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What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?

How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?

How often do you masturbate?

When do you usually masturbate?

What is your preferred method of masturbating?

What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?

When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?

When was your first orgasm?

Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?

Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?

Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?

Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?

What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?

Thanks ladies, and provide a picture if you're comfortable (face or any body part).
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>What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?
20, white, brunette, average/slightly chub
>How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)? literally never shaved it, pic rel
>How often do you masturbate?
Ivaries a lot, I feel my best if I do twice a day, but life/mental health stuff can make it much less.
>When do you usually masturbate? immediately after waking up, and/or right before going to sleep
>What is your preferred method of masturbating?
wand vibrator+dildo is my preference, but i don’t always have the privacy/energy for it. Satisfyer is good in a pinch when I need to cum quickly and quietly.
>What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?
masturbation is a pretty closed circle activity for me. I do it because I’m horny and I’m horny because I do it. I turn myself on quite a bit. Sometimes I do think about getting fucked or imagine myself in slutty scenarios
>When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
I was 9 and my sister showed me how to do it
>When was your first orgasm?
Idk, around that time
>Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?
Public bathroom at work a few times
>Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?
>Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?
Only with my sister when we were younger. It wasn’t a weird incest thing, we just shared a bedroom for many years
>Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?
G spot orgasms feel better but are a lot of work and I tend to lose the motivation
>What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?
tricky question. separate sessions probably 4, total orgasms in a day was 20

I've done this thread before and gotten dozens of responses. Continue to seethe alone.
You have a really pretty bush, anon, I'd love to bury my face in it.
ty anon, I like it too
a lot of girls myself included really enjoy answering questions about ourselves
Is there a reason you've never shaved? I actually prefer hair. It's sexy to look at, run your fingers through, and it traps pheromones, but most girls these days feel the need to shave it.
I like the natural look and how it feels, keeping everything shaved sounds like a lot of work for something so unnecessary
Thanks, anon, you have very pretty lips. Maybe I'm generalizing, but I've always found Serbian women so beautiful. Must be in the water. I'd love to see your heart shaped bush ;)
I love your philosophy. Do you prefer when guys have hair too, or shave/trim?
wouldn’t really make any difference to me i think, have never had sex tho
If I showed you my dick would you tell me what you thought? It's trimmed.
Show hairy booty hole.
sure if you want
I hope you like it
You're so pretty down there. Beautiful thighs too.
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it’s very pretty but too big
aww ty anon
Could we see your tits too?
Thank you, I can't help that unfortunately. Maybe if I just eased it in, or you could enjoy sucking on it...

I love your pussy lips.
>age, body type, etc
22, latina with asian, dark brown, chubby

>pubic hair

>how often
Depends. Sometimes daily, sometimes thrice a day, sometimes just once or twice a week. Mostly every two days.

When there's nobody at home, thats why its so irregular haha

>preferred method
A dildo in either my ass or pussy and something for my clit, either a vibrator or clit sucker

>what turns me on
Lately, milf hentai where she seduces her son's friend or milf ntr cuckold. Especially when it involves gangbangs, molestation, public use, exhibitionism, etc. Also, monsters. I mean actual monsters, like Nemesis' final form (I have a video of it fucking Jill that I LOVE) but Im not too picky as long as it's slightly ugly (no sexy demons for me)

>first time masturbating
Humping pillows at 8yo

>how did you discover
Slept with pillow between legs, the rest is history.

>first orgasm
Probably the first time I used my fingers to masturbate. I swear I saw a new color.

>unusual place?
Not really unless you count swingers' houses where I did masturbate in front of people.

I can squirt pretty easily with enough stimulation, it's a cool party trick

Nope. For me, friends are closer to being family so I literally cant nor want to view them sexually. Friends with benefits are a different thing though.

>clitoral or g spot?
If I had to choose, clitoral. But I actually prefet the A spot (closer to the cervix) than G spot.

