I get pulled away and forget to post a new threadanyone know what the count was?>List of Vendors and Social Mediahttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of Taiyohttps://osgvendors.spread.name/>/osg/ FAQhttps://pastebin.com/vaEgettv>What is this thread for?A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications.
>>28254090I always see knock off art of it, so maybe?
>>28253949that you don't know who Ed Roth is just shows how much of a retard grifter you are kys
>>28255295I know who Ed Roth isI am saying the art style has a bunch of copy-cat stuff
>>28255295Nobody gives a fuck about boomer hot rodder culture.
can a 4 cylinder engine ever sound good?
>>28257116>>28257134>>28257139sounds like someone's lawn trimming equipment.
>>28257172That car is quite nippy.
>>28256941BoxerI dont even like subarus, but the Boxer sounds good
>>28257190Bro just get any 4 cylinder and route the exhaust wrong lmao
Why shouldn't I get this? >Drive close to 100 miles a day>Need to haul shit on the reg >Need to climb steep af hills Your move, o
People claim up to 40mpg with the Chevy 1500 diesel.
>>28256865>>28256861why are you massaging op's balls?
>>28256865F150 lightning all day long
>>28256865$30k loss over 2 years. lmao ouch.
Every car guy should watch this movieIgnore the single mom and her kid part , Just pretend she's single with no kids
>>28256693God, we're going to be picking through the mental wreckage that character did to terminally online autists for decades.
>>28256689Welp, apparently posting a pic of fully clothed busty woman is wrong on this board now. I do have a lot more pictures of her though.
>>28256825well i got banned for posting an off topic conment that was completely related to the topic. jannie(s) seems to be going full retard
>>28256767I cannot believe how cum brains are satiated by flavor of the month characters, she literally only has like 4 or 5 lines throughout the shows run and they're all sortof phoned in.
>>28257242Enter Frieren. I've been seeing that droopy eyed bitch everywhere for months now.
I've got an interview this week for new vehicle sales at a major dealership, but I've never worked in sales and have just been in other areas of automotive. Anyone here with experience in car sales? What might the interview be like? What are the hours like? Is the pay good or shitty? I've seen a few places online say 50+ hour work weeks are average and that sounds insane to me.
>>28256012>tfw going to start detailing job soon>read this and >>28255969sigh…br/o/s…..i thought i signed up to be a badass buffer and polisher…
>>28252820Your job is to make money out of nothing, you offer nothing as a service, even the services you do offer are fake and you have to try and convince people to pay just because.
>>28256805>i thought i signed up to be a badass buffer and polisheryou'll do some of that when cars come in on trade, just not in the ideal space and definitely on a budget
>>28256166Reading stuff like this makes me so glad I've never had a real job.
>>28256236>I was thinking of applying to some shitty jeep dealership, I just assume they'll take anyone with a pulseyeah that's accurate. find one that's not part of a multistate dealer network, email one or both of the managers, be upfront that you don't know anything about sales but like talking about cars with people. don't try and get your foot in the door through sales guys, they don't want you there until you've become friends. it's competition, so keep the outsider out, but you'll eventually cover for each other and hang out during the day and enforced proximity usually builds friendship
>Why would you get <new car> for $X when you could get <used car> for $X?
>>28256981anon, there are no 5000 dollar carsat least, not in my market. anything 5000 dollars either has over 200k or a shit ton of problems or a salvage title
>>28256981You're literally doing the thing OP is bitching about. That anon wanted a decent low mileage used car, with a warranty, and payed a decent price for it. If they wanted a 5k shitbox with no warranty and no working A/C, they would have bought one.
>>28256987There's always cheap cars.You couldve bought a low mileage $5000 car and shipped it AND had money left for taxes/repairs and saved $10k.>>28257000>WarrantyLMAO. >No ACYou're literally a cold AC under 100k miles boomer.>He doesn't want a cheap affordable car.So he bought a shitbox for 3x the market price of an equivalent product plus tip to have "low miles" and a "warranty?"LMAO that's fucking stupid. Last year the index went up 69%. He could've taken the bus and doubled his money and damn near bought a car for free like I did. Clown show.
>>28257150What the hell are you on about? This is an incoherent post. Are you AI?
