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Someone stole Top Gear host Chris Harris' Ford Fiesta
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miat is fun because it's floppy and grippy despite being rwd
fist is fun because it's stiff and drifty despite being fwd
they both get away with it by being slow
Fiesta loses points for that absolutely terrible 3 cylinder engine unless Ford got their heads out of their asses and abandoned the idea of wet belts.
>Chris Harris is okay
You ever had to listen to radio 2?
fiestas are one of the easiest cars to steal
the guy has admitted to owning dozens of cars

>refuse to buy a new car
>drive 30yr old shit box
>shit box finally dies after 402,068 miles.
>buy new ish car
>in team meeting at work
>about 75 people.
>my manager makes an announcement
>says "Anon finally got a new car"
>everyone is surprised
>people start clapping
>Zoomer coeworkers make some NO cap comments
>old timers say it was about time.
>genX's mention I got a respectful car
>older women said maybe I'll get dates now.

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fsports aren't "base" models, to use the parlance of our times
also, leather-clad goyotas aren't luxury cars
kek, lowering springs.
Choosing to reduce the functionality of a car to try to improve looks is the ultimate Brown Cope.

Keep going though.
Give me more (You)s
I was just making it the height they designed it to be before goyota threw a monster truck suspension on it to appease the old guys that buy them LOL.
Also, the springs made it handle and feel better than the bouncy monster truck bullshit goyota had on there LOL
Another reason why the Rack & Pinion (STRAIGHT 6) E39s are better than any goyota: they're perfect out of the box. LOL
They should ban the word BMW and whatever retarded gayrab number models there are just like they banned the word onions

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Tell me about the time you bought a salvage title and built it into something brand spanking new.

How was the journey, would you do anything different, and do you still have the car?

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>used models falling into the low $40k range
talk me out of it
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C5s and C6s are the only ones worth owning though
> Smart rich men drive brand new Rivians and Land Rovers
Smart rich men drive test cars from unproven companies and literally the most unreliable SUVs ever? Get a load of this retard.
Absolutely based. Only people buying BMW these days are poorfag turkroaches who can't afford based Porsche.

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how realistic is it to import one of these to bongland
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I've seen them hover at the 15k mark for a respectable quality
Which is still insane when a good example e46/e92 M3 is in the same price bracket
Still less than UK cars, though I have to question why you asked a US importer instead of a UK one.
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Yh I have considered that, but alternatives here aren't much better.
>cayman (987) grenading engine,bore scoring, bunch of other issues when pushing hard and expensive to fix
>cayman (981) less grenading engine. ideally want a 2+2 and 911's of similar year are too much. Also for the price of a 10+ year old used high mileage one can get a nearly new gr86. Even has the same 0-60 -_-
>370z - pigfat and not big fan of the looks desu
>M2 - brown person car, pigfat and weird proportions, Looks so stout and chonky. z4's, m4's and the new m2 (g42) have much nicer proportions. Only upsides I guess are it's 2+2 and has a 3.0 straight six.
>MX5 ND - has alot of upsides. reliable engine, lightweight, cheap consumables, easy enough to work on and fix, fast enough for it's weight. The only things are it looks too small, almost toy like and having sat in one feels abit cramped. I'm not even sure I'd be able to fit with helmet.
Also would like the next sports car to be a forever car and keep it in the family. Believe newer metal and lower miles like the gr86 would last the distance if maintained.
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You sound like you know your stuff. Have you imported before? If you have who did you use or who would you recommend.

would be tempting if the ones priced that low weren't 100k miles and about to fall apart.

Forgot to mention, was looking at and hoping to have it all imported and registered for no more than £20k.

>e46 m3 - Alot are rusted out or starting to. Also just looks like a normal 3 series -_-
>e92 m3 - Looks nice desu and would consider but buying a non straight 6 bmw is always incorrect

Is just the website I use to see the jap auctions on, also they're fairly big and seem somewhat reasonable and upfront. Tbh it doesn't rly matter as just need someone to bid, ship it to the uk and send the relevant paperwork. The rest I can sort here. If you know any good and cheap importer do post.
Used 86’s are dirt cheap in Japan though, like $7k for early model years.

