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Not going to go deep into the backstory but here are the basic details:
>uni grad but degree is useless
>was a Audi tech for 1.5years as temp job after graduating
>locked out of chosen career options due to disability (didn't anticipate it being as big of a problem as it has been)
>really getting desperate for a stable job having recently moved states
>only real skills I could make a job is being a wrencher
I worked as a quick service tech at an Audi dealership and within months of hiring me, they wanted to move me up to the advanced training group and get me on Audi's fast track training program to get me into the main shop. I declined because I knew I was going to move soon and I hated being a tech. In retrospect, I hated it because I was quick service and Audi aren't the easiest to work on, t. the senior techs.
If it comes to it, I'm not entirely opposed to becoming a tech again. My only qualifications is being a DIY wrencher and working at Audi. Don't have any ASE certs or anything like that. If anything, I could get a job at a quick service shop while I study for ASE certs to broaden my job opportunities. I've heard that being a fleet tech is the best way to go. That true? Being a tech at independent shops is ass and being a dealer tech is a bit better, but you have to bust your ass all day to make good hours based on what I saw at Audi. If being a fleet tech is out for whatever reason, and becoming a dealer tech is the best I can land, what brand would be the best to go for/least shitty to work on?
Fleet tech or go diesel if you can… or heavy duty off-road. Pretty much all of those blue collar gigs are still hurting for guys. If you did some work at the Audi dealer, you have a decent shot. Look for municipal jobs too, like most cities and park districts and bus transit authorities have fleet shops, pay pretty well with good benefits. The upside to working for a fleet compared to a mechanic’s shop is that you’re mostly going to be doing PMs and simple parts swaps, they always send out big jobs to the dealer, and those places often buy most of the big tools so you only need the basic stuff and don’t have to spend $23k/yr on the tool truck for every specialty VW and Toyota and Chevy tool plus your Snap On scan tool subscription. And the fleet shops are likely going to be hourly, depends on how you work as to whether that’s good or bad, but at least it’s consistent and you’re not getting recall jobs that pay 1/3 what they should.

Seems like average around most places for basic car techs will be like $20-$25/hr, but diesel techs that honestly have an easier job are doing $30-$35/hr and more in demand right now.

Worth checking out your local electrican, HVAC, and plumbing unions. IBEW and Pipefitters? Double time on Sundays all day!
Very informative, I really appreciate it. I’ll mull it over and think about applying to some fleet positions. My county currently has one open for a truck/heavy equipment tech. Worst they say is no, best is they offer to train me and get me certified in stuff.

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Hey guys, I am a 30 year old male and I am wondering what car to buy that will help me get a girlfriend. What is a car that is sexy to women I should buy? I have a fusion right now and a girl told me that it looks like all other fusions. I want to stand out to find a proper mate. Any advice?
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This. I don't know why men think that just owning some material thing will just magically attract anything except a gold digger
Anything that can indicate that you have money will give you at least a chance with fickle women. Otherwise, I have had a ton of mid/low tier cars and never once did the women seem to care. They might if I was driving a beater in my older years now but not the case for me.
it's the same retards that think height and money will get you a GF.
life ain't that simple.
>I've only dated uggos
We know anon
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incel response.
Seriously, I pity you faggots who've never had a women love them.

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>Tesla's vehicles have the highest fatal accident rate among all car brands in America, according to a recent iSeeCars study that analyzed data from the U.S. Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS).

>The Tesla Model S has a rate more than double than average, at 5.8 per billion vehicle miles driven; meanwhile, the Tesla Model Y — the best-selling vehicle in the world has a fatal crash rate of 10.6, nearly four times the average. It ranked as the sixth worst vehicle overall.

>The study's authors make clear that the results do not indicate Tesla vehicles are inherently unsafe or have design flaws. In fact, Tesla vehicles are loaded with safety technology; the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) named the 2024 Model Y as a Top Safety Pick+ award winner, for example.

>So, why are Teslas — and many other ostensibly safe cars on the list — involved in so many fatal crashes? “The models on this list likely reflect a combination of driver behavior and driving conditions, leading to increased crashes and fatalities,” iSeeCars executive analyst Karl Brauer said in the report.

tl;dr - tesla fanboys have no clue how to drive and think the car drives itself kek
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>Used Teslas are going to be a total nightmare
Wait till they end up in the hood on their 6th owner
We'll have high explosive hazards running all over the hood
This is what I was thinking. What other major car brand only sells cars with <4.5s 0-60 times?

