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this video made my pp hard for some reason
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If its the partnership with Toyota sharing the hybrid tech they have perfected then I wouldn't mind checking it out at some dealership and test driving it.
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Well you didn't post source so I'm going to say fake and gay.
Stop reading automotive clickbait fed to you by google
>if you don't blip doesn't it stall? how does it work?
No, goes up from idle to mid revs and the engine continues to deccerate the car.
Hill hold works for about 1.5 seconds. Use regular handbrake on steep hills until you become accustomed to the car.
i heard they're bringing back the NA headlights for the NE revision
it depends on your state
no, but a lot of states have rules like this
We have antique/hotrod reg where you can only use it for posted events or getting it serviced. People rort the scheme by 'going for service' whenever they want.

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Beneath the gray November sky,
I whisper softly, "Not goodbye."
Your engine hums a final note,
As frost begins to seize my coat.

No winding curves, no roaring spins,
Just quiet now, as winter wins.
I drape you snug, in slumber deep,
For roads must wait while snowdrifts creep.

Goodnight, sweet prince, your race is run,
Until the thaw, beneath the sun.
When springtime calls, we’ll reunite,
To chase the day and thrill the night.
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The car, hands down.
T. Uncultured Busriders
Imagine being too chicken shit to drive your car in the winter.
>b-but muh road salt
Have your undercarriage treated.
coming from shitposterland i have no idea how this feels. glad i can drive all year round
>t. irony-poisoned

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They will never be a woman.
>I just imagine someone typing jaguar into microsoft word and going through each font trying to find one that matches a list of buzzwords their manager picked for the company rebrand.
Like >>28110817 said, it's custom made. Companies like that make their own typefaces to avoid paying royalties. Mercedes-Benz is the most known on 4chan due to AI gens, it's Corporate A.

Jaguar spent millions on that redesign. Minimalism for some reason burns through money like mad. It's a total scam and most people actually abandon the brand if they don't associate it with a brand image, which is why auto manufacturers highly prize their emblems and logos. Ford tried long ago to modernize the logo and immediately backtracked due to backlash. They will have calligraphy on their logo forever if they know what's good for them.

>I like the new font desu
It looks like they sell overpriced bicycle parts.

GM's logo is so generic that I didn't even notice it happening. At least KIA turned into KИ.
>They did the meme
I suspect that DEIdiots are cripplingly afraid of money and success.
love him or hate him, seeing joe crack a cheeky wheel spin in his corvette then comparing that to how he's like now is pretty depressing
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Tikkun Olam. The inversion of all things in God's natural world to earn the favor of the gay faggot satan. Ugliness is beauty. Goodness is evil. Deceit is honesty. Atomization is civility. Slavery is freedom.

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If it wasn't for the stigma coming from being Chinese, I would say Karlmann King is the Bugatti of luxury cars
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God that low poly look is so dumb.
It only looks good on F117 but that is because its designed to be stealthy.
damn i feel sad for the chinese,when they try to make their own designs everybody (rightfully) hates them and if they do somenthing more standard they are accused of copying
china is a pile of shit swarmed by human shaped insects. fuck em and their garbage
Is being completely and utterly tasteless the standard of luxury now? If so, count me out.
Is the foot rest pleather already bubbling?

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Snowfall is near. What winter tyres are you planning to use this year?

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Here it is, I don't have it anymore but it's still in the family. Long story short is that my dad is comfortably driving it into retirement alongside his own giant redneck pickup. It was/is the best car I've ever had. I owned it for 7 years and NOTHING ever broke. I drove it across the country and back and it performed flawlessly. Ultimate roadtrip car. Tons of power (290hp) and so quiet that it rivals modern luxury cars. I would have bought another one if they didn't cost so much now. if I ever move back up north I might convince my dad to sell it back to me. It'll end up back with me one day anyways.
i would love to manual swap an ls400. just the idea of having an ultra comfy roadtrip ready v8 barge that i can be cheeky with as well makes me diamonds
I think I looked into it years ago and iirc, Toyota/Lexus never paired a manual transmission witha a 1UZ, especially a VVTi one. That means you'd have to do a lot of fab work yourself. I want to say that most people who tried it swapped a 1UZ in things like an SC300 that already had a manual transmission option but, it's been so long that I don't remember. Either way, the cars have an open diff anyways and weigh 4000lbs, so I don't know how fun it would be. I sincerely wish you luck if you ever try it, it would be awesome to see.
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I never have to change my tires because our state salts the fuck out of the roads.

