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post your weird and unconventional fetishes here. and who knows, maybe youll find someone who would want to fulfill them.
>explanation of weird kink
>what about it you find hot
>where it came from, if you even know
>looking for
>not looking for
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>>explanation of weird kink
i have a thing for seeing women eat sandwiches
>>what about it you find hot
something about how the sandwich looks, along with seeing the woman put it in her mouth/enjoy it arouses me for whatever reason
>>where it came from, if you even know
no clue, had this kink since i was a child
>>looking for
any woman who would be comfortable eating a sandwich for me
>>not looking for
men or irl stuff, sorry
discord - uberhiccupz
Anon I think you're just hungry
I like women in masculine styles of clothing. Particularly underwear. Women's underwear that's made to resemble male underwear is like peak eroticism to me.
>where does it come from?
I don't know. There's probably some repressed homosexuality rattling around in there somewhere.

If this thread goes anywhere, I could list off all of the other weirdly specific things I'm into. tends to scare women away though.
>explanation of weird kink
i like men in postal worker uniforms, specifically the kind with shorts
>what about it you find hot
i like men in shorts in general, but the postal service outfit is peak
>where it came from, if you even know
no idea
>looking for
men who work(ed) at the postal service who will send me pictures of them in their outfits (fully clothed is fine) so i can fawn over them
>not looking for
anything else i guess
if you fit this description, drop yours
Is hypnosis a weird fetish? It's definitely not common. But most girls I have brought it up with are curious and willing to give it a try. Nothing better than hypnotizing a girl for erotic purposes. Watching her slump over helpless when commanded to sleep.
A long shot but I wonder if any girls are into guys that pretend to be a girl for the purposes of catfishing.

Completely straight otherwise, it's a weird one
That's cute. I don't know why.
>I've brought you a package (^;
27M its basically efro or toilet fetish
i dont like full on scat its gross but something about big logs exiting out of an ass,
any girl or boy willing to help me out would be much appreciated
can trade for jerk and cum vids
and i have a pretty big cock 7inch

kik: kevkev256
>explanation of weird kink
maybe not that weird but I get off on situations where people, especially strangers, make objectifying comments on my body. best way I can describe it is casual sexualization.
>where it came from, if you even know
I was very much an early bloomer and had big boobs from around age 10. Boys at that age are pretty quick to objectify girls who look developed. A big part of my school life was hearing people comment on my body. Call me a slut despite being a virgin. Attempts at groping. Adults would make comments occasionally as well.

This has stopped happening obviously as I’ve gotten older and with the #metoo movement etc… but as much as I hated it at the time a part of me really misses it
That's gotta be a little rough. Being young and taught how to be treated like a bimbo.. now your 30 and an actually bimbo and all the men are to afraid to treat you like you need to be treated.

I'm 30m romantic but also slightly sadistic lol
I don't think it's particularly strange to like comments like that sometimes, it probably makes you feel sexy. It's when people only see you as a sex object that's a problem.
But what do I know, I'm just a dude.
26 / FTM / USA
>explanation of weird kink
People being desperate to pee. Specifically not being able to find a toilet, or being locked out, or just not having access to it in some way. Especially if it ends with them wetting themself out of just not being able to hold it.
>what about it you find hot
The visuals (shaking around, jiggling, crotch grabbing), the humiliation, the frustration, the eventual sweet relief.
>where it came from, if you even know
I had chronic UTIs when I was younger and have a lot of awful memories of being desperate to pee in public. Guessing some wires got crossed.
>looking for
People of all genders who want to tell me about times they've wet their pants or almost wet their pants AS AN ADULT, or fantasize about that kind of thing together, or roleplay scenarios where one or both of us can't make it to the bathroom.
>not looking for
Scat. Stories from when you were a kid. People who want me to hold and wet for them IRL.
despguy997 on kik, ask me there if you want to move to snap or discord
>explanation of weird kink
feminine men, men pretending to be women, mtf, femboys but as a top/dominant/bully.
>what about it you find hot
i’m a bit of a girl failure and usually like being “beaten” (competition wise) by people prettier, thinner, and better looking then me. not just “oo women with penis” but specifically “better than you woman with penis who’s got it better together”
>where it came from, if you even know
former overachiever. growing up on skype and discord i’d get picked on by gay guys who would tell me that im lucky i had tits otherwise guys wouldn’t fuck me. family wished i was a guy bcs then i’d be useful etc.
>looking for
see above. mostly just someone to talk to for self care, willing to fulfill text fantasies + pics in return.
>not looking for
masculine femanons/masculine men and general femanons for this fetish but if u wanna talk sfw im down. just don’t come bully me if ur a legit pretty woman.
kik - merci0nary
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>ASL & Role
28M, Dom

>Looking For
A biological woman to mould into my personal servant for a BDSM relationship. Training will roughly consist of three phases:

You’ll start providing daily updates of your activities (when changing clothes or showering, for example) and will be given commands/tasks to complete when appropriate. This will gradually dissolve your shame by getting you used to being watched.
I’ll start taking control and withdrawing certain liberties; you’ll have to ask permission to do things now. This will dissolve your pride and make you docile and obedient.
By this stage you’ll be objectified as much as your limits allow and I’ll make your decisions wherever feasible.

See image, broadly though I’m into BDSM, degradation, humiliation and objectification.

Welcome back Ronnie McNutt
Nice tits, where'd you get them, the tit store? ;)
any time my postman brings me a package is a good day, anon

this isn't an odd fetish, this is the same drivel that every self-proclaimed dom writes in any of the bdsm threads here
30+ m usa
paying girls to suck dildos
wife gives normal bj's and wont do them sloppy
looking to watch girls suck dildos
not looking to watch trans or guys suck dildos
reply with yours if match
Send me your rp ideas or send me your sex vidoes

Krazygurl_22 (Kik)
Looking for a someone to cuck me and send pictures of my girlfriend to his friends, then send me screenshots of their reactions

Clovedeazyy on kik
>this isn't an odd fetish
According to your subjective opinion, which I doubt is worth much.
ok tough guy that's why there's about 100 of you in any sort of fetish thread, right?
It's due to the huge disparity between men and women here. If you're female you have to put in virtually no effort to get any attention, so your opinion on what constitutes an interesting ad is almost certainly worthless.

Fuck off.
the OP states odd, weird, and unconventional, you dolt. being a male dom who wants a female sub is the most standard fetish to exist
50 shades was this and it’s nothing just a gateway that introduced polite society and corrupted normies.
If my ad was so generic you wouldn't be crying about it for three (probably soon to be four) posts. Just ignore and move on. I didn't mock your shitty ad, even though you're seemingly too retarded to use a caps lock key.
i'm literally complaining because it is generic lmao how retarded are you?
Can the two lovebirds stop shitting up the thread? Just kiss at this point.
>n-no you're retarded!

I'm thinking the same thing, I wish she'd just add me and get it over with.
You're all so fucking boring. The other anon is right. Why shit up the thread?
Most of you "doms" struggle to keep a conversation going, you are illiterate, not creative or interesting, and you can't even dom properly. There's no difference between you and an Indian. Both of you r-slurs end up asking for bobs and vagene within literally 2 messages.
And it's not like this is a surprise. What else to expect from someone who can't read the title of the thread.
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>You're all so fucking boring. The other anon is right. Why shit up the thread?
>Most of you "doms" struggle to keep a conversation going, you are illiterate, not creative or interesting, and you can't even dom properly. There's no difference between you and an Indian. Both of you r-slurs end up asking for bobs and vagene within literally 2 messages.
>And it's not like this is a surprise. What else to expect from someone who can't read the title of the thread.
>wojak in 2024
Nah bro you just lost, just take the L and leave
Stop shitting up the thread.
anon if nobody has fulfilled this ill go to subway tonight
>end up asking for bobs and vagene within literally 2 messages.
i mean, i have made very few messaging contacts related to D/s during my time here, so i can't necessarily speak to it in general. but when i note that i am wanting to talk to biological females only, i will ask for proof of their being biological females sooner rather than later. video calls work well, but lots of people are too nervous to do that initially. timestamped pics of bob and/or vagene are one of the only ways to accurately filter out the tranny larpers.
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Sharing IRLs of exes and crushes that I've taken panties and bras from with big hung dominant bulls. Went to a party this weekend and raided a bunch of slutty teens that I’d love to show off. I've also taken stuff from my mom if you're into milfs and I’m home alone right now so can raid my sisters and moms live for you.
21 passable sissy with a huge kink for sneaking into clothes. Started off by sneaking into my mom's stuff back in high school and I've been hooked ever since. Also love the idea of wearing someone's gf's or wife's things for them and getting sent photos of them in outfits that their man would want to use me in :) Kik hcupboobs dirtier and nastier the better. Come ruin the woman in my life while I slut them out to you. Won’t bother replying to “show me” etc
Would you get particularly turned on if boys around that age make the same comments now?
Assuming this isn't a larp I'd love to talk to you.

Disc - Calpicoxd

I’ve always wanted to compare irl and the smaller cock gets fucked. Or maybe jerk each other off and first to cum gets ruined and filled.

If that interests you add me lol
i typed in the wrong thread it wont let me delete this
you sick freak i can’t believe your fetish is friendship
IT WAS AN ACCIDENT i had too many tabs open and tried to asl one…
middle aged man in usa
>explanation of weird kink
i want to stuff a 3 Musketeers candybar up a womans ass then eat it out
>what about it you find hot
i like the idea of a woman having to live with the fact that a guy ate a 3 Musketeers out of her ass. the memory will pop into her mind randomly for decades and decades and she'll go "oh geeze, that happened, i'm the kind of woman that lets men eat 3 Musketeers candybars out of her ass, that's me, that's my life, hello." what a babe.
>where it came from, if you even know
3 Musketeers is the only candybar that would be comfortable up a woman's ass because there are no sharp peanuts or shards of nougat or anything, it's just chocolate and whipped mousse. it's go time.
>looking for
receptive butthole
>not looking for
unreceptive buttholes
no woman actually wants this

what you'll tell yourself after we candybar
i would do this because it's funny as hell but i'm not in your country, anon
>>looking for
>receptive butthole
>>not looking for
>unreceptive buttholes
funniest shit i've ever read on this website.
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>i show up to your house in a postal worker uniform from a random third world country i bought on ebay (probably haunted)
>you raise up your skirt. no underwear. you say 'please mr postman, i have to mail this right away, with your mouth'
>i postal the 3 musketeers out of your ass and mail it into my stomach

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor anus of woman stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed faux coprophagic postal role play analingus
just when you think you're done, you realize i've shoved an entire bag's worth of fun size ones up there
you have to yell "the fun never stops at the fun factory" as loud as you can when the fun size ones start coming out
this visual image of a guy in a post outfit sucking candy out of some lady’s ass broad daylight made me piss myself
this entire exchange is so painfully cringeworthy and unfunny
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>>explanation of weird kink
I want a 1"-5" guy to do whatever I want with. I don't want to be giant. I want a tiny guy. NOT into vore/gore. Just want a guy.
>>what about it you find hot
simply, put small man in hooha. Less simply, I know this guy can't fuck with me, and I can do whatever I want with him. Daddy issues + lack of autonomy + autism = this apparently
>>where it came from, if you even know
Barbies and polly pockets, I was obsessed with "being in the story" while playing.

Not really looking, just wanted to share.
are you gonna put one of the rails up so that it comes out in a star shape?

sounds like someone isn't having fun at the fun factory

>explanation of weird kink
I was a very deviant child online, sexual awakening too young because of pedo family members, you've heard it all before. Looking for someone to treat me like I'm 14 years-old again, groom me, RP with me, be a creep.

