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What do you say?
Mumble a bunch of gibberish then suddenly jump out of the car and tackle the cop. Get shot 47 times and die on scene. Easiest way out of a ticket
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Follow me officer. We're goin on a magic ride.
Guten Abend, Herr Polizist

Fire up your favorite CD anon, nein?

Uhh I'm pretty sure I was below
10 above
The speed limit
>good evening officer, what can I do for you?
Then you get a warning and you're off on your way
cant breathalyze meth
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My state did away with qualified immunity, so I choose to be a dickhead until the cop oversteps.
It's a free money glitch.
What seems to be the problem, officer?
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Oh yeah, that worked out not-so-great once.
Yeah, somehow I don't think I'm going to have the same problem.
>free money glitch
for your surviving family members
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How about I give you one of these instead?
what if it’s a woman or tranny
The best demeanor to take is look very scared and sorry for anything you may have done. Like you've never been pulled over before and are legit afraid and sorry. I've pulled over a lot of normies who likely never had a police contact before then and so long as I feel like it was a stern enough warning and they're not going to do it again, I won't give them a ticket. You can also throw in some speel on how poor you are, I can't bring myself to ticket some paycheck to paycheck pleb or starving student and have ripped up a ticket after writing it because they said they really have no way of paying it. If it was an egregious enough violation sorry you're still getting it, take the driving class so it doesn't put points on your record, not that they even mean anything. The fines are like $100 so I don't get why people shit their pants over traffic tickets.

If it's highway patrol or some highway town cops, you're getting a ticket. They're not real cops, totally different job with only some vague similarities believe it or not. If you get a ticket from a busy city cop you really fucked up, they're way more focused on criminal matters than some bored podunk cop.
Name 3 moving violations I committed that aren't Jackie Chan
what's the officer, problem?
I'm wearing a vest
>are like $100 so I don't get why people shit their pants over traffic tickets.
They’re not, it’s insurance that is a problem. If you’re under the age of 25 and have a penis you’ll be anally raped for years on end for a single ticket. Even above that age a single ticket will raise your premiums significantly.

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