>most times in a day?
Probably like 5, which is bizarre considering Im on meds so cumming takes a lot of work.
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ty, sucking it would be fun
Last pic, going to work. Thx for a fun morning anons
You're such a beautiful girl. I hope to see you around <3 Have a good day at work!
Thank you. The milf thing intrigues me. Are you turned on by an older woman seducing an underage boy?
Omg you're sexy. I'm going to have a good cum, and I hope you did too.
Not necessarily underage, but younger and inexperienced. Corruption is a kink of mine too haha
Interesting. I was corrupted at a young age too, so I understand. But I don't regret it.
>What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?
21, white, brunette, average
>How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?
shave it, sometimes im lazy and let it grow for a few weeks
>How often do you masturbate?
about 5-6 times a week, depending on my mood and how busy i am
>When do you usually masturbate?
before sleeping or after work
>What is your preferred method of masturbating?
fingers or vibrator
>What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?
I imagine me in my fantasys or watch porn
>When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
around 12, a friend told me about it
>When was your first orgasm?
i dont remember, probably a bit later
>Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?
school bathroom
>Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?
Once, never happend again so far
>Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?
never caught anyone, but masturbated with friends a few times
>Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?
>What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?
probably 5-6
Tell us about when you masturbated with friends. Were you talking sex, watching porn, or did it happen spontaneously?
we watched porn together because curious teens and went from rubbing under the blanket to showing each other how we do it. Never got to touching each other, but masturbated a few times together.
Did you cum together? How old were you?
not simultaneously, but yes
15 or 16
>didn't ask about sexual experiences
Did it turn you on seeing your friend cum?
im bi, so yes it absolutly did
Who was louder? ;)
she never really made a sound except louder breathing so i was
Did you moan? Who usually came first?
i moan yes
i did, i wish i could still cum as quick as i did back then lmao
Are you on SSRIs or is it a mental/physical thing?
i used antidepressiva for 3 years, i guess thats the problem
It's common and I feel for you. I was on antidepressants for a long time too and am still dealing with the withdrawal. Though I didn't lose my sex drive like a lot of people, I was unable to have an orgasm, which is worse. Horny dude but can't cum. As soon as I stopped it went away, but a shitload of other issues emerged. I wish the best for you.
weirly enough my sexdrive skyrocketed but it was harder to orgasm. Best wished to you too!
Yup, I know the feeling...
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>age, ethnicity, hair color, body type?
25, euro, ginger, recovering ana
>shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.?
I don't shave at all. for events tho if I have no sleeves I bleach armpits so it doesnt stand out at least
>How often?
so far this year maybe twice per week.
whenever I feel really warm sweaty and fevery. so usually mid day or hot summer nights. or layered flannel sheets in winter if I want to induce the feeling.
>preferred method?
on my back rubbing clit.
>What turns you on/what do you think about?
I like gravure pics, furry yiff comics. for porn vids I like when it's full body SIDE view of the humping action. close up stuff does nothing. Also really like watching guys use stuffies or toys bc they look so desperate and their thrusts are more animalistic (I get this feeling from reading comment sections too)
>first time?
uhhh I have always self stimulated but for the purposes of horny like 12 (at hotel and someone bought one of those ppv porn channels. it was asian big tiddy oiling and guys masturbating her)
>first orgasm?
19 when I got my first toy, vibrator dildo. I had a full day gooning sesh and lots of vaginal orgasms but felt like shiet after and then any time I've tried since I didn't like it. garbaged the toy. I prefer edging and clit orgasms
>public, or an unusual place?
I frequently grind against chairs, table edges, or my heel if I am sitting down but mostly cause I need to pee or I am anxious. does feel really good tho
>Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?
Plenty, was a foster kid so lots of bunk beds and too full rooms.
>clitoral or g-spot?
>most in one day?
prev mentioned gooning day
OK, I'm gonna need to see some pics if you please
Sounds delicious. I hope your recovery is going well.
>not cumbrain = incel
The absolute state of brainrot

