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File: oil-change.jpg (38 KB, 600x400)
38 KB
if my car burns oil do i have to change the oil or can i just keep filling it up with new oil?
If it's just losing oil within normal bounds , just top it up between changes.
You still have to change the filter
Put motor honey innit
You should. There are bad still suspended in the oil. Adding new clean oil doesn't make the bad stuff go away.
That’s actually my piss
>or can i just keep filling it up with new oil?
if you wanna grow coal in your crankcase
The oil burning is putting even worse stuff not intended to ever happen into the oil you still have. So technically you'd need more oil changes more often.

At the least if you're gonna do the "fuck it" method,
Still change the oil and filter on time.
Why is it so viscous?
fill it up between changes to keep the oil at a recommended lvl but you eventually need to change oils, to remove some dirt and allow your engine to live longer
and they said fossil fuels aren't renewable
just use cooking oil
my kidneys are failing
you still have to change the filter, which lets all the oil out anyway.
Yes you're still running oil. If you're burning 5 quarts of oil in 5k you have bigger issues.
I think that needs to be even more explicit:
OP, if you are burning oil, you have to go old-school and check your oil at least every time you fill your tank. And top it off to at least the mid line and no higher than the max line. Yes, you will be the only person at the gas station doing that. And you still have to change your oil at normal intervals, and old school 3,000 mile oil changes are not a bad idea now either
let it burn all the oil then change the filter.

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