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Couldn't find anything in the catalog, general rules apply I guess?
Clearly ask questions in English (or something resembling it)
Don't be a flaming turd goblin when answering said questions.

My question, if it is one, is should I get a hoist for my shop?
Just got my first home loan, although it took twenty years.
A big attraction to the property was a three car shed freshly built behind the house.
Do I go whole hog and stuff a hoist in it?
If yes then questions remain, will I die if I don't know what I'm doing? Are they actually not cool as all fuck in reality?

Whatever you pay will cost double in twenty years, adding to the value of your property. People will give you fifty bucks a night to use it.
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>AC clutch engages and disengages appropriately
>Pulley spins
>High and low sides have equal pressure of ~40psi
>TX valve replaced with OEM
I'm going to have to replace the compressor, aren't I
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FL1 Civic, wiper fluid question:
1. The reservoir is all the way down where the arrow is pointed towards. There's no level indicator. How much should I put in? Once I see it coming up towards the neck of the reservoir?
2. I can't see how much is left, but I know there's very little remaining. It still sprays a tiny bit. Would it be ok to top it up with a different brand? I have no idea what was in it before.
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If it's not a good idea to mix it, am I fucked? The reservoir is way way way down there, and there's no easy way to drain it other than siphoning it out or letting the wiper run forever.
I need to replace it with stuff made for winter,
Yes you can top it up
Leave at least like 1-2 inches in the neck to allow for it to expand some
& it's fine to mix
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Changed the O2 sensor. Still getting the code. Wtf?
Thanks. If my car explodes I have no one but myself to blame.
How can I wash the salt off my car without destroying my wash mitt in the process?
Doesn't stored mean not current
I'm moving from Florida to western Washington soon and shopping for trucks to haul my shit abd daily. So far I'm looking at
>98 Ranger v6 rwd reg cab long bed 150,000 miles immaculate interior with minor sun damage to hood $4k asking
>94 F150 i6 rwd std cab ok interior minor rust on bed 120k miles $5k asking

The i6 in the f150 is what I want but the ranger looks like new which makes me think it's been babied and the f150 looks well used. I'm going to do a full inspection of both but is the v6 ranger enough for the hills of WA? Will the v6 blow up on me and leave me stranded on the drive? What would you pick if both vehicles are in great working condition?
>I'm going to have to replace the compressor, aren't I
>no pressure across compressor
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The fuck does this mean? The passenger front window button doesn’t work and doesn’t light up, but it can be raised/lowered from the driver’s side buttons. I don’t want to just throw parts, but do I just buy a new window switch?
Clean the contacts on the passenger switches before anything else
Westers WA fag here.
do you actually need to hall stuff regularly after you move? If it's just for 4x4 in snow, well, there isn't any. Just rain. Endless rain from mid Fall to mid Spring. If you really need that, get an SUV or or at least make sure that bed has a good cover so so everything in it doesn't get soaked.
Screw all that and unhook the battery like you should have done before you replaced the sensor.
Switch front to back and see. If you cannot do >>28195801 , then swish it around in a cup of alcohol and let dry.
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How hard is it to keep a volvo 240 on the road? How is part availability in the states?

I'm experienced in dailying American 80s/90s shitboxes but this would be my first Euro car. I like driving older eclectic stuff but I sold my regal and made my z28 into a 8mpg racecar that I am terrified of driving in the rain.
Car made before the millennium? Too late
Cat made after the millennium? No need.
reee it's $900 ($300 for chink ripoff but seems sketchy)
these have quite the community right now and i feel like it's been growing steadily. i dont think it'd be too hard to fix up what you need
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>notice drivers front tire is balding on the outside because camber is fucked
>call around to get an alignment
>shops are either a 2 week wait or can't align a lowered car
>have a road trip in a week
What tools do I need to do a half assed alignment myself? I just need to correct the camber but from what I've read adjusting the camber puts the toe and caster out of alignment so I have to do a full front alignment.
Can I just temporarily adjust the camber to prevent premature tire wear and wait the 2 weeks for a proper alignment or do I have to get everything?
A couple lengths of string, tape measure, and some floor jacks/something to tie the strings to that can be moved. Also tape.
Google string alignment.
>will I die if I don't know what I'm doing
You could die or damage shit if you're not paying attention. Most likely you will not.
how much of a red flag is the Taco and 4Runner's change to a 4 cylinder? Am I better off with a Frontier?
I saw that some new trucks have some sort of onboard weighing that can tell the driver how much payload they have or how much tongue weight is being applied. Any idea how this works?
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I've tried looking and can't find anything so I wonder if /o/ can help.
This warning light (G) stays on red, but only sometimes. Other times it doesn't show up at all. Sometimes it comes on as soon as I start the engine. Sometimes it comes on after driving for a few minutes. Sometimes there's this little chime noise before it comes on and sometimes there isn't.
Anyone know what it is or is it just a general warning light of some description? No other warning lights come on. Doesn't even mention any kind of problem on the LCD screen telling me what the issue is.
It's a Transit Connect.
I've never heard of that and don't know how it's actually done but an easy way would be to use ride height sensors. Lower the vehicle sits the more weight on the suspension. Could even be adapted after springs get old and sag with a recalibration function in the dash or some shit. Make sure vehicle isnt loaded at all, push to calibrate.
Does it not tell you in the owners manual? If you lost it you could probably download one free.
I checked the manual and there's nothing in there. All it does is tell you the symbols and their meanings, but makes no mention of the that one light. Even the site I got the pic from, in the other post, that doesn't tell you what any of those letters refer to. It's just all of the symbols and that one pic at the end.
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>09 f150 5.4 3v
>whole timing system, phasers, vct solenoids, cam position sensors, and high volume oil pump done already
>checked that fucking hose on the back of the intake manifold, it's fine
>Idles beautifully, does retarding things when you hit the throttle
>p0018-22, p0340-5
So what's next? Smoke test? TPS? Crank sensor? Scrap it?
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>I drive a rare older car
>front wheelbearings are bad
>the "dust cover" and oil seal that go are impossible to find. I ordered some on rockauto, but they are the wrong size. I might be able to order on amayama, but they'll take too long to get here
>There are bearings on rockauto that are confirmed to fit that are SEALED
I know these sealed bearings don't need to be greased, but is that seal good enough to also keep out the dust and dirt? Could I just swap these in and continue using my old shitty seals (or remove the seals entirely)?
The OEM bearings were open, so I figure the seals were mostly to keep the grease inside the bearings. With these newer sealed bearings, that wouldn't be necessary, right?
What's the best wiper out there for snow/absolute cold as mother fuck?
The cheap ass frame type winter ones. Basically they just need to be heavy duty to push through snow. Then get that orange rainx bug juice that has ice melt. That stuff is awesome
I'm car illiterate so bear with me, this should be a simple question but google is making it hard to find an answer.

