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Ok boomer

the amp
0-60 in .5 sec
same battery as a semi truck or rv camper
only 10mm bolts
sell it at chebby dealers to mexicans
sell it in mexico first
Fuckboi 069
wat? I am a boomer I was told my age doesn't matter it's a state of mind but how the fuck does a simple statement of fact indicate that?

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looking to get a small truck for my biz. I want the smallest truck that can tow my foxbody and still be able to go offroad and be fuel efficient. Budget is 3k but I can wrench.

Is there any reason to get an s10 over a ranger? I'll consider others but the parts availability is a big deal for me. Any years/models I should avoid? I also want to build a hydraulic lift for loads like pic, because it would be cool.
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What brand is that lift? SEO pollutes searches so no joy so far.
Why don't you get a "real job" and quit your "biz" retard
>overloading a small truck
its within official capacity for the 4.0 v6, and I just want it to be possible, not comfortable; and if I'm being honest I will probably be putting bikes in the back most of the time instead. I've towed it with an edge with no issues.

no problem anon good luck!

>5.3 gets best mileage
like what? I get 23mpg in my focus ST, so something around there would be nice
I considered a half ton because I know they're quick, but I prefer the usability of the smaller trucks. I'm not going to be towing a lot, just a few weekends to mid ohio mostly

this one is called Ezy lift but another US company called impac makes them too. They aren't very complicated just a few hydraulic pistons and a winch.
>3k for a truck
Lmao it ain't happening brother
>within official capacity
yeah but do you live where there's mountains?

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>reject modernity
>return to tradition
You can not stop the dog dish cheap tire uprising
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all of your pylons
Olwein sucks hairy nads.
outlaw iis aren't tradition?
get yourself some bleach white and make them bitches look good
i don't know that i've seen dog dish with a 4x4 hub cutout

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Imagine your family car being the video related and not some lame crossover.
It's a cool thought that back then this was a thing at one point. Of course, shitboxes have always existed, but still.
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A small hand full of cool cars from the 70's. Most were big, ugly, slow and gay grandma barges. Drum brakes, a/c was optional and you might not have power steering. Truck suspension and leaf springs. No thanks. Factory AM radio. Extra special edition had 8 track.
God bless Nasim.
>yes please
>yes, but cool
>yes, I crooz
>no, they're straight as FUCK more people were conceived in em than in actual beds
>yes, I love my grandma

>drum in rear, disc in front was standard and would remain standard until the late 90's
>basically everyone got AC anyways, being able to save money/weight/hp by not having it is based
>power steering was effectively standard on non-shitboxes, and besides, the tires weren't fatfuck wide in the 70's on regular cars, also based to save money/weight by not choosing it
>coil springs standard on non-shitboxes, but even the leafs were comfier than this nucar stiffshit, and seats were by default comfy and not suffocating+hard
>8 tracks are shite though I'll give you that
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I thought it was a 180 or 240 but I can’t really nail what the front end is from. Anyone know what this is?
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C4 corvette with a fiero bodykit
There is no bodykit on this Fiero.
Dodge Stratus with some kind of weird Fiero bodykit
A camo f150 with a fiero in its bed
An '85 V6 Fiero with its factory bodykit swapped out for the bodykit an '88 Fiero with an Iron Duke and A/C delete.

Does anyone know what these wheels are called on this E36? Did they come as an option originally from BMW?
Those are BBS wheels. BBS did deals with manufacturers like BMW and Mazda to sell their wheels as an add-on. The link above should help you find them. If not, google "BMW BBS wheels" and you'll find a ton of them.

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Going across country with a modded car.

My car has a high flow cat, headers, intake, and an exhaust with a burble tune. It's really not that loud and the burble activates high in the rpm range.