>>28256858bro, inflation has doubled since 2015.there are few of no good $5,000 cars around anymore.shit sucks, >>28257150mental illness.
SUP OI have a based 2013 jetta it only has 79k miles on it and i have been driving it for 9 years. It has never given me a bit of trouble and i had planned on driving it till i put 200k on it which will be in a long fuking time. My parents just came into a bunch of money. My mom knows nothing about cars but thinks (and has always thought) that my jetta is small and unsafe (for no reason).She wants to buy me a $20,000 car to replace my beloved jetta. What should I get? I need something that gets better mileage because i dont want to piss off gretta and also that seems subjectively safer to my momwhat should i get
>>28252195>$20,000 carc6 (sports car, lugs in top gear for sick em pee geez) or LS460 (grandpa boat)alternatively, you can probably find a clean giulia or stelvio under 30k miles for about 20
>>28252195Screw that, get a mk4 or mk5 GLI, those things are sick. pretty sure Mk4s had factory Recaros too, those things are comfy af
>>28256781>MK4It is hard to find one in mint condition.
>>28256773yeah I know what I said. sports. car.
question: how does non electronic fuel injection work? Like diesels which are direct injected, but before the age of computers, how did they work, like when to spray fuel into the cylinders?
>>28256837The plastic clamshell probably comes apart. Pry on it gently.
>>28256849>how do I pick one, other than liking the looks of it?You take stock of your life and question your priorities. Do you want your car to be as practical as possible, as fun as possible, or maybe something in between? Do you care much for fuel economy? Do you want some level of off-road capability? Basically just look at cars and start thinking about how and where you would use it, then ask if your wants or needs will be fulfilled by said cars.>how much would be appropriate to spend? I'm thinking about making my budget around 10k euro, I would be happy to spend half of that, but at the same time I could afford double, I just don't know if it's worth it to spend more for e.g. a car with less than 50k km on the odometerYou spend as much as you think the car is worth. As for mileage and such, generally speak service records > Mileage. I'd always take take a 200,000 mile car that's had regular servicing over a 100,000 mile car that has no records at all.>how do I know if I'm getting my money's worth?You compare it against other vehicles of similar age, mileage, history, and condition.
>>28256408If it's not full of coolant or metal he probably just got lucky
I've got moisture in my oil. Can I get by for the next 2k-5k miles worry free by doing oil changes every 500-1k miles? (Keeping filter, just draining and filling oil)
>>28239161Edmunds does a decent job of aggregating vehicle specs/features with copious reviews from owners.
Why did they pull out of the muscle car game? Now the only muscle cars left are the Ford mustang and a dodge charger which starts at like 60k for the slow base model. Imagine spending 60k on a fucking dodge charger when you can get a corvette for a little more what are these retards thinking?
>>28253876>>28254750nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop nigger slop
>>28253703Yes. Don't listen to these contrarian assholes.They are awesome! Mind you, your paying for the motor, everything else is extra but having 800 horsepower on tap is an amazing feeling.You are the king of the road, the acceleration rivals or bests most rollercoaster launches and the ability to go from 120 to 160 in a blink of an eye is just amazing.Sure, it's got an old chassis but it really doesn't matter. It handles surprisingly well and remember that American roads are largely straight and long, so it's perfect for that. Although the linked video demonstrates that they can handle twisties as well.Hellcat at The 'Ring.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moJs9pP22IE
>>28253070>Why did they pull out of the muscle car game?CAFE fleet fuel standards for MPG which are harder on cars than on trucks. That's a big reason why we hardly have any cars left in this country. They probably had to choose between the Camaro or the Vette and the Vette was making them more money and is a flagship for Chevy. The Vette also didn't have to compete with the Mustang and the Challenger and is compartively speaking a bargain compared to any comparable Euro sports car.Damn shame too, that last gen of Camaro was probably the best one they ever made particularly the SS and since the Vette is mid engine now it really did have a niche it could fill for GM.
>>28256016Damn, the manuals seem to be way more rare than autotragics.
