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I believe it's a Sentra of the same period
Newfags wouldn't know
Nope, sentras have 4 lug hubs, the car on the webm has 5 lugs.
Also, it seems to have wood trim on the door panel.

It's probably a 2004-2008 maxima.
Fake video. The rims aren't even moving.
Those wheels are fucking ugly as sin.

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Why do burgers insist on towing with pickup toys instead of using the right tool for the job?
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Must be why they still live in the 1800's.
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Uropeeans once again MINDBROKEN over Americans being able to own 700 horsepower diesel trucks
>implying it's the engine being called bullshit
Nice magical tow strap, my negro
>conveniently ignores the 201,000 pound rope just a few posts up

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I have autism and want to get pic related as my first and only car. I know it's a bad choice, but I like it. Send help.
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Certainly cheap AF for now.
I filtered for location, inspection the more powerful engine, turns out you can buy a slightly tired one for 3-4k and really nice boomer owned cars for 4-6k
Make sure you avoid the less powerful engine variant, the 82hp engine is much more reliable for some reason.
Certainly worth looking into if you consider how crusty a similarly priced MR2 or MX5 would be
>worst reliability
Only on /o/. Smarts are not perfect cars ofc, but you can definitely keep one alive for little money. Remember those claims were made by the same people that think NC MX5 are "boats" and ever E46 has lost it's rear axle 3 times
>as my first and only car
that's the bad part. it would be a horrible first car and a horrible only car. get a cheap hatchback daily, save up some money, and get the roadster as a weekend toy.
patrician taste with the roadster coupe though.
Can you please explain how all of you arrived at the opinion that a Smart is expensive to run? It's a cheap ass subcompact, it sold well and for a long time. There's third party spares and people have worked out the kinks. And yes the roadster is mechanically identical, but unlike the regular models most roadsters are garage kept, well cared for and usually just driven in nice weather, often just on the weekends.
They're even really cheap to insure
I just don't get why this car causes everyone to pretend it's not feasble to just go out and buy a cheap old car >>27644707 and keep driving it with regular maintenance like any other used subcompact. This one just happens to be shaped like a sportscar
I know, but I've had to use a shitty econobox all my neet life, and there's nothing more soul crushing than dailying one.
Be careful that's an NPC choice and you can't come to this world and tiptoe through life. You just can't.
Let yourself be infected by mysticism, exuberance and exclusivity. Breathe, drive and embrace a new day like those beautiful car ads from 90's magazines.
Leave your mark with a Mastretta.

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Post trucks
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pretty sure the rear isn't even lifted
93? you're sure? I'm not an expert but it seems more like something between 1985 and 1987. Also I would say Datsun and not Nissan.
In what year had all brands already adopted electronic injection?
Super duty: to haul fat american ass
Ayo we heard you like trucks
I bet this is more your style

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i need a car to drive to an internship i start in a few weeks
max cost: $5k

how can i get my hands on a reliable, used car

dealerships are scum so im trying to avoid 'em

> current idea
im thinking of making flyers and posting them around retirement homes and wherever old people live and hopefully be able to get a bargain from a boomer kicking the bucket

(also, i read the pinned used car guide already; im new to /o/, i generally stick to /sci/, /g/, /gd/, /x/ for cool, esoteric images, and /pol/ whenever there's something "happening")

backstory (for those who have minimal curiosity):
my parents want me to take the fucking bus and train (1hr 30 min commute vs 35 min by car) because they want to spend $17k on a new driveway (bc our current one is a bit ugly but its actually fucking fine, no holes, just very coarse and some oil stains from previous cars, but the current cars cover them anyways), they knew beforehand they'd need to buy me a car around the same time theyd need to pay for this driveway so it was a selfish ass fucking decision, FUCK YOUR DRIVEWAY.

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If its a good paying job take the bus until your first paycheck, then go to a credit union to finance a new car using your $5k as a downpayment.

