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>interesting fact about yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
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Autistic bi UK guy looking to meet new people and play video games
Video games, tech, music, manga, drumming (just started lessons), movies, cooking, hiking, photography (I am bad at this)
>Looking for
People to play games with, open to meetups if you're not a nutjob, people to have idle conversations with. I am at work a lot and would like to be able to chat whenever I can squeeze it in
>Not looking for
deranged /pol/ types
>hobbies, interests, whatever
Watching ww2 documentaries, watching video game play throughs, binge watching, thrifting, online shopping, tarot, spending time and taking care of my 2 one month old twins and fiancé, concerts, collecting healing crystals, astrology, i enjoy dressing up, wearing wigs, doing my makeup!
>looking for
friendships with those age 21+
>not looking for
sexting, romantic relationships
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>interesting fact about yourself
Whipped cream
>looking for
People to add me
>not looking for
People who
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21 mtf
factorio, risk of rain 2, art(i try 2 draw)
>interesting fact about yourself
im very lonely most of the time
>looking for
just chatting/vc can play video games too
>not looking for
nsfw obviously

Gaming , literature, art, programming, music. movies, technology, audio gear

>looking for
Someone to talk to, play videogames, practice my english, friendship

>not looking for
Poeple who dont talk

chatting, puzzling, gaming, music, hiking, assembling stuff like legos and such
>interesting fact about yourself
i like all kinds of weird and silly animals c:
>looking for
people that want to chat or want to tell me about their day or interest^^
>not looking for
anyones welcome!
Knock it off retard
why you blocked me?
You forgot to put the /s/l in a/s/l

...you're a dude and from europe
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
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im so tired of not having a gf i want a gf im so lonely and poor and lonely cause i dont get cunt im a virgin and i need to get aides tested since i got doxxed and i have some haters who wanted to inject me with aides needles and i had a rash on my taint which was conveniently after i got doxxed im so fucking depressed holy fkkkk
29/M/Euro (Croat)
I like to skate, draw, make music, basically have a lot of creative energy. I play a lot of vidya too and like the WH40K mythos. I have been watching a lot of Hollywood crime classics from the 70s and 80s lately.
>looking for
I'm interesting in talking to women over 25 that share my interests. Local or Europe only.
>not looking for
People under 25. Anyone rude who talks in memes. One-time chats or horny chats.
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25/M/Tx (europoor originally)
>about you
Hello friends! I’ve traveled a ton to different countries, I like camping, I lived off grid in a van for nearly a year. I play the drums, and use to be in a few very small death metal bands. I like old cars (especially volvos), and really silly memes. I work on big engines for a living. I don’t really play games, other the war thunder, old beta Minecraft for a few hours here and there or civ. I’m usually too busy or have other things I enjoy. I paint every once in a while, I could show you if you want. Most importantly , I collect pictures of silly frogs. Currently in been a little down, but I’m working on it, so much stuff to overcome it feels like. But I’m chugging along!
>looking for
Friends, I know most guys won’t add me, but I’m cool with talking to you dudes. Mentally unstable (to an extent) people please, you’re always a blast to talk too, and make great friends, for whatever reason. Anyways, I’d prefer something that lasts and doesn’t ghost me after a few days.
>not looking for
Porn watchers, coomers, hyper sexual folk. Decidedly unhappy people. Anything not wholesome or silly
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>Summary of yourself
I’m an inquisitive weeb with a small, but close social circle. A lot of my leisure time is spent playing vidya, watching movies, documentaries, and getting lost down informative rabbit holes.
Vidya, retro and modern, especially JRPGs and survival horror, but most genres are on the table and I like to branch out. I also enjoy foreign and classic film, true crime, weeb stuff in general, cooking, comfy night walks.

Favorite vidya: Trails/Kiseki, Final Fantasy, Jet Set Radio, Shadow Hearts, Drakengard/Nier, Shin Megami Tensei, Xeno, Metal Gear Solid, Yakuza, Tales, Ys, Silent Hill, Deadly Premonition, Resident Evil

Anime: Evangelion, Rose of Versailles, Mushishi, Natsume Yuujinchou, Great Teacher Onizuka, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Baccano

Film: House, Rosemary's Baby, Woman in the Dunes, Contempt, Ikiru, Your Name, Perfect Blue, Gone With the Wind, Sling Blade
>Looking for
Close friendships and engaging conversations over text or voice chat. I’d like to make genuine connections, and I'll do my best to give everybody a chance. Please don’t be obnoxious or a coombrain.
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21 M USA
vidya, music, history, (some) philosophy etc. just ask if you wanna know more.
>looking for
really not that picky.
>not looking for
if i don't like you i will tell you directly.
anyone is fine just be a patient listener ig , understanding , not a complete retard who thinks every little screencap i send you needs an explanation

Kicking rocks,gayming (mostly 6th and 7th gen),buying clothes.
>Interesting fact
I once, uhhhhhhhhh, yeah.
>Looking for
A wife, great friends, retard faggots.
>Not looking for
racism, or bad things.
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i love computer technology, psychological, intellectual and sometimes romantic anime, manga, visual novels, hentai, gore, schizo obsessions like aliens, reptilians, psychology about murderers and human behavior, tulpamancy
>interesting fact about yourself
i've spent 500 euros on coom utilities since august 2023. if i were on my deathbed, i will spend the last moments of my virgin life having the last drop of coom extracted by succubus lolis until i reach the eternal peace
>looking for
girlfriend or girl friend from lithuania
>not looking for
not girlfriend or girl friend from lithuania
18 / m / nigeria (chilean-american)
manga and anime, fine art, american 2000-2014 cartoons (literally anything that was made by tartakovsky, russian rock/alt music, games (cs2, rust, minecraft, terraria etc) reading political books ,larping middle eastern history during the 1600s, useless knowledge and religion,gems and (trying to collect) coins of countries that dont exist anymore (Confederacy, Yugoslavia, South Yemen, Rhodesia)
>looking for
people who can have a engaging friendship with interesting conversations and that can play games with me (i got a modded minecraft server)
>not looking for
People who are just total jerks but im chill with people as long as they dont send degen stuff or are just uninteresting to talk too
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23 ~ MtF ~ PA
HotD and other assorted Asoiaf stuff. Video games. Mostly, strategy stuff (not hoi4). AEW. Music. Reading. Writing. Talking. Weed. Thinking about feelings, talking about feelings. Self Improvement. I'm going to the gym a lot. Losing weight. Video essays. Collecting records. Learning. The supernatural.
>interesting fact about yourself
I am starting college in the fall. Finally, breaking the neet cycle after (trauma exposition you don't really care about)
>looking for
Friends, lovers, people who fascinate me. People I can just talk to for hours on end. People who will ask questions. Clingy people. Cute people with mommy issues.
>not looking for
People who can only be horny
27 cisf eu
LEAUGE OF LEGEND (other games like warframe, guild wars 2), gym, kidneys, movies/series
>interesting fact about yourself
i have committed several war crimes in serbia (i did comp sci and then decided that coding sucks so im a business analyst)
>looking for
people to vibe with
>not looking for
ppl who use laugh cry emoji unironically
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Japanese stuff, coffee, anime/manga, some fighting games.
I occasionally do a bit of in music, photography, traveling, and sometimes I share that stuff with cool/trustworthy friends.
>interesting fact about yourself
I've driven through a fresh California wildfire returning from Oregon before. It was pretty scary and I was pretty lucky.
>looking for
Simple innocent online friendships, preferably long term. I'm a open ear and a harmless friend.
>not looking for
The usual- Lewd, beggars, obsessive, fucked up, mentally ill, /pol/, anything malicious.
I'm very mild/normie-like; don't expect anything degenerate from me.
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>i have committed several war crimes in serb-

not funny kill yourself (does even have to be said ??)


also some sped with an /x/ profile seriously please I implore you after Trump start some shit with the feds and cause the next waco. I'm just itching too see this site shutdown. you morons will last upwards of 60 seconds in a standoff and if you have children stuck in the crossfire i will not shed a tear if they get torn too shreds. anyone with a brain knows this site has become populated with people who are emotionally retarded for their age or seemingly always 18-23 or below that range and aren't reported due too pedos on here

loser shut in here looking for mutuals or probably alt neet/loser gf (I fw big glasses btw) with similar somewhat struggles and taste as me I love art, music favorite genres are
slam/brutal,death metal, goregrind and nu metal. i like horror/slasher movies seems obvious I collect a lot of masks lol, also I diy my own crustpunk shit and it's great anyway add me I'm a mallgoth metalhead if that interest you :p
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Male 20s usa
i am feeling quite miserable and would like to share my misery and complaints with someone

here is my duolicious profile it has some info about me

i am v much incel so if you are one of the whole “bro nobody wants that negativity” kinda people then dont add me . i am only negative 0 positivity nvr happy.

Or if you like jason genova and the delray misfits you can add me and i can be positive i always like that.

tag is imuglymomadmitit
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computer science student, going into 3rd year. considerably large nerd. currently on summer break, bored out of my mind. currently i medicate it with the usual stuff - vidya with friends, shows, movies and whatever other online distractions we all use. other than that i also write and read pretty regularly and make music and other creative projects as a side hobby. been doing it for a few years and im getting better. I also dabble in history, philosophy, astronomy, the outdoors and just other general cool stuff

usually active, running, lifting 5-6 days a week, like to cook for myself a lot

self - improvement but not the meme kind I suppose

hopepilled, INTJ if you care for that

>interesting fact about yourself

I have been journaling regularly for nearly a decade now

yes its gay ass poetry and ramblings, what did you expect

>looking for

honestly I don't have high hopes or standards but I have met some cool people on here recently and I have more time than I know what to do with
I'll genuinely try to be as responsive and attentive as I can if you really think we'll get along
I won't ghost you and if we don't click i'll be honest and upfront about the reason why
I tried not to make the about me too serious, just laying out some general stuff. can't fit a whole person into a paragraph anyway. basically what I'm saying is don't take me too seriously and let's just shitpost and send memes and see where it goes
would be nice if you respond often
don't really care if you're a guy or girl
around my age (just be an adult)
met another person on here and we talk everyday now, its been great
also if you're in comp sci i'd love to talk and maybe share advice, i've got a lot of questions still

>not looking for

people who generally have a bad outlook on life, doomers, people who complain and dump perma
those easily offended
coomers and degenerates, leave me alone
no americans please, eurobros preferable


31 m us
cars, games, gym, editing
>interesting fact about yourself
Na, Im pretty boring
>looking for
Females to kill the time
>not looking for
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>hobbies, interests, whatever
my main interests are reading, hiking, collecting CDs, thrifting and military surplus, aimless night drives
used to play video games but now that i have a full time job i really dont anymore (got a nice gaming PC to sell lol)
my main focus in life right now is just saving enough money to move out
>looking for
friends or whatever else
>not looking for
its an alt, dont wanna post my main account here as i have people i know irl added on it, but i'll give to you once we've talked
male 25
looking for a friend someone to talk about games and music with
head300. with the period
speaking to strangers on the internet and seeing the crazy stuff they have to say
>interesting fact about yourself
i have never drank a drop of alcohol in my life but the same cannot be said for other substances
>looking for
women who want a void to speak freely to for a day, password and email for this account are both randomly generated and once i log out i cannot log back in
>not looking for
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gaming, movies
>interesting fact about yourself
ive almost died a few times in my life
>looking for
girls to play games with and maybe watch movies with. osrs, valo, cs2, poe or any other arpg
>not looking for
Autism or anyone on the spectrum, anyone with bpd, anyone with severe anxiety or depression, women with no drive, trannies, gays, non americans, politics, religion, server invites, coomers, sex pests, anyone trying to rush a relationship, anyone under the age of 21, non gamers
27 M US
Gaming, movies, anime, manga, some sports, animals, nature, music, just about everything. I love learning new things, too!
>interesting fact about yourself
I appeared on Japanese local TV once! I was on a school trip, and we were in a segment about cultural exchange.
>looking for
Cool people for friendships! I'd love to make friends to text throughout the day.
>not looking for
Trading porn, impatient people, bigots

Can't wait to hear from you!
>Aesop Rock, Malibu Ken
>king gizz
>about me
I study and work as a translator and interpreter (I speak english and spanish).
I love gaming (world of warcraft, overwatch, gacha games, minecraft, terraria, a lotta stuff).
Mangas, anime. (One Piece and Jojo's are my fav).
I study and work from home, so I spend a lot of time at home. During my free time I play, I keep the house tidy and exercise :)
I am a bit of a femboy, barely just getting into it, since I'm a smaller guy, 5'5, asian features.
I have 3 cats: Yuki, Mila and Tommy
>looking for
Guys to chat with, looking for long-term friendships and see what it happens :)
>not looking for
Desperate people. I'm open to anything but not immediatly.
Do women like twinks?
> 25 / Bi M / Brazil (RJ)

> interests

Videogames, big into retro and indie stuff, fav genres being: Fps, 3d Platformers and Hack n slashes/beat em ups.
Movies, my favorite types being horror and gory action shit, also into anime and manga, although i didn't watch nor read that much of them.

> interesting fact about yourself

Uh, i don't know, would being in a poly relationship be considered an interesting fact? or that i have a shelf with a bunch of comics, manga and books that i still haven't read.

> looking for

A friend! I'm not really good at starting conversations, so i ask for a bit of a patience at first, looking for mainly people from Brazil, but anyone is welcome to add me. may be open to something else besides friendship if it goes there.

> Not looking for

Mean people i guess?