Having to drive over actual snow is very rare
Why are you posting my wife?

If ATVs and snowmobiles can have CVTs and nobody cares, why do people care when it's in a car?
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Do you mean to say there are no plans?

I'm sure the germans wouldn't mind a boring cruiser that can still go 250km/h on the autobahn.
atvs and snowmobiles have cvts either at low power or/and in constant slip condition, both of which majorly reduce loads and wear. a car is heavy and grips, so above a certain power and weight they can't handle the load. cvts are genuinely fine in kei cars, but in anything bigger, you're up for suffering.
And can swap that belt with minimal onboard tools, trailside / miles from civilization, in like ten minutes if they vaguely know what they're doing. The real question is "why are the cars designed so hostile to service?" And the answer is rule 88.
What is your meaning here? eCVT?

Never have I ever even purchased a CVT belt for a snowmachine or ATV.
Please do that cuz Toyota would be more than happy to void your warranty on your shitbox. :^)

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OG Twingo had it beat by a year
Same energy as a kid accidentally taking a selfie
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let me guess, 30k euros for the good spec
Why does it look so creepy, like it wants to rape you

Why do headlights have to be so fucking bright these days?
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fucking kek
>The more i think about it the more i become convinced that the LED is the single worst invention that has been forced upon daily life.
I agree,even outside of cars they look like shit
Mexican trucks are great though, comfortable ride height and reduced body roll and easy lift gate access. Clean fitment instead of the "you must throw 70% load in the bed or your truck looks funny" ride height
>Those truckers turned their brights on to warn him.
No. You briefly flash brights to warn people.
>Regardless of them being there he wouldn't have seen that truck until it was too late at the speeds he was going and it was pitch black.
He would have seen it at least 1 full second earlier at a minimum. It is unlikely that he would have avoided the accident, but he may have been able to swerve off of the road. At the very least, it's likely he would have been able to slow down somewhat before the crash.
If you really wanted to fuck people over you would acquire and/or modify a laser to be outside the visible spectrum and cause retina damage without them being able to know it was you.
Only downside is you wouldn't know if you accidentally reflected / refracted the laser into your own eyes until you notice the retina damage.

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Ford is suing a company for swapping modern broncos with the vintage design. Do they have a case? Are they pulling a Ferrari here and are they going to win or will they back off?
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Ford's always been VERY protective of it's logos and tradename. On top of that, they're probably having a shit-fit, that a fifty-year-old body is better looking than their faggoty-ass modern one.
Ford might have a decent case but is vastly more interested in being a pest to consumers.
Who the fuck do you chuds think you are?
You WILL drive the ugly new body style and you WILL be happy!
We had our top code trannies and pajeets design that new body style!
How long does the ownership on designs last. Like that one company that makes new 60s mustangs, how does Ford still own that? They haven't made it in decades, I wouldn't think it would be copyright (but that would explain the long times), and it could actually help them sell the cars (more options for consumers and larger aftermarkets make some people feel better about buying with that).
I mean its a single sensationalized case with an obvious clickbait title.
This is an assumption but Ford probably filed a cease and desist to the company before, they didn't listen, and now they're suing.
There are plenty of companies that make aftermarket parts and body kits that exist.

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Here’s a tough redpill to swallow for ya'll.
The S550 Mustang is the best modern tuning platform on the market.
I could list hundreds of reasons why but I’m sure you already know about it.
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Love those headlights. Looks sinister like a serpent.
Camaro transexual cope
Boomer cope. You’re living in the past, creampie eating cuckold.
Mt82 is fine if you don’t shift like a retarded ape. Tremec is for posers who can’t shift properly. It’s like having training wheels.
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Looking forward to this car maybe the stickshift doubles as a buttplug?
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raised by wolves season 3 looks kino!
Be honest, this will tank Jaguar. Like so bad they aren't even going to reveal a car before a hostel takeover.
this stuff really is priest baptizing tanks in russia of different flavor
russia has hiv/aids rates en par with african countries
imagine how faggot russhits are naturally if they dont even need propaganda to make them gay
i think u missed my point

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>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions.
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.
>Low oil pressure? Worn mains and rod bearings. Use lucas and 15W40 until you afford a rebuild.

