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A man denied his Sollei
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He's such a tough old bastard. I really like that he just keeps on going no matter what but man, I'm worried about the guy.
>I'm worried about the guy.
See it that way: He's living his life the way he wants. Whatever happens, happens. It's alright.
Do we thinking he's hiding something?
That looks like someone made an example of him.
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>Burned his face and hands working on a car in 2022
>Broke multiple bones falling off a motorcycle in 2023
>Fell down a 60/70 foot hill breaking a wrist and bruising him severely in 2024.

That's like 3 accidents every year. Will he lose an arm next year?

Or is he in fight club?
the masons dont want us to know about the turbojet cars!

Is there a harder color for a car to pull off than brown?
Brown is usually such a nice looking color. Briefcases, shoes, suits, wallets, you can't go wrong with brown. But not cars.
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Champagne color tends to look bad
mustard and cream are both pretty tough
Looks like crap (literally)
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Good God, when they put the tan interior in it is the WORST.
<<<<Yeah buddy.
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I like brown too, my car is brownish grey.

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How would the auto industry look today if the big three went under in 2008?

By all accounts, these zombies should definitely be dead if they needed bailouts.
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> By all accounts, these zombies should definitely be dead if they needed bailouts.
Auto industry is an extremely capital intense industry due to its low sales margins, long turnover times for stock, high competition, importance of scale, dependence on external financing and slowness of retooling factory lines. If an external shock - say, a housing crisis - destroys the short term market, all car markets are in big financial trouble in short term. This is by no means an attribute unique to American big three. Thats the rationale for government loans to stipulate operations of these manufacturers.

Also, its not like the three had done nothing in 2000s. GM was scaling its China game like crazy and killing least profitable parts of its portfolio, Chrysler had just divorced with Mercedes and Ford had secured a very good finance package in 2006 with new well selling models like Mustang and Edge + sales of Jaguar, Aston and Land Rover.

If the package wouldn't have been cobbled together for GM and Chrysler, US would have lost 200 000 manufacturing jobs and probably around a million jobs to support those instantly. In future, US market would be dominated by Asian mass market cars and European luxuries. Chinese cars would be welcomed with open arms. Michigan would be a VW style collapsed economy.
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never forget what they took from us
daimler committed corporate and cultural murder, like they were taking vengeance for ww2
did anyone ever notice how the cars just suddenly went from sleek and airplane-like to dull chunky pastiches of what europeans think americans like? they fucking did it on purpose.
they did it because they were scared.

of HIM
>Also, its not like the three had done nothing in 2000s.
Well it certainly doesn't feel like they've done much of note since.
Tesla and EVs would have taken off sooner
Idk, if slayer Metallica and megadeth all bought the farm in some crazy ass La Bamba plane crash in 2008 I don’t know how that would affect the automotive industry? What exactly do you think would’ve happened?

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Sexo. It’s hard having such an unobtainium car as a dream car
You can find this in any ghetto or trailer park

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this thing (06 mgm) clattering for maybe a second on a cold start drove me crazy and i almost spent $3000 to get the timing components replaced only to figure out it's a non-issue
all you have to do is put in a better oil filter and it happens less often, now it only does it maybe half the time, and if it does it's usually for like a half second, and it's even quieter when it does
have you ever almost spent used car price on something that wasn't necessary
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Ford said, as best I can remember from the time that it was normal, and causing no damage to the engine. I think I’m only car autistic because I was raised in the car industry by a car dad, I never believed that it was causing no unnecessary wear. I still use Royal Purple in my ‘16 F150 5.0 and it costs $10-12 dollars per quart. I use Mobil 1 in my wife’s ‘14 Acura, and my ‘08 VW. I use Mobil 1 oil filters on all our vehicles.
03 model year had horrible quality control for basically every component
First I've heard of this. It's not like the engine was significantly different than the year before, other than a few small things. 03-04 are the best model years to own. You get the major chassis update, but still have a cable connecting the pedal to throttle body like god intended.
>06 mgm
i have one. been pretty reliable, had a pressure switch and fan fail but nothing too serious

