sweetheart and will all that bad thoughts go away >_<

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>about me
Feel free to ask anything
Im actually introvert, boring and akward but ill try my best, i promise!!
I like regular things such as music, films, series, games and so
I also like reading, cooking (specially baking), anime and working out
Also into biology, astronomy, chemistry and mythology
>looking for
Anyone cute actually :) girls, feminine boys, trans, any gender!
We can chat or maybe play some games
Frindship open to a relationship would be ideal but im ok with just regular or lewd friendship.
I would ask you to be completely honest, nothing gets me mad
>not looking for
Regular/masc guys trying their luck
>Discord Tag
Join my gay server

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25/M/Texas (am Dutch though)
>About you
5’11/180cm, twinkish, on the skinnier side but still fit. White, thick blonde hair. I still look like I’m 19-20.
I’ve traveled a ton to different countries, I like camping, I lived off grid in a van for nearly a year. I play the drums, and use to be in a few very small death metal bands. I like old cars (especially volvos), and really silly memes. I work on big engines for a living. I don’t really play games, other the war thunder, old beta Minecraft or osrs a few hours here and there, I’m usually too busy. I paint every once in a while, I could show you if you want. Currently in been a little down, but I’m working on it, so much stuff to overcome it feels like. But I’m chugging along!
Oh, I also like cheesy B movies, so 80s scifi
>Looking for
Something meaningful! Friendships maybe even more! I prefer guys that are on the twinkish side. Or even trans ftm, which are cool! Maybe hugs and cuddles c:
>Not looking for
Coomers! Ghosters or friend collectors

If you add me from this thread, please mention it in your message, thanks!
5'7, Latino, 6 inches, Masc Face, Long Hair
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay, Repper with dysphoria that comes and goes weekly
>About you
NEET currently taking some online bootcamps for IT & applying for work.
Metal (OSDM, Doom, Death Doom, Gothic & MeloDeath), Electronic (Darkwave, IDM, Neoclassical Gothic, Ambient, Industrial, DNB / Breakcore, Noise / Power Electronics), Neofolk & Post-punk
Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Skyrim, Counter Strike, Team Fortress 2, Boomer Shooters, Emulation, Garry's Mod, & Doom Modding
>Other interests/Hobbies/
Lifting, Edging, Reading, Grinding, Biking, Amatuer Photography, & watching some horror movies.
>Looking for
Gay, Bi, & Trans friends, like minded weirdos... & maybe more
>Not looking for
sensitive people who might be uncomfortable with my views on race / religion, randomly asking for nudes & idiots.
>Discord Tag
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19 M MX
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
just an average latino guy looking, 5’5-5’6 140lbs, body pic related(was 144 on that one) (working on getting it down to 130 at least or so)
brown-ish, long black hair, brown eyes.
into all tech stuff, programming, reading, nature, math, learning new languages, video games (?)
>Looking for
someone 20+ (imma turn 20 this year) friends to vc, talk about whatever, or someone actually looking for something serious:-)
>Not looking for
sexting or lewd stuff right away, younger, weirdos, other bottoms.
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25 male USA
>About you
I'm gonna be real and straight up admit I'm an alcoholic not really gonna hide it
Get off work game watch YouTube and then get plastered and fap
Love gaming and playing fallout 4/76 and several other mmos like eso and the division and also watching star trek one of my biggest hobbies besides shitposting here ofc
>Looking for
Bf or gaming/ other frens
>Not looking for

LGBTQA+ Fur Friendly Server! Tonight is a very special night and we're having a party in the VC. We'd love to have you join!
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
masc looking switch loser with not much going on
6'3, dark brown hair, brown eyes and deep set hooded eyes
natural sciences, technical manuals and academic papers, fringe science
music wise i like midwest emo, mincecore, noise, idm and neofolk
>Looking for
ldr mostly but friends r fine ig. be willing to meet up eventually
>Not looking for
server invites, friend collectors, low effort convos
>Discord Tag
19 mtf

