If you won this would you keep it or take $220,000 cash?
>>28260747I was really bummed when I saw the targa was just a hard top
>>28260732Not to discourage you, I had a couple coworkers who bought Porsches and thoroughly enjoyed them, 997 CS2, 986 and 987s’s and a couple with the vr6 cayennes but for me the juice was never worth the squeeze. Just for reference when I was at tech school they said the median income of our customers was around 540k annual, and that was only recently lowered because the base model macan brought in all “the poor people”. And that’s a like a 70k car, so those “poor people” macan buyers were around 200k annual salary.
I already have a couple of porsches, so I'd take the cash.
>>28260124Cash. Porches are for homosexuals.
take the money and buy a boat. fuck cars.
What are some edgy stuff i can out in my car to show everyone how dangerous i am? prefereably no racist stuff since i dont wanna get my car keyed by niggers pic rel: i wanted to put a noose in my rearview mirror but i couldnt find one anywhere online for sale
make your own fucking noose lmao
>>28261076impotent, wrenchlet, faggot, your car is auto-only
>>28261076>a piece of small rope you can tie by yourself >where can i order one online?the absolute state of men on /o/
i think they overreacted with the halo. there had been no f1 incident the halo could have improved the outcome of in the prior 20 years. yet in the years since it's introduction, the halo supposedly saved approximately 5 lives? really? i don't believe it. if i were an f1 driver, i would gladly trade some safety for not having to be seen in today's hideous cars. aesthetics are a valid part of motosport.
>>28261763You stupid nigger, that's exactly what I've been saying all along. You get used to it, your brain filters it out and interpolates the nearby image over it. But those tricks only make this coherent for your vision, they don't show you that car hidden behind it because you can't actually see it.
>>28261695A tire slamming into the helmet is what killed Senna and all of this stuff provably prevents incidents like that from ever happening again. We can even draw parallels to Schumacher. The helmet kept him alive, sure, but didn't stop that rock from doing what it did.
>>28261708>slim carbon fiber slat protects from flying debris
>>28261791>slim carbon fiber slatWho's gonna tell him?
>>28261756you're almost never looking directly ahead of you, and you still have excellent visibility out to a few thousand feet
Post ITT what kind of car you want, and any other details about it (new/used, area, type, what you wanna do with it, etc.)and /o/ will TRY to help you.
>>28260787NARB, designed by japs for turks and balkans.
>>28257622Lotus Europa
>likely to last two years with no catastrophic repairs>can sleep a 6ft tall man in the back>$7k budget, midwestern usaim going to be moving around a lot for the foreseeable future and would like to have something i can live out of for a few days at a time. Is there anything i should look for that isn't a toyota matrix? i just want something as uncomplicated as possible.
>>28261111Now this is a based request.https://www.carfax.com/vehicle/2V8HW44139R5507502009 Volkswagen Routan S$5,999• 98,163 miYou can take out the 2nd row seats and fold row 3 down to get pic related and then it's very easy to sleep in.
AWD, Diesel, over 190hp, preferrably manual.For daily driving, so should be comfortable, but at the same time shouldn't be so heavy that it's like a boat to drive.
This car is the best that superior German engineering has ever produced. Efficient, affordable, revolutionary materials and it sounded good too.
>>28258685>apple userChecks out.
>>28258685I occasionally see themdid all cars from that era used to reek so much?
>>28258685>newfags believe those don't rust out because outer shell is cardboardsage
>>28261365yes, thanks to the 2 stroke injun
>>28258685This communist junk post doesn't work considering western Germany had something that looks and is light years better in every way
How well did vehicles from this decade age?
>>28260509everytihng in that eara ages like pretty shit>honda: oil control rings enhale oil>toyota: oil hose explodes, trans fails>nissan: trans fails, car rsuts out>domestic: shitfuck bailout shitcunt fuck fuck>hyundai: throws rodi balme emissions
>>28260509It was the best of times
>>28260509>PoorlyVisually these cars have the worst interiors in the history of automobiles, even including the eras without interiorsFunctionally they're fine, not as nice as some other eras but certainly better than shitscreen slop. As a bonus they're less creaky than the pervious decadeExteriors are a step down from the previous decade across the board, just more 90's soapbars without the visual coherence thanks to niggerproofed front endsAs a car they're neither as fun nor as good. Economy cars get worse MPG than their 90's counterparts thanks to regulatory bloat, manual transmissions start disappearing, decades-old bulletproof engine platforms are gone by this point too. As for some good, power output is much higher by the end of the decade, similar to the power gain from '90-'99, while MPG for larger vehicles improves somewhatIn the end, 00's vehicles are generally bland and show some signs of overtechification but are otherwise solid vehicles, especially compared to the 80's emission disasters and 20's techslop eras
>>28260986Don't forget>mazda: rusted through (unless you live in a desert)Some German cars were ok-ish during the era. People still drive around on those 2000s VW diesels designed in the 90s; shit just doesn't break if you replace the water pump at some point.
>>28260509My man eveyone is broke like half of the cars on the road nowadays are from this era or even older and most of them seem fine so i think it's too soon to judge
Apparently these things are fucking awful to daily (for normalfags), so why aren't they cheap?
>>28260243>hencho en ching chong.
>>28261480-slower-has the same engine, albeit de-tuned-heavier
>>28261032>My brother was having emergency heart surgerytbf I can't think of a better reason to be caught doing twice the limit. Fair play to the bobby who let you off with essentially a slap on the wrist.>Love your classics, absolutely based.Danke~>>28261408Yeah... think I'm up to 6 now? 7 if you count the truck. Classics in particular are just so damn tempting because the insurance is mega cheap, the tax is free, and if they're over 50 years old then they don't even need an MOT.