>what about it you find hot
I loved it back then, wish I could go back and truly appreciate it with the mindset I have now. Not advocating for pedos at all, but the me now wants to experience it like I did before.

>where it came from, if you even know
Childhood trauma I guess

>looking for
Creeps, weirdos, guys who wanna "groom" me

>not looking for
Not that

I'd love to hear more anon. I'm 26/m into being shrunk myself.
Do you have a favorite scenario? I like the idea of being made to do a task that a regular person would be able to finish in minutes, but would take my tiny ass many hours to complete. Like painting my owners nails or polishing her shoes.
Would you view your tiny person as a boyfriend, pet or slave?
What country are you in?
Ok, it sounds like a fun thread.


>explanation of weird kink
Fantasizing about getting cooked and eaten by women

>what about it you find hot
It can be sensual and romantic in a non-conventional manner; it can be perverted, degrading and kinky; it can be spooky or whimsical, it's a very situational fetish with many faces.

>where it came from, if you even know
It just appeared at some point of time.

>looking for
Any females that would like to chat about it.

>not looking for
Anything else?

ive met two pooners with this fetish. did you get it from playing the sims?
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I really like this type of running shorts on fit women (preferably early 20s). Ask for my Discord if you want to discuss or send pictures (women only).
it's kinda sad desu, the appealing part is that there's nothing this person could ever do to intimidate me. I do have fantasies of "accidentally" having lewd stuff happen, because I don't think I could ever take myself seriously enough to initiate anything, even with a tiny guy.

It's also sort of like I want someone emotionally in debt to me? Like, I could be such an asshole, but I'm restraining myself so as to not hurt you. With the visual size difference, it'd be impossible for you to ignore that- maybe it's just a strange type of savior complex?

It's sort of the feeling of finding a lost animal that's hurt and frightened of everything, and you have to do everything you can so as to not be intimidating. A person could understand what's happening and attempt to overcome that fear, and that's what I'm after. Someone willing to overcome their distain for me, even though I'm obviously a threat/monstrous to them.

I never get far enough into my fantasies to consider relationships like bf/pet/slave. The closest it gets is a "first meeting" scenario. Out of those options, though, i think i like the pet scenario best
a few have, but thank you for the offer
unfortunately, it seems ive developed an urge to see more...
Are you on snap by any chance?
33/M/Midwest US
>Sexual Orientation
Dom Top
>About Yourself
Big, burly, bearded, daddy type
>Normal Interests
Cooking, assorted games, board games, world building, D&D
>Sexual Interests
General enjoyment of being in control, feeling powerful, and adored. It goes with a lot.
>Looking For
Pathetic and obsessive subs that I can neglect and treat poorly. Nervous and needy types who go out of their way to please.
>Not Looking For
Old/hairy/overweight men. Illegal shit
I dislike random adds. Send me an email about yourself, what you're hoping for, and your discord.
I wasn't allowed to get the sims because WooHooing was "inappropriate." If anything I got it from that one episode of Fairly Oddparents
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20 M
For me it’s largely sub/dom things with a focus on my own feet. I like the idea of someone taking complete control over me in whatever way possible and using me for my feet. This could be pressuring me for pictures/videos/camming, I’d be on board for something as extreme as a guy tying me up just to fuck my feet as he pleases but I don’t trust guys to keep the focus on my feet. Stuff like hypnosis and manipulation is also a big kink, one of my larger fantasies is being brainwashed into someone’s personal source of foot pics/vids (largely coming from past experience with hypnotist types)
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I don't think it's sad. It's quite interesting to hear the psychology behind your fantasies. Are you always more on the gentle side in your fantasies? Part of the appeal to me is that the large person could do ANYTHING to the tiny, and the tiny is absolutely helpless to stop it.

Your "first meeting" scenarios definitely resonate with me. I can't count how many hours I've fantasized and daydreamed about being a cute fairy boy and a girl would "discover" me and snatch me for herself. Or I'd be a witch's tiny familiar. Or maybe I'd contract "shrinking disease" and a yandere would kidnap me and keep me in a dollhouse or hamster cage. That's part of the beauty of this fetish, I think. There's endless opportunities for creative scenarios beyond just "ooga booga pp insertus". The flipside is that it'll stay as just a fantasy forever.

Do you daydream a lot about this fetish as well?
And please excuse my ESL. You're from the US, probably?
canada, so we would have to use mars bars here (i hope that's acceptable)
Hey fellow Canadian. I'm gonna wear my khaki shorts to work today just for you
devious, anon! i saw two, TWO postmen in shorts when i went to grab a coffee this morning. how am i supposed to get any work done now?
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i'm interested in cuckquean relationship dynamics. i'd want a girl who would be eager to push me to flirt with other girls just because it brings her sexual gratification. preferably someone shy with low self-esteem who would let me sleep with more attractive girls and then get excited for me to tell her all about it afterwards. i'm especially into the humiliation aspect of it. i'd want to make her feel like the worst person in the world while i'm cheating on her, but then act all sweet and loving and give her lots of aftercare when i'm done. keep in mind that this is all just one big fantasy for me though and in reality i'm a complete KHHV, but if you're okay with that, my disc is galaxyrobo
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24 twink (Can travel)
>Looking for
Sadistic or sadomasochistic women to talk to and/or more... Huge plus if ud like to do stuff irl.
>Not looking for
Masculine looking people
34 M USA
>explanation of weird kink
Peeing in girl's butts
>what about it you find hot
The filth and the humiliation
>where it came from, if you even know
Porn i guess, but i already like butts and pee
>looking for
>not looking for
Discord: greenman66
The struggle
This is a based fetish anon and you probably wouldn’t have too hard of a time exploring it if you found a gf who liked it. As soon as you have a partner you’re seen as more safe and trustworthy by people in the poly/cuck community. I’ve seen this play out a few times where
cuck and quean couples mesh together like this. I will say typically though that the girls I’ve met who like this, usually aren’t primarily interested in being humiliated but rather have a dominant side and see their male partner as an extension of themselves used to dominate other women. Girls who are shy/insecure are pretty unlikely to be into this unless they’re extremely mentally unwell I think
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>but rather have a dominant side and see their male partner as an extension of themselves used to dominate other women
i didn't consider this before, but somehow it makes the dynamic even hotter. i'd love for a bossy, assertive girl to push me into sleeping with other girls. like, she'd show me this girl she finds attractive and be like "i need you to sleep with her right now" i don't think i'm ever gonna be lucky enough to meet a girl like that, but it's fun to talk about it

Looking for some fun chats about rape, abuse, stuff like that. Also Wana share my experiences and hear yours

Kik: beejo45
I have the biggest SPH fetish. Send my hot crush pictures of my tiny dick. Make her laugh while you write whatever you want. My only condition is that you show me all the messages.

Kik: tribber26
m 24 US
>explanation of weird kink
I have this kink where I want a bubbly woman who's a good friend of mine to set me up on a blind date that goes horribly, usually ending with me being emasculated by my date in some way. The variation I think about most frequently is where my woman friend sets me up with this girl who she doesn't know is trans, me and the trans girl hit it off but once we get to her place she forces herself on me and tops me. Sometimes in my mind the date is a martial arts practitioner who submits me and spanks/fingers my ass just because she likes to. The next day she excitedly asks how it went and says my date told her something vague like "it was a night he'll never forget" or "we went home and he loved every second" and i have to stammer out lies about how the date ended. very hot!
>what about it you find hot
i love the idea of having to hide something emasculating that happened to me on the spot, there's also just something super sexy about a girl with good intentions unknowingly putting me in a situation that obliterates my manhood. The juxtaposition between my friend thinking "i wonder how the date is going? they're probably chatting and laughing and having a great time!" vs. the cruel reality of me getting abused in bed at that very moment is so fun and humiliating. The snowball effect of "my friend seems lonely, i should help him get a date!" to a cruel woman taking advantage of me is really ironic and hot.
>where it came from, if you even know
a girl sent me a twitter video of sarina valentina because she knew i liked redheads, but she barely watched it and didn't know sarina was trans and buttfucks a guy in the vid, when i mentioned it she laughed and apologized.
>looking for
anyone who would want to discuss this more or just likes talking about niche femdom/humiliation scenarios!
>not looking for
edgy people, it's ok if you're not super talkative but i do like it when people put effort in
discord: erastusrama
I once talked a girl into masturbating with a pickle, her writhing due to the pain in her vagina awoke something in me. Is that odd enough? Doubt someone would wanna do that though
M28 looking for F. Just about every kink you can think of I have and most likely have done or had done to me. Lots of trauma looking to relate with a female and talk and goon together Snapchat: bwc4u9669
Racist white guy who wants to be humiliated by an anti-racist/someone who hates whites. I’m a submissive guy and rather racist, so it hits my buttons. Very hot to be told I’m racially inferior.

Just text raceplay/political play, no pic swapping.

Kik: Racist2448
i need to worship armpits and feet, she can put me in a trance by waving her feet in my face..
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Sharing IRLs of exes and crushes that I've taken panties and bras from with big hung dominant bulls. Went to a party this weekend and raided a bunch of slutty teens that I’d love to show off. I've also taken stuff from my mom if you're into milfs and I’m home alone right now so can raid my sisters and moms live for you.
21 passable sissy with a huge kink for sneaking into clothes. Started off by sneaking into my mom's stuff back in high school and I've been hooked ever since. Also love the idea of wearing someone's gf's or wife's things for them and getting sent photos of them in outfits that their man would want to use me in :) Kik hcupboobs dirtier and nastier the better. Come ruin the woman in my life while I slut them out to you. Won’t bother replying to “show me” etc‘
i have a lot of necro (recieving) fantasies but also an insane fetish for men who self harm, or self harm scars on men. i have a friend with a lot of scars and just seeing them turns me on. i dont care too much about bigger, deeper scars because they’re less appealing to me for some reason, but typical more neat scars really do it for me. i also dont have too much interest in the actual act of self harm but i do find cutting a man or watching him cut himself to be appealing still
>where it came from
no idea. not a sadist outside of this so its really a mystery to me.

im not sure what i wanted to accomplish by posting this i just thought id share anyways.
24 f
I feel like maybe this is a weird fantasy. I have a fantasy that my boyfriend or husband pretends to have a kink for blindfolds but really he blindfolds me so that his brother can Come and secretly fuck me and fill me up. Maybe he invites different people. I have to keep the blindfold on for the scence and he tells everyone he invites they have to stay quiet
Maybe it gets fucked up idk
Made a kik if you're interested in talking about this or other fantasies

We would get along so well. Necro and cuts
>explanation of weird kink
I have a weird kink about fucking girl into ear and piercing her head. I usualy watch animations of it because other people apareantly have it
Maybe not super odd. In the past I liked talking to girls with low self esteem and training them to be slutty while boosting their self esteem and being almost a father figure. While the lewd stuff is hot I honestly enjoy seeing them become more confident more than anything.
Wow that’s really nice. Warm. I’m kind ma going for that myself
i have a fetish for chubby/bbw bellies. love the subtle soft curves and rolls, and deep belly buttons

kik: ilikeemplump
dude's mad that nobody is contacting him and instead the 3 musketeers guy is getting more female attention than him kek
>explanation of weird kink
I am obsessed with big/huge tits. I routinely get off to cleavage and I rarely get off to anything other than boobs. It's so bad I can't have a sexually fulfilling relationship unless I really like my partner's tits.
>what about it you find hot
I love it when they're full, I prefer it when they hang (I weirdly rarely like boobs when a girl is on her back). I like unique areola/nipple combinations. I find lactation hot and while I don't think I really want kids I want to try and induce lactation in my partner.
>where it came from, if you even know
I hope it's just biological programming/watching baywatch at an extremely young age and not some Freud shit like my mother.
>looking for
Woman with big/huge boobs to worship and potentially more
>not looking for
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im a male and i like the things most others dislike. vore, gore, and cannibalism chief among those things. scents rlly are nice to me aswell. pretty much any naturally occurring bodily scent. i also like reverse ryona and gentle femdom and praise...

im looking for rlly anyone willing to talk/other stuff with me . obviously, preferably femme. idc if cis or otherwise.

tag: reallybadplan
pls tell me where you added me from so i dont embarrass myself
19m I like when girls tell me to eat my own cum and force me to watch trans and gay porn
Kik gooner1234987
Male 30 australia

>explanation of weird kink
casual candid nudity and piss.
I like seeing you getting dressed, videos in the change room and casual nudity.
Also videos of you going to the toilet. (not scat)

>what about it you find hot
I think the casual vibe and comfortablity and confidence of just being naked/half dressed.