Don't add this person they are underaged
i am not lmfao fuck off i can send my id to anyone who asks
i know ur the guy i blocked
this nigga is a fucking fed, honeypot will send cp
bi girl with lots of kinks
>looking for
subs with small cocks who are looking to be dommed, edged and fucked, good bois
>Not looking for
anyone who isn't white, or less than 25, people who don't vc retards
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I'm still looking for my subs
last one cummed on his car

Hi, this is not me. I posted someone else’s tag in a fit of rage. Please mods delete this, and please no one add them. I am deeply sorry for what I did to them.
Fed server, also one of the admins named Wings 007 posted Lolicon, just to give a heads up
You're mean.
I'd love a genuine Discord server for like... chats and shooting the shit about life, but stuff like this freaks me out. :(
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A hot bottom :3
>looking for
masc beefy/chubby/muscular top to send me hot pictures of their dicks (There is a reward for you if you do :3)
>Not looking for
Boring people that "need to get to now me before the can get to the fun part stop being pussies
fuck tag is wrong its
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looking for cute twinks and horny femboys?
join boy heaven today, we have active vcs and horny twinks waiting to sext you
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19 m europe
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay bottom
>About you
179 cm pale twink . Dumb neet. Wanna take hormones and dress femininly but cant cause I live with conservative parents in a homophobic country
>Looking for
Men who are tops (and doms)
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
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24 / M kinda twinkish looking / EU (Wanna move to USA)
>about me
Im pretty curious, openminded and honest, if u dont share those traits please skip me as we probably wont get along.
Mostly into nerdy stuff and nature. I can be pretty random, blunt and I believe I have ADHD.
>looking for
Trans or cis gf from USA. (Pls no bpd lol)
BIG PLUS if ur masochistic or sadomasochistic.
Feel free to hmu even if u have weird/degenerate needs/desires (sexual or not) as Im quite flexible so I dont rly mind those kinds of things.
>not looking for
Online only.
Discord: aurelian4
26m usa
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Bi, lean gay
>About you
Indian by race, with thing for white guys into race"play"

Tell me how you'd change things if you ruled the world

>Looking for
White guys into race"play"

>Discord Tag
29 M NYC
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
Chubby, 6' tall
vidya, anime, the usual soc favorites
>Looking for
gay/bi guys in the manhattan area who want to goon or jerk together. You gotta host. White guys ideally
>Not looking for
anything else
>Discord Tag
Discord: muricd
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23/M/South America
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gaymer(trans inclusive c:)
>About you
ADHD haver who loves to yap too much, I reply within seconds and like getting to know people.
Cooking, MMA, Otaku stuff, Vidya, Nu-Metal
>Looking for
Friends, people who'd like to use their free time talking and watching/playing stuff together, fellow mentally ill individuals.
>Not looking for
People who don't want to chat I guess
>Discord Tag
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay bottom
>About you
Upbeat dude that's finally making career, chubby and average height, big nerd in general.
Vidya, avid runescape player, love to cook, big fan of reading, love to chill with a cup of tea or go out into whatever nature that's nearby, also got a cosplay that I work on sporadically.
>Looking for
Chill peeps to chat with, can be about whatever.
>Not looking for
Purely sexual stuff, flirting is fun but I'm not here just to stare at cocks
>Discord Tag
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20/M/VA, US

>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
B (I lean more towards men though)

>About you
I’m not really an interesting person. I’m a homebody, and my only friends are plushies. I’m also on the spectrum, so I’m absolutely terrible at social interaction.

Other than that, I think of myself as a loving and caring person. I try to nurture those I care for, almost like a mother. I’m quiet, so I look like an asshole most of the time, but I really do care about some people.

I don’t really have any hobbies, since I don’t get out much. I do have quite a lot of interests though, such as music (mostly nu-metal), vintage video games (I have a PS2 and a laptop with a huge game collection on Steam), plushies, the furry fandom (not a degenerate though), alternative subcultures, country life, bugs, insects (I love moths, beetles, mantises, and spiders), and Y2K.