Disc: raz451
Not at all
>Looking for
I have some stuff I would like to read, thought having a partner to read with/ look into interesting things with, could provide me with the extra motivation I need.
If you don't want to read it's okay, feel free to add me, I need some friends anyway.
>Not looking for
People who want short exchanges. Those who dont want to make friends.
vidya, manhwa, j-rpgs, listening to music
>interesting fact about yourself
i’ve been awake for 4 days straight
>looking for
nice chats
>not looking for
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gay, vers, twunk/jock
I'm a physics student and enjoy math, anime, manga, yaoi, sports, gym, mystery series, romance novels, gaming
>looking for
hot guys, twinks, jocks
stem friends
conversations about either my or your interests, sharing hobbies
either nsfw or sfw are cool
>not looking for
annoying, boring, untalkative people who think a convo = passively answering my questions
those who can't/don't introduce themselves after adding or say why they added me
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I write science fiction and fantasy stories as my primary form of work at the moment. Other than that I am into bodybuilding and vidja. Playing the new D3 season atm, some League on the side as well as warframe.
>interesting fact about yourself
I'm a pretty decent cook
>looking for
Someone to play vidja with or watch movies with. Fellow writers.
>not looking for
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video games, normal weebshit, board games, master of becoming vaguely interested in a thing for about a week and dropping it. i have 4 unbuilt gunpla and several small game prototypes that will never be finished
>interesting fact about yourself
can i come back to this one?
>looking for
just people to chat to. i play some multiplayer games like mmos but usually i prefer playing single player and vibing. i just need some friendship. wouldn't mind a small comfy server. women are also slightly more welcome admittedly. i'm quite lonely
>not looking for
edgy people and bigots. sorry i respect other people
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn

>>about me:
I'm boring. I like things like video games, tv, movies, and cooking. Pretty regular stuff. I also love tattoos and piercings. I have a bunch.

>>Looking for:
A buddy to just chat with once in a while. Maybe play some games, check up on each other occasionally, etc.

>>Not looking for:
Romance, sex, anybody under like, 25ish? Also if we don't click, we don't click. No hard feelings.

(I've had this tag since I was a teenager, please don't think I'm secretly looking for sex)

I don't have expectations of you. That's the first step to failure: separating desire from any other parasitic force.

We can't communicate anymore than cadavers can convey the lives they once had through flatulence and muscle spasms. Anymore than tumors can be fashion statements, or mosquitoes can love.

If you're lonely, your reflection is waiting here. True to form, I can't gaurantee you'll like it.

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Midwest Campers is probably the most sfw server out there.
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millenial/male/the first world
none of this matters and you don't give a shit about it either. I am very tired. I like nethack, tool, and A24 films. Nobody has ever fucking added me from here because of a shared interest.
>interesting fact about yourself
there is nothing interesting about me I am just a deeply mentally ill male BPDemon with no prospects or hope
>looking for
I can't possibly hope to find even a quasi-meaningful friendship from here much less anything more than that so I guess a night of interesting conversation will do
>not looking for
beggars can't be choosers
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Video editing/Films/Indie Games/Fashion(interested in almost all aesthetic also designer clothes)/Weirdcore/Kino media/Black Culture/Internet/Tiktok/Abstract Humor/Zoomer trends/Twitch/Different types of music
>looking for
Was your circumcision painful?
haha le funny zoomer joke xD
Or are you the rare intact Filipino?
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Male early 30s. Virgin by choice.

>Looking for
Girl who is open-minded. Bit of an idealist.
I appreciate weirdness and risk-taking.

>About me
More than meets the eye.

Tag: noir.entropy
art, video games, video game art, anime, traveling
>interesting fact about yourself
I just got back from a trip to South Korea. It was cool but certain parts of Seoul smell very bad.
>looking for
I'm actually looking for students to teach 2D and 3D art to 1 on 1. Not for free you do have to pay me. pic related, some of my work.
>not looking for
not looking for pen pals or anything. I'm just trying to get students without doing something gay like teaching at a high school. I want to stay my ass home.
deliberately wastes your time, low effort trolling about all conversation topics with nothing interesting to say. no effort to be friendly either
>I am a
Young german male.
lego, drawing, making jewelry, age gaps/pedophilia writing and most importantly Heinrich Himmler
>sexual interests
My sexual and romantic interest in women is pretty standard. As for men, it's far more complex and fluid. I'm attracted to women of any age, but I also feel a strange sort of romantic attraction to guys over 30.
>details about my sfw interests
I always loved lego, especially ninjago. Recently I also started really liking lego city. I have a decent collection of smaller sets, just what I can get away with convincing my parents to buy for me. I started developing my art and writing more after my interest in Heinrich Himmler sparked and I'd love to show you how he inspired my art. He's my muse. Most people tell me they like my art, especially my journal pages where I combine my Sütterlin handwriting with drawings, stickers and pictures in nice little collages.
I do agree with the Herr Reichsführer on most subject matters but unfortunately I do not life in the 1930s so there's not much for me to do about it. This world is rotten to me, I don't plan on making a change.
>looking for
Anyone who can hold a somewhat valuable conversation. I do like detailed messaging. I've been busy lately so I may not always have time. I wish to find friends, interesting people or maybe even someone like-minded
>not looking for
the pure horny
Telegram: OnkelMachmut
Discord: Anhimmler
Fun server all about pharmaceuticals, animal documentaries, led zeppelin, online tests, and food reviews. Join if you're looking to contribute or have a good time!!!

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24, Male, Switzerland
>hobbies, interests, whatever
-Video games
-Furry stuff
-Long ass, intimate discussions where I can't keep track of the time
-Probably some other stuff too
>looking for
Friends, people to talk to i guess, see if it even works between us
>not looking for
I don't know, I'm pretty much open to most people, I prefer filtering down the road if that makes any sense
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jrpgs, visual novels, reading, psychology, video games,
>looking for
actual friends/people to text throughout the day. bonus if you are a misanthrope or generally very bitter/negative
>not looking for
lgbt people or anyone who doesnt put effort in
21, m, England

IT guy interested in computers and cybersecurity and such. I also play guitar and bass so I’m really really into music and sometimes record my own demos for fun.

>looking for
Friends from England

>not looking for
People who don’t want to be friends

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22m eu
>hobbies, interests, whatever
hi! i occasionally write. i like languages and linguistics, talking to people from other cultures (tell me about your day!), playing bass, anime (let's have an autistic discussion about our favorites), occasional vidya
>looking for
friendly people, someone I can vibe with (it's totally fine if we don't hit it off). i want to vc (not mandatory) if we get on well!
>not looking for
crude/aggressive people, people with strong convictions
19, f, europe
mass shooters, obscure media, politics, ww2, music
>interesting fact about yourself
i enjoy cooking
>looking for
people that share my interests, friends, just people to talk to
>not looking for
pervs, relationships
dc : raspberryheaven444
28 / M / IL-USA
musical instruments and music production; theology, reading and studying the Bible; fishing; learning languages; hanging out with my pets; video games.
>looking for
people who are chill and want to chat.
>not looking for
romance with guys or trans people. bad conversationalists. coomers. politics. bots. underage.
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i do, anyways

19, f, usa
I'm bored so posting here if ur shy & sub add my tag yes_hihello

no 26+, no burners, im more so into women but my only type in men is what I put above, reply with asl
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20 f usa
these can come up naturally in conversation
>interesting fact about yourself
i play bass in a punk band
>looking for
internet friends to make the day less boring
>not looking for
e-relationships, sexual things, annoying people

if i seem distant/unfriendly it's because i am
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I'm a software engineer, but my real interest is in film among other types of art and media. I'm an easy-going down-to-earth guy, but i really enjoy deep ideas, philosophy, thought experiments, psychology, etc. I also like being active, enjoy swimming, disc golf, hiking, and want to travel more.
>looking for
Other adult, professional, mentally and financially stable people who are also chill and enjoy talking movies, philosophy or just friendly casual conversation. I also really want to talk with others about the future and the rapidly changing nature of technology and its impact to society. It would also be great to find others who enjoy being active and have any interest in staying fit and healthy (this includes mental health) together. If we end up getting along and vibe well and are both comfortable enough with each other, I'm up for eventually voice chatting. Also, if you like any of my favorite film makers we will probably get along: Scorsese, Lynch, Coen Bros, Bergman, Herzog, Fellini.
>not looking for
NEETs, Anyone high strung who can't handle their emotions like an adult or people who behave like children. People who don't have any sincere interests or ideas to share or those who are just looking for either an interview or an argument.
23 M
Discord - crashxop
I have lost any hope of having a meaningful connection with anyone. I work from home in a small city in a third world country so i never found anyone like me. Have a bad experience with relationships and have been single since start of lockdown. Got depressed and lost every bit of self esteem, will power or any emotions to be honest. I don't know what to do, I just lay on my bed and do fuck all and hate myself all day. Sleep schedule is fucked, work is fucked, life is fucked. And for some reason idky i believe female attention would fix me (i know it won't). So I really don't know why I am here but i really need some attention, I just want to feel needed, just want to feel something after so long of being empty inside.
18 f USA
I really like drawing and playing guitar!! I currently don’t have any interests right now but I like talking to people!!! I also have autism and schizophrenia, I hope we can be friends B) (2nd time using 4chan)
>looking for
Friendships and people who are autistic like me
>not looking for
relationships or people who are rlly mean
Hello newer female owned server. Come say hi!!
Lazy nigger
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dan vs., saw, postal, jay and silent bob, reptiles, internet drama/lolcows, metal
>interesting fact about yourself
my life goals include welding and eating sweet treats
>looking for
cool people
>not looking for
uncool people
[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442
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calisthenics, aviation, warhammer, hunter x hunter
>looking for
Someone to practice teaching to for my upcoming flight instructor exam + interesting discord friends
>not looking for
Romance or flirting: I have a girlfriend that I love and respect. Also, friend collectors that make conversations one sided.

my first ever post hopefully i do this correctly, if i dont please pardon me. also attached image is me but i dont want my face on 4chan so its heavily heavily filtered for my saftey

24, girl , usa


animals, nature, digital curation , conspiracies etc

>looking for

definantly friends, i have none irl, and almost none online but i would like to have someone i can chat to and have intricate or chill conversations with. hopefully i find someone i can be friends w for a very long time, im very lonely

> NOT looking for

troons or faggots
niggers (sorry, just being honest)
ahh my bad omg i forgot to add my username LOL


22 M NYC



No idea

No Idea

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19 male eu
cs val bf5 adhd aim training

discord a534b3456a43
Do not add, no longer logged in to account. Will not accept requests. Thank you.
Hurry up and make a new account faggot
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neet looking for another job. trying to fix my life. looking for some friends to help pass the time and get to know. considering going back to school. i like video games, movies, photography, and traveling.
>looking for
people around my age to talk to. doesn't matter if interests align or not. people that are actually open to making friends would be nice. someone in a similar situation as me possibly. not required but is a bonus
>not looking for
coomers, rudes, server invites. asking to vc right after adding. friend collectors. one way conversations, ghosting
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34, male, Hawaii
Playing/performing music, religion, philosophy, the occult, history, mythology, archaeology, yoga, swimming, hiking, cycling, chess, fighting games, classical languages and literature
>interesting fact about yourself
I competed internationally in Shotokan Karate as a teenager
Here's a song I recorded for a vocaroo thread the other day: https://vocaroo.com/16pvKqY91M5k
>looking for
people to talk to about common interests or play games with
lex.white (I use my real name and link my real social media, I like being transparent about who I am and what I do)
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I like to listen and write music, collect vinyl, games, and instruments, play video games, and go to concerts! I also like watching sports, as my favorite team is the Chiefs!
>interesting fact
I'm double jointed, and I know how to play a lot of instruments!
>looking for
Friendship or a relationship
>not looking for
One night stands or bad hygiene
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23m usa

computers, anime, video games, movies

>interesting fact about yourself
allergic to eggs

>looking for
clingy best friend :)

>not looking for
the opposite

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20 F

getting drunk and waiting to falI asleep severely insomniac. add me if you want to chat about anything im pretty lonely. nothing inappropriate.

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Vidyas(started getting into crpgs), anime/manga, guns
>interesting fact about yourself
I’m a wage cuck
>looking for
Peeps to talk to
>not looking for
I dunno
I play piano, guitar, etc
>interesting fact about yourself
>looking for
Someone that wants to vc and laugh
>not looking for
I really like planting fruits and vegetables, sculpting, electrical engineering, some fishing, vidya, collecting certain stuff and talking to people and making them happy c:
>Interesting fact about yourself
I can pretty much dislocate my shoulder on cue without actually dislocating it c:
>looking for
Im kinda needy and i need a lot of attention (i know it sounds wrong) and constant reassurance and i just really like it so im looking for someone sweet that will care for me ^^ (not financially)
WARNING I may or may not have mommy issues so i will do very stupid things for attention
>not looking for
Faggotry, 41percenters
I added you! I play a lot of instruments, too! This is me
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writing, reading, poetry, programming (sometimes), animals, games (I've been playing through all the Gears games since the E-Day announcement), and music. I like learning new things when I can. I'm always interested in learning something new, even if it's way out of my wheelhouse.
>looking for
Anyone is fine. I'm up at odd hours so I'd like another night owl to talk to. A friend.
>not looking for
Sex of any kind. Chasers.
DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For

24 Male from USA


I am a big gamer, I write and read a lot. Take a lot of pictures too. I adore anything that revolves around a creative output. I also love getting to know people

>intresting fact

All of my joints are pretty busted after being a competitive dancer for 7 years

>looking for

I am not sure, this is my second time even ever posting on 4chan

>don't wants

Not sure if there is too much I don't want in this case. I don't like I block


I like retro-anime and retro-game, genre wise I touch everything for anime but for games it's rpg, roguelikes and strategy. I like history, cooking, poetry, dyi projects, old internet culture and learning new things. Music wise I prefer baroque music but as long it's good I like. I like arts a lot but beyond poetry I can't draw or sing.