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>rough r35 GT-R (50k miles)
nissan going bankrupt
>A110 (used, 20k miles, at upper end up budget)
lame engine
>Giulia QV (pre-facelift)
reliability issues?
>NARP (997 911 is about the limit)
I think this is the worst option desu because they're way too expensive for what you get
>RZ Supra (3L manual)
problem: mcdonald's, but manuals are available
>Jaguar F-Type
surprisingly cheap, but no manual option
>New RX-7
save money & buy this in ~2 more years (haha)
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mental illness in every thread.
the C8 DCT continues to have issues even into the 2024s. just read the boomer vette forums and you'll see.

they did update the transmission pan design after 2023 i believe, but if it's still going strong from 2020 it's prly gonna be alright
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2013-14 S197 GT500
S550 GT350
Literally the best cars mostly within OP's price range. Mostly.
Not my fault if you have a pechant for ghetto/hick bullshit lol
"Trips of truth," to use the parlance of our times, by the way
Check 'em, sonny

Would a F150/1500/Ram from the same era hold up like this famous Hilux?
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Easily. Even a GMT800 would and that's got a lot more wiring and electronics.

He absolutely fucked that front axle up... >>28225455
This thing's the real deal...
Is that how they adjusted front camber before cgi?
whistlin diesel treated his much worse than top gear and it did well
how. he dropped it from a helicopter and it was completely scrapped.

>1997 Lincoln Town Car
>Starts by hand cranking the starter
>Key ignition doesn't work

So my car has power and can start if I bypass the ignition system but I don't feel like getting on the floor every single time to do that. What causes a no crank and no start with the ignition system?
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Follow the ignition wires from the keyswitch. Pull them out, put a rocker switch on the dash for run/off, ass a momentary switch to the starter wire. It's how I had my old Nova wired up.
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The ignition switch and the lock cylinder are two separate items. picrel is the ignition switch
Oh I see alright.
i'm dealing with a similar problem on a 2000 ford taurus. initially, the steering wheel was locked and i couldn't turn the ignition. broke that free and the ignition still wouldn't turn. finally managed to free it by taking a punch and hitting the lock cylinder release button while turning the key (luckily otherwise it would have required some drilling since you can't remove the lock cylinder unless the key is in run position). during this process a piece broke off the end of the lock cylinder and i had to replace it. now the fucking starter won't engage. at first glance it's not related to the new lock cylinder. for reference before all this i tried hand cranking the starter in a similar fashion to OP while the key was in the ignition but not in the run position and the starter did engage but absolutely refused to start even after many cranks(possibly anti-theft?), now it isn't engaging at all. i wonder if it could be a weather related thing because this all happened as soon as it got really cold, like perhaps the starter is froze? it seems like the starter is getting power because when you turn the ignition all the way forward you can hear a small click like a relay is activating. thinking of throwing a new starter at it.

It's a module on the column about a foot down from the key cylinder, activated by a rod.
They separate and cause all kinds of issues.
Shit design, was part of a fireball recall in the 90's.
Might be a "tamper proof" torx or like a 5 or 6mm (maybe even a 5.5mm, its been awhile), id just pick up the $6 bit kit from harbor freight before you start tearing shit apart.

who is your favorite youtube mechanic and why is it faye hadley?
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Bro you can go look at any of the videos right now for free, why keep assuming and looking stupid?
I watched a video he did about a camaro once and that's exactly how it went.
James and Wayne of Garbage Time
Can we talk about FordTechMakuloco's intro for a second because this guy's videos always come up when I'm looking up Ford stuff and they're helpful, but his little intro is so damn dramatic it makes me laugh.
that would be super cool actually. I was watching 12voltvids and he's actually helped me understand electronics repairs through broken VCR's much better. And i cant find him at the moment but there was another guy repairing the old tethered Trinitron tube based cameras and he was actually walking through diagnostic steps with an oscilloscope to check sub circuit health and could actually explain what everything was doing and how it all interacted with each other.

So in seeing that its made me think that car ECU's might actually be more simple to repair than i thought; component wise anyway. Someone who could actually do that to make a bricked newer model car run would earn my respect way more than the pre 1980s will it run homo guys

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Picrel is a 19 year old Ford interior
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posting the king of all Ford interiors. timeless in its design and ergonomics.
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Idk man. I think BMW makes a better interior than my car for the years; but I’d prefer an S550 interior over all.
these are probably among the best mustang interiors. the steering wheel looks like its trying too hard to resemble a classic car, but other than that, its perfect.

