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>looking for
>not looking for
Lurking in case chasers older than 35 post.
How about 38?
Sounds good, post tag.
33 yo?
Sometimes people look for mature partners. A big show of maturity is knowing what 'older than 35' means.
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22 UK transgirl

into gaming music and anime
I play guitar :0

Anyone can message me as long as you’re 18+

Down for whatever ! :3

disc: maackenzie_
I'm so glad that you're using a opinionated conversation as an empirical standard. You must be so proud of yourself.
>Lurking in case chasers older than 35 post.
20 mtf canada
short goth girl who likes
video games (rouge likes) anime (rom coms and jojo) music and drugs :>
>>looking for
>>not looking for
other girls
28 cis m from estonia
Mostly introverted and strongly independent computer nerd and hobbyist overthinker. I've dated a few trans women irl and they've been pretty cool. Haven't dated as much since I've been depressed.
All kinds of games, some anime, books, IT stuff, all kind of learning
>looking for
Anyone interesting to get to know, especially women.
>not looking for
People who for the life of them can't keep up a conversation.
discord scarletfixxer
Kinda cute but x2 things are bothering me. 1 isnt that buckle piece at the bottom meant to attach to something and 2 what are those Mark's on your chest?
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30/male/30 (chaser)
Eternally online but full time employed. Short brown hair and full beard. Very masculine. I develop deep attachment with whoever I'm with (possibly annoying if that's not your thing)
Long nature walks, long drives or road trips. I collect firearms and like cooking.
>looking for
Feminine types. Someone who wants a real relationship and is in texas and preferably houston.
>not looking for
People with no interest of their own. Ghosters.
Discord: kaban_tan
40 here
29/ladyboy type individual/near Atlantic Ocean

Recent Music: /watch?v=T_zS2TFmeqo /watch?v=Ksfd6AmkkoU
Faves: /watch?v=zobf_4sfEbQ /watch?v=YL1CAUjc3rw /watch?v=1MobY_vR7-g /watch?v=f25R9Gl6FWc /watch?v=PelenogTUEk /watch?v=FU_yNE2MMOU
Bonus Track: /watch?v=EWxFMUik4mQ

I find it necessary for my partner to be 25+ (emotionally mature), 5'9"+ aka 175cm+ (taller than me because I need to feel like he is my dad), and okay with not having sex ever because he too understands there are many more important things in a relationship. Also I have to like the music you listen to or I hate u.

I can be rude so do not message me if you cannot deal with that.

discord: .werekitten.
27/m/ canada,ontario
chaser gamer
gamer, anime & other weeb shit
>looking for
trans girls to blow (or obsess over if ldr)
>not looking for
people hard to get a hold of, flakers
discord: _edelweiss0
27 F formerly M from Florida
anything and everything vidya. mainly smt and persona. its MY LIFE! spend ALL my time on dc, its basically my second home
SMT and persona all day everyday and if you dont like, move on
>looking for
someone modest, yet freaky, mainly aggressive mates to cage me berate me and get a lil dirty on messages
>not looking for
immature or young
dc chimeracentaur or suneater
request sent to suneater
What part of Florida? I’m moving to Tampa in September.
M23 kik hosarar

Wanna worship your body and tell you how I would fuck you
trans server

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29 M California
5'10 bigger guy
Into anime, video games specifically Counter Strike, Dead By Daylight and Rocket League. I love music and I also DJ. Into lots of EDM but my favorite would be Bass House.
>looking for
trans women, femboys
>not looking for
Discord: floppa4201
>looking for
cute femboys/mtfs to worship & make feel beautiful
>not looking for
masc dudes/chubby
>looking for trans women, femboys
>not looking for men
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straight male
/lit/ /fit/ /biz/ and sometimes /v/
>looking for
looking to talk to trans, as well as chasers about their experiences and road to transition. I'm interested in learning about/hearing from both mtf and ftm, to hear some of your stories/backgrounds/journeys. none of it is used for anything and all is private.
>not looking for
anything else
@jeevesthebutler on discordd
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why are you like this
Link is broken
Please show me your cock, it makes my mouth watery
Discord: hooman6438
Sports mainly college football.
>Looking for
Some friends to hang out with and share my interests.
>Not looking for
NSFW stuff.
35/m/AB canada
straight male. I am handsome, tall, and not fat. i have a wife that completely neglects me, has zero libido while mine is through the roof. she is very self centered and cold despite me taking her out and being a good provider.
driving, vidya (mostly retro), computers, hiking, exploring, history
>looking for
feminine, attractive, kissing, cuddling, can show me the affection that I crave.
sneakymess@proton.me email me first and we can figure something out. (i dont expect any replies so I may be slow to check and respond)
27/mtf/white Mts New hampshire
Functionally enby atm I guess. Kinda normal.
Cooking, games, coffee drinks, boooooks....board games...ahh, i dont really dislike anything.
I just wanna cook dinner for someone and cuddle and watch anime. Im bi, but honestly Im very picky with guys, masc people kinda scare me lol. I wish there were femboys and tomboys up here.
Honestly cant stress enough, I know im dumb and picky but any sort of like, normal dude-guy-man is just not gonns resonate with me.
Discord is MintyFern_ (it should come up as MapledDreams tho)
Its alright however, im in the middle of nowhere kinda sooooo you knows~
32 M VA
Average white military guy, total chaser, secret sexual deviant
TV, vidya, 3DXChat, outdoorsy stuff, space travel
>looking for
cute girlies with nice dicks and tight little asses. flirting, dirty talk, get eachother off when we're bored and horny. Talking about weird kinks and fetishes. Maybe meet up if we get along and arent too far.
>not looking for
Dudes, fatties (curvy ok), non-passable, people into scat blood necro pedo.
kik: here2prty69
disc: mothman1569
25 pre everything mtf TN looking for a chaser dom to encourage me. Into bdsm, humilation etc.

discord tolkia
We are so fucking back.
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22/mtf/US (New England)
>about me
Hopeless gacha addict. My favorite souls game is ds2.
Don't have too many hobbies but I'm into most game genres that aren't hero shooters or mmo's. Not the biggest anime fan but do watch some from time to time and I'm always looking for more/new music recommendations.
>looking for
Friends with similar interests/gaming buddies OR a relationship (bi with a preference for men), long distance is okay within reason.
You didn't add me yet
34 year old male top, Rural UK.

I've been doing this for nearly 2 decades now, I'm experienced more with IRL than I am online which is my biggest flaw as I can't stand the fantastical larping, but when you move to the middle of nowhere you either adapt or get very very bored.
As for gender I do not care what you have between your legs, I much prefer to fuck with your mind more than anything else. I generally prefer fem presenting people but I have a real soft spot for FTM boys with a daddy kink, detransitioning is not something I want to do to you.

My aims are to basically help you become the best version of yourself you can be, by doing this I shall alleviate my own boredom. I'm post kink in that I prefer to just use whatever I think is best to get what I want from you, my limits are shockingly few and I'm very much a "means justify the ends" sort of person, regardless of whether I personally find the means to be abhorrent. If you are unable to appear fem or otherwise bore me I will expect my continued time and attention to be compensated, I value my time and do not waste it easily.

I'm keeping this short because realistically half of you reading this, through no fault of your own, are not going to be suitable.
Message me and we can sort the wheat from the chaff.

Discord is the best way to contact me:

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