>looking for
Maybe a relationship with a girl. I don't like people obsessed by sex(I go in the sfw thread for a reason), I'm mostly interested in the bond and the romantic aspect of it. I prefer mature, smart and strong woman but I'm always looking towards learning new things.
Friend-wise I'd prefer someone who is proactive and want to do things like games(I pirate games so I can't play with people who don't). I got already enough people who added me only to be silent and boring.

>not looking for
Drama queen, ghosters, people who want orbiters, very young people(less than 20years), ideologues who just want to shill their bullshit and people obsessed with sex who didn't read my fucking post
and this should be obvious but don't be mean and be polite

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>Looking for

I wanna talk about the lore of Elden ring + Shadow of the erdtree with someone. Perhaps about other souls games too

>Not looking for
anything else
music (mostly pop), art (sfw and nsfw), games, science and tech, anime, films
>interesting fact about yourself
depressed but high-functioning (for now), uhhh kinda normie, mostly gay
>looking for
friends to talk/hangout with. maybe play some games or watch films together. we can simply talk about our days even how mundane they are. open to nsfw conversations but !warning! i'm gay. i'd appreciate if you'd be clear with your intentions at first.
>not looking for
rude, homophobic, racist people. feel free to be political just at least keep conversations respectful.
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28, M, Ohio

Outdoors. Hiking, camping, shooting, and maybe someday hunting. My dream is to get a cabin in the woods at least an hour’s drive from anything and grow my own food and hunt my own meat. Ohio looks like a decent place to afford that lifestyle.

>interesting fact about yourself
I lived in 5 states in 1 year recently. I joined the Army because I needed a vacation. Been to Paris twice and still haven’t seen the Eiffel Tower.

>looking for
People with a similar love for the woods

>not looking for
Anything sexual.

Hi latín girl add me discord paolita0716

i like every form of art, bad literature, biology, drugs, animals, etc!

>looking for:
image exchange, music exchange, and friendship

i am cool

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my interests are video games, true crime, urban exploration, pharmacology, fashion, mental illness, antipsychiatry, Pullip dolls, scenecore music

wanna play video games with mic : league of legends (the new swarm mode), panicore, content warning, gmod, phasmophobia, naraka bladepoint, chained together, outlast trials, dying light 2, world war z, valorant, open to new games esp horror games
i dont rly like small talk so pls get straight to the point

not looking for trannies, faggots (including bisexuals), asian lovers (im not asian but this shit is cringe), left leaning males!!

socrazy4u on discord<3<3<3<3<3
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Calm and patient INFP-T type, introverted, shy, anxious, high morals
I'm somewhat of a carefree, dumb and kind person but I have tendency to overthink stuff and get mood shifts
Outside of work I spend most of my free time on pc, either playing, reading or creating images and pretty much everything else so Im pretty much online all the time
Because of my stutter Im not really confident and it shaped my irl social life
stable diffusion, browsing art, collecting things, paranormal, occult/creepy/paranormal stuff, warhammer ,touhou project, meditation, worldbuilding, yuri enjoyer and ofc basic stuff like anime and vidya
>looking for
ffxiv frens
project moon/limbus frens to talk about series
fighting games - spar partner (granblue versus/tekken 8)
anything sfw
>not looking for
nsfw, way too big timezone difference, dont bother if you are from america or something please
19M, EU

Photo/video compositing (making goofy shit)
occasionally practice guitar (shit at), or practice drawing (decently shit at) every so often.
story writing, as well as some reading (though not a lot of reading)
have a history with anime/manga and muliplayer competitive games, though i don't regularly do those atm.

Currently doing project based IT

>looking to
meet people, friends or otherwise.

>Not interested in
Hyper masculine guys
highly conservative induviduals
neo nazis and the like
ppl over 23

don't be sexual right off the bat plz

won't be mad if nothing works out.

I remember when you would post claiming you were 24. How did you de-age 2 years?

nothing. im ignorant and boring. sometimes i play games but i dont last long. shit i like are from two decades ago like ragnarok online. i like a bit of psychology, especially stuff related to relationships. i dont like anime or any normie shit

>looking for
girl willing to chit chat and help me make me into a more cultured person

>not looking for
men, normies

27 male Europe
>interests, hobbies
Music listening, playing guitar (metal, pop, jazz, synth pop, city pop, etc). We can link rateyourmusic or lastfm
>looking for
People to talk about/share music with, potentially listening to something together. I am up to some movies as well, maybe if I'm free
>not looking for
Romance, shitty people, politics, BPD and the like. Please spare me the time
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VR Simracing (putting my rig back together soon, just moved), light vidya with friends (LoL arams, playing DOOM Eternal myself), music production (electronic/synth), live music (mostly electronic), and soon will be fencing again once my moving spending is done. Got my mask and weapons in right as I got hit with life stuff lol
>looking for
Friends to chat with through the day, good connections, people with interesting lives and interesting tales, lonely souls, chatterboxes, music sharers
>not looking for
Arguments, political talks, "you're my only friend" energy, people adding me for reasons not related to my post

> About you
Mostly looking for friends to DM with semi-frequently. I won't write too much in this post since I'd rather have a conversation.

I'm big on music and would like people to talk to about shows and the likes. I also enjoy film and video games.

>Looking for
General organic conversation rather than just talking about a single hobby we both share ALL the time.

>Not looking for
/Pol/,incel stuff, hate machines, server invites

Discord tag: harmonica_
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>interests, hobbies
lifting, hiking, poetry, foraging, mysticism&psychology, philosophy, crafting stuff, gardening, brewing, psychedelic rock, neofolk, romanticism&symbolism, perennial philosophy, cooking
>what you're looking for
whatever, interesting convos
>what you aren't looking for
it would be nice to have friends with others with ADHD or chat about random stuff. I enjoy the company of people who like to talk and are nice (esp with anime pfps). If you're gonna act like a pretentious asshole pls don't add me
someone posted my user, "i" never claimed to be 24 lmaoo i was also not camming or whatever the posts said
>interest (i am bad at most of these lol)
tom clancy's TD2, warcraft (retail&classic), RS2 vietnam, ROR2, dank souls, MH:world, league at a push. Enjoy couch co-op or goofy games - anything you can play in a group/clan.
>looking for
group or individuals to play vidya after work (vc)
looking for people who have normal healthy lives and generally enjoy living. I like just hanging out and watching other people stream games also :)
>not looking for
people who have crippling tism or self inflicted mental health issues. /pol/tard or racist/sexist/homophobe, people who are just sad all the time etc.
I love edgy memes but not if you take it too seriously >.>

tag: jovunti
Minor do not add
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20f europe
programming, music & movies
>looking for
cool people
>not looking for
i don't use this stupid shit, but i made one
>people who have crippling tism or self inflicted mental health issues

Remember race and sexual orientation are the only forms of bigotry that matter online !!
you're the rich-hating car enthusiast from bant??
4chan sure is a small place
Where is everyone who likes musig and making fwens I'm gonna be bored
you always make some shit up and never stop posting here, maybe lay off the party drugs you stupid frog rave whore
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super into music! mostly been listening to emo, midwest emo, epunk, soundcloud shit (stuff like lil soda boi, capoxxo, shed theory, tr1st4n, bladee, dethtech, marjorie sinclair, + way more) and more but those are the main stuff atm! been playing lots of overwatch lately but not really into many other multiplayer games (mostly play single player stuff). also love horror & weird films! sometimes i draw badly too
>interesting fact about yourself
>looking for
friends!!! friends within my age range that are into similar stuff (into similar music preferred) :DD ppl that don't take themselves too seriously
>not looking for
overly serious ppl that don't like to be silly, anything sexual or romantic, people way older than me or way younger
20s male us
Looking for a girl to complain to/be miserable to who will also insult my looks, intelligence, and other “hard” traits.

i can compensate you for this.
it’s nonsexual for me, but I want something to listen to while I rot in darkness

tag is imuglymomadmitit
This guy is cool af
mid 20s
i had a dream i got diagnosed with a terminal disease and i felt a weight lift off my shoulders, it’s not that i don’t want to live, i need a reason to justify my death, im scared to die but it’s all i think about and im waiting for something terrible to happen so i can finally commit suicide, i feel pathetic and sick and so rotten
i want to listen to music with you; black kray, deli girls, delroy edwards, whitearmor, boy harsher, purity filter, duster, mbr, panchiko, the sugarcubes, the smiths, bladee type

25/M/Southern USA
Coding (my job), spooky weird shit, living in the woods, politics
>looking for
Interesting women that are awake during standard US hours. Aspiring codefags welcome
>not looking for
Gay men, trannies
vidya (survival horror, platformers, fromsoft stuff + way more), weeb shit, lifting, film, lost media, horror, spooky /x/ type shit, sonic, silent hill, old internet culture, general tech stuff like pc building and soft modding consoles, travel
>looking for
people to shoot the shit with, im always down to watch stuff be it anime, films or random yt videos. i like streaming games to ppl. pls dont be offended if i don't add back, i try to only add a few people at a time
>not looking for
mass adders, doomers, low effort, edating, nsfw, 1 week old accounts
back in australia and it's time to do this again
28 / f / aus

none, browsing 小红书, exercising on my treadmill still, trying to build a home overseas, not living here mostly, is my friend homer still around here? i'm much better if you're asking but definitely friendless now my one good friend from a decade ago just never replied to me one day :/ i don't watch shows, don't enjoy listening to music, don't go outside for brunch (though i go grocery shopping myself). haven't been on here since forever and just want to check up on people i used to talk to/know and see how their life is going

>looking for
chatting to anyone interested, mostly asians

>not looking for
weird sex things, mental illness


Average man in their mid 20s that is completely lost in life and has no clue where to go or what to do, life really doesn't prepare you for this whole adult thing, currently in the whole rotting away process where you do nothing then feel really sad about doing nothing so you continue to do nothing, procrastination king (I'll do it next Monday bro, I promise bro, next Monday ill change my life bro, just one more weekend of doing nothing bro please.)
I mostly read and listen to music, in the process of writing something and savemaxxing all my wages so I can just leave this terrible hell on earth (California)

>Looking for
Anyone that honestly attempts to engage in conversation is okay, I dont have any expectations, and as long as you keep talking to me ill keep replying, Dont really mind if you are socially unexperienced or bad at conversations.

>Literature I like.
No Longer Human (Osamu Dazai), Le Petit Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka), Blood Meridian (Cormac Mc Carthy), Berserk (Kentaro Miura)
>Albums I like
Ok Computer (1997), Deathconsciousness (2008), Loveless (1991), Giles Corey (2011), You Won't Get What You Want (2018) Hurtbreak Wonderland (2007). 街で夜を過ごす (2020)

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20, f, us
postal 2, persona games, anime, drugs, films, manga, cats, rhythm vidya
>looking for
idk, friendly chats
>not looking for
take ur meds retards
You’ve got issues, you race obsessed tard. Go back to /trash/ with their bestiality fetish.
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i'll be banned for this but here we go

i am catfishing people as a girl and have a small following on twitter with people willing to pay for stuff. i need a girl who is willing to help me take pics and stuff and we'll split the difference. i'm gay so i have 0 intention of seeking anything other than making money together

you gotta have tits tho. reply with your discord or email me at

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>hobbies, interests, whatever
I play lots of instruments (maybe I will for you) make music, play fighting games and jrpgs. Love to read and give advice. I lift weights and listen to thrash metal and synthwave mostly. Have been exploring coding and gamedev the last few months. Check out my bass (Pic related)
>looking for
A friend to hang out with when I can. Anime and spooky youtube night, someone to play sf6 with.
>not looking for
Boring people, Underage, normies, sensitive people
19 F

let's talk about anything and everything besides lewd!!! also down to vc if we click over text

Anime and sleeping
Gothic skinny azn girl
I want marriage, I wanna be American
Not looking for unemployed as that somehow disqualifies you from being together physically in the US(weird but ok)
Just drop your info if interested, I get spammed everytime I drop mine
You guys are mean.
>looking for
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History, dinosaurs, cryptids/paranormal, world-building/ttrpg, drawing, vidyas (Skyrim, Half Life 2, Hoi4, Helldivers), movies (Come and see, Hereditary, The Thing, Godzilla)
>interesting fact about yourself
I'm a teacher lol
>looking for
Like-minded people, who love to talk endlessly. Cultured folks or willing to discover stuff. People to debate with who don't get triggered. People with passion generally.
>not looking for
Retards, depressed fags, single word answers etc.
tldr u seem very angry get help!!!xD
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23, Male, Europe

Skinny dipping, military gear, preserving food, polytheistic and paranormal

>interesting fact about yourself
I stopped sleeping with a pillow few years ago

>looking for

>not looking for

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i draw digitally a lot ... and watch a lot of ytb
>interesting fact about yourself
i have assburgers
>looking for
ppl to play roblox with on vc
>not looking for
Will you be my boyfriend free girl?
Anime, games, baking, gardening
>interesting fact about yourself
I’m making a card game
>looking for
People to chat to while bored at work/in general
>not looking for
All welcome, just no voice chat
From the USA
Vidya, Anime, Cooking, Snowboarding, Drugs, Hiking and other outdoorsy shit.
>Looking for
Peeps to game/chat with
>Not looking for
>blatantly admits their dysgenetic fetish in sfw thread, in the guise of being the sole perfect pinnacle of humanity as a whole here on this board
>also admits they browse goyslop board
>talks about race when the accused actually derailed another sfw thread with race in the past, before lowering their impossible standards
>has the complete audacity to talk about "issues" on soc of all places, ignores the elephant in the room
>pretends to be a normie but ends up being a normie pretending not to be one
>ultimately dies on this hill defending actual trash in an impressive ironic fashion
lol you couldnt be more pathetic
>You’ve got issues,
>tldr u seem very angry get help!!!
>the retard cant read(obvious)
>more esl noises incoming
>still posting here, boiling in more anger than an actual shill whose job is to lose
>is still viewing thread, not considering their own advice especially regarding their lifestyle choices
u need to take a chill pill lil bro...
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Male early 30s. Virgin by choice.