>>28253321>and it's not even a price thing.This is where you went wrong. A mustang GT with a performance pack and a couple other cheap options new at the dealership is over $60,000. Pic related. Its not a practical car as a family man. I only point that out because who the fuck else has the disposable income for a $60,000 car that is less than practical for anyone but a 1 or 2 person household?And at $60k, you're venturing into used sports car territory like porsches. I would love a Mustang GT, but with the price of everything doubling over the last 5 years, I cannot justify such an expensive car. Hell, even Ford themselves (I think Jim Farley) commented on consumers are maxxed out on prices of vehicles. They're selling the FUCK outta $40k cuckmobiles, and $30k Mavericks. They're still selling $80,000 Pickups, but they're not selling $100k pickups like they used to. The Mustang got too good: they added too many parts everyone kept saying it should have like IRS, luxury interior, more power, 8000rpm redline, all with a warranty. The mustang priced itself out of the market. They're in the exact same problem area that the Nissan Z is. Decent enough car, but still $10-15k overpriced and people aren't willing to take out 10-year loans on cars anymore to have a few laughs.
>cars today all look the sam-ACK
>>28256022It's not that deep, the XJ8 is just ugly as fuck and irredeemable.
>Europoors seething: the thread
>>28255862>MY HECKIN TYPE R LIPjfc
>>28256368Speaks volumes that you can just mention an American car and yurogroids and south east asians alike will instantly >YOUREPOORBMWGOODBLAHBLAH LAHMYMOMWASRAPEDBYTURKSBLABBLABLAHCHUDBLAHBLAH
What were they thinking?
>fell for the motorcycle memeThese are the most un fun useless pieces of shit transportation possibleI wish i would have bought anything else
>>28252150I literally have all 4 of these vehicles (no turbo on the Miata), and can confirm that bikes are definitely more fun. If you aren’t having more fun on a bike that’s a skill issue
>>28252273Unfathomably based, FJR1300 is the best bike.
>one of the most pure forms of motor driven vehicles>/o/ hates themIt's always a funny reminder that 98% of the retards on this board own 15 year old corollas and have no actual interest in the internal combustion engine.
I have never seen a tall person ride a motorcycle. That's all I need to know
>>28257026> Laughs in street legal dirt bike
>>28253122id4 is being refreshed next year
Driving my Tesla around town, you wouldn't believe how many smiles and nods I get from the boys. I'm local famous for having the coolest car around. Buying my Tesla was the greatest thing I've ever done.
Looks lile Cybertruck is selling bad so they needed to do something with their leftover headlight stock
Looks like shit. >>28255077This was posted by an Indian and thus, has never happened, because all they have in India are donkeys, those covered motorcycle tuktuk things and that one pajeet brand of shitbox
>>28257181Tbh I'd rather have a Hindustan Ambassador than a Model Y.You can V8 swap the latter.
hey faggots, vin check website herehttps://vincheck.info/use it while it's up.
Sup TB’sYeah this week wasn’t too bad. Delivered 5 loads which isn’t normal.MN-NY $3200NY-IN $1800IN-MI $1500 MI-IA $1700MN-MD $1400So $9700 on the pay period Than Friday I loaded $3700 MN-PA which will be my Monday delivery. After I loaded Friday I started smelling a burning rubber smell. I pulled over a couple times couldn’t really find anything. Really dark, snowy, windy etc. got off at a truck stop and felt terrible clunking, decided to park and check tomo. Anyway I discovered my carrier bearing was about ready to send my driveline into orbit. Luckily some mechs were working Saturday. They knocked it out in 45 minutes and away I went.
>>28256669Ya maybe it is his destiny to Install a $40,000 driveway every week Pic. Just got my coils on $3,000 WV-SD. 1,000 loaded miles.Aiming for a next day delivery.Notice my use of J-plate floor securement. I love hauling steel so much.
Foot drop
>>28257151Aye nigguh how much bread a brotha gotta pay to lick dat whyte bytchs feet n shiet? Eyz tradin you a bottle uh henny n some fent if you let me go sicko mode on dat street walkas pussy. Eye put dat shih on foenem grave, nigga
>>28254042Nice blogpost, you inbred, shitskinned retard with cuckbabies.
>>28254678Why does he make all these threads and posts about himself, his lot lizard wife, and how much money he supposedly makes? He's a colossally insecure subhuman.