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Is this a good turbo? It says DENSE on it, I've seen that brand mentioned in /o/ videogames.
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But this is not turbocharger
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What a retard, this is what turbos look like
You're right, it's actually a pencil sharpener
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no, 8 year old me knows it better
that circular thing is the turbo
obviously that's where you cook the pie. why else do boomers call it the pie tin

VW has over $100B in debt, is firing hundreds of thousands of workers in Germany, and is shutting down auto plants or considering selling them to Chinese auto companies. Now, India is taxing them $1.4B for fraud.

What's the future for VW?
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Wrong on both counts.
>pajeetas are pretty cute.
sorry faggot shes married to mr pajeet at $(MINIMUM_LEGAL_AGE) fcuking chase another brownoid but not indians you retard
>I'm convinced Modi has something on every Western politician for them to want them as migrants
Anti-White, anti-Muslim, and anti-China. If you're a zionist occupation government they are like the ideal bulwark against nativist isolationism and your migrants 1.0 going off script.
>What's the future for VW?
Getting all their assets sold to China.
>not the against nativist isolationism
way to insert yourself among high iq races ahmed but unfortunately youre still an inbred shitskin

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So vibrations and sounds are what constitutes as soul? Also Toyota has the fake stick shift gear as well.

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So Ev's are literally just vibrators now? lol
worse, they're like those fleshlights you jerk your cock off into instead of having sex with an actual woman. they can make it feel as close to a real pussy as they want, it's still fucking pathetic, and the more they put into the experience to try to trick you into thinking it's real the more it eats away at your soul.
Legacy car companies will add in fake trannies inside the EVs as well to give gas car migrators their tranny back.
kek, who is surprised that the first thing this faggot ass benchracing ricer types about is other men's dicks, lmoa
What really bugs me with EVs and driver engagement is that they don't try to do anything new, they just pretend to be ICEs. EV drivetrains open up Anton of options for new types of driver controls. Most EVs are capable of torque vectoring, why not have dual accelerator pedals to control power to the sides of the car separately, so you can do crazy turns and one wheel burnouts? Or potentially allow for regenerative braking on one side at a time or something cool like that. Emulating ICEs will never be cool, but there's so much EVs could do that would be unique and new

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Why can a dentist that had to go to school for ten years charge $150 to work on your teeth while a mechanic that possibly didn’t even go to school needs the same amount of money to change your oil filter?
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wrenchlet tax simple as
Because changing an oil filter is more work than taking a look at some teeth?
its literally how business work. you seethe because you dont want to change your own oil despite making it seem like the simplest thing ever. well if it really is that simple why dont you do it? if its not that simple well they can charge whatever they want to do it for you. its obviously not $1000 simple, then everyone would diy it. but its $150 simple, its how they ended up at that price. some end up crying like you others are just happy to get it done. they could probably do it for $50 but then they make no money so why even bother?
most general dentists can produce $3-4k a day and their cut (after overhead and paying into the practice if they aren't an owner) is like $1k a day.
supply and command, buddy

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Was it good?
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>12th gen
12th gen is a lie. It's a refreshed 11th gen. It's as much a generation change as a brickbnose is over a bull nose. They're the same truck diffrent styling ams updated engine options.
my neighbor had one, old man who worked with his hands his whole life. Financed the thing and died a year later.
Trucks are a little weird in America. People will pay a premium for a VW with an Audi badge or a Toyota with a Lexus badge but they would never pay that markup for a Cadillac or a Lincoln truck. Yet people will pay $100k+ for a luxury trim normal truck.
The Blackwood at least had the DOHC 5.4L, navigation, rear HVAC and fancy power tonneau and other stuff no F150 at the time had. The Mark LT was just an F150 with a chrome grille.
This thing was so cool. No 4WD or AWD was kinda stupid though, kind of ruined the use case for it (Nice vehicle for winter when you live in the boonies)

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How do I wash my rusty shitheap? Im fucking tired of getting my hands dirty every time I touch anything on my vehicle, but Ive heard that if you try to wash a rusty car youll end up with a sieve on wheels. What do I do?
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Bathing in strong acid , but has few disadvantages .
Go to carwash, pay $2, drive fast to dry car.
Then rattle can whatever color you want.
Try pressure washing it, that way you have the least hands-on contact possible. Spray the rusty spots down with Fluidfilm afterwards unless it's somewhere you're going to be touching. It's about all you can do.
With water and soap like anything else dumfuck

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Sent my truck in for diagnosing a ticking noise. Mechanic says it’s a rod bearing in a 3.7 Chrysler engine. The rest of the drive train and body are good. What am I in for?
Its over
Rod bearings don't tick. Get a second opinion.