Since a little before the start of the new year, the temperature around here has been below 20F. Car, 2006 Toyota Highlander, was running fine up until 3 days ago and I haven't needed to drive it at all until today. Now it isn't starting. Everything in the car turns on, it just wont turn over. It doesn't even really try to, it just makes a series of clicking noises as long as I'm turning the ignition. The fuel quantity is pretty low, probably about 1/8, so I've been seeing suggestions that there might be frozen water in the tank or fuel lines.

Other suggestions I've seen is just that cold weather can fuck with older batteries, but the battery itself has been dealing with below freezing temperatures for a few weeks at this point. I'm not exactly sure how old the battery is because I haven't had the car too long.

Which could be more likely, ice or a shitty battery?
If it was bad fuel you'd get strong cranks from the starter but it wouldn't turn over aka sound like it's gonna start
Good quality sealed bearings are tough as fuck and will do the job just fine. Cleaning up and/or repairing your old dust boot will generally help them live even longer. Pop in the new, sealed bearings, use the old dust boots if possible, press on. Order new dust boots if you really care and just install those whenever they come in.
So it did cough a little bit the first two times I tried to start it before clicking, and every time after that it just went to clicking. Would it be worth trying to use one of those little bottles of HEET, or waste of time?
Probably waste of time, definitely sounds like battery. Once they get low on charge you'll get some cranks but then run out of juice and you'll get that clicking. I mean the HEET won't hurt anything but it won't make the car start
I already have the bottle so I guess I'll give it a try, but like I said I'm car illiterate. Do I really just pour it directly into the fuel tank? That didn't sound right to me lol
Yeah it's just a bunch of fuel additives
thx bb
Immobilizer maybe? Post a picture of the actual gauge cluster.
I would slap some fresh grease in and behind the old seal after a clean up. It is as dude said but the grease acts as a good dust catcher and water proofer. The seal isnt holding liquid, just keeping grease in place. The grease itself is really the seal.
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Does anybody have any experience changing oil with these?
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I couldn't make it up the steep hill to work today. It was only 15cm of snow godammit. I had to reverse down the hill like a loser in front of the security guards. Winter tires are only 2 years old but are labelled as more suitable for ice, so I wonder if I should start looking for new ones. Car is a front-wheel drive. How do I git good?
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>My question, if it is one, is should I get a hoist for my shop?
yes, absolutely.
i picked up a quickjack a couple years ago and it's been an absolute gamechanger on what i can do
i would've gotten a full four post lift if not for the low ceiling height in my garage
i would absolutely recommend a lift for anyone who can afford it
(pic related not my car, I'm actually straight)
is there anything i can do about my clutch (sticking?) in the cold? it feels erratic when i release it. also does this mean its worn?

i've done it on a crossover and it wasn't unpleasant (assuming the filter is up front) but im skinny
>How hard is it to keep a volvo 240 on the road? How is part availability in the states?
both are good. find a couple good volvo enthusiast boards, this is key. save links to FAQ/frequent repairs for the car and service manuals.
Get as many links as you can to specialty volvo parts suppliers and especially volvo boneyards. These will be critical when the need for parts and repairs arises so you're not left scrambling.
>Cat made after the millennium? No need.
kek, 2000+ cars rust faster than anything. in heavy salt areas like new york state, cars typically go from showroom to scrap pile in 5-8 years.
if you don't fluid film, start shopping for a new car now, you're gonna need it.
>it wasn't unpleasant
Good enough for me. Thanks.
I used the tenhulzen plates:
for caster/camber alignment and the string method for toe.
it works well, but is a huge pain in the ass. expect to spend 2-3 hours sometimes to get a perfect alignment. i only do it myself because tire shops around me are all staffed with fresh off the boat guatemalans who will strip every bolt they touch.
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bro, that's a knob
i would check the cam sensor first and its connection first. if that looks ok, it sounds like the timing isn't set correctly. they probably got the chain off one tooth.
it's absolutely the battery, dont waste your time with fuel additives
toss on a jump pack or get someone to jump you and get it started, drive it to Vatozone and have them check the battery and charging system, they will do it for you for free
yes, widowmakers. they work fine. just get good brand name ones and inspect them for unusual cracking each time you get them out. also don't exceed the weight recommendation, and read carefully what the max weight is as they often make it confusing.
I used them for years before getting >>28199467
My oil pressure never gets higher than this. Should I be worried? I mean, it's not in the red so it's ok right?
battery battery battery. same thing happened to my 2018 camry. when trying to engage the electric parking brake it warned me there was "not enough braking power"
That looks bad, unless the gauge is messed up. Could be a bad sensor or a bad gauge, you would have to check off the list to diagnose the actual problem. Plug in a scan tool and get an actual # from the computer and see if it’s in range, because maybe the actual gauge on the dash is bad. I’m curious if you can find values for the sensor and hit it with a multimeter and see if that makes sense, but in the end it would probably be best to have an oil pressure test kit to see if that lines up with what the sensor and dash is telling you.

Does it start off higher when you first start the car on a cold morning?

Those look real low.

