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What are you working on anons?
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Any other day I would've just replaced it, but new mufflers for these are somewhat pricey and the owner wants it to be as cheap as possible, sooooo.......
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Absolutely shit material to weld on. One second I'm doing an alright pass and then suddenly I'm punching holes
Did a power steering return hose on my beater yesterday. Shit was all crusty and rusty, so I just cut both ends, ez. Now I get to put together a press I had to buy for all the bushings on my Thunderbird, cuz of course the spending never ends when working on old bullshit.
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I found some extra gaudy wheel covers today. It goes well with the other tacky chrome stuff.
Deciding if I should repaint my whole car a non-Toyota stock color, since the paint on the left back quarter panel, the roof, and the hood are all sun damaged and wearing out. I could just do a 776 Green, but the paint is hard to find, whereas I could just pick a modern gunmetal and get it for cheap.

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been searching for this VW california/transporter kit.. can't fins it anywhere. Any clues?
What's upcar?
nothing much, car.
ugly af

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>The perfect family vehicle type was invented
>Replaced entirely by objectively worse, soulless copemobiles
With this in mind, why have any hope in humanity? People are so utterly shallow and retarded.
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The only people I see driving minivans in OP's pic is unironically niggers in the hood, anon. Or people with disabilities (always parked in disability spots, but they're usually just obese or some shit).
Indeed minivans are the cheapest way to drive around your 5 kids from 5 different baby daddys.
I was specifically talking about the Caravan since it was priced cheaper than the Pacifica.
By being right lol, sorry I struck a nerve Jkwon.
Not really. For the Grand Caravan's final model year (2020), the Voyager (base model version of the Pacifica) retailed at $545 less than the base Grand Caravan.
Ok pablo muttinez

>Renault Clio
1.6l, 80k miles, £2000
>Ford Fiesta
1.4l ,110k miles, £1200

my two options right now, which is the least retarded choice?
just need a car to fuck about in
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My parents don't drive and live abroad
>Assumes 60 down a dirt track is "speeding".
Lol, you got cucked by bushes and dirt.
No one sane does 60 on these, as you can get other drivers going towards you, horse riders, senpai machinery etc. it's a two way track most likely this is what you get in the UK lol
u just sound like a massive pussy lmao
have fun on the highway

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> I’m a truck driver of course I don’t use my turn signal
> I’m a truck driver of course I go 10 miles or more below the speed limit
> I’m a truck driver it takes me 13 seconds to get up to the speed limit
> I’m a truck driver of course I drive like I’m the only car on the road
> I’m a truck driver I take up entire parking spaces and have to park next to you
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Sounds absolutely correct
>No, those don't count!!!
okay dude
I imagine it doesn't matter if there actually was a deer or not. as long as you thought there was a deer hitting the brakes is a reasonable manuever.
It was very specific and very cool just not a very good pickup.
Teenager Jeets always drive these massive trucks around, it's definitely because they're dicklets

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My car's ebrake stopped working, so I now leave it in gear when I park (manual gearbox). Is it possible for it to pop out of gear and start rolling if my gearbox is worn or is it 100 percent safe? I park on a slight inclination always
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its gay
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>what is wrong with being gay exactly?
centering your entire personality around being homophobic doesnt make you cool or edgy or whatever
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centering your entire personality around being homosexual doesnt make you cool or edgy or whatever
Yes it does. It's why I'm homophobic even though I let my best friend hit it.

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>used to own a old 90s shit box
>oil wasn't a thing, maybe check once a year
>now drive a early 2010s car
>have to check the oil at least every 3 months
what happened?
You're definitely a jeet aren't you

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IIRC Tesla already did this with one type of car in Europe, they used BYD batteries in it to lower the price. I hate the idea because you can't trust Chinese reverse engineered battery technology and China itself is a ticking time bomb that's not going to be friendly with the west forever.
weird cope
>sells entire stake in tesla back in 2016 before the company it popped off
>company's future now enslaved to a chinese ev that boils your dog
holy kek
Tesla sux and BYD is the strongest. Sorry american tards, our city just bought 100 BYD ev busses. The air has not been this clean ever!
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>chink EV shit
/n/iggers getting roasted lmao

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Will there eventually be "touchscreen delete" kits for 2010s-2020s cars, to be known as second malaise era in a few decades?
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>man made horrors beyond human comprension
It's not gonna happen, the infotainment system has too much proprietary bullshit
go buy something made in 2010 at the latest, and learn how to wrench.
eee peee gay
Eventually these fags will say no ice allowed
eventually, they might. that doesn't mean you ought to surrender voluntarily.

and while we're at it, im fairly optimistic about the far future. EV tech makes cars easier to build, not harder. and ofc it completely removes the whole emissions thing from consideration.
im fairly hopeful that 50 years from now, there's going to be DIY EV kits where you can choose your own chassis, suspension, number and hp of motors, etc and put it together yourself, with at most requiring someone certified to connect the orange wires for you.

