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>Au revoir, le George
>motor closet
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Le Car and early R5s have the gearbox in front of the engine. Consider the centre of the air filter in pic to be the middle of the engine with the engine off to the right.
Genuinely would look better with painted steelies. White, black, or body colour.
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Nice concept. Noped right out at pic.
F your pos.

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Cars were only good from 1989 - 2006. Everything else is shit.
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32-05 are the good years. The '70s and early-'80s were shit for american cars. '89-01 is the peak of sport compacts which is what I like and the '90s were the time when EFI was good, but you still had throttle cables, tuning was easier, engine bays had room, and it was years before mass surveillance.
restomods are for niggers
How can any post EPA car be considered "good"
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Based Yatabe poster.
Restomods suck, they take away the character of the car. The best part about a vintage car is the driving feel, it's like going back in time. Keep it original for fucks sake.
I'm not talking out my ass because I put my money where my mouth is.

The average driver of these brands is some old rich boomer in his late 60s and his son or some couple random celebrities
If you want to revitalize the image of these brands, have more young masculine men under 45 drive these cars
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they need people who can afford their cars, no one under 45 who isn't a rap jogger or basketball american can afford them

>companies should waste money giving hyper cars with $30,000 oil changes to faggots who can't even afford a house

OP I was really hoping you wouldn't be a faggot today...but goddamn it here we are. AGAIN.
Whats wrong with some gifts?
A young regular normal income guy that looks like an action hero vin diesel driving a supercar or hypercar as a daily driver would improve the image of the brand and increase its reputation
>i love my ferrari it makes me feel young again
I would take a 70 year loan on a ferrari for $50 a month or something

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>amerilards complain new cars are too expensive
>suzuki literally had to pull out because americans didnt want cheap, reliable small cars and just wanted to buy 80k+ pickups and suvs
>amerilards complain new cars are too expensive
/o/ is not the general population. People buying new cars in the real world WANT more expensive cars. Nobody wants a base model anything. They all want the mid to upper trims. This is why Suzuki failed. Nobody asked for cheap barebone vehicles.
Yes, the reality is that spergs on here are way more frugal than the typical buyer. Most Americans don't care about going into big debt for a car or a house. The current driving meta is also not to avoid crashing, but to buy a car that's fucking huge so that when you crash you won't die
Is this boards mostly aussiefags?

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Broken DRL halos edition.

Seems like there are a ton of LX cars on /o/ now. Post yours.
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the difference between the scat and r/t and r/t and sxt are roughly the exact same amount of hp but to say any of them are slow at all is pure cope
I didn't drive the V6 but I can imagine the RT is a significant upgrade.. I just know that the 5.7 RT i drove was dogshit slow, it was the 6 speed manual as well.
it's like a 70 HP difference between 5.7 and 3.6 but the v6 is also lighter by 200 lbs. I drove them both and STILL bought the V6 because the 5.7 is dogshit
5.7 has a big kick and no top end. Might as well be a diesel.
3.6 is all top end, lighter and revs higher but doesn't punch as hard.
The V6 is way more fun because it's more responsive as a sports car should be while the V8 literally drives like a work truck. You either get the goat V6 or you get a hellcat. Anything else is just junk.
all three cars there are in the same speed class

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>this touchscreen fad will never catch on. Buttons on here to stay!
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what's funny is that all the critical functions are buttons on the steering wheel anyway.
>muh climate control
there's something wrong with you, or your poorfag car doesn't have auto climate control if you need to fiddle with your temperature constantly every drive.
Auto climate control sucks.
>fiddle with the temperature
You have to sometimes. Once you defrost the windows you don't always need it on full blast
You know better than them?
I am very rich, but put me in any car and I'll always be changing the temperature, my body needs different temperatures, and I'm not going to make excuses for the poor execution of the car's design.