I have Rhino Ramps. They’re straight for oil changes. Don’t be a dumbass like my boomer neighbor and drive off the other side of metal ramps and fuck your car.

They’re not a replacement for a jack + stands though. If you don’t own a proper jack, I recommend getting that before the ramps because they’re far more versatile.
when I installed the CV axles, I jammed a bunch of grease in there behind the seal... but I think the bearings were already toast for a while now. I was just hoping I might get a little more life out of them, but they aren't really good enough for highway driving anymore
Any alternatives to 90s jdm cars? The only one I can think of is the e36/46 m3’s.
Btw it doesn’t even have to be a fast car aslong as its:
>90s grey interior
I just want something nostalgic to drive on the weekends without having to spend 30k+
Mustangs, Camaros, and Trans Ams existed back then too. There’s some Mercedes too that drive nice
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For those in Florida, how do you get your free windshield replacement? I just went through safelite and entered insurance info, and they want me to pay $600.
that thing is completely useless, equivalent to an idiot light. look up the actual pressure value with a scantool, or better yet connect a mechanical gauge and check it that way.
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>>90s grey interior
Do modern cars need to turn off AC while going uphill/up a mountain anymore?
modern cars have some bullshit system where the ECU dictates how much pressure the compressor generates instead of a simple on and off. most probably don't shut it completely off, but surely the ecu is scaling back the output under high load situations.
No. AC overheating cars hasn’t really been a thing since like the 80s. Cooling systems are designed better and the electric fans will kick on and keep it cool enough.
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>grey interior
so basically all 90s coupes
C5 corvette, 4th gen camaro/trans am (98+ are the good ones with the LS1, granted the interior is just about the worst ever put into a car but they are 90s and come in grey), SN95/newedge mustangs...
There are a lot of japanese non-JDM cars as well like the eclipse/talon, 3000gt/stealth (cameras don't do them justice), 300zx, prelude, MR2, RX7, celica, SC300/SC400...
>still going
I have a fancy German car with an active suspension that due to my rental situation sits outside with a fitted car cover. I feel like the weight of the snow on top of it might hurt the suspension somehow so every few hours I've been going outside and wiping the snow off of it with a stick. Am I being neurotic?
Standard frame style blades are also easier to bust ice off.
Hoists are cheap, the slab will cost you more than the hoist. If your shed already has a reinforced 6 inch slab or a 10 inch unreinforced slab, buy a hoist. If the slab isn’t up to the task, price out a slab replacement before making your decision.
I was “gifted” a hoist, which cost the gifter like $3000, but between insulating my pole shed and getting a 25x40 slab poured, and then doing lighting upgrades, electrical, and finishing the interior, I spent almost $15,000 myself. Total white elephant, but it is nice to have and I will set up a hoist any time I move.
>weight of the snow
10 cm of fresh snow on a car would weigh about the same as your fat ass sitting inside the car
>Am I being neurotic?
it's just soapy water bro. put a few drops of dawn soap in there and then fill it to the brim with water.
This is for a 2 post. 4 post and scissor style lifts do not require such a badass slab.
its a ford, the gauges are pretty fucking useless, the senders plug up with sludge pretty often too.
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How do these 'pay-per-km' insurances measure the amount driven? Yes I want to cheat them.
They insert a dongle into your diagnostic report and it spies on you. IDK if it checksums the ECU’s mileage report vs GPS to prevent you fitting larger diameter wheels or not. Discontinuities (IE unplugging the dongle for a bit) are snitched on by your ECU and generally result in loss of coverage.
>Discontinuities (IE unplugging the dongle for a bit) are snitched on by your ECU and generally result in loss of coverage.
Bs or as a mechanic I've fucked up a lot of peoples insurance lmao
It only really matters if you drove the car around for more than a mile or two with the dongle removed for diagnostic action and yes, I had a customer come and bitch at me because they lost their discount for that month while I chased an intermittent miss. They had State Farm, others may be more or less lenient, IDK, I’m never getting insurance with a dongle, they would hate how I drive, even if I’ve never been at fault in an accident in over 20 years of driving.
It's not a knob. It's a light same as on the other side of the pic you posted. I think I worked it out though and seems to have been my own retardation.
It's just to warn you that the temperature is X. Not sure at what temperature it comes on at, but it seems to be when it's around freezing. I think you have to press something or other to acknowledge it so it fucks off, but I'll find out what that is tomorrow when I'm driving.
Thanks anyway bros.
What do I do with my old donut spare tire? It's been flat since I got the car and I'm replacing it with a full-size spare. Will throwing away the old donut diminish the value of my shitbox at all? Is there even a good way to dispose of them for free/cheaply?
Retard question but that is why I'm here.
2.5L Mazda WLC engine, getting 5-10 drops of oil leaking after stopping but only when car is at temp (it stops leaking overnight but leaks each time I park up in the day). Vehicle is a work vehicle so engine bay is currently pretty filthy so can't trace the leak immediately. Going to do a full clean of the engine bay and swap new oil and filters in tomorrow, but failing that am I correct to look for leaks in the order of rocker gasket > turbo line > sump gasket > more expensive places? I've heard that rear main seals are a common failure point on these engines but the fouling seems too high in the engine bay to be that. Engine runs absolutely fine (apart from running low on oil far too often and leaving a mess wherever I park) so I don't think it is something too deep in the guts of it, but obviously ready to be wrong.
tl;dr looking for oil leak tomorrow, am I forgetting an obvious place like a retard?
Put it on OfferUp for $50. Somebody will snag it quick if their car is missing the donut.

