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Happy Veterans Day. ITT we discuss offroad vehicles, trails, and how freedom isn't free. God bless the troops, and god bless your transfer case.

Previous: >>28071157
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Yeah I have a German surplus one and its awesome
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i just use a plain ol shovel
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Well I sold her. Found another liberty guy local who bought it.
F or S?
Probably S for the reacharound.

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I don't know or care about car performance and don't even want to bother researching about them. I just like the way they look
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Experience will readily correct that point of view, especially when getting around a world alpha city by Uber. In general, high-performing cars look good, especially on longer looks.
We just had our first squirrely weather of the year and I can tell you that you would probably be dead in a ditch in that.
I'm all up for fun cars but that would be a nope right now.
It's made for getting around tight city streets and it's perfectly adequate for that.
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Yeah but no but our tight city streets yesterday would see rats gnawing on your bones today.
Neat little car. Deathtrap this week.

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In particular what cars do women seem to find interesting or sort of attracted to??.
>sport cars
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Women buy wranglers, immitation wrangles (bronco, bronco sport) and other off-roady type vehicles for vacations and beach parties they will never go to.
>t. salesman
Oh man I think my favorite color is green now
>one told me sedans give her the ick
Into the trash she goes
Girls always like cute old cars without exception. New gaudy muscle crap like >>28108753 is a clear sign of poser for them.
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Pic is all you need

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What are some cool race tracks for public use in the US?
Bonus points for kino roads nearby so I can have fun on and off track when I visit the US next year.
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Thanks for recommendation fren!
The PNW is high up on my list
just don't stay forever.
we are full.
full of crazy pink haired lunatics and Trannies.
luckily Track days tend to scare those types away.
>stay forever
don’t worry fren, I have friends and family in my kraut shithole and trump doesn’t want me anyway
All tracks have a very shirt time period when they're open to the public (with bolt cutters).
Also, how that race park near Salt Lake City? it’s said to be fairly popular

Are there any beautiful, fast, and heterosexual cars on double bones for under, say, $50k?
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I am a motochad so not truly concerned with fast anymore. Hetero and beautiful are non-negotiable thoughever.
>maccas on front
USG turkshit, lmao @ that wheel gap

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Why are you not running Kings?
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PENSKE are superior for road cars.
easy to maintain.
easy to rebuild.
quick access to the shock guys for questions on set ups.

ohlins are ok, but are a bitch to rebuild.
jRI can be based depending
JRZ seems like shit to me.
Bscause KYB gas-a-just already are king.
What are some other cheaper decent brands of coil over shocks? Thinking of building a figure 8 race vehicle, and would like to put decent shocks on it, but also don't want to cough up too much money into something that might get wrecked first time out...
>Why are you not running Kings?
Regular shocks work fine for me. What I need is higher spring rate, which was fixed with a bunch of spring rubbers.
Figure 8 tracks are all about massive engines to blast through the intersection.
It's flat track so suspension setups are just to slide around the turns and will be completely dependent on the angle of that specific track and vehicle you want to run- you're not going to get "this is best brand" until you get those squared away.
They typically tend to be the bastard child of a dirt oval car and crash derby land yacht.

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Previous. >>28090758
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seems like as they went into the 70s, they got obsessed with looking European, and stopped looking British.
my understanding is that strikes destroying their productivity, and terrible reliability ruining their reputation is what bankrupted them, but the stately 60s cars would make you okay with them breaking down all the time
That Rover with a jet engine in it would have been qoite lovely. Lots of leather and walnut inside and ... all the other thinggg.
Fucking Lloyd

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And here is why:
1. No traffic jams, free roads you can croooze or speed on endlessly
2. Having any car gets you laid instantly, you become a pussy magnet the moment you get behind the wheel
3. No brown retards on the roads because a license takes rigorous testing to obtain
4. All cars are well maintained because they are hard to get so owners take good care of the instead of treating them as disposable trash
5. Yes cars take long ques to buy but its worth the advantages described above
6. Yo ucan even become a racing driver on gubmints money, just start off as a taxi driver or something simmilar
So, why arent you fighting for the proletarian revolition yet, c/o/mrade?
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This man is a terrorist
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Just because my vehicles scare you doesn't make me a terrorist.

such sarcasm would work 15 years ago . But in 2024 way too many morons in west believe in that .
Most likely east euros which have unhealthy butthurt with ruskies and communism can't pass on any kind of bait that includes those.
There's 2 kinds of eastern euros, those that seethe immensely about anything Soviet and those who absolutely adore that shit.
Both agree it was shit

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Uhh so modern cars are coming with superhuman perception. What now?
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Yes. There's 2 types of knowing it knows. 1) something occupies space-time (blob of certain size/shape) 2) that something has a shape/size/speed that resembles a category they know (bike/car/truck/person/animal)

The first type is what the car understands and drives around with. The 2nd type is what it visualizes on screen for humans to understand.
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Is this what kids want now? I keep my row of gauges thanks.
>It blows past yield signs at full speed
this is how you're supposed to treat yield signs, you only slow down if, you know, you need to yield to the right of way traffic, but if you can merge seamlessly then there's no reason to not continue at full speed
Technically yes but practically no. You need to be prepared to stop if you need to. The car doesn't. It doesn't understand the concept. It assumes it's safe to go without looking to see if it is, and if it wasn't, then there would either be a collision, a hard brake, or someone very pissed off in the other car. See as humans we can predict traffic behavior. We can look and see the car with its blinker on and know it's about to exit and yield to it. We drive proactively. Autopilot might see the car but it won't know what the car is going to do and it can't alter its own travel path in anticipation. It can only drive reactively. It won't yield to the other car when it's supposed to. It will only react after the fact to avoid a crash. For this reason I don't think camera based self driving systems with ever be viable. The cars need to have some short range communication system so the exiting car can say "hey im exiting, cars on the service road need to prepare to yield to me" and then the other cars can, without having to violently slam on the brakes or swerve out of the way
To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer

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When you see a beige car, do you think poorfag? I'm kind of fond of them myself.
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>a surplus sleeping bag and a cat plushie I won at the arcade

Pics now! I want to see this because it sounds humble and neat.
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When I see a beige car, I think of my grandma and grandpa. I grew up in the back of a gold/beige looking Town Car and that shit was super comfy.
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Agree. Brown is under-rated.
I've always called that color mustard. Very seventies.
I will cuddle you.