>where it came from, if you even know
Don't really know where it came from, but i loved jerking off while my ex would get dressed or have a shower when she wasnt in the mood for sex.

>looking for
women that would be into this.

>not looking for


open to most other kinks if this is bordering on something else you are interested in.
This is really sweet and pretty hot desu. I’ve fantasized a lot about having a “slut phase” but have way too much anxiety about social impact and disease
it isn't exactly enviable attention
Aggressive, sadistic girls who are bi and dominant towards girls who are smaller and more shy and still a virgin
I’d love to watch her hurt, bully, spit on, slap, torture and mercilessly fuck a girl like that in the ass with a strapon until she cries, then just kick her out on the street, still naked.

I also like girls who make fun of or belittle other girls who have smaller boobs or no ass or who are just generally ugly or fat and make them cry. Makes me instantly hard.

Looking for a woman who would be down to help me cheat on my girlfriend. She hasn't been in the mood for sex lately since she's "too tired" from work.

Discord: _frogs2
28; Mostly straight married cuck with cut cock and small balls who wants to get bullied, cucked and forced to worship uncut cock. Big plus if you're fat and even still okay if your dick is small. Kik Renderi
I really don't though, if you think you recognize me someone's either using my pictures (which I've accepted is probably happening because I've been e-slutting for long enough) or you're mixing up usernames. Hope he finds his Texas boyfriend though
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19 M UK

I have a fart fetish. I would love to be sat on by a huge, fat guy and have farts blasted right onto my nose mercilessly. I would love to do it IRL, if anyone is near Manchester.

Discord - thottheunclean
Telegram - @pubbyaqua
Ive only ever done it with girls online because irl would be too emotionally taxing. It's always bittersweet seeing them go. They're almost always anxious at first too but it makes it hotter because it involves building trust.
I liked the idea of a pair of my crush’s panties being passed around like a cum rag by 100+ guys from her city who know her

Kik: randle027
27 m

Always had a big thing for deaf and near deaf girls but don’t really know how to find one. Also just feel kind of creepy for fetishizing something like that but I can’t help that they are just the cutest.
send me your odd fetishes, maybe I can satisfy you<3
discord: eskitten
Catfishing as in getting money from people or as in you enjoy pretending to be a girl?
I think it's cute. I do the last one a lot and people think I'm weird, I don't see what's so bad about teasing people and sending porn
Same kink here
I love roleplaying about hanging out with pedos, rapists, stalkers, groomers, etc. I love playing as some open minded girl who tries to support them.
I use this as a subplot in my roleplays a lot. I love slutification especially when it comes almost willingly or because she seeks validation
I like to imagine myself as Mike Teavee from Willy Wonka...either version desu (with the mom or dad)

mimimaximusme on discord
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BWC here straight curious wanna be made obsessed denied, censored sub for BBC

Insta - Chainsmokersorsomething
Reddit - ricflair2ndman
Discord -drugsnrehabstaffonly
Snapchat- Fredagainfredagain
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20 bio F East Coast US

>explanation of weird kink
Men wearing masks. I like masks where you can’t see their eyes. Bonus points if they look super fucked up or creepy, like a pigs mask

>what about it you find hot
The mystery of it, almost like the man is an entity, the fact that wearing the mask hiding his expressions makes him seem calculated or nonchalant about it

>where it came from, if you even know
Horror movies. I have had this since a young age. I used to be very sexually attracted to the main character of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I also really liked Jason. I have had recurring dreams about a masked man chasing me down a railroad track

>looking for
Looking for an average weight, average height, 21-28 WHITE male who would be willing to chase me in my family’s old wooded property and “rape” me in a mask, like a game. I’d like a good conversationalist. I like brunettes. This is very specific, but a man who is normal in the sense that he has a good head on his shoulders, but is secretly a very disgusting degenerate is perfect. Short hair

>not looking for
Non-whites. Obese people. (You will need to be fit enough to run after me, I don’t care if your stomach is toned or anything like that, you will be wearing heavy clothing anyways) Rude guys. Dry guys. Guys that are not serious about this specific scenario. Guys who will ghost me

You post yours. I will add you and prove it is me with the (you) thing. Or I will post my tag tomorrow. I need an alt
Add me on disc uhohims34
the (you) thing has not shown up for me
then I guess we will never know if it was you or not
My fetish is seeing how many Asian massage parlours I can do to in a day. My local one is now offering three girls massaging you at the same time but obviously the cost is almost triple.

Which makes more sense:
A) go to 3 different amp and have 3 women please me separately

B) go to one place and have 3 women please me at the same time
I’m an average build 20’s girl looking for an any race and 18-29 year old feedee or bbw. Respond here and I can get you my whatsapp :)
are they legit massage parlours ?
or the kind that include sex ?
Just hj finish nothing more

You get a half decent massage first
Join our community tailored around exploring rare fetishes

36, m, bi, sub, Germany
Some of my favourite kinks include food play, spit/piss/cum/anal play and ruined orgasms. Anyone up for a chat or into giving me tasks feel free to add.
kik thatitch88
so a fake parlour
Ruin my life. I’ll give you my crush’s name, a pic of her, and a pic of myself naked. I’ll give you her number or snap if you find her. Then make me like her pictures, tribute them, eat my cum, destroy my balls, or whatever you want. Make it increasingly humiliating/painful and expose me if I fail.

My only condition is that you show me if you message her.

Kik: tribber26
Femboy 20
I'm really into exhibitionism and orgasm control. Humiliation can go a long way too.
Kik: lockedandloadeds
Holy shit i’ve found my people… I wish i knew other girls fucked up this way
Down to discuss these thoughts at length with you. Tag is exohand
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m 18 lvl from banana republic without bananas
also searching for someone to olay risk of rain (2) or minecraft (modded ofc)
somewhat fucked up stuff: anything medical procedures related (enemas, ultrasounds, colonoscopes, intubation etc), restraints, forced procedures, oviposition, slime, tentacles and belly inflation (not feeding or vore). Open to most things

Discord - vanuchkaaa
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basically into a fetish that is BNWO but replaces black guys with Jewish men, gradually making white people more and more Jewy. Blacks can be kept as vasectomied sex toys
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, age play/gap, loli, futa, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Like bbc and forced bi. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
21M Femboy here with a fetish for male feet. I like pretty much everything about them. The way they look, feel, smell, size, etc. I also like the submissive aspect of worshipping a guys feet or being forced to taste/smell them. I've been told I'm cute so if you wanna see me, just ask :)

Kik: Strawberry4114

I have a fetish for religion play

I.e.; I want to wear satanic Catholic robes while wearing a goat mask, and having a woman (or femboy) in a tattered nun's outfit, bound and gagged on a alter with candles, inverted crosses, pentagrams, etc. Essentially it starts out as BDSM and rape play, but then the nun degrades into enjoyment and encourages me to breed them while calling me Mephesto.

If anything I just typed sounds remotely interesting, please leave your Discord.
I want to talk to ticklish men. Nothing turns me on more than stories about guys being tickled, especially against their will.

disc: entickle
says you aren't accepting friend requests :(
Extremely based my brothers. I hope you find you cuckquean gfs as well as I hope I find my own. o7
>I don't think I could ever take myself seriously enough to initiate anything, even with a tiny guy.
This would honestly be perfect for me. I hate this fetish and I don't see the appeal of indulging it sexually at all. A bigger woman sticks me in her hair like Ratatouille and talks with me about her day while she's cooking a meal in the kitchen? Hell yeah. A bigger woman sticks me up her hooha and I probably die up there? Nah, I'm dying of cringe, keep that lewd shit away from me. I'd love to just hang out and chill with a woman who feels confident and in control because she can do whatever she wants... but all she wants to do is just hang out and chill.
24m usa
>explanation of weird kink
I love edging and gooning in public for hours and hours worth of time
>what about it you find hot
I love how degen it is
>where it came from, if you even know
It started in uni because I had roommates and not as much freedom to edge
>looking for
I'm planning to pump and edge at my college's public restroom! I would love suggestions on what I should bring and how I should plan my stroke session. I have multiple screens and things I can set up too. Should I use a public stall or find a single person restroom maybe set up a goon cave. I was thinking of printing off some pics. Also I dont mind maybe downloading grindr to find a potential goon partner. I love the idea of planning this session out!! It's so hot to think about. i would love to hear what the community has to say. Should I set up a porn playlist to have videos ready beforehand, this would also be useful too because I could plan the amount of time I spend stroking my brains away. Let me know what you guys think!!!
>not looking for
Not into rp i guess idk all are welcomed though
Discord: plibs
>explanation of weird kink
I have many kinks but my fav is smellplay, specifically burps, farts, and BO (farts are my biggest turnon)
>what about it you find hot
Sound, smell, everything
>where it came from, if you even know
BO came later, but I’ve always been into farts
>looking for
People into this stuff
>not looking for
People not into it
Discord: chloechloechloe69
Kik: PuppygirlCoco
>describe yourself
a bit chubby (5’1, 150 lbs), dark hair and eyes, brown skin, latina :3 diagnosed with anxiety and depression so i’m a doormat when it comes to confrontation. autist. shy but talkative when the topic is a hyper fixation of mine. been through some stuff so things that shouldn’t turn me on really do>;(
>looking for
an older guy or woman who’s interested in similar things as i, (horror movies, sci-fi, period pieces in film, cooking, reading, basically simple but interesting things). if you’re obsessive, dominant (in general as well nsfw), manipulative, just as caring as you are fucked up and abusive, hmuuu!
i like talking to confident/ narcissistic guys and girls, basically the opposite of me.
>not looking for
those who hate any of the above, dry texters, asking for pics too soon (not opposed to sending), one word replies.
I love using my brothers fleshlight and eating it out.