>Looking for
Someone who wants to build a life together. One day, I plan on buying some land, and maybe building a house. If you’re someone who wants to live the country lifestyle, then I’m probably the right person for you. It’s a bonus if you live in/near Virginia.

I’m also a sub bottom, so I want a dom top. There’s just something so hot about men who are in charge, and make it known that they’re in charge.

>Not looking for
Huge age gaps, people outside the US, sub bottoms, trans people (I need someone who has a penis), people within different time zones, horniness upon our first time meeting each other (we can do that when we’ve gotten to know each other), and people with pets (I can’t stand sharing a space with cats and dogs).

>Discord Tag
Here is my personal server join if you want to chat and hang out :3 https://discord.gg/rpBhxzGS
22 m
>Sexual Interests
Recently got porn addicted, just spend the entire day gooning lol

>Looking For
Want to be a Sub someone who's willing to be a Dom.
Am also a switch and WILL dominate your little feminine cock.

>Not Looking For
Serious relationship
People who get attached (I don't wanna feel self conscious if I ever decide to star looking online)

>Little bit about me
My ex kept lying and cheating on me and I still couldn't let go of him. Still healing from that, so I wanna clear my head with lewd.

Join our gay discord server

new username: just.want.friends.
please don't get attached T_T
19 little fag will obey everyone that's fun dominant and mean in DMs. Don't be boring
Disc sissyfag321
you need to allow people to add you
>18 M UK
> bicurious
> 163cm <110lbs
> looking to get to know someone and see how it goes, open to meets ideally
>not looking for: people who only want something online, weirdos

disc: _vertically_challenged

20 / M / USA

>About you/Letters

B. Little pushover twunk/fem switch (not actually little I'm 6' sorry) who will apologize for being 10 minutes late to a text. I play a lot of different video games at different times, feel free to ask about that if you're into that. I like to read, write, exercise, and give advice to my friends that they don't want or need.

>Sexual interests

I'm pretty open, so if you're cute, you'd be surprised what I'd be willing to do desu. Optimally, you'd tell me a list of what you'd want to do, and I'd just tell you what I absolutely will never do (which is not a long list) or what I would have to work towards.

>What you're looking for

Dominant or switch transfems, femboys, twinks who don't have body hair. Again, I'm open to a lot of things. I want someone of an aforementioned category who would be willing to pursue either a casual or serious relationship with me at any pace.

I don't trade porn or anything, can't stop you from sending but I won't really send any back. If you just want to kind of be lewd friends, that's also fine. If you want to be a sugar mommy or daddy, we can also work that out, but it's purely optional, of course. :>

Zero problem with long distance; it's the internet, so unless we get crazy lucky, you're gonna be a little bit far from me.

I don't mind if you can't always respond perfectly promptly, although it's best to let me know if you're going to disappear for a while. Not that I can make you.

>What you're NOT looking for

Hairy dudes, excessively plus sized, scat/gore/diapers/farts/pee.


discord: lovinghurtful
also have kik: gyulamancer
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
5'9, white, total bottom from Canada. I'm a pretty busy person. Not super masc or super fem. Looking to meet a level-headed guy and see where things go. Boywife-coded.
Cooking, reading, pc gaming, hiking
>Looking for
Online chatting and getting to know eachother with the longterm goal of meeting. Preferably a relationship someday.
>Discord Tag


>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)

Gay, top

>About you

Poorly motivated British guy in his early thirties, introverted with mild anxiety/depression - I spend a lot of time gaming.
I am a homebody but also enjoy being out and spending time with friends.
Appearance-wise I'd say I'm an acquired taste, not ugly but not typically attractive.