great looking snatch. i would love to see what that thing looks like drenched in cum with your hair all messy. i would firmly plant my tongue in your hairy asshole and wait for every drop to seep down.
>What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?
27, white as hell, dirty blonde, chubby and plump
>How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?
Depends. Usually it's either only slightly trimmed and a little bushy, or clean shaven. Currently it's a little hairy.
>How often do you masturbate?
It can vary of course, but usually at least 3 or 4 times a week.
>When do you usually masturbate?
Mostly at night, sometimes when I first wake up if I have the time, or whenever I find myself turned on for whatever reason.
>What is your preferred method of masturbating?
Rubbing my clit, other hand on my breasts or fingering myself. I've used vegetables often as well, want to buy a dildo.
>What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?
I think about being submissive, and in lewd positions or situations. I also think about getting knocked up almost every time.
>When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
I think I was like 13, and it came after my parents gave me "the talk" when I went to bed that night I really played with myself for the first time.
>When was your first orgasm?
I was 16, my BF at the time ate me out and fingered me for a good while, then fucked me while playing with my clit. I came so hard on his cock.
>Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?
I've done it in public a lot, I love the risk. I've parked my car in semi-busy places and done it. I've also masturbated while other people were in the room with me, unaware of what I was doing.
>Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?
No, it's never happened.
>Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?
Both. I used to masturbate with friends in highschool, and I've walked in on a few of them doing it.
>Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?
Both are nice lol but I prefer clit
>What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?
Feel free to ask whatever
Describe walking in on your friends masturbating.
Lol sure. Happened a few times, but one time was when I was spending the night at a friend's house when we were Freshman in HS. A few of us and her dad were going to go pick up some food, but she stayed behind, and told us to text her when we got back. We expected to be a bit, but I guess we were fast, because we got back and I forgot to send her a text and just went up to her room and barged in. She was on her bed, her shirt pulled slightly up, her jeans unbuttoned and one hand down her pants. When I walked in, I remember seeing her hand moving fast, her head was thrown back in enjoyment. She heard me come in and immediately snapped up, fixed her shirt and started to try and stammer out some excuse for what I saw. Her face was so red and she was out of breath, she looked so cute. I just held up a hand and gave her a smile and said not to worry about anything and the food was here. Shut the door on my way out. Ended up masturbating to the thought of it all when I went home the next day.
Have you ever hoped that someone would catch you masterbating while they were in the room with you or while you were in your car? How semi busy are we talking too haha
Yeah, can't lie, I love knowing someone could see me. I like to hope someone has noticed me and I just never knew. I'm fairly sure a few friends had an idea what I was doing, but never got called out about it. Really pushed the limits a few times at sleepovers/trips with other people. Busiest I'd say would be parking lots, I've masturbated on the beach and didn't do much but I've slipped my fingers in during classes.
I love pale chubby girls, please tell me you have some pics you could share?
I'll consider it lol you might get a peek later
All very very hot. I have a fantasy of finding a woman who is fingering herself in public and offer a bit of play. Really risky but it's too hot not to try.

