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Pic related:

>air conditioning, power steering and radio
>good enough for city and travel if you don't pack it full
>parts available literally anywhere and everyone even in the smallest town in this godforsaken land knows how to fix it
>one of the cheapest to fix
>makes 25 MPG in the cty and at least 35 MPG with ethanol
>no bullshit like electronic assnut unit that connects to whatever and you have to drop $1000 to repair it or it has this 'mechanical quirk' that makes you spend a fuckton of cash every 50,000 kilometers like dirty bmw's

Why spend so much in a luxury car when this (or insert any no-bullshit car like this one) takes you where you want, without drawing attention from thieves and people in general when you can just run unnoticed?
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Why would it make better with ethanol if ethanol is less energy dense
Probably related to it being higher octane so it changes the tune when it detects it, idk
>9,4l/100km in the city, in a subcompact
HOW do you even do that kek
My Vito van needs 9l, my automatic E46 a little over 8 (8 and 7,5/100km on the autobahn)
Also, I have owned a Fiat Panda (169 4x4) before and those parts prices were SPICY, even compared to BMW and Mercedes bits
>I'm Brazilian

Stopped right there.
What's up with the wierd fake grill?

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>same power as a Miata but 2/3 the weight
>start at $10k used
Quit bitching about the death of cheap light sports cars if you don't own one of these.
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>you should buy this [shitty] sports car
>posts motorcycle
desu I'd be happy with a fucking 4wheeler

kind of bored with cars and i don't need to go over 50 or so anyway
It's a trike. Ya silly goose
Are exocets cheap still?
based kuroha poster

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Looking at buying a Honda? Post here and we'll tell you our elitist asshole opinions!

Need help identifying a chassis?

Last thread: >>27784733
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left is drivers side
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JDM 98 CRV for sale. Would you get it?
Probably a hard sell because right hand drive. How much would you offer?
2000. Ridiculous to ask for anything more
> Chemical Guys

Anon... you were raised better than this.
i'm tired of having my pockets emptied out at autozone for little rubber bits and whatnot. If I can fix it somewhat elegantly with whatever crap I have in the garage, that's what I will do. $10 is half an hour pay for me at work, and it takes me less than half an hour to stick a bolt up there.

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It's OVER, ICEissies.
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Who is this ugly meth head and why does he think people want to see his clapped out soiface?
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that's what you saltines get for the opium wars

we fentanyl poisoning and EV bombing you now

i raff
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>What EV do you drive
>A mk5 Golf
>Non-production trim
Keks, do chinks really?

Ching chong ling long
The Yangwang U9 was recently driven and presented in Europe

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I think I should get a 2024 Mustang GT while they're available even if it means drowning in debt. To borrow a word from Aldous Huxley, Fordship is magic.
This is still available to us while GM already nixed the Camaro and Stellantis did the same to the Challenger. I'd get an EcoBoost but no manual transmission is available for it, imagine buying a 4 pot and then losing even more power to the tranny, couldn't be me.
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We are witnessing a war that has raged since time immemorial. A weirdo brony vs the arguably bigger weirdo who finds all his threads.
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okay turtelli

Last question edition >>27810382

I need to get my Miata engine sutter, and cooling issues resolved this weekend.

It's top down weather, how's your Miata running?
What can be done to help prevent sweaty back with leather seats?
Any LE owners?
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it's a tiny car, it takes no effort!
My na has a giant rust hole visible at all times but nobody notices because it’s always clean desu. it’s a nice looking little sports car. not a farm truck. makes all the more sense to keep it clean if you don’t have any other priorities in life.
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Meh. Not worth my time. I used to have a guy detail my M3 every month, but I just don't see the value in cleaning something that might end up tyre wall, anyway. Also gets caked in rubber and brake dust after a single day racing, it just feels like wasted effort.

>Pic rel, the last time she was washed "properly", 3 years ago.
>Currently driving a 325i e46 auto
>MK1 MX5 has popped up at my local auction
Its british racing green, good history and seems that theres no rust. I love my e46 but I think I might do it. Doesn't help that I'm really starting to miss my NB I sold last year.
Assuming you won't miss the practicality that a 4 door affords you, I'd do it. I think the MX5 will be worth more than the E46 in the long run, and they're also easier and marginally cheaper to maintain.

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What is your "driving jacket". For me its an m65 jacket i bought from some surplus store.
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obvious toyobaru brzfrs86
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Why would I wear a jacket in a car in summer?
It arrived, it's a sweet jacket. I love that it's ykk zippers. I bought a large, most of the time that's my size for jackets and such but this feels a bit too big, puffy like. Still I like it
>my work commute, a cesspit of vile degeneracy
dumb frog

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>5.5 liter twin turbo v8
>1,064 Horsies
>8 speed dual clutch
Nerds who post track times on here will be completely defeated. Are you ready Porsche f words? Q is in control now…
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you should've posted the meme car affordability chart with this post.
2 more decades
still the burgerring champ
Unironically, as a massive weeb faggot, I'm impressed that Chevy has gotten me into this.
>Not street legal
>Not production
>Racing tires
>Slower than a GT3 GTR
>No vide confirmation
Lol GTR wins again

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Does anyone else get inconsistent power out of their car?