That being said, Tesla owners are the new Audi/VW drivers. Guaranteed to drive like complete cocksuckers are Tesla, VAG, lifted bro-trucks, and Nissans with tinted windows.
>nigs parking a soon-to-explode tesla in the "opps" "turf"
>Tesla drivers skew towards men (74% vs avg 53%)
>Tesla drivers skew towards Whites (81% vs avg 58%)
This just confirms that white men are the biggest chuds of the road.
Despite making up just 13% of the tesla drivers, blacks cause over 50% of accidents

Post your rage

Pic related, it's my newly discovered coolant leak. Bonus points if you can identify the car.
Looks like an easy fix to me.
In theory yeah but it's a bellwether for every other rubber hose on this car. They're at the age when they're going to start leaking from dry rot.

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How did Tata drop the ball so hard with Jaaaaag?
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Their resale value was always shit no matter how much Clarkson and Top Gear hyped them
Serves you right for having high expectation from pajeets
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It died cuz it is a pajeet car.
thank god indians don't actually interefere with the design, production or really anything at all to do with the creation of the cars

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God damn that sounds like shit
glad we live in the current era of 4chan lol
All of Jewdom got bottlenecked down to like 1000 individuals a few centuries ago so they just have a ton of fucked recessive health issues.
its like how asians wear glasses more than whites
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Yeah I love this new era of 4channer that hates anime, loves shitty meme templates and can't shut up about how non-white everyone is while being non-white themselves.
panda5 was right for the most part except it wasn't really the "same shit" because you have to read in between the lines to see the differences in site culture from then compared to now
the other anon is completely wrong

just about every single oldfag will tell you that this place was much better pre-2012 (from what i've seen) but that doesn't mean it was perfect because problems will always exist, it's just that those problems have grown to such a gigantic size now that they dwarf the positives of this site
there were no captchas, there was no 4chan pass, there was no 900 second wait time to make a post
there's that famous chart on here showing 4chan traffic over the years and what it showed was that the traffic increased multiple times over because of the 2016 election
let's not even mention the enormous influx of pajeet posters with the cheap mobile network incentives they've had access to over the past 5 years, so that's one more thing shitting up the site

of course i'm talking about many different boards in general, not just /o/

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Say something nice about an unpopular brand or vehicle, even if nobody would agree with you:
I'll start:
>Nissan interiors are actually pretty good, especially compared to Ford or Chevy cars around the price point
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A large shift lever makes zero sense when all you need is a selector switch.
This is like a rocket powered shopping cart and I want it bad. And no I will not buy a Mini cooper.
I like the Corvette c8
Because it's very existence calls them out. They know all their towing and hauling could have been accomplished by this smaller cheaper vehicle. Man I wish truck drivers would just admit that they want to spend a lot of money for something they just like but I guess that's a feminine idea. And everyone knows truck drivers are all very masculine
You got it backwards. Men do things just because. Women need an excuse, even if that excuse is a sale or that they need to cheer themselves up. People that justify their impulsive purchases are women. Especially if that purchase increases their debt.

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Jaguar XJS has a bad rap but from I can see they are misunderstood and suffered from the transition from carbs to fuel injection and people generally hating to work on electronics.

Want one so bad
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There's a company that does a restromod XJS.
You might have to wait 25 years to get one.
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I bought one where the problem had been solved.

Apparently the i6 v12 are also dogshit

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rain edition!

>Milkcrate mounting solutions
>Motorcycle news (its cold, and wet)
>RIP indian, gn125, gaymoo, pink horny
>r7 r9 bad
>HYB posting
>class, plug


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Got lazy, microwaved the bread

No one go to that thread
What the fuck, moto guzzi questions, risitas, r6 baby talk, tumbleweed, that german dual sport, hotwing.
Some things never change huh
Fatwing btfo kek, LAMO ELEVEN
I can go to motosport.com and get OEM fairings for way cheaper.

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anyone else a delivery driver for amazon? i hate my life and don't want to go to work tomorrow. and my lower back hurts
also like 95% minimum of my coworkers don't speak english and are retarded
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Makes sense.