Do yourself a favor and spend $15-$20 on picrel and a cheap UV flashlight. It’s by far the best way I’ve found to pinpoint leaks, especially when the leaks have been going for awhile and the engine bay is a mess. Pour it in the oil, go drive a couple blocks or a couple miles or whatever the minimum for it to just barely start leaking out, and get in there with the UV light.
So don't overthink it, just get the UV dye and do a bog lap of the block? Sounds like a plan. I kind of wish that this car would run worse than it does, because diagnosing issues is harder when the car drives perfectly fine until completely dying (which has happened once, inlet manifold needed a complete ultrasonic clean as it was fouling the MAP sensor). Even then it let me drive it ~20 miles to the old Persian guy who could diagnose and fix it.
I’ve never heard any complaints about the UV dye. Make sure you get the right type. There’s one for AC systems, I believe one for coolant, and then the one I posted for oil and PS fluid and all that stuff. Make sure you get the thing somewhere dark when you go in with the UV flashlight.

Last time I used it was when I was about to replace a PS pump and a bunch of hoses, lady left it leaking so long that it was impossible to spot the exact leak. So I poured the dye in the PS reservoir, told her to run a couple errands and come back over, and I pinpointed it to a leaky O-ring on this 90deg plastic elbow coming out of the PS pump.
who tf is going to buy a 20yr old dry-rotted donut? It's useless. Second question since I'm here: Do I need different lug nuts and bolts for my new steel spare compared to my current alloy wheels?
>What do I do with my old donut spare tire?
>Is there even a good way to dispose of them for free/cheaply?
If you're really cheap, see if it'll hold air, if so throw it on marketplace or craigslist for free, someone might take it. Otherwise take it to any tire store any pay them the $5 tire disposal fee.

>Will throwing away the old donut diminish the value of my shitbox at all?
You might lose 5 points in the judging at the car show so your clapped out 2002 Altima might not take best in show without it, sorry anon.
Fair enough, I've ordered some to be overnighted to me for tomorrow morning (none of my local auto places had it in stock, checked this evening) so I'll do a thorough engine clean and oil change tomorrow, pop it in while I do the oil change, and check it on Sunday. I presume it is just a case of "follow the cum stain to the point where it disappears" and that should be the bad seal/pipe/line/whatever (or at least the external point where it is crapping out)?
how do I stop driving like an idiot? I know the simple answer is just don’t but it’s literally like an addiction I can’t stop. So far I’ve been in one dashcam compilation on YouTube and one person has complained about be in Facebook group for my area. I feel like the only thing that would give me a wake up call would be crashing my car or getting my license suspended
get a slower car, it really helps me. Whenever I drive my AMG I get the urge to drive like a dickhead because I have so much power and handling. When I drive my old buick, I just cruise and nothing bothers me. I can't tell which I enjoy more, honestly.
Damn yeah I guess this is probably the solution
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Tourist here. Does anyone know of a purchasing guide for the second-hand Euro market, something similar to the sticky.
Pls no buly.
What size you looking for?
Something like the pic I posted. Budget is only 5-10k€. I need a shitbox to last me a few years until I can afford something better (I'm fresh out of uni)
I know Skoda has a good reputation so I'm looking at that, also something like Golf, Civic or an older Volvo.

But I do want to see if I have potentially some more interesting options to explore.
I'm not really a car guy but I still do like it when it goes brrr really fast and I have some fun windy mountain roads where I live.
Unfortunatly can't really help you in that price segment with real advice™. Skoda has a decent rep but they way I see people drive them on the Autobahn I wouldn't touch a used one with a 10 foot pole.
>Skoda has a decent rep but they way I see people drive them on the Autobahn I wouldn't touch a used one with a 10 foot pole
hmm yeah but that's probably gonna be the case with anything in this price range.. end of the day i do need something. thanks anyway
What's the big deal with replacing a head gasket if it hasn't burst and you didn't get a bunch of coolant in your engine oil?
If I'm getting new a head lamp/tail lamp assembly for an old shitbox dose it matter what I get or is all the same chinese plastic
I have a 2001 Ford Ranger 4.0 SOHC regular cab LB, 2wd auto with 211xxx mi, the engine is almost toast, transmission hasn't given me any trouble, and the rest has minor dings and very little rust. I 'could' spend around $10k usd to put a reman engine, reman transmission and fix the few other mechanical issues. This would result in a used truck with a drive train with very low miles. Wouldn't fix the cosmetic things. I wouldn't replace the transmission until I needed to.
I 'could' spend $10k - $12k on a used truck, even finance a bit, can't go over $15k. This would get me in a truck that would check my 'want but don't need boxes', i .e. 4x4, extended cab, manual trans, extra towing capability. And I'd have a used truck with many to excessive miles.
Because I'm waffling back and forth on what I want to do, I want to ask users of /o/ what they would do. I need to replace my truck, I'm not in a big hurry to do so.
Got a 2011 Ford Ranger Sport 4x4 a week ago. It's got 86k miles on it, and I'm wanting it to last. What fluids should I change, and which ones should I ignore? I'm new to this stuff, so I've never personally known anyone to change their transmission fluid/filter, or their rear diff fluid, etc. Just don't want to seem like an ass when I go to my mechanic friend and ask for these services.
Original Boxster?
You still have to pull apart the whole engine and all of the timing stuff and probably machine the block if you want to do it right because everything has warped a little from thousands and thousands of cycles.

The coolant isn’t the thing that fucks caes with blown head gaskets, it’s when people keep driving as the temp gauge ia buried and overheat the thing.

I’ve done ok with aftermarket stuff, I recommend changing them in pairs if you want it to look decent, especially for headlights. I got a tail lamp recently on Amazon, tried to go with one that had a few reviews and it looked just like OEM. Last headlamps I did were from RockAuto, it was a brand like “TYC” I believe and was rated to be indistinguishable from OEM, I did the pair and they came with bulbs and held up great for the next couple years before the van was sold. Look at the ratings on RockAuto or look for reviews on Amazon and you should be ok.