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what went so well?
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Look it up, farm guy on YT reviewed every commercially available jerry can in the US.
No. The chink cans are made out of thinner steel, are not coated on the inside, don't have the breather tube to prevent glugging. and the seam isn't recessed.
The recessed seam is especially important, since it's the weakest part of any fuel can. The chink cans will leak if you so much as bump the seam into something.
If you google up some rover parts stores, they sell Wavian cans imported from Europe for $55/ea or $200 for 4. They're stamped petrol and come with a "for non-potable water use only" sticker.
Just buy the racing can or a Scepter can from milsurp or Canada.
project farm reviewed these. just go watch
thanks for the helpful tip!

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Designed to destroy our car
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grow up
just proving my point further. you have a very condescending know it all tone to how you type. are you sure that all cars have all the same assists turned on by default? because I have a feeling your actual experience with new cars isn't as vast as you're trying to pretend it is, and you're just assuming based off the one or two vehicles you've driven with the feature that everything else must be just like them.
grow up, child.
That was an A+ comeback
you sound like a huge faggot

Welcome to the discussion of my bad boy vehicles
My Peterbilt 389my Harley and everything else.

News: Yamaha and Suzuki have completely discontinued their sport bikes while HArkeley Davidson is stronger than ever.

Euro truckers abd theyr trucks are fucking garbage.

I have more driving skill than anyone here Peterbilt 389 flatbed truck
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>Try it
EF, how do I get on your level? I want what you have. The freedom. The trucks. The bikes. The big tiddy slampig. How do I get what you got?
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Ok first of all bud.
It’s a titty bitch
A hanger banger

U call TMC, Melton, Maverick, ect
Drive flatbed for a year. Buy a used truck for $50k sign to a 1099 carrier for 80% than buy a trailer couple months later to get 90% and ur me. Literally me.
Based, thanks.
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U wont fucking do it.
To be fair anon. I never mega carrier slogged. I lied about my exp and signed to a carrier with a truck my dad had parked do my first year exp.
Just get the 1 exp anyway u can. That’s always the trick.

Than u can get the money, the big jugg Titty bitches. All of that.

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how come theres barely any 4 cyl car with very high mileage? all 300k+ cars ive seen are usually big v8 trucks

do people just not drive 4cyl cars that much or are 4 cyl engines not built to last as long?
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Swing and a miss
1.9 TDI disproves your entire theory
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>less miles than the merc on multiple engines
>i don't give a shit about it
i don't, either.
>You still haven't proven your 3 million mile rams to be original
here's one with no rebuilds at 2.5 million. higher than anything european.
>The article mentions vehicle with a lot of mileage on their odometer.
so exactly how every other article measures the engine mileage, retard?
>If this was true, almost every other article would include these vehicles in their list.
If the average life span of a euroshit mobile was 28 years, almost every article would say so. guess your claim is bogus.
>Source KEK?
read the articles in >>28103854 notice how they mention no rebuilds? where is this for the merc?
>build to a highest standard
what makes this other than not being european? you aren't actually talking about the engine.

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>My article talks about the average lifespan of vehicles in europe
so did the one i just linked.
>That means that most people own their cars in EE for around 28 years
quite a bit younger than cuban cars.
>This isn't cuba, where people are so poor/have nothing, that they are forced to drive their second hand cars forever
at around 4-600 euros, albania is poor, and are forced to drive old shitboxes.
>Now, compared to america,
america has an average salary several orders of magnitude higher, and can therefore afford to buy newer cars, but they also have the highest amount of documented million mile cars.
>the average age is mostly around 12.6 years
Nope, on average life span is 16 years. with some states being as old as 20. you're quoting "average age" and comparing it to european "average age". the "average age" of european cars is posted here>>28109382 in this image. its 10.8. so the "average life span" in america is higher, as is the "average age".

>(your article claims 14 to 17 years old for europe).