First found it when i was 11, id jerked off maybe 20 times before that, so it was amazing to me. i found it freshly used, still warm, after my brother left for work but hadnt cleaned it

hes on number 3 now but has always kept it in the same spot and always had the same routine using it in the morning then not cleaning it before work. no idea if he knows ive been using it

Pls add if ur asian preferably SEA male
Cheating/ntr or cucking is common af get out of her whore
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wignat who’s looking for a chill blk guy to chat with about white girls he slammed, especially if he got vids, but not looking for BNWO stuff. Also interested in other wignats whove fucked mudsharks
Why don't you make a bigger post describing yourself anon? Maybe you'll find someone.
>explanation of weird kink
Fatal Vore. I like to fantasize about being food for someone else. E.g. I get the hots imagining being teased, sexually abused, shrunk to an edible size and swallowed whole and alive by a man, so I inevitably die inside of their bodies. Being used as a sex toy so my body gets inserted into their anus , then left there where I will die in their intestines is also a turn on. Many other scenarios I love to masturbate to. On occasion I can switch to be the predator instead. Of course , this is impossible in real life. irl equivalent will just be watching someone else eat a lot of food and express satisfaction on how full they feel. Or watching guys swallow small animals.
>what about it you find hot
Absolute dominance, being so degraded that my life ending & being processed into energy/shit is nothing more than a brief moment of satisfaction and satiation for a more powerful entity.
>where it came from, if you even know
Dunno. Always had it. Even when I was about four yrs old I wondered what it would be like to be eaten alive by a shark. Also liked watching documentaries showing animals killing and eating each other.
>looking for
I'm extremely shy, inexperienced, autistic af, and don't have any idea how these things work. Also a recent victim of infidelity and I'm feeling nervous, dejected, and lonely as the spouse does not seem to want to interact with me much anymore after I confronted him about his cheating. I've always been loyal and never did dirty talk with anyone for over a decade. Him ignoring me for 95% of the day is making me experience severe separation anxiety. Maybe attention from someone else for just a bit will ease things. Even if it's just being a friend/chatting, but open to erotic roleplay as well. Just don't know if I'm any good at it.
>not looking for
No long term friendships or relationships. Possibly one day one off interactions and I will need to delete everything.
Disc sonneil276
Thanks for the little chat, happy to chat again if you want...
22 M TX
>explanation of weird kink
A woman's mouth
>what about it you find hot
I like how it feels very "alive" due to saliva, the tongue and small imperfections in the teeth
>where it came from, if you even know
Pics/vids of women talking online, what really sealed the deal for me was seeing a video of a Japanese woman's mouth that was basically a candid voyeur shot.
>looking for
A woman to send me casual pics/vids of her mouth. If you have a non shit/piss/blood related kink I would also like to fulfill it for you
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I am totally obsessed with feet. I'm a gay chubby chaser and if a cute chub is willing to let me massage his feet, I'm his. I'll do any degrading sex acts he wants. As long as I get to lick his socks clean for him.
what if I'm not just fat, but old, too?
I don't discriminate age.
28/M/far northern North America
>>explanation of weird kink
adult diapers on women. Especially if they're in bondage or if they're domming me while wearing them.
>>what about it you find hot
Something about the texture and the way a girl's butt looks while wearing them does it for me. I'm not into watersports in general, but if it's while a girl is wearing a diaper it's hot as fuck. If I had things perfectly my way, I'd have a thick-thighed gym girl to sit her diapered butt on my face and wet herself while she jerks me off.
>>where it came from, if you even know
I couldn't tell you how it started, but I've had a fixation on them since well before puberty. Apparently everyone who has this kink (paraphilic infantilism) got it as a result of some early childhood trauma. There's also a strong correlation between male diaper fetishism and autism. That tracks, because I was definitely obsessed with the texture of a plastic-backed diaper as a kid and my mom thought I had Asperger's. I always fixated on characters who wore diapers (Rugrats), and I used to ask my mom if I could wear one of my sister's diapers even after I was toilet trained.
>>looking for
see above. If you're a spunky squat thot with a diaper kink, you're my type.
>>not looking for
anything involving scat. I'm really not into the baby behavior stuff, but I'd accept it if my partner was into it
i’m trans ftm taking testosterone so i look like a guy but under my clothes i have big tits and a fat hairy pussy

looking for someone who just genuinely wants to terrorise me lol. i want someone who will laugh at me and bully me and trick me and play pranks on me all because you think it’s funny to make sure everyone knows that i’m the sissy boy with big tits and a fat pussy. trick me into exposing myself and then make it your profile picture and send it around. make edits of me and make me cry and beg you to stop. i’m stupid too so you could probably trick me into anything
works best if you really think it’s funny that look and act like a guy and really don’t ever want anyone to see my girl tits and pussy

i will pretend i didn’t post this, it’s hot if i’m terrorised against my will lol

kik: mrangeleyes
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>explanation of weird kink
ABDL - MommyDomme - MDlb - Ageplay - Regression - GentleFemdom

>what about it you find hot
being helpless and innocent and naughty all at the same time, being at the mercy of a dominant woman who has full control over me, no matter how strong I am because I am just a tiny helpless baby deep down, I dont deserve to have sex, only make messes in my diaper when Mommy lets me

>where it came from, if you even know
likely lacking love and support as I was growing up from my parents

>looking for
A woman with strong maternal urges who gets a kick out of taking complete control over a fully grown man who pretends to be a serious, strong and mature adult but deep down is just a silly innocent baby who cant keep his diapers dry and only has a mushy baby brain incapable of forming words or thoughts.
Initially a chat online, but I am looking for an actual connection, to find someone to truly have a relationship with.

>not looking for
men, trans, paid escorts/professionals
I'm not looking to play out any fantasies with anyone. But for some reason as a very young kid signals got crossed and I like soft vore/maws/swallowing and belly sounds. As a side thing from cuddling and listening to someone's belly, I also like heartbeats.
30/F, I fucking hate it.
>explanation of weird kink
A combination of a d/s dynamic, bodybuilding coach, and bimboification. A dom who micromanages my training, diet, and appearance. Picks my clothes, gives hair advice, etc. Makes me compete like I'm a show dog, lol. I would also cook for him and aid him in his workouts. In this fantasy, he probably owns a gym and coaches other athletes as well, and I'm not his only girl. I would be happy to serve girls (in whichever way they see fit) who outrank me based on appearance and strength. Can be degrading.
>not looking for
Sub 500 dots and no pro card
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i want a guy to tell me all his darkest, most depraved fetishes <3

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Just fucking LOL if you think a female has the name


i am a guy and did not post this
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Diagnosed ASPD; ambitious, driven, I get bored easily since ADHD as well.

Sadism, TPE, CNC, bondage, degradation, humiliation, knife play, rope play, rape play, choking, impact play, spanking, hair pulling.

Philosophy, Astronomy, technology, finance, crypto, politics,
current events, BDSM, traveling, photography, literature, poetry,
media, honestly who gives a shit?
97% of you have the personality of a sack of potatoes -- the odds we brush up on any of this is minute.

>What you're looking for
Biological female slaves, and submissives;
ddlg compatible if you're not a fucking mess, and a planetary mass of attention.. both metaphorically, and physically -- steer clear fucking cows.
You're fuck meat; what the hell do you think I'm looking for?
Video capable sluts to the top of the list.

>What you're not looking for
Idiots that have the personality of plank from ed, edd, & eddy
Minors... I hate that I have to specify this. If I suspect you to be under age, I will require proof of age.
The likelihood of me wanting to *be friends* with any of you is incredibly small, so please either be incredibly talented at keeping me entertained, or just don't, I'm not looking for friends.
If you cannot be bothered to regularly send pictures, or videos I don't want to talk to you.
Paypigs -- LOL.

Mostly play single player however: Armored Core VI, Baldur's Gate 3, Diablo 2 -- other titles could be considered

Use this fill out the questionnaire (it's a discord server)
I'm tired of having to deal with retards that add me, and either never speak, or the conversation is so dry that I'm choking in real life from it; it's that palpable.
Don't believe this guy, he's just trying to keep this chick to himself.
Just curious. Have you guys ever seen pussy-pumping porn? It's like the Austin Powers Swedish Penis Enlargement Pump but built to fit a pussy, and it pumps up the woman's clit and labia til they look swollen and enormous. I think it would be hot for a girl to do this and then go down on her enormous swollen inflated pussy. Sounds super hot. What do you think?
Join this server which is designed for women. We share fashion, tips, advice and are overall a female safe space. We allow only real women, not trannies.


You're probably better off posting in one of the nude pic threads, half the girls on here are psychologically addicted to attention and abject objectification
Definitely been into that
You've tried it? Or just watched the porn? If you tried it what was it like?
F 24
I have a new fantasy.
I imagine I'm traveling and my car breaks down. A truck driver stops to help me but before I know it I'm being thrown into the back of his truck, blindfolded, tied, and gagged.
I am thrown in the back of somewhere and it feels spacious.
When we come to a stop the blindfold comes off. I am in the back of the truck in the trailer. It is filled with lights and mattresses and a dozen naked men ready to forcibly use and breed me.
And that only the beginning. Wait until the truck pulls up to the dock and opens its doors to a warehouse with more waiting people.
I can only imagine the helplessness as I'm used over and over again.
Kik me if you are interested
24 m VA
>Weird kink
I want to look through people's phones and read messages and look at whatever nsfw stuff they have saved. Ideally it'd be done over teamviewer, or somethin like that. I dunno, I just wanna snoop
>Why it's hot
No idea. I guess cause I like finding things I shouldn't see
>Where it came from
Good question
>Looking for
Anyone willing with no shame in showing
>Not looking for
I guess paranoid peeps
>Discord Tag
bro, i have a gf like this. but i can't find another girl another girl to flirt with and sleep with.
26 m
>explanation of weird kink
I like cuckqueaning women
>what about it you find hot
I like the idea of someone watching, fantasizing about getting fucked, and maybe being humiliated a little or encouraging
>where it came from, if you even know
I used to cam with a girl and she liked to be watched
>looking for
a cuckquean and/or someone who wants to make her a cuckquean
or just chill people
>not looking for
So I would say obesity but that’s also subjective
kik ghostintheneko
Were we grown in the same lab? I'm basically you, except...
41/M/Canada (Turranah)
>I rarely get off to anything other than boobs.
I manage alright. Tits definitely help, though.
I use SimpleX. Discord is cancer.
Basically the complement of this. I want to be a tiny guy, like 3" tall, completely at the mercy of a giant woman. I just like the idea that she could completely overpower me if she wanted to, but she doesn't.

I had a recurring fantasy throughout university about a girl I liked. She'd shrink me down and use me as a private tutor, because I always helped her out during our breaks anyway. I'd go along with it, pretending to be too scared to say no to her (after all, she's so much bigger and could easily kill me if she wanted to). Really the whole thing would turn me on. I'd make up elaborate, autistic scenarios where I'd mildly insult her intelligence, then she'd do something like push me down with her finger to remind me who's boss. I'd imagine her getting out of the shower one day, "forgetting" that I was in her room, and she'd catch me masturbating to her. Then she'd do more lewd stuff to bully me after seeing how embarrassed I was.