This. Once you hear rod knock you never forget it
Yeah they make a noise but it's not a ticking noise

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>Look up a engine wrenching tutorial videos on youtube
>The guy tells you the model of the car he is working on
>No mention about the engine

The car model comes in different engine and even petrol and diesel model
>Video made useless

Why do so many of them do this?
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>driving a car that has a diesel option
>not driving something with multiple engine displacements that share the same architecture
You brought this upon yourself.
Skill issue
what use are even the wrenching tutorials?
You have your car infront on you, literally just explore it. Look at the parts, how are they held together? what size is the socket? remove them, put them back in wtf
This. The only thing tutorials are good for is interior parts so you know where to pull to be less likely to snap clips.
videos are so annoying
yeah watch this 15 minute video instead of reading a forum post for 20 seconds

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>first production car with 1000 hp
>first production car that goes 250 mph/400 kph
>one of the few cars with 16 cylinders
>childhood dream car of the last generation that used to have childhood dream cars
Therefore the most legendary car is

Ford T but the close second is Ford Mustang. Veyron is the third though.
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Not as impressive today when it's only making 125hp per litre turbocharged.
>it's only making 125hp per litre turbocharged.
Yeah, I hate it when the engine isn't on the ragged edge at all times being held together with hopes and prayers.
What color is your Bugatti
What color is your rental car?
do why did this>>28259092 lose value,
but the C7 ZR1 gained value?

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VW is good for their 4 cylinder economy shitboxes, that's about it
Even the 4 cylinder economy boxes are unreliable overcomplicated trashpiles now, the last time they had a good simple engine was when they were still building the 2.slow
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So why commit your time and effort in to keeping these pieces of shit on the road for people who really don't deserve to be driving lol. You literally enable faggots wrenchlets for peanuts and in exchange for your health instead of letting them burn.
my mk6 Jetta won't lock with the key fob I have to do it manually. is that the door locks or the key fob needs to be programmed?

Why did zoomers kill the station wagon? I'd like me a camry station wagon but zoomer faggots wouldn't buy them.
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Nothing major AFAIK, great cars. Markus you a honorary (real) European (Skandinavia, and Germanic countries).
>Boomers had peak muscle and luxobarge
>Xers had peak Euro and lifestyle
>millennials had peak JDM/tuner and neo-muscle
>zoomers have
actually what?
That's not a problem as I already love flashing my high beams and would lay on the horn before the pressing the brake pedal (my horn died and I don't feel like replacing it)
In that case I just might get a V10 wagon. They really don't make em like they used to
>buy new "wagon"
>less space than a fucking sedan
another psyop thread trying to turn gen z into nazis, zoomers weren't born yet when wagons started dieing

kinda cool but i hate skoda interior quality

is britbong quality any good?


b6, pathetic, go buy b5

Hey doc, is it gonna be alright?
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i hope you got dirty filming this stupid video for your stupid thread
heh..yeah.. thatll show him…
this, but unironically
whats all that fluid?
Oil of course. Turned out to be just fuel pump, made a new gasket and now its all good

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Can you import a fiat panda to the US? Has anyone attempted/done this?
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I see your Panda and raise you Oka
Mfs are almost free
It depends where you live, slurs are eminently regional and sometimes a regional slur gets promoted to italian proper. Cafone, bifolco, zotico, villano are italian words that mean more or less "uncouth". There is no slur for meth or crackhead since they are basically non existent here. Drogato is the generic slur for druggie.
I suggest you import the original Panda 30 (as in 30 hp). It's a pussy magnet.
Yeah I see them all the time

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Fuxking chink trash everywhere on my car reee. How about we build ana ctual car with MECHANICAL things instead of evil command units playing C&C over a chink wire!?
Engines are supposed to have magnetos not gaytracing 90000watt silicone cookers running everything, what the fuck is a battery doing in a car?????
This shit isn't even profitable, chinks literally pay money for ECU niggers to make them. It's affront to Ford himself!
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Your "engine" cannot even into flying an Albatross with 80 octane fuel, lower your tone when you speak to your superiors
>more nonsense
im in my mid 30s and have owned 4 cars, 2 of them being shitboxes. never had an ecu die.
leaded solder has exemptions where it can be used, particularly in high vibration applications of which a car is one. and by virtue of it generally being cheaper, manufacturers use leaded solder whenever they have an opportunity to.
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Based. Can't be put in limp home mode if I don't have an ECU. Checkmate atheists.
>extend the caliper using the scan tool

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Those things need to be age and gender specific.
Think about it logically, when should me, a male at the hieght of my physical fitness, respect the same speed limit as a 75y old grandma?
I'm being oppressed, those things are sexist as fuck.
shut the fuck you dark fuck, go to uganda or the bush. Stay the fuck out of Japan, stay the fuck out of Europe. Disgusting filth

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