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Where is it?
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maybe you should ask for your deposit back then?
Supposedly next year.

>Pricing and Which One to Buy

>The price of the 2026 Tesla Roadster is expected to start around $200,000 and go up to $250,000 depending on the trim and options.
coofvid threw things off, even with the expected tesla delay
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garbage can niggerfaggot

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Imagine a natural disaster hits and you can't drive through little puddles because you didn't get an EV
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That's how you get the clear air away from the dust on dirt roads.
Nah just the rear section
Yeah that's the main reason I installed mine
Also great for sticking the transmission, transfer case and axle vent hoses into it so they don't fill with water
I live on a hill. Humans figured this out in the fucking stone age.
In what fucking situation would you drive though water you can't see through, or drive through a natural disaster?

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The only cool american car
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>Can't turn
Sure thing buddy
how did the us in its entire histroy managed to build just two sports cars
It had more torque and power than the ferrari 430 .
idk, has anyone done that?
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there is no point in it, you can buy a fucking 4,000lbs caprice and dump 6k into it and outrin a 70k audi, why bother when we have couches that can outrun euroslowpeans

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>tfw you just hopped into your fully tuned hot hatch
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>German car rolls up next to your stanced Lexus

2020 Chevy Suburban
This part is from the door, between the hinges. What is it called, and how do I fix it?
Thank you.
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Not OP but some people have this thing called a "job" that would keep them busy during the day, and we're currently in winter and off DST so it gets dark at 6 pm. Literally zero daylight left by the time most people have punched out and driven home.
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bleakest post in this thread
They stole your swaybar.

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So what's the deal with these piles of junk? I have a customer with one of these.
>Engine ticks really fucking loud.
Do these need valve lash adjustments or something? It sounds like a TDI at idle.
>Yucky idler bearing type noise
It's that reeerrrr sound you hear when something is shitting itself
>Jatco CVT
It has 70K miles. When do these start to go and how do they act up when they do start going?

The owner wants to get rid of it. I don't know if it's worth anything, everyone with a brain cell knows that these are shit heaps, and the people that seek this type of car don't tend to have any money.
Do I tell the owner to send it into the ground or do I try to help them get rid of it before it explodes?
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youre such a fucking idiot
>gobbles on dick
It’ll be an easy flip. Just make it shiny. No one knows shit about cars. This world is TikTok and Facebook tards. EG shells are beautiful and excellent track mods. Corners like a champ. If that’s not your world - Do it.
Yes I like the Civic. It handles great as all double-wishbone Hondas do. But I already have a DA Integra, I don't really need it it's just been kicking around a spare car.
my sister had a 2012 Sentra
My dad maintained it very well.
despite that, the CVT belt still had to be replaced at 80,000 mi.
they sold it for $8,000 during the COVID car price explosion.(around 140K mi)
I think those got for 3-4K these days

Do body on frame convertibles perform better than coupes?
A convertible would be lighter and have a lower center of mass compared to an equivalent spec coupe.
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They're far cooler, and that's enough for me. Probably less important, but even being bof I imagine structural rigidity is still a thing especially when talking about performance.
No , because due to lack of a roof the car loses structural rigidity .

He's talking about chassis on frame so that's not an issue here.
Take a cardboard box that's taped closed and try to twist two opposite sides in opposite directions.

Open the box and try to twist it again.

That's what happens when you remove the roof structure of a car. It's not a phenomenon, it's removing structure that acted to keep the car rigid.
not that Anon, But body on frame is a different ballgame.
On body on frame vehicles the body doesn't offer really any structural rigidity

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Who the fuck is buying all these old ass cars that are boomer taxed. Why do people fall for the memes???
>if i wanted to sell you a >bucket of shit for a grand youd say no right?

