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For the last 4 1/2 years my brother and I have been restoring this 1979 Ford Bronco. Bought it off a guy in northern MN who saved it from a rotting barn.

Ask me anything.
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bump for more retardation
I agree with everything you said.
Were there any moment where you spoke to yourself 'man the original owner of this thing deserves to die if they didn't lready for this solely'?
That's clearly body filler.
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Are the Ti Veloce verions of the Giulia any decent or just cope? There are better or just comparable cars in the segment in terms of performance, but with improved creature comforts and reliability.
Only thing keeping my attention is the "Ferrari designed" marketing, and the unquantifiable driving dynamics. Am I to believe they designed the Quadrifoglio with an incredible suspension and chassis, and simply swapped the differential and engine or a few other things here and there, and just sold that car for much less?
These seem to be going in the mid 20k range all day for some pretty well optioned Q4s, are the "driving dynamics on level with a porche" actually worth it, or is it another bullshit buyer remorse talking point? This thing is in the same segment as the G70 which stomps it by 100hp not to mentioned improved interior.
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you absolutely fucked up, not even getting a newer platform 3 and sticking with the ancient floppy platform 6
>I would say I'm somewhat hesitant as I live in Ann Arbor and we do get snow and salt
aluminum suspension, covered aero-friendly underbody, really the only thing to worry about is abrasives kicked up by cars in front of you and that's what PPF is for
Serpentine belt removal on the V6 model


Artificial difficulty. Car is made for gatekeeping.
It has a proper suspension, unlike BMWs, and it has better steering (BMW has probably the worst steering in the world). So it’s basically a 3 series BMW without the worst aspects. Seems clear to me why some people might want one.
Took a 4 cyl auto Giulia for a long drive about a year ago. I thought it was a great chassis both in the twisties and on the highway. No squeaks or rattles in this used example. My only gripe was that it was too quiet inside and didn't sound like old Alfaa I remember and love.

/SQTDDTOT/: /QTDDTOT/- Stupid Questions That Don’t Deserve Their Own Thread: Please help me Edition.

im trying to get month to month insurance in california and some agents keep offering me $50 plans with a ~$300 sign up fee. and some are like $60/mo with no sign up fees. where are these fees coming from? insurance broker taking their cut?

also some agents have offered next day insurance, some have the 14day wait period. where does this come from? how can i filter it out?

also is there an option for when i am away from my vehicle for 6months of every years? can i "pause" my insurance?
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correct. but a few (4-8) bubbles are normal if the cooling system was never properly bled. a better way to test that second method without making a mess in the engine bay is to use a spill free funnel and start the car, then investigate for EXCESSIVE bubbling. EXCESSIVE. but that’s just my retardation trying to play it extra safe.
If I wanna upgrade from the jap and korean shitboxes I'm used to to a C5 vette, would the cost of ownership be more reasonable than one would think? Aside from having to use premium gas and the inevitable insurance hike?
I have 5 wires, 3 from a 3 way switch - black brown and blue, and positive + negative power. I want to wire this up to a motorcycle headlight that has 4 wires - black red yellow and blue. How would I go about this so that the 3 way actually works?
Get a wire diagram and a multimeter. Without knowing why you want a three position switch connected to a lightbulb that may or may not have different brightness settings, what do you expect us to say?
Why does everyone tell you to not lube brake seals?

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How to control my urge to speed? I hit over 120 today on an interstate and everything less just feels so boring now.
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>if somebody does this and I have no space to overtake I will just sit right on their rear until they get annoyed and speed up or allow me to overtake
I just engine brake to slow down even more when someone does this to me. Better be paying attention cuz I won't be showing you my brake lights, fag.
i used to be like that then i discovered off-road motorcycle, now even speeding in cars feels boring in comparison so i stopped doing it
Unironically took the CROOZE pill not too long ago. Going the speed limit with the windows down and just enjoying the music is comfy. People get pissed because, surprise, no one actually goes the speed limit from the 1950s.
Yea! I can't think of anything more dangerous than speeding!
Valentine G2
ALP hw8 with TX heads front and back
Night vision googles and a full dark killswitch on your fusebox

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for me its my custom chevy s10 with a reproduction typhoon twin turbo motor with tuned intake and exhaust ports, headers, o2 sensor delete, speed density computer, NOS, 3 speed muncie transmission with a granny low, all billet internals, custom aluminum block with nanite carbon steel cylinder sleeves, distributor delete, and a 403 computer
If owning a 335i makes you a sloppy seconds enjoyer, i wonder what owning a civic is
They wouldn't be one if they're the original owner, retard-chan.
>The model was introduced in December 2004,[8]

