>first production car with 1000 hp>first production car that goes 250 mph/400 kph>one of the few cars with 16 cylinders>childhood dream car of the last generation that used to have childhood dream carsTherefore the most legendary car isFord T but the close second is Ford Mustang. Veyron is the third though.
>>28256536Not as impressive today when it's only making 125hp per litre turbocharged.
>>28260963>it's only making 125hp per litre turbocharged.Yeah, I hate it when the engine isn't on the ragged edge at all times being held together with hopes and prayers.
>>28256539What color is your Bugatti
>>28261572What color is your rental car?
>>28260843do why did this>>28259092 lose value,but the C7 ZR1 gained value?
>>28261086VW is good for their 4 cylinder economy shitboxes, that's about it
>>28261152Even the 4 cylinder economy boxes are unreliable overcomplicated trashpiles now, the last time they had a good simple engine was when they were still building the 2.slow
>>28261086So why commit your time and effort in to keeping these pieces of shit on the road for people who really don't deserve to be driving lol. You literally enable faggots wrenchlets for peanuts and in exchange for your health instead of letting them burn.
>>28261102my mk6 Jetta won't lock with the key fob I have to do it manually. is that the door locks or the key fob needs to be programmed?
Why did zoomers kill the station wagon? I'd like me a camry station wagon but zoomer faggots wouldn't buy them.
>>28252833Nothing major AFAIK, great cars. Markus you a honorary (real) European (Skandinavia, and Germanic countries).
>Boomers had peak muscle and luxobarge >Xers had peak Euro and lifestyle >millennials had peak JDM/tuner and neo-muscle>zoomers haveactually what?
>>28258498That's not a problem as I already love flashing my high beams and would lay on the horn before the pressing the brake pedal (my horn died and I don't feel like replacing it)>>28259830In that case I just might get a V10 wagon. They really don't make em like they used to
>>28255113>buy new "wagon">less space than a fucking sedan:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
another psyop thread trying to turn gen z into nazis, zoomers weren't born yet when wagons started dieing>>28243736kinda cool but i hate skoda interior quality>>28244141is britbong quality any good?>>28248710cool>>28250905b6, pathetic, go buy b5
Hey doc, is it gonna be alright?https://files.catbox.moe/dvj5kl.mp4
>>28260341i hope you got dirty filming this stupid video for your stupid thread
>>28260876heh..yeah.. thatll show him…
>>28260878this, but unironically
>>28260341whats all that fluid?
>>28260884Oil of course. Turned out to be just fuel pump, made a new gasket and now its all good
Can you import a fiat panda to the US? Has anyone attempted/done this?
>>28258817I see your Panda and raise you OkaMfs are almost free
>>28259955It depends where you live, slurs are eminently regional and sometimes a regional slur gets promoted to italian proper. Cafone, bifolco, zotico, villano are italian words that mean more or less "uncouth". There is no slur for meth or crackhead since they are basically non existent here. Drogato is the generic slur for druggie.
>>28258817I suggest you import the original Panda 30 (as in 30 hp). It's a pussy magnet.
>>28258817Yeah I see them all the time
Fuxking chink trash everywhere on my car reee. How about we build ana ctual car with MECHANICAL things instead of evil command units playing C&C over a chink wire!?Engines are supposed to have magnetos not gaytracing 90000watt silicone cookers running everything, what the fuck is a battery doing in a car????? This shit isn't even profitable, chinks literally pay money for ECU niggers to make them. It's affront to Ford himself!>DESTROY ECUs>SHORT CIRCUIT ECUS>BLAST AN EMP DIRECTLY ON A CIRCUITBOARD OF AN ECU>BARGE INTO AN ECU WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER>INCINERATE ECUS>EXPLODE ECUS>REWRITE THE SOFTWARE TO SAY NIGGER ON AN ECU CONTROLLED RADIO/TABLET>REWIRE ECUS TO YELL NIGGER IN MORSE CODE IN YOUR LIGHTS>10000000 YEARS OF CHINESE HUMILIATION FOR ECUS
Your "engine" cannot even into flying an Albatross with 80 octane fuel, lower your tone when you speak to your superiors
>>28260995>more nonsenseim in my mid 30s and have owned 4 cars, 2 of them being shitboxes. never had an ecu die.
>>28260357leaded solder has exemptions where it can be used, particularly in high vibration applications of which a car is one. and by virtue of it generally being cheaper, manufacturers use leaded solder whenever they have an opportunity to.
>>28259743Based. Can't be put in limp home mode if I don't have an ECU. Checkmate atheists.
