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>le new car is bad
>muh old car is good
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they are hard at work trying to fix the bores on an engine block that's seen about 7 different cars and several trips to the moon.
>retarded old boomer is confused by technology and therefore declares it junk
Wow, what else is new.
>I'm one of the most beautiful cars europeans ever made
Germans don't know how to make a beautiful car, Audi/Mercedes/BMW/Porsche know well how to make not too ugly, not too pretty cars - they make a car with a styling that starts a new "era" then the rest of the lineup gets the same styling with minor changes so they don't look the same.
GAY meme.
E38 and E39 are the best looking sedans ever.
E28s are so sick too goddamn

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Should i get a dune buggy?
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>get a side by side/RZR
There was an animation loaded here long ago showing a desert dirt trail accident where one such collided with another. The driver's leg got opened up in the collision. Not that OP's dune buggy example has more safety, but all that air space does allow protrusions and the stiff branches to stab inside when you are shoved sideways and open up your leg.

Remember, it is not just you out there, but people drink and have a good time while driving these. Then they hit you because they were zooming around in the brush and neither you nor they could see the other approaching. If this happens at a desert race or desert "track" event, note very carefully that your car insurance policy does NOT cover your accident when doing either a felony OR racing a car at track events (this includes street racing). You may say you still have health insurance cover your medical, but remember that your insurance company AND their insurance company will deny all other coverages. So if you get into an accident at one of these off-road racing events, talk to a lawyer first to make sure how you will report it to your insurance.
> but people drink and have a good time while driving these
Of course I know him, he’s me

One of my friends friends was at the dunes and a sand rail did a fuckin rip over him while he was passed out drunk in the sand with his sleeping bag in the middle of the sand out in the open
They didn’t even know he was dead til the next day when they went to wake him up and his body was just fuckin twisted up
There's atleast one fatality at Glamis and Dumont every major holiday weekend.
I saw the aftermath of some dipshit that went over the backside of competition hill in a 4 seater 350 sbc sandrail. He landed in the bottom of a bowl about 150 feet down.

I've had multiple friends life flighted out.
Interesting fact:
Glamis is outside of life flight's area so the military does the medivac there. They use it as a training exercise.
One friend had a head-on with another sandrail and when the Blackhawk showed up the crew was fully kitted with night vision goggles and plate carriers- my buddy was so delirious from the pain he thought he was being abducted by aliens.
No contest. These are two completely different vehicles.
Now we're talking!

>lithium battery randomly explodes
How does one avoid this?
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>dinosaur juice
You mean the actually non-fossil fuels.
Those papers are qritten in russian, anon. Have you not heard about the abiogenic origin of oil before today?
>greenhouse gas
Water vapor?
Ahd yet somehow, in that system, the host troublesome part is:
The fucking electronics
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The solution is obvious we need ev horses.

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Did you cruise in the left lane today, as is your right?
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No he didn’t. Speed remains 71-72 the entire time the black truck is trying to merge. It drops from 75 well before the truck doesn’t anything.
Yeah. Got pulled over for doing 71 mph on cruise control in a 55mph. He dropped it to 5 over and didn't say anything about my 3 year old expired tags.
That's actually a blue shirt.
The alternative was using his brakes to slow down. Truck pulls out from behind the guy in the beginning of the clip, so there's at least a cars length between pink guy and the car behind. So yes, easily the best thing to do was brake.
Pink shirt only had to brake a tiny bit and both people would not have any damage to their cuckhicles
Fucking lmao

Welcome to the Auto Vidya General, the thread for discussion of racing and driving games. Join the series. It's free.

Previous thread >>27963920

IP: mumble.get-good.net
Port: 64738
Password: 4ch
>Equipment Guide

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vape joke.
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would you play a racing game if the character models were goblins or some other similar manner of creature?

(pic not related, just some random goblin shit i found on google)
you already asked this fucking question and you got an answer retard
people don't play racing games for characters, you are asking the wrong question.
it didn't feel very conclusive, sorry. i get that, it's just more that because third person on-foot sections because My Summer Car influence forces it and I'm too lazy to try and model something more human as every time I've tried to model a human I fuck up. The faces are hard to get looking right without being some moeblob shit.
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make a good driving game first, worry about the characters later
you are putting the cart before the horse. the market is flooded with soulless unity driving games. msc works so well because it has great car physics, a brutal damage model, and detailed mechanical interactions. the fact that the player character is finnish merely serves to explain why everyone in the game looks like potatoes and speaks in alien gibberish. they could be insane hylics-esque indescribable monstrosities in a non-euclidean infinite hellscape speaking in untranslatable eldritch tongue and it would still be a good game.

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The quicker the better
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These in basically any state of disrepair
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Laws may be stricter here than other countries.

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Amerifrends, tell us more about this lost brand - Studebaker.
How the fuck did they disappear into nothingness?
I heard an oldtimer from Indiana talking about how the studebaker was better than ford/chevy and they had a coupe that did not spontaneously combust on rear end impact unlike mustang and how when the company closed the Mercedes people came and bought all the machinery to bring back home as it was state-of-the-art stuff lol.
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I went to the museum in South Bend a few days ago. Had no idea of their history as wagon builders before getting into cars, plus that they made EVs before turning to combustion cars
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Typically was in the form of centrifugal superchargers, but they were extremely common in aircraft by the end of WW2. Kind of a natural extension to factory-built autos.
I just adore the 1953 Studebaker. Such a low and sleek car, without being gaudy like other American cars of it's era

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Why do hispanics love tacky wing spoilers?
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I lel'd
listen gringo, we nee the extra rear downforce for our FWD turbo 1.2l when vtec kicks in yo and rpm's hit 8k esse
>supreme bean
the mexican version of beef supreme?
Pretty sure we just get the ugly ones. I visted Cali and Texas and they were all 10x prettier than the ones North East.