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>time to buy a new car
>have $50,000-$70,000 to spend
>end up settling on a white SUV
What goes through someone's mind while this happens?
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yeah if you're old and don't look after your body
If you're sitting low, you are staring at bumpers. If you sit higher, you have better situational awareness. You can see either over top of or through the vehicle in front of you, see what lanes of traffic may be opening up, see possible congestion, see someone slamming on their brakes 3 cars ahead etc. Maybe not perfectly but better.
The real question is why do retards always insult things they don't understand?
I'm middle aged and in really good shape. I still don't like climbing down into a low vehicle. Especially after a leg day or a weekend in the mountains. Not to mention sedans are impractical as fuck.
that's why i drive a wagon. an unintentional bonus is that i can park in loading zones here without getting a ticket kek
i don't get the seeing over other cars thing though. if you're in a peak hour traffic jam there's really not much you can do but just crawl along with the vehicle in front of you. and if you're going down the interstate, just keep a safe following distance and practice the usual defensive driving method of assuming everyone else around you is blind drunk or pants on head retarded.
>You can see either over top
Not if everyone also drives a cuckover
>through the vehicle in front of you
Wouldn't be a problem if most people weren't in cuckovers
It's literally a self-perpetuating issue

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I have a 02 lexus ls430 with 128k. Its recommended premium but u can get away with putting 87 octance its vvti. I dont care are the hp decrease but would i save money putting 87 instead of tbe 93 that i usually put?
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y u hurt 3UZ?
it be ok op don't worry
<3 :3
it'll run on 87, but it'll run like shit. expect it to feel more sluggish, and seem to be even thirstier.
Check club Lexus a few people have done this.
You'll get about 5 mpg less and the knock sensor will be pinned to the tits.
Given the current spread of gas prices you'll looking at about using another 4 gallons per 400 miles which at 3.50 for regular will be about equal to premium.

Tl;Dr no there is no way to game your BSFC by going to a lower octane.

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The French used to make really cool cars. I'm particularly fond of the Citroen DS. Makes me think of the Jetsons.

>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions.
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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he claimed that the bondo was just being used as seam sealer but i think I wouldve primed before applying it cause on vertical surfaces water will get under that shit.
taller ball joint more neg camber. usually need a tubular upper arm that will help with clearance issues. theres also bumpsteer tierod kits to also help caster. on the extreme end of it some will also replace every bushing with a heim joint.
i remembered nodarperformance has a camaro, watching it all again. he's rigging it up with a rx8 front end, googled it and rx8's are $1000 cars. I feel *really* bad about buying a sn95 for road course now. im not sure yet how i feel about not building the S10 instead, it wasnt even 3k lbs with me in it last time i was at the salvage yard
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god this would've been the perfect autocross car except for the recirc ball steering.
what was mazda's thought process there? it was 1979... rack and pinion steering wasn't exactly high-tech
well the only rx7 in my budget is a clapped FC and i know nothing about wankels, it completely skipped my mind these are practically consumer grade enthusiast cars, i was all soaked into the adjustable caster shit and dummy thicc tires the c4 has, why's the rx8 weigh 3200lbs? the engine is only ~250lbs of that

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what went wrong?
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thats a good sales pitch
>Dealer markups
>Supply issues
>Underwhelming performance compared to the competitor which is cheaper
a fucking tv as a gauge cluster
Is the 400 rarer than the LFA or something? Why has no one seen them? I'm still catching R35s here and there.
There's two at my local dealer, the ADM is reasonable at least: it's a full PPF wrap.

What would it take to have a 360 view / birds eye view seamlessly integrated into my car?
I'm expecting:
>make use of existing rear camera
>add side mirror cameras
>add front camera
>all wired to central hub which connects to infotainment
>one physical button can turn it on and off
For curiosity i got quoted $3,500, but I was expecting like $1000 or less :P
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i didnt really want that feature but the thought of having poverty blanks was worse. i use it and like it even though its low rez.
>existing rear camera
All you need is a way to stitch the input signals and then output it as one signal. A raspi would be good enough