I know I would tell you if I noticed you mistreating in the same room as me by offering to fuck lol
The fantasy of someone walking in and offering me help with getting off or a stiff cock is such a hot one, but I honestly think I'd panic and freak out if it really happened. Likely something that's a better fantasy, but truthfully, I'd consider letting a stranger watch in the right situation. Let them enjoy the view for a bit.
Just letting me watch would nearly make me cum. I really want to arrange public play with a girl just as you described but yeah. I don't think I could just do it unless I know who wants me to lol. It is a very hot fantasy
Having a guy watch me and making him blow his load would be insanely hot, I love the thought of doing that. He furiously strokes his cock to my pussy and body, shoots his load all over the floor, and I just smile, get my clothes in order and go about my day
My God that sounds perfect. Come up to you in your car, watch you get off and stroke myself and cum for you. Shoot my thick load right there in the parking lot for you. I sooo want this to happen
How long do you think it would take you to bust?
Mmm something like that would be so hot I'd prolly bust in 2 mins at most. Knees shaking, cum oozing out and everything
Honest it would be wayyy to hot. Don't think I'd last my normal time and explode fast
I think a guy being so excited and horny that he can't hold back and cums fast would be amazing in that scenario. Maybe he shoots she hard he hits me somewhere without even meaning to do it.
Ahaha that I could do! When I get that horny I cum real hard. Trying to hold it back until I can't. Then Ropes shoot out. It would be sooooo hot to leave a little stain on you or in the car
Hmmm, just to know, whereabouts do you live? And if you could pick a spot a stray rope landed, where would it be? Be honest!
Oouuu I like you.
I'm in Toronto, no where near downtown, closer to Niagara haha.
Hmmm one place for a stray rope to land. Right beside your leg. It would be super hot if I got my cum all over your legs and between them. Hopefully making a nice stain there for you
Ah, shoot, I'm pretty far from you. So you'd like to know that after you're done, that huge glob of seed is going to still be soaking into my leggings, leaving undeniable proof that some random guy came on me? Would you feel bad at all for it?
No I wouldn't feel bad about it! I would want to know I left a stain on her leggings.
I'm willing to travel ahaha. My phone is about to die but later I can post my contact. It would be super hot to live this out one day
So what’s your location? What you’re describing is super fucking hot. Would you be willing to add me if I dropped contact info?
I'm Western US. You can drop it, but I can't promise anything. Talking more would be fun but I don't wanna get your hopes up.

Follow-up question for all. What word did you first learn to call your pussy? It's like for boys growing up, we straight up learn the word penis, and all the goofy versions like weiner and dick and whatever, and all the girls know those words too. But I never ever heard anyone use the word for a girl's parts ever until we formally got the sex ed stuff in school and learned the word "vagina." We just knew "girls don't have a penis" but not what the word for what they did have. I imagine the girl's themselves must have had something they called it, but they never spoke of it where they boys could hear it (and maybe not even with each other and it was like an individualized thing from one family to another?),
Honestly for me, I called it a vagina until I was a teen, that's what my parents taught me. As a teen. everyone I knew referred to it as a pussy, so I stopped saying vagina because I felt lame and stiff for calling it that. Saying pussy made me feel dirty, but in a good way.
>age, ethnicity, etc.
20, latina, brown hair and a little bit of tummy
>pubic hair
Hairy most of the time (I only shave every once in a while).
>How often do you masturbate?
Either once or twice a day, none if I'm exhausted.
>When do you usually masturbate?
Whenever I have time, most often before sleeping
>Prefered method of masturbating
Hands, I don't really have the privilege of other methods :(
>What turns you on
Thinking about fucking fictional men so good they make horny faces and sounds.
>When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
I don't know but when I had recently hit puberty, I discovered masturbation through regular internet search as a horny teen.
>When was your first orgasm?
Again, back when I had just hit puberty.
>Have you ever masturbated in public
No, I would never, it's not my fetish
>Can you squirt
Yes, easily
>Have you ever masturbated or caught a friend
No to both, I did use to read hentai doujins with a former friend though
>clitoral or g-spot stimulation?
clitoral, because I'm unlucky and I literally can't feel any sort of pleasure from penetration
>Most number of times you've masturbated in one day
Like 5 one day that my hormones took control of me
I got squirt questions >:)
Do you squirt every time? Is it something you can choose not to do? Or can you not control it, and it just randomly happens sometimes but others
Do certain kinds of stimulation cause you to squirt and others don't?
Do you still use your kik?
Shame you're western US but I still really qanna talk about it
Discord is kushman.exe
Kik is lenroyjenkin
>Do you squirt every time?
Depends, if I stick a finger in me I will
>Is it something you can choose not to do? Or can you not control it, and it just randomly happens sometimes but others
I mean, I always hold it because I don't wanna make a mess on my bed but that liquid is going to have to come out at some point. And it's not random. If I stimulate myself vaginally I will squirt, if I don't then I won't squirt.
>Do certain kinds of stimulation cause you to squirt and others don't?
Pretty much already answered.
Interesting, thanks anon
OK how about now
I'm stroking so hard to your naughty fantasies. I would love to see a picture of you.
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What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?
> 18, chinese, black + bleached tips, average
How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?
> prefer clean shaven
How often do you masturbate?
> 2+ times daily
When do you usually masturbate?
> at night
What is your preferred method of masturbating?
> vibrator on clit
What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?
> my partner, i also love smelling his clothes lol
When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
> i’d seen a lot of porn/nsfw but never masturbated to it. decided to do it 3 years ago and been addicted since lol
When was your first orgasm?
> 15, reading yaoi lmao
Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?
> in my bf’s car while he was driving so kinda
Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?
> never done it
Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?
> no(t yet)
Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?
> clitoral coz it’s easier for me to do it myself. g-spot makes me scream lmao
What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?
> prob like 5+ idk i dont rly count
Is that you in the pic? If so, then I think you look very beautiful. Your bf is lucky to have you. Do you think you could give us a pic of your pussy?
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yea its me :] and ty ^^

