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Is owning a dealership a good business? From my understanding, if you have a franchise for new cars, then your reputation depends on your service department.

What a bout used car dealerships? I know a guy in town because we both have the same car (high end German) and he seems to be doing pretty well for himself.
do you look like that?
Only if you are a fat lazy boss that breathes down every mechanics neck all the time.
used dealerships, maybe
new dealerships, not in $CURRENT_YEAR

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Can you get pussy if you drive a Prius?
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Not in the us. Or move to a giga libtard city
I think you got a cooked one an/o/n
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to be fair they did fix 2 out of 3 of those things
The Prius is an expensive car now. The people that can afford to drop 40k on a prius already have generators for their homes
>Smiles everyone, smiles!

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sell chrysler back to itself
i don't want stupid fr*nch people making my cars
muslim fr*nch c*nad*ens from brampton are bad enough
I actually hope they mercy kill Lancia instead of keeping it on life support
also no fucking wonder everyone's stocks are dropping with the grenade they keep putting in cars
That article was bad and should feel bad. I don't care enough to go listen to an earnings call but that guy was like i dunno maybe maserati and some yro brands i dunno
They'll probably sell Maserati to chyna

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I want off this ride
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>it's literally a 1 series
LMAO imagine paying 6 figures for this dogshit
Two. And a half. TONS.
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do not forget about 7 series
To pleasure the brown userbase
All 2000+ bmws are ugly

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land of the free
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I normally would be against bans and stuff but weebs are fucking annoying as shit so based honestly
Fuck the autistic fucks who worship gay shit like this
This is what happens when you don't participate in the political system.
You get ruled over by a bunch of retarded faggots who do show up and make laws like this.

The west collectively fell asleep at the wheel and let a bunch of pencil neck nerds filled with resentment and hooknose tribe get to make decisions.
The ban is even worse lol, even a V12 Century counts as a Kei car under their criteria

>every japanese import car is now a kei car
are boomers legitimately retarded

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>check out my new “sporty” car!
>it’s like a de-tuned { insert good car name} car
>well no, it doesn’t have one
>you don’t even really need one though with all the advancements in electronics these days
How do they cope?
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I can't speak for other helicals, but the torsen units, but the torsen units are 100% non-rebuildable so far as I know. If you open the carrier and accidentally drop out the pairs, it's grounds for tears trying to reinstall them in the correct orientation for smooth engagement.
yeesh, fuck that.
it's funny to see people with stripper model r/ts try and do a burnout and the car wiggles its butt around trying to brake vector itself into spinning both wheels. EBD is a meme.
i did a hellcat lsd swap into my v6 chally and it roasts its rubber on command.
the whole character of the car changed too, with the lsd the back end squats and stays planted under power in corners, completely unlike the absolute clowncar pegleg behavior of the stock vehicle. unironically the best $1000 i ever spent and one of the most fun car mods i've ever done.
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Only real option
I just bought an os giken superlock

This was a horrible choice for a daily driver in Ohio, but now I'm driving a Civic Si, and she's great, but I miss my RX-8 every time I start her up.
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>It's crazy how good the RX7 looks
I know
>and how ugly the RX8 looks
Fuck you
Everything is horrible because of Ohio
I'd die for a 3 rotor swapped r3. That would be my end all be all of cars
Sucks that people want $8k just for a rebuildable 20b core these days.
It's actually a nice car, but if you compare it to its predecessor it's a fucking tragedy

>With a fully charged battery and a full tank of gas, the technology can provide a driving range of 2,100 kilometers (1,305 miles) CLTC
>The company’s PHEV technology, now in its fifth generation, achieves a record low fuel consumption of 2.9 liters per 100 km (62.1 miles), even after the batteries have been depleted (80mpg)
>The base price for the BYD Qin L and Seal 06 is 99,800 yuan ($13,775)

2 months ago, BYD announced that their Qin and Seal 06 hybrid models will use their latest powertrain, which is the most efficient in the world, giving it 2100km+ range. When this was posted on /o/, everybody claimed it was fake news and not a real technology.

This week, Toyota announced that they will use this new powertrain technology in their Corolla hybrids, so basically just selling a BYD hybrid car and slapping the Toyota brand logo on it.

What does /o/ think about this? Is Toyota getting scammed by this fake BYD technology? Or is this actually real?
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Nice chinese cells, my tesla doesn't have this problem
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>Nice chinese cells, my tesla doesn't have this pr-ACK
>own corolla hatch
>claims like 6L/100km
>get 10L/100km
>50L tank
>surely this new car will just shatter all range records for a regular car
>Toyota previously announced it would roll out its solid-state EV battery technology in 2027, starting with an all-electric version of the Crown luxury crossover that’s set to cover more than 1500km on a single charge.

>but this smaller corolla will have 600km more range!
wouldn't buy that stupid wedge anyway

Any other car brands come close to Tesla's auto pilot? Want to get my wife away from Tesla but she's hooked on how nice it is in rush hour traffic and for highway cruises.

