Your car IS faster than a 30 year old turbocharged infiniti g35 with an awd mod and a body kit right
>>28262700Is yours?
>>28262700Duh, even my old bicycle is faster.
>>28262700Do you even nail your tires to the rim on your Infinitrash?
>>28262700brother my car wasn't faster 30 years ago nevermind today
>>28262700>30 year old turbocharged infiniti g35And it mogs every American car except a few high performance versions of the Corvette
Pic related
>>28251546give it time, those cars are gonna be raped by nigger by 10 years
I’m a financial advisor that has over a decade of experience working in Seattle, DC, Boca Raton, and now live in the Midwest and it is 100% dependent on where you live.>West CoastIndian tech nerds buy Teslas uniformly. The white guys that work the business side of things always get a Mercedes. The yuppy fags that haven’t worked their way up yet and don’t have families get Jeeps and 4Runners because they want to come off as outdoorsy on their dating profiles.>DCShit ton of public transportation riders regardless of wealth. The ones that do drive love German shit but like 50% of whatever you see on the road on a given day there are going to be rentals.>BocaWall Street snowbird fags driving (insert mid engine entry level Ferrari, Lambo, or Corvette) and old Jewish retirees driving Cadillacs, Buicks, and not shutting the fuck up.>MidwestThe husband always has a Navigator or Yukon. Maybe a fancy truck if he’s a GC or something. Wife always drives BMW X5, Jeep Wrangler (almost always the GCs wife), and I’ve noticed them getting into the new Defenders. Practical is what sells here when you have to drive through the snow.For the record the richest client by liquid assets I’ve ever seen that still drives owns a major shipping company and his daily was a BMW M8 and the richest by overall net worth was a batshit crazy toothless grandma convinced the end days were neigh and that her robins egg blue ‘96 Wrangler with 350k miles was going to ride into the apocalypse with her. She inherited a shit ton of farm land that basically turned into a city and had been neurotically hoarding the last 40 years on her still fuck huge property while her trust was managed for her. I swear I’m going to write a book about this bitch one day.
>>28262920>richest by overall net worth was a batshit crazy toothless grandma convinced the end days were neigh and that her robins egg blue ‘96 Wrangler with 350k miles was going to ride into the apocalypse with her. She inherited a shit ton of farm land that basically turned into a city and had been neurotically hoarding the last 40 years on her still fuck huge property while her trust was managed for herUnfathomably based
>>28251546a shitbox
>>28253987nta i didnt sacrifice my 20’s for a degree ,just neeted and got 100-180k job to do nothing
>Twin Turbo V6>RWD>6 Speed Manual>50 MPG highway>Can lap the ring faster than a Ferrari Testarossa
>>28263249The automatic version of this car is slower, are you retarded?
>>28263250>The automatic version of this car is slowerPretty sure the ZF 6HP had the same performance as manual gearboxes of the time, in other cars
>>28263196Not going to post a collectible to make it known as the "4chan Testarossa", there's a handful of these.
>>28263328JFL are you even old enough to own a car?
>British carNo thanks
>>28257770hideously large logo on steering wheel
>>28250238looks like a cleanly waxed vagina
As a bong, why shouldn't I buy a Mustang GT?>same price as an M4 or M2 used>basically doesn't depreciate here, they've lost £10k in 10 years >MPG is a wash, realistically an M4 isn't going to see much over 25mpg anyway>5.0 coyote instead of the most boring M engine ever in the S55 >insurance much cheaper because pakis don't crash mustangs into front gardens in bradfordGenuinely think you'd have to be a mong to go german in the £20-£30k bracket unless you're a track nerd
>>28262897Think the only major issue is spare parts, where an M2/M4 can salvage off a dime-a-dozen 2, 3 or 4 series on top of the BMW dealer network for new parts, but a mustang would have to have parts shipped from America
>>28262909cant wait for the weather to be not shit again so i can drive on the regular
>>28262905there's no chance in fuck you ever drove a manual let alone a modern v8 mustang. You also have no tools and will never have tools. You're just parroting a bunch of YouTube retards in order to try to fit in with the car guys on 4 chan, a larper if you will. Am I right?
>>28262903Why does every post that is a question in the manner of "doesn't/didn't x ?" is a retard?
>>28263296he's absolutely right thoughbeitfloppy and indecisive rear ends are basically a mustang tradition, even the sn95 and 195 was like that
Is there a better way to get un-stuck in snow?I drove up my long drive way & got stuck 1/2 way up.The car slid sideways and jack knifed itself.had to blow torch a melted line for the tires to follow to get out.took over 30min
>>28262279bucket of ash
>>28263095>>28263121If we had snow for just a couple weeks a year, I might be willing to endure driving on completely inappropriate tires for that time, just to avoid the hassle of keeping two sets.Of course, if every random dumbass is also driving around on summer tires in conditions like that, I might also prefer to stay home.