>Looking for
Girl who is open-minded. Bit of an idealist.
I appreciate weirdness and risk-taking.

>About me
More than meets the eye.

Tag: noir.entropy

Fitness, boxing, history, sociology, economy, rpg games, strategy games, fantasy literature, tabletop games, animals, ballroom dancing, sometimes hiking, etc
>interesting fact about yourself
I have weirdly elastic skin
>looking for
Friends, buddies, people to talk with often, vc if I’m free. Maybe hang out irl if you are close and you won’t murder me
>not looking for
Relationships, crazy weirdos and drama.
still up to talk about music, languages, pharmacy and random stuff (not politics please)
doesn't matter where you're from, as long as you're aware of the time difference (I don't care)
NOT looking for (romantic) relationships
mmos, rpgs, anime, metal/prog/hiphop, anarchy, entheogens, science, chess, anything you nerd out over
>interesting fact about yourself
i watch most stuff at 2x
>looking for
people to talk to and do things with. we could vc and watch something, or play vidya, or do a crossword, or literally anything, desu. i just want some company
>not looking for
gooners, racists, edgelords, brainmelted zoomers
>willingly building another rapsheet for the archive, wasting the fresh slate
and you honestly need to fuck off to wherever the fuck you came from, you stupid disingenuous normie faggot whore. i am sincerely telling you this because you actually have social circles and its completely wild that you should come here going as far as staying for an entire year, even while re-encountering you, you would incoherently start talking about random people you personally know asking me questions about them
>deletes their old instagram with hundreds of followers
>u need to take le chill pill
wouldnt be surprised if you got doxxed by some moid who ran into another moid with the same nudes from you. literal lolcow in the making. be self aware for once in your fucking lifetime and take heed of whats to come
i'm not reading any of this thread, and no offense, but you seem like a butthurt gay bitch! no offense!
fiftyonethings PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE add me on discord
Lmfao Mogged.

Why stink up the board with your autistic seething? Nobody cares, nigga.
i thought you were 18f why are you simping for a catfish lol
I care.

Continue, Anon. Tell me about Milky.
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18/doesn't matter lol/ usa
Drawing, tt/reels brainrot memes, lana del rey/lizzy grant, roblox, character. ai, pro-ana, old online web games
>interesting fact about yourself
I've never drank coffee before and I turn 19 soon lol
>looking for
Someone to play roblox with (doesn't matter if we vc or not), share memes with, talk about c.ai, play web games with :] basically kinder a friendship
>not looking for
Anyone really, really mean, lewd people, people who can't take jokes and extremist people.
lobotomy.del.rey on discord
Forgot to add but if you're pro-life I'd love to talk about that too :)
settle down ure INSANE
Wandering soul drifting aimlessly from place to place completely lost and alone without a purpose in the universe.

rodents, AI, beta minecraft, babybel cheese, anime, random chats
>looking for
Random chats
>not looking for
explicit chats
trust the incels whove been obsessed with me for years
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Looking for a horny partner to talk about lewd stuff, trade porn or hentai and maybe ourselfs if we get to know each other and vibe
Pretty open in terms of fetishes and fantasies, don't really have a problem adapting to yours, well maybe not scat or blood.
prefer all female, femboy, twinks. kinks femboys, furry, loli, tomboys, trans, yuri, creampie, anal, cum, cumswap, oily.
these are my favorite kinks.
25 years old femboy bi/gay
[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442

looking for delinquents.

maybe we can help eachother out.

this isnt about money.

this is about ideas.
24 years incarnated into this body. white man. residing in america.

I work out and meditate and increase my knowledge and that's about it besides what's mentioned below. I'm homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, etc etc but it's not my entire personality.

interested in body cleansing, conspiracies, spirituality, and the occult. I also watch (kino) movies and anime and play videogames. Have been listening to jungle, indie rock, and 2000s edm.

might help you with any health issues you may have at my own discretion.

looking for women. no minors. no mass adders.

will discuss anything in my interests and beyond. we'll see where things go.

if you're mentally ill be upfront with it. fake women (trannies) and fags are unacceptable.

disc is jailbreaker
>asl: 27FTexas
>interests: Luciferian. Goth stuff (horror, industrial,etc). Mental health
>interesting fact about yourself: I am very needy and I have abandonment issues.
>looking for:
Consistently available
Dating: Skinny boys. It's not abnormal for my boys to have anorexia issues. I prefer clean shaven men.
>not looking for:
Fat people
People that block me immediately
Fights because we don't talk enough
weird fetishes
>username: lucifers.little.lady
Currently drunk, pls come take advantage
Girls only

Discord: lordlighthouse
25 M Italy

I play poker and vidya and I'm a web developer. Let's watch some shows and play something

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29 m cali
cooking/baking, cleaning, movies/tv, anime/manga, rabbits, camping, hiking, drugs sometimes, self-hosting, leaning programming (i suck rn :<)
>interesting fact about yourself
i worked with my ex doing independent adult content creation for about 5 years.
>looking for
people to chat with, play games with, whatever. im a neet, so if you currently don't have a life like me thats a +. im drinking tonight, come cry with me
>not looking for
means and ghosts,
They're the catfish then and nothing wrong with a catfish falling in love.
I'm female, I'm kinda needy and I keep getting cheated on.

Need friends m or f.


Just looking for anyone who’d wanna VC and keep me company while I grind at RDR2. I have insomnia so these nights get pretty long and boring. We can chat about anything really, idc. Watching some early 2000’s wrestling while I play.

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overwatch!!!! bedwars, music (kmfdm, hole, nirvana, deftones, msi), nge, paranoia agent, online shopping, internet drama
>looking for
someone to play games and talk with & is friendly!!!
>not looking for
moralfags, coomers, politics
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26 Male South Africa
About me:
I live in the bush with a huge amount of biodiversity. I'm trying to get into conservation as well. Since I live fairly isolated I'd like to keep some online contacts to engage with my on some of my interests. In my daily life I am passionate about taking care of my plants and crops, I refill my birdbath daily as well as a water pit for the buck that come visit me. I do photography as a hobby, both wildlife and macro. Currently studying mycology and entomology. So if you happen to be really into lichens, please contact me :)

Interests: Ecology, Mycology, Entomology, Photography, Diving, Fitness, Agriculture and Botany, Metal, psychedelic rock and horror movies/games.
Open to voice chat, even prefer it.
I'm pretty open about my life and would prefer it if you are as well.
Discord: Fasciasca
>about me
i read a lot, watch a lot of movies, listen to a lot of music
apart from programming i don't create a whole lot of output. looking to change that
deeply depressed. sometimes i drink or take substances. but i'm good at emotionally regulating myself overall i think
>looking for
ages 20-25
someone to talk to that can hold a conversation
would be cool if we can teach each other things. maybe read a book together
>not looking for
anything romantic or sexual, including anything flirtatious
people who identify with any of the letters in lgbt
radicalists, weebs, degenerates. sorry i'm a normalfag
Video games, music, movies, bird watching, shiczo-documentaries.
>interesting fact about yourself
Clinically dead once.
>looking for
People to chat with, play games, watch movies/shows/anime, share documentaries and music. Been playing a lot of For Honor lately, but I have over 400+ games. Down to learn or get something new if we vibe.
>not looking for
Coomers, people who get mad at me for not responding. I work nights and am typically asleep during the day so if that's a problem I get it.
Psych, english and political student here. Into movies, sharing stories and stuff like that. Outfits and selfies too I guess.
>looking for
Looking for people to chat about horror movies with, share paranormal/crazy stories with (I'm a slight skeptic), do question games, share my selfies with if you're cool too. Open any stories, no restrictions. Could also play a game about horror movies, how I'd turn out. (aka if you were director, how long would I live depending on the film).
I'm a feminist, if you're super anti-women's rights, I'd love to chat to see why you believe what you do. Not a debate, more of a discussion.
Please say why you messaged when ever you add me!
>not looking for
People who are not participating in the stuff above. I'm newish to 4chan.
22m eu
hai! i enjoy playing bass, writing, linguistics and being extremely autistic about things i like. i enjoy anime, books and vidya (rarely). if you have something you are very passionate about/want to share, please don't be shy, i really enjoy listening to sperg-outs. you can also just tell me about your day (◕‿◕)
>looking for
friendly chats, if i'm lucky people to build genuine connections with. I WANNA VC (if we get on well!)
>not looking for
aggressive people, people with strong convictions
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27 / M / US
Chill guy looking for people to play co-op multiplayer games with. I'm currently having a lot of fun playing Deep Rock Galactic. Would be down to try other things as well. I'm very open minded.
Vidya, manga, running (training for a marathon right now), cats
>Looking for
People to play games with and chill in voice chats. I'm most active during NEET hours (8am - 5pm EST)
>Not looking for
/pol/ racists, shy people who will add me and refuse to play games or chill in vc, e-dating (I'm happily married), or trauma dumping

>Describe yourself and your life. Your interests.
Christian, vegan, totally pro gamer, nerd, weeb, bpd, broken sleeping pattern, etc.

I'll send you trash poetry, and cold read you for free, oh and I'll give you free therapy too because I love trauma. Be mentally ill and I'll love you.

Extremely anxious and unstable, so I'll probably want to hold onto you tight enough to leave a mark while pushing you away hard enough to undo it. Attachment issues like a neutrally charged magnet. If you just talk to me, I'll obsess over you.

>What are you looking for in a partner
I want to find anyone who can prove me wrong with the idea I'll be alone forever, because I genuinely believe I will be, and have given up, but this sort of stuff gives me a reason to live, if I pretend otherwise from what I already know for certain.

>Not looking for
Guys. As much as I wouldn't care at all if you're a guy in terms of the attention, I want things like having kids one day, getting married etc, so kinda need a genuine human female for that.

>Discord Tag
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I have a lot of cars. I enjoy modern art and ultra-modern & mid-century architecture.
I'm into sewing, knitting, fashion, gardening and cooking as well as things like cars, bikes, fixing planes, DIY stuff in general.. I like to create things, like radio control models, build retro computers, make plants grow.. I like furry stuff a bit... I don't watch anime or any shows or anything, so I wouldn't have a clue if you were gonna talk to me about it.. How about some Minecraft? I also play War Thunder and Helldivers 2..
I've got greyish green eyes, brown hair, and I'm not vaccinated!
>looking for
I'm looking for someone to talk to a lot, on a regular basis.. Ideally, someone who becomes very close to me..
>not looking for
You know what? Just surprise me and we'll see... I'm open to anyone if it's friendly.. If it's for more, just know that I'm straight..
Not working. Or you've blocked me already lol
Pathologic compulsive liar, also has lots of other mental issues, do not add

Has a profile on Tagmap too
i like music and stuff
lets talk :)
Huh? Are you confusing me with someone else?
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Video games, League of legends, gym, paranormal and occult stuff, breakcore, rats

>looking for
Someone to hang out with either playing games, watching me play something
or just hang out or watch something.
Also prefer to find people close to me or in EU to potentially be IRL friends but I don't
mind if you are outside of EU.

>not looking
People who add everyone randomly for no reason off the thread

19f US

looking for female friends, as i do not have a single friend, even online. i was a frustrated femcel NEET till i met my husband, now i just stay at home and buy figures while he works. i feel a disconnect, because my job is to be a stay at home wife, and while i do enjoy that, i still feel like a femcel NEET at heart and like i have a hard time relating to others and making friends both online and irl. I wish i had just one friend, but i feel like anyone i've met isn't really that interested in talking to me. i like talking on the phone a lot, i have tons of free time. if you are a lonely/desperate femanon, pls dont hesitate to add me so we can talk all day.

males pls don't add me, and another disclaimer, i don't get along with people who aren't racist and people who support trans ideology. as long as you aren't a deranged SJW libtard or a male, i am more than happy to accept anyone as a friend.

discord- fourteen.words
email- yanfei@cock.li
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26, boygirl, EU
>Who you are
I never leave my room, and I love cute stuff. I play video games 24/7, make music, cook, I love fashion, and so much more!!
>Looking for
Proper long-term friendships, preferably one where we can perhaps play video games together, and do stuff together to become the bestest of best friends
>Not looking for
BPD people, "depressed" people, random dick pics, toxic/mean people, femboys, people who talk to 900000 people, becoming your daily diary
>asl F 21 Germany
>interests Video games, Scrap booking, mature photography
>looking for a relaxed and nice conversation
>not looking for Creeps
>username minervaminx
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no nsfw in gen! you can open this server in public!

come check out your favorite server’s favorite server.
this is where it all started.


Red flag.
>but i feel like anyone i've met isn't really that interested in talking to me.
Cant imagine why…
um. incel. she is looking for an orbiter not a romantic partner D:<
What? Wanting someone who isn’t mentally unstable equates to being an incel? You really are pathetic. Go date more bpd troons retard.