Since its probably not paying well since its an internship; Facebook marketplace, newspaper classifieds, or walk/bike around town until you see a car with a "For Sale" sign on it and inquire about price and conditon. The last is what I did a year and a half ago and found a decent shitbox for $850 that I still drive today.
It helps if you can work on your own car to save on money.
Should've done the driveway work yourself but instead you are bitching about how mommy and daddy are spending the money they earned.
Learning to wrench offsets a lot of the reliability factor and opens up your options. If you're the one paying for the car, then tell your dad to eat a dick and try the American cars anons are recommending.
I'm surprised you're not finding anything on FBM though, unless you're just being really picky. You can also try offerup, though the deals aren't as good there.
Have you considered a motorcycle?
>dealerships are scum
>admits that his dad is the one that doesn't trust dealerships
Anon, I think you need to grow up
>how can i convince my dad of this, he just does not trust used dealerships in general

Tell him that your friend anon has bought many affordable shitboxes from shady used lots and around 85% of them were awesome. The others were obviously shitty but my parents overlooked that and made me buy them

What's the best car for this:
>seats 5 or more comfortably
>decent mpg (25 hwy preferably)
>cheap maintenance (I wrench)
>not too expensive to buy

Panther? Toyota Sienna? Roadmaster wagon? What's the ideal
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>road trip car
Have a (you) for the effort, weak b8
W123 300D
80s 5mt dodge caravan
The king, /o/ur car
Late 2000s/early 2010s Avalon, 2gr V6, big and boaty, rear seats recline, often are grandpa cars but great for soaking up highway miles with good passing power, 3.6 Impalas are similar for something initially cheaper

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I’m not even a libshit, Elon-hater or jumping on a bandwagon.
This truck is unironically a huge piece of shit that is in no way worth its $100,000 minimum price tag. What was Tesla thinking? Did they even think at all?
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>having anything as critical as drive mode rely mostly on a screen
Jesus Christ my man
You could also walk, but when you've got money to throw at a Cybertruck or other EV, most people will pick that instead.
>if something goes wrong with the screen
Whatever you may think of the outside styling, the look, the interior features, whatever, is completely irrelevant. Underneath all that is approaching sci-fi levels of tech that no other car maker is even close to replicating. The die cast frame pieces, 48v architecture, etc etc. They are leading in technology development.
>bricks itself from a failed software update

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Should I update my stereo firmware?
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nice 2004/2005 accord
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Thanks anon, I try to keep it as nice as I can, I want to restore the paint.
I wish they still made interiors that are mostly symmetrical like this one.
Same, it's such a spartan, but nice place to be.
Hello tourist. Just so you know, this board often has a dedicated thread for simple questions like these. It is normally titled /QTDDTOT/, which stands for "Questions that don't deserve their own thread".
For your convenience, here is our current open thread:
I'd like to encourage you to look around a bit longer and get a 'lay of the land' (especially before making your own thread).
/o/ is a place to share the joy of automobiles so likewise, we're always happy to lend a helping hand!
Good luck with your question , and we hope you can come to an answer swiftly

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What is the most legit, hardcore racing series? Formula One or Rally?
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f1 has that gypsy zoomer who won the last race and who I hate much more than Hamilton.
On the other hand, WRC has whiny and unbearable idiots like Ott Tanak who is not even that good (Ogier also complains a lot but at least he is an absolute master) and who disgust me. WRC2 would be a good show if Yohan Rossel died this weekend and maybe then I would go back and watch. ERC would also be much better without Efren Llarena (I hate fat people a lot) and without Jesús Suárez whom I also hate for remaining champion of Spain for a thousand years but charging in WRC2 against much more talented drivers like my boy Sami Pajari, whom I also hate a little to get rid of Enni Malkonen. TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE DEATH TO ALL MOTOR SPORTS.
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WRC is more extreme than F1
>the whole point of F1 is to push cars to the absolute limit
it wasn't about that since le basedboy senna died, 30 years ago
Who's following the portuguese rally?