im also v lucky to have him, he’s the best
You are very sexy. I'd love to suck on those nipples while playing with your clit.
Damn that's a pretty pussy. I wish my tongue was on it.
Your pussy looks so nice and tempting. I'm so jealous of your boyfriend. Does he know that you like to post your pics online? I want you so bad.
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What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?
19 white dark brown athletic
How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?
Shaved completely atm
How often do you masturbate?
It depends probably every other day but sometimes not for a week or even a few times a day sometimes
When do you usually masturbate?
Depends as well when I am in the bath/shower the most I guess
What is your preferred method of masturbating?
Shower head I guess I do not own any toys now
What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?
I mostly just reimagine my past sexual experiences but I enjoy watching lesbian and gay porn sometimes
When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
I do not know when I discovered it but I was scared of it for a while I thought it meant I was being wrong/bad
I first started when I was about 13 I think
When was your first orgasm?
When I stole my sisters vibrator it was when I was about 15 I think
Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?
I did it on a school trip to a religious retreat
I was sharing a room with my classmates
Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?
no I can not
Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?
I used to do it quite often with my best friend when I was younger
No I have never caught someone
Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?
What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?
I think three or four
Thanks ladies, and provide a picture if you're comfortable (face or any body part).
Cute puppy. Tell us about when you would masturbate with your best friend.
Aw. What a cute doggy :D Could you give them a pet from me?
thank u ^^

yes he knows!! he’s very much into it also xP
Does he let you fuck other guys?
>yes he knows!! he’s very much into it also
Well that's good to know! All in good fun! If I may, could you also post a pic of your ass? I just can't help myself.
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It was pretty dumb desu
She had a tv in her bedroom and I used stay at hers often
This one time she had found this tv channel which had girls who were naked on the screen and people could phone them and talk to them. I do not remember what the show was called but we used to go on separate side of the bed and put a line of pillow between us so we could not see each other and then we would do it lol
Sure thing lol
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yes!! he really wants me to get fucked by other guys lol. for logistical reasons we haven’t done it yet but he’s very much introducing me to ppl lol
here u go :3
That's actually pretty funny. Horny enough to rub one out together, too shy to let each other see. Did you hear each other cum? Also, what turns you on about women?
You've been so sweet to share your sexy body. Would you fuck my cock?>>33313445
yea why not ? :P
You have such a beautiful body. How do you feel about having sex with other guys while in a relationship? Have you tried such a thing in the past? Does your bf want to be present during? If you're feeling like taking some more pic requests, I would love to see your ass while you bend over. It's just so ripe.
>What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?
27, mixed black and Latino, dark brown, and skinny
>How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?
Wax into a neat triangle and trim
>How often do you masturbate?
Usually twice a day
>When do you usually masturbate?
Mornings and mid-afternoons
>What is your preferred method of masturbating?
Laying on my stomach with a clit sucker
>What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?
Erotica and/or animated porn, mostly. Live action porn seems really gritty, for the most part.
>When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
I can't remember, but I know I never tried to consciously masturbate until I was like 20.
>When was your first orgasm?
>Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?
>Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?
Not to my knowledge
>Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?
Yes, I used to share hotel rooms with my best friend and she would masturbate daily. I didn't really mind, so I didn't say anything.
>Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?
It's the same, really, but I guess the added penetration is nice.
>What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?
Probably like 12. I didn't really keep track.
Thank you, it's big though, so hopefully you can take it ;)