—no verify
—low moderation
—semi-toxic af
—giga boosted
—est. july 2024
—dank emojis & stickers
—tv/film/music streams
—we have schizos, goth/alt, egirls, incels, femcels, addicts, stoners, weebs, ravers, insomniacs and perfectly sane people
—game, listen to music, talk in vc to make frens
—leveling system to filter true psychotics
—custom boost perks/VIP access
—verified egirls get mod lawl
—free nitro/weed giveaways

looking for mods

hiiii come join pls
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movies, music, and gaming. the regular

i have never made a post on here before, nor do i understand the culture

friend? gf?


gaming, art, literature, fighting, guns, traveling
>interesting fact about yourself
i collect antique books
>looking for
>not looking for
anything sexual
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of fucking course you're in a relationship....fml
[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442
this dowsnt even desvribe ur pwrsonality this is just yout alking about your shitty fake marriage (that will fail because all pre one of these faggy le 19 year old marriages too cuz its onky done by annoying gooner faggots liek u) and talking abt being A LE EPIC NEET FEMCEL cuz u mooch off of some simp chode, insufferable ppl liek u shuld die sorry
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Lately just YouTube brain rot. Video games very occasionally.
>interesting fact about yourself
>looking for
Nothing in particular. I enjoy random voice chats.
>not looking for
Gay men

>about you
Someone just trying to self improve, learning to cook, learning to workout, trying to get into reading, I usually have a hard time making friends as well which makes me a bit of a loner. I spend alot of time on youtube or twitch streams for some type of "social interaction".

I like the usually nerdy things like anime and video games although haven't been interested in the current trend of anime. I like learning about different cultures as well. Reading about myths and histories. And staring into the abyss at night.

>looking for
Someone to pass the time with watching movies, playing games, or just shooting the shit with each other. (If you're not American that's a plus as well since I like learning about other countries).

Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For
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circa 2006-2012, aero frutiger, source engine, ambience/field recordings, speedruns, fitness, holistic medicine, hiking, photography, etc.

>interesting fact about yourself:
i traveled alone to russia for two weeks shortly after graduating high school with just a backpack

>looking for:
cool people that have a life outside of their desk space. lovely people. sane people.

>not looking for:
lgbt people. stalkers. pessimistic people. overtly jaded people.

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i'm fucking retarded but i think i'm fun desu. into persona, rhythm games, cute anime shit
>looking for
frens, vc in free time. someone to talk to especially when i'm at work
>not looking for
19 f looking for some bwc tonight

tag xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn
boring, no personality, generally uninteresting.
are you that mad i blocked you because you were being annoying
I didn't even add you. I was just guessing lmao.
it would be a nice save if i hadn't blocked you literally moments before you posted that kek
still trying to find someone around my age range that plays on xbox and wants to try out random games together

only requirements dont be a pedo or

>discord: shittygamer28
[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442
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Music, reading, shitty memes. People who suffer from drug addiction.

>interesting fact about yourself
I made a song which was featured on Sam Hyde's Fishtank.

>looking for
People with a story, musicians, writers, drug addicts

>not looking for

Disc: DebonairFawkes
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Yes I am

Mostly vidya, books and movies

>interesting fact about yourself
Now I'm pretty boring aside being fairly good at MMO (top 10 in Guild Wars back in the days, multiple top 25 in raidprog on FFXIV), I used to do interesting stuff like living in Thailand and Australia, translating light novels and other random shit

>Looking for
Having deep conversations, you know how it's easier to open up to complete strangers? I want to hear what's on your mind that you don't dare to tell your close friends, or just general chatting and discussions about your interests

>not looking for
Nothing really, I personally don't like trans, but if you are one and want to discuss it, I'm open to it

32/m/KST (currently, originally from USA)
i dont even know anymore i would say games but i mainly like talking about them + video game music, i havent played an actual game in what feels like ages
manga? anime culture?
thinking about feelings, talking about feelings, random youtube video essay things about things im vaguely interested in, food, getting the high of talking to someone that has a lot of energy and matches with my vague interests and then the inevitable crash
reading twitter (my feed has a LOT of cats in it) and watching random youtube
>>interesting fact about yourself
i probably have the tism + adhd given some of the symptoms ive read online and what people have told me
>>looking for
talk a lot, mutual question asking, some sort of vague cloud of romance i can get hooked on and have it implode
>>not looking for
people who have actual 0 things in common so i just flop like a fish spongebob squarepants
snmeezes bumpity friends hi
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gaming(all kinds of games), youtube, metal music,
>interesting fact about yourself
Im good at games i play a lot of esports slop, challenger in League
>looking for
fun gf
>not looking for
26M US
>About Yourself
Muscular build, average height, broad shoulders, beard, brown eyes, chill & laid Back
Gym rat, video games, hanging with friends, anime, wrestling, watching movies
>Looking For
Friends, people to chat with, people to play games with
>Not Looking
Minors, Weirdos
Discord: carldoeswrk
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>description of self
incredibly swag
lift heavy shit (training to compete in powerlifting), play classical piano, play videogames, work 9-5 in software engineering, I also babysit a discord daycare filled 50/50 with lads that lift and women that just chat random shit so that occupies some time
>looking for
friends that I can chat shit with, optimally play videogames or do whatever else and hang out
>NOT looking for
really dry people. also I’m not making this post to get new members to the server, I just want some friends
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Reading, hiking, camping, dogs, nature, history, gaming
>looking for
I'm looking for fun conversations with interesting and fascinating people. Someone to tell me about their life and their interests, what's going right or wrong in their life. Talk to me about anything and everything
>not looking for
Chronically negative and hateful people, bigots
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recruiting for my cult
>looking for
truth-worshiping, altruistic pragmatists
>not looking for
anything else

If your first post doesn't brazenly illustrate how much distance you've put between yourself and the unspoken games humans play, you will be blocked without a word. Get creative, be straightforward, call out the elephant in the room, or whatever you have to do to paint you as a proper honest and errant maverick.

This is not another echo chamber in which we circlejerk about how full of shit society is while conveniently cultivating and ignoring lies in one another to avoid rocking the boat. We will sink this son of a bitch before we allow that.

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Still studying but after I graduate I'll start preparing myself for university entrance exams. Killing time with interesting things I find online.
/x/,/vg/,/ck/,/trv/. I've recently gotten back into old creepy pasta and trying out different MMOs. Other new interests are: classic scifi literature, old Japanese RPGs and PC games from the 2000s.
I'm also trying to plan out a trip with my friend to Korea and Japan next summer.
>Looking for
Interesting communities, weird things found on the internet
>Not looking for
Relationships, gooners, edge
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mid 20s/m/US
I listen to weeb music, lift weights, roon and work on creative projects. Amateur game dev primarily but want to get into oil based painting in the next few weeks also. Can download games if people want to play stuff
>looking for
Just people to talk to. Been told I’m good at socializing over text at least, don’t mind talking to whoever as long as you’re not too whiny
>not looking for
Your shitty server invites, troons
27 m uk
making music/history/poitics/movies/my cat toby/running/sports/compooters
>interesting fact about yourself
my sense of self has completely collapsed
>looking for
Get to know somebody, maybe shoot the shit with if I like you enough
>not looking for
arseholes, judgemental people

im just a bit of a loser getting his life together after a rough relationship! ive been feeling depressed lately and talking to people helps the most. id love to talk about anything youre interested in! music, games, movies. if im unfamiliar infodump on me!
18/M/US, NC
Anime, exercise, Video games
>interesting fact about yourself
Caffeine addicted, titled as sweet and silly by friends and exes, inventor of what is known as being gay for pussy
>looking for
Female friends cause im out of relationship where i was in a feminine interaction bubble
>not looking for
Guy friends, got enough of those for a life time sorry bros
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hi i’m cool. i’m a girl. i’m 27. i’m drunk. i just got back in. i’m not doing anything weird with u pls don’t be weird. i just wanna chill, drink a little more, and talk, maybe watch funny youtube videos of lets plays cuz i found this lady and she’s funny idk it’s making drunk me laugh

pls vc it’s not fun otherwise

disc is fuckingoffed
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Basically just my music taste in a nutshell. If it is similar, send me something you think I'll like.
dead girl x.x
ur brains o.o
>interesting fact about yourself
i like decomposing <:{
>looking for
my soul v.v
>not looking for
20 m usa
Just a guy trying to figure out life i guess.
>hobbies / interests
Gaming, movies/ tv, lookism, fashion, editing, learning new things.
>looking for
>not looking for
File deleted.
19 f

im so empty on the inside. please be my friend im very Ionely
Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Godflesh, Primus, Rammstein, Killing Joke, Foetus, The Shizit, Ministry, Ikd-sj, Pantera
>Looking For
Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal, Beatdown Hardcore, Ragga, Rap Metal, Digital Hardcore, Turntablism, Funk Metal, Neue Deutsche Harte, Cyber Metal
>Not Looking For
i want someone to read books to. some books will be in my native language

(im obese btw, some people hate it)


Bored. Entertain me

Lonely uni student. I'm into music, tech, diy and some other stuff, just ask about specific interests/hobbies or talk to me about your own to see if we share any other. Anyone can add me as long as you are not extremely mentally ill or a chud, other yuropoors are preferred because of the time zone.
>interesting fact about yourself

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otaku shit, wargames of both tabletop and digital variety, history (15th to 19th C), jrock and jpop. Hiking, Cycling, Reading and Shooting
>interesting fact about yourself
currently a teacher at my university, half-jap with ties to a small retainer family for the Ashina Clan, landowner and self-proclaimed monarchist.
>looking for
people to talk otaku shit with (anime, manga, VNs and LNs) or to play games with (sven coop, no more room in hell, war thunder, shooters on roblox). Maybe people to talk politics with
>not looking for
retards, trannies, femboys
sweet young lady

i don’t have a lot of interests.. i enjoy binge watching shows whenever i’m bored, my favorite shows are lucky star, code geass, nana and scums wish i enjoy romance animes

>looking for
someone to talk to guy or girl i just want someone that can make me feel less lonely and i would like to do the same i'm a lonely girl and extremely attention deprived, i don't go out that much and tend to stay inside a lot i have plenty of free time i don't go to school or have a job. i am a jealous clingy person i can be open and honest whenever i am asked questions its hard for me to hold conversations sometimes. i want someone to remain close with and prioritise.. i get attached easily and im just hoping someone allows me to cling to them because i am so lonely im so pathetic and need someone just as pathetic as myself
i’m really vulnerable

>not looking
people who have a lot of friends, fat people, people that talk to a lot of other people, people who have significant others, people who are friends with their exes or any person they’ve had romantic interest in, or someone they engaged in sexual stuff with.

[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442
Send me the music you listen to when youre sad or feeling down

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29m norway

vidya, cooking/baking, drawing, sailing, traveling, computer security, chess

>interesting fact about yourself
ive visited 98 countries

>looking for
someone who shares one of my interests, preferably female

>not looking for

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im trying to play monopoly but i have no friends. if anyone has monopoly plus on steam and wants to play then add me. a group of 4 preferred

discord: p__pp_pp
28f Canada
Goth and morbid gore lol
>interesting fact about yourself
I'm a twin
>looking for
Weird people
>not looking for
Normal people
i’m back and gonna watch stuff n drink let’s chat
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rollerblading, music, osrs, yapping.. trying to get back into gym and proper dieting although that isn't really an interest? not obese but trying to get fitter.
>interesting fact about yourself
i KOed a man once by frontflip heelkicking his head by accident
>looking for
friends, vcs. runescape players, skaters, yappers. neurodivergent people preferred as i tend to get along better with fellow autistic or other mentally ill (silly) people.
we can watch shit or stream each other games or just talk abt stuff.
>not looking for
political debates. i'm here to just vibe and have a good time
What's your username?
im cooked my username is
>About you
generic 4chan autist
I listen to shitty music and I like old video games
never made friends during high school and my life was a mess after that so I never made any long lasting friendships.
>Looking for
or just send me cool music
>Not looking for
who cares
forgot to attach funny picture
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note: please specify you're from /soc/, thank you!
20 / male / northern ontario
>about me ("interacting fact about yourself")
practicing audio engineer w/ lots of free time, looking for friends
socially extroverted & outgoing, been told i'm (kinda) attractive
music - special interest in hardcore punk, jazz & classic rock
movie fan (crime/gangster films especially), indie/cult video games
media curation, i'm into audiophile stuff & blu-ray/dvd archival
casual alcohol drinking (IPAs / sours) and some drugs (shrooms / lsd)
>looking for
multiplayer gaming & listen/watch parties
people to talk about mutual interests in media
long-term friendship, potential ldr
>not looking for
people who don't actively respond / message first
ded f in ur web history
i like makin stuff, raves, cute stuff, muzikk, biting weirdos, puzzles, stalkin ppl idk anything cute
>interesting fact about yourself
im not interesting uhh i like messing up my brain
>looking for
conversations. serious or silly, short or long lived. just memory exchange
>not looking for
love coombrains any1 who believes certain words are constrained to specific individuals
looking for a bpd gf to yap and give attention to
>About you
Gaming : MILSIM EA FC horror games MC ,drawing, horror, fashion
>Looking for
It's a holiday why should one spend it alone eh come feel comfy in my server too
>Not looking for
anything sexual, just pure friendly, add then ghost say something lad
disc: hannibaalbarca2.0
Animu, mango, music, westoid movies
>interesting fact about yourself
I'm epic
>looking for
Epic pals
>not looking for
Non epic pals

Alternatively, join my server for users 18+ but preferably between 20-26 otherwise I don't like you. You have to select rules to see anything ok

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If it matters to you, I'm not what you're looking for.

>Looking for
Weirdos, failures, retards, creeps.

>Not looking for
Whatever you're looking for.

