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>Bemir Saracevic, 35, who drives a $700,000 Lamborghini Aventator, has replaced the former National President, Allan Meehan, following his arrest last month.
dude is based for driving a lambo. honestly choppers are a thing of the past.

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>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions.
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.
>Low oil pressure? Worn mains and rod bearings. Use lucas and 15W40 until you afford a rebuild.

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Unfortunately not. Nearly everything I have that's spare is for an Imperial.
I wouldn't spend a lot of money on the brakes -simply swapping from drums to discs should eliminate the fade.
>My dealership windshield guy quoted me $450 install the front and rear glass back in it.
That;s cheap if it involves chrome surround trim. That shit is a bitch to keep in the rubber groove while installing the glass.
>You don't have any trim that would fit the back of my car do you? These two pieces got lost. I found the other pieces I texted you about but these are missing.
check ebay
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I must have misremembered the details on the paint and body work. I remembered there being drama about it but it looks like it'll be very pretty when it's all done
As for the wiring, I stripped everything out and redid everything I was tired of the wires hanging out from under my dash so everything was loomed and wrapped in the fancy German fuzzy electrical tape and the exterior harness was wrapped up in the German cloth electrical tape. Came out very well. Everything works flawlessly and looks so clean. The challenger I've just been too busy to do anything to. It still needs some new panels welded in but with winter coming and hopefully the shitbox fleet staying in working order I should be able to finish the last of the body work and hopefully get some primer on this bitch at least and hopefully spray some paint to see how it looks. I'm tired of seeing the thing just take up space

i've been seeing more people of all ages into cars, trucks and bikes lately...like actually researching their shit about it and appreciating everything
One of the positive effects of Andrew Tate alpha male influencers
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>paid shill #1957482 YOU GAY OR SOMETHING BUY THIS CAR!!!
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Are you seriously considering the opinions of an adult man who gets triggered by Elmo from Sesame Street?
dicks getting smaller it seems
>See truck
>immediately think about penis
Pickup trucks are luxury vehicles. How is it any different from buying some giant German barge when we're talking over 50k+ to get in either vehicle

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I am trying to choose between two different models of the same car

A 2nd generation Jazz/ vibe-s or a 3rd generation vti. They both have 1.5l engines and are Automatics.

Is the third generation Jazz better than the second generation?
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are you racing to the next cock to put in your mouth?
Oh no, someone on the internet is calling me gay as an insult

Fuck off Democrat, Kamala lost, Trump won, only a Democrat uses gay as an insult. I am a fay conservative and I exclusively fuck indonesian twinks with tasty little dicks and I'm not insecure about it.

No amount of displacement or physical size of your motor vehicle will make up for your lack of masculinity and insecurity with your sexuality which you are clearly trying to project onto others, Democrat.
In Oz the late 2nd Gens (2013-2014) are made in Japan. All the others are made in Thailand. There was a big flood in Thailand that closed the factory. Check for VIN starting with (J), if you're interested.
3rd gen in North America has a bunch of issues. Fuel injectors, cvt problems, leaky hatch, all kinds of shit. I would stick to 2nd gen. Gen 1 and 2 are supposedly tanks that will run for 500,000 miles.
that fag wagon is perfectly suited for u!

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Its really fucking sad how up their own ass europeons are. They have this pathalogical need to be told what to do by a government. And the idea of questioning or defying government for flawed, nonsensical, or oppressive rules doesnt even register to them. They HAVE to do what they're told and stepping outside that makes you some sort of alien.
bc 9/10 times they don't know how to drive it properly and end up trying to lanesplit
What would you do in this situation? The only good strategies seem to be having a gun and being ready from cover the moment you see these lunchtime rowdies and not afraid to start shooting or to have never walked outside with the lunchtime rowdies on the block in the first place.
Crown vic facotry trailer towing package. 150hp 5.0 , its slow but it works, towed my 21ft sea pro 300 miles
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The truck 80% of truck owners should have

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When is this beast finally coming to Canada?
Who is buying these ugly pieces of shit?
What's the point of coming to /o/ if you just buy NPC-mobiles.
Engine 2.0L 4cyl turbo
Power 149kW @ 5000rpm
Torque 380Nm @ 1750-3000rpm
Transmission 6-speed auto
Driven wheels FWD
Weight 1835kg
Made in India
Go back, Ranjeet. Or at the very least, go buy a home in Brampton instead of shitting up the rest of the GTA.

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I dont care if its impractical theyre fun as hell
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Glownigger central
just get the h1
Theyre 4 times as expensive
The up-armored military ones had 2,000lbs of armor on them.
The added armor was nice, but it's not going to do much against an ied blast coming from under the vehicle.