The things I would do to you...
What public/unusual places did you masturbate? And your best friend would just brazenly do it in front of you? Tell us about it.
Got any contact info?
Yes I could hear her she was pretty noisy which was bad because I was worried about being caught.
A lot of stuff girls are just so much prettier than men and I think most of the time I would prefer to be with women than men.
However I used to get bullied by this girl in school she would call me a lesbian and things and do a lot of mean things to me and I guess maybe I felt some shame which turned me on. But idk I would have to ask a psychiatrist about that I think lol
>What public/unusual places did you masturbate?
I've done it in traffic, at the beach, at the mall, at parks, while hiking. I think I may have an exhibitionist kink, but the thought of actually being seen is mortifying.
>And your best friend would just brazenly do it in front of you?
Not so brazenly as to do it out in the open. She'd just do it in the middle of the night when we shared a room. She would also bring over guys to have sex, but I'd usually leave the room for that. More because I didn't want to deal with the guy than me being embarrassed.
I'm gussing you were much quieter than her ;)

Are you more of a tomboyish type?
How did you get away with it in all those places and not get caught??? I've caught girls masturbating in public only a few times and it's the hottest fucking thing in the world.
Yes I was pretty quite and she was a lot bigger than me idk why she chose to pick on me but it happened for pretty much the whole time I was in school which sucked

Kinda I looked very feminine I have pretty big boobs and got them when I was quite young but I used to dress like a tomboy and I would play football and sports a lot
>How did you get away with it in all those places and not get caught???
Just by being self-aware. Pick isolated spots. And as far as doing it in my car, I have 25% tint on my windows and that's if they can even see into my car.
You sound like just my type. I wish we could see more pictures of you, but I understand if you're shy.
You were never worried that when you came someone might suddenly appear? That's pretty hot.
Yea sorry I do not want to be recognised on here lol
>What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?
23, white, (fake) blonde, thin
>How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?
>How often do you masturbate?
>When do you usually masturbate?
>What is your preferred method of masturbating?
abstaining :(
>What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?
physical dominance/controlling guys, being used, knowing someone is into me
>When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
16, discord guy i looked up to told me i should try it and i felt too awkward to say no
>When was your first orgasm?
>Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?
>Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?
no idea, genuinely thought it was piss
>Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?
a guy started jacking off in a call once thinking i wouldnt realize
>Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?
the former
>What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?

i dont think im the target demographic you wanted, but i opened the thread so here i am
Well you probably don't have any good stories, so just post a pic
What about a part of your body no one would recognize?
No, I'm interested in everyone's experiences. Is there a reason you abstain?
its just never something i think about. id rather play video games or do something interesting if im trying to think of something to pass time

i like domination, not begging
So you're able to get really horny and just resist the urge?

Do you think your lack of masturbation comes from how you were introduced to it? Instead of being a personal thing between you and your body to self regulate it was introduced to you as something you do because you were told to by a man?

Also I appreciate you being candid about yourself.
i really just dont without prompting ever, i get attracted to people im with when they express interest, but at that point we just have sex so its never been a problem ive dealt with

i dont really think so, ive always been extremely shy and awkward about that stuff even before that point, which is why i never really thought about it much or tried beforehand. idk if theres something wrong with me or what, but if anything doing it for someone is the only reason i would
Would you fuck my cock?>>33313445

Don't get me wrong you're certainly not alone, a lot of people have a similar relationship to masturbation, yours is just compounded by seeking out partnerships where you can take a submissive role. Basically taking any agency you have over your ability to get off alone or with others and putting it in someone else's hands.