I love animals, obviously I really enjoy video games and I love music. I enjoy writing, video editing, trash reality TV, horror, cosy nights in and wild nights out (saying that though my enjoyment of nightlife and getting drunk is waning)

>Looking for
Guys to game and chat with, romantic bonds (preferably in the UK if it could potentially develop into something) and a little naughtiness now and again

>Not looking for
Shitty people, weird and different is fine but being a shit person is not

>Discord Tag
>19, male, California
>I'm a Twink looking for some guy or girl to rail me
>gaming and anime and
>I don't mind anything

tag : critcat04
Straight bi curious boy here. Apparently im a decently feminine boy Ive been told im submissive and breedable, and girls and guys have both mistaken me for being gay. One person I met even called me a sissy faggot.

Im looking to share a couple regular pics of myself for opnions on me? If anyone is down I will appriciate it and I will share some lewd pics I have been experimenting with taking...

I look like pic related

KIK tumf89
Hello there! My name is Rhea (26) and I'm the exclusive cumdump and secretary of Master Cambria (22). We are currently looking people to form a community of like-minded whores, cumdumps and sluts for him to enjoy.~
Who is Cam? Well...
He's a hyper hung, ultra virile FUCKBEAST who will bend your mind, soul and body to his own whims, transforming you from whatever you think you are into what you were BORN to be. A Worshipper of Him.~
Your average duties will include-
Drooling over Cam's Hyper Cock and all of its inches of perfection.~
Spending hours slobbering over every inch of his Divine Form.
Whining away in VC like the collared bitch you are.~
Spending quality time rotting your brain with your fellow Hyper Harem members.
Making sure Cam's cock is always 1) Hard, 2) Happy and 3) Loved.
We only accept the HIGHEST quality whores who can carry themselves in conversation, have a good mind for dick-hardening ideas and are possibly a little bit crazy? I mean, I once left him 100+ messages while he was asleep...~
Anyway, uh, where was I?
Boring stuff...
This will take place on Discord, please DM me at rheathedog to be screened and see if you're suitable to speak to My God.~
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Bisexual, transgender
>About you
league of legends, doomscrolling the internet, watching youtube
>Looking for
someone to chat with
>Not looking for
mean people, bigots. will unadd, dont bother
>Discord Tag
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bumping for anyone interested, you probably won't enjoy this if ur straight <3
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18 mtf europe


Vidya and SOME anime. I like reading and dark romance books, but that's not of a niche interest ig...

>looking for
frens :3 ... I'm not a native English speaker and would like to practice

>not looking for
anything sexual. I just got off a relationship... so please be nice -_-


the discord does not belong to the person who made this post, scam DNI
>retarded loser being butthurt over me not wanting to do sex talk
>claims that I'm impersonating AND a scam

choose one anon, if disc isn't mine how would I be able to scam.
please attend gooner thread and leave me alone
Try again buddy.
meant to respond to the other post not my own, whoopsie
Are you editing text with "inspect element"??
Actually just leave me alone T_T
LMAOOO WHAT A SHITTY DEFENSE this has to be a bot
Bi, into everyone really :)
>About me
24 from Canada and I'm a part femboy, not fully committed yet.
Even have ideas of transitioning. I'm super open minded about most things in life and love hearing about people's cultures and backgrounds
Playing video games (all types), history, going on trips and travelling, long conversations, art
>looking for
Someone who's generally more dominant. I consider myself as more sub leaning more than anything so someone who could take of that.
Could be Male/female/trans/transitioning/whatever :)
Also looking for friends/other femboys
>not looking for
Random one off chats,
Anything illegal or underage.
RileyBaby24 .
Where are all the hot lesbians at to be my girlfriend?
I am a bio female, and I am looking for bio females.
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>>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>>About you
anal/chastity/latex/getting a bit humiliated/submitting
>>Looking for
someone who wants to chat/watch me play with my butt/ tell me what to do
>>Not looking for
>>Discord Tag

I'm currently online, in chastity and about to start playing with my butt
i've been straight my whole life but recently i've discovered that i also like cute, feminine boys and transgirls.