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Time to get a corolla old man
Based and the next step up from a Miata
Wishbones on all 4s
Manual handbrake
Hydraulic steering
British origin just like the og roadsters
More Toyota than the supra
If only it didn’t cost like 4 nd3s
Where is your Lotus?
Feel free to post your car, you can have sporty handling, minimal body roll and a comfortable ride. Guess which brand makes coupes that I'm describing?
tvr griffith is coming

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Had Misty not been dropped from the Pokemon anime, we could've seen her driving a 2005 midnight blue Dodge Magnum. I hate this timeline!
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Why would anyone drive a car in the world of pokemon when you can just ride a pidgeot or an onyx
big strong pokemon are hard to control, theyre willful and dangerous
cars are dangerous too but they arent willful
Because she would crush poor Pidgeot's back.
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Not as much as I hate tranime, pedophile.
cool Talmud Vision goypaganda

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>torque reverter
>clutch kettle
Obviously a locked diff would be an indifferential
>schrodinger's gearbox

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i have plans but i wanna hear from you, i plan on getting coil overs to lower it and paint it, upgrade the engine from the current 4 cylinder 1.8L, it’s a 1999 Acura Integra, 2 door hatch back
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i wanna try n keep it as stock as possible, just little things to make it a bit nicer, i like some of the ideas yall have though
def could use a paint job, but yeah i dont wanna rice it out all crazy n shit because they never look that nice modded, teggys look better stock and i’m happy i found one that’s like 99% stock, just brand new brakes and brand new radio
>flashing tape on the hood
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look forward to seeing this automatic base model wrapped around a tree or on permanent jackstands
>getting coil overs to lower it
>Paint it
Fair but gonna cost you unless your willj gly to do a hack job
>upgrade the engine from the current 4 cylinder 1.8L
Why if there's nothing wrong it? Even if it's a non vtec engine you just swap the cylinder head

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So my clutch in my Alfa Romeo 147 has given up. Because I was 10km outside the city limits when it failed they wouldn't tow it home so it's stuck at a depot in a town 150km away. I asked a few mechanics and I've been told it's about 2.25-2.6k to get it replaced since it's got a dual mass flywheel (not sure exactly what that means).

It's insured for about 2k and I think it's worth maybe 2.5-3k at most. To my knowledge it's otherwise fine. It's a diesel, too, and they're supposed to last a lot better. It's a nice car but at the end of the day it's a 15 year old Alfa with 175k km on it so I feel like it's not worth dropping that much money on it.

So what's the best thing to do in my situation?
Looks like it will cost a few hundred at least to get it towed back home. I'm thinking I bring it home and try sell it as is on facebook marketplace. How much am I likely to get for it like that?
>part breaks
>time to throw it away!!!!
femoid moment
idk, do what you want
>I asked a few mechanics and I've been told it's about 2.25-2.6k to get it replaced since it's got a dual mass flywheel (not sure exactly what that means)
$2,600 for what exactly?
What the actual fuck, where do you live where a clutch job on an old Alfa shitbox costs 2,6k?
I've had several m cars and a clutch kit was always around 1k euros, then another 300-400 labour and fluids.
On my 335 it was 600 euros!
My friend has 996 and the clutch on that was under 2k.
They're taking you for a ride.
>Drives a spaghetti car
>Uhhh gee I don't know guise, should I just pay this one time repair fee or sign for a monthly subscription payment for a few years

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jap v8 appreciation post
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>Honda talking shit on American V8s
>Never puts their own into mass production
>The only mass produced Honda with a V8 was made in the '90s using a '50s Buick V8
Fucking ricelets lmao
JDMcel shit
Oreca 07 chassis+ VK45= excellent lmp2 car
Retard. The HSV 010 has a 3.4l V8 producing up to 640hp unrestricted. The road car was proposed to be the successor of the NSX with a V10 engine producing somewhere around 500+hp with a FMR layout. However due to retarded economy shit, Honda shelved it and kept the prototypes hidden but only Honda race teams picked up the chassis for GT500 racing where it was moderately successful but had an organic sound.
>yeah i think the honda hsv010 is the best sounding car of all ti-

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Things are somewhat different in Japan
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I completely agree with the japanese being near perfect in this regard, but I live in Detroit and when I bought my house it took me one day to find out I had a chevy grandpa on one side and a dodge mf on the other (both are ignorant fools to the ford truth). It's really just a consequence of american culture being more about buying shit rather than an appreciation of workmanship. Joke's on my neighbors though my foxbody would pull on em
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>can easily hope to drive a chariot pushing 6 liters
making all of 178 hp getting 10 mpg lmao, all while having the reliability of an american lifter-eater, timing chain snapper, valve-burner, rod-thrower vee ate modur lmao
japan's displacement tax drove innovation in engine design
>>displacement tax makes suvs less desirable and light roadsters more appealing
Yet nobody buys roadsters and everyone drives tiny fugly kei vans with 0.6L motorcycle engines, really makes you think
>/o/ is not a hivemind you mind-broken redditor. People here like different things.
shut the fuck up, quirk chungus

What's the point of electronic doors?
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Lol. Beat me to it.
Requiring people to learn a procedure to escape from their sinking car is bad design. Even a competent person would have to regularly drill to manage to escape from these things in a crisis situation. Most people would panick regardless and end up clawing at the glass like an animal.
A means of escape should not be so obscure that you are required to read a manual for it.
Would you also say the same when you're trapped at a fire escape thumbing through a manual for the obscure means of opening the door to escape the fire?
>A means of escape should not be so obscure that you are required to read a manual for it.
It isn't, as many people have already pointed out, the main manual overrides are plainly accessible to anyone with half a brain, and the "hidden" ones are exclusive to back seats which already often have features like child locks which render back seats unable to be opened from the inside, requiring outside assistance in the event of an emergency.

There are a million reasons to dislike Teslas, this is one of the most retarded ones to bitch about.

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