I’ve had such good luck with aftermarket headlamps that I normally shill them instead of trying to refinish old faded headlamps. $50-$100 a pair for non-projector headlamps will look great for 5 years, or you can spend $30 on a refinish kit and a whole afternoon and the headlamps will be fogged again in a couple months because the factory UV coating is gone

Diff fluid, trans fluid, coolant for sure, do a brake bleed/flush next time you do brake pads. All of those jobs are pretty damn easy to do on your own if you want to learn to wrench a little bit and whatever tools you need to buy will still be cheaper than paying a shop to do it,
why would it need replacing if it's still intact? are you losing compression and verified it isn't something else?
Ranger bro, 3-5k engine oil, 30k transmission pan drop and filter change, coolant about once a year, diff 70k, brake fluid with brakes, power steering fluid 40k. These are guidelines, know your fluid consistency, and change when needed. These vary a lot with driving habits and conditions.
>I 'could' spend around $10k usd to put a reman engine, reman transmission and fix the few other mechanical issues.
it sounds like your catastrophizing to justify buying something, anon. why would you have to put in a reman engine and a reman transmission, especially since you said the transmission is fine.

what exactly is wrong with your engine? you didn't say, but good chance it's repairable. if it is actually toast, this truck is easy as shit to work on. you can get good running used engines all day long for $600 - $1200

buying a new car is fine, but do it based on what's actually true and what you actually want, not on massaging numbers to force the conclusion you want
how do i filter rust and shit out of fuel? it's good fuel but i accidentally put it in a container that previously had rusty trash fuel in it
Update on >>28202020 >>28202029, I dropped the oil out (there was about 4-4.5L left of a 7L oil system which explained why I was getting oil light when turning left while braking/going downhill) and replaced filter and sump plug. Visual inspection indicated no damage to the sump or filter, engine turned over fine and didn't spray oil the fuck everywhere. Fluo dye is added, I'm going to drive it for a ~15km round trip tomorrow (down to the shops and back) and check with the UV torch afterwards. From what I could see under the bonnet I suspect it is the rocker cover gasket, hopefully it is only that.
Just bought a car with two 12v sockets, but both look rusted or otherwise corroded. Is there an easy way to clean these or do they need replaced?
If they’re corroded, those things are probably nickel plated or something and the plating is chipped off. That’s one of those things that could be real easy where a generic Autozone socket pops right in, or a pain in the ass if you need to pull the dash apart and replace a whole assembly and solder wires.

You could try a toothbrush and whatever remedy for the green death you find on Google before replacing them, see if it somehow goes back to clean metal. But if it stays looking crappy, you will get resistance and heat that will make things worse.
Thank you, you are right. I need to step back a reassess what I want.
I replaced all the timing cassettes and chain 10k miles ago and had the primary guide and tensioner fail recently, jumping time and causing light piston to valve contact, and there is visible wear on the other two cassettes. After replacing the primary guide and tensioner it does run with a misfire in cylinder 6 especially under load. I don't have much hope for this engine. I will look into used engines.
Thanks bro I'll try that. I think they are fairly easy to replace though if need be.
i'm trying to replace a 2006 pontiac grand prix driver seat but it's stuck over the screws and I don't know how to move it forward

the power seat is stuck in an uncomfortable position, all the way in the back and tilted up. mechanics said that it's a track assembly issue as the motor will still crank but not go anywhere. get a new seat
so i got a seat from the junk yard, easy enough to pull when i found one. but the seat in my car is covering the screws that i need to take out. how can i move this fucker forward so i have access to them? if i can't move them i'll take it to a shop on monday
Is there a specific reason I'd be getting a misfire on cylinders 1, 2, and 4 in a 2.5L Camry? I was thinking about replacing all the fuel injectors and spark plugs, but having three cylinders misfire is kinda sus. Could it also be the battery and/or the alternator? I don't think that many fuel injectors could go bad at one time.
run it through a very fine sieve, but even after that i'd only use it in lawn mowers and weed wackers. not worth risking damage to a car.
if you want to keep the car, do a compression test. is that cylinder low? if so do a leakdown, if the leak is to the exhaust manifold or intake, it's time to do a valve job, or at worst just replace that head. neither is particular difficult or catastrophic in this car and can be knocked out in a weekend for a few hundred bucks at most.
don't replace anything until you narrow down the actual problem. no, its not caused by your battery or alternator. are you getting any codes besides misfire codes? what do your fuel trims look like at idle and under load?
I'm getting P0300, P0301, P0302, and P0304. That's it. It could also be a vacuum leak according to the internet but I have no way of knowing. I haven't extracted any spark plugs yet to check for damage or anything, they probably do need to be replaced anyway. I just found it very odd that I suddenly am getting multiple misfires seemingly at the same time.
use livedata on your scantool (or get a livedata enabled scantool if you dont have one) to read the fuel trims. if it's very positive, a vacuum leak is likely (along with a few other causes).
livedata is necessary to diagnose the problem. again, i would highly recommend against replacing anything until you have narrowed down the most likely cause, which we can help you do. parts canon replacing is expensive and can make problems very hard to diagnose.
Short was averaging 4.7% with spikes to 5.5% randomly while I was sitting in the driver's seat, just now.
Long was -3.2%.

I'm using an Ancel OBD.
Sorry, this >>28205130
was in response to this >>28205084

Also, P0301 is the only code that is "pending". The P0300 and the rest are stored.
that's a very good trim actually, but it may be acting up under load, or at speed, or when the engine is warm/cold, etc. that could be a clue

does your livedata have a misfire counter? see what is happening when the misfires are going up. is it under load? high rpm? low rpm? warm/cold? at idle? then see what your fuel trims are like while it's misfiring.

also it should be saving snapshot data of the engine condition at the instance each code is set, what is going on with your engine fuel trim, RPM, and temperature wise when the misfire occurs?
I think I have a vacuum leak somewhere but idk if it's the head gasket. Just something I was wondering about now that I may have to take that thing apart.
>temp gauge ia buried
What do you mean by buried?
head gaskets almost never cause a vacuum leak, it would have to be a really really obscure and bizarre situation (which is isn't)
Past “H”
Oh sweet, that's good to hear
I’m looking for a small size 5.
>that's a very good trim actually, but it may be acting up under load, or at speed, or when the engine is warm/cold, etc. that could be a clue
I'm unwilling to test it at this point since the dash lit up. Either I start replacing things or it goes to a mechanic and they replace things, but it's not going for a spin on the highway.