i'd like to talk about sexuality and how it can evolve and change throughout your life, also share some lewd stuff with each other, add me on discord



Please for the love of Christ stop leading me on and than ghosting me
Legit hot body for someone who doesn't work out. Too bad you're mostly interested in sexual stuff.
looking to be dommed/humiliated
disc: nish7445
Trips spotted.
Is this a discord account?
Its not working there.
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
massive faggot ;) (top)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair.
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, Overly sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation.
>Discord Tag
I'd really like if I could hit you up via discord, have any?
28/Male/USA, Midwest
Pansexual I think? Bi?
>About you
I’m married, I have a high paying job, and I work out. Used to be super fat, now I’m just fat (down from 270 to 230, still dropping) Nerd for games, and Magic: the gathering. I’m blonde and the eternal short king of 5’ 11”
>interests and hobbies
I play Mtg and pc games. I work out daily, and I love to sing. I love history, and I love keeping busy.
>Looking for
Friends, people in the LGBT community to get to know and hopefully develop a bond with! I want to be able to talk about anything and maybe even get to be super close with you! I’m an open book so ask me anything. I’m open to talking to anyone.
>Not looking for
Anything in particular I guess
J4nk or j4nk#3650 if you can’t find it with the new username system on discord
I wanna boyfriend who will be obsessive and will coddle over me and will be a genuine sweetheart and make all the bad thoughts go away >_<

Central Daylight Time (UTC -5)

goes to bed at Ten PM on Weekdays and Sunday goes too bed on 11 on Saturday and Friday

Please try making time for me within that time frame I am extremely clingy

do not lead me on or use ghost me or use me for some sick sense of sexual enjoyment only too cast me aside

anyways enjoy your Tuesday and please don't waste my time.

I Have some Stuble under my face but apart from that (which I'd not really prefer to shave myself and go too great cuts for) I'm frankly on the good looking side , abit chubby aswell but anyways

if you have a problem with me DO NOT ghost me and leave me without a direct reason for why you've left without days for an answer only to unadd me , actually communicate

Throw urself into a psych ward baka. Also that afghan girl faked her death, because you we're being annoying asf.
Why tf would a married guy be looking for a lgbt person? Does wife knows about this.

straight and to the point , I like you.

anything else under the belt you feel like bringing up with a cutesy tinge covered in rotten fruit. why not just rip the bandaid off.

I've already told y'all your boring me with the process

1. Fake kindness
2. Yeah I Feel for you anon
3. Than lure me in with it and make some insults on here while pretending I don't or do know who you are

I'm sure you also gave plenty of "considerate" advice aswell I might have heard on an hour of Doctor Phil which is meaningless in the grand scheme of things

it's either this boring trivial nonsense after you've blocked me and played your last yes man card in your pocket

or "take your meds you schizo lol" find something original in your bag of tricks felix , when you talking to someone who HAS been in a psyche ward or DOES take meds or IS seeking help...

do you really have any other arguments too shame them with apart from your little internet ebonics

tf do you think
Cars, Twerking, Men
>looking for
I've been twerking on camera for people a lot and honestly it's been a fun experience so I want to meet others who want to see me shake my ass.
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Bumping and posting again cause it’s tummy tuesday

20s/M/Texas (am Dutch though)
>About you
5’11/180cm 130lbs/60kg, twinkish, on the skinnier side but still fit and I work out. White, blonde hair, very thick and very nice! still look like I’m 19-20.
Music (metal!), camping, hiking, painting, cars, memes, and some games!
>Looking for
Something meaningful! Friendships maybe even more! I prefer twinks or fems. Maybe hugs and cuddles c:
>Not looking for
Coomers! Ghosters or friend collectors
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Join this server if you love your asshole
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26 m gay