Do you think that's a product of your shyness? Or just a lucky coincidence?

There is nothing wrong with you.
Beautiful. You seem chill.

Why bleach but not shave? I'd love to see how hairy you are. How nervous would you be about a guy you like finding out you're hairy all over?
>What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?
29, latina, black hair, curvy (big tits, slim waist, wide hips)
>How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?
usually trimmed, otherwise let it grow out
>How often do you masturbate?
depends, maybe a few times a week
>When do you usually masturbate?
before bed or in the middle of the afternoon if i'm bored
>What is your preferred method of masturbating?
using my hand to rub my clit until i cum
>What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?
big tits, getting my tits sucked, guys i've fucked
>When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
13? idk i just felt the urge to touch myself
>When was your first orgasm?
18, it took me a while to figure it out.
>Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?
yeah, an empty train
>Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?
>Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?
yes, i've masturbated with a friend next to me in bed
>Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?
>What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?
usually just continuously for HOURS on end. or repeatedly being able to cum back to back for hours.
What’s your body count
Great post

Plllease tell me your friend knew
i stopped keeping track. more than 20, less than 30?

i don't think he did but if he did, he didn't care
Hi, still lurking the thread? Any contact info?
>What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?
30, white, slim hourglass shape.
>How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?
>How often do you masturbate?
Once a day unless I'm hormonal before my period then I can go 4-6 times a day.
>When do you usually masturbate?
Before bed to relax.
>What is your preferred method of masturbating?
Rubbing the outside.
>What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?
I read erotic fiction.
>When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
I was around 20 and thought I'd try it out.
>When was your first orgasm?
Never had one lmao
>Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?
>Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?
>Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?
>Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?
Only clitoral, I'm a virgin and finger penetration just feels uncomfortable.
>What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?
Like...8 probably.
Any chance on seeing your trimmed pussy?
What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?
nah, south american, black, normal

How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?
literally never shave it

How often do you masturbate?
like once a week

When do you usually masturbate?

What is your preferred method of masturbating?
rubbing against pillow

What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?
if im crushing on someone then them. otherwise any porn video would do probably

When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
like 7 i started rubbing against the pillars on a four poster bed lolz

When was your first orgasm?
never had one

Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?

Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?

Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?

Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?

What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?
like 6

Thanks ladies, and provide a picture if you're comfortable (face or any body part).
No, sorry. I don't take those kind of pictures.
>What is your age, ethnicity, hair color and body type?
23 / white / ginger / bones
>How do you style your pubic hair (shaved, trimmed, bush, etc.)?
i make it into a star uwu
>How often do you masturbate?
ummm alotttt
>When do you usually masturbate?
ummm whenever
>What is your preferred method of masturbating?
>What turns you on/what do you think about when you masturbate?
thinking of BWC
>When was the first time you masturbated, and how did you discover it?
ahaha cant say
>When was your first orgasm?
>Have you ever masturbated in public, or an unusual place?
yes uwu
>Can you squirt, or have you ever squirted?
umm yeahhh
>Have you ever masturbated with a friend, or caught a friend masturbating?
yes uwu
>Do you prefer clitoral or g-spot stimulation?
>What is the most number of times you've masturbated in one day?
Ever rocked the full ginger bush?
>literally never shave it
That's almost a crime to not share that hairy Venus mound. Would you show it if I shared my Kik/Disc?
Fuck yes...did you get positive receptions?
UWU heehe
I hope you aren't, but why are you typing like a tyranny. It's gross
~wO projecting from a tranny i see uwu
Honestly you sound like an absolute DREAM, gingers are my absolute weakness
im always suprised threads like this have more than zero replies
i literally just read 6 words from OP and decided to just no
UWU omggggggghghgggg
Can anyone add a cock bulge?


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