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>you're quoting "average age" and comparing it to european "average age"
comparing american average age to european "average life span"

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I told ai to draw an awesome car...
Now do the same thing, but made by AMC.
>a thread died for this

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LOL that still has the sales sticker in the window!
I get you'd rather own the truck and stuff, but a quick check on uhaul tells me that I can rent a 26 foot box truck for 5 days, and if I drove it 200 miles, it would cost me a grand total of about 500 bucks.

so it really does seem like, if you really just haul something like a boat twice a year, and you spent 60 grand on a truck, when it would of cost you like a grand a year instead to just rent one?

Some people attempt to use their vehicle to portray an identity.
Sticker caused the accident, placed directly in the blind spot. Ez lawsuit win vs dealershit.
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>old trucka can tow circles around nu-trucks
Spoken like someone who has never towed and never owned a truck. Brakes have gotten significantly better, engines have gotten better, frame compositions have gotten better, we can run computer simulations now to better design suspension geometry that can adapt to bigger loads. I love old trucks dont get me wrong, but the difference between towing with an old truck and a new truck is night and day. I have a 2000 F-350 7.3/CC/SB/DRW. In its day it was "the truck" for towing. Despite that its got a GVWR of just 11k lbs. I have a 2017 F-150 with a GVWR of 8k lbs and it can get that up to speed and stop it with ease. My only real complaint is stability, but its also a 1/2 ton with soft 1/2 ton suspension. I've driven a few SRW 6.7 alumiduty F-250s and they tow and handle leagues above my old(er) F-350 with a GVWR to match, most of them being 15k+ lbs. I plan on buying one in the next 2 years.

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rate my dream garage
i'm so poor bros
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i like vehicles that go
I don't have a pic of my dream garage but it is a couple of miles away and has bays for ten trucks on one side.
Put a mezzanine in there and you would have a nice place to live.
It sucks. Your floor will be constantly cold.
Enclose the upper floor and you have as cosy a place as any American "Shed" could be.
Industrial units have to make money, that's why I don't own it.
El Teco

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>can pass any lines on the road (all markings are suggestions)
>can pass in an intersection
>can pass from the right
>allowed to legally pass on shoulder in many situations
>by default the actual speed limit is +20% what is actually stated
>court system intentionally tries to keep your license when you commit traffic violations because driving is essentially a god given right here
>police have long given up enforcing any laws
Why is it so based to be a driver here?
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>a single camera generated $6.8 million in fines

Yet they can't hire more police to patrol shitty areas or search for your stolen car even when the Airtag is telling them it's at the port in a shipping container 30 minutes away.
sic the homeless on the copper within those cameras
I've done it twice over 11 years so I doubt it was still on there.

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Need to replace my front calipers on my 2009 Fit. Before I put them on, I wonder if I should paint them. I live in the salty rust belt and winter is coming. The old ones are really rusty, but they've also lasted this long without any issue to just now. Still, guess I want them to look as nice as possible for as long as possible.
How well does this stuff work at least for appearance? Are there any other benefits?
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Why not just go with "bimbo"?

And I paint all parts.
If I change a transmission mount and have to pull the transmission brace, I clean the brace and paint it before reinstall.
It makes working on the next component much easier, especially on older vehicles with rust, oil or dirt packed in everywhere.
And eventually you wind up with a restored vehicle (or atleast a shitbox that lasted a little longer).
Spray them a shiny silver coating and call it a day. Don't pretend you have brembos unless you're making a joke akin to the other posters so far.
Why not paint it so they look like Chiquita bananas?
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I like this, however, I'd just do it straight yellow.

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Let's go gassies, time for your weekly humiliation ritual.
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This is a less than 10 minute wait.
I usually shitpost and relax while I wait for my turn to pull up.
What a fucking moron.
You don't even have the most basic grasp of a concept they teach 12 yearolds.
>As each component of crude oil has a different relative volatility, they will evaporate at different temperatures.
is gas tax california raising 14c from 54 to 68c or is california prices raising 68c???
>claims to have been a fuel handler
>doesn't know that Diesel is a volatile compound
Chalk it up to just another lie he got busted on.
Compulsive liars always get tripped up in their own web of deceit.
Can't. Boobs should stick out farther than neck.

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