Discord is: g.h.e.i.s.t
[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442
you come off as a pretentious nerd
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cars, racing, artillery, tech, rabbit hole internet topics
>interesting fact about yourself
depressed redleg that just moved to oahu. unintentional menace to the locals due to my job. daily a HNR32 with cooling issues
>looking for
someone to chat with while i task out my alcoholic coworkers. open to meet ups on the off chance youre local
>not looking for
single word convos
indirect fire represent
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29/M/Northern Califoria

all i really do is work, sleep, eat, gym, and enjoy my hobbies... which are nothing special, but they're mine.

pc games (i spend too much on steam sales)
read visual novels (very slowly)
watch videos (anime, well written tv, video essays, twitch streams)
listen to music (pop, punk, hardcore, metal, indie, etc.)

>interesting fact about yourself
i reverse engineered an mmorpg in college

>looking for
connection. preferably locals to chat with, would like to vc and meet up eventually

>not looking for
men (unless you are very cool)

i may not be on discord all the time, be patient

What manga is that page from?
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vidya specifically mmos and survival games, music, manga, thought-provoking stuff, fishtank
>interesting fact about yourself
i professionally larp as a star wars character
>looking for
>chocobins (or something similar, who goes by ria/serene)
Adds you, ignore/block. She (ugly femcel neet loser with nasty deep smokers voice) is trying to add people so she can use them for money/games/skins. That is ALL she will do. Do NOT waste your time!
>hobbies, interests, whatever
resident evil, cosplaying :3, serial experiments lain, silent hill and hole (the band).
>looking for
18-24??? as long as your not a old man
>not looking for
someone who just want pics or a twink
mental health
Goth stuff
>interesting fact about yourself: I can't concentrate due to meds, so I'm boring and spend my life just sitting here
>looking for
Consistently available
If you want to date, please be thin.
>not looking for
Fat people
Fights because we don't talk enough
>username: lucifers.little.lady
24, mtf, Germany
science, technical stuff, anime, psychology, philosophy, gardening
>interesting fact about yourself
>looking for
someone nice to talk to, preferably someone from my country, someone I can vc with maybe
>not looking for
nsfw stuff I guess?
>asl: 27FSan Marcos
mental health
Goth stuff
>interesting fact about yourself: I can't concentrate due to meds, so I'm boring and spend my life just sitting here
>looking for
Consistently available
If you want to date, please be thin.
>not looking for
Fat people
Fights because we don't talk enough
>username: lucifers.little.lady
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>About you
Charismatic, Funny, Fat, and Bald gamer. I'm always online and extremely left leaning. NEET rn. I'm really good at carrying the conversation if it seems like you're interested at all. Love memes and funny animal pics. Listen to a bunch of alt/indie emo music from a decade ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYm0oz16fyc Just got done making half a gallon of cold brew. Mostly play RPGs/Co-op stuff but I have a lot of games. No mobas or battleroyales though.
>Looking For
Any girl that wants to play co-op games, enjoys animal pictures/memes, wants to watch shows/movies together, likes bugging each other.
>Not Looking for
Guys, bigots, friend collector, server invites
22m eu
hai! i enjoy playing bass, writing short stories, linguistics and being extremely autistic about things i like: anime (i luv shaft), books and vidya (indie stuff mostly).
if you have something you are very passionate about/want to share, please do so, I love listening to sperg-outs. you can also just tell me about your day (◕‿◕)

i can be a bit shy sometimes pls don't take it personally (im reserved but talkative if that makes sense!)
>looking for
people to build genuine connections/be friends with. I WANNA VC if we get on well!
>not looking for
aggressive people, people with strong convictions
Really fit dad irl looking for f of any age. Hmu for an interesting chat about your or my passions.
Discord: chemisrty
This is the worst thing I have read in this website, wake up call for sure.
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I am an entity occupying a fragile vessel on planet Earth for an extremely limited time.

Interests include but are not limited to:
Obscure film.
Coma-flavored sleep.
Illicit and arcane substances.
Passionate people to live vicariously through.
Leaving reviews for everything.
Walking alone on an empty street at 3 am as the fog rolls in and everything is quiet and you can almost hear the stars whisper.

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Let me translate the binary for you ladies and gentlemen . MtF computer science major here . been in hrt for 3 years so you know my brain is pumped full of hormones that don't belong there and i can clearly think coherently like the person who wrote this binary im about to translate .
"I am a faggot entity occupying my mother's basement on earth for an extremely limited time because my mother is dying day by day . and I'm over here on 4chan typing in binary trying to stand out as cool. Even though it makes me look like a stupid faggot with no social skills "
good one bro . making yourself look like a jack ass on the chan . get a life no life loser fuck
i like back to the future (movie), and pharmacology a lot
>interesting fact about yourself
there isnt a lot honestly, i mostly try to chill rn in my life just get to know people, but currently I am trying to get my pharmacy studies
>looking for
cool people, nice people, those who watch anime etc. maybe we share something:D
>not looking for
people who wanna like seggstalk and stuff, im not into that, nothing nsfw, just wanna talk have some friends you know?
notaburner3334_74583 on discord
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fucking hell bro can I find any people on here ,especially weebs, who wont suddenly become distant and cold when they realize I have a penis and not a vajayjay
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I spend my free time playing video games currently since I'm out from school for the summer. I do alot of stuff related to cosplay and Renaissance Faires. I love history and Gothic music.
>Fact about myself
Recently got back from a trip backpacking around Europe
>Looking for
People to talk to over the summer and keep me company
>Not looking for
Sex Pests
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23/mtf/southeast usa
(full time girl mode for 2+ years)
I like to play cool songs on the guitar. it's fun to write poetry/stories and pretend like I'm the next up and coming author :D. reading manga and visual novels is my jam. i am obsessed with board games and like video games with themes of psychology and philosophy.
>interesting fact about yourself
esports helped me get my current job
>looking for
people with a spark of passion for something in life.
some people to text throughout the day
if we get along itd be fun to call and play games together
>not looking for
a partner (I have a boyfriend)
behavior youd expect a girls boyfriend to dislike
What's your username? I'll add ya
[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442
22/m/Eastern United States
Tabletop RPGs
>Looking for
A tight-knit group of people who would like to participate in a Boot Hill 3rd Edition campaign.
>Not looking for
Anyone who isn't looking to participate in a Boot Hill 3rd Edition campaign
Sorry, my username is professor_oblivion.
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Best server ever, join and you get infinite money!!
send your tag and I will add you
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Video games anime and ASIAN MOVIES
>interesting fact about yourself
I like watching movies and playing video games by myself
>looking for
I'm looking for real ass friends who would talk to me everyday and we would grow up together.

actually more like people I would bond with over the summer



>not looking for
Weird people, trans, femboys, furries, I want to talk to real normal people not deviants
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29/M/Southern US

>about you
Just a bit of a dork. Traveled a bit in my life, done a little bit of everything, mostly just content to stick to myself and my few hobbies in my little apartment these days. Getting old and just trying to mellow out more and more as it were. I like to read and just chill and take things easy. Video games here and there but not nearly as much as when I was younger. Not much worth getting worked up about these days.

I read and listen to podcasts a lot. Not so much a music kinda' guy unless I'm drunk. Just finished House of Leaves and that was neat, but normally I'm just going through old pulp fantasy sci-fi/fantasy kinda' trash. Wheel of Time and Terry Pratchett and Vonnegut are some of my favorites. Other than that, I like learning things, cooking, messing with my overly long hair, just mundane stuff. I dabble a bit in some more technical stuff but that's all boring nerd shit.

>looking for
Just people to talk to. My schedule is eclectic but I'm usually around even if I don't respond quickly or whatever. Just someone to talk to about funny old stuff like Star Trek and whatnot.

>not looking for
Don't be a weirdo sperg and we'll probably be fine.

Discord: deejaytheburd

Pictures as is tradition.
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Im about to turn 24, mtf, mexico
I love gaming, drawing, mainly, I studied political sciences and I love everything related to it, philosophy, sociology, psychology, etc. I am a huge cinephile as well.
>Interesting facts about yourself
Im a former dom of a niche kink community lol, im also a cancer survivor wooo
>looking for
Nee cool friends, specially if you play helldivers 2 right now id love to squad up
>not looking for
Currently in a committed… situationship, honestly its weird, and I dont want to think about dating for a long, long while, so if your intent is getting an insane gf then im not offering atm, might change my mind someday (Ignore all the dating stuff from the chart lmao its an old piece)
@datgurl316 on discord
yeah but what's your disc tho
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
massive faggot ;) (top)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair.
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, kind hearted boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, Overly sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation.
>Discord Tag
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>Get ghosted.
>I have learned from my mistakes, I will never fall for anyone from the internet ever again.
>I'll Add a bunch of people but won't caught feelings for any of them!
>Wow, maybe this person is the one.. we are really getting along.. Perhaps... I can make it work
>Get ghosted.
>I have learned from my mistakes, I will never fall for anyone from the internet ever again.
Sounds like you're retarded
I'm aware.
add me then , im a retard faggot like to talk to other faggot
Are u a hot goth girl ?
25 m pa

programming, math, well-being

>interesting fact about yourself
i believe in ghosts

>looking for
someone to voice chat with frequently. it is kind of a mental health thing. i don't have enough people in my life.

i like to just chill and be on the line with someone. i am just afraid of being alone. depression creeps in.

i would prefer to talk to a woman, not to be creepy.

>not looking for
some people are just too much. i would prefer someone who is quiet and chill and thoughtful.

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Lazy week of work, come chat

VR Simracing (putting my rig back together soon, just moved), light vidya with friends (LoL arams, playing DOOM Eternal myself), music production (electronic/synth), live music (mostly electronic), and soon will be fencing again once my moving spending is done. Got my mask and weapons in right as I got hit with life stuff lol
>looking for
Friends to chat with through the day, good connections, people with interesting lives and interesting tales, lonely souls, chatterboxes, music sharers
>not looking for
Arguments, political talks, "you're my only friend" energy, people adding me for reasons not related to my post
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
drop yours </3
> asl



alt, into music (shoegaze, post hardcore, emo, punk, rap, etc.), fashion, horror/paranormal/disturbing media, truecrime, not eating, nature, animals, videogames, reading, movies etc.

>interesting fact about yourself

my therapist says i am barely employable

>looking for

someone to vibe/shitpost w while im at work/late at night preferably w a sense of humor.

>not looking for

anyone under 21, gooners, e-daters, normies, clingy, vc


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video games, philosophy, movies, pets

>interesting fact about yourself
i own a lot of things

>looking for
best friend B)

>not looking for

eh, I'll bite

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We're a friendly server dedicated to the occult and divination. We welcome practitioners of all paths, beginners and experienced occultists alike
Updated 7/22

25/M/Virginia State U.S. (Long-distance is A-okay.)

I'm a 5'4" smol, slim, toned boi. I'm handsome and cute. I work a service job and live with a roommate. I deal with depression and OCD, so I can get rather tired easily. I still always try to do my best and improve. I range from being playful, feminine (in personality), and bubbly to more tame, relaxed, serious, to dank, derpy, and silly. I am very introverted and prefer to stay home and relax. I do like going out for dates though.

Hobbies and interests:
Memes, cuddles with My Kitty, singing, etc.

I'm a huge videogame buff, from N64 to Wii U, Gameboy Advance to 3DS, is my area of expertise. I'm super into youtube documentaries of all sorts: Corruption, Game Industry, History, etc. I like other types of videos, like let's plays, creepypastas, podcasts.

What I want out of a relationship:
A long-term, monogamous relationship where we both love and support each other unconditionally. Where compromises are sought out just as often as doing some things really special for one another. A CGL/MDLB dynamic would be great, but if you're just very motherly, doting, and sweet in general, I'd be open to try. Showering eachother with praise, affection, focus, and time would be really lovely and appreciated.

What I want out of a partner:
Preferably a lovely lady 18 to 35 that is nerdy, geeky, and silly. Open-minded to try out different hobbies and interests, but also willing to hear and accept all manners of jokes, opinions, and ideas. Somebody really clingy. Wants to have long calls, make big texts back and forth from the start. Be in contact as much as possible. I get along best with NEET/shut-in/Autistic ladies. I'm very easy to please when it comes to appearances. Let's trade sfw pictures early on. I don't care about your job, status, height, weight, or anything else.

-Not religious & don't want kids.
-I would want to vc and spend quality time together tons early on.

Discord: bunnyboymeow
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28, M, USA
spirituality, religion, games (vidya and traditional), music, reading non-fiction, counter culture, health, fitness, flora, fauna, outdoor activities
>interesting fact about yourself
im currently homeless and couch surfing, spanish speaker
>looking for
>not looking for
anyone younger than 23, romance (already in a relationship), people who are just going to ghost me 2 days after we start talking
19 f greece
sims 4. can they release sims 5 already. make up, shopping, reading when i get that 3am motivation. horror movies and watching scammer payback on youtube or kitboga. im into languages i am learning greek at the moment and oh wow its hard.
>interesting fact about yourself
i have no friends :)
>looking for
girls to hang out with to shop with. female friendships in general
>not looking for
people that own penises
Music, producing, art, fashion, tumblr sleaze core too much fucking shit to mention
>interesting fact about yourself
im good at things and being a friend and emotionally intelligent
>looking for
friends, idk whatever the fuck comes to me, maybe ppl to make art with, someone to change me. other transgirls
>not looking for
sexting or relationships
18 f lonely
got dumped by my manipulative ex
need someone to fill the hole
That’s why I am very distant from people in general, so then when they inevitably ghost you for whatever bullshit reason it’s water rolling off your back.
[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442
just got dumped and already looking to get your holes filled baka
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I'd say we're pretty sfw enough for this thread we dont really fw evil stuff
Drawing and reading
>interesting fact about yourself
I've got quick fingers for rhythm games
>looking for
Vc and nice people
>not looking for
A bf and rude people
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hello i like surreal films, metal music, and psychedelic/noise rock, if you like those things too, check me out. if you dont like those things we can talk about other things like your day or something. some more info: i am 26, male, and maybe about to fail college but idk yet but its a possibility. idk what i'll do but i have a feeling everything is going to fall into place. i also tried to stop using /soc/ but only lasted 70 days :// i hate some of you people, a lot of you are boring and mean so uh probably dont be mean if you wanna add me?
>discord - snailcore97
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19f us
reading, writing, lifting, sad and gay music, going to shows, nature
>looking for
anyone interesting or strange to talk to , female friends
>not looking for
weebs and gamers
don't add preraine, he's most likely on here to steal peoples personal information
32 F MI
Fishtanklive, Horror movies and books, ttrpgs
>interesting fact about yourself
I own an interesting number of human teeth that don't belong to me
>looking for
a friend to vent to
>not looking for
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neet looking for another job. trying to make some friends to help pass the time and get to know to help keep spirits up. i like video games, movies, photography, and traveling.
>looking for
people around my age to talk to. doesn't matter if interests align or not. people that are actually open to making friends would be nice. someone in a similar situation as me possibly. not required but is a bonus
>not looking for
coomers, rudes, server invites. asking to vc right after adding. friend collectors. one way conversations, ghosting
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22 M 6’4” fit USA Maryland

>Looking For
People to VC, play games with, and share/ discuss interests. I enjoy talking about different cultures around the world, unique upbringings and differing views.