>does your livedata have a misfire counter? see what is happening when the misfires are going up. is it under load? high rpm? low rpm? warm/cold? at idle?
I don't think it does. It just informs me that they happened. Right now my guesses are bad a fuel injector, bad ignition coil(s), bad spark plugs, or I guess the worst case would be a gasket in need of replacement. I don't think it's the fuel pump because the car never had sudden surges in power or stalls, and I'm inclined to not think it's the gasket because there's no white smoke coming out of the tailpipe and the oil is clean. Nothing is leaking from under the car. I hope to god it's not the cylinders themselves because I'm fucked if it is
i filtered it through like 4 layers of cloth and it only started getting clogged with shit when i got close to emptying the container
anyway i put it in my shitbox and we'll see what happens
>I'm unwilling to test it at this point since the dash lit up. Either I start replacing things or it goes to a mechanic and they replace things, but it's not going for a spin on the highway.
This is a very unwise method of repair that I would absolutely not recommend, but the one most "professional" mechanics seem to follow. If you're going to parts canon, I would at least use OEM parts to make sure you're not adding new layers of hard to diagnose problems.

>my guesses are bad a fuel injector, bad ignition coil(s), bad spark plugs
very unlikely 3 injectors, coils, and/or spark plugs all went bad at once.
>worst case would be a gasket in need of replacement.
would be unlikely to go bad across 3 cylinders, maybe two adjacent if it broke between them, but 3 is unlikely.
> I don't think it's the fuel pump because the car never had sudden surges in power or stalls
Fuel trims could tell you this pretty quickly if you'd test them at load.
>I hope to god it's not the cylinders themselves because I'm fucked if it is
a quick compression test would tell you if this is the case
good luck
I use some plastic ones from harbor freight. I've used them twice now, but I always leave my loyal stump next to me, and chock the rear wheels. Handbrake helps. I know that seems obvious, but youd be surprised how many people forget that shit.
Any collision repair guys here. What's the best way to split spot weld seams. I want to replace some metal the right way but the spot weld cutter is already wearing out and it will take forever. I want to get an air hammer and a chisel to bust that shit apart.
Listen to some chill music. That helps me keep my foot out of the gassl
What is the 1990's car for the man who hates America, hates American design, hates muscle cars and wants a car with an anti-USA philosophy?
I mean,
nothing from Russia please
Which Korean, Japanese, French, Italian or British car would meet what I'm looking for?
So I went ahead and did what you asked, taking the car for a spin after breakfast.

The short fuel trim spiked to -17 under load with the engine warmed, and the average long went down to -7. When I was driving at an even speed it was going to -11 and -14 sustained.

So, clogged filter? OBD is still reading a cylinder 1 misfire.
ok that is useful. that means it's running rich. meaning too much fuel not enough air.
common cause in order of likeliness:
clogged air filter (try taking it out and running it if you're not sure)
weak spark (plugs or coils)
one or more leaking fuel injectors
bad fuel pressure regulator
bad MAF readings
bad upstream O2 sensor readings
low compression
From 90s? Definitely Hyundai.
Buy a tool or bend a tool. Helpful pic.
I just put in an order for four Denso coils, four Bosch spark plugs, and a Bosch filter, because f-it. If that doesn't nuke the problem then the injectors will be next.
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Bought a super cheap shitbox to get me by because the motor blew up in my nicer car. This was how dirty the steering wheel was.
Reminder to clean your interior.
If you're replacing the whole seat, you can wreck the old one. Sawzall, sledgehammer, etc.
i would figure that would break everything else nearby...
i was hoping there was a release-bar or something easy
but even the youtube mechanic that showed me how to remove the seat didn't quite know how to handle it when asked in the comments
I mean, you can't just start flailing about inside of it like a spastic. Precisely applied violence, not indiscriminate violence
Since you have a complete seat to look over, you can use your head and put together a plan to access the bolts
>unbolt the seat from the rails
>Sawzall off where the seat mounts to the rails
>modify a tool you have by cutting, bending, and/or welding in order to make it fit
>bend the seat until you have clearance to get tools in
>remove the bottom seat foam and cover so you can cut or bend the seat tray to make clearance for tools
I don't have an exact plan for you, you're going to have to think and problem solve yourself.
>i was hoping there was a release-bar or something easy
"Touch my tools and I'll put you in the grave"
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i'm touching the tools
Need winter tires. Wheel+tires set costs almost the same as just the tires, and removing+installing tires on my existing wheels costs 10x more than just switching them, so long term wheel+tire is cheaper.

Question: Dealer is asking 2300 USD for new wheel+tire set, tire shop is asking 1900 USD new.
Looking at second hand shops, I can find used wheel+tire sets with the same 235/40R18 size for 200-400 USD.

Am I missing anything? If I don't give a shit about how the car looks, specially during winter, as long as it's the same size it should be ok right?
Provided the tires aren't worn out.
All right so there's bolt pattern, hub size, offset, and whatever the fuck else.
Fuck me, I just want winter tires so I can go to some ski resort.
>many new cars have idiot lights rather than temp gauges
This is extremely annoying
I suppose I could get an ODB2 display or a Bluetooth adapter for my phone but mounting a display breaks up the lines of the interior and will always look out of place
And part of the reason I bought a newer car was so I DIDN'T have to mount my phone anywhere
just buy the snow tires themselves, $50 a year to swap and less heavy an awkward to deal with when they're off the vehicle.
also, never ever do business with a dealership.
It's around 400 USD less if I don't include the wheels.
Swapping the tires will cost around 100 USD, and I'll have to do it twice a year. Swapping the wheels costs like 20 bucks, and if I get myself a torque wrench then I should be able to do it myself.
Just Japan things, I don't decide these prices.

