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how much hp/l naturally aspirated is considered a lazy engine and how much is considered a high strung engine?
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You don't know what you are talking about.
It's not shit, the intake is very restrictive. If you move the carb up a bit it makes plenty.

>For four grand, our 512-cube Cad pumped out 514 hp at 4,400 rpm on the dyno. Torque? Try a healthy 575 lb-ft at 2,600 rpm on for size, buster. Whether in a De Ville or a Chevelle, that translates to streetable, repeatable low-12/high-11 quarter-mile times. With uncommon class.
My kia sorento weighs abour 4000lb and puts out 172 at the crank and it is slow as shit lmao
>What is a compression ratio
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>m52b20 is 75hp/liter
>n52b30 is 85hp/liter
>10+ years of engine development between them with added exhaust VANOS (variable valve timing), Valvetronic (variable lift), 3 stage DISA (variable intake) for 10hp/liter more
I would say torque/liter for petrols is more important

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if white people invented the internal combustion engine, why are the best and most reliable engines today japanese?
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Yes, these vehicles can be purchased by regular people and be used for personal transportation, but that’s not their primary purpose, is it? Trucks like the ram 2500 are primarily designed for commercial and fleet use (transportation of goods, towing, construction site duties, etc.), which is why they are often exempt from EPA testing. While they are certainly capable of serving as personal vehicles, they are engineered to different standards due to their purpose. Japanese manufacturers like hino, fuso, and isuzu have produced commercial vehicles that can exceed a million kilometers/miles, which is considered high mileage. Just because there isn't a picture of one online with exactly 1.7 million miles, doesn't mean they can't do it. The reason why i posted the old man with his 1993 corolla (which made you seethe really badly), is because it’s more remarkable for an cheap econobox to achieve such high mileage compared to a expensive 1/2 ton or 3/4 ton truck (like the ram 2500), which was designed for much heavier workloads/last longer. You can continue to post you sex tool engine maker all you like, because you won't find a similar class american econobox with similar mileage. As for the kenworth you posted, that's a heavy duty truck designed for industrial use. You really gonna compare that to a bus engine. Is that even the original engine with no rebuilt? The volvo engine, literally had no noticeable wear after 2+ million miles, it probably would of done another 2+ million or more. Overall there is no reason to continue this conversion.

They're honorary whites

They look up to whites, they respect whites, they emulate whites, but they don't try to pretend that they are white.

Kind of how your relationship with God should be.
There are no white people alive today, anon.
Japanese engines are not interesting or pushing the technology forwards in any meaningfull way.
literally no NA engines make +100 hp/l stock

NA engines do around 75-80/l
Turbos push it to 150-160/l

Anything above risks catastrophic failure. At a certain point, there is no replacement for displacement.

I absolutely love the sound of my old 4 cylinder shitbox with rusty exhaust and a failed muffler. It roars like a lion and its pretty much as good as a petrol 4 cylinder can sound. How do I replicate that sound but with a brand new exhaust?
Loved my 4.7 with broken exhaust bolts and a rotten out muffler.

Used to go like PLAP PLAP PLAP up front and BLOOM BLOOM out back and HUUUUURRRRRR when you stepped on it.
cut holes in it
wouldnt a simple muffler delete suffuce?

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>predicts the design language of the future

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>diesel engines last longer because they need to be built stronger to withstand the higher compression ratio
>gasoline engines are objectively under less stress
>they could last longer than diesel but it is just viable to cut corners on their design
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This post made by evfags
PetrolCHAD actually
Certain goblin banker behind diesel engine inventor mystery death?
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>Love the smell of flexibility corn

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What's the best land yacht for under 40K?
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1970 Pontiac catalina 4 door, because boomers will want more than 40k for a decently mint 2 door.
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2021 Genesis G90 with the 5.0 V8.
Great car, but it's not big enough to be considered a land yacht.
Very tempting. Worried the v8 may shit itself though.
I need a caprice so fucking bad. Only way to get cheap Australian performance without buying a G8 or SS

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Which car is this?
A pajeep
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>We hev supra at home
it's a niva
Comunism is beautiful

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driver's license<motorcycle license<private pilot license
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Fuck this shit. I’m buying a sailboat.
Sailboats are gay. Basically the bicycle of the water
You forgot cdl and the cream of the crop - forklift license
as opposed to pilots who are regulated to air?
What about a license to kill?

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why do old american engines all wear these funny hats?
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that's neat what car is that on ?
post shenis and timestamp
That is a Z/28 but there were others.

Like this Mustang with 8.5 l v8. Isn't such engine lighter at simplier while having comparable power to a 5.7 v12?
Why can't mutts into basic physics?
Now post the widths and height of the Boss 429 vs the V12 you are talking about.

Ugliest cars
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that looks fuckin awesome you are retarded and gay
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one of the most depressing cars to come out of the GM slop factory

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I'm a stone cold chudcel who has never felt the touch of a woman. No sex, no kisses, no hugs, no hand hold. Nothing.
What is the best car for me?
Needs to last at most 5 years before i kill myself.
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alfa romeo, "nigga"
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Some guy offered me $14500 for my car
Am I a retard for turning down the offer?
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>get money
>then have to turn around and buy something in this shit market
since you're obv a boomer, did you tell him you know what you got and lowballers bullshitters and tire kickers would be blocked?
Are these really so expensive to keep running? My R129 is pretty trouble free.
Yes because you should have highballed the shit out of him
Sell it to me for $14k

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Are Porsches and Mercedeses genuinely fastest or is it just because the track is in Germany?
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they get a home turf buff like in an RPG

Let's play a game, /o/.

Describe the Engine in your Car in such a way that someone could guess what Engine it is. Ask questions about the Engine or the Powertrain, but you can't directly ask what Car it's in. Goal is correctly guessing a specific Engine Code. We'll call it "Motor Charades".

I'll start.


It's an All-Aluminum Foam Cast Long Block, Bore x Stroke Ratio is Undersquare, it has 10.0:1 Compression, Multiport Fuel Injection, DOHC, 16 Valves, VVT Cams, a Muffled Intake, a Choked Exhaust, Redline around 6300.

Despite that, it makes just enough power to get out of it's own way, probably due to various improvements it inherited from it's bigger, younger brother.

155 hp @6100, 150 lb-ft @4900. Don't let the 2nd Torque number fool you though, it's beefy down low. VVT has its benefits.

2 Timing Chains to be found here. One for the Cams, another for the Water Pump and 2 balance shafts.

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Two words, distributor anxiety

fucking Optispark
has to be ecotec, probably the 2.2 as the regular 2.0 had less hp if I'm not mistaken
Yessir you got it.

Though there were no "regular" 2.0s, every ecotec 2.0 was either supercharged or turbocharged.

My eco 2.2 is a later variant (LAP) with VVT, see. It picks up a couple hp over the older 2.2 (L61).

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