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I helped the ztard put the finishing touches on his camero and noted it made a rattle while setting timing. Just like the binding he ignored it and something in the engine broke on the test drive, the noise started to quiet down but it was running on 6 or 7 cylinders. I wasn't there when he put the motor together so I can only speculate but nothing has exited the block. Reminds me of how that 60k mile marquis dropped a valve, but this engine wasn't missing until whatever broke broke.

Cooler cylinder head temperatures let you run more compression more consistently, gm tried to adapt the SBC to it with the lt1 but a full redesign was needed to be effective.
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He admitted to not gapping rings and then we found a rocker stud pulled out but I'm curious how he actually threw a rod
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I didn't gap the ring on my dingleball overhaul and it didnt seem to matter, course I don't think they were close anyways, idk if stock replacement rings off rockauto would come gapped but that bitch been running for years
I don't see any scuffing in the bore, the top ring is stuck in the groove, everything else has compression. I'm very curious what he fucked up. Bearing upside down would have been knocking before it warmed up. It wouldn't rattle until like 3500 and it sounded like a lifter or detonation. He didn't even beat on it, just got it up to 55 and made sure the tranny had OD and lockup, then it let loose. These are used rods and pistons, wrist pins weren't tight, other defects?

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Speed limits were a mistake.
US should take a note from the Germans and remove all speed limits from interstate roads. It makes no sense at all for interstates to have speed limits.
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>US should take a note from the Germans and remove all speed limits from interstate roads
why do no nothing retards think the autobahn is a completely unrestricted road?
Cars use substantially more fuel over about 50mph. I'm not saying this is the reason but physics makes it reasonable.
I had a car that would sit at 50mpg at around 50mph in the '90s.
It wasn't full of modern safety shit but it would hit those figures.
aren't germans overall kind of cucking out on the autobahn and wanting to put limits on the whole thing?
Speed limits are for Npc retards.
>and allow competent individuals with well-sorted vehicles to get a special license that lets them do whatever speed they please.
Ah yes, this will make it extremely easy for cops to know who to pull over and not.

Acceleration is pretty much the only thing fanboys are talking about cause it's the only impressive feature. Marketing also mentions that's a futuristic cyber science fiction car so it can drive itself and sheit but you still have to control it so it doesn't kill a negro. When people say it has reliability issues, fanboys say these are software issues so they don't count. When people say heating decreases range, fanboys call them bitches for needing heating.
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>SyTy got shat on
Bullshit, the magazines loved them and they were collectible from day one.
Just wear white literally that easy. Black cover themselves in bright colors head to toe literally non issue unless homeless.
If you get close to your mileage limits you MIGHT need a single oil change over the 4 years. Other than that it's just turn the key and go.

They all liked the speed but they all bitched about it not being able to go off road or haul more than 500lbs in the bed.
Yeah who the hell hated them
Just say you don't know anything about leases. It's okay.

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If lightweight flywheels are so good and useful why don't manufuckturers implement it in the first place?
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Maybe, but a lot of tradeoffs. Better move would be to bump up the idle, even just 50 rpm can make a world of difference.
>Did ya ever wonder why race cars have light flywheels?? Derrrrp

Ever wonder why Racecars with light or even no flywheels have high idles?

You clearly can't put two and two together.
because the flywheel mass affects spin-up load and spin-down time, most people don't want a really snappy rev time in either direction
>Smaller flywheels require the engine to idle higher so therefore driving with one consumes more gas

Gee whiz, nice logic. Totally makes sense, thanks for putting it together for me. Nevermind that modern cars have auto start so you don't have to sit and idle for more than a second. High quality point, bro.

They are less Street friendly.
I run an aluminum LS7 flywheel, and it's amazing for racing.
the RPM it frees up is crazy.
revves up so damn fast.
but requires a lot more gas and a slower clutch release from a dead stop

that's why OEMs run Dual mass flywheels.
hard to stall a DM flywheel.

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