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Why the heck are trucks so expensive? Are they worth it?
Idk how often I would use the bed, but it really sucks trying to get plywood and lumber home from the store without a bed
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Drive through your retirement communities with the oldfags who can’t iPhone. My hvac buddy Bought a frontier for under 4K from an oldfag who didn’t even drive it. He took his Prius out and golfcart mostly.
Toyotas aren't worth it, they're overpriced as fuck
If you're gonna buy one just get a new one, I'd rather get a gladiator tho, at least it's solid axle and off roads better, and trucks are for off roading really, that or towing, but if you're towing just get a cummins
I owned a Chevy work truck. Basic af. Radio only. Everyone called me for something. Trucks are in demand. Gas money, Beer and pizza was always in my life. You’ll never be alone with a truck.
>Are they worth it?
>Idk how often I would use the bed

Not worth it to you.

>nothing new is worth it

In my country at least. A 10 year old truck that has been through the ringer with an obvious "chop shop lipstick on a pig" paint job costs 2/3 the price of a brand new truck. And no truck in my country is taken well care of and overloaded all the time. New is definitely worth it if you don't want to turn up everywhere covered in sweat, diesel and oil.
If you don't need a truck, they're not worth the money. Besides the price of the vehicle, they are a lot more expensive to keep on the road. Tires, parts, gas, are a lot more expensive. The upside is they hold their value compared to other vehicles.

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can a 4 cylinder engine ever sound good?
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The europoor rally 4 bangers always sound great
I have a GTI
Turbo 4 sounds alright at idle but it doesn't really sound *good* until the turbo spools up
They sounded good 2-3 decades ago and got worse. A b18c is one of my favorite sounding engines of all time
>inb4 you're a yurofag ricer that can't afford a real engine
I own a 6.2 pushGOD V8
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Post weird race cars that were actually raced in a serious competition.
Bonus points for them not being tube-framed fascimiles.
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Surprisingly did well in its class if I remember correctly.
The Lotus 56B looks like a decent racing car. With its aerodynamic wedge shape it certainly isn’t ugly. What makes it special is hidden beneath the smooth bodywork: instead of a regular F1 engine, the 56B is powered by a Pratt & Whitney gas turbine.

Yes, you read that correctly. This Formula 1 car is powered by an aeroplane engine.

The history of the Lotus 56 begins in 1967 with another turbine-engined racing car, the STP-Praxton. Designed by Ken Wallis, it had dominated the Indy 500 before its retirement, prompting Lotus to try its hands on a turbine car. Three four-wheel drive 56s were entered in the 1968 edition of the Indy 500. They were front-runners but didn’t finish the race.

Turbine cars were subsequently banned from the event, and Lotus decided to enter a B variant of the 56 in selected races of the 1971 Formula 1 season. Enlarged fuel tanks, however, made the 56B too heavy to be competitive. While it was fast in the rain, it lacked pace in the dry. Emerson Fittipaldi’s 8th place in the Italian Grand Prix was the car’s best result before it — and turbines in general — disappeared from Formula 1.
love that body roll. this era was peak Nurburgring
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NASCAR Brasil's car is a V6 middle engine and a 6 speed sequential.

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That manuals are a LARP that are as close to a real racing transmission as they are to a CVT. Synchromesh, clutch delay springs, horizontal shifts usually taking a full second (!!!). Can't forget that they don't keep engines under load during shifts (autos do) so they have to respool turbos every shift.
op absolutely seething about manuals
why do manuals make cars so much better?
I've never driven a car that was better as an Auto.
Daily driving.
racing, manuals are just so good.
Nah but we can all agree that OP is a MASSIVE faggot!
reported for spamming the board with extremely low quality threads



>I heard you like LED lights and wet carbon fiber
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Based /g/ and /mu/ enjoyer
lol did someone actually repost that on r*ddit? post the link i want to see
>bigger clients like myself
so big clients just get put on a mailing list?
Evidently yeah lmao, that post reeks of a teenager who has never bought a new car before, let alone a new M5
They literally live to buy and produce LEDs

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Do you keep gloves in your glovebox?
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don't make that hard right on Saratoga!
I keep my tongue in her fart box.
Do you know how fast you were shitposting?
stfu gay cunt impostor that will never be me
I don't. But i should.

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My mom is buying herself a new car so I'm taking her vw polo.
I've never owned a german car before, what do I think of them?
they are for VAGgots
Gay and slow, slow and gay
cool little commuter. lacks sportiness - even the GTI

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I have 4 tires that have been sitting in a climate controlled garage since 2018. Tires are actually stamped as 2017. They look fine. But the tire shop said they're too old to install. What do you think? They're
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They’re probably okay but I wouldn’t put them on a high power vehicle that can easily break traction
Tire shops generally won't install anything that isn't new because they don't want the liability. If they aren't dry rotted, spoon them on yourself and take them to a shop for balancing.
they're fine. There are cars with original rubber from the 70's
2017 was 8 years ago
>reee why can I hoon on 8 year old performance tires
Literally how Paul walker died bro. Those tires were older but still. Maybe if they were all seasons going on a stock civic that would never go above 65. But you're putting other people in danger when you risk a blowout and that's nigger behavior.

