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Post your Miatas, Fiatas, MX5s, and Roadsters
Post your V8 swaps
Post your address so I can adopt your Miata

Previous thread - 28232062
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I think I found the bottom screw on il.motorsport (picrel). But I have no idea what the upper one is with the star pattern.
bro you don't need OEM bolts for that shit lol. Look for countersunk bolts at the hardware store for the top ones and just get some regular 12mils for the bottom. For the price of OEM you can probably find stainless steel hardware.
Get aftermarket solid door bushings, and new M6x1.0 bolts in the same length as what they came with. Solid door bushings are cheap and easy and one of the best value for money upgrades you can do to any Miata. The extra stiffness is immediately noticeable.
Wtf, why are you cutting holes in your fenders??
Ill just get some Derlin door bushings then, they come with new bolts. I'll see if the hardware store has the countersunk bolts that fit.

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That manuals are a LARP that are as close to a real racing transmission as they are to a CVT. Synchromesh, clutch delay springs, horizontal shifts usually taking a full second (!!!). Can't forget that they don't keep engines under load during shifts (autos do) so they have to respool turbos every shift.
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fuck automatics
>clutch delay springs,
larping wrenchlet faggot
I'm sorry you can't drive a manual transmission. They're good. I like them, and it's not about it being a racing things. I just like it, and you're gay and coping.
Manual is easy to get to hold power without dumping thousands into a trans upgrade. Love my South Bend clutch.
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Right on schedule

what's the situation for KTM? are they really near bankruptcy?
They are dead, son.
They'll get bought out by Bajaj

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Why aren't there more AWD sportscars?
>faster 0-60 from a launch (which is 99% of what people actually use their sportscars for
>can put power down way better with 4 wheels vs two
>way better in bad weather where a lot of people end up crashing their sportscars

Doesn't matter
most sportscars are automatic only
Irrelevant when most of these cars already have ludicrous amounts of power.

The weight difference is the only real point i can see
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>use 80% of exotic sports car performance once a week
>spend 50k a year on upkeep and lose 10k a month on depreciation until it spontaneously combusts resulting in a total loss
epic, simply epic
>Exotic super car
That only applies to british cars. I think even the Mexican an Arab super cars hold their value.
>it spontaneously combusts resulting in a total loss
Thats when you call insurance, get a check, then buy another.
this is one of the dumbest posts i have ever read on this board. ferraris and lamborghinis both have extremely severe depreciation if you put regular miles or god forbid track miles on them
Maybe not, but it could be fun.
>porsche 911's used to commute,
It's a auto only plastic v6 on McDonald's, it's literally made to commute

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I like buttonslop and I hope it comes back in a big way. The more buttons the better. Screens should ONLY be for looking at the map.
The ONLY reason everything is a screen now is to save money. It doesn't look elegant, and it isn't easier to use.
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>comes back in a big way
give up dad, they'll remove the pedals and the steering wheel in a decade or two from every new cars.
no they won't!
thats a 2023 huyndai kona
I enjoy Hyundai/Kia interiors - they put the most effort in of any mainstream manufacturer.
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I want my shit to look like the inside of an F-16. I want flip switches, trim dials, and all kinds of other bullshit that can do things like turn off the fuel pump, activate a halon system, or simply fuck my shit up. That's what I want.

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Was it good?
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How does anyone fall for Lincoln
>hammer Lincoln badges on top of Ford ones
>make grille bigger
>That'll be two times the MSRP of the Ford you would have bought, asshole :^)
>hurr, The King Ranch is the same thing
>no DOHC 5.4
>no nav
>no rear air
>no fancy bed
>no fancy power bed cover
>1 year only model
cherry picking, the mark LT was identical and had the 3v
>cherry picking
Look at the post >>28263240 was responding to. You now realize you're at least slightly retarded.
Hod how insecure do toy have to be to spend $100k on a luxury truck but it's got to be top trim of a poverty brand otherwise people might think you're white collar.

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The only cool american car
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So many boomer old ppl drive vettes here. It’s embarrassing to own one.
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embarrassing to who? post your fleet
>Giving 2 fucks what normie NPCs think.
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*block's you're path*

hello /o/
my car has been having issues accelerating recently. at low rpms it's fine, no issues at all. when I put my foot down and try to speed up quickly, or try to accelerate up a hill, it runs into one of two issues:
>chugs and accelerates slowly
>turns on the engine light and displays a message that says "reduced engine performance"
in the case of the second one it disappears after a couple minutes and returns to normal. what do you think is causing this?
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>the dumb messican did a "full diagnosis and advanced scan" and tried to convince me the issue does not exist

Probably just looked for existing codes and saw none then said it was fine

Air filter is one of the simplest and cheapest things to do. Fuel filter can be close depending on the design. Some aren't serviceable other are spin off and on right in an easy to reach spot.
Fuel filter
Intake leak
Exhaust leak
Intake filter (lol this is never it)
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on the list of suggested repairs he did say that the air filter needs to be cleaned
>oh look he even included a picture
what are the odds that this is the source of all of my problems
have you ever had a single maintenance task performed on this automobile?
K&N filter? Doesn't look dirty.

