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Are these things basically gonna keep appreciating and are they really that much better than a 98-12 Ranger or 94-04 S10?

Budget is $10-12k, trying to stay under 100k miles if I can
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You could fully bulletproof an S10 for less than half what a clapped out Toyota would cost.
Look at the cleanest examples you can get for your budget of each one and the drivetrain you want. Also, there's nothing wrong with choosing based on which one you think is cooler.
This is THE quintessential jeet car where I live lmao
>frame rusts away
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smol trucks of any kind, even "unsafe for highway use" keimobiles, will continue to rise in price as new trucks either get bigger and bigger or lose the frame and become a ute (looking at YOU ford)
>also all these old trucks are old, and with how things are a'goin', it'll be like the fucking soviet union where used shite is more expensive than new shite

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my autistic ass is looking for new car. I want something with 3800 series. Was thinking about 2000 impala, 1995 park avenue or 1995 bonneville,

I'm stuck in europe and my retarded ass keeps buying shitboxes from usa. Bought chrysler, bought ford, IT'S TIME FOR GM BABY.
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never heard anything bad about series 3, iirc the only changes were the intakes, the supercharged ones got a boost to 260hp with the gen 5 m90

the fantastic thing is gm couldnt make their mind up either, my 05 park ave was dbc

supercharger + e85 = 300hp ez
swap the supercharger for a intercooled turbo and you'll blow up the tranny before you even hit the same boost level, these engines are a well kept secret and you dont have to do much to them
I dont need an arguement, reality begs to differ from your dumbass half-baked opinion
If the 3800 is so great how come boat engines are based off the GM 4.3? Why is the 4.3 still in use to this day but the 3800 died off decades ago? Is it you roofuckers shilling the 3800 because nobody really praises it in North America.
1 vehicle application post-y2k that's $10,000 in decent shape, also, boats
in literally every non-truck platform made by gm for 2 decades, inherited en-mass by the poorfags with mommy issues who post on this board

just saying, look at who you're talking to
>Why is the 4.3 still in use to this day but the 3800 died off decades ago?
General Motors made it a point to kill Flint (especially Buick) in 1999, and the 3800 was made almost exclusively in Flint, Michigan at the Buick site.

Also technology (and government regulations) marches on.

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>look up car meets in my area
>it's all boomers with their 1950's diner shitboxes
how the fuck do I find meets with people my age? the shit you see in the movies with fast cars, fat chicks, and loud exhausts??
I don't have an instagram, and if i did idk what to even search for
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>he doesnt know

I bet they dicklessly ban the 2 stroke original version since its way faster.
Go to drift meets, boomer. Literally no one "quarter miles" anymore. All the old people who used to do that aren't willing to risk their cars anymore, and young people who can't afford them would rather grab a shitbox and do circles with it
>No one wants to awkwardly stand around a parking lot with a bunch of weebs in lightly (and tastelessly) modified shitboxes.
You've clearly never been to Japan. This is the entire culture now.
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I'd go to carmeets but I drive what was called a "substitute teacher" car whose exterior I keep looking like shit intentionally to Tyrone-proof it.
I love it with all my heart and wrench on it regularly but it isn't the prettiest, the CVT means you can't have /too much/ fun with it, and FWD means that it isn't a "real" car.

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I don't know where the water is coming from. But I believe it's coming from the break pad looking thing because the trail seems to be coming from there. Any ideas?