>>28261032ive no idea why they cost so much down under. probably a combination of rich people's toys and I KNOW WHAT I GOT-ism
>>28261401anon you're replying to a troll
Is this a good turbo? It says DENSE on it, I've seen that brand mentioned in /o/ videogames.
>>28261419But this is not turbocharger
>>28261419What a retard, this is what turbos look like
>>28261614You're right, it's actually a pencil sharpener
>>28261630no, 8 year old me knows it betterthat circular thing is the turbo
>>28261762obviously that's where you cook the pie. why else do boomers call it the pie tin
VW has over $100B in debt, is firing hundreds of thousands of workers in Germany, and is shutting down auto plants or considering selling them to Chinese auto companies. Now, India is taxing them $1.4B for fraud.What's the future for VW?
>>28260037Wrong on both counts.
>>28260037>pajeetas are pretty cute.sorry faggot shes married to mr pajeet at $(MINIMUM_LEGAL_AGE) fcuking chase another brownoid but not indians you retard
>>28259933>I'm convinced Modi has something on every Western politician for them to want them as migrantsAnti-White, anti-Muslim, and anti-China. If you're a zionist occupation government they are like the ideal bulwark against nativist isolationism and your migrants 1.0 going off script.
>>28259919>What's the future for VW?Getting all their assets sold to China.
>>28261631>anti-Muslim>not the against nativist isolationismway to insert yourself among high iq races ahmed but unfortunately youre still an inbred shitskin
So vibrations and sounds are what constitutes as soul? Also Toyota has the fake stick shift gear as well. kek
So Ev's are literally just vibrators now? lol
>>28261724worse, they're like those fleshlights you jerk your cock off into instead of having sex with an actual woman. they can make it feel as close to a real pussy as they want, it's still fucking pathetic, and the more they put into the experience to try to trick you into thinking it's real the more it eats away at your soul.
>>28261727Legacy car companies will add in fake trannies inside the EVs as well to give gas car migrators their tranny back.
>>28261719kek, who is surprised that the first thing this faggot ass benchracing ricer types about is other men's dicks, lmoa
>>28261710What really bugs me with EVs and driver engagement is that they don't try to do anything new, they just pretend to be ICEs. EV drivetrains open up Anton of options for new types of driver controls. Most EVs are capable of torque vectoring, why not have dual accelerator pedals to control power to the sides of the car separately, so you can do crazy turns and one wheel burnouts? Or potentially allow for regenerative braking on one side at a time or something cool like that. Emulating ICEs will never be cool, but there's so much EVs could do that would be unique and new
Why can a dentist that had to go to school for ten years charge $150 to work on your teeth while a mechanic that possibly didn’t even go to school needs the same amount of money to change your oil filter?
>>28256720wrenchlet tax simple as
>>28256720Because changing an oil filter is more work than taking a look at some teeth?
>>28256814its literally how business work. you seethe because you dont want to change your own oil despite making it seem like the simplest thing ever. well if it really is that simple why dont you do it? if its not that simple well they can charge whatever they want to do it for you. its obviously not $1000 simple, then everyone would diy it. but its $150 simple, its how they ended up at that price. some end up crying like you others are just happy to get it done. they could probably do it for $50 but then they make no money so why even bother?
>>28256921most general dentists can produce $3-4k a day and their cut (after overhead and paying into the practice if they aren't an owner) is like $1k a day.
>>28256720supply and command, buddy
Was it good?
>>28259109>12th gen12th gen is a lie. It's a refreshed 11th gen. It's as much a generation change as a brickbnose is over a bull nose. They're the same truck diffrent styling ams updated engine options.
my neighbor had one, old man who worked with his hands his whole life. Financed the thing and died a year later.
>>28259298Trucks are a little weird in America. People will pay a premium for a VW with an Audi badge or a Toyota with a Lexus badge but they would never pay that markup for a Cadillac or a Lincoln truck. Yet people will pay $100k+ for a luxury trim normal truck.
>>28259298The Blackwood at least had the DOHC 5.4L, navigation, rear HVAC and fancy power tonneau and other stuff no F150 at the time had. The Mark LT was just an F150 with a chrome grille.
>>28259298This thing was so cool. No 4WD or AWD was kinda stupid though, kind of ruined the use case for it (Nice vehicle for winter when you live in the boonies)
I get pulled away and forget to post a new threadanyone know what the count was?>List of Vendors and Social Mediahttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of Taiyohttps://osgvendors.spread.name/>/osg/ FAQhttps://pastebin.com/vaEgettv>What is this thread for?A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications.
>>28259243cry about it
you will never own the jahy cel slap
>>28252338boykissers for sale?
Posted some lum on watracing
How do I wash my rusty shitheap? Im fucking tired of getting my hands dirty every time I touch anything on my vehicle, but Ive heard that if you try to wash a rusty car youll end up with a sieve on wheels. What do I do?
>>28261560Bathing in strong acid , but has few disadvantages .
Go to carwash, pay $2, drive fast to dry car.
>>28261609This.Then rattle can whatever color you want.
>>28261605Try pressure washing it, that way you have the least hands-on contact possible. Spray the rusty spots down with Fluidfilm afterwards unless it's somewhere you're going to be touching. It's about all you can do.
>>28261605With water and soap like anything else dumfuck
Sent my truck in for diagnosing a ticking noise. Mechanic says it’s a rod bearing in a 3.7 Chrysler engine. The rest of the drive train and body are good. What am I in for?
>>28261551Its over
>>28261551Rod bearings don't tick. Get a second opinion.
>>28261610This. Once you hear rod knock you never forget it
>>28261610Yeah they make a noise but it's not a ticking noise