>Not Looking For
People who don’t VC

>About Me
I strive to achieve as much as I can and be at the top of whatever situation I’m in. A tend to grow wherever I’m planted and usually can fit in with any situation. I have a very dark sense of humor and various military related mental issues. I have a good job, a nice place, and pretty much everything someone could ask for in life. I enjoy collecting early 2000’s to early 2010’s pieces of tech.

I play Vidya on PC, enjoy watching movies w/ friends, late night calls, and I love all kinds of animals. I listen to a lot of music, but metal, rock, hyperpop, and techno are usually what I enjoy.

>My Tag
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The newest sfw server is available here at Midwest Campers.
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So I was gaming and watching anime for 27 straight years when I suddenly remembered that getting a girlfriend requires you to be friends with a girl. Now I'm seeking to have positive interactions with women in the hopes that this will benefit me later down the road.
>looking for
>not looking for
Men, trannies, non-whites
20/m/bay area
Music, cats, history, shitty fanfics, I'm pretty boring
Interesting facts
I used to sext older men back when I was 14-16 I guess, I have klinefelter's
Looking for
People who like cats :3
Not looking for
People who don't like cats
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>interesting fact about yourself
i make piano/orchestral music for a game company
>looking for
>not looking for

i want to learn all about you. i would love to discuss our dreams and futures, and to hear everything you're interested in! i have a lot of free time and i want to spend it with people, it really is helping my depression now that i've been more social. i just got out of a loveless relationship with no friends, and i want to fill my days with love and friends.

I love art! in every form, paintings, film, television, novels, even video games! i'm getting back into reading in the last few months too.

>looking for
new friends!
>not looking for
dry texters, half-hearted people
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vidya, cooking, baking, nintendo games, piano, doll & fig collecting, books!!!!
>interesting fact about yourself
idk im lazy:P
>looking for
19/M/east coast USA
trading card games, self improvement but not in the motivational speaker kinda way, vidya games. being a massive nerd. I listen to music at all hours of the day, I could say more but you can just ask lol.
>interesting fact about yourself
I've been told I'm really great at listening and navigating social stuff, all of those friendships/relationships then disintegrated lmao. I also have alot of cats
>looking for
someone to talk to, vent to, etc. I also like listening or whatever
>not looking for
racist weirdos, homophobes, and the like
20+ F
Yoga, pilates, reading
>looking for
Someone whos 18+ that's gonna play shitty roblox games with me for the nostalgia! :) vc on discord plz
>not looking for
Someone who can't voice chat, below 18
Ik im being an autist about this but please don't add if you don't wanna play roblox with me, kek
M/East Anglia, England
Actual hobbies, Yoga, Swimming. Othewise torturing people at work singing in the morning. Building up the 4 pillars of my life, mental, physical, financial and familial health.
>interesting fact about yourself
Apparently tick boxes in cluster A but me, my body and brain get along like the three mustakeers, they never let me down.
>looking for
I want kids, the familial pilliar is hard capped at 50% and I want a little clan of kids. it seems fun, people just get hung up on what others do/expect thus making it harder then it really is. So Im stuck until I can find the partner in crime for the clan. White.
>not looking for
Vaccinated, already parent, 28+.
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Martial arts, blue archive, zenless zone zero, nikke, and overall kino

computer time
>interesting fact about yourself
Not a single thing is interesting about me
>looking for
someone to chat with
>not looking for
Gays,troons,whores and women with BPD
Hi latin girl add me discord paolita0716
I'm 26 and looking for a chess training partner ideally a player who is better than me (I'm around 1700 rating lichess) and that's it

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>About you
i'm off work and mainly bored desu. my main interests are gacha games, rhythm vidya, computer hardware, weebshit
>Looking for
frens hopefully

>Not looking for
lewd, that's retarded

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Anything that might be remotely interesting, I game on my puter occasionally. I consume a lot of media

>interesting fact about yourself
Extremely chill dude will get along with almost everybody

>looking for
Friends, people to potentially talk with

>not looking for
Assholes that lack common sense

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The best server ever period
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>What are you looking for?
Shortlived music exchanges. Add me, post 3 songs you like, I'll show you 3 and we delete each other. I just want to discover some new music.
>Not looking for
Anything else.

If any regulars are still around come say hi.
SFW ADULT CHAT SERVER - join an 18+ super chill and friendly server to hangout and get to know others!!


Are you looking for a super chill server? A place to make friends? A space to be yourself, free from heavy moderation? You’ve found it!! Illness Elixir prouds itself in creating a chill and carefree environment for all of its members!! This server was founded upon the principals of free speech, communication, and friendship.

SUPPORT CHAT- we offer support chat channels to all of our members. Come let your guard down and let us help!

NIGHTLY VOICE CHAT- we here at Illness Elixir love to talk with one another!!! We host nightly and sometimes daily voice chat sessions with up to 3 separate voice chat channels!!!

SHARE YOUR LIFESTYLE - visit our media category to see other members share their favorite scenery , pet , fitness , and food pics!!

EXPRESS YOURSELF- add some of our many unique and fun roles to your profile to make yourself stand out!

GAMING- connect with many fellow gamers using our gaming channels!!

epic server totally epic
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[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442
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minecraft SMP
no troons

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any music with a -core suffix, also sleepy love songs, movies of all genres, linux (arch btw), mundane ramblings of daily life, cats, some anime but I'm too lazy to watch it lately
>interesting fact about yourself
uhhh I'm a faggot
>looking for
anyone to waste time with, share music and interests
>not looking for
bigoted mean people
bored at work please message!
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Technology, open-source software, TempleOS, datahording, vocaloids

>interesting fact about yourself

>looking for

>not looking for
Romatic relationships

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yapping, valorant, buying cute things, travel, cooking/baking, making friends

>interesting fact about yourself
i'm sat in my PJs very bored wanting to be carried in val 50% of the time (like right now)... oh also i was almost kidnapped recently if that's interesting? lol i don't know what to say here

>looking for
men to carry me in valorant. i have enough girlfriends i think i want guy friends this time around. i'd prefer someone who can hold a conversation.

>not looking for
the losers i've encountered and wish to avoid: doomers, people who insult me for attention, latina chasers, people who add me and get mad if i dont reply right away, those who take my clearly sarcasting status posts as real and get offended, people who want to beef with me on 4chan threads (get a life), people who secretly touch themself when we speak, dox/swat type of people, people who have nothing of interest to offer me and just want to harass me

M27, I'm an American living in the UK.

>about me
This wasn't on fag OPs OG post. I'm an alcoholic, keep that in mind. I'm sure some of you autist have encountered me before.

Drinking, playing vidya, playing the piano. I used to work out 24/7 and lost about 55kg (120 lbs) at some point of my life. Didn't do shit for me.

>interesting fact about yourself
I'm not going to sell myself other than that I want to talk to people. I play the piano. I don't even find myself interesting used to be US military, if anyone finds that interesting for some reason.

>looking for
People willing to talk at all. I've been harsh against females since many of them on this site are trash but I don't mine some of you. Just don't be someone who is disingenuous and won't respond.

>not looking for
trolls, cunts, ghosts. I don't really care for any of you. Makes me realize how much I feel better when folks like you aren't around.

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24 mtf east coast
watched over 250 horror & thriller movies, VN enjoyer (when i actually have the brain power to read), overall just enjoy horror in general, lots of horror games, mostly been playing a shitton of singleplayer games recently but i play league and some other competitive games. i enjoy reading a bunch of yuri manga
>Looking for
someone to talk to with some similiar interests
>Not looking for
idunno, don't have a default discord pfp i guess
>Discord Tag
Tag didn't work
M25, Southern US.

Chess, programming, games with frens, drinking with frens, being retarded.

>interesting fact about yourself
I'm pretty easygoing, and not very serious, I'd love to talk!

>looking for
Someone to VC and play vidya with, or learn new skills like art/chess/programming/3d with. Or maybe whatever else if you think I sound interesting c:

mistyped, am 20, not 18
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games mostly. fallout, elder scrolls, halo, genshit, payday, minecraft (currently playing halo mcc. im mostly secondary at most games but ill try to finish each of them one by one). im also interested in history and anime, mostly slice of life or not so obscure 2010s anime
>looking for
people with the same interests. weebs, gamers, or even both
>not looking for
cynics, schizos, contarirans, relationships and fwbs
Data engineering, nutrition, college football/basketball, vidya, long distance running
>>interesting fact about yourself
I have a black cat named Binx who refuses to leave my side. He requires my constant supervision.
>>looking for
nofap accountability partner and someone to talk to who understand the struggles associated with this addiction. And of course someone to chill with to distract me from these things on occasion
>>not looking for
sexual or romantic relationships

>Main Interests & Hobbies
History – mostly modern, particularly interested in revolutions
Politics – anarchist who hates idpol
Programming – increasingly interested in Linux and FOSS
Retro video games – particularly old Nintendo/Sega ones and PC sim. games

>Other Interests & Hobbies
Model building
Working out

>Physical Appearance
White, above average height with slim build. People say my face is attractive but you’d have to judge

>Looking For
Women interested in chatting
>Not Looking For
Men or transwomen

loser paywhore bitch wont give up, you said you found someone yesterday why you posting still?

actually cant get a man for shit, you should neck.
bumping myself
>below average seller south american cant find a paypig to sub to her extremely overpriced onlyfans
COLOR ME SURPRISED :O!!!!! I've taken shits that look better than ((her))
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one more bump for good luck!!!
>Maira, 20 F, diagnosed with BPD and hypochondria
>looking for ppl to join my server focused on psychology, mental health, mbti and socionics
>not looking for minors or trolls

active server uwu

>looking for
Fellow gym rat buddies. Powerlifters, body builders, anyone who really likes to pick heavy stuff up and put it back down.

>interesting fact about yourself
i go to an all female gym which is neat but the demographic there is mostly middle aged moms hence why i never really made any friends. Nothing against middle aged moms, we just dont have much in common.

weight lifting (duh), 50s musical rom coms, early 2000s girly movies, tattoos, piercings, animals and bugs

>not looking for
sex pests, creeps, degens, gooners, extremely liberal ppl, ppl who dont lift but promise "they'll start for me" like, you're missing the point

Vidya, Anime, Cooking, Snowboarding, Drugs, Hiking and other outdoorsy shit.
>Looking for
Peeps to game/chat with long term
>Not looking for
POKEMON, video games, anime, movies
>interesting fact about yourself
I was once a pokemon master
>looking for
people to play video games and watch movies with
re-add if you promise not to be weird again. just looking for friends. I don't want to break up with my boyfriend. If you can't respect that don't re-add. Also asking my to move in with you after 1 voice call is frightening

painting, drawing, art in general, marathons, the army (did my service), small animals, gardening, night walking, night driving, wolves, psychology, sci-fi books, guns (historic and modern), cars and motorcycles, 60s country, 70s rock, lifting, music festivals, fun indie games, every fallout game, cryptids, power/folk metal, doomscrolling instagram reels, perfume, petting cats in the street, barbecues, ray peat

>interesting fact about yourself
Lactose intolerant, dont mind being bullied for it

>looking for
people to talk to, americans preferred since i have that retarded american sense of humor from wasting my formative years on shitposting

>not looking for
degenerates, lewd, the severely mentally ill

video games, mangas, music
>interesting fact about yourself
i forget to take care of myself a lot (drinking, eating, sleeping, cleaning myself)
>looking for
anyone that is up for a chat
>not looking for
anything sexual
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>About You
Autistic bitch with ADHD that likes to draw. I like to play Roblox, Minecraft, Overwatch, Fortnite, basically playing whatever I want. I like hyperpop and any type of music (except country, that needs to burn). Also I'm a furry
>Looking for
People who like to have fun!!! I like people who I can vibe with and enjoy or chaotic energy together :)
>Not looking for
People who are too serious, Sexual and Romantic shit, anyone who is a GENUINE weirdo. (Funny that im on 4Chan saying this lol)
20/drug addict/f

just took dxm. gonna order more. im cooked. im fried. i have funny stories bc ive done every drug

>looking for
friends, fellow drug
>not looking for
horny and/or romantic

discord is dexxfix

looking for: friends and maybe something more if we get to know eachother

discord: ascendedhypothesis
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Our server is dedicated to occultism and divination. We welcome all practitioners, newcomers and veterans alike. We aim to make it a pleasant and relaxed community. Join if you wanna learn more about these subjects or discuss your practice.