Why won't they give the WRX more power?
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Toyota owns part of Subaru. Toyota didn't want a new STI to compete with the Supra, GR86, and hot hatch GRMN Yaris. Subaru is back to being a lesbian utility vehicle company. Toyota is back in the sports car market.
wrxs are pikachu ass IT nerd cars LOL
my M5 has an LSD kek cry pussy
WRX looks so boring. Looks like a corolla with a hood scoop. Needs a wing
Glad to see your kebab stand has free WiFi Ahmed
what's a wifi ahmed?

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I don't even care about cars I just like the noise when I press the vroom button
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There's a deep primal satisfaction with V8 croozin

Feeling the breeze, cheeled out, relackssst, ignoring tryhard boiracers
why are you queer?

Cool car but

why ................. do boomers.............write like...............this?...............
Because they are old and need to take breaths :(

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Does financing count as owning a car?
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niggers don't think rationally like that
Shiet this hose has a gun shaped fing on it, I'mma shoot this nigguh
You're gonna be in debt your entire lives retards.
well if you look closely you can see him pull a foot long knife at the end. So he was probably trying to distract him so he could shank him.

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What's the best land yacht for under 40K?
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I'm pretty sure the V8 is not a time bomb. the interior is beautiful. the car has a lot of presence.
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go look at one.
Can a land yacht be a land yacht with 20 section tires? I don't think so.
It's beautiful and i dont care what /o/chuds say

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Thanks i advance? I'm stuck between the Honda Civic Type R and the Subaru WRX GT. I'm go to university so I'd like to pick something that looks good to women, but also has superior speed/performance.

I was also looking at 90s cars like the Mitsubishi 3000gt vr4. This is my first car, and I'd like something that won't get laughed at, say, my first car meet.

I'm open to any other car suggestions, my price range is around 30 - 40k USD. Thank again!
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Thanks for the video man, I will definitely watch that before going.
Because I don't have a car and have to. It takes me 3 hours to go there and get back lol. FML.
You know, I wasn't really thinking of driving a truck, but it seems like an interesting idea. I would like the option of sleeping in whatever car I have if I had to.
My dad told me I need AWD, lol. I'll mention getting snow tires then.
Thanks for that fact man, I'll bring it up with my father :)
Literally don't be a retard and leave your ego at home when driving during winter and you won't kill yourself.
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>looks good to women
>this is my first car
>my price range is around 30-40k USD
get a 5-speed EK civic hatchback and spend 35k on upgrades over the next few years while you learn to drive and wrench. the priorities should go like this
>learn to change all the fluids
>replace fuel filter, air filter etc
>15x7 or 15x8 wheels with 195/50r15 tires (preferably under 350 treadwear, but over 200)
>stiffer suspension and front/rear sway bars
>better brakepads (EBC are pretty good for hard street driving)
>weight reduction, but nothing too crazy if it's your daily. remove rear seats, (could put a small bed back there and take girls camping or stargazing) replace front seats with lightweight racing seats, LEAVE THE STEREO girls like music while you drive
>intake, headers, exhaust
>add a little aero and give it a cool paint job/wrap
>eventually rebuild engine with forged internals and add a turbo, get it dyno'd etc

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also, if you're worried about snow, get a set of skinny winter tires. all the weight is over the driven wheels so you'll be fine. learn left foot braking in a snowy parking lot and you'll be able to control the thing like it's an extension of yourself, even on a frozen lake.
>Feel safe
They truly do be retarded.

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Official The Grand Tour finale thread.
Torrents are up edition.

I remember ever since I started coming here 15-odd years ago, whenever a new Top Gear episode came out, we'd all head on over to FinalGear and torrent the newest episode in 360p, then have a good long thread about it, but eventually everyone stopped and we never really made a big deal of new episodes of Top Gear or The Grand Tour any more.

Well what's say we do it one last time for old times sake?
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I think I was sad not because the trio is no longer working together - it really feels like the world as we know it is over. The passion, liberty, honesty in motoring is being replaced by soulless chink cars designed around legislation made by slimey Jews and you can only drive it around stinky Brown people.

Top gear and grand tour was the world of the boomers and gen x. Millenials only got a glimpse. We now have to do what we can in the dystopia that is real life

And yes, most everything on TV now not only is poor quality, but is outright propaganda and demoralisation
>Leaving apartment yesterday
>Kia Niro is backing into a spot
>It's beeping like a clown car would in a dystopian version of Wall-E
>Not only is this regulated by the gov on all EVs...KIA has to go and make it a humiliation ritual in the sake of "safety".

The world top gear showed on tv is ending, anon. Clarkson nodded to this in the episode.
It's anyway, not anyways.
Oh no

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Same say he was a faggot others say he's op all I know is he's skibidi

Holy shit, I saw one of these Mavericks in real life today and looks like such a third world shitbox cope of a truck. The nissan Sentra sitting next to it looked cool and sporty compared to this turd of a "truck".

I seriously hope you guys don't think this is an option for a self-respecting individual.
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Yes. Why wouldn't it be? It's a body on frame truck. It doesn't matter if it's the "wagon" or the pickup style, it's still a truck regardless.
>The nissan Sentra sitting next to it looked cool and sporty
you wouldn't happen to be a fat black lardass would you?
Its a unibody
Who told you that? Do you know what that means?
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My bad I got it mixed up with its replacement the JLTV which is unibody.

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