Looking for dom/masc tops. Older preferred

Discord is chasply
disc: acoleuthic
24 m
Looking for trap/trans/femboy for nudes and honestly just to chill and talk to. Been awhile since I've had an online friend to talk to each night.
This guy is just a tease. Posts his butt or ass in multiple threads but then doesn't want to do vc or trade pics

>About you
Just a guy looking for fwb long term , quickies or maybe dating if we vibe enough
I'm 6'2 athletic build but chubby

Video gaming, Racing, Computers , Anime/Manga

>Looking for
Trans (mtf or femme ftm) or feminine types

>Not looking for
Masc guys, bears

18m usa
>Sexual Interests
pmvs, bimbos, babecocks are some of my favorites :3
>Looking For
stupid gooner neets i can get super stupid and cringe with!!! i want a cute gooner bf/gf that i can worship porn with ehehe~ be a neet so we can talk all day!
>Not Looking For
sex havers, people who arent cute or talk cutely :3
22 Bi NJ
>Autist who is a sometimes smelly chubby perv who is friendly to shota and loli fetishists and diaper lovers and yiffers. Filth friendly. Be my bf and love talking. Total social reject slob and proud. Needs fat guy or thicc one. No ugly face. Be my legal shota if you’d like. 19 MINIMUM NO EXCEPTIONS.
>no ghosters or people out the Northeast and vapid people who are insensitive. Talk about more than sex. If 19 or inexperienced I will corrupt you and show you how to live and tweak you to my specifications.
>games with m rated violence and tv and movies about masc edgy stuff
He’s warned us ahead of time, all assume risk.

Yes , an Itty bitty msg where as mine has the entire thing he said plastered on it in biiiig concrete letters , I swear it's clear you cretins don't read any of this so at this point I've lost any sense of bothering. Oh well
25m bi ish

In a straight relationship but have urges towards cock or becoming completely feminized. Any one wanna chat or convince me to go deeper with these urges?

20/m/aus (melb)
let me groom u into buying me the flower clouds from the spongebob thingy in the shop
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Im looking to suck some cock over the weekend if anyone in London wants head leave tag.
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mid 20s USA
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
very fem gay bottom on hormones
>Looking for
Im looking for a long term boyfriend that will eventually take care of me. Im kind of an autistic retard and have slightly weird kinks but otherwise im low maintenance. Im ok if its ldr at first but I would like it to become irl as soon as possible
>Not looking for
Anything thats not that, women
>Discord Tag
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>Downlow, have a girlfriend, biracial black and white
>Gamer, gym, TV, film
>Looking for big cock to worship BWC or BBC
>Not looking for romance, people who can't roleplay or hold a conversation
30yo loser faggot into exposure, degradation, cyberbullying and humiliation. Especially interested in being laughed at, humiliated, degraded and insulted by groups of guys on discord. I send full face nudes, do requests, can turn on my cam and suck a dildo, fuck my ass or whatever makes you laugh... Into exposure and much more!

Just enjoy with your friends and have some good laughs at a real faggot lolcow like me! Trolls more than welcome! Very few limits fag here

No femboys or females pls!

tag: nerdfggt
Check friend requests.
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Yankees fans~ let's play a game.. If you guys win tonight, I'll wear a jersey for you and suck you off whilst we watch a game.. If Mets win.. maybe I'll still suck you off..


Not accepting!!!
From what >>33306477 said I think you're in the wrong thread. The schizo one is a couple posts down
Holy fuck bros I’m so fucking fried and all I want to do is make love to my fist but shouldn’t! . I’ve been straight for a month! No gooning I’ve been a good goonboi! Theres not a single person here who could break my brain! I’d love to see you try!!!

