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The car choice for young affluent men went from BMW 3 series to Tesla model 3
Which was better?
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You mean ancient boomers that refuse to act their age?
Because I see quite a few of those around these days.
both are gay.
I usually see boomers in 3 Series and middle aged Pajeets in Teslas. Toronto area.

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>5.5 liter twin turbo v8
>1,064 Horsies
>8 speed dual clutch
Nerds who post track times on here will be completely defeated. Are you ready Porsche f words? Q is in control now…
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lotta eurocope itt already
>The interiors are good but still just low level luxury tier
Really? The 3LT on the Corvettes look pretty nice, leather everywhere
It's decent leather, it's not bad by any means but I'd just say it's a standard good.

My mom's camry has leather everywhere too, leather isn't really the mark of luxury. But you compare the C8's interiors to upper luxury cars and you clearly see where it just feels a bit lower end.
In the stingray it's fine, because you're not paying those prices. But again, the ZR1 is going to probably be in that 200k range where it's no longer excusable.
poorshe is on McDonald's dude
you should've posted the meme car affordability chart with this post.

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What is this?
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some kind of weird bodykit with fiero stratos
it is the secret unlockable car that you only get by collecting all cars listed at the chopshop
Some kind of middle agers go dead inside and revert to childlike repetition of group behavior.

>you're now aware Reddit in the 00's/early 10's was a lot of 32-48 year old group bracket
fieros turned to dust ages ago
>What is this?
I dont know, but points of interest.
Great fit and finish for a one off, door and rear clam to roof look impeccable. Also glass/lexan looks spot on.
Weird front of door shape that includes part of front fender; how does it open?
Oddly obsessive license recess for a one off, that fits either US or Euro plates. Repurposed?
Odd mix of slit LED tails and round CHMSL,

I'll lay out the fundamental problem with EVs:
>it's the batteries, stupid!
Batteries are about 16x less dense than gasoline. Even when you take into account the superior efficiency of electric motors (70-90ish % vs 40% for ICEs) that only makes batteries about 1/10th as good as gasoline. Fuel cells are the only realistic answer in the near-term, and that tech hasn't gone anywhere in decades. So until the battery problem is solved, failures like Ford's F-150 electric shitbox are going to worsen as consumers figure out that EVs suck.
And no, battery research is never going to solve the problem (at least not for hundreds of years). Battery tech is very slow to advance, it has always been slow to advance, and there are no "breakthrough" technologies that will change that.
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Volt has been pretty bulletproof
>The CEO of a company that sells batteries just said that technology being developed by its competitors isn't good
then its the exception, but the fundamental math of the equation doesn't change.
The math doesn't have to change, because you're both wrong and a moron
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Cope and seethe. The EV experiment has completely failed.

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>every single day something new breaks off

I love the engine and transmission but holy fuck what a fucking weak ass truck, it's pathetic just how much plastic I've littered just croozing around. The alabama trashcan memes were right.
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Only an esl would complain/notice
about small mistakes
>waah im a wrenchlet
My interior and body are still perfect.

But the rear brakes are out and it's parked in the healing weeds until beer santa leaves $1k under my pillow.

Lovely drivetrain though.
I was there for this. You post this crap as often as the z3 autist. Atleast that's a boomer convertible. Get a life or atleast a better car
I already have two better cars lmao, get your game up busrider fag.

Your mom's hyundai doesn't count as your car btw.

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This to address the Tundra recall issues regarding the V6 turbo spun bearings issues.

An estimated 100,000 engines at about $30,000 a pop.

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They should have just put the B58 in it.
The most reliable high performance turbo engine Toyota offers is a BMW engine LMAO
New Toyota's are so bad, anyone stupid enough to buy them deserves these Hyundai tier engines
brooooo toyota reliabili-ACK!
>The most reliable high performance turbo engine Toyota offers is a BMW engine
I wonder how Toyota fags are coping about this one. You ok bros?

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Why does it seem like everyone suddenly became too cool to use their turn signals? Every day I see idiots just drifting across lanes like they're asleep, or suddenly jerking to the right at an intersection.
It used to be rare to see this and now it seems to be the default behavior.

Maybe they're right, maybe society really is eroding...
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>blocking turn lanes
sure that's different than the assumptions i was working off of, but driving large cars is probably even more of a contributer to this than leaving space (between cars, not the painted intersection line which i agree is irresponsible).
>>somebody…..let somebody else in?