2004 Crown vic with the police package. I'm sitting at 192k miles.

Some days it feels super slow to get up to speed and other days the accelerator is super touchy. Ive even had days where I'll go from low power to touchy and vice-versa in the middle of driving.

Transmission was rebuilt at 174k miles, I don't remember whether it's an 4R75W or 4R70W.
Mine does that but reliably the same way every time. When I floor the gas the output is very variable, it's almost like it has a flu
god I love the seatbelt effect

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I feel based and yet, it feels like I am betraying my hot hatch brethren.
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>enjoying jaaaags makes you subhuman
It stirs the soul. Other car enthusiasts will get it. Normies will only think about the fuel consumption.
I think V8s are overrated and a poorfag cope
t. i5/i6/V10/V12 gang
If I wanna upgrade from the jap and korean shitboxes I'm used to to a C5 vette, would the cost of ownership be more reasonable than one would think? Aside from having to use premium gas and the inevitable insurance hike?
ok mr president of entire car community

>GPS says to make a u-turn at an intersection
>Fuck that
>Keep driving 20 more miles so i can find a route that does anything but that
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>i live in a shithole
>therefore you shouldn't drive at night
t. dumb retarded nigger being a dumb retarded nigger
Does it really? Makes sense. 45 in Houston the map isn't useable. half the exits aren't named like they are on the signs. Google will tell you to exit at a road name that doesn't exist and the exit isn't even up yet so you have no idea if you missed it or not.

I just look at the map physically and pick my own exit most of the time.
CX 50 huh
American roads scare me. At least they are marked unlike the ones in spic land.

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here’s mine

‘88 corolla, 4AF 3sp auto
103k miles on the clock, just rebuilt the top end & carb, converted to head studs and a few other things.
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1981 300d mercedes
NTA but if you plan on using head studs you should really have the bores honed with a deckplate installed. a deckplate simulates the clamping load on the bores with a head installed.
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Shittiest of the shitboxes
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I always get blown out by you car chads and have nothing but respect for you all. I have no idea how cars work, I drive one from A to B and do nothing more with it. I can change a tire and that's it.
I'm a medicore academic that reads books all that and exercises when I can, I am not a mans man in the slightest. All of you seem like the pinnicle of useful to me though, good on you all.
Thats so clean I love it :3

got some nice welding done the other day for $50
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Just let it rust out and go to the $50 guy again
Exhaust leak thread coming soon
Wire brush until most of the rust is removed, either manual or electric if you can fit it, then coat with rust converter.
Nice paskahitsi lmao.

Protips to weld shitboxes so the inspector fuckass don't complain?
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You need to brush it with grease and molten candle wax. I suggest scented because that is very :3

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>be me
>software engineer with below average car knowledge
>suddenly get into modding
>buy cheap project car to play around with
>remember hs car enthusiast friends added aftermarket intakes on their civic
>buy cheap intake kit
>slap it on
>looks cool I guess but not expecting any performance
>turn car on
>cool induction sound when I rev
>take it for a spin
>can't rev past 4k rpm
>chokes when hit the throttle too hard

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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that should only happen if the intake tube is a drastically different size (like 2" or more) since maf calibration is dependent on tube size to determine the air mass being inducted. if it's very close it shouldn't matter and the computer can adjust for it in closed loop. the air filter shouldn't matter either, even no filter at all, since the extra air from lack of restriction will just cool the hot wire further, resulting in the computer seeing a larger air mass but the calculations would be correct so long as it is correctly calibrated for the intake size. the only real reason that might cause an issue is if the stock filter is so incredibly restrictive that removing it allows the hot wire to be cooled so much more than normal it hits the bottom of the table and the computer just sees it stuck at very low (or high I guess) valves which is obviously a red flag for it.
it's definitely that. I've wasted so much of my life calibrating MAF flow rate to stock because people want a CAI, meanwhile I've seen it time and time and time again on the dyno that every 10* IAT is 1% power difference. It's not bad, but if you spent 300 on an AEM intake, then 500 for a "tune", for 1-2% power increase, well I have some remote desert land for sale.
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Thanks anon, I'll make sure to post an update when I've bricked the ECU.

>the only real reason that might cause an issue is if the stock filter is so incredibly restrictive that removing it allows the hot wire to be cooled so much more than normal
This is possible, the biggest restriction in the stock system besides the filter itself is the way it gets air from a couple small holes. I mean I'm pretty much retarded when it comes to engines but this looks pretty restrictive to me, at least it definitely is compared to the aftermarket intake. Good enough to run the engine stock but could mean the MAF is calibrated for a pretty restrictive intake so the aftermarket intake sucking a ton of air in with barely any restriction would cool the MAF sensor wire too much.
>Thanks anon, I'll make sure to post an update when I've bricked the ECU.
kek, I think there are a few other anons on the chans that mess around with factory ECUs using their coding knowledge. I believe in you
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>his ""car"" uses a maf sensor

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what did yamaha mean by this?

neckbeard target audience

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