The power dynamic really turned me on. It's a pity women in real life are so much weaker than me... Alas, where's the fun in that?
22 m
>Weird kink
Tickling. Doesn't matter if I'm being tickled or someone else is, it's still hot.
>Why it's hot
I guess the vulnerableness and the laughter, teasing etc
>Where it came from
Honestly no idea, have had it as long as I can remember
>Looking for
Women with the same interest
>Not looking for
20s M
>explanation of weird kink
Parasites, early decomposition, bug/worm infestation, dead eyes, pale mottled skin, flesh wounds, filth (no poop), dismemberment, cannibalism, necrophilia, meathooks, abduction, partner being drunk/drugged
>what about it you find hot
I don't know, it feels safe. I can't be betrayed. I also like the yellowy tones and contrasting patterns that skin takes on after death
>where it came from, if you even know
I guess I'm subconsciously just a destructive fuckup. I don't like how warm people are and generally am repulsed by sex or sexual topics. I had a weird sheltered and abusive upbringing
35m east coast US
>explanation of weird kink
emetophilia, I like making girls puke on my cock. If you're up for it I like to force it out with facefucking but if u just puke from a dick just a little too far into your mouth that's cool too
>what about it you find hot
Feels amazing having it wash over my cock and balls, and besides anal its about as submissive as a female can get, abusing your natural biological processes to please me. Bonus points if they like it too bc they got used to/addicted to it from an ED
>where it came from, if you even know
have a pretty big dick and it happened by accident a few times, felt amazing so I started pushing for it more and more. kind of grew out of a deepthroat fetish but its a whole separate thing now
>looking for
girls that enjoy or don't mind puking while they suck dick and who would let me modify their eating habits to make it better for me (lots of water fasting and some other ideas)
>not looking for
men, catfish, just to talk endlessly about this w/o doing it
disc diocles9696
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white nationalist looking for a cool blk dude to chat with about white sluts he fucked but no cringe BNWO or sissy stuff. Also if you’re another WN/NS/alt right who’s fucked snowbunnies also hit me up

Yeah, that's true it's mostly disappeared, I don't mind, discussing my experience! I've never groped anyone, I was too introverted and a shy kid, but I've been groped.

Kik: Mrthrowaway45
21 M Us
>explanation of weird kink
I like the part of Winnie the Pooh where he gets stuck in rabbits front door and basically any stuck type scene in cartoons, anime, irl etc.
>what I find hot about it
Idk it’s just so arousing seeing a fat bottom refuse to fit through a hole that’s too small for it. Also love the free use aspect of it hehe
>where it came from
When I was young and was watching it, it’s tickled my brain ever since
>looking for
Someone (M or F) who has the same kink or something similar that would wanna chat and be lewd abt it
>not looking for
Disc: gungk_
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^^photo for context
22, male, East Tennessee (Johnson City area) 6.9 inch long penis, 5.7 inches around, circumcised. 6 feet tall, well built. Slim but large frame. Big arms and shoulders.
>explaination of weird kink
I love giving women forced orgasms, usually with a hitachi wand, or cunnilingus if they are clean. I got the snip snip so love giving creampies. I also like receiving forced orgasms/cowgirl and handjobs. Not much into receiving oral but I'll bend the rules a bit if you want to give it.
>where it came from
I have no clue. Probably from some woman tying a man to a tree and jerking him off during a witchhunt back in the 1600's.
>looking for
straight/bi women, 18-30 age range, healthy weight, willing to be tied up and made to squirm. Willing to discuss plans and safe words over dinner. Preferably clean shaven.
>not looking for
anyone testing positive for STDs
Sorry, don't use discord. darzen@post.com is my burner email.
20's male, usa
>explanation of weird kink
just want a playful and teasing girl to larp as my sister or step sis
>what about it you find hot
i kinda fun slight banter and messing around and being close to each other hot and also like the forbidden aspect of it to be quite appealing
>where it came from, if you even know
when i was younger i had an older cousin who would be very nice to me and i developed kina a crush for that kinda caring and girl role model vibes and now fetishize it alittle
>looking for
girl interested in said acting like my sister whos active a lot and teasingly lewd too
>not looking for
guys, bored girls who just wanna waste my time
Did you chew/suck on polly pockets as a kid too?
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>explanation of weird kink
For the life of me I cannot explain why I love these types of men so much, gopniks and chavs.
>what about it you find hot
Something about their bratty, sickly appearance and bad attitudes and buzzcuts just do it for me in a way nothing else can. Even better if they have a really unpleasant accent and/or a drug addiction.
>looking for
Gopniks and chavs or literally just anybody from central/eastern europe or the uk. I highly doubt i'd find a real one here, as they neither use 4chan or discord, but if you look like this then please.
>not looking for
I don't talk to american men under any circumstance
Join our discord server

19 femboy dumfries

Looking for a local owner or someone who is in Dumfries regularly or can book edge of town hotels regularly,
I like a 30+ over exaggerated controlling aggressive owner
I want to base this ownership around flashing. Like for In person tasks could be to drive around and every time you stop I have to do this naked or walk up to a stranger ect
For online I’d like a few of these too

My kinks that I’d love to be abused are:
Flashing, public/online humiliation, heavy embarrassment, crying, breathplay, blindfolds, light hitting, blackmail, exposure through online posts or somthing, pregnancy or some sort of inflation and findom

I’d love to here your kink list to know what you’ll make me do a lot

About me no. Kinks:
I’m tall 6ft1 brown hair to my neck with 1 fem outfit and I usually always wear it, I get told from belly button down I’m passable. I stay smooth semi regularly, I play alot of video games (could don me on that too), very fem acting

I’d love to here from you and I hope we can last a long time and I hope you can get excellent use out of me. If you have any questions I’d love to answer them of course and over time I will give you black mail stuff to really help your abuse of me. Thank you

Love, Paige

Discord : mythiiic3228
Reddit: yellowturban69
Kik damnitniicole28
Send rape threats
>explanation of weird kink
Maybe rushed commitment would be a good way to describe it? Basically I fantasize about arranged marriage, an obsessive stalker, buying a slave or being bought as one, or just hooking up with a girl from a super religious family and getting her pregnant, knowing she won't even consider abortion and neither she nor her family will accept us not being married.
>what about it you find hot
The idea of both being committed whether we want to or not, having someone I have to be the best I can for and having someone else be the best she can be for me.
>where it came from, if you even know
Trust issues? Low self esteem? Autism trying to assign roles to people/things? Just generally not liking hookup culture and wanting to raise a family? Probably could blame cold/detached family growing and getting my early ideas of romance from media that didn't really portray healthy relationships.
>looking for/not looking for
I don't expect anything out of this thread, just posting out of boredom.
30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website like twitter and catfish/expose me any way you like. Maybe setting up a video feed in my room. I can buy outfits from Shein if u want to control how i dress. Make me walk outside with a lovense toys etc... open for any hot proposals, ideas or exposure games Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv
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my weird fetish is being in a relationship with a woman who takes up all of my time and is clingy to the point that she hates herself for it and also hates me for not being there for her. i will get home from my sales job and she will throw the things i buy for her at me while i drink vodka or smoke. I'll always remind her of the things she hates about herself which will cause her to hate both of us even more, however she will never leave because it's all she knows and all she wants, and i wont leave because i love being miserable just as much as she does. I want the feeling of being stuck and suffocating from how toxic and festered the relationship is. I am fine with having none to very little sex, because this fetish is enough to fulfill me (dull every emotion). In fact i would prefer it. I would love a girlfriend who is very beautiful but I can't look at her without feeling numb because of how bad the relationship is. I would especially enjoy if she cried when she screams at me about how much she hated me.
>i am 19, male, and live in the us
please drop your discord if this would satisfy you.
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so my kink is like screws in the urethra and other sounding stuff, it started when i was in like a small porn server on discord and some guy sent a link to kekma.net in the porn websites channel, so i clicked on it (whilst i had my cock out) and saw the guy screwing his urethra so i finished on that page and i cant stop looking at shit like that, just spam me with that stuff or even anything really like bbc

discord is eddrachia386
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24/m/denver, co
>about me
tall (6'6), slim white guy; dark hair im growing out & well-kept facial hair. fairly good looking, w/ a college degree and full-time salaried job. i enjoy pc games, anime, rollerblading, and do some singing & novice music production.
>looking for / kinks
im alvinolagnic, which means i have a midriff/belly fetish... i appreciate all sizes from under to overweight. i have many related kinks such as navels, feedism/weight gain, size contrast, digestion sounds, burping, and vore. if you have any of these kinks, wanna chat or meet, or just want someone to appreciate your body (i love soft tummies), hmu.
>not looking for
men or trans, sorry
discord: koalanon
snap: midriff_enjoyer
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells.

Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, age play/gap, loli, futa, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Like bbc and forced bi. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
You say no woman would do this, but sadly, I probably would. I’ve thought about shoving strawberries up my ass and feeding it to someone more times than I’d like to admit.
Do you have a Kik?
23m bi femboy into cock and ball torture, castration and penectomy

Kik/discord Lilcutiepie77
28m here
I have hairy girl kink. I want a girl that is willing to stop shaving forever for me. I want to see the hair grow and document it daily and create a time lapse of how bushy you got

Kik: parvib7
Marry me.
>30 M
>female pedal pumping. Women's feet on car pedals
>woman in control
>I don't wanna know where it came from
>looking for girls to take pics pushing pedals
>not looking for guys
>I don't have kik. Snap is rusty_shackleford
Would love to hear more about that if you'd add me on Discord; dumbbumby
Looking for a bio f who has experience with dogs, would love to hear your stories.

Disc: cherrybite1
25 M canuck

I’m into like extreme neet/slob stuff, pissbottles, gooning, not showering and even dirtier stuff like farts,burps and piss/scat. I’m a generally clean and organized guy but i just love the idea of letting someone fully indulge in their lazy habits and take care of them/ be dominated by them too. I know im a degenerate

Also just wanna be a friend with someone like that, like gaming, anime, movies, music and just hanging out

Disc: purple_jam10
Into girls, mtf, femboys and maybe guys if you aren’t super manly
That's actually kinda neat, I have a post office shirt that I picked up from the thrift store because I like uniform-looking clothing. Maybe I should take some pics in it.
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i like to let u see me, without any clothes. here from bottom to down, while i holding my Penis.
I wonder if the lady who does your Brazilian waxes would laugh if she knew you post pictures of yourself naked on 4chan with a photoshopped brick wall background. Probably.
I’m staying at a hotel. For each censored pic you send of my crush I’ll do a task. Reward me with the uncensored picture when I’ve done it. I’ll give you her insta.. Kik is tribber26
my fetish is skullfucking (ears, eyesockets, drilled holes, fucking decapitated heads (specifically through throats))
so my friends and I obviously had the sounding joke, it still comes back once in a while but its not that frequent. recently I went on rule34, which serves masturbation but also comedy at the same time because of the weirdest things Ive ever fucking seen (a bit hypocritical of me, I know). and I found this weird post of this girl getting fucked through the ears (was shitty, like 90% of the website), and for some reason I clicked on it and looked through the tags. and there it was: "skullfucking".
I honestly dont know what I find hot about it, Im a bit of a violent person but I can control it very well, and even if I dont control it I never really let it out on people. it does make sense that it will sink in to my sexual interest as well, but it was still surprising cuz I never *really* liked these "deepthroat" videos, like theyre fine but it wasnt quite there I guess.
if you post your full profile and discord
I can hypnotize you so you can feel yourself being ear/skull/mind fucked in any hole you desire
I have a huge kink for being given any amount of money I want and abusing a pushover loser's wallet
please see:
Ever thought about putting everything you achieved in your life in someone's other hands? Well, that's exactly what I am doing for more then 10 years with my subs.

I will own your life in every aspect 24/7 without any limits. I will decide what you think, say or do. I will play with you as I wish. Sometimes I will make you better, sometimes I will let you suffer.

Looking for longterm only. Singles and Couples welcome.

Teleguard: BPC98VKUA
Kik: fullforcecis
M 25 looking to be made to do sexual stuff on Kik like I did along time ago when I was younger. I wanna be a gay cam slave kik:ragex9
Make me do whatever you want.