My brother in law is American and one day I said that my back hurt and he immediately said i needes better shoes to support my lower back. I was like "No you cunt, someone dropped the end of a 2x6x16 between my shoulders and cut me the fuck up yesterday".
What other jobs are there like this?

Fedex you need to buy the truck
Ups it's a 5 year wait
Amazon just sucks
Private currier?
I work for a small company that delivers food to restaurants. Usually 10-30 stops a day. I don't hate it.
i've been desperately searching for driving jobs that pay similar. i just can't find anything
medical courier

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Cash for Clunkers is unironically the worst thing that's ever happened in the automotive world, and it's not even close.
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On one hand, c4c was like $3bb total. In the name of the coof hey printed literally $ trillions.
On he other, c4c used that money to directly and intentionally lower the supply of used cars, whereas Trump Bucks etc. were just sort of injecting cash to wherever pretty much anyone cared to spend it.
I suspect that the scamdemic had a larger nominal impact on car prices, as hyperflation ran it's course, but c4c had a larger inflation adjusted impact.
Im about to do this with my shitbox clunker survivor ranger
Not the worst thing that happened to the automotive world if you are the manufacturer or Nancy Pelosi.
>Cash for Clunkers is unironically the worst thing that's ever happened in the automotive world, and it's not even close.
No, that's CAFE for artificially killing entire vehicle segments through bullshit fuel economy targets while forcing everyone into pickups and lifted station wagons.

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My logic goes if I’m gonna drop ~60k on a car I might as well get some cool shit I actually like, how much would I be raped by maintenance costs and insurance premiums and things of that sort? I just really like the look
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that's not so bad for air struts. why, how often do you replace your car's struts? even rovers only need it every 6-7 years or so
Shite ugly car, not reliable, money pit
steel is flexier than aluminum, so it absorbs more vibration, making the ride quieter, this is for Bentley.
It's also cheaper to manufacture, this is for VW
Cool car. If I could, I would.
Yes. The maintenance will put you in the poor house. For the cost of a 10-year old Bentley Continental GT, you can get a CPO Lexus LC500 that fits a similar "country club grand tourer" driving experience and won't have a $5k+ part shit the bed within 6 months.

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What's the best 4x4 capable 2025 pickup that isn't a super truck like the raptor or ram rho? What brand is making the most reliable pickups on the road today?
>ai slop
This, a Hilux, or an LC70 series. All things that are forbidden in burgerland.

Of the domestically made trash, Ford is still the best bet overall. GM engines are OK but their rust issues are horrific. RAMs are unreliable at best, and non-functioning at worst.
Ford 5.0 is still a solid engine, aluminum bodies don't rust, you just roll the dice on quality control with your truck. If Shawniqua'rius was feeling particularly bloated with ribs that day she may have forgotten to tighten some bolts or fasten a loom correctly, might be in for rattles or wiring shorts down the line.
>Ford 5.0
who says this
Sadly it's probably your best bet for a half ton engine.

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Looks like a next gen Bronco.
Works fine on my machine, bro. I made the reservation without any problem.

Way too late to the party. Its been winding down.
Those German plants have been on borrowed time for a decade or even longer. They pay their entry-level assembly line workers more than what doctors and consultants earn in large parts of Europe, and that's before the bonuses and benefit packages, all negotiated by one of the strongest workers' unions in the world.
Maybe they could sort of afford this when Volkswagen was Das Auto, the one famous car brand that everyone everywhere could buy knowing what they'd get, and they hadn't yet gotten screwed by Dieselgate and trying to compete with all the other brands making disposable plastic software platforms.
Wonder how those unions of theirs are going to react to what must be done.
I like the idea behind it and it looks sleek, but the fact that it's a VW AG product is probably a bad omen since their only brand that's remotely competent about QC is Porsche.

I feel the same way about it that I do about the Ramcharger, even if I'm inclined to cut it a little more slack. It's a cool idea on paper and looks slick, but I want to see receipts and real-world usage data before throwing money at it.

Pay up, Chud.
the turnkike is jersey's biggest scam. Pay money to be stuck in traffic when you can take route 3 17 or 46 and get to where you need to be for free
>land of the """"""""""""free""""""""""""""
>NJ Turnpike
>pic is garden state parkway
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>implying toll roads only exist in America
>implying there are no alternative routes
Why are euros like this?

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