Would want to get her something more upscale, so maybe German.
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Elon is a transphobic chud and my wife (trans) and I want to only support progressive policies with our money.
Does the current S class have autopilot for highways in the US yet? I know its an option for the Autobahn.
You are indian faggot yourself of you think about what other indians drive. Enjoy when your next pretend luxury cars autopilot drives you to oncoming semi truck instead of keeping the best autopilot system on market with tesla for fear of not standing out from other goypods. None of the cuckmobiles on sale today make you look any less poorfag on 25% apr since you can never look or act less hindu street shitter.
>no longer feels special at all
...what? Why does a car need to feel special? Why does woder availability detract from you? Problems like range or the possible garage fire I could understand
From the videos and comments I've seen I'd not trust a single one of currently available 'autopilot's to not yank me off the road. Sure some may do that more often than other, but ideally I'd like it zero

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Charge overnight at home or during the day in the office.
Unbeaten bang for buck in performance, minimal maintenance, recharging is cheaper than refueling unless you go to a gorillion mile long trip once a decade. The only thing I hate about electric cars is how digitized, proprietary, and monolithic everything is.
>left his /g/ trip on
bad form
i can't wait until you people are forced to address the massive stockpiles of spent lithium batteries and how to dispose of them
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Why would I need a different trip code for every board 7w7
>saving the planet

Here is a study by Volvo (who are switching to 100% EV and have every incentive to make them look good):

Manufacturing & driving a car for 200k km: Volvo XC40 ICE emits 59 tonnes of CO2, Volvo C40 EV emits 50 tonnes on global energy mix, 42 tons on European mix. The EV has ~70% of the ICE emissions when you drive it 200k km in Europe. You have to drive it for 77k km before you break even on CO2, and 49k km if you used wind power only. That is nowhere close the pipe dream of "zero emissions" vehicles.

Another example: Volvo Polestar 2

Cradle-to-gate emissions: 22.4 tons (22 400 000 grams) of CO2. Honda Civic diesel from 2002 emits 134g / km traveled (https://www.cars-data.com/en/honda-civic/co2-emissions). This means you can drive the civic for 167k km before you offset the production emissions of a new EV. How long before the EV breaks even on CO2 using European electricity mix? What happens when a battery has to be replaced (which was not accounted for in either of the examples)?
If you care about environment, buy and drive a used car.

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New corvette ZR-1 1064Hp flat plane twin turbo V-8.
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my comeback to dodge is that it'll break almost immediately, not be covered under warranty, and even if it is the parts will be on backorder. dodge doesn't count as a serious manufacturer anymore.They used to be bad ass underdogs, now they're just junk. the big 3 doesn't exist we are down to 2.
How's the 60-130 on the stringray?

Why does this simple question make c8 boomers seethe so much :)
Chevy taking a cheeky piss
lambo revuelto is also 1000hp and it's slower than 570hp 911 turbo (1/4 mile). big hp numbers are unless unless you can actually put that power down, so it's a *yawn* from me
>look at our big numbers! big numbers good!
it's just now what I look for in a car

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My car's ebrake stopped working, so I now leave it in gear when I park (manual gearbox). Is it possible for it to pop out of gear and start rolling if my gearbox is worn or is it 100 percent safe? I park on a slight inclination always
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Yes it does. It's why I'm homophobic even though I let my best friend hit it.
the feminist fears the homosexual. if you hate gay men you are a feminist simp
It could be. One lady did this on university's park. We saw the lever was on gear but it had popped off.

It's not hard to wrench it it just takes motivation to do it. I hate unmotivated people who will just say leave it on gear.
Get yourself a set of wheel chocks OR just stop being a nigger retard and fix your shit
people hate the way gay men act.
if they were just dudes who enjoy other dudes and that was the only difference there would be absolutely no problem with them.
but no being gay is a whole public personality for them and they have to act like brainless californian valley girls and obsess over useless foppery. quite frankly nobody likes women who act like that either.

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Pic related:

>air conditioning, power steering and radio
>good enough for city and travel if you don't pack it full
>parts available literally anywhere and everyone even in the smallest town in this godforsaken land knows how to fix it
>one of the cheapest to fix
>makes 25 MPG in the cty and at least 35 MPG with ethanol
>no bullshit like electronic assnut unit that connects to whatever and you have to drop $1000 to repair it or it has this 'mechanical quirk' that makes you spend a fuckton of cash every 50,000 kilometers like dirty bmw's

Why spend so much in a luxury car when this (or insert any no-bullshit car like this one) takes you where you want, without drawing attention from thieves and people in general when you can just run unnoticed?
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Why would it make better with ethanol if ethanol is less energy dense
Probably related to it being higher octane so it changes the tune when it detects it, idk
>9,4l/100km in the city, in a subcompact
HOW do you even do that kek
My Vito van needs 9l, my automatic E46 a little over 8 (8 and 7,5/100km on the autobahn)
Also, I have owned a Fiat Panda (169 4x4) before and those parts prices were SPICY, even compared to BMW and Mercedes bits
>I'm Brazilian

Stopped right there.
What's up with the wierd fake grill?

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>same power as a Miata but 2/3 the weight
>start at $10k used
Quit bitching about the death of cheap light sports cars if you don't own one of these.
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>you should buy this [shitty] sports car
>posts motorcycle
desu I'd be happy with a fucking 4wheeler

kind of bored with cars and i don't need to go over 50 or so anyway
It's a trike. Ya silly goose
Are exocets cheap still?
based kuroha poster

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Looking at buying a Honda? Post here and we'll tell you our elitist asshole opinions!

Need help identifying a chassis?

Last thread: >>27784733
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left is drivers side
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JDM 98 CRV for sale. Would you get it?
Probably a hard sell because right hand drive. How much would you offer?
2000. Ridiculous to ask for anything more
> Chemical Guys

Anon... you were raised better than this.
i'm tired of having my pockets emptied out at autozone for little rubber bits and whatnot. If I can fix it somewhat elegantly with whatever crap I have in the garage, that's what I will do. $10 is half an hour pay for me at work, and it takes me less than half an hour to stick a bolt up there.

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