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why do Americans only live in a left vs right world? brainwashed idiot
Crazy how this appliance has better acceleration than your shitbox though
automatic repellant for liberal roasties is good
and no conservative girls think its onions because tesla is right wing now
kai trump drives a tesla
My wife gets wet looking at 50s wringer washers. I have 3 in my garage right now
You attract many autistic tech bros

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I want a fun car but I’m sensitive to road noise… my tinnitus is loud enough already…
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get a fun car and throw an oem muffler on it. i don't like loud either, all my cars have oem mufflers.
chevy bolt
I have tinnitus, so I got a louder car. Now I can't hear it :^)
do you want like a loud sports car or something to cruse in?
earplugs, just pop them in when roadnoise gets a little louder than comfortable with
also reasonable sound level exhaust so you don't immediately have to shove earplugs in

>c7 z06 lateral grip: 1.19g
>porsche 918 lateral grip: 1.17g
>c8 z06 lateral grip: 1.16g
>lap time order on mt figure 8 (track with no space to accelerate at all):
>1. c8 z06
>2. porsche 918
>3. c7 z06

is cornering g force just a buzzword for the mechanically illiterate to cope about wasting grip? All the time I see people talk about shit they have no clue about with handling and site cornering grip as proof for handling, when in real world scenarios, cars with less weight altogether and competent suspension setups do best. Would any of you clowns care to explain this?
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You realize the tires on the c7 and c8 are different, you retarded little fuck?

Motortrend and the like are an advertising platform for factory-as-configured cars.
They aren't actually testing legitimate comparisons.

Cornering Gs are a metric. A single metric. A car can handle badly and still pull good cornering force, which are largely related to tires. I can easily do 1g on a skid pad with a mostly stock E30 on 200 treadwear tires, that doesn't mean it handles well or will be fast.
>tenth of a second differences
>no mention of driver, tires, tire condition/temp, track temp, humidity, fuel level, wind speed/direction
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Both could be optioned with Cup2 tires.
Not a great tire anyways.

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You have to be perpetually online and fucking struggle to even get something that covers the gas costs much less a return trip.
How tf do you find shit to carry with your own vehicle without becoming a wagie?
Hire a broker

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What car model got raped the hardest over the last 10-20 years?
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suburban 1990s & today
Beat me to it
both of those transported your 5'2 wife to walmart.
where's the rape? theyre both equally useless abominations

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Should I wait to get it when it comes out or will it be like 40-50 grand, and gay?
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MSRP of $54,999 because it is a Mazda and not a Lexus so it wouldn't break 6x,xxx.
Will be 50k and gay, but you know what. I'm still gonna buy it. This car looks too fuckin cool.
Dealership aren't able to sell above msrp because Mazda won't let them. Unless that changed after covid.
>sell car to friend
>friend sells car back to dealership
>its used now so pay MSRP + 20k
this is what dealerships do in canada with the type R
Every time a soap-bar looking concept car actually comes to fruition, it actually just looks like a honda civic in the end. Sorry Anon.
>I'm still gonna buy it.
No you're not. That render does look fuckin cool, but if its over $45k it'll be DoA and/or look completely different.

I'm half-confident it'll be a 2-door Mazda 3 with Miata styling cues. If someone could 'blend' the 2 that'd likely be what it is.

post cars that make americans jealous
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>but american
other than the engine, what else is american about it?
>I think Americans have them now, but they're weird parts bin specials made by gluing two cars together or something.
We have G8s which are built on the same platform, more practical and better looking. There's a GT in my garage rn
It's basically the exact same car as a G8 and I can tell you from experience they use AC Delco parts all over the car.
im right nigger, get bent
That's wrong you fucking retard, look at the Vic roads website.
There are two categories, standard and goods carrying. Then it's split between metro, outer metro and rural.
Motorcycles are done by displacement.

