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20+ year old 335i? why are weeblets so delusional?
for me its my custom chevy s10 with a reproduction typhoon twin turbo motor with tuned intake and exhaust ports, headers, o2 sensor delete, speed density computer, NOS, 3 speed muncie transmission with a granny low, all billet internals, custom aluminum block with nanite carbon steel cylinder sleeves, distributor delete, and a 403 computer
If owning a 335i makes you a sloppy seconds enjoyer, i wonder what owning a civic is
They wouldn't be one if they're the original owner, retard-chan.
>The model was introduced in December 2004,[8]


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Literally the greatest vehicle in human history
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The Prius is better, new one looks better too.
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lol no, you can't win wars with camrys
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>Literally the greatest vehicle in human history
If the Camry had never existed, no one would miss it. It's so similar to twenty or so other mid-size sedans of it's era.
Avalon is kino
But I'm a big guy (4u)

"Thanks for continuing to buy gas cars, /o/! My seventeen year old son loves his new Bugatti."
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Thank you based Sheikh.
those are norweigans
holy shit what car that looks so good
Actually we're the world's largest fossil fuel exporter.
Against his will

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>look up car meets in my area
>it's all boomers with their 1950's diner shitboxes
how the fuck do I find meets with people my age? the shit you see in the movies with fast cars, fat chicks, and loud exhausts??
I don't have an instagram, and if i did idk what to even search for
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They like teslas lmao
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>he doesnt know

I bet they dicklessly ban the 2 stroke original version since its way faster.
Go to drift meets, boomer. Literally no one "quarter miles" anymore. All the old people who used to do that aren't willing to risk their cars anymore, and young people who can't afford them would rather grab a shitbox and do circles with it
>No one wants to awkwardly stand around a parking lot with a bunch of weebs in lightly (and tastelessly) modified shitboxes.
You've clearly never been to Japan. This is the entire culture now.

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What's a car where every time you see it, you can't help but think of a fictional character driving it?
my black friend's "dad"s car

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New corvette ZR-1 1064Hp flat plane twin turbo V-8.
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Lul wtf is this car they're trying to appeal to lambo/ferrari buyers. Standard features are weight hogs and comfy car "necessities".
Chevrolet, the ZR-1 is supposed to be the ultimate track corvette. Why have you filled it with premium surround sound, 150 pounds of sound damping, etc.

Give the world a pure performance package, stripped of all not-neededs or give the world the tagline "But it's not a Porsche or Ferrari," again.
Wheel spinning speed scales with (torque) power and 500HP to a wheel means it'll light them tires at 100mph no matter what car you're in.

But I think the point of this ZR-1 is, it will never stop going faster on almost all tracks. 170mph on a track where 140 on the straight is high level normal. 190 and still gaining on the 'Ring's uphill. Stuff like that.
A pure gasoline Vette that always goes faster.
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1/4 time?
Is it still going to get GAPPED by a pigfat 4 door family sedan?
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>The Chevrolet Corvette just blew past the 800- and 900-horsepower barriers on its way to a claimed sub-10-second quarter mile and a top speed exceeding 215 mph. Powered by a flame-shooting, twin-turbo 5.5-liter V-8, the 2025 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 makes a towering 1,064 horsepower—a 309-hp mega leap over the last car to wear the ZR1 badge.
kek no, still slower.
>Lul wtf is this car they're trying to appeal to lambo/ferrari buyers
Probably because Lambo and Ferrari makers aren't appealing to Lambo and Ferrari buyers. The American pussy annihilator is better than Milanese plastic.

>GPS says to make a u-turn at an intersection
>Fuck that
>Keep driving 20 more miles so i can find a route that does anything but that
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If you read any of the other words in that post then you would’ve figured out that that anon lives in a shithole where truckfags probably chuck their hazardous bullshit out of their bed 24/7. Not all of us are blessed with smooth and clean japanese roads and 12 inches of ground clearance you moron.
>i live in a shithole
>therefore you shouldn't drive at night
t. dumb retarded nigger being a dumb retarded nigger
Does it really? Makes sense. 45 in Houston the map isn't useable. half the exits aren't named like they are on the signs. Google will tell you to exit at a road name that doesn't exist and the exit isn't even up yet so you have no idea if you missed it or not.

