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>see bmw coupe in the rearview mirror while driving my usg pikachu car
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>cruising in my diesel shitbox while a visibly nervous beamer nerd sits in tail
From what I could gather, I think pikachu means hatchback
>driving my diesel shitbox over a mountain pass bend while a balkanoid BMW gorilla overtakes me just before a truck appears
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problems take care of themselves, just wait for it to wrap around the nearest tree/pole
I think it's a too flashy car

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>makes a $200k Porsche go slower than your shitbox
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>Ah man, I love driving in north AZ
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Everyone knows they're slower than hatchbacks
rally is such a cool sport
everything else is fake and gay except for salt flat race

Owning a Scatpack is kind of like being a werewolf because both involve a powerful transformation. When you get behind the wheel of a Scatpack, you feel an immense surge of power and adrenaline, much like a werewolf feels during a full moon. The roar of the engine and the speed can make you feel invincible and wild, as if you're tapping into a primal force. Just as a werewolf must learn to control their strength and instincts, a Scatpack owner needs to master the car's power to handle it safely and responsibly. Both experiences are exhilarating and come with a sense of raw, untamed energy.
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Slow hands typed this post
ok dayum i be motorbated to get the z51 now
It's naturally aspirated which can be a plus for some
African's don't do regular oil changes or maintenance which is a big problem buying these things used. Also, tons of them went through repo after being beaten hard in their lifetimes or theft. Awesome cars, just need a special car fax to determine if they're worth anything.
I'd love to know which part of that post made you think I wanted a shitty old grandpa car

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The last good engine of our time.
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>timing chain at the rear of the engine for literally no reason at all
Bro posts an image of a pentastar and thinks we won't notice
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damn the B58 truly is the ultimate driving machine

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After taxes I'll be making $4.5k a month. I'm thinking I find an apartment for $1.5k and spend another $1k on bullshit which would leave me at $2k saved a month.
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Don't forget insurance.
can you work somewhere that's under $1000/mo rent?
Car loan interest is lower than stock returns.
You could probably get a 40k car or so financed around 400-500 a month. Adding gas and insurance you're looking like 600-700, about 15% of your take home.
Depending on your credit though, the rate on the loan can cost less than you earn from having the money sit in a money market account earning interest over the same period. However to keep the payment lower you’ll want o save at least 25% of the price of the car to put down.

This advice is too strict but any “how much car can I afford” calculators out there can be a bit too permissive. Be careful

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>be me
>dad sells me his 2004 Honda CR-V
>he's taken good care of it, done a bunch of work including overhauling the AC system because of a notorious grenade problem
>my god, it even has a spot for a custom molded folding table in the trunk
>commute an hour both ways every day
>driving into town, cruising down the highway, looking at phone like a retarded dumb fuck teenager idiot
>look up, standstill traffic approaching me at 75 mph
>slam brakes, swerve hard left
>clip two vehicles
>go into median, flip five times, come to stop upright
>open door, get out, assess damage
>I'm miraculously completely unscathed
>car is totaled

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Hell yeah that bad boy have a K24 in it?

They make some pretty good cars, even if they look a bit awkward.
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A truly european brand.

Reminder that the oldest car still running is french.

I can confirm french treat their cars like absolute dogshit. It’s odd, because they’re so fucking poor and maintaining a good resale value would help them out the most.
>Because with a very few exception, the French make cars the way people though the Japanese make cars. Econoboxes that are under built but cheap. While the Japanese turned out to have overbuilt their cars, the French forever stayed under building them, resulting in them having trash quality.
>aluminum chassis
>plastic bodywork
>no creature comforts, windshield optional
>Clio Williams drivetrain in the back
>somehow the Spider is only 20kg lighter than the Clio Williams, which is a fully equipped hot hatch
French engineering everyone
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>critics score vs audience score
what were they thinking?
my nephew drew a car he's a good kid wouldn't want to hurt his feelings let's get it to production
These are written by the same people who need a robot to open their so|lent bottles.
It looks like a Batmobile if Batman was gay.
A Gaymobile if you want.

Before there were crossovers, there were Italian kei cars
Reminder that Kei cars exist to fit within a regulation, italian shitboxes of the 60s were just meant to be as cheap as possible, with the 500 famously having a soft sunroof to save on metal.
OP is a retard
And Kei cars were limited to 360cc

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What do you think of no name supercars?
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SSC is American
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Enjoyed them in the 00's when prototypes had to be built but now they're all just AI generated ponzi scams
Nobody cares and neither of those points were being argued in that reply. Fuck off.
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Gumpert Apollo Sport was pretty rad.
It mogs your shitty aussiefag britfag shithole

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What color is your bugatti?
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That ain't no Ginger Billy, I want no car he wanks off at.
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They're all kind of a bluish grey I guess
What color is your father?
andrew tate knew his dad, unfortunately hes black.
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slow piece of shit...i can smoke the fuck out of this in my 1994 EB hatch with a couple of simple mods:
10 point cage with Parachute
spec-R full drag suspension
Fuel cell with -8 lines from tank to motor
1 044 bosch pump
1200 rc injectors
golden eagle sleeved block
cp 10:1 pistons
Eagle rods
arp headstuds
oem h22 headgasket
Balance shaft delete
competition clutch twin disc
Port and polished head

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I finally got one of these. It's fun, exactly what I expected.
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Froge :3
Based closet rapist car
Based pedo vehicles
rapist/10 :D
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Those have been worth money for about 15 years now, short downturn after the end of production and then values shot back up.
Funny cars though, Renault "just" put a Laguna front axle in the front of a Clio, and then added another one+engine in the back. Exactly how some people build cars in their backyards
no wonder they fucking oversteer and understeer at the same time

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Beautiful interiors
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Did the designer sneeze when he drew the steering wheel?
could be best interior of all time ngl. sure there are better like lc500, aston 77 or bentleys. but this is just right
what's with the cock pillow?

Never hear much about them
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Acura can be OK. It's always come across as corporate rental car energy though. After the 2nd owner or so they get fucking beat. I'm not even sure why you lump Kia in that group
Acuras are shit. Any car that can't last two owners is shit.
If anything the Kia doesn't belong there because it's more reliable then the rest of that trash.
Noticed a couple of q30s in my area - looks decent.
I really liked the way the Q50/Q60 looked.
They were """outdated""" in that they didnt have horrendous ipad screens glued to the dash.
But they did have reliability problems with the turbos.
Big NA v6s were too good for this world i guess.
>what should I know?

It’s a 370z, mechanically identical down to the frame, chassis, and suspension geometry. G cars are just build on longer frames. You can still mostly use all the same parts. But sedans are a bit different from the Z and G coupes. They’re for a different buyer demographic and usually have softer suspension and engine tunes with slightly less power.

T. 400,000 KM G35 5 speed auto that I have just fed maintenance items. I rebuilt the suspension too. Not hard at all with an air impact.

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buying a 2011 challenger srt8 with a manual tranny
Youre a man that enjoys the simple things in life
A big engine making big power without turbochargers
A transmission operated by the driver and not a computer
The rear wheels get all the power and the front wheels are for turning only
No fake vents or angry pikachu face design to intimidate others

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