"I better tailgate them and honk at them while flashing my lights to show how angry I am" - Americans
>video of some unfathomably antisocial road rage incident
>people in the comments justifying it because the victim was going the speed limit in the left lane
Honestly based
Left lane campers deserve to be brutalized
The correct term is leader sir

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What is your "driving jacket". For me its an m65 jacket i bought from some surplus store.
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>>implying all pedal clusters are created equal
>tfw want to heel-toe in my shitbox
>gas pedal is like two inches lower than the brake
>brake pedal travel is quite short
>heel-toe is only possible if I slam on the brakes like a retard
same goes for my generation of WRX STi, verus eng. makes a throttle pedal spacer that can make it level with the brake pedal and move it closer to the brake pedal/away from the trans hump making it easier to get your foot in there.
I wear this fit whenever I’m on a journey after receiving a letter from my dead wife
I wear this when I drive a taxi in new york city
I just wear whatever I wear already. usually pajamas

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>indian automaker
>is literally the "joke company" of the whole game, whose products are known as complete dogshit and prone to killing people
>wrangle shekels from ultra poors
idk man that takes effort. Kinda based.
Makigai MaiMai exist
i'd sooner take my chances in a $15k chinese ev than any vehicle coming out of india, that's for sure

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Going across country with a modded car.

My car has a high flow cat, headers, intake, and an exhaust with a burble tune. It's really not that loud and the burble activates high in the rpm range.

If I drove across country, what are the chances of me getting into legal trouble with it? As long as it's not loud and a have a high flow cat should I be fine? It's just a normal Corolla, but the exhaust looks aggressive.
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>$50k buys my Corolla + all the mods I want, cheaper insurance, cheaper driving costs, better gas mileage and leaves $28k
So you're going to spend, what, 5k on mods? Less? What does that get you? An exhaust and coilovers? A short throw shifter? You could spend all 50k on a base Corolla with mods and you still won't get to where the GR is without a major change like an engine and drivetrain swap.

>or I can buy the same car with AWD and one less cylinder
It's not even remotely the same car apart from maybe the interior.

>The GR is going to rev hang out the ass
No it doesn't, not even remotely.

>Everybody is just going to see a Corolla anyways
Who's driving the car, them or you? Are you buying the car to impress others or to have fun yourself? Insisting a base Corolla with an exhaust and intake is funner than a GR is an absolutely ludicrous statement.
small displacement NA copers are even worse than "no replacement for displacement" faggots
A GR is not a Corolla you fucking retard. That’s like saying a modded 220i is better and cheaper than an M2. Poorfag cope.
Owned a 2020 corolla 6mt for a bit, whatever you do DO NOT aggressively use 1st gear, the wheel hop disconnected my steering rack from the subframe, sold it after Toyota couldn't diagnose it until the 5th visit (was under warranty still, or would have gone elsewhere).
Suspension was nice and supple though, which was probably why it hops so bad.

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Car payments?
Why do so many people have them?
What happened to owning your car?
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>then why is the bank with all its resources and insider trading not just investing the money they loan you?
They are you retard, that's what a loan is.
>enough liquidity to cover an emergency
that's the fucking savings I'm talking about you retard. if you currently have enough to buy a car in cash and still have plenty saving left over, then good for you, but that's the exception not the norm. however condition 2 still applies anyways.
>-10% beats +3%
if you're this retarded then bogleheading it is the optimal strategy for you.
he means the stock market you retard
why do they give out auto loans for 6% if the S&P 500 is guaranteed to return 7% over the long term?
Because banks are fucking huge and need to diversify their income streams differently from a person you dumb faggot
I'll give you a hint, why do corporate bonds pay higher interest than equivalent US government bonds?

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I don't have to be "into" luxobarges or trucks to know whether I like the look of one or not. if I see it and I think it's ugly, I think it's ugly. It doesn't have to be a car. Anish Kapoor's bean looks stupid. I don't need to be into sculptures, Anish Kapoor, or chrome beans to know whether I like it or not.
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OK, frens, I think I got it.
Here, I fixed it!
BMW hasn't made a good looking car in 30 years.
>literally one of the worst looking 3-series ever made
you could have at least said E90

Does anyone know what these wheels are called on this E36? Did they come as an option originally from BMW?

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seems like it's left up to interpretation which means I'm not gonna do it cause I know cops will be pigs and skrew you over anyway. now I know though I spose
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Harley Davidson should branch out and become America's Morgan.
Ok boomer

the amp
0-60 in .5 sec
same battery as a semi truck or rv camper
only 10mm bolts
sell it at chebby dealers to mexicans
sell it in mexico first
Fuckboi 069

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Do you guys think a GT40 reunion is worth going to?

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