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>ctrl+v from FB

This is my twin engine 3000gt inspirated by the LM edition car from gran turismo 1-2.
the secend engine in the door is a lightweight 1.3l 95hp from a Mitsubishi colt.
It has alternator,steeringpump and it is getting a 1000hp procharger to boost the main engine,not conected to the drivetrain.
The main engine gets nothing only drivetrain.
This gives me a clean engine bay easy to work on,no lag,less heat,no backpressure,lower cylinder pressure ect. And fore fun. Final Goal is 800whp with wide power range an low lag.
Weight is 1370kg
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It really needs a Black Ice Tree in the rear view mirror to complete the build
>The owner of the picrel in OPs thread is a very cool dude very down to earth.
Okay, but what he's done with this car is still utterly retarded.
>Electric motors have max torque from 0 rpm to max
I want to kill the megaretard who spread this meme.
>Muh aeros
>Ignores that it's a hill climb car that needs down force
>Extra engine for more of that
Do wrenchlets really?
Also it's like you faggots don't gel on how limited the aftermarket for 3/S cars is.
>extra weight is good because downforce
Do physicslets really?
>I was only pretending

Have you ever been asked who you voted for when buying a car or, in this case, a motorcycle?
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You'd think that's how it's supposed to work however I've lived long enough to see multiple popular vote winners lose due to electoral college shenanigans.
People actually register with political parties?
chink means chinese, not japanese. chinks are not gooks are not zipperheads.
In states with closed primaries, yes
popular vote also known as mob rule

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How to control my urge to speed? I hit over 120 today on an interstate and everything less just feels so boring now.
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Listen to appropriate music
Funny I was going to say get a faster car. Once your car is fast enough to push everyone else around you don't care as much about going fast just set your cruise control and guard your lane.
>I hit 75 mph now I feel like a big shot
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you yanks are a funny sort.
>if somebody does this and I have no space to overtake I will just sit right on their rear until they get annoyed and speed up or allow me to overtake
I just engine brake to slow down even more when someone does this to me. Better be paying attention cuz I won't be showing you my brake lights, fag.
i used to be like that then i discovered off-road motorcycle, now even speeding in cars feels boring in comparison so i stopped doing it

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How do I stop driving so recklessly? If a cop isn't around I will blatantly ignore rules of the road. It's going to get me in trouble sooner or later.

I'll floor it on back roads, run stop signs, run red lights and all sorts of little shit because frankly, I know when I can/can't get away with it. How do I stop?
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> I'll floor it on back roads
whatever, everyone does that
>run stop signs
>run red lights
You’re a fucking nigger
During low traffic times in some places the lights change to be flashing yellow for the main road way and flashing red for the cross road. Basically just become stop signs. Should be a thing everywhere
Pic related says no turn on red
the left is onto a one way street
so the only traffic to be thought about is apposing traffic
why the fuck is there no turn on red?
fuck forgot pic

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Currently looking for used cars. The vehicles I’m interested in are Honda CRV’s and Toyota RAV-4’s with low mileage for the year. Really trying to find one owner cars in very good to excellent condition. My problem is that all the low mileage cars I’m finding are being sold by Mexicans. Is this because Mexicans sit on marketplace all day trying to buy and resell these cars or are they turning back odometers? I don’t want to buy from a Mexican either way. I’ve been looking for over a month now and this is extremely frustrating.
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Your budget is reasonable as are your mileage expectations but you need to expand your search area and be prepared to jump on a plane to check it out and buy. You also might want to look at other similar compact utility vehicles, there’s a ton of rav4s and crvs in the market bit everyone thinks they’re made out of gold (also fuck that turbo engine in a cuv lol).
The average Mexican doesn't make enough money to do regular preventive maintenance. They will fix it when it breaks, unironically.
>im mexican and bought from a mexican
All of the other shit doesn't matter. You are brown and so he was so he offered you a fair deal. Brown Mexicans see güerito and they will try to rape their ass. As a Mexican of pure european descent and whiter skin than most SHITcanos, brown dealers have tried to apply the güerito tax to me and I speak fully native spanish. Fuck them.
Just get an E39, E92, or LCI E90 already.
>tfw just bought a 1 old lady owned 1998 corolla AKA GODMOBILE for 1800 with 200k miles, perfect interior, and just a bit of rust on the rear quarterpanels 2 days after crashing my beloved shitbox
>guy said he was selling it for some lady at his church because the engine was stuttering and the mechanic said it needed a tune up and a vacum leak fix
>runs good, everything works besides a door handle and the occasional stutter when taking off
>open up the hood and see the original 25 years of dirt and grime built up on the hood
>touch the spark plug wires and get shocked which confirms my suspicions, the spark plug wires are old as fuck and are arcing out
i feel so lucky i think i may have just won the lottery bros. i ordered some new plugs and wires and am gonna install them and see how she goes. i was specifically attracted to the listing because they said they prefer a call or text instead of using facebook messenger, wasn't trying to deal with someone younger from my generation because most of them don't care or know about maintenance and are wiggers. supposedly i was the first person out of 40 people who wasn't acting like a nigger and lowballing him for 300. stick it out OP, you'll find something. make sure to check all avenues.