Discord: jinx_____
This guy main kink really is scat. Avoid, as he'll block you if you don't profess your love of shit
30m sub looking to cum quick, looking for a big dom alpha cock to tell me how you'd use me

>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Pan (maybe NB idk, gender is confusing)
>About you
I am kinda nerdy, I like videogames, video essays about movies and shows I'll never watch and all that cliche stuff! I only recently started frequenting 4chan because I just wanted to see what this place is like!
Well, videogames in general, but I mostly play stuff like Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Genshin Impact and idle games, and for hobbies, I just kinda listen to music while I write stories that I'll prolly never tell
>Kinkier stuff
Well, I like feet and that's mainly why I'm here, I got lots of kinda weird-ish fantasies about them but I'm content with normal foot fetish stuff!
>Looking for
Nothing really long term, prolly just surface level stuff, I'm mostly looking for someone willing to show their feet on cam, and maybe take things from there?
>Not looking for
Anyone that'll pressure, I'm hella insecure about how I look and sound, so prolly won't turn on cam or mic the first few times, sorry! Aside from that the normal stuff ig!
>Discord Tag
22, nb (amab and masc), Portugal

Specifically looking for Girls, trans Girls, trans Guys, Femboys, and Twinks

> About me
178 cm / 5'10 masc switch, decently healthy body, with a love for gaming, music, and manga and recently getting into Airsoft

Usually I'm a nice person I think, i try to be as sweet as i can and just make people comfortable when we talk.

Intimately i am a hard dom mostly, with a lot of kinks and phantasies, tho i do my best to keep it controlled and safe for everyone participating

Bondage, cnc, pet play, impact play, power play, etc

im very comfortable around sex and sexual topics since it's something I'm very interested in.

I play games like Skyrim, Fallout, Destiny 2, Minecraft etc

Speaking on music I listen to a lot of different things but Nu Metal has always been a favorite for me, right now phonk has been something I listen to a lot too

>looking for
Some friends to ACTUALLY talk to and have
CONVERSATIONS with sexually or otherwise
people to play games with and vc maybe

Trade pics of each other, if when we talk we feel like we get along and are comfortable with that

>not looking for
Hairy masc men
low effort convos
discord friend collectors

Disc ripperleviathan
Snap pedro_bwc
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26 / Male / Canada
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Asexual but of the bi romantic variety
>About you
I'm an open minded person who is accepting of people of all walks of life so long as they aren't malicious people. I'm particularly shy around new people but if we click it shouldn't take long before I open up and become my usual silly self. Right now I'm currently going through my depression arc again but it I've been working on strategies to get out of it.
I'm mostly into yugioh (online only), anime, manga, and cartoons. I've been learning Japanese for the past two and a half years and reading light novels to practice it. I like listening to music, and sometimes play video games, but they seem to have lost their magic for me as of late. I blame getting addicted to multiplayer games for that.
>Looking for
Primarily friends from the lgbt community as everyone I have met from there have been the nicest people. I'd like to talk, hangout in person or online though it's probably only going to be online as no one is ever near me, laugh together, hopefully help the other out if they are down, and if a spark were to form becoming something more than friends would be great.
>Not looking for
The obvious stuff mostly, people just looking for sexual stuff, and the type of people who will read this post think "yeah I want to add him" and then proceed to act uninterested from the very first message they send. And people who would hate me because I'm a NEET.
>Discord Tag
bump, decided not to take t
Discord Cucgf
Kik cucgfcuc
Straight male muscular
Need someone to send me feet and watch me cum on live cam? ???
26m wanna be degraded
27 f USA
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
I like learning but really shy. Once I get to know you and we connect I will be loyal to you as a friend. (Very shy and anxious irl)
Video games(RPGs, single players), anime from (/u/ yuri or cute girly shows to welcome to the NHK), reading different types of books. I switch my hobbies a lot. I use to be into politics but moved away from that.
A little bit depressed and suicidal sometimes.
>Looking for
FRIENDS to talk to and connect. If we vibe could be open to VC
Other people who are as mental ill as me!!!
If you are a man I am interested in only being friends
If you are a woman maybe more but I don't think there are real woman here.
>Not looking for
transles/men they unless to be friends (sorry)
men who only want to date or sex
NO SEXUAL STUFF unless we connect
real people who want to be friends
>Discord Tag
27 M bi USA
>Sexual Interests
Really into anal/ass eating/facesitting from masc or fem. Im not picky otherwise
>Looking For
Pretty much anything, lewd or not.
>Not Looking For
Anything serious
stop fucking posting me.
gay server

I changed my discord and the old one is disabled add this:

Femboy-ish rly like the idea of being force feminised and turned into a sissy toy :3 also rly open
Not far in at all. All I’ve got is a cage :P
Disc: snegma
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Disc: loststars.