Hot younger guy that'll degrade me so I cry. I've gotten fat and old. Humiliate me so I starve myself. But make me cry and be hot so it hurts. 18-21 kik killme6969420
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>explanation of weird kink
I'm really into latex balloons
>what about it you find hot
I just really like the feeling of squishy latex pressing against my body, and the little squeaky noises they make as I grind into them lol
>looking for
Other people into balloons to chat with I suppose (especially other femboys like myself lol)
>not looking for
More masculine guys I suppose :p
i think ive done this with every guy ive been with lol.

usually it expresses itself as hitting on guys who already have gf's though. not bcus i want him i just like feeling like im disposable. like dang girl dont yell at him for forgetting ur birthday he doesnt owe u that.
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21 f Australia
>explanation of weird kink
Is it weird that I love the idea of multiple guys forcing me, I'm 4'10ft and the idea of them just manhandling me and humiliating me is omg wow
>what about it you find hot
>where it came from, if you even know
No idea
>looking for
I wouldn't mind roleplaying this so I can do it safely
>not looking for
Dick pics
Kik han_flanxox
I love potatoes

Like seriously, seriously love potatoes
M 28 bi. Looking to chat with gooners and cucks. Into trans, pee, mature, bbw, mommy, abdl, AP, ebony, feet, toons, and more! Kik is WTF1234567891
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Had this idea in my head for a looong time so I'm glad I can now share it somewhere, it's kinda related to a mask fetish just more specific ig?

I for some reason want to cosplay as a Mario shy guy and hook up with a dude that's also cosplaying a shy guy, meet up and fuck like rabbits. I like to think of us both taking advantage of the anonimity the masks provide so we record a good video and upload it everywhere so a lot of people can see it and wish they were either one of us. Maybe meet up every once in a while and do it again and experiment with a few things, record more videos if the ones we uploaded are successful. Outside of this autistic scenario in my head I don't really have a thing for masks, weirdly enough.
<shy guy noises of approval>
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hiii more nudes of me here
discord: eskitten
33 m us
must be18+
love hearing about crazy kinks n fetishes.
kik seattledudude90
Got any contacts of your own, hypno anon? I'm very susceptible.
You still need to share an actual profile if you want this to happen.
Not safe to do without hypnosis.
Hypnosis lets you live the fantasy.
Without the after affects of surgery, body modding, or disease.

As for eye fucking
The optic nerve literally is a pathway to your brain, bacteria could get into the brain easily from the optic nerve.
Second the eye socket is too shallow, will only stimulate the tip of the penis, and if you broke though the upper back of the eye socket, you would be shoving bone shards and cock into the brain, and would probably cut your cock on the broken bone.
They used to do lobotomies by going through the top of the eye socket with a needle or scapel.
Shredding your cock on bone shards
And then getting arrested for murder or assault would not be a fun time.
The girl could end up dead or a vegetable if it went wrong. As best she would lose an eye and be permanently disfigured.

I offered hypnosis because you can experience the entire thing without the risk. I won't post my profile since i have stalkers. Post yours if you are serious about experiencing your fucked up fetish.
Hello there! My name is Rhea (26) and I'm the exclusive cumdump and secretary of Master Cambria (22). We are currently looking people to form a community of like-minded whores, cumdumps and sluts for him to enjoy.~
Who is Cam? Well...
He's a hyper hung, ultra virile BREEDING-BULL who will bend your mind, soul and body to his own whims, transforming you from whatever you think you are into what you were BORN to be. A Worshipper of Him.~
He'll also smother your body in warmth and adoration, making you know that he cares for you like any Master does for their pets.
Your average duties will include-
Drooling over Cam's Hyper Cock and all of its inches of perfection.~
Spending hours slobbering over every inch of his Divine Form.
Whining away in VC like the collared bitch you are.~
Spending quality time rotting your brain with your fellow Hyper Harem members.
Making sure Cam's cock is always 1) Hard, 2) Happy and 3) Loved.
We only accept the HIGHEST quality whores who can carry themselves in conversation, have a good mind for dick-hardening ideas and are possibly a little bit crazy? I mean, I once left him 100+ messages while he was asleep...~
Anyway, uh, where was I?
Boring stuff...
This will take place on Discord, please DM me at rheathedog to be screened and see if you're suitable to speak to My God.
Total Life Control

I will own every aspect of your life without any limits. I will decide what you think, do and say. I will degrade, humiliate and let you suffer as I wish.

Longterm only
Singles, couples, families and cucks welcome

Teleguard: BPC98VKUA
My fetish is panties, being worn, dirty ones from the hamper, all panties, always happy to stroke to panties
Kik craigy204
I'm a different anon, but Whatapizzashit
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22 super super submissive sissy cuck, looking to chat with doms and bulls!

Looking primarily for feargasm. It’s one of my biggest weakness that gets me going like nothing else

A little bit about me is that I’ve been friendzoned by all my crushes over the years, that slowly transitioned me into a sissy Cuck.

Kik Gymliz98 :).
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When I see a girl in a black bikini online I have zero impulse control and start rapidly fapping like a horny teenager (Black Bikini Fetish)

Let's just say I have a very specific fetish and that is Black Bikinis
When I see a girl in a black bikini online I have zero impulse control and start rapidly fapping like a horny teenager
It all started back when I was 14 and saw Quiet from Metal Gear Solid 5
Horny young me couldn't get enough of hee
Her boobs, ass, and her bikini it all turned me on
Something about her in that black bikini awoke something inside me this primal lust
I literally fapped so much to Quiet you wouldn't believe
I would just boot up the game just to fap to her and I've watched her animations in the helicopter and shower scene countless times
I still boot up the game every now and again to fap to her for when I'm bored
Now I have a huge Masterbation Addiction
My dick gets the most big when I'm jerking off to girls wearing black bikinis
When I'm at the beach and see a girl in a black bikini I instantly get hard
Then it got worse
I found Nathalie Emmanuel's Black Bikini scene in Furious 7
When I found this scene a few months ago I lost the most cum I've ever nutted
I don't have a roommate in College so I've been free to jerk off constantly to her bikini scene
Not only does she have great boobs and an amazing ass it's all in a Black Bikini
19 Femboy Dumfries Scotland

Looking for a local ish hardcore stalker to meet regularly.
I’m looking to base this stalking off of a flashing kink.

Looking for 30+ aggressive kinky, controlling creep types that are into public kinks

My personal kinks are flashing, public humiliation, breathplay, blindfolding, Tied, and rp kinks like robbery, kidnap, and gang.

About me: 6ft tall sissy who loves to dress up, brown hair to my neck, long legs and ok ass. Sensitive nipples and bum and love kissing

Message me and let me know your interests in this, your goals and techniques, and your kinks to know what you’ll want me to do.

For now, love Paige

Kik: KittenBabyy69
Being forced to twerk/show off my ass in strange humiliating ways. I like the idea of having my ass humiliated and used so someone can get off to it. One time a guy walked up to me in class, said nice ass, and slapped it. I think that awakened something long stirring. I'm a guy btw

Disc spankmytwinkass_07597
Kik twerkhypnotist
given how hard it is to find good content of it I assume its pretty niche.

best name I've seen for it is 'desperation wetting' I like seeing a girl who really has to pee squirming around and fumbling to try and get tight/complicated pants off before losing the battle and visibly wetting herself fully.

no idea why I find it so hot, but I just get so hard and am filled with the desire to tackle girl to the ground and hold her there while I hump her through her jeans.
I just love obese women getting even fatter.

M23 bi into ppl who show off their feet, soles and socks

Kik hosarar
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21, looking to chat with doms and bulls! Sissy cuck myself, super submissive

Looking for feargasm. It’s one of my biggest weakness that gets me going like nothing else and makes me sooo horny.

about me is that I’ve been friendzoned by all the girls i ever had a crush on. that slowly transitioned me into a sissy Cuck.

Kik mayalepine <3
I have two, one is to talk about being gangbanged and maybe try it...the other is to share everything to an owner I can trust to never share my info
Kik fr33xspirit for more
Where you learned it? Care to share your knowledge Mr hypnotic

Im not into one specific kink I always want to do something kinky that she is NOT into. Like if she loves anal stuff I want her to try feet stuff. When she likes to things with candles I want her to piss on me. So it’s something new for both of us if that makes sense

>idk I just like to see them „struggle“ with it because they usually do it for the first time even if they freaks

No idea where it comes from, I always try new stuff no matter what I do so I think it’s just who I am at my core

Not looking for any meet ups just want to see if anybody gets me
start here, sleepingirl is a great resource
transparent glass/plastic dildos, love seeing the inside of a girl while she is penetrated

girls peeing, specifically wanting to get it all over me while cuddling naked , or watch her wet herself and then finger and fuck after

fat on skinny lesbian

Damn you got any discord or something?
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30 M EU
>explanation of weird kink
Needy clingy submissive females that crave to please and can only feel useful and having a purpose when they do everything in their power to serve. Bonus points if shy and extremely high libido.

>what about it you find hot
the desperation and lack of limits for the sake of providing pleasure, the value they feel when they do as they are told, the never ending lust to please and be validated

>where it came from, if you even know
fuck if i know, probably childhood like most of our shit

>looking for
a sub that fits my kink. 18+, potentially voice chat when we feel comfortable, definitely pics at some point

>not looking for
one word replies / ignoring messages for days, brats that want to challenge instead of submit, mtf trans.

Old Crow
Kik xStillWaters
post contact
26 m, 6’2 athletic white guy with a 9 inch cock

Looking for women who fetishize white men/like to be fetishized by white men

I really want to pick your brain and learn how you got into it

discord doemoe62920
39/m/905 ON Canada
>explanation of weird kink
I've got two, one less weird than the other.
The first is showering together with a woman. And the second is exhibitionism.

>what about it you find hot
Showering together is just such an intimate and tender act that it just drives me wild. Exploring and touching while cleaning, the warm, moist air, all of it just drives me nuts. I know the shower isn't a great place for sex practically, but I love capping off a long shower by making the woman I shared it with dirty again.

As for exhibitionism, there's just something so exciting about the possibility of getting caught. Walking down a nature trail naked, skinny dipping, even fooling around in a car. I don't want to actually get caught but the excitement of it possibly happening always revs my engine. I've also had a long standing fantasy about driving across a woman in the woods who's going to town on herself, spying on her for a bit, getting spotted, and getting invited to join her.

>where it came from, if you even know
I know the latter came from porn, but I've no idea where the showering bit came from. It's just always been a thing for me.

>looking for
Anyone in the area looking to indulge. I'm not above driving for a few hours for the right person. Or maybe just a woman who wants to chat about them online.

>not looking for
Dick pics or pay girls. I'm a gentleman so I'd pick up the tab on any dates without expecting anything, but I'm not paying for porn.

Discord: yorokonde9999
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account


>weird kink

Creepin' (in a general sense and a cnc sense): it can be serial killer-y/rape-y/stalker-y/incel-y/ugly bastard-y/dark ageplay (cnc + ageplay/"pedo" rp/"incest" rp/generally "abusing" a little) vibes.


Well the most obvious part is it's taboo, and taboo things are generally hot. I also really like how despite it being super taboo - it's not actually causing damage to anyone. Now for this kink specifically of being a creepy guy, it's an escape from having to live up to societal expectations. Like primal play - but with your most intrusive, antisocial thoughts. It's cathartic.

As for why it stuck around, there are a surprising number of people who like to be on the receiving end, which is ironic because part of the escape is not having to deal with so many people. Like I am autistic, not a macho guy, and can't talk about much outside of terminally online stuff or nsfw stuff - so I just bottle up my holy-shit-I-wonder-how-opening-your-chest-cavity-and-feeling-your-heartbeat-on-my-cock-would-feel feelings to not make women uncomfortable.