I also have another photo of something else
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you're talking about the oil leak right? not the water? if that's the case I can go get that done. that might be the issue. I mean the car runs perfect and everything no problems. it's just the water leak and oil leak worry me
auto transmission? i know what this is, its the camshaft plug. my 05 did the same thing. also replace the head gasket if you havent already, and the oil pan gasket and valve cover gaskets. D17s for some reason like to leak oil if you use the 5w30 recommended by the factory.
also this>>27842232 I replaced mine and my oil consumption issues went away. Also the auto tranny might be prone to fail if its super high miles, but it can sometimes be fixed with a simple flush
also, thats a foot rest, shouldnt be anything leaking from there. but brake reservoir is on that side, so check the engine bay firewall. i just remembered this also has the power steering right there, check the rack too.
Check the weather seals on the doors and the drain for the A/C system. If you have a sunroof, inspect those seals and drains. If those are fine inspect the heater core for leaks. The oil leak seems to be from the cam seal. Super common on those and an easy and cheap fix.
Idk how to describe this but leaks come from up because gravity. take the interior apart or fold it away to look where possible following the water trails up. it's not your dead pedal.
windshields can be tested for leaks with soapy water or glass cleaner and an air gun. cover the edges on the outside of the glass with it, use an air gun to blow along the inside until you see evidence the air is coming through. seam sealer sometimes leaks. idk, don't know how to describe finding a water leak despite being the best at it.

I've always liked v8s with tons of torque. So I never really HAD to wring my engine out to move much. After watching tons of POV videos on Jewtube I've realized I shift really early, and I shift a lot.

My car redlines at about 6200 rpms. I'm almost always shifting by 2500 unless I'm trying to speed. If I'm cruising for more than a few seconds I'll almost always be in the highest gear.

Am I really "extending" the life of my engine by shifting early all the time or am I just being retarded and keeping myself from hearing my glorious v8 come to life for no reason? Seems like a lot of people will accelerate up to 35-55-whatever and keep it in 4th (or 5th, if it's a 6 speed.) Seems much more fun but yeah, I've always figured it's always best to keep RPMs down, always. Without bogging your engine of course.
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Boomer mythology there. Ive tested it, and keeping the rpms up a little bit from where automatics are programmed to shift improves MPG. Once I borrowed A pickup from my boomer stepdad and got 17 MPG for the trip. I was speeding most of the way. He denied it was possible to get 17 MPG with that truck cause he only got 12 at best. But he was lugging the shit out of it all the time.
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>best gauge for fuel econ is engine vacuum; those fat 70's econ gauges worked and weren't a meme
It's simple, really: low throttle --> high TB vacuum --> [physic-shit (air velocity?)] --> better fuel mixture --> better burn --> mpg go up
This is why supposed quadra"junk" carbs can get 22+ MPG on a fatass v8 if tuned right and light foot, and how that one guy got a niggerrigged lawnmower carb to get 40 mpg on a 302; it's all about the high vacuum
*and, I should add, great timing
by lugging it the boomer dad had to press the pedal more, reducing vacuum/air velocity/whatever, thus lowering mpg
the problem with regular autos is they absolutely refuse to downshift unless you mash the pedal, leading to hill-lugging

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Do you guys think a GT40 reunion is worth going to?
Depends. Do you have a GT40?
No, but apparently i can pay to ride in one.
How many are actually going to show up?
There was only about 120 made (varies depending on how you feel about a chassis being used to build a "new" car).
And that's all the variances.
Many have been totalled.
Many are in museums.
All are owned by rich people.

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leaf here, paying for driving school is 600$ which is absurd, it'd unironically be cheaper to just bribe your examiner 200-250$ and be done.

Has anyone successfully bribed your examiner to pass the gay ass commie road rules shit that Canada has?
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I am aware it exists, but did not know if it was required in Canada. I know some of the more cucked nations require it, so would not be surprised if New India required it.
It's definitely not required although it should be for anybody living in Ontarindia or any immigrant really.
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Just ride the bus man. Thats an absurd amount of tests you failed. You could kill someone or yourself dude.
Stay tuned for more tales of Brampton.
>failing driving test more than once
One fail means odds are good the examiner was just being a nigger or failed you as standard department operating procedure to extort more fees for the state; double the revenue while maintaining plausible deniability compared to autofailing everyone 5+ times and getting their balls class action sued so hard they shoot back up into the torso and explode from their nostrils.
Ten fails means you are objectively physically and mentally incapable of driving within even the loosest definition of the norms and you have a legal and more importantly moral obligation to not do so now or ever and to do otherwise would be a deliberate attack against public safety.