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>$240k porsche 911 gt3 rs
>$10k pontiac fiero with a $5k porsche body kit and $225k in mods
which would run a faster time at the nurburgring?
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I mean, if they were as good as you believe they are then why didn't they sell like you believe they should have? Talk to me about this.
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this guy is midnight method
You'd want to use an '88 as that has the improved suspension that the fiero was supposed to have day 1

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Where the fuck can I get this shit for cheap? I'm getting charged $150 an oil change right now over this special junk.
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WTF from Toyota uses this shit? Just look up what oil they use for your vehicle/engine configuration overseas and use that. The only reason they use that water thin oil in the US is because of the draconian mpg and pollution laws here.
Just use 0W-20
You can put up to 10W-30 in.
i like how the manual for burgers will specify 0w-8 or 0w-20 or whatever, but then in the rest of the world it has a regular chart suggesting what viscosity to use based on the typical ambient temps the owner may see. it really is just bullshit emissions/CAFE regs
The shit part is though they will probably deny any warranty claims if you do use the higher non us approved weights.

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What are the most common ways car dealerships try to screw you over? Some of the most common are those nitrogen air in tire upgrade, etc. What else do they try to upsell you on or try to sneak in to take more money from you hoping you don't notice and say yes?
Lots of places do nitrogen tire inflation for free with new tires
i asked one of these places if they have moisture filters on their tanks
the guy didnt know
literally the only benefit to filling with nitrogen is to eliminate moisture inside your tires
emptying air and replacing it with nitrogen does absolutely fucking nothing as the tire has bunch of moisture inside.
Probably bribe the mechanics with beer or something, and the service writer with funko pops.
Watch out for the upsales when you reach the finance office. If you have a super pushy sales guy you might be arguing with him for hours haggling down the price of the car only to get hit with thousands on an extended warranty and extras you don't need before you even realize it because you're so dead tired from the previous negotiations. Sneaky fuckers.

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Not going to go deep into the backstory but here are the basic details:
>uni grad but degree is useless
>was a Audi tech for 1.5years as temp job after graduating
>locked out of chosen career options due to disability (didn't anticipate it being as big of a problem as it has been)
>really getting desperate for a stable job having recently moved states
>only real skills I could make a job is being a wrencher
I worked as a quick service tech at an Audi dealership and within months of hiring me, they wanted to move me up to the advanced training group and get me on Audi's fast track training program to get me into the main shop. I declined because I knew I was going to move soon and I hated being a tech. In retrospect, I hated it because I was quick service and Audi aren't the easiest to work on, t. the senior techs.
If it comes to it, I'm not entirely opposed to becoming a tech again. My only qualifications is being a DIY wrencher and working at Audi. Don't have any ASE certs or anything like that. If anything, I could get a job at a quick service shop while I study for ASE certs to broaden my job opportunities. I've heard that being a fleet tech is the best way to go. That true? Being a tech at independent shops is ass and being a dealer tech is a bit better, but you have to bust your ass all day to make good hours based on what I saw at Audi. If being a fleet tech is out for whatever reason, and becoming a dealer tech is the best I can land, what brand would be the best to go for/least shitty to work on?
Fleet tech or go diesel if you can… or heavy duty off-road. Pretty much all of those blue collar gigs are still hurting for guys. If you did some work at the Audi dealer, you have a decent shot. Look for municipal jobs too, like most cities and park districts and bus transit authorities have fleet shops, pay pretty well with good benefits. The upside to working for a fleet compared to a mechanic’s shop is that you’re mostly going to be doing PMs and simple parts swaps, they always send out big jobs to the dealer, and those places often buy most of the big tools so you only need the basic stuff and don’t have to spend $23k/yr on the tool truck for every specialty VW and Toyota and Chevy tool plus your Snap On scan tool subscription. And the fleet shops are likely going to be hourly, depends on how you work as to whether that’s good or bad, but at least it’s consistent and you’re not getting recall jobs that pay 1/3 what they should.

Seems like average around most places for basic car techs will be like $20-$25/hr, but diesel techs that honestly have an easier job are doing $30-$35/hr and more in demand right now.

Worth checking out your local electrican, HVAC, and plumbing unions. IBEW and Pipefitters? Double time on Sundays all day!
Very informative, I really appreciate it. I’ll mull it over and think about applying to some fleet positions. My county currently has one open for a truck/heavy equipment tech. Worst they say is no, best is they offer to train me and get me certified in stuff.

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Hey guys, I am a 30 year old male and I am wondering what car to buy that will help me get a girlfriend. What is a car that is sexy to women I should buy? I have a fusion right now and a girl told me that it looks like all other fusions. I want to stand out to find a proper mate. Any advice?
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This. I don't know why men think that just owning some material thing will just magically attract anything except a gold digger
Anything that can indicate that you have money will give you at least a chance with fickle women. Otherwise, I have had a ton of mid/low tier cars and never once did the women seem to care. They might if I was driving a beater in my older years now but not the case for me.
it's the same retards that think height and money will get you a GF.
life ain't that simple.
>I've only dated uggos
We know anon
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incel response.
Seriously, I pity you faggots who've never had a women love them.

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