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There will be a day in America where every remaining LLV's Iron Duke will fall silent, never to rumble down the streets again.
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besides money, there's nothing keeping anyone from reverse engineering parts right now.
woah its almost like nissan has models that aren't the altima, retard-kun
not in your lifetime pal

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I have a scanner, what's some things I should be looking out for? Other than check engine codes
Fluid leaks
I used to mess around with an ELM327 while driving. It's kind of a meme. You don't need all this information. Here's what I used to run though.
All those seem pretty relevant for a shitbox. I don't always keep it while driving like that though, pretty smart

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Redpill me on the 1991 Mazda 626.

I wanted to get a cheap 30+ year old car with A/C, and one of these has turned up local(ish).
Go ahead, buy the 30 year old car with limited parts availability. Surely nothing can go wrong.
not bad, mazdas before jap bubble burst weren't that bad

and didn't rust that fast

I literally had 1986 mazda 323 and for 6 years in had 6 owners, nobody took care of it, had blown headgasket and still ran well. Even the rust wasn't that bad
why are you asking /o/ for permission to buy a car
typical /o/ wrenchlet pussy kek
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I daily drive a turbo 323 about 48 miles a day for the past 5 years unless it's snowing or raining hard. Mazda seems to have more parts available for the 626. Check rock auto closeouts and stock up on the essentials, like suspension components (I lucked out and found rear struts), CV shafts, clutch, gaskets, interior pieces. These cars have plastic weaker than a dollar tree water gun. Things will break, and scalpers will destroy you if you're not smart about it. Consider getting a parts car if you have the space. Use ZDDP additive if it uses hydraulic lifters. Flush all fluids. Clean and regrease everything you can get to. Replace upper and lower radiator hoses and thermostat. These cars are nearing 40 years old, and the rubber is trying to return to the earth. Otherwise, Mazdas of that era can be very reliable and it will make you smile

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>Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck she's dead
Wat do?
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a change in the weather…
Pretend you're a tranny, change your name to Kaitlin and wear size-13 high heels.
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>size-13 high heels
>non animated gif
fuck you

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Just got a quote from Safelite for replacing my windshield, and they said a 600 dollar calibration is necessary. I really dont want to pay for this shit.
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Yeah, well im in Northern NM, but Albuquerque is where ya gotta go to get anything like this done. So it is actually like important to do this service?
My car does not auto steer/steer assist. It does have lane assist but i keep it off, it will just beep when i go over lane. Only thing i use is cruise control, which cams will detect and brake if a car is in front of me.
Should've bought a shitbox
Of course. But if you like being a cheap negro who does not want keep all your car capabilities then be a cheap negro
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>replace windshield
I hate the antichrist

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I'm starting to realize this was a horrible mistake.
How the fuck do I fix this?
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I prefer to make the jew seeth by denying it interest payments.
>how is this so normalised
Has 08 taught you nothing you stupid heeb?
That’s cute. I pay over 5k tax every two weeks in this commie hell hole.
Even after the 08 crash, as long as you didn't default on your mortgage and lose your house, your home has likely increased in value a fair bit, unless you're a rural moron expecting rural property prices to increase like suburban or urban housing.

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so every time i read any discussion about cheap cars online, everyone trashtalks fiat for being unreliable and badly made

my family has had multipla, panda(s), and 500(s), and they have all done exceptionally well. all passed 20 years of age with less than 3k in repairs over that time, worked reliably, and were all round fun to drive. they never were destroyed, just sold to upgrade to a newer model

parts are cheap, the cars are cheap, they look good, and they work. multipla is polarizing but hey its basically a minivan in SUV form factor, plus could get it with both gas and CNG tanks (which halves your fuel cost in europe)

so, why the hate? if they are treated badly they break, just like anything else, but driven relatively normally (never go over 100mph, smooth braking and acceleration, etc) they do just fine, they're not luxury cars after all

is it just that fiats outside italy are treated worse or have worse servicing than the local 65yo mechanic that is also a gas station? i agree the 500 is a little more problematic than the panda, but it's literally the more "premium" small car (less cargo, more wasted space, more expensive, more "fashionable")

and yes, id rather have a multipla than a PT cruiser. imagine how many heads you'd turn, picrel, literally got that "hand drawn by a child" cybertruck vibes, except its late 90s
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They're not built to last. I had a Panda 169 4x4 for a few years. Lots of funny stuff like rear dampers that wear out so quick you could replace them annually. No real underbody coating, some wax that covered only half the seems it should have covered. Shifter boot came apart, I replaced it, ripped again within 3 weeks. These cars are just big "fuck you" to whoever makes the mistake of buying them. Put it through another safety inspection to sell it, front end was really worn out for just 80k and it started getting crusty already. Sold it to some italians kek
I replaced the Fiatwith a really cheap and much older Impreza, much better car in every possible aspect, I even got the same fuel economy out of the Impreza 1,6 as I got from the diesel Panda. And getting spares was much cheaper and easier than Fiat shit
TL;DR: Just shut up and buy whatever Yaris you can afford.
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I've mostly heard good things about modern FIAT reliability.
They also made a pretty cool rally car once upon a time.
For me its the, timing belts, window winders, door handles, shift linkages.
mein gott who did they task with creating such abominations.
incredible that a german would criticize repairability, have you looked at your own cars? always so complex for little or no gain
i don't care where those things are, the repairs are cheap, labor is cheap, parts are cheap, quality is no worse per euro spent
Not a luxury or sports brand so just like VW it is completely unknown in the US. And good thing to be honest. Burger influence destroyed all other euro car manufacturers.

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