>if told you hey im selling this >old reliable bucket of shit for >ten thousand youd say oh my god this thats such a good deal.
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ive seen those efi 460s go 400k on farms, why the fuck bother with the deisels ever.
>Why do people fall for the memes???
The problem is that the memes are true. New cars suck. New trucks REALLY suck. Old stuff is more reliable, and the older stuff is easier to fix. If you'll ever notice, older trucks never actually die unless they succumb to rust, have an accident, or a seriously, seriously retarded owner. Things like BaT and those Mecum auctions aren't helping, I've seen many people suddenly start asking $20-30k for 30 year old GMT400s that would maybe have been worth $5k a few years ago (1500s with gas V8s and automatics too FWIW), and that's only due to their mint condition since a clapped one would've been $2k.
It is spreading to cars and not just trucks too, you've got 200k+ mile MK4 Supras selling for $70k for instance. You've got low mileage Honda CR-Xs selling for $75k. Want a Y2K-era Honda Civic SI with 100k miles on it? Sure! That'll be $20k. Everything getting older is getting taxed, and I'm not blaming boomers at all since I see millennials becoming the boomers that they hated now.
Cars you couldn't give away 10 years ago are now $5k because they run. Northstar Cadillacs. Non-wrangler jeeps. Crappy 80s Chryslers and fords.
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Cars that are priced too high to sell stay on the market for longer.
Randos on Facebook Marketplace generally have no idea what their car is worth, so the range of asking prices is higher (and also usually overpriced)
Put those two together, and you get a shit ton of "I KNOW WHAT I GOT" cars on social media that make you think the selling price is higher than it really is

Look at Cargurus, Cars and Bids, or other sites that aggregate actual sale prices and you'll find that most used car prices (NOT cherry-picked listings on Facebook) are actually pretty reasonable nowadays
The answer is simple OP.
>Be ameritard born on the greatest country in the world.
>Be faggot.
>Be teenager.
>Get job and save your sheckels for the dream car.
>Might be the gayest faggot on planet earth but faggot is DISCIPLINED
>Get enough sheckels, buy dream car, drive everywhere, be happy.
>Fast forward a few years.
>Faggot has to sell dream car
>Faggot has a wife now, children, commitments.
>Has no time to cruise around in his dream car anymore.
>Let's it go, cries about it away from the wife because men don't cry
>Fast forward 2 decades.
>Children are in last year of college, they're gonna be ok on their own

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now he’s stuck with 3 disappointing options:
>He can trade in the truck for a new one (at a loss)
>he can wait (8) months for a new engine
>or he can sell it to the dealer for the $35k
Now that's what I call reliable! Great service from the brand too.
"Our engine died, you pay now!"
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any lexus with an NA v8
It's like the badge doesn't make the vehicle reliable or something. Weird.
I wonder if the emissions equipment from a hino could be stuffed into the tundra and landcruiser?
fun fact, the rear axle of hino medium dutys and tundra are the same
Tundra's have 10 lug axles? Neat.

Is the Cadillac Escalade a good car?
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literally me, I look like this and say this
>richfag car
lmao go be euro somewhere else.
is this why all the broke-ass spics, nogs and armos drive them?
They drive them because it's a huge domestic bullet proof vehicle built in abundance
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>he needs to finance an economy car
Uncle Ruckus-tier oblivious nigger
Why the Nissan hate boner?
They built some kino cars in the past
Didn't read it. But I guess Nissan didn't like basically losing everything to Honda.
Honda didn't even want to bid for it, the entire thing was the japanese government trying to force it. Honda only offered to take over and make Nissan a very small subsidiary, which Nissan declined
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Will Nissan get acquired by Foxconn instead? Will they do the whole Japanese business charade where Foxconn acquires just shy of 50% and claim it's "partnership" and not de facto acquisition?

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I want something light and nimble to hoon like a fiesta st, i20n, swift sport etc.
But I’m 37. Will people point and laugh at me when driving one of those things?
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Miata is ugly. S2000 is the best choice.
Are you married of at least in serious relationship? If you're above 30 hot hatch will decrease your chances of finding a woman (at least one that's not retarded), because they all (even subconsciously) will see you as immature and unfit for serious relationship. I bought Mini Cooper S only after I impregnated my wife.
if you're 37 life is OVER and nothing you do affects your "image" in any meaningful way because nigga people are not looking.
Hopefully you have a wife and multiple kids already and your question is just "how embarrassing do I look driving my kids to school in this hot hatch"
Drive what you want who cares what people think. To have not figured this out by 37 is more cringe than and car choice you could make.
Wish we got the i20n in the states
what does this mean? are small cars gay? are you having sex with cars?