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tips and tricks

links you should click on ->


prev: >>28075104
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my dick, hehe. whats it smell like btw
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>Why they would change that for different markets(?)
In Australia, BRG is known as "Neo Green".
>going by the houses, my guess is England
beautiful car anon

I'm taking a long road trip next week and breaking it up into 5 days. Days 1 and 2 will be 11 hours each, days 3-5 will be 8 hours each.
Any tips or anything I should know?
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Says the dude that thinks you go 60 across the interstate like OP's route is
Do you know how the alphabet works?
I hope you're doing it with a V8.
>body bag
I just dump them along i-80
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Agreed, done it 10+ times. Here's a pic from that trip. I noticed OP's map was 50/70 so he's got the right idea.

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Welcome to 4chan's offroad general. Post your 4x4 trucks and SUVs.

Previous: >>28095805
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My favorite are the rock catcher steps that get bent to shit and rust out
I have a 2500 Dmax and love those steps. Wish I had them on my OBS F250. hate having to crawl into the truck.
kek. i was out on a logging road and the snow was compacted into ice. it was a warm day so the ice had softened a lot. I had to pull off to the side for a diesel 1 ton so he could squeeze by me. the truck was sinking 3 inches into the soft ice and the wheel hop was horrible as he tried to find traction
my tacoma stayed on top the entire time
Yeah I would never offroad with any of my trucks besides normal stuff. Both too heavy and unmaneuverable.
Sorry if I caused confusion^^ I own an Isuzu D-Max, not a Chevy/GMC with a D(ura)max engine. So we're talking about a Tacoma/Hilux/ Colorado/Canyon sized truck (but which has in fact a diesel engine)

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it’s a joke about DaimlerChrysler, simpleton
not that anon but ironically, OP is a vidya reference
/v/ tourist here. definitely is a vidya reference kek
>Stop driving like SH1T

Me on a 3:00 AM drive:
>such a kino night drive adventure
Me seeing another car:
>what r u up to u shady bastard
Whats with the fake timestamp
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>go for a nighttime drive
>out cruising the highway listening to some synthwave
>suddenly remember Blockbuster doesn't exist anymore and it will never be coming back

>NY stickers
>car speedo is km/h first
>high-res photo on a photo timestamped in 1998
What did he mean by this?
it's just a stock image calm your tits
Crash into police car

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How much would it cost to get the rear-seat area cut out of an ordinary hatchback? Pic related.
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could playing heavy bass boosted music at max volume damage the speakers? it feels like i need to crank up my speakers higher now to get the same sound. stock speakers btw
my friend played the song only for like 3 mins but still
Yes maxing your speakers out can damage them and blow out components lol
need to tell my friend to fuck off and stop touching shit then thx
this car looks like a midget with microcephaly in automobile form.
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>A/C has never worked while I had the car
>Replace suction hose between compressor, condenser and TX valve
>Charge it up and both sides are reading 80-100 psi
>Figure it's the TX valve, replace it
>Now, massive leak around TX valve
Checked all the seals, tried the old part, still leaks. I think it's coming from the cabin side. because everything engine side looks ok. Why would something else suddenly fail?

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>most loved
>near bankruptcy
guess love doesn't necessarily translate to revenue..
Love me some porsche and bmw

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Best generation of this car. Everything after that is ugly, computer-infested crap and everything before is total boomerbait.
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Well, there's always ZR-1.
This was a Pontiac Banshee you fucking thief.
Zoomers and millenial faggots seethe about boomers endlessly. Im a zoomer and its funny to watch zero accountability taken by young people
I prefer c5s over c6s just because popups
You think pre-1960s corvettes are “boomer bait”?

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How would you rank car brands by prestige ?
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In the south and midwest, i see rich people drive fords and jeeps like you said
In showoff places like miami and la, rich people drive luxury cars and super cars and shit
Anon, those aren’t rich people.
Mercedes, BMW, and Audi being more premium than Cadillac and Land Rover is retarded. Being premium at all is retarded. They’re expensive in America because they’re imports. They’re only slightly more premium/luxurious than the average American vehicle. Hell, the most luxurious vehicles on the American market are pickup trucks and full-size three row SUVs.
Yes there are that really own those supercars in miami and la.
Thoughts on jaguar?

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