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Audi's electric Dakar EV car was tossed in the garbage. Audi considers their EV race cars to be throw aways.


>significant portions of the million dollar electric car were brought across the Czech-German border and dumped at an illegal site within a protected nature park, Road & Track reports. Truck drivers brought 230 tons of waste to the former sawmill near the village of Jiříkova, including pieces of aviation fiberglass, wind turbines, car parts, circuit boards and batteries.
if it was a quatro somebody wouldve bought a plane ticket and a shovel and retreived it by now.
just shows how fucking worthless evs are.
that’s ultimately gonna happen to every single EV
Wow not a single solitary image of the vehicle in question I love modern journalism or Chinese whispers to give its proper name

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So I hav almost saved up for a Landcruiser Sahara.

Is the Sahara any good model? I really like some of the interior electronic toys it has like the cruiser control etc.. and the fridge

Also is the V8 to V6 engine change from L200 to L300 that bad?

Also how difference does the Diesel to Petrol make the lifespan of the car?

I basically want a car that never dies and barely need maintenance.

Have I come to the right place to ask?
Land cruisers are some of the best and most reliable Toyota ever made. I think the v6 it has is the v6 twin turbo. They may have had a recall in the USA, look into that. I'd rather have the V8 personally. If diesel was an option in the USA, I'd probably rather have that, but diesel usually means more maintenance.

Like any cars, if you don't do maintenance, it's gonna fail on you. Land cruisers still need maintenance to stay reliable.
V8 na is objectively more reliable than a V6 turbo just because of less parts involved. But v6 is appearantly still relatively reliable
I would never buy a petrol Land Cruiser.
Can't tell you much about newer ones, but I can tell you that the move to turbo V6s from V8s is generally not good. Just see >>28250385 , Toyotas V8s were extremely reliable and literally good for a million miles, yet the gas V6s don't seem to be nearly at the same level.
This is just on the turbo V6s (3.4L) that Americans get forced as our only option too FWIW, you can apparently still get a 300-series Cruiser with an N/A V6 (4.0L) that, while more anemic, is built on a 20+ year old engine platform that's already proven itself to be dependable.
I can't speak on the diesels at all but 'typically' they're more reliable, however the diesel V6 is the first of it's kind that Toyota has ever built so that may be worth taking into consideration.
>I basically want a car that never dies and barely need maintenance.
Get the newest, lowest mileage V8 powered 200 series you can find instead if you're into Cruisers, it'll probably outlast you.

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You will never be this based
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>Oh you mean like the decade old shinko in the pic I posted? Yeah it feesl fine. It holds up better than the brakes on my 70s suzuki at least, and it's been perfect for the the many miles I've hooned on VA/NC backroads.

This is how I know you're stupid.
theres no fuckin reason to use a chink tire when thais will sell you a cheap hankook tire that's actually safe.
>larger dread depth
Chinese tyres...checks out
You have to be at least 18 to post

What does /o/ think of it?
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>increase the weight by 25-50%
You clearly have no idea how much of a car's weight comes from the body panels.
Hint: It's less than you're insinuating. Way less.
>point out how a car being made out of what is essentially the metal equivalent of tissue paper is bad
>people try to defend it like it's a good thing
/o/ really is full of autists.
well it It all depends how much dent resistance the retard wants doesn't it?
Well that's like your opinion man
>who could've possibly imagined the AE86 thread is full of people who actually like lightweight cars

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Nothing like hate from bus riders to convince me I made the right choice, good thread op
>it's not based on rwd or fwd
That's wrong though, it's fwd based with clutch actuated rear diff engagement. It's why it overheats and reverts to fwd under hard use. It also defaults to a 60/40 split.
microwave casserole
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what about w16
I have no need for one but I do love these things.

I've never posted my own car, because I don't have one. I've only posted my parents' cars.
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post it now so your confession will be complete
Here it is:
A mid 2000s base model Camry
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I let people assume I paid significantly more than $12K for my used 130K mile german sports coupe

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2 mexican gentlemen offered to repair my bumper scratches in a parking lot. I said no thank because I saw the bondo on his fingers and I thought it'd be a piece of shit job that'd make it look even worse. Should I have taken their offer to do it for $200?

Also how would they color match and blend after buffing out the scratches? I'd rather just buy a new bumper from honda and have it painted and installed by a shop, did I miss out?
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>buying a bumper from a dealership
what do you drive? i’ve always had good luck buying unpainted bumpers from ebay.
I had a mexican tongue my anus
Honda parts online sells my bumper I never mentioned a dealership
Never hire a mexican for that. Only niggers tongue my anus.

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