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I'm too stupid for it
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>How do I stop at a light without stalling?
worst case you can do like I did in my 85 shitbox iroc camaro I bought for $500 in high school. The clutch just hung there dangling (didn't even think about working properly). I would have to turn the car off at stop lights, put it in 1st, then hit the gas and turn it on when the light turned green. From there I just powershifted through the gears. Not sure how long I could have gone on doing that but I ramped it over some railroad tracks and sent her into a pole which put it out of its misery
>put it neutral and unclutch
wait do people just sit there with the clutch in the whole time?
>wait do people just sit there with the clutch in the whole time?
Yes. Eventually you'll be able to identify them by the "In Sink Garbage Disposal full of ball bearings" sound their throwout bearing makes.
Go to a lower gear and eventually to neutral when ur slow enough
>let the NPCs honk their horns, you won't lose 'aura'
If there's anything good compared to living in a big city, it's that you can embarrass yourself completely for 10 minutes straight on a public road and literally no one at that intersection would ever recognize you again.
Applies to more than just driving.

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Lowered cars look ghetto and stupid.

Black wheels look ghetto and stupid.
i know, im wiggermaxing

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if white people invented the internal combustion engine, why are the best and most reliable engines today japanese?
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The japs don't have the same attitude for outsourcing that the west does. They want shit done to a certain quality and they will check on you.
Americans don't fucking car. Their plants that aren't in mexico are full of niggers and they just drag the whole thing down.
>Trucks are usually made to last longer
yet you can't post a single japanese truck with more mileage than that ram. and those rams make up the highest percentage of recorded million mile vehicles.

continue to cope why japan doesn't make the highest mileage engines, i guess. they don't even make most of the engines that hit a million miles.
>v8 is not more complex
>more moving parts and reciprocating mass is is not more complex because the toyota has more little pieces of metal called "valves" in each cylinder
>even if the vic still has the same amount of values anyway
>whole engine has more moving parts
>but its not more complex
>a car with more moving parts that lugs around more weight is not under more stress because it needs to use twice the moving parts to make more power to move its weight
this doesn't make any sense, but okay.
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Sure, here is one from a pakistani (the comment was from a year ago, so probably has more now). And that's where you are going to find most of these super high millage vehicles. In 3rd world countries, where most people drive what they can get. There are probably more out there, but until they share than information online, we will never know. It's also ironic that you would claim, 'they don't even make most of the engines that reach a million miles,' when in reality, they do— and not just in commercial vehicles, but also in regular passenger cars—something american manufacturers struggle to achieve. And that was exactly what my original post was about. Even the website you got that picture from (the 1.7 million ram) doesn't think it's fair to use it as an example, because its' a commercial vehicles. You still can't post an american econobox (that isn't a truck larping as a sedan, with an anemic 50 hp/l engine and a 4-speed slush box form the '50s) with a million miles on it. I'm not the one coping, you are. You think, people around the world think of american cars as high quality/long lasting shit, you are delusional. Here is also a picture of a 2+ million mile volvo bus engine. I guess americans don't make the longest lasting commercial vehicle engines as well.
spoiler alert, most of these "million mile" 3rd world cars that are still on the road will just have their engines swapped from scrapped cars in junk yards. you can find tons of american cars in cuba from the 50s still driving around for the same reasons.

rest of your post is still cope about civilian trucks that can be bought at any car dealership and don't even require a CDL being commercial vehicles, and then japs still not being able to produce a higher mileage engine despite making actual commercial vehicles i.e hino. even gas engine trucks are "commercial vehicles" to you. is the corvette and camaro also commercial vehicles? they have small blocks, and small blocks are in trucks! also, i thought american trucks are just soccer mom cars with beds? no one uses them for real work like the mighty kei truck.
here is the kind of mileage actual commercial vehicles can do.
>muh econobox
maybe OP should've made this thread about econoboxes, since we've already proven the most reliable powerful or highest HP/L engines don't come from japan. so don't say "engines" and expect people not to post engines.
Yes, these vehicles can be purchased by regular people and be used for personal transportation, but that’s not their primary purpose, is it? Trucks like the ram 2500 are primarily designed for commercial and fleet use (transportation of goods, towing, construction site duties, etc.), which is why they are often exempt from EPA testing. While they are certainly capable of serving as personal vehicles, they are engineered to different standards due to their purpose. Japanese manufacturers like hino, fuso, and isuzu have produced commercial vehicles that can exceed a million kilometers/miles, which is considered high mileage. Just because there isn't a picture of one online with exactly 1.7 million miles, doesn't mean they can't do it. The reason why i posted the old man with his 1993 corolla (which made you seethe really badly), is because it’s more remarkable for an cheap econobox to achieve such high mileage compared to a expensive 1/2 ton or 3/4 ton truck (like the ram 2500), which was designed for much heavier workloads/last longer. You can continue to post you sex tool engine maker all you like, because you won't find a similar class american econobox with similar mileage. As for the kenworth you posted, that's a heavy duty truck designed for industrial use. You really gonna compare that to a bus engine. Is that even the original engine with no rebuilt? The volvo engine, literally had no noticeable wear after 2+ million miles, it probably would of done another 2+ million or more. Overall there is no reason to continue this conversion.