>>28260774>extend the caliper using the scan tool
Those things need to be age and gender specific. Think about it logically, when should me, a male at the hieght of my physical fitness, respect the same speed limit as a 75y old grandma?I'm being oppressed, those things are sexist as fuck.
shut the fuck you dark fuck, go to uganda or the bush. Stay the fuck out of Japan, stay the fuck out of Europe. Disgusting filth
Do Americans even import these things for work related purposes or is it literally all just GayDM fanboys from the suburbs ricing the shit out of them and only using them for hooning purposes while simultaneously shilling them as the le ultimate work truck because the latter is the only shit I see online.
>>28260751No they fucking aren't. Why does this meme keep getting parroted? No farmer would ever bother sourcing parts for a 25 y/o shitbox when they can buy one of the readily available UTV's with readily available parts.
>>28260754>go on fb marketplace>citrus farmers selling busted up kei trucks because they cbf to fix them and just buy another used one.
>>28260756Oh of course it's you fucking retards in Eurofornia doing stupid shit like that. No wonder you parasites need to suck the teat of America.
>>28260756If that doesn't sum up Americans I don't know what does.
>>28260690Super common in Australia. Here's Coasters for sale here. Might be some ideas for your build.https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-cars-vans-utes/toyota+coaster+motorhome/k0c18320?sort=caryear_a&view=gallery
good websites to buy dirt cheap cars in poor condition?looking for a beater car to work on and fix up
>>28260932Copart but it's a nightmareFacebook marketplace is where you can get stuff where people just want to get rid of nonrunning cars they know nothing about.
>>28260980No thanks. Old friend of mine got shot in the hood trying to buy some molly and ended up with becoming partially paralyzed, but nice try at being funny, you're real fucking clever. Got me laughing real hard over here.
>>28260985Thank you.
>>28260932>dirt cheap cars>in poor conditionlol, the automobile economy is in shambles
>>28261041did the nigga really need directions to go to facebook and copart
Post them
>>28260381wrxs are Ugly, Slow, and GAY as FUCKJust get an LCI E90 N54 335i already godsdamn
>>28260381Low IQ car
>White mans chariot >brown gf included
S550 Mustang>RWD>V8>manual>no gay tablet screen>huge aftermarket >Coyotes love boost>low mileage 2nd gens for $20k, 3rd gens $30k, beaters for $15k
Post cars that are popular with the black community
>>28260492Are they?
>>28261089>brown skinkek, as usual
>>28260492I wish the gollywogs were optical illusions.
Should you have two commuter cars in case some bullshit repair/accident happens?>inb4 comprehensiveLiterally could buy multiple beaters for the cost
>>28260799Problem is i need two row seating for kids and not abysmal gas mileage since my job is 50 miles one way>>28260810Good to hear insurance isnt expensive. Ive never had more than one car at a time so I'd like to not panic when something happens to my dailyAlternatively, has anyone had any luck purchasing through auctions?
No you shouldn't. your insurance should give you a loaner while its being fixed
>>28260796>his cars aren't all commuter carsIt's like you hate having a working car or something
>>28260801you can commute in pic related, that doesnt name it a commuter.the idea is that when you dont need the capacity of the truck you drive something cheaper and more expendable. something you dont care if you crash or dent, something that runs on fumes compared to the gurgling truck.
I simply don't commute
This is what they took away from you
I purposefully added more rocker switches and analogue dails to my carsFuck touch screens I just turn it off
how tf do i navigate
>>28257834Audiences love full power to weapons.
>>28259025slop means it's done badly, regardless of who, what, or where, regardless of if it's good or bad.if you're going to put ten thousand buttons in at least make it cool like a plane cockpit or something.
>>28257799What does the B<>2 selection do?
>>28247692>15" wheelswhy does everything have to be shitty 19" wheels with rubber band tires now?
>>28260179Man I love the look of the S/V90s, I'd love to get one when/if this P* decides to die. I'm curious how the electric RWD feels to support the mechanical FWD.I also really should replace the tires and maybe even the wheels on it, it's just got some old all seasons from the last owner, and the driver front wheel has a dent from a prior accident that I don't think can be fixed.
>>28260880Cigarettes and stale sex? Yeah.
All the dash and canter console lights being red on black backgrounds was perfection for night driving. Yes the color scheme in the photo sucks.
>>28260880Mine was a very tasteful blue, but the same design, with maybe a little less shag in the carpet. And I can damn well guarantee more men have gotten laid driving a conversion van than ever have in shitbox car in this thread.
>>28257770hideously large logo on steering wheel