Pic related is probably what I'm gonna end up getting, weds velva sport 2. It's one letter away from vulva but what can I do.
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My plastic fuel tank has developed a leak up top and I suspect it's a split vent valve as is common on my car (pic related but not mine). I can't replace the valve because it's welded in, new tanks have long since been discontinued, and buying a used tank means I will just end up with the same issue again, so my only option is to repair it. Anyone have any recommendations on good plastic gas tank sealers? Preferably as an epoxy rather than putty so I can get it all the way deep in the crack for the best chance of it working and lasting.
Upgarage should be able to find something in the right size/bolt pattern/center bore/backspacing
i don't think you should use dish soap it can leave a residue and make it streaky/shiny/glare in sunlight
is the volkswagen app of any use or just full of gimmicks? my parents got a new car and it's mostly for them
I know you can turn on the heating before you get in but that's a useless gimmick
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I hear good about this. I just use regular old JB on everything and never had a problem.
I had a harline crack on a fuel sending unit that was pissing out a tiny stream of gasoline. Hackjobbed it with some JB Weld. I ended up using the high heat stuff becsuse it was the only one that specifically said “fuel safe” on the packaging. It worked. Make sure you prep the surface and clesn it and give it as much time as possible to cure before exposing it to pressure or fuel.
Its generally a good idea to store OE parts when modifying cars
But stuff like exhausts, wheels, seats, hoods and dashboards are pretty big
Where's a good place to store them? Even if you don't have a garage, or a garage in not good enough condition for storage.
Is a salvage yard a good place to score some cheap alloys?
Yea. They will keep good wheels up front. Bonus is they often come with tires, so the real deals are when you find wheels with >50% tires on them so you don’t have to go spend another $1000 getting tires mounted.
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Newb driver asking for technique advice. Bought my first car this autumn and had a stupid crash last month.
Obviously my fault, went into a corner at regular speed which was too fast on snow/ice mush and didn't know how to correct myself. Front wheels started losing grip, the only thing that came into my mind was the instructor's advice on oversteer correction, so I applied gas and lost even more traction, slid straight out of the corner and smashed my rear arch into a parked car. I'm guessing ESP saved my ass from a total catastrophe.
I've watched countless videos on the correct cornering technique, lowered the tire pressure (they were overinflated and I forgot to check) and have been extra cautious, especially at near 0°C when there is ice and mush on the road.
Since then I haven't experienced any significant understeer, so I still don't fully understand how to act when encountering an understeer mid-turn in a fwd car? Letting off the gas, lightly braking and turning the steering wheel out of the corner until regaining traction?
Which wheel alignment settings changes can improve traction while in such conditions?
How would a car with a limited slip differential perform in such a scenario?
That's practically GM/Ford and Mitsubishi mix.
Honda's philosophy is very different from american manufacturers'.
If you're on ice and you lose traction in a corner because of speed, then it's unlikely you'll gain traction again until you slow back down or the road itself offers more grip. The idea is to not get into that situation in the first place, because once you start sliding on ice, it's way harder to gain traction than, say, driving in the rain.

>Which wheel alignment settings changes can improve traction while in such conditions?
Stock alignment is fine, it will not help you in this situation. Tyre choice and pressure would make a bigger difference.

>How would a car with a limited slip differential perform in such a scenario?
Wouldn't help much, if at all.
Forgot to touch on
>Letting off the gas, lightly braking and turning the steering wheel out of the corner until regaining traction?
Yeah, this is generally how you deal with understeer, though be careful with how much steering input and brake you use, as the weight transfer from slowing down will likely load up the front tyres, solving your understeer but also snapping the car quite violently in whatever direction the wheels are pointing. If you watch https://youtu.be/DPx5aBI8UTQ?t=118 you'll see that the Mustang at 1:58 violently overcorrects left after he cuts the throttle from the slide, most likely because he wasn't expecting the front wheels to suddenly gain traction from the sudden weight transfer induced by the lack of acceleration.
Thank you. I also came to the conclusion that correct technique is what prevents oversteer from occurring in most cases and makes it easier to deal with in the worst. And tire pressure really matters.
I'll keep the overcorrection danger in mind. The likelihood of this occurring must be higher on wet roads and not on ice and snow.
I haven't encountered any kind of oversteer in this car, I've tried inducing it in an empty parking lot and I haven't been able to defeat the ESP, it does everything to prevent oversteer.
I must have been too scared to go hard enough, but in real world conditions it could still happen, so I'll definitely keep it in mind.
Thank you. I also came to the conclusion that correct cornering technique prevents understeer in most cases and makes it easier to correct in the worst. And tire pressure is very important.
I'll keep the overcorrection risk in mind, especially when it gets warmer. But isn't it much more likely to affect rwd cars and especially rear engined cars, like the Toyota MR2? This car's alignment and ESP seem to be set up to prevent any kind of oversteer from occurring, I've tried getting the rear end to slide in a big empty parking lot and have been unable to defeat the aggressive ESP.
>isn't it much more likely to affect rwd cars and especially rear engined cars, like the Toyota MR2?
It can occur with any vehicle configuration, though vehicles with a rear weight bias, such as the MR2, will be far more susceptible to it and also be far harder to correct. As you drive a FWD commuter I doubt you'd ever get into a "pendulum" situation, where you aggressively swing from one correction to the next, but you might still experience a single violent over correction, known as snap oversteer, as the front tyres suddenly load up and gain grip. You could end up being able to avoid one crash, only to then over correct and snap off the road in one swift motion. As said before, though, I doubt you'll experience this at all. Modern ESP is unbelievably good at compensating for this, as your experience seems to suggest.
You are speaking gibberish. Have someone check on you.
Okay, Daewoo is the GM Korean brand. Hyundai seems to be dedicated to making Mitsubishi licensed cars and engines. Even their more recent engine designs share a lot of similarities with Mitsubishi's.
Hyundai Stellar: Ford Cortina platform, Mitsubishi engine
Hyundai Sonata: Mitsubishi Galant rework
Hyundai Accent: Mitsubishi Mirage rework
Hyundai Tucson: Mazda Bongo licensed frame/suspension/awd, Mitsubishi engine
Hyundai Galloper/Terracan: Mitsubishi Pajero rework
Hyundai Starex: Mitsubishi Delica rework
I just did taillights on my shitbox, oem-style cheapo aftermarket from Amazon. They even had the same molding lines in the plastic as the originals.
i always just connect to battery post but is this okay for a trickle charger on a 2005 prius? dead AGM battery, prob at like 5v or somethig, i havent checked it

there is a plus sign on that red cap i have flopped over
If that’s the fat cable that comes straight off the + post of the battery and you’re hooking up before all the fuses, should be fine.