automobile design peaked in the 80s and 90s
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>comparing base models
Goddamn lads. The E30 and E36 sport models both look incredible. E30 onwards is peak BMW and peak car design. E30, E36, E34, E31, E38
Love these, love the restomod version of these, love the facelifted 2nd gen with the flared arches, love the Pajero Evo, love the late 90's Pajero Mini. So much goodness from Mitsubishi and that was just their 4x4 line up!
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Mauritius blue with cream interior probably my favourite combo, looks great in darker greens as well.
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Really like the Dakar livery on these

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here’s mine

‘88 corolla, 4AF 3sp auto
103k miles on the clock, just rebuilt the top end & carb, converted to head studs and a few other things.
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you gonna suck him off?
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Unlikely. I'm monogamous. I just like to eat with company.
The wheels were a Marketplace find, I really like how they look on there with the wider than stock tires.
based xv10 enjoyer

How does double clutching actually work?
If you put it in neutral and rev it before shifting into a lower gear, I heard it aligns the gear shafts so the synchros don't have to do any work when you put it into gear.
But if it's in neutral isn't the engine disconnected from the transmission in the first place? How would doing anything in neutral affect something in the transmission?
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it probably doesn’t do a whole lot unless you’re doing something like going from 2nd to 1st like you stated. when upshifting, the fluid in the housing is probably slowing the main shaft down enough that the synchros aren’t doing a whole lot of work. I just use the brakes until about 1500 rpm then clutch one and brake in neutral til stop. I’m alrea do technically double clutched if I didn’t stop all the way and have to put it back into gear. I also don’t drive like a fucking retard doing 25 in parking lots so I don’t do constant shifting between the first three gears
>I just use the brakes until about 1500 rpm then clutch one and brake in neutral til stop
>. I’m alrea do technically double clutched if I didn’t stop all the way and have to put it back into gear
Same, but yeah there are situations where you need to turn and there's no stop sign, so you'll look like a retard if you stop and then go into first gear. So you legitimately need to downshift to first.
It's basically required to avoid granny shifting
>no idea I just float mine
>gear to neutral
>release clutch
>this syncs transmission and engine speed
>clutch and shift
>t. 8 speed unsynchronized
>>release clutch
>>this syncs transmission and engine speed
no it doesnt nigger it synchronises the input shaft with the engine but the output shaft is turned by the wheels

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good morning lads.

I want to install a spoiler on my car.
Suzuki Swift 2022 1.2
I'm based in the European Union

I found pic related on AliExpress. the price in brutal because it is apparently made in carbon fiber.

I've found similar spoilers for older Suzuki, extremely similar, I'd say identical. but for a much lower price.

so my questions are, if anyone here has installed a spoiler on Suzuki swift 2022:
- does the spoilers for the older models fit?
- does other specific cars spoilers fit?
- is AliExpress shit worth to check or it's a scam?
- does anyone know about other web stores which I can check for such parts?

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reminds me of the street legal go-kart cope.

> is AliExpress shit worth to check or it's a scam?
i would never trust aliexpress, especially for things that are made in carbon fiber. one of the scams is a fibreglass part wrapped in a thin layer of carbon fiber. get carbon pieces from reputable sources.
What's a rear spoiler gonna do on a front-wheel drive car, genius? Is your goal to improve your car or to install a spoiler? Those are very different goals that require very different approaches.

Personally I have found AliExpress products to usually be worth the money, e.g. they look bad and break easily. This goes for electronics, LEGO sets and clothing
>What's a rear spoiler gonna do on a front-wheel drive car, genius?

They have their benefits.
thank you truly man, I was not aware of the compatibility.