But you're telling me that there are women who are cool with me telling them how much I think about sniffing their panties? Sucking their pubes? Groping and rubbing my boner against them like they're my body pillow anime girlfriend? Fantasizing about watching them, killing them, or even "molesting" them? And they're not only okay with me doing all of that and being the complete opposite of a socially-adjusted womanizer - but they're into that? Hell yeah, sign me up! I'd love to just live freely and be a creep without all the uncomfortableness it can usually cause people. The consent is so hot like you can see me as someone so abusive and yet you still want to be intimate with me, maybe even unconditionally love me? Hooooly shit. Such a great feeling.


audio porn


18+ cis women only, bonus points for voice calling

>not L4

anything illegal, minors, men, trans ppl, brats


please god post your discord please please please this is so hot
ASL? I have this fetish too if you want to talk about it on discord
I'm interested but Discord says there's no user with that tag, you using Kik or something else?
23f usa pls post yours as i will inevitably get spammed for being woman

Disc acidleak_ defo would like to chat as well
24/ MtF / USA
>explanation of weird kink
I have a very strong spanking fetish, as the receiver. This could be a hand, or a belt or paddle, etc. Then being made to stand facing the corner is a bonus. Even just typing this gives me butterflies.
>what about it you find hot
Idk it just is. I def consider myself a masochist generally, but the pain coming from spanking makes it so, so much better.
>where it came from, if you even know
Ask Freud idk
>looking for
> not looking for
people that use BDSM as an excuse to be shitty or weird
[spoiler] discord: d3mondoll [/spoiler]
>explanation of weird kink
So, my main kink is feet, pretty common, but it sorta just branches into stranger stuff, like TF stuff (either being turned into flip-flops for a girl/guy or transforming them into just their feet) or foot growth (name says it all) both aren't really possible IRL, but there are ways to RP about it, but the strangest one I think is pretty doable, which is that I just like to have someone describe everything about their feet as they show them to me, basically as if they were trying to sell me on them
>what about it you find hot
It depends, for the TF stuff is mostly about control or the lack thereof, for the growth I guess it's just that it makes em look more imposing and find that pretty hot, and the last one ig is just that I find it cute therefore hot
>where it came from, if you even know
For feet in general I sorta just stumbled on that sort of art (in DeviantArt as expected) around 12 and well, you know how people be at that age, so it kinda just stuck and as it went on I just started finding more and more specific stuff
>looking for
Someone that'll be willing to show feet on cam and RP about the stuff I just talked about, don't really care if it's a guy or girl, but I would prefer a person that can switch between sub and dom at will
>not looking for
Findom stuff, fart, scat and piss related stuff is off the table and preferably won't ask me to speak or turn on cam the first few times
Have kik?
For the record, this is called 'omorashi'.
Don’t bother, complete mental case.
i like to show off to strangers, looking for men who want to look at my ai nudes. i can verify

disc: klavee0
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>explanation of weird kink
Kind of into being raped, either by constant inappropriate touching, kissing, teasing, or straight up being drugged/intoxicated then tied and used.
Also into worshipping including feet, armpits, sweat, saliva, butthole, pee, flatulence, burps and scat
>what about it you find hot
Basically being wanted so much that she'll stop at nothing to break my mind into loving her and serving her. Even hotter if she's older or taller
>where it came from, if you even know
From being a socially awkward guy who is way too shy to initiate anything
>looking for
Femanons to discuss it with, if we grow fond of one another after, even better
>not looking for
Males, catfishes, findoms
bump. looking for cheating whores
I learned by doing. Watched many videos of actual inductions by different hypnotists, got a general idea of how to go about it, and then started by writing down induction texts and making voice recordings of them. Got some volunteers to try the recordings out and get feedback. Eventually I was able to find a real life subject to try it on. And then take it from there, again learning by doing and gaining experience with different subjects.
24 M

I have a very big slob fetish. I'm quite fit, take good care of myself, shower daily, good hygiene, etc. I have a thing for girls that are just the complete opposite. Sweaty, stinky, don't shower or do other basic hygiene, chubby, etc. I guess it's just an opposites attract kind of thing?

My disc is stencil2993 if you're interested in chatting more. I can send pics on request.
21/Fb/ West Europe

Into nasty stuff like farting, sweat, stench, musk etc. looking for femenine ppl, trans or femboys, that are also into it or want to send farting videos or something similar, honestly just want ppl into the same stuff. No cis, masc dudes, girls ftm are fine but prefer mtf or other fbs

Discord: azula.uwu
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23 F EU

>explanation of weird kink
I’m obsessed with farting and my own body stink, also i love to be addressed to be gross and stinky

>what about it you find hot
Idk it’s about contrast, acting vulgar it’s the opposite of how a girl should be. What i like most of farts it’s the sound not the smell

>where it came from, if you even know
I found out fart porn when i was very young and it made me incredibily wet

>looking for
Rp, trading, discussing our most depraved fetishes

>not looking for
Cp, gore

Kik - skycrapes98
Disc- gungk_
I’m intrigued by this kink and would love to talk about it.
If you like chatting and young girls please read my entire message!!!!

I'm a peado with a big black cock who loves to fantasize about interacting with a shrimp dick peado that I torture with the undeniable fact that the girls that he craves want my big black cock instead!!!! I want to talk about living a dream life where you have to watch me, humiliated and cucked, as I live you're fantasies right in front of you and face no consequences simply because I was blessed with a big black dick!!! I love making losers feel inadequate as they accept the fact that all girls prefer BBC, even the really young ones. If that sounds like your dream (or even better your nightmare) then message me!!!! We'll have some fun!!!! Or at least I will lol!!! I'm looking for people who will add to the conversation and fantasies, if you're just wanna give one word boring answers, talk about some girl you know, or just wanna be sent pictures I'll probably block you. I love writing and I want someone whose gonna put in the same amount of effort in messaging and expanding the fantasy as I do. If you enjoy the concept of being humiliated that's even better!!! Please read this before responding so that you don't waste either of our times!

Kik: 23SimonBigBlack

Teleguard: 6S3UH8ML3

You have disc? Im a guy who also likes farts. I have some good videos of women farting if youre into that.
HMU if your into 50+ women

Kik: Kleenexconsumer
28 m uk

Being killed. In my fantasies it's not something I look for - we start chatting, you gradually seduce me and push me to more extreme submission, before eventually suggesting we meet. I get in your car, you drive out somewhere quiet, strip me and tie me up in the boot. We end up in a forest with me helpless at your feet and you taunting me that this isn't just a fantasy, you're actually going to do it. You sit on me so I can't breathe and wait until my legs stop twitching. Or just shoot me in the head. But please not a knife, I hate blood.

Something about the gradual escalation from fantasy to reality, and me being helpless at the end, so even if I wanted to back out I'd be totally at your mercy. Finding someone and doing the whole thing as a roleplay, except I can't breathe and my head is getting light and you're not moving and I realise it's actually happening.

In my daydreams you're a middle-aged woman obsessed with true crime.

kik breezymayfly37
Hey pisswhore add me. Disc: reptylestyle
19 femboy uk Dumfries

Would meet irl

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.

To control all decisions such as what I eat/ if I eat. Bathroom breaks, what I wear what I do in a day. Even extreme stuff such as what I do what I watch when I’m allowed to switch YouTube video ect

Or I’d love even more extreme where I have to ask to change a video or to turn a light on

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My personal favourites are; flashing, pain, embarrassment, risk, exposure, blackmail, online/game humiliation, breathplay, findom, I love being made to cry, kitty play, group humiliation, love tracking.
I’d love to know yours and your fucked up ones

>Contact KIK
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M 23 Canada
>explanation of weird kink
I like getting fucked by dogs
>what about it you find hot
Knots, feralness, roughness
>where it came from, if you even know
Gay thoughts
>looking for
Chat n' pics
>not looking for
Anything serious
Ur it
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Fuck too retarded

KIK: Captain_Katz
Cute. Rooting for you anon~
do you have a discord?
If you like chatting and young girls please read my entire message!!!!

I'm a peado with a big black cock who loves to fantasize about interacting with a shrimp dick peado that I torture with the undeniable fact that the girls that he craves want my big black cock instead!!!! I want to talk about living a dream life where you have to watch me, humiliated and cucked, as I live you're fantasies right in front of you and face no consequences simply because I was blessed with a big black dick!!! I love making losers feel inadequate as they accept the fact that all girls prefer BBC, even the really young ones. If that sounds like your dream (or even better your nightmare) then message me!!!! We'll have some fun!!!! Or at least I will lol!!! I'm looking for people who will add to the conversation and fantasies, if you're just wanna give one word boring answers, talk about some girl you know, or just wanna be sent pictures I'll probably block you. I love writing and I want someone whose gonna put in the same amount of effort in messaging and expanding the fantasy as I do. If you enjoy the concept of being humiliated that's even better!!! Please read this before responding so that you don't waste either of our times!

Kik: 23SimonBigBlack

Teleguard: 6S3UH8ML3

u, Kanye West, me a fan


F 22 Student
I'll do requests and sessions
U can ask for a verification
Kik: sandraknight22
Telegram: @sandraknight22
Discord: berkhhh#8063
Kik: NewLifeForYou2

Looking for a young white man as a live in personal assistant / maid / fwb. I will pay for everything: housing, transportation, entertainment, phone, computer, food, etc. Some sex stuff expected but nothing crazy. Basically looking for a servant. Located in Pennsylvania but again, I will pay for your relocation.
30 M Rugby playing 6 ft 3 hairy guy

i really want a Dom Trans girl, femboy, crossdresser etc in my life time.

up for most things outside of Scat and blood. otherwise happy to explore most kinks.

Discord is - EnglishGent101
>I want a bbw slutty female friend who will talk with me about normal stuff, play vidya, do play by post roleplay, that sort of stuff, but will also tease me sexually, tell me about all the guys she hooks up with/sexts with, and likes that I get off on it... but also makes fun of me for having a small dick and being a cuck
>I dunno, it makes me happy
>first girls that messed around with me as a kid were bbws and I probably have serious mommy issues
>the above situation, but not with findom
I know the odds of finding this are fucking nil but I'm posting about it anyway
24 f California

>explanation of weird kink
I have a LOT. The weirdest to me has to be armpits and also necrophilia.

>what about it you find hot
The pheromones, the body hair, the smell I don't know. Necrophilia is probably because I get performance anxiety. You don't have to worry about much if they're not alive.

>where it came from, if you even know
The armpit thing, I always had a fetish for body odor and I think I pavlovian conditioned myself to enjoy armpits too and then it got worse and worse.
The necrophilia I've talked to professionals about and they said it's a normal trauma response. I've looked into it and it's basically for the same reasons other necrophiliacs enjoy it.

>looking for
Cute short guys.

>not looking for
Tall men, bigots, other necrophiliacs. If you WANT to be killed hmu.
Also I'm not going to actually do it. Sure.

Post your discord, pussy.
Omg that's literally me, except I'm a little younger. That's actually exactly my plan- uh I mean fantasy- of doing it.
excellent digits
I generally don't because all I get are collectors and people looking for money
I guess I can add you because you posted yours, but something tells me you don't want to do it backwards
Guys in a relationship lmao. Go talk to your girlfriend weirdo.
>If you WANT to be killed hmu.
Are you into cannibalism too?
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells.

Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, age play/gap, loli, futa, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, cum kissing, getting forced to eat cum, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Like bbc and forced bi. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells.

Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, age play/gap, loli, futa, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, cum kissing, getting forced to eat cum, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Like bbc and forced bi. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
Did not mean to post twice ^
Hey a young anaon here jerking off make me cum by showing your irls or just anyone or anything help me burst

Kik cabbage234
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>explanation of weird kink
i love to humiliate women in all different kinds of ways, but my fav has be to by having them do things with dogs and other animals if i can
>what about it you find hot
i love the idea of a women either so desperate for attention or that she so submissive that she is willing to sink so low as to just do it to please me.
>where it came from, if you even know
i have no fucking idea, just cursing the web early on and saw it and noticed i hade a why boner
>looking for
im looking for 18 or older women who owns a male dog thats not fixed and are willing or desperate enough for attention to show me whats i want
>not looking for
no trannies, no underage, no just looking to talk about it,
>discord tag
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24 twink eu/usa
>looking for
Any women/mtfs into ballbusting castration and/or emasculation ? Pls hmu
Huge plus if u wanna do it irl !
>discord tag
Yeah. Tried to add you but the tag didn't work.
I'll create a new one and add you (or i'll post it here).
That is so cute desu pls add me back
I like girls peeing.

Is that odd enough?
F 20s usa
My fetish is being looked at and jerked to in risky scenarios like when you're at work.
Specifically where others will likley see and I am able to hear about the responses and reactions.
I am also into other risky public exposure scenarios.
I am not looking to be shared on erome or any other sites
My kik is
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"Hey there! My names Cambria and I'm here looking for a very valuable experience from subby hypers! I'm around 22 now and although I missed a few growth spurts in height, I made up for it with my god-like libido and obsession-worthy breeding tools- I can't help but spend all day pumping gallon after gallon of tar-like semen into women and men tall enough to carry me! I especially love it if your chest gets right in my face if we stood up together. On the outside, I like to think I'm quite soft. I love spending time together, smoking pot, and pretty normal things overall. I'd like to think I make great company even in day-to-day life."

"Don't mistake that for forgiveness though! I've had too many unworthy come into my DMs and waste my time! I need people who can not only handle me, but need me. Just like I need you in order to satisfy me. These violently churning cumtanks don't satisfy themselves! So you can expect I'm going to be completely dominating you any time you start to hear that signature THROB, THROB, THROB... I'm sure you'll get the picture after the first view sessions. I unfortunately have to be extra-strict, so if you don't fit the criteria, you might as well leave! I need people who love a GOD half their height. "

So! You read the introduction of our PERFECT God and you've decided you want to serve him?~ Great!
DM me at rheathedog on Discord and tell me your age, your favoruite part of the info and why you would be a good worshipper for Cam!
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Borderline retarded trans girl who wants your praise and attention (and your hentai) make me feel gross. I love feeling like trash<3 and I’ll show you my nudes!~

based, disc?
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>explanation of weird kink
I really like m/m role reversal scenarios. I am particularly excited by men in positions of authority, who would be traditionally imposing, but have chosen to be subservient.

Think like older dad bottoming for younger men, hung guys who are locked in chastity, chads who get cucked. I love all of these.
>what about it you find hot
I like exchange of control and the person who would traditionally have the most power giving it all up willingly excites me.
>where it came from, if you even know
I used to know a twink/bodybuilder couple and their party trick was the twink sat on the lifter's back while he did pushups, the little grunts the guy made and his eagerness to impress his bf made me diamonds
>looking for
someone who has similar interests, to share porn and lewd stories with
>not looking for
someone who wants to fuck, I already have enough of that
people who are into feminisation, I get the appeal but it's not for me
testiecub on kik
who was abused growing up or gets abused now kik inzestisbest
19 bi M
Well I got addicted to futa and now love to imagine a teacher I have an huge crush on, even my mom with a huge cock to worship and use me. Also love sweat, musky and filthy bodies.
Would love to tell my fantasies and how I want to be used by her or maybe sent futa porn as I’d tell you in detail what I’d want to do imaging it’s either of them.
Kik KinkyCrazedGooner
Disc KinkyCrazed
Tag doesn't work for Kik or Disc

friendless big belly weeb heavily addicted to porn and especially hentai. I spend all my freetime in my cave and eat. Someone humiliating me, teasing, or taking control over me triggers me too

mentally ill domme looking for a worthless pig who will let me take over their life and abuse them. must be into body worship, smothering, chastity, TPE, edging, denial, findom and more. A good grasp on the English language is a must, bad grammar and spelling won’t be tolerated. I am looking for someone willing to fully commit themselves to me, so if you have any reservations about that whatsoever do not waste my time

I’m a redhead with a fat ass + big tits if it matters

discord: rubyl4n33
Looking for a European girl around 18-21 who has a piss fetish. I love making them hold it until they physically can't anymore and they end up wetting their pants. I just know the feeling they get when they inevitably do piss is pure bliss.
Disc vish2.00
Dude are you me? I'm leaving my disc if you wanna talk about it. kevinpeeler
>explanation of weird kink
I want a woman to love me. I want to be the most important thing in the world for her. I want to be her God. I want her love being 100%, without a reason. Means she'd love every single weak quality of mine character, and every single ugly thing about my body and appearance, including my 5'5" long 4'7" girth barely functioning broken from jelqing dick. And I want her love to be eternal.
>what about it you find hot
Me being free, not being afraid of rejection. Having true love.
>where it came from, if you even know
Rough childhood, horrible cold unloving mother, huge dismorphia of body and self, rough life overall.
>looking for
It doesn't exist anywhere. Only in my mind.
>not looking for
26/m/us, BWC
>explanation of weird kink
Spit on boobs, titfucking
>what about it you find hot
The idea of a girl spitting on her boobs and rubbing it around gets me all wrenched up.
>where it came from, if you even know
Played sports growing up, maybe from there? The sweat/spit?
>looking for
F who are cool with that, I send back. M if you have any stories
>not looking for
Idk, I’m open to anything at this point
Disc: romulushasfallen
30s male usa
>explanation of weird kink
Wrecked holes, loose pussy mostly. Fisting, huge toys, multiple toys, etc.
Zoo stuff.
Plenty more weird shit I've been on the internet too long I've tried to cut back lately it's gotten bad.
>what about it you find hot
I don't know, but sex feels way better right after a long fisting or double fisting session before there's been any time to recover and it still gapes just by spreading her legs. Makes me cum buckets.

Rest shrug, it's hot in some way I don't know but it's my things.
>where it came from, if you even know
Dunno I have a big dick and I guess I got annoyed when I was a teen that girls kept changing their minds and not wanting to have sex so now I like size queens and wrecked pussy? Hah.

Experimented with a dog when I was younger.

When I was really young a tomboy friend wanted to have a literal pissing contest, first time I saw a girl that wasn't related to me with her pants off and the first thing I saw was her pissing so you know, probably there?
>looking for
>not looking for

I don't know, it's not really worth posting contact anymore I just get men so I mean I can respond to replies here but I only ever get dick pics so prolly no contact.
F 20s us
My fetish is kind of fucked up but I fantasize about being ra ped in an alley or somewhere quite public then being left there weak, crying, leaking cum.
A police officer finds me and is super sympathetic and acts like he is going to help me. He takes me to the station and says he will get me help.
But when he leaves for a moment and I accidently walk into the room he's in I see he is jerking off to my story and when he sees me, he and his cop buddies gang up on me and fill me too. Or maybe just he does at first then they find out.
Either way it makes me really wet to think about.
If anyone wants to roleplay this. We can send pictures and videos talking about it
Kik me
I messaged you.
M 27 CT
I enjoy dabbling on the edge with strangers far and near; feargasms are a hell of a thing.
Looking to share my short thick legged blonde of a girlfriend with some strangers from here. If you're a fan of wide bases on otherwise tiny gals; then you'll love digging into her. If you're looking to get the blood flowing and see where things go send me a message.


Risking sharing pics of my ex that you could expose (I have just 5 nudes left btw)

I'm horny and not the smartest, so pretty gullible and easy to manipulate so please go easy on me when it comes to giving her info or sharing too much

>Not looking for roleplaying.

Kik: totally_completely
Kink: kinda weird but I love big noses on women. Long faces too. I also like butterfaces. For some reason women that most find unattractive are my type.
No idea why I find it hot, I just do.
Don't know where it came from.
Looking for.
People to chat about women that fit that description.
Kik: myfunaccount3
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into JNWO—BNWO but replacing black men with Jewish guys and with the goal of making all white people part Jewish through a long process of “Judaization”, ending antisemitism. Ofc, for deniability reasons a few Jewish girls will have to be knocked up white studs, but only the best of the best will have access to them and/or unsullied white girls. White betas will have to settle for lower quality white girls or maybe even single moms with a half Jewish baby
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on discord forgot
18 M TX
>explanation of weird kink
I really want to watch/fuck your wife in your son/daughter's bed
>what about it you find hot
No idea, it's just taboo :p
>where it came from, if you even know
I think someone proposed it on a chat site when I was younger
>looking for
Almost anything ;)
>not looking for
Single guys lol
kik: Theskyguy___
tele: @leonanonxx
34 m usa married

I'm into cuckqueaning and being a hot husband. I want to use my mouth for you and not for her.

Disc is silverjay2345
33m usa

>explanation of weird kink
mom/son stuff really turns me on

>what about it you find hot
It’s so fucked up and maybe the most taboo taboo you can have. I think the few real videos I’ve seen of it were hot but even just as a fantasy it’s a huge turn on. I’ve paid camgirls to say things like: cum in me son, get your mom pregnant. Moms going to cum on your dick. Really into the dirty talk of it.

>where it came from, if you even know
Idk. I was into sister/brother stuff for a little bit and then that wasn’t kinky enough. The first few times I came to mom/son role play I felt disgusted the next day, but over time the shame sort of disappeared and it was just a filthy fucking kink that I can’t get enough of.

>looking for
Idk, people who are willing to agree it’s hot even though it’s totally socially unacceptable. People who are like wtf but maybe. People who are disgusted by it. Whatever.

>not looking for
Time wasters, excessive kink shaming

kik snake9800
30's F North America
>explanation of weird kink
Nazi roleplay. I don't think it's that weird, but it's certainly not something I can ever admit to friends or polite company. I want to get "interrogated" by an SS officer, being told off for not knowing German, called names etc. and then forcibly bred.
>what about it you find hot
Something about the power dynamics I guess? Maybe it's the taboo of it all? I also have a slight fetish for certain accents, with German being one of them so it just adds to it all.
>where it came from, if you even know
I was already into accents and in the search for a fix, I stumbled upon someone who made audios (now retired) with that material and I got hooked.
>looking for / not looking for / tag
Doesn't matter. I'm just posting blogposting for fun.
last time a girl wanted to do some captured soldier roleplay
she bailed just before it got to the brainwashing and sex
very dissapointing

i want to be a school girl and fall in love to my teacher
its really sad i never had any crush when i was young
I'd love to get into a relationship with this kind of ageplay, i even would like to meet a guy while lying about my age so he thinks im way younger than him and treats me like such
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Kik bee_chambs
27 f Australia

I want someone to play they're wife, they're drunk and I'm friends with you both. You're not there but she ends up seducing me and you come home to her fucking me rough and U watch without me knowing and filming it
M 28 bi. Looking to chat with people into trans, mommy, mature, bbw, abdl, ap, pee, ebony, feet, toons, and more! Kik is WTF1234567891

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