Yoooo did that really happen? That's so creepy.
Need someone to talk to me about their day and vent to me so I can be distracted
Anyone is welcome

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25 F EST

looking for high-energy, hope-pilled people with interesting life experiences, stories, and ideas they'd like to share. feel free to share your most wacky and outlandish tales.
24+ strongly preferred. platonic chat only!!!
feel free to reply with your username and I will send an add :)
vidya, the pittsburgh penguins, heavy metal music, goth fashion
>interesting fact about yourself
i am really good at guessing the year a movie came out even if ive never seen it before
>looking for
friends in the area or online, both male and female
>not looking for
anything romantic or sexual, looking for strictly platonic only
manicpixiecheezcurl on discord
neet looking for another job. trying to fix my life. looking for some friends to help pass the time and get to know. considering going back to school. i like video games, movies, photography, and traveling.
>looking for
people around my age to talk to. doesn't matter if interests align or not. people that are actually open to making friends would be nice. someone in a similar situation as me possibly. not required but is a bonus
>not looking for
coomers, rudes, server invites. asking to vc right after adding. friend collectors. one way conversations, ghosting.
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26/m/pnw usa
Outdoors, single player vidya, history
>interesting fact about yourself
I cut down 3 trees this week
>looking for
Good conversation
>not looking for
24, FTM, NY
Vidya, writing, music, Youtube videos about lost media and conspiracies
>interesting fact about yourself
I'm schizophrenic
>looking for
>not looking for
A relationship. I promise I'm too insane for you
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Religion (specifically Protestant Christianity), History, Outdoors, Roblox, Steam games, Politics. I also enjoy anything related to the british isles.
>interesting fact about yourself
I’m an anglo-american WASP, traditionally oriented.
>looking for
Friends. People who share my autism and niche interests.
>not looking for
Anti-christians, nonwhites, gays, anything sexual, server invites, genuine weirdos
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v active 4chan server
run by mentally ill women
youll get addicted
discord: kindaweirdoccasionally

this is me
Fuck you stupid cunt
all I said was I didn't want to talk to someone that young lol
Average women apologizing to nigger, die.
im going to die i have no one to talk to ahhhhh

MiHoYo games, anime, 80s/90s tech, vocaIoids/utauloids
>Looking for
frens, I hope, maybe vc when i have free time
>Not looking for
do not add, unstable, uncaring whore who's mouth spews more lies than truths and who's a disappointment to her parents, disgusting furry too

changing your username won't change your past
Why does every f in /soc/ get their posts flammed and accused of larp and scam.

are there no f in here? or are they all lurking?
and no i don't mean troon, ofc they're here...
the ones that post are generally the worst of the bunch, especially those who've been here for years, just avoid even if theyre not fake or scammy
drunk voice chat
not lookinf for e sex or taking the internet seriously
i am smart and cooL (and humble!)
discord grafelde
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21 boymoder UK
>Bio / Interests
Autist who likes philosophy, art, and STEM
>Looking for
Friends, or even a partner.
>Please note
Am busy and stressed out so may not be first to message and may take a while to respond.
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>About me
Chill dude who is just tired these days, but always in a some what good mood, my hobbies are, MTG, D&D and pathfinder, as well as cooking food, and a ton of video games

>looking for
Someone who shares my interests and want to hang out online in voice, perhaps we can play a few games or watch some anime toghter

>not looking for
People who have a hard time writing back and arent good at trying to have a convasation, i am not the best either but i at least want some effort

Bumppp, bored n doing coursework
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>age ,sex , location

24 , girl , usa


animals, nature, digital curation, conspiracies etc.

>intresting facts about myself

im new to 4chan, ive created my own minecraft mod thats a mcaddon of my late rat , ill listen to u sperg about almost any intrest u have
pic is me btw but pixelated bc i dont want my proper face on 4chan
>looking for

friends , i have none irl and almost none online i would like to have someone i can chat to and have intricate or chill conversations with. hopefully i will find someone i can be friends w for a long time
>NOT looking for (which btw this is why its my 2nd post , because somehow retards didnt read my inital post to this point and all the troons in the world decided to msg me)

troons (or anyone that likes troons, faggots)
people who add just to not send a single message after i say hi lol .

27, F, UK
Body building / working out, running, psychology, game design.
Big points if you cook Asian food, Chinese heritage so if you cook traditional!
>interesting fact about yourself
Yoked butch lesbian

>looking for
Chat, talk shit, you know it
>not looking for
Coomers and gooners
reading drawing and gaming
.interesting fact about you
i hate children with a passion
>looking for
>not looking for
overly sexual and easily offended
thrift, hiking, video games (everything, favs are souls games and survival or just simulators, fallout, metro, stalker and Overwatch) ,looksmaxx, watching documentaries, movies, Series, read bunch of mangas and watched some animes as well
>interesting fact about yourself
I would be there for you if you needed help
>looking for
someone who would like to play with me since my girlfriend is gone, I had no one to play with
>not looking for
people who like gore, cp, or anything like this
discord: adored1.1
music, video games, anime/manga, art, history (especially ww2), schizo posting
>looking for
non-normie friends to game with, gf for my lonely ass
>not looking for
trannies, normalfags
if ur under 18 and u add me, end ur life
Who did?
sent a request, my ID's s33l3_ :)
Don't add. Unadds you for no reason
i enjoy movies, documentaries, baking, self-improvement stuff, etc.. my most recent thing i've been interested in is socionics but i only have baseline knowledge of that so far, haven't delved very deep into that nor researched much.
>interesting fact about yourself
i'm a total maladaptive daydreamer. i've daydreamt for nearly my entire life. i have only ever shared the details of them with 2 people my whole life and only one of them knew the true depths of it
>looking for
i figure i would like to rant to somebody or two about my issues as they come along. like a support group. i can do the same for you, too. i have a lot and i am self-aware about them but a lot of them i don't even know where to begin to fix them. i'm okay with m or f.
>not looking for
coomers, ppl looking for a romantic relationship, those who can't keep up a conversation and provide nothing towards it, ppl who expect to talk daily
bye_goodhello on discord
Likely catfish, don't add.
tag didn't work

>Fact about me?

I'm a depressed neet, who is a porn addict and hasn't got a single job, I want to chat with someone who won't make me cry about it I'm so embarrassed


Vidya, reading, hiking/camping, it/cybersecurity stuff
>interesting fact about yourself
I have not appendix
>looking for
Women to chat with and date that live within driving distance
>not looking for
Women with no job or car, long distance relationships



Anything Japan, not big into anime though. I enjoy writing, EGL, history and much more:

>interesting fact about yourself

I used to live with monks and occasionally use Ayahuasca to better understand myself and work on my mental health. Oh yeah I have ADHD.

>looking for

Friendships, writing buddies, talks

>not looking for

Hookups, romance, politics, alt right people, people that live in the past



>Fact about me?

I'm a depressed neet, who is a porn addict and hasn't got a single job, I want to chat with someone who won't make me cry about it I'm so embarrassed


Join our server


>Fact about me?

I'm a depressed neet, who is a porn addict and hasn't got a single job, I want to chat with someone who won't make me cry about it I'm so embarrassed


[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442
>looking for
soft wholesome egirl w/o too many red flags, including but not limited to:

Bad relationship with family
Being a chronic e-dater
Extreme Political/Religious/Cultural views
Overtly Bratty
Emotionally Dead/Damaged
No Personality or Conversational Skills
No life skills or future aspirations(i.e. no job, not studying, basically a NEET)
Over 10k eboys in her DMs
Body count higher than her age
Never initiates conversation first
Bipolar or BPD(bonus if you have both)
Dies without attention from everyone around them
No accountability for own actions
Passive Aggressive
Chronic Liar
No social awareness/intelligence
Lives on social media
Uses too much slang/not well spoken(can't use proper english)
Entitlement issues
Doesn't think before acting

add me if you meet most of the criteria here or can help me add more traits to my list ty
chatting, animals, tv media
>interesting fact about yourself
I have issues
>looking for
Someone to edate pls im lonely and desperate
>not looking for
anything nsfw related im not into it so plz don’t waste mine or your time
28 f Canada morbid goth chick
tgirl here looking for a master and someone to grow close with OR just friendships/whatever

not into sending pic requests or talking w people who have a low emotional maturity

I prefer “normal” men or women not femguys or manbabies

being humiliated gets me hot also NOT ACCEPTING ADDS FROM ALT ACCOUNTS, if I talk to someone I want it to be really them and I don’t want to be hidden

my disc: polskadusza

This is my ONLY account I made a new one recently and purged my old one, I need new friends
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20 afab

music , art , sudoku , chess

>looking for
need ppl who draw . also play chess maybe . also maybe 1v1 me on sudoku . but currently , looking for ppl who can draw (doesnt have to be good , can be rough sketches)

>not looking for
indians , horny people , nudes , people who do not fit the criteria of the [looking for] above . thanks .

Sports mainly college football.
>Looking for
Some friends to hang out with and share my interests.
>Not looking for
NSFW stuff.
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producing music, video games, drawing (i'm DOGSHIT at it still), gym, anime/manga, thrifting,

>Looking for
a nutcase or strange person to chat with, or someone with a niche hobby or job that wants to talk about it

>Not looking for
i'm down for whateva


that IS me you retard, if u had more than 2 braincells you'd notice my twitch is linked on my account w vids of me and that same twitch links back to my same discord account.
Im ngl girl u ugly as hell ty for blurring ur pic people probably wouldve puked if u posted it unblurred
history, art, music, literature, linguistics
>looking for
friendz n interesting times
>not looking for
sex or romance
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>20 and american
>feels compelled to write autist as the first personal descriptor
i've always thought about having a pen pal on here but never truly had it be so. i think it's most suitable for the way i communicate which is in bursts. but just talking (in bursts) is fine too. i love art. i love the cycle of life. and i'm here forever
>looking for
distant and weird people to be distant and weird towards
bonus if you like art so much that you're scientific, or science so much that you're artistic
i'm not interested in not being interested, which thankfully means nothing
running/gym, cooking, vidya gamessss (mass effect, elden ring, ultrakill, hi-fi rush, ((plays like literally most games lol))
>interesting fact about yourself
accidentally impaled his lip with his own tooth as a baby (whoops)
>Looking for
a gf, preferably in her 20s
>Not looking for
men I guess lol
his disc is bicmag :)

((this was posted by a femanon friend of his, also if it matters, talking to him feels like talking to one of the guys responsible for ultraviolence, but more contently, if that makes sense sksks))
27m straight South Africa

>about you
Very laid back guy who likes to work out, run, read, smoke weed, and play games

>sexual interests
I'm fairly vanilla but I like to talk about lewd topics as well. Tell me about your kinks and experiences, I am curious to know more

>normal interests
I enjoy working out, running, practicing piano, sketching, cooking, reading, gaming, history, smoking weed. I also am really interested in esoteric topics. In general I'm just someone who is always working on themselves and trying to improve as a person

>looking for
Girls to chat and trade with mostly, I'm open to lewd and normal chats so don't feel pressured. Also open to talking to dudes, could use some advice

>not looking for
Anything gross

32/M/Canada BC

Bi Women, long term relationships, gaming, Anime, Gardening, Camping

>interesting fact about yourself

Looking For
Wife(30) and I are looking for a third person (bi woman) to add to our relationship. We are only looking for genuine long term connections with the intention of being life partners.

Not Looking For

Discord Tag
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20F, us
code, program, draw. that's it
>interesting fact about yourself
I cosplay now yay. also I am vanilla IRL!
>looking for
frenship, chats and such desu
>not looking for
lewd, 25+ monkeys lgbt and the like
29/F (sorry wish i was younger too)
most trad things. im super clingy. i will enjoy whatever you enjoy. loyalty and attentiveness.
i have zero irl friends and im quite isolated online too.
>looking for
someone to talk to and to be there for almost all day. someone i can look up to and respect.
>not looking for
super degenerates. no lgbtq etc. i'm straight. no trad larpers.

Added ya. Whats a trad larper?
btw be aware there is no girl on earth that would be "quite isolated online" unless it was of their own doing, so its either a lie or she is insane. because you can just say girl and get 40 adds from here in an hour
errrmm does anyone wanna watch piano teacher with me ? its a psychological drama about a sexually repressed piano instructor who develops an intense and destructive relationship with her student
its my favorite movie and ive seen it five times so far
tag: potatoezy
27 female australia
need to talk to someone a lot like constantly ranting because i am officially friendless gassp
i would prefer asians just because i am asian myself and people who are supportive and actually care about living a good life but are somehow fuckd over by life ;( sadness anyways i dont like depression but ranting about stuff is cool no moping around, you have to actually have some incurable disease to be depresesd or get out of herer

im interested in nothing now mostly browsing xiao hong xu and not getting canned in my dream job (its remote email), i work in a company that uses my second language as the primary work language and everyone is so secretive about how much knowledge they hae so im constantly studying for a minimum wage jjob hahahahahahahahahahaah

we could watch shows together, ive been watching to watch korean dramas but im too poor to affrod netflix so if you want to share *and your asian* your netflix that would be great, we will watch shows together.

im also into voice chatting even though i sound raspy and have a deep man voice lol
i like exercising on my treadmill and listening to kpop while doing the walk because it makes me feel somewhat young even though i am turning 29 this october and trying to find people to chat on here it's embarrasing but see: friendless

i love my job and i just want to rant about work and talk to fellow asians. also i want to move back to asia lol anyone who empathise?
it is my own doing. so i guess i am insane. i know i can get a lot of adds but am as exclusive as possible.
Introduce myself, "sure we can be friends", then blocked me straight after. Why even post

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