>honk to warn of imminent collision
>wrist/forearm instantaneously shattered
who the hell thought this was a good idea?
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>who the hell thought this was a good idea?
It isn't. I immediately take evasive action instead of laying on the horn. Had to do it with a pajeet in a LS460 who decided to pull completely into an intersection without stopping to cut across four lanes on a red light.
Me too, I hate steering wheel horns, they are rigid, unresponsive and difficult for precise honking.
this. I use it as an after the fact announcement to the offending party, when I see other vehicles scarily close to a collision (e.g. semi is lane drifting), or to tell someone to fucking hustle.
You are supposed to honk before the collision to prevent it.
did this once and sprained both my wrists when the airbag deployed
my mom had to wipe my ass for a week, it sucked lol

Welcome to the Auto Vidya General, the thread for discussion of racing and driving games. Join the series.

Previous thread >>28238855

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Port: 64738
Password: 4ch
>Equipment Guide

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I'd say it's even more about having space, tools are cheap and knowlwdge is free
Why is it so hard to design an oval with an actual infield and not a flat, featureless kart track? Old Monza did it right by putting the ovals OUTSIDE of the track instead of having it surround the whole thing.
>implying Monza isn't also a flat featureless kart track
rolling cars for late TCL signups now

Your car IS faster than a 30 year old turbocharged infiniti g35 with an awd mod and a body kit right
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Is yours?
Duh, even my old bicycle is faster.
Do you even nail your tires to the rim on your Infinitrash?
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brother my car wasn't faster 30 years ago nevermind today
>30 year old turbocharged infiniti g35
And it mogs every American car except a few high performance versions of the Corvette

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Pic related
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give it time, those cars are gonna be raped by nigger by 10 years
I’m a financial advisor that has over a decade of experience working in Seattle, DC, Boca Raton, and now live in the Midwest and it is 100% dependent on where you live.
>West Coast
Indian tech nerds buy Teslas uniformly. The white guys that work the business side of things always get a Mercedes. The yuppy fags that haven’t worked their way up yet and don’t have families get Jeeps and 4Runners because they want to come off as outdoorsy on their dating profiles.
Shit ton of public transportation riders regardless of wealth. The ones that do drive love German shit but like 50% of whatever you see on the road on a given day there are going to be rentals.
Wall Street snowbird fags driving (insert mid engine entry level Ferrari, Lambo, or Corvette) and old Jewish retirees driving Cadillacs, Buicks, and not shutting the fuck up.
The husband always has a Navigator or Yukon. Maybe a fancy truck if he’s a GC or something. Wife always drives BMW X5, Jeep Wrangler (almost always the GCs wife), and I’ve noticed them getting into the new Defenders. Practical is what sells here when you have to drive through the snow.

For the record the richest client by liquid assets I’ve ever seen that still drives owns a major shipping company and his daily was a BMW M8 and the richest by overall net worth was a batshit crazy toothless grandma convinced the end days were neigh and that her robins egg blue ‘96 Wrangler with 350k miles was going to ride into the apocalypse with her. She inherited a shit ton of farm land that basically turned into a city and had been neurotically hoarding the last 40 years on her still fuck huge property while her trust was managed for her. I swear I’m going to write a book about this bitch one day.
>richest by overall net worth was a batshit crazy toothless grandma convinced the end days were neigh and that her robins egg blue ‘96 Wrangler with 350k miles was going to ride into the apocalypse with her. She inherited a shit ton of farm land that basically turned into a city and had been neurotically hoarding the last 40 years on her still fuck huge property while her trust was managed for her
Unfathomably based
a shitbox
i didnt sacrifice my 20’s for a degree ,just neeted and got 100-180k job to do nothing

>Twin Turbo V6
>6 Speed Manual
>50 MPG highway
>Can lap the ring faster than a Ferrari Testarossa
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The automatic version of this car is slower, are you retarded?
>The automatic version of this car is slower
Pretty sure the ZF 6HP had the same performance as manual gearboxes of the time, in other cars
Not going to post a collectible to make it known as the "4chan Testarossa", there's a handful of these.
JFL are you even old enough to own a car?
>British car
No thanks

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hideously large logo on steering wheel
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looks like a cleanly waxed vagina

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As a bong, why shouldn't I buy a Mustang GT?
>same price as an M4 or M2 used
>basically doesn't depreciate here, they've lost £10k in 10 years
>MPG is a wash, realistically an M4 isn't going to see much over 25mpg anyway
>5.0 coyote instead of the most boring M engine ever in the S55
>insurance much cheaper because pakis don't crash mustangs into front gardens in bradford
Genuinely think you'd have to be a mong to go german in the £20-£30k bracket unless you're a track nerd
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Think the only major issue is spare parts, where an M2/M4 can salvage off a dime-a-dozen 2, 3 or 4 series on top of the BMW dealer network for new parts, but a mustang would have to have parts shipped from America
cant wait for the weather to be not shit again so i can drive on the regular
there's no chance in fuck you ever drove a manual let alone a modern v8 mustang. You also have no tools and will never have tools. You're just parroting a bunch of YouTube retards in order to try to fit in with the car guys on 4 chan, a larper if you will. Am I right?
Why does every post that is a question in the manner of "doesn't/didn't x ?" is a retard?
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he's absolutely right thoughbeit
floppy and indecisive rear ends are basically a mustang tradition, even the sn95 and 195 was like that

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