I just look at the map physically and pick my own exit most of the time.
CX 50 huh

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Previous thread: >>27749918

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.com.ar/goodies/clover/

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).
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need some help on stigger production?
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my anus is not ready

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How come old cars are so fucked up with recalls up the wazoos?

Each of these recalls cost billions of dollars each time. And there's like so many recalls every year from all the companies.

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it's a shitty truck
Each engine replacement costs ~$7000 each. x 100K = 700M alone in raw costs.
It's the first bearing in line from the oil pump, so it takes the brunt of the debris. Debris in your engine is such a monumental fuckup that's it's honestly more embarrassing than a weak bearing design or some other engineering issue.
There is certainly a main channel feeding all the bearings but then there should be individual channels feeding each bearing off that main channel. Maybe just one of those was not cleaned properly. Or maybe it was the last one right off where it was all accumulating in the main channel. I don't know just spitballing.
You think they're swapping engines for $29.41 a piece?

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the only reason why you would want to get a fucking miata is because the automatic is great to drive.
i actually really like it on the passenger side, i think it's more ergonomic
i think RHD cars have it on their passenger-side as well anyways and the nips have never had an issue drifting JDM vehicles
lol, lmao
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sounds like i'm describing an old civic or corolla, doesn't it? but then it's also
>fun to drive
and there you go, an instant classic. of course, you'd never know that last point if you're limited only to autotragics, so i understand why you don't see the appeal of something like a miata: you simply are not a car enthusiast.
>Screen is integrated
Anon, that is one of the most glued on ipads I've ever seen in my life, worse than Teslas.

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I think I should get a 2024 Mustang GT while they're available even if it means drowning in debt. To borrow a word from Aldous Huxley, Fordship is magic.
This is still available to us while GM already nixed the Camaro and Stellantis did the same to the Challenger. I'd get an EcoBoost but no manual transmission is available for it, imagine buying a 4 pot and then losing even more power to the tranny, couldn't be me.
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everytime someone post "kys" in this thread, another EV driver burns alive in his car
We are witnessing a war that has raged since time immemorial. A weirdo brony vs the arguably bigger weirdo who finds all his threads.

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The #1 issue for EVs isn't reliability, range, Tesla, etc. It's that most people don't have anywhere to charge them. You basically need to own a house in order to own an EV, and this is getting harder to do in the US, not easier. Most apartment buildings don't have chargers, most offices don't have chargers, most parking lots don't have chargers - and even if they did, you don't want to have to randomly charge you car whenever you happen to be at these places.
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Sounds like poor people problems, not EV problems
most people who have houses also have condos
single family detached with enough garage spots for every car is almost a statistical roundoff
any way you slice it the requirements of everyone having an EV is 700 quadrillion dollars that dont exist because the average american is a slovenly useless retard and trending downwards to a 75iq shitskin
EVs need mass adoption to become cheap enough to be viable so they will always stay at boutique bullshit for rich people to pretend theyre saving the environment until battery tech becomes exponentially better
a thread died for this...
And that's a good thing, because this is a rockin' thread.

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>every single day something new breaks off

I love the engine and transmission but holy fuck what a fucking weak ass truck, it's pathetic just how much plastic I've littered just croozing around. The alabama trashcan memes were right.
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Only an esl would complain/notice
about small mistakes
>waah im a wrenchlet
My interior and body are still perfect.

But the rear brakes are out and it's parked in the healing weeds until beer santa leaves $1k under my pillow.

Lovely drivetrain though.
I was there for this. You post this crap as often as the z3 autist. Atleast that's a boomer convertible. Get a life or atleast a better car
I already have two better cars lmao, get your game up busrider fag.

Your mom's hyundai doesn't count as your car btw.

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This to address the Tundra recall issues regarding the V6 turbo spun bearings issues.

An estimated 100,000 engines at about $30,000 a pop.

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They should have just put the B58 in it.
The most reliable high performance turbo engine Toyota offers is a BMW engine LMAO
New Toyota's are so bad, anyone stupid enough to buy them deserves these Hyundai tier engines
brooooo toyota reliabili-ACK!
>The most reliable high performance turbo engine Toyota offers is a BMW engine
I wonder how Toyota fags are coping about this one. You ok bros?

Does anyone know what these wheels are called on this E36? Did they come as an option originally from BMW?

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