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I always associated this car with rich people.
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>lack of brand loyalty and prestige
If anything having a foreign brand like Alfa Romeo that's rare in America is a big boost in prestige
Jeets love these things here
Based and EBT pilled

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Lets say I have a junkyard 1.5L 4 cyl 1970s shitbox. Got it for 150$, seems to run fine. I want to fit it with a turbocharger from a modern shitbox with the same engine displacement, an antilag system (seems extremely simple, an Arduino, a vacuum sensor and two servos should do the job just fine) and a new exhaust bc of the whole turbo thing.
My questions are:
How likely is it that the engine will die in the first kilometer?(im ok if it dies on the second)
How to calculate the exhaust properly? (also, I saw a video on how to achieve the f1 sound recently, anyone got the formulas behind the paywall?)
Injecting small amounts of water into the exhaust during antilag to prevent it from burning and also generating steam for turbine-retarded or not?
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That engine of yours is most likely already constricted by the exaust diameter at its top rpm, and there's nothing you can really do about it
I wouldn't be so sure, soviet engines weren't constrained by emission regulations which is what led to chocked exhaust ports in western engines (to make the catalytic converters work better).
Uzam 412 is factory-tuned to have "pseudo turbo". Even tho I don't understand how exactly that works, but since 280/280 phases mean there's quite an overlap, maybe the exaust gasses help to pull in fresh mixture, and if that's the case after some rpm it should stop working meaning less hp
But since op is going to install a turbo this shouldn't matter
It's just fuckery with cams to cause heavier vacuum in cylinders during intake period.
Since you seem to know what u r talking about, pls explain

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It's OVER, ICEissies.
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>explosive vehicle
>explosive chinkshit
Lmao even
top or bottom?
will literally destroy every car you put it next to. OP was correct.
>Factory limited to only 200km/h
>Still explodes anyways
Heh, nice crackhead chang propagandist.
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ooohhh nononononono

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> mostly EVs, leafs and other greta thunberg cars
> Nobody drives above already extremely low speed limits
> No overtaking
> Will call cops on you if you drive fast
> Don't understand left lane is for overtaking
> Cyclists bad (not norway specific tho)

I fucking hate my cucked country why cant they just man up
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Veldig fin, anon. Har lyst på et gammelt amerikabeist selv, men prisen på bensin (og tilgjengeligheten på 98) er for mye for meg. Amerikanske v8 biler er heldigvis ikke altfor dyre sammenlignet med japsedritt og diverse.
Takk <3
Så lenge man ikke kjøper en ihjelskrudd raggerbil er amerikanere billige i drift (Utenom bensin).
Har heldigvis en bensinstasjon nedi gaten som selger 98 uten etanol enn så lenge.
Coming from someone wo has lived in both as expat it's absolutely like that.
Norway is basically just a communist shithole, Switzerland at least has wages and depending on the Kanton good tax policies.
Healthcare is shit though, american tier pay or die if you aren't covered by your employer.
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Prøver å nyte picrel så mye som mulig nå før det blir "begrensninger".

Mulig jeg har sett bilen din på e6. Veldig fin
Drove Oslo - Tromsø - Oslo (3,200 km) this summer and I really hate these drivers:
>Germans in campervans
>Campervans that don't go faster than 65 km/h uphill, but do 90 on the straights instead of letting you pass
>Azns in rental Skodas braking down to 50 km/h around every bend

Roads through Nordland are becoming alright now, but by God they're fucking boring. Take the detour to hoon over Korgfjellet for some variation. Fauske to Narvik is the worst stretch, albeit beautiful.

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you can cram so many farts in these things
what do you look like
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be careful anon you should check your cars specs, you wouldn't want to have a blowout on the road by surpassing the fartlimiter.

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>steal roller from construction site
>drop it off in the woods less than a mile away a month ago
>It's still there

Really highlighting the competency crisis in policing huh
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It's gone
then I have some bad news for you
Explains it
Why? Did you really? Confessing to a crime, though it may be a bogus story. Ain't right to steal. Big if true, no proofs.
Probably so, but if it not it definitely explains why DC-3's are such tough bastards.

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