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>You now remember the Toyota Venza
No idea they still made these. Forget about beige Camrys, this is a car so NPC that even car autists forgot they still exist 15 years after beginning production.
Incorrect. While the ZDX is similar in shape, it's on the larger Pilot/MDX/Odyssey platform while the Crosstour stuck with the smaller Accord mechanicals.
>what is ACE Body Structure
They do share, cope harder
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>marketing buzzword for how they design unibodies (not one specific design)
try again sweaty
Every car they make is designed this way. Does that mean the 2006 Civic (the debut car for ACE) is a rebadge of a Pilot?
>No, it's not the Acura version of the Honda Odyssey Crosstour. They may share the same fastback styling, but they're based on different platforms. The Crosstour is an oversized Accord, while the ZDX is truck-based.
>I know what you're thinking. "Acura ZDX? Didn't you just do a walkaround on the Honda Accord Crosstour, Honda's other sloped-back hatchback crossover thingamabob? Aren't they badge-engineered twins?"
>Nevertheless, Honda came out with two cars with this odd form-factor at about the same time, and it turns out they couldn't be more different under the skin.
Eastern europe and russia and the shitholes in between got a TON of US imports (both used and new) back when the dollar was cheap post 9/11
Auntie was just offered a large car with lots of options for a good price and didn't know/care it was rare


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This is the best vehicle to buy
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These are great budget cars! They sell for 15K or less and are rapidly dropping still
What constitutes a commercial failure?
cope seethe mald etc
Being discontinued without a successor, as it's not worth developing one
>gay fwd shitbox
>gay fwd shitbox, lifted

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I love my mopeds! :D

Anyone else still of have of these in their barn?
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50cc. Spa. 5k is in the off position. 19 is where it needs to be.
Honda had four stroke 250cc four stroke bikes for the public that went to 20k back in the nineties.
Uk, I can only speak for here. Moped 50cc is legal at 16 as your basic learner vehicle on your learner permit.
I'm heading into my sixties and I've crashed more mopeds than my old bones would wish.
Prior to republicans ruining my state, there was no license required for mopeds 50cc or smaller. When I was a teenager in the 90s we would ride them everywhere and it was a blast. Sometime around 2010, republicans got mad that people who lost their license in a DUI could still ride a moped to work and retain gainful employment.
Of course this enrages the conservative, so the republican supermajority passed a law to require an active drivers license to ride a moped so that anyone who gets a DUI will have no choice but have their life completely destroyed until they have to go on welfare.
>people who lost their license in a DUI could still ride a moped to work and retain gainful employment.

This is still pretty common where I live, but only for 25kmh mopeds (mofas). You see a lot of old guys driving those to work and back.
We still call them duimobiles.

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And I'm tired of pretending that it won't
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i'll never understand why this fatass pickup is compliant with emission laws but many manufacturers struggle without hybrid plugin on a stupid crossover
because the (((manufacturers))) bribed lawmakers to write laws in such a way to protect their most profitable vehicles, while simultaneously making it harder for imports to compete as yuros and nips mostly focus on the smaller stuff that has to pass harsher standards
No it won't.
That's why there's so many trucks in road rage videos. Because they feel they've been disrespected.
Trucks are gender affirming care. And I’m tired of pretending they’re not.

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>car won't start
>dash lights won't even come on
>jump it, drive to battery store
>get battery tested
>it's working fantastic, absolutely flawless battery
I doubt it's the starter since the lights won't come on, but what about a bad connection? How would jumping it fix that though?
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If its actual metal key ignition. The ignition switch/bottom part of the ignition keylock could be worn. This prematurely wears out because retards put their car key together to the same keyring with multiple other keys, which causes premature wear & tear because excessive weight and keyring+multiple keys swinging around the lock when you drive the car.
If you blew your main charging system fuse it could kill everything, but that would be unlikely to show up as an intermittent fault desu
That album was kino.
Op here. I don't fully understand the issue if I'm being honest, but my battery wasn't powerful enough anymore for some reason despite testing the same as always. The salesman said the 2013 model which I have required something like 630 amps or volts or whatever and the battery supplied 640ish. However, the 2014 model required 760 so we upgraded from their gold to platinum battery for 20 bucks and now the car is running fine. As I said before, I don't know much about electronics so you guys probably know more than I do
> guys probably know more than I do
Doubtful. Also, the kid at the parts store is trained by some other kid who doesn’t know anything.
Why aren’t the retards the ones who cannot make a quality lock cylinder and ignition switch. I need to spend fourth thousand dollars on some shit that can’t handle a reasonable amount of keys?

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