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Post your Miatas, Fiatas, MX5s, and Roadsters
Post your V8 swaps
Post your address so I can adopt your Miata

Previous thread - 28232062
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what a snowflake
why hasn't anyone unlocked these MX-5s yet
>I had nausea and vertigo from driving in a car
are you a woman?
Miata ruined every single econbox for me. It feels so weird to sit so high now even if its a corolla. It also feels very disconnected to the road too.
>ground wideband at the ecu ground underneath the slave cylinder
>MS still sees +0.2 or +0.3 higher
:| wtf

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I have a red Fiat 500 and I cheaped out and got a remanufactured caliper instead of a new red one. I thought I could easily paint it red myself
but I can’t even tape it properly. The masking tape won’t hold or conform well.

Is there something I’m missing?
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Ok thanks for the tip anon. No wonder why even the tape didn’t adhere.

I’m not going to ruin the coating and sand it. It seems like too much work. I also am not sure if my work had spray paint meant for high heat.

I’m just going to leave it as. Anyway I feel my current car is underpowered and I might sell it anyway or give it to my poorfag brother.
You have to disassemble the caliped, clean it with alcohol, high temp primer it, and then paint it with high temp or it won't last a month.
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>The masking tape won’t hold or conform well.
Wrong tool
in my experience it's the inside you need to worry about rusting more than the outside, which is a solid chunk of metal that can easily handle some surface corrosion. caliper paint is mostly for looks.
Is baking the paint necessary for high-temp parts like calipers? I've heard of people sticking freshly-painted calipers in an oven to cure the paint

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Honda thread

>Motorcycle tips & tricks
>Motorcycle pics, webms
>Motorcycle anime girls
>rip gn, gaymoo, indian
>CB500 leg legion association guild clan
>Tennyfren hq
>scooters are frens
>Auramaxxing techniques to keep cagies away
>enduro chads
>put stickers on your bike and helmet!
>Yamaha = good
>Honda = also good
>just buy japanese

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I forgot I got my trail tool laser engraved
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>the gas
>plz gib mon
Ya I bet. How about I pay you 30 percent of the cost then we can forget about the remainder instead?
course hes not happy, his girlfriends dick is poking him
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That's a lot of work but here's another picture of it. I just took this thing 200 miles and I feel so fresh. I could go 600 in a day easily. Most comfortable hog ever made. Plus it's extremely agile and nimble compared to a Harley. I can't believe these were not more popular because I'm in love with it

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do people seriously do this with only 1 clamp? i always use 2. are people just too poor to afford a 2nd clamp? dont they come in pairs?

is that az? and also do you know the story behind that? it seems impossible to be going that fast in residential and spin backwards and treequinox.
love me 'onda
Might have done this to an ATV with rare electronics

Doesn't help I have two and the wires are different on each.
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1 grenade lock coming up

>spends half an hour talking about how shit cars are today
>joe tries to show him the new mustang
>immediately points out how its a chevy rip off

how do zoomers respond without getting upset?

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It's just a scrap pile actually that's all going to the beer money reserve.
Seeth more wrenchlet

Dumb ass Nixon era boomer. How much HP does your hoveround get.
Discord troons are also on the rampage. They hate that he survived covid and supported Trump. And to troons you must agree with and think like the entertainers you listen to.
Being some neocon foreskin sacrificing jew dick sucker is arguably worse since trannyism will sort it self out when the last jew gets the oven.
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I have no idea what youre trying to say.

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Am I the only one who thinks the previous generation Z4 is a gorgeous car?
I'd honestly get one if I wasn't poor and could afford a weekend car.
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S2000 is better in every way
I have an AE86, and now additionally got an E85.

S2000 > Z4 > Miata.
Nice supra bro. I see you replaced the toytota badge with a BMW badge. That's gonna get you mad pussy from these hoes out here.
Hey whats the name of that mexican restaurant in san jose that we was going to visit
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i like the race cars, but the regular Z4's are just woman cars, no proper M variant and no hard top version

Now that generic German premium cars like Cayenne aren't considered impressive in Europe anymore and Ram still is, should Germans start producing truggs?
The Cayanne is considered a middle class vehicle in Europe.
>The europoor said while riding public transport with muhammads and ranjeeshs
the cayenne starts at 99600 EUR in germany
gross median income in germany is ~50000
post your brand new Cayenne then
It beats traffic

okay car fags
guess my car based on my dash
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At least for burguers...
i can recognize that cheap silvery plastic anywhere
easy, 2000s volkswagen beetle
is this norway? :o
Some kind of poogeout

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