If I drove across country, what are the chances of me getting into legal trouble with it? As long as it's not loud and a have a high flow cat should I be fine? It's just a normal Corolla, but the exhaust looks aggressive.
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Owned a 2020 corolla 6mt for a bit, whatever you do DO NOT aggressively use 1st gear, the wheel hop disconnected my steering rack from the subframe, sold it after Toyota couldn't diagnose it until the 5th visit (was under warranty still, or would have gone elsewhere).
Suspension was nice and supple though, which was probably why it hops so bad.
I've only spent $1200. I could get all chassis stiffners, motor mounts, shifter bushings, coilovers, tires, track brake fluid and good brake pads for the remainder. It will definitely feel like a more purpose built fun car with those mods. I wouldn't trust the GR stock on a track.

The rear motor mounts are super soft and they are pretty much all broken after 100 miles. It's about $70 and really easy to do. Highly recommended.

Same chassis, body, and interior? Idk man, I just see the GR as a cash grab. It's nothing but fluff. The EPA is still cucking your "rally" car. Also your rear diff is going to overheat on the third lap. The 2 liters can run all day and stay cool.
>I just see the GR as a cash grab. It's nothing but fluff.
Hard disagree but to each their own. I'm just saying you can enjoy modifying your car or whatever but to say it's funner then the GR is mental.
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>Same chassis, body, and interior?
Body and interior yes, but the chassis and suspension specifically are a rally world apart iirc. Between that and power boost it's the funnest Toyota hatchback ever created. No amount of tuning to the base models can achieve, without totally usurping the cost. We should have been offered the Yaris GR here in NA, so the Grolla is a compromise, but still

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>"stop comparing real cars to microwaves" he says in his scat pack after losing to said microwave, rambling on in his noise insulated cabin about steak vs microwaved meat for whatever reason
>"yeah well I'd rather be rowing gears in my 6 speed than having those gay little paddles" he says, as he stalls out on his way home with his stage 3 clutch he had installed by a local shop
>"bikes are toys. This is a real drag monster" he says after losing to a 1000 from 1998 in his camaro ss he spent $10k in mods on with no a/c and the rear seats removed
>"You only won cause you weigh 3000lbs and I weigh 2 tons. At the end of the day, I'm the one winning, cause I'm not the one going home in a shitbox" he says to the ebay boosted civic owner, from his 98 sn95
>"yeah but I'd rather drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow." he says to a guy in an m3, from his 04 miata he commutes 20 highway miles to work in
Any other favorite copes that I missed?
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>>"stop comparing real cars to microwaves" he says in his scat pack after losing to said microwave, rambling on in his noise insulated cabin about steak vs microwaved meat for whatever reason
>>"yeah well I'd rather be rowing gears in my 6 speed than having those gay little paddles" he says, as he stalls out on his way home with his stage 3 clutch he had installed by a local shop
>>"You only won cause you weigh 3000lbs and I weigh 2 tons. At the end of the day, I'm the one winning, cause I'm not the one going home in a shitbox" he says to the ebay boosted civic owner, from his 98 sn95
Kek this is me, except no one's fucken stalling lmao
>>"bikes are toys. This is a real drag monster" he says after losing to a 1000 from 1998 in his camaro ss he spent $10k in mods on with no a/c and the rear seats removed
This one made me laugh.
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>>"yeah but I'd rather drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow." he says to a guy in an m3, from his 04 miata he commutes 20 highway miles to work in
yep. that's me.
You forgot the best one
>"At least my car is paid off"

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I think this is a porsche that would look cool, with the circular headlights, all black, and super cheap.

Can anyone here tell me if this is a bad idea for my first and hopefully final ever luxury car?
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The tip is the only reliable thing on that car.
However an even MORE important thing you need to remember if you buy it is to NEVER under any circumstances let the car idle to warm up to temperature. Just get in it and drive. If you don't, you'll definitely be replacing the engine.