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>my truck is rwd
>front tires still wear out about 2x faster than rears
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my back tires are different size than my front tires
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>GM would like a word with you
>left rear to right front
I don't get it, won't the thread be backwards then? Tires are directional, at least mine are
Never mind you can of course swap the tires onto the wheels, I am stupid
if you're going to mount a W8 in a Golf 7 you probably wouldn't want the slushiest gearbox known to man to pair the two

So Hellcat engines are actually Junk?
I talked to a local tuner and he told me those 6.2L in the hellcats are very fragile and easily shit the bed.
dude is the go-to tuner in town, probably tunes 15 cars a week.
He won't even add boost to them because they blow up so easily.
The tunes are all timing and air fuel changes.

Apparently if you accidentally put 87 octane gas in a stock hellcat, it'll probably blow up if you push it hard.
How did Dodge manage to successfully shill that engine so hard?
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>front sump on a drag car
What does this mean?
When you’re accelerating hard, the oil is all going to the back of the pan. Sump should be in the rear if you want good oil pressure while doing 0-100 runs.

Although anon could be talking out his ass.
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u wot?

What state has the best highway patrol cars?
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Police agencies tended to replace their cars every 2 years or so back then. Different agencies also used different models from all of the Big Three and even AMC, and because cars got facelifts nearly every model year, there was never enough time to really build a cultural association with any one model. The idea of every police agency in the country using one single body style for 15+ years was unthinkable back then.

At most, 60s-70s Plymouths had a bit of a reputation for being cop cars, but that's about it.
>arrest some black guy
>put him in the back while you go to talk
>friends pop out of the woods and hotwire the car in .2 seconds because they've studied the ignition and security systems to death to streamline the process
>uhhhh yeah uhh dispatch can i get backup
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Georgia have a nice paint scheme, just not really fan of this stealth bullshit.
I have to respect how they keep the light and that stupid sign purely out of tradition. Except on this bitch.
Do sick drift turn in intersection, immediately get pulled over
me, Obviously not.
pig just wanted to look at my car up close.

The image that broke /o/
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nice bait anon, unfortunately for you i just shit myself
You don't live on the hill.
I live behind the gates.

>With a fully charged battery and a full tank of gas, the technology can provide a driving range of 2,100 kilometers (1,305 miles) CLTC
>The company’s PHEV technology, now in its fifth generation, achieves a record low fuel consumption of 2.9 liters per 100 km (62.1 miles), even after the batteries have been depleted (80mpg)
>The base price for the BYD Qin L and Seal 06 is 99,800 yuan ($13,775)

2 months ago, BYD announced that their Qin and Seal 06 hybrid models will use their latest powertrain, which is the most efficient in the world, giving it 2100km+ range. When this was posted on /o/, everybody claimed it was fake news and not a real technology.

This week, Toyota announced that they will use this new powertrain technology in their Corolla hybrids, so basically just selling a BYD hybrid car and slapping the Toyota brand logo on it.

What does /o/ think about this? Is Toyota getting scammed by this fake BYD technology? Or is this actually real?
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1300 miles on a tank of gas would be insane.
What does I think, is I think people like you should be skinned, quartered, hanged, burned and shot.
>What does I think
>Trust me bro this time the car will do exactly what it says on the flyer. Litterally every historic claim about mileage by manufacturers have been wrong but this time it's really real, I can feel it!
Hey Alexa, what is the Chinese government's stake in BYD?

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It doesn't matter how good /o/ was in the past or, more likely, how much you tolerated it.

It's never going to get better.

Like several other boards on 4chan, /o/ is themed around something you can be a potential consumer for.
With /co/, it's cartoons, comics & related media. Likewise with /tv/, probably /an/, /mu/, /g/ and etc.

With /o/, it's cars. Made by brands. Owned by corporations. As clients to marketing firms to supplement their own in-house public relations. For China, it is probably a high ranking member of the CCP who can have one of his accomplices in the correctional system have a group of prisoners make countless threads while a guard stands over them. Or a white monkey.

The ultimate point to this is, this board represents a market of consumers to influence the future purchasing decisions of.

You don't even have to like the product: Your vitriol against can be incorporated into the promotion of it, just like it had been with disney star wars.

So this shit's never gonna end.
When it was probably just less obvious before.
this is not a problem of 4chan, more of like a problem everywhere in the world including the internet. also i kind of doubt china cares that much about 4chan, they are actually busy making stuff. 4chan also isn't blocked in their country but chinese people don't use it since it's english
Are the "chinese shills" in the room with us now, anon?
On /o/ I pick my poison. I don't feel obliged to comment on a lot of posts. Just yesterday there was a thread bitching about kei trucks and even though I daily one, I couldn't be bothered. It's the same with EV shill threads. This man's only got so much enthusiasm for this.
This board is fine desu aside from that rental spec challenger nigger
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>reddit spacing
wrong he is based AS FUCK

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