>a fucking leaf that can't even figure out driving, the equivalent of coloring within the lines for adults
You are genuinely mentally retarded so why bother seeking employment at all? Just leech off of government welfare.

There's always some place shittier and more retarded no matter how bad you think you have it; don't conflate "marginally less completely fucked up clownworld" with "good" for down that path madness and liberal nightmare dystopia lie. No lessons required here in Burgerstan, the test is free, and after passing getting your LOICENSE printed is ~$20 which is still a fucking rip off and no amount of Yurokek triple distilled whataboutism will change that fact.

Can someone run these VINs for me?

12 accidents, 18 previous owners
Brand new
that can't be real
is it?

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Is the 4th Gen Mustang a good car?
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Silence, boomer
>it was extremely hot and humid

holy fuck the 2v cope
You can roughly deduce ET by hp, weight and gearing. I think he states in the vid he does rolls to eliminate the driver difference a launch can make.
>no one knows what the fuck you're talking about
Nobody knows the difference between power measured at the wheel and at the crank? How do you usually measure your gains, by pulling the engine out every time you add a new part and sticking it on an engine dyno? A stock PI 2V dynos around 220whp, and I mentioned what a bolt on 2V does. Just because you're retarded doesn't mean you have to cope about it Anon. I even pointed out that 270whp is roughly 320hp since you're so stupid, but your feeble mind couldn't process the information.
your source is one dude in a facebook post who blows thousands on a 2v exhaust and thinks detroit in late winter is hot and humid. car dynos suck for anything except measuring relative changes while tuning. the weight of the wheels will make a difference, the transmission will make a difference, the gear ratio will make a difference, the fucking tire pressure will make a difference, its effectively measuring your cock in a nursing home hopped up on a dozen prescription meds trying to figure out who had a bigger cock when you were 20. whp is a figure with so many variables its useless
how much further are you going to derail this retard? anything you can do to a 4.6 you can do to a 5.0/5.8 cheaper and easier

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What is the fucking deal with people trying to get 2-3000 over EXCELLENT blue book value? I just want to buy a car -at- the actual value. These people on Facebook marketplace are actually insane. Nobody is going to pay 20,000 dollars for a 6 year old 40,000 mile Honda civic in the rust belt.
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Make them an offer. Took me a while to realize; most sellers will go down 10% without a 2nd thought.
Its annoying cause I was passing them up at first, not realizing the con ><
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lmao no but my grandpa was. weird group though, would not want to associate.

in reality I am friends with quite a few people still doing it and I know I could get a sweetheart deal depending on what I wanted. I don't want a new car though.

the truth is, depending on what you are buying a "good," deal is different. for all the people complaining about paying over sticker, when I switched from Chevrolet to Audi I arranged for the GM (guy makes like $50k a month) to buy a Suburban for $2500 over sticker from my old dealership because he didn't want ownership to know. At the time, just getting a car was a good deal and the guy paying has been in the business for 30 years.

my advice to consumers from someone who sold cars for 10 years: fuck cars, find something better to waste your money on.
My line for this was always "I'll pay you retail for your car as long as you pay retail for mine... or if you don't like that we can use wholesale prices... you're paying the same amount either way, the numbers just look different on paper, tell me what number you want to see and I'll write it up"

People are much more embarrassed to ask for huge discount than they are to demand more money on their trade so if you explain that it's functionally the same thing you're basically just giving them an ultimatum that invites them to either come back down to earth or admit they want an unreasonable discount.
I hope you and the idiots that gladly finance the slop that you sell go into a wood chipper
Finance the amount with no penalty for paying early then just it off in full the second you leave the dealer