Transfem from asia. Looking for cute guys early- mid 20s to chat with about life and get to know. Not really looking to sext but more for a good friend the end.

30 m bi USA
Chat or more hmu
>About you
Nerdy shy guy (less shy once I know someone). 6' 170 lbs, average-ish body. Tendency to grow body hair but I trim as requested
Hiking, video games, social drinking
>Looking for
Super skinny (BMI <16) guys or ripped guys. Any body with no body fat basically. Preference for skinny and bony
>Not looking for
dood4skinny on discord
22, nb (amab and masc), Portugal

Specifically looking for Girls, trans Girls, trans Guys, Femboys, and Twinks

> About me
178 cm / 5'10 masc switch, decently healthy body, with a love for gaming, music, and manga and recently getting into Airsoft

Usually I'm a nice person I think, i try to be as sweet as i can and just make people comfortable when we talk.

Intimately i am a hard dom mostly, with a lot of kinks and phantasies, tho i do my best to keep it controlled and safe for everyone participating

Bondage, cnc, pet play, impact play, power play, etc

im very comfortable around sex and sexual topics since it's something I'm very interested in.

I play games like Skyrim, Fallout, Destiny 2, Minecraft etc

Speaking on music I listen to a lot of different things but Nu Metal has always been a favorite for me, right now phonk has been something I listen to a lot too

>looking for
Some friends to ACTUALLY talk to and have
CONVERSATIONS with sexually or otherwise
people to play games with and vc maybe

Trade pics of each other, if when we talk we feel like we get along and are comfortable with that

>not looking for
Hairy masc men
low effort convos
discord friend collectors

Disc ripperleviathan
Snap pedro_bwc
Sports mainly college football.
>Looking for
Some friends to hang out with and share my interests.
>Not looking for
NSFW stuff.
32/M/Canada (Prairies)
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
>About you
I work too much. Average build. Masculine with the rare occasional pink shirt and long socks. I tend to go from a little chubby to a little fit and fluctuate. Around 5'10.
Risk of Rain 2, TW: WH3,games we can enjoy together. I work out occasionally. Like to visit malls with friends, go for walks, rant and trade stories and such.
>Looking for
Switches, people who love small talk and want to talk about their day but also hear things about my day, people who want to do things together like game, people that don't mind irl friends, people that love learning new things or teaching things to other.

Bonus if you want to try to make me horny again in a bromantic kind of way and not forced.
>Not looking for
Pure tops, people not interested in friendship, people who are okay with not overcoming NEETdom/etc, underage, people who want to drag me back to the furry fandom which was a total waste
>Discord Tag
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>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
writing, reading, poetry, programming (sometimes), animals, games (I've been playing through all the Gears games since the E-Day announcement), and music. I like learning new things when I can. I'm always interested in learning something new, even if it's way out of my wheelhouse.
>looking for
Anyone is fine. I'm up at odd hours so I'd like another night owl to talk to. A friend.
>not looking for
Sex of any kind. Chasers.
m 29 bi vers USA
looking to meet jo buds, edge, swap, sext, cam, etc. not looking for casual conversation
discord: lrga
kik/snapchat: lrgapop14
sup all.
comandanto male from Russia, 22 y.o
shaved body, venous arms and other things.
like to deep house mix and deep ambients.
good vibes, nice pics and other stuff with me.
looking for young boys and Tgirls. I will dominate you if I will in good vibe. also want to use voice calls, be ready for this.
discord: huiysis

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