>>28262279I took it a step further and got a dedicated winter truck. you can get oem AT tires pretty cheap new. I've only spent 2500 on the thing including the wheel/tire setup. Nice to have something I can haul motorcycles and tow a car with.
>>28262354Just buy a set of winters you cheap fuck
>>28262354>my tires are horrible in the rain and snow>can't drive down snowy driveway without getting stuck >no need for snow tiresnobody give this retard any hacks, let him treequinox himself the next time there's precipitation
So THIS is the power of JDM & FWD…
>>28262889I don't think people who wear helmets should drive
Only gooks would organise a rally on such a gay and negroided road
>>28262889kek one thing after another
>>28263058What do you mean? Shitty roads are a part of rally.
>>28262889Why!?Why!?HOW!!!?Wtf did I just watch!!!!!!!????
Alhamdulillah (ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ) brothers, another beautiful day to pilot the ultimate driving machine
>>28262599'Was geht' is also okay. retard ruining the BMW reputation for all of us.
>>28260537XDrive is for faggots and women.
>>28253931Just like the Quran see Moses as prophet or messenger.But the Quran still see Muhammad above Jesus and Moses, basically Muhammad is the right one because he is the most up to date prophet/messenger of God.The Quran rejects the concept of the TrinityIt claims that Christians exaggerated in their belief in Jesus and mistakenly attributed divinity to him, while he was only a messenger of Allah(god), I kind of agree with them here, he was a messenger imo. God is omnipresentNot for noting they are called Abrahamic religion and it's all the same shit.I wouldn't be surprised if reptilians intervened to cause chaos because, at the end of the day, Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe in the same God.
>>28253931> immaculate conceptionthis is purely a catholic/protestant concept. not even orthodox Christianity accepts this>>28263228The Jews wrote the Talmud, which is enough evidence to discredit the Bible of which they were also authors. the only truth is that some shit happened around 2000 years ago that 60% of the world attests to
Mid-engine Corvette thread!
>>28263292This thing is ugly as fuck, auto only and designed to appeal to niggers instead of the white man like c1-c6
>lada granta sport>manual only>no screens inside, only buttons>no vvt, egr or other lgbt pidor shit>real sportcar styling>weighs only a ton and has incredible handling>only 9 second 0-60>less than 7 liters of gas per 100 km>only 15000 newwow thank you mr putin for saving the car industry, im so proud of living in based and trad russia
>>28263128A year ago I'd start arguing, showing what russians did on occupied territories, how it all startedBut I've learned my lesson, take your 10 rupees and fuck off, Rajesh
damn i misread this and thought it was 9 second quarter mile for a second 9 second 0-60 is painfully slow
>>28263183Please understand, mighty shesnar (basic bitch dohc producing whopping 116hp after a pretty heavy modification. Please don't ask about reliability)
>>28263183That would be perfectly normal for a cheap econobox, at least if they didn't call it a "sport" model.Maybe it's sporty because of those fancy alloys?
>>28263125Either way, it's shit. You know, because it's russian.
Winterfag here, how do I get this huge chunk of ice off of it wheel well? It's frozen solid to the car. I can't kick or not it loose. I also don't want to damage the plastic. It's about 20°F right now
Blast it with piss
>>28262298Put it in the garsge
>>28262298hose it down with cold water next timeyou're welcome
Wait until it gets hotter and kick it off gently. If you want break the plastic then kick it now
>>28262298Leave it in a warm parking garage or whatever for few hours.
>>28258671there really isn't one, that meme is stupid anyway
>>28257024Had the same issue, bought a Ford F150 regular cab V8 4x4 today. and ordered everything for the lift now to find rims and tires.
>>28258359>no two door model>primarily driven by illegals and niggersno
>>28260448The worst part is on the new chevys there's nothing where the column shifter used to be, it's just empty there, so there's one stalk on the left of the wheel and then an empty space on the right of the wheel. It looks so ridiculously bad
>>28262436>10R80have fun
Is tire rotation a meme?
>>28262872I just commute in reverse a couple times a week to balance it out
>>28262824>non-directional tires Damn anon, I dont care for the tone but you gave me some shit to search on youtube. Thanks.
The tire rotates every time I drive ???
Yes. I have two different makes on each axel
I run mud tires on my stuff and if you dont regularly rotate them every oil change you get a lot more cupping. Not sure how advantageous it is for lighter vehicles with smaller lighter highway tread patterns.
Well got my first SUV.RWD Infiniti Qx70. 3.7L V6.I have had 87% 2 seat RWD cars during my driving life.Although I did put more dirt miles under my 3 ND Miata’s than 95% of mall crawling jeeps out there…. I feel inexperienced and dangerous.I want to climb the curbs and say FUCK YOU ASSHOLES I AM OUUTA HERE!!I know I am not there. And don’t want to fuck up the truck.I hit my first real truck trail here in the Temecula area.It was about 32 miles on a dirt, potholes, and rut road, along the side of a mountain with no barrier and a one way lane.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
That minivan has no business being """"""off road """"""
OP is a faggot