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Stupid questions general thread
what does
stand for?
hit by some dickhead, vehicle is totalled, dealing with other guy's insurance company since he's at fault.

they are denying the comparison vehicles I sent them because it would bring the total payout up a few thousand $$$$, they're saying the VINs "can't be found" in CCC One.

should I report them to the insurance regulation board? the lady said she relayed the VINs via phone so she can't send me screenshots of the VINs not being found in the system since "somebody else does that part".

i literally can't buy the same vehicle with the amount of money they are trying to give me and some of the comparison cars have 20-30k more miles on them.
Stick to your guns, tell them you'll get your lawyer involved if they keep fucking you around, and mention you might need compensated for a rental too if they take too long... Did they pay for a tow too? Don't let them get away with shorting you any money.
>music USB stick malfunctions, keeps disconnecting, can't be formatted, car reports an error trying to read it
>buy a new one, format it to the appropriate format, everything same as the old one
>car doesn't even recognize it
>USB port is capable of charging my phone

What are the chances that the actual port is defective?
is that that whistling diesel guy?
>never sat behind the wheel
just now learning to drive and I notice after driving lesson after I step out of the car and walk away I feel pretty good. Is it adrenaline? Did you notice too something like this? I'm driving ok no real issues or anything fyi
Stupid Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
Here's the secret... they're just trying to wear you down and get you to accept it.
So it's up to you if you dont mind getting fucked dry but if you do mind then just keep on it.
It's like the cops, this is their job, they do it every single day, as soon as they hang up with you there's gonna be some other asshole they're trying to jew down, it's just business.
Although this is a great time if you're truly an autist or a sperg with a lot of time and energy.
So which character are you going to be?
7.3 powerstroke pulled the turbo out due to rat infestation and poop in the intake. Should I take this opportunity to rebuild the turbo or nah? Turbo seems fine, no leaks no play in the fan thingy.
Is a rebuild with a fancy billit aluminum fan worth it for someone that just intends to tow?
Sienna or Caravan?
do steering club locks actually work? I own a 1960s Wolseley that i want to register but im always scared of just leaving it parked anywhere and i always get paranoid about my cars. I have a kill switch installed but its more about beating the tow truck from just pulling it up the ramps. It doesnt have a steering lock either
Yeah next time use a CD, bud
Or even better, tapes

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