That feel when you factor in gas cost when you want to go out and it's cheaper to buy a nice steak than buying something cheaper because you get 9mpg on premium before the motor warms up, then you get 14mpg or 15mpg.
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Or you can do what I haven't done yet but am telling you to do because I'm retarded and poor, and own TWO cars; one fuel economical city daily machine to zip around town, and a honkin american FREEDOM machine to starve gas stations on the weekends.
Can't really relate ngl
>t. not poorfag
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I can't relate.
t. MX-5 ND2 chad
Are you retarded? This makes no sense, you're still burning more gas to go further and it doesn't take more than 5 minutes of low rpm driving to warm up an engine. Shouldn't be burning more than .25 gallons warming up which is like a dollar max depending on what gas you use. Just buy good food and stop being jewish over 75 cents
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>Tablet infotainment

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Make it happen, Mazda
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The previous generation was a rebadged Ford Ranger but Mazda got tired of repairing them under warranty so now the current gen is a rebadged Isuzu Dmax and it’s actually reliable.
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ford is the pinnacle of durability. what are you on about
Is it true that Isuzu engines are built in Germany by Isuzu Germany?
Seems weird.
MA (Y) DA (Y)
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Sells okay where I am in Oz. It's not a rebadge, it's facelifted, as it doesnt share the body skin, except for the roof.

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This is a threat for offroading and offroad adjacent activities.
Post rigs in your driveway, put your phone away on the trail.
Booli SXS boomers.
Talk about all the parts that are falling apart on your trugg.
Post pics during mid repair rage break.

prev >>27789211
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Buy an Affordable Pipe Bender for $500 and some DOM pipe and make your own for $750. Then make another one for your friends truck and charge him $500 and it'll only cost you like $400.
Then use it to make bumpers to further reduce the entry cost. You'll end up spending more overall either way.
There’s nothing wrong with it, my friend lives in Cali and it won’t pass smog
It runs and drives and it’s in good shape other than the grill missing and the paint being faded
where do you live?
gay area in northern California unfortunately

So recently I've been interested in getting an Infiniti Q50 hybrid, I know…. BUT! honestly once I've tried hybrid cars I can't get back to non-hybrid.

The instant torque at low RPM is just very comfy, the Q50 comes with a V6 too so plenty of power to enjoy the cars also, since should be reliable.

Anyway, as with any sane person, I decided to check YouTube for long term reviews and stuff, and lo and behold all Q50 videos are filmed by Black people, which got me thinking why are niggers attracted to these cars?
Are you about to make a financial decision based on what others might perceive you as?
Nope, this is why my other car is a Corolla Touring, people made fun of me but hey, can't beat that rear space.

Luckily, I don't live in the United states of Israel, so I am good there. But I am truly astonished by the amount of black people who are gravitated to these cars, I would never have guessed it in a million years.
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They're basically "Homie's First Foreign", these are cross shopped when a brotha wants something more exclusive and luxurious than a Charger, but without German-tier maintenance, and with RWD and a bit of power so you can still flex in front of the honeys at the local sideshow and "cut up" and "swim" through traffic.
>Nope, this is why my other car is a Corolla Touring
That's my point. You're afraid of being perceived as "black" or whatever boogeyman you have in mind about people who drive this type of car. So you buy the most inoffensive thing possible. You don't want to be judged by others.
I wish they would brand it as the Nissan Skyline in burgerland.

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What are you working on anons?
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Did a power steering return hose on my beater yesterday. Shit was all crusty and rusty, so I just cut both ends, ez. Now I get to put together a press I had to buy for all the bushings on my Thunderbird, cuz of course the spending never ends when working on old bullshit.
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I found some extra gaudy wheel covers today. It goes well with the other tacky chrome stuff.
Deciding if I should repaint my whole car a non-Toyota stock color, since the paint on the left back quarter panel, the roof, and the hood are all sun damaged and wearing out. I could just do a 776 Green, but the paint is hard to find, whereas I could just pick a modern gunmetal and get it for cheap.
wrenchlet here. i drive a pretty old car, its a 2006 corolla, a lot of people still drive old cars like mine, but im noticing the cars breaking down on the side of the road aren't old, they're relatively very new, i dont think ive seen a car over 10 years old on the side of the road, are new cars having problems or something? figured i should ask the wrenchers on this board.
Oil change. Nothing crazy.
Found a metal chip in the plug magnet and now I can’t sleep.

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