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driver's license<motorcycle license<private pilot license
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Armed forces license above all.
Legoland license> all
What if I have a license to kill
Fuck this shit. I’m buying a sailboat.

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I want to get a Tesla. I’m tired of ice engines and all of their fluids. I don’t drive long distances very often.
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Read, nigga
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You have some of the prettiest driving roads in the country, I hear. 2nd only to the Appalachia, through VA/KY/NC/TN.
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the honda clarity sounds perfect for you
Get an ebike instead. Practically the same thing, but cheaper.

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There will be a day in America where every remaining LLV's Iron Duke will fall silent, never to rumble down the streets again.
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No goyim! Old car bad! Buy new car, always green and eco friendly to consoom! Do not think about it!
besides money, there's nothing keeping anyone from reverse engineering parts right now.
woah its almost like nissan has models that aren't the altima, retard-kun

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Allowable topics, including but not limited to:
-Offroad trails
-4x4 vehicles
-Powertrain and suspension modification
-Tripfag shunning
-Recovery methods

Inappropriate topics:
-LGBTQIA+ social issues

Previous thread: >>27930998
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I'm thinking of replacing the oil pan bolts on my 4.0 with studs from mcmaster
>1/4-20x3/8 in the block, 1/4-28x3/4 from the block replacing the 1/4-20x1/2 bolts
>5/16-18x3/8 in the block, 5/16-24x3/4 from the block replacing the 5/16-18x1/2 bolts
Studs will have an OAL of 1-1/4" which should give me enough length to snug them in the block and install the pan and nuts like normal
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>>replacing the 5/16-18x1/2 bolts
replacing the 5/16-18x3/4 bolts*
You only need 2 studs, the rest are fine being bolts
>buy a long bolt from Home Depot for 50 cents
>cut it in half with a grinder
>bevel the ends of the threads
Boom, 2 studs for 50 cents and didn’t even have to wait for a McMaster order

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>immune to remote detonation with 100% pure blood non Western engineering and parts supply chain owned by 100% Chinese people

chinese cars just keep on getting better and better
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>immune to remote detonation
>prone to local detonation
I guess you win some and you lose some.
but is it free?

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>le new car is bad
>muh old car is good
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Not a boomer, but he's right.
This. Give me a basic ECU and fuel injection, leave all that other faggotry out of there.
They will, not because the cars now are good, but the cars of the future will be oh so much worse.
$5k plus $1k yearly update fee for a strap-on, cannot redeem foreskin
icon has a $1,800 and $300 a year subscription

those $40 scanners just read simple codes, if your shit is proper fucked you need the big boy. also you dont "need" a subscription but its basically a update fee because if once a new/updated model comes out chances are it wont read it

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Since yesterday my car has been vibrating a lot, not just the engine but the whole car.
It’s also much harder to shift gears now, I have to force the gear lever into a gear if I’m at lower rpms. At higher rpms the vibrations decrease and shifting is easier.
I drove around to test things out and discovered:
>Burnt clutch smell after the drive
>Hard to shift at lower rpms, when vibration is more intense
>Vibrations are felt even in neutral, and also with the clutch pressed on
>One time when riding the clutch to slowly move when in 2nd made a loud thump noise and the car stalled as if it went in neutral (possible disengagement)
>The car also rejected a gear change once even when the clutch was pressed, as if it were still in gear
>The car also drags, increasing rpms faster than it increases speed, meaning some slippage is occurring.

I have replaced the clutch and clutch press about 2 months ago, but went in for a performance kit for more torque and a more aggressive engagement. I kept original DMF as the repair manual said I could keep it through one clutch change.
Could this have killed my DMF?
What should I do in order to confirm my suspicions? I just know the dealership is going to quote me a shit ton of parts that aren’t necessary.
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Guess I’ll do that. It sucks that my initial plan was to get a new Sachs DMF too to go with the clutch but decided to trust the repair manual and save some money.