How does double clutching actually work?
If you put it in neutral and rev it before shifting into a lower gear, I heard it aligns the gear shafts so the synchros don't have to do any work when you put it into gear.
But if it's in neutral isn't the engine disconnected from the transmission in the first place? How would doing anything in neutral affect something in the transmission?
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>I just use the brakes until about 1500 rpm then clutch one and brake in neutral til stop
>. I’m alrea do technically double clutched if I didn’t stop all the way and have to put it back into gear
Same, but yeah there are situations where you need to turn and there's no stop sign, so you'll look like a retard if you stop and then go into first gear. So you legitimately need to downshift to first.
It's basically required to avoid granny shifting
>no idea I just float mine
>gear to neutral
>release clutch
>this syncs transmission and engine speed
>clutch and shift
>t. 8 speed unsynchronized
>>release clutch
>>this syncs transmission and engine speed
no it doesnt nigger it synchronises the input shaft with the engine but the output shaft is turned by the wheels
It's also necessary to avoid the 100 shot of nos blowing the welds on the intake

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Cadillac has unveiled the Sollei, a luxury coupe concept based on the Celestiq

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It's based off the Celestiq and that is already in production. If anything this will just be the convertable option.
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Interior. Mind you, the entire thing is 100% customizable.
>>Cirque de Solei
>>circus of the Sun
>lol circus
Did you think that you are clever?
Yeah, but that pic is objectively based.
They did and realized no one would care enough to buy it

Return to simplicity (for an estimated €3,500,000 - 4,200,000)

>inspired by the success of the Porsche-based Glöckler specials of the early 1950s, Porsche set out to construct the company's first proper racing car. Although stripped out competition versions of the VW based 356 had proven moderately successful, the team in Zuffenhausen agreed that a more specialized machine was required to continue their racing success. Despite the limited funds and time available, two separate programs were initiated at the factory. Ernst Fuhrmann was in charge of designing a competition engine (project 547) and Wilhelm Hild headed the development of a new chassis (project 550).
>There were only a few months available for Hild's team to construct the new racer for its scheduled debut in the 1953 24 Hours of Le Mans. The design was very similar to the mid-engined Glöckler, which was equipped with a modified 356 drivetrain reversed with the engine between the driver and the rear axle. A simple steel tube ladder frame was created with six cross members. The front and rear suspension were similar to the production Porsches with some small revisions to handle the expected higher load. The brakes and wheels were also sourced from the 356 parts bin. Two chassis were constructed, but with Fuhrmann not ready yet, a 356 1500 Super engine was fitted.
this is what the chinese should be making. subjectivly simple tube chassis, power nothing, and like a 150hp motor with vintage styling. they could squirt out a car like this for less than 5k
cute, would hoon, would put pedal to the floor on every liftoff
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Be careful out there, anons.
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>advertised price 30k
>out the door price 40k
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Taxes never do. Funny, that.
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>buy dealership car for first time in my entire life
>they want 15k
>talk them down to 14.2k
>total after all is said and done is a tad over 17k
umm janjans?
I called like 10 dealerships none of them would give me a price lol.
Then don't buy from any of them. I drove almost 400mi for my current daily, but it was the cheapest in the state and I got in and out in an hour. Obviously easier, since I didn't need financing.

A single organization is behind the kei car bans in various states: American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators or AAMVA


>The AAMVA is a lobbying group that rose to notoriety in JDM owner circles when one of its internal documents was cited as a reason for banning kei trucks in Rhode Island.
>The AAMVA has yet to be formally linked to bans in some states, though there is circumstantial evidence of association with multiple other states’ bans. That June 2021 document that laid the groundwork for the Rhode Island campaign was authored in majority by people from states that have also banned kei or JDM vehicles at large, or placed some level of restrictions against them.
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They won't even let you drive the pod. You'll ride it and you won't own it. Bugatti is literally making this and the CEO is openly saying in interviews how the common plebs won't be owning cars, so they'll be renting automated pods from Bugatti.
Rich people have had this retarded fantasy for going on two centuries now. Much like Blackrock trying to buy a bunch of single family homes then play landlord it just doesn’t work, people don’t buy in. I mean yeah a few urban bugmen will literally chug basedlet, not even have a drivers license and Uber everywhere and get their tubes tied so they can spend all their time at the beercade but by and large it just doesn’t happen.

This has as much to do with cultural preference as it has to do with the technology simply never being good enough. It’s pretty rare for shit to really live up to the hype, airplanes, smart phones, the internet these are the exceptions not the rule. The self driving rental pod that keeps you poor and not owning anything sounds great until they actually have to deal with owning it themselves.
I keep hearing people say that, would you mind citing the laws you're concerned about? It doesn't have to be explicit, but a citation I could read for myself would be great.


Because chinks are scum and they make EV garbage. Japs are frens and they make neat stuff.

The jew fears the samurai.

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