Esp for the UK that's kind of a lot of miles, plus awd, plus tip means it's prob not going to be as fun as you think it is.
York is a lovely city tho
You're going to be paying twice that in keeping it running and fixing it. At least.
The engine is fine stop being a queen.
I only see browns driving corollas and camrys, nice try

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>The perfect family vehicle type was invented
>Replaced entirely by objectively worse, soulless copemobiles
With this in mind, why have any hope in humanity? People are so utterly shallow and retarded.
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Mercedes tried with the Metris. It failed horribly. The VW Routan also failed horribly.
You are extremely out of touch with the modern minivan market.
When it comes to hauling people truggs are literally just inferior SUVs (which in turn are inferior wagons)
Have you been in a modern crew cab half ton or larger truck? They make a long wheelbase executive sedan feel claustrophobic. Even most modern """SUV's""" can't compete. How often are you hauling more than 4 people at a time?
>But yes the childless virgin losers on /o/ know what the real correct car for families is
Having children doesn't turn people into automotive experts.

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how often should i change my tranny fluid?
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conveniention says every 100k or 10 years. I just go by fluid color
b o o b a
butterface whore
>how often should i change my tranny fluid?
Never, there is many cases that it is damaging itself and the used fluid keeps with the damaged slivers resulting in it going longer. Depends on the tranny. in Many cases it is best to keep it until it finally stops working as swapping the fluid may result in it just dying at that point.
You should just let it go as normal until it begins to slip or outright dies. After that just replace it with another that is newer with less mileage/wear and tear.
Whenever it starts to turn black

The car choice for young affluent men went from BMW 3 series to Tesla model 3
Which was better?
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>They dont drive 2005 3 series anymore.
Mine is a 2002 ;_;
You're not an affluent young man though
I'd agree with this take. Here in Oz wealthy young-uns drive some kind of truck or prestige SUV, or they're still driving the hatch they got from their parents as their first car.
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I'm an affluent young man, you should buy this car.
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The affluent young men:

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Geo Tracker.
One is a crossover and one is a Camaro with a bed. Both are terrible.
Colorado tows like 7k I'd get that. I think the new ones look pretty cool. I would avoid the Hyundai like hell, I've owned two (fool me twice) and they are shitboxes. I'd get a Ridgeline if I wanted an SUV with a bed.
Brehs I don’t tow shit, I just like the look of trucks.
I live in a snowy place with shitty roads. Do I want a unibody with AWD or body on frame with 4WD?
Reliability is a MUST out here
It's a ute anon
>like the ridgeline
>like the maverick
If you need a truck, colorado
If you "need" a truck (minivan) then the santa cruz, though I'd go for the honda because the cruz might have a shit engine

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>used to own a old 90s shit box
>oil wasn't a thing, maybe check once a year
>now drive a early 2010s car
>have to check the oil at least every 3 months
what happened?
You're definitely a jeet aren't you
-30w0 oil and low tension rings for muh 0.002% efficiency improvement = can't scrape oil that is now as thin as water effectively = more gets burned and exhausted

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The #1 issue for EVs isn't reliability, range, Tesla, etc. It's that most people don't have anywhere to charge them. You basically need to own a house in order to own an EV, and this is getting harder to do in the US, not easier. Most apartment buildings don't have chargers, most offices don't have chargers, most parking lots don't have chargers - and even if they did, you don't want to have to randomly charge you car whenever you happen to be at these places.
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most people who have houses also have condos
single family detached with enough garage spots for every car is almost a statistical roundoff
any way you slice it the requirements of everyone having an EV is 700 quadrillion dollars that dont exist because the average american is a slovenly useless retard and trending downwards to a 75iq shitskin
EVs need mass adoption to become cheap enough to be viable so they will always stay at boutique bullshit for rich people to pretend theyre saving the environment until battery tech becomes exponentially better
a thread died for this...
And that's a good thing, because this is a rockin' thread.
No, Im a live in caretaker. Lite duty stuff, just driving, shopping, cooking, sorting meds and coordinating visits for old people. When they need help with bathing or restroom stuff, someone else moves in, and i move on. Its like having roomates who pay you to live and let you use their stuff.
65% of americans own homes

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