Also on a side note. If, with the engine off, I can shift gears as easily as I did before without having to force it in, this confirms the transmission itself is okay and the issue is with the DMF or clutch assembly, right?
Verify if it vibrates at a stop in neutral AND at a stop with the clutch in and transmission in gear.
The clutch will still rotate in neutral while at a stop with the clutch engaged or disengaged.
It does on both occasions, reason why I’m more leaning towards the issue being the DMF than the clutch. It vibrates like if I had it cammed.
Did you replace the pilot bearing? Those things howl if you don't.
Only the clutch release bearing. Though I do not hear any howling noise coming from the bell housing.

One theory I found for this issue was that it could even be due to a seized alternator pulley.
I would never have thought of that but about 3 months ago my alternator failed and I had to replace the brushes, slip ring and voltage regulator, though I only replaced the rear bearing, and not the front one in the pulley. I have been having some intermittent red battery lights for these few months but since they go away after a while I tend to ignore them until I can get a new alternator. Could this theory be true?

ITT we laugh at bat boomers and their boomer shenanigans
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I want to get an MGB
>please buy this porsche, I've gone completely broke trying to afford insurance, repairs, and maintenance on it
>no, I was totally an adult driver and didn't beat the fuck out of it
>I really need this cash and the loan is still killing me 3 years later.
>Porsche with a broken speedo and unknown mileage
>Bid up by some 20 year old faggot
About right for the Porsche market.
Damn he's wanted one of those cars for two whole years
It's so weird hearing about the shit boomers (almost always white boomers) do to fuck over their kids. I'm literally inheriting two houses and like 20 acres of land because by silent gen grandparents' own freedman grandparents bought some land and told each generation to only pass it down or sell it between relatives. It's been split up and re-consolidated as people move out of the area and now I'm first in line for both.

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why does /o/ hate new cars so much? Yes, theyre more expensive than used cars, but having the peace of mind from knowing you wont be left stranded in the middle of the road, humiated in front of your date or friends, or made late for work is worth it 100 times
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They look bad
They sound bad
They’re boring to drive
They’re over complicated and an unknown commodity outside of warranty
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>having the peace of mind from knowing you wont be left stranded in the middle of the road, humiated in front of your date or friends, or made late for work is wo-ACK!!
All the Tundras are getting new engines I heard. Not too bad compared to others.
Tell Lexus to make the LS430 again, I love that exact body style and design. I like the new 500s as well but I genuinely prefer the 2000s styling.

How do you know when to replace a timing belt?
Especially when the last guy doesn’t know when it was done.
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You’re stuck 15 years ago, if you do the belt/pump/tensioners, parts are 200-300$. They will charge at least 3 hours of labor.
It means change it now.

Unless we're talking about a Ferrari, a timing belt should last 100,000 miles. If there is no record of it being done and there is no sticker under the hood from the mechanic saying it was done, you should just assume it's never been done. If the car is over 200,000 miles and you don't know if it has been done a second time or not just buy a different car.

Search auto tempest for other ones for sale to get an idea of what the current market is. You can also check Cars and Bids to see what they have sold for recently.
Look at it and check if it's starting to rot

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what does /o/ think of the C8 Corvette?
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The C3 was the last beautiful Corvette. Everything since then has been flaccid and boring, or aggressively insecure.

This. C7 is nicer, though slower.
It offered a manual and a true soft top. There's no convertible C8 because you'll always have a C-pillar behind.

The interior is terribly ugly, so is the rear. Incredibly ugly car. The C7 has a nice rear and a weird front. Chebby is suffering from the same angry wasp disease as Toyota.

Picrel is what an objectively beautiful American sports car looks like.
Very highly, fast and cool very masculine dominate and hetero. But you will have a lot of samefagging weebcels or europoors on here spamming for a false concensus
It's a cool car but it's way too ugly compared to the even the C7
usg in the parlance of our time

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Official The Grand Tour finale thread.
Torrents are up edition.

I remember ever since I started coming here 15-odd years ago, whenever a new Top Gear episode came out, we'd all head on over to FinalGear and torrent the newest episode in 360p, then have a good long thread about it, but eventually everyone stopped and we never really made a big deal of new episodes of Top Gear or The Grand Tour any more.

Well what's say we do it one last time for old times sake?
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The flashing between that special and now was nice.
I don't really like Matt on drive tribe. His accent isn't the 'cool british' accent that Clarkson Hammond and May have.
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>Tell me your favorite scenes from over the years!
i remember watching the america special when it came out with my dad, i must have been around 4 or 5 at the time
when jeremy comes out with the cow on the top of his Camaro i laughed so hard that i puked
good times
We can just use ethanol like the brazilian monkeymen. That's what Henry Ford first envisioned anyway.

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