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Last one

Looking at buying a Honda? Post here and we'll tell you our elitist asshole opinions!
Need help identifying a chassis?

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>it's just not sold in North America now
Shit, I just came back to this shithole, to find this very general - after literal weeks - to say I've just bought a 5th gen Prelude here in the UK. Going to pick it up (on a trailer) on Monday.
It's a BB8, so H22A5 and auto (not so good) but it *is* a legit Motegi edition, as opposed to the ones you see with the bodykit/wheels etc as options. All that basically means is it had all of that plus better factory suspension and a cool badge on the back.
It's definitely a project. The rear outer arches are pretty rotten, as well as the exhaust, brake lines etc as you might expect. The motor is solid as a rock at 100k, as you might expect.
I'm very excited. It's cost me a shade over £1000, including trailering it back down. Not driving it back as has a conspicuously loud exhaust blow and the tyres are utterly fucked.
Short term plans are to get rid of the rot/repair bodywork and get a nice exhaust. Can you still find Mugen twinloops? Failing that, any other suggestions for non fart cans?
Longer term I want to swap in a 5 speed manual w/ LSD (M2B4 or the one from the Accord R) and maybe even a H22A7, eventually, if I can find one cheap enough when I actually have that money.
Will post pictures when I get in back on Monday. I think it was a post on here a few months back that nudged me towards actually buying one of these. Have always loved them though.
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Dealer ships inflate the prices a lot on s2ks, private sellers should be 5k or so cheaper. But yeah, these things have climbed in price.

Ones already with hard tops should be your priority, if they have the soft top removed, ask why. They get removed when people need to do extensive repair or someone really wanted to save 50 pounds.
>MG ZS 180 steering rack fits and is the shortest Lock to lock rack you can get.(Shorter then ITR)
It this a common swap in Europe?

am I a sicko for enjoying these videos? she mogs me by wrenching on her car and the editing is funny

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I'm having it on Monday and I'm very stressed about it.
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never match another cars stopping point at a stoplight because if you make eye contact you have to race from the stoplight
Go into an area that has the most immigrants in a large city. They will hand anyone that can breathe a license.
When checking all your blindspots exaggerate your movements.
Follow all your training to the letter, do not listen to family members that suggest a different way of doing things.

You can mong out later with all the rest of us with our shitty driving habits, you just need to be as good as gold on that one day.
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1. Drive like a fucking grandma, they can't fail you for being too cautious
2. Don't make small talk with your proctor, in fact pretend he isn't even there and focus entirely on the road when he's not talking to you
3. Spend an hour or two before the test driving around the area so you know what to expect from the roads
4. Drive the instructor to an empty parking lot in the middle of the test and show him your oversteer correction skills; if you do well then he'll give you a coupon for a free HPDE or police pursuit driving course

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I have a based 2013 jetta it only has 79k miles on it and i have been driving it for 9 years. It has never given me a bit of trouble and i had planned on driving it till i put 200k on it which will be in a long fuking time. My parents just came into a bunch of money. My mom knows nothing about cars but thinks (and has always thought) that my jetta is small and unsafe (for no reason).

She wants to buy me a $20,000 car to replace my beloved jetta. What should I get? I need something that gets better mileage because i dont want to piss off gretta and also that seems subjectively safer to my mom

what should i get
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What, you think it's a bike?
It's not really a free 20k because your expected to own and maintain the car. The only money you'd get from the ordeal is if you sell your Jetta desu.
>It's not really a free 20k because your expected to own and maintain the car. The only money you'd get from the ordeal is if you sell your Jetta desu.
good point

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