I will be driving one of these bad boys at driving school. What am I in for?
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Focus RS fucks. Subarweenies need not apply.
Only thing I know about the Focus RS is that it's one of the firmest, harshest rides of any of the hot hatches.
It'll probably be fun during the time at driving school though.
Fun, will spoil most other cars for you.
Do I believe these posters
Or these posters
I had one and it's a great car. Complaints about the ride quality and seating position are some of the most blown out of proportion of all time. I think it's from weeaboos made that Ford made a better STI/Evo than the japs ever could so they needed something to hate about it. It rides exactly like you would expect a track(ish) focused car on 19 inch wheels with low profile Michelin tires to ride.

Sure they do, buddy
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Did you expect the bus riders on /o/ to know anything about cars?
And get the nightstick treatment
The V60 does better as a police car than a S60 desu
Nice Geely.
The V90 does better as a police car than a V60 desu

Okay so I want a mid-size pickup or SUV but they're all powered by 4-cylinder turbo hybrids. Should I just buy what I want or should I find something older with a stout V6/V8 and enjoy it instead
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they dont want them, they havent even tried. the frontier and titan are the only nissans that arnt bad, that doesnt mean they are good and neither sell well compared to the competition. honda probably has an EV in the works and wants nissans production facility and logistics around the Leaf.
Porsche cayenne the best not a truck truck on the market end of thread
lets go buy a nu mid size truck!
aw dangit!
aw dangit!
>regular cabs extinct
aw dangit!
>extended cab virtually extinct
aw dangit!
>4 cylindri durbo hyrbid only
aw dangit!
>5 different luxury off road trims
aw dangit!
>manual locked to the more expensive trim

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They are good though
Everyone wants a 4 door short bed unless you are using it for work which most people don't do. Throw the kayak, dirtbike, ATV and the occasional home project in the short bed and call it a day.

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Hello guys, proud owner of a D series civic here, I want to replace the stock muffler with something a little bit more exciting. How do I get a D17A2 to not sound like a raspy ricer fart can? Is there even a way to make a single cam civic sound good? What brand/style of muffler ris best? Pipe diameter? Do u need resonators? Also I'm not going to do any replacing of the catalytic converter or manifold because that requires messing with the O2 sensors and I'm not chasing power, just sound. Fabrication is also not an issue since I'm going to learn how to use my welder in the summer.
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>not D16Z6,A6,etc
sorry buddy. my straight piped del sol spunds good and my straight piped crx damn near sounds like a turd gen camaro. i will say shes running rich as all FUCK though.
>not D16Z6
Yeah, ik, I've always dreamed of a del sol with a Z6, would be a blast to drive probably. Still, my EM2 is decently fun, and it's still pretty light. But yeah, Honda messed up bigtime with the D17, it's not even that much better than a D16, in fact probably worse in some ways cuz no oil squirters or crossdrilled crank like the Z6 for high revs. Do you use any resonators or mufflers at all or just a single pipe on your rex/del sol?
>Honda messed up bigtime with the D17
Stupid reliable and turbos easy. Hits 7k rpm without blinking. A ton of d16 parts swap over as well. It's a crazy good engine if you fix oil and coolant leaks. Only problem I have with them is the waterpump behind the cover with the timing set and the retarded wingnut adjusters for the belts.

It's more than adequate to move a 4 door civic in stock form.
Only the 964 Carrera RS and the 997 4.0 GT3 RS are worth owning, especially for a "poor" in the parlance of our times
The poor D's been bored/stroked from 1.2 to 1.7, gone from SOHC to DOHC, to SOHC-VTEC from the mid 80's and was pushed too far with the 1.7 imo.

It's adequate, but with the cheaper suspension, and more weight, 7G civics might as well be corollas.

Why can't I unplug the thing connecting to the hose? Should I just wiggle it more?
Push the red clip and remember that penetrating oil works on more than metal.
The red tabs are what we call 'clues' but whether theyre the kind that you push/pull/break is your own lived experience.
use a flathead?

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