Whether or not a trickle charger is going to do shit on a dead battery at 5V is another question.
i see lots of painted metal and lots of aluminum, but the tutorial say "attatch negative to a piece of metal on the car
I was only trying to think of something crappy from the 90s, and anti American. We were used to Japanese stuff but Hyundai was making things all backwards and going straight to the junkyards.
Do you hate us or our fake government run by Jews?
he's right thoughbeit
what was it the GD Rio from like 2009 has a clone of the mazda BP out of the nb miata and can take all the same upgrade parts.
That’s like twenty years late for the 90s.
Are ‘23 Kia Forte GT Lines any good? I’m thinking of trading my 19 civic for one. Civic has 40k miles, KIA is at 20k.

Let me guess, non motorcraft phasers were used.
how bad would it be to drive around with a gaping hole in my valley cover.
1993 7.3 idi
There's nothing anti-American in Korean cars. Going straight to junkyards is a very American thing too jej
Nigger worship is the official religion of America. Niggers are America's gods. Americans fear niggers like a mortal would fear God. They're not allowed to curse or speak ill of niggers, like how you mustn't blaspheme God or take his name in vain. They devote entire institutions in academia and media to remind themselves of their sins against niggers, and beg for mercy, like you'd beg God for forgiveness for your sins. The only landmarks and monuments they're allowed to revere are parks, schools, and statues dedicated to famous niggers, immortalized in marble, like gods.
While their ancestors expressed devotion to gods through offerings of food and drink, present-day Americans created food stamps for niggers for this very purpose. Jesus gets two annual days of reverence, while niggers get an entire month, plus MLK's birthday and Juneteenth. Americans prostrate themselves in the streets to appease niggers.
Working on a 2006 F150
>Entire inside of the bed has rotted out from landscape chemicals

I tried to pull the fuel lines off the pump and every single plastic retainer snapped when I attempted to squeeze them to release them.
>Two of them were already broken

When I pulled the plastic tab that's supposed to slide outwards they crumbled. I've never seen these this brittle before in my life. The only retainer I didn't break was the one in the gas tank.

Can I use the old style plastic retainers to replace the OE style retainers? Nobody has the OE style in stock anywhere nearby.

I ended up snapping the inlet/outlets off the pump assembly and pulling the brittle clips out as I was afraid of breaking the fittings themselves

>Can I use the red circled retainers as a replacement for the yellow circled OE style retainers
>driving down the freeway
>Come upon some faggot doing 10 under in the left lane
>Flash him to move over
>He floors it and then camps next to a semi, blocking traffic (2 lane section)
>That's fine nigger, enjoy my 5000 lumen leds
>He gets mad and starts throwing empty plastic bottles out of the sunroof
>They just fly off not even coming close to my car
>Lol they're fuckin empty retard
>This continues for a few miles until the road opens back up
>Floor it and get around him before he can try to block me
>Everyone else stuck behind me does the same
>One guy even cuts him off forcing him to swerve into the other lane and almost loses it
>Lol get fucked you turbonigger
With that out of the way, my question is if I want to fuck with this retard even more for being such a cunt, if I submit my dash cam footage of this dumb fuck throwing like six bottles out of his car, do you think the police will actually send him citations? I obviously have his license plate clear as day you can also see his hand sticking out of the sunroof before tossing the bottles so there's no "well that was already in the road" defense, and they would just simply mail it to him there's no actual work involved so I feel like they would be more likely to do it since it can all be done in 20 minutes at their desk.
A hoist is the nicest thing in the world. Makes everything a billion times easier. Honestly they aren’t that hard, and if you’re sketched out there’s nothing that says you can’t let it down and try repositioning. All 4 wheels should come off the ground at the same time, or as close to that as possible. Put the arms on whatever looks sturdy enough, or just look up where to put them on the specific car.
I have the same era of truck and had the same problem before, answer is no they are completely different. The red circled ones are only for the fuel filter, they are different sizes and locking mechanisms (to keep the clip in the connector) and completely incompatible. You can however in a pinch use like some tape and a zip tie to keep what's left of the clip inside the connector and clip it back to the fuel line temporarily. I did this with my fuel pump outlet for like a year and a half before I bothered to drop the tank again and fix it and it had precisely zero issues or leaks. The reason it took so long is because I forgot I did it because it was problem free lol. You just have to be extremely careful and extremely sure that only the pull out tab broke off and the actual locking bits are still present and intact before attempting that.
>Nobody has the OE style in stock anywhere nearby.
ford dealership parts dept will have them in stock
learn to tackle your rage anon, or it will control you. a 30 second traffic delay is consuming your limited emotional mind cycles hours later.
I was in the last thread professing that I was auto illiterate. The last anons thread anons convinced me that my problem was a dying battery. I went with them and shelled out for it and it's been a working solution. Thanks anons.

My question is this. I am still auto illiterate. Will my brand new battery help with fuel efficiency? And if so, how does that work?
Ive been looking into getting a New Mazda3, particularly one of the trims with AWD. What is the consensus on them, and is there anything else worth looking at instead?
So obsessed.
The only person that needs to control their rage is ol dumbass who got so mad when told to move he thought empty water bottles would make a good weapon against a 2 ton car
>My question is this. I am still auto illiterate. Will my brand new battery help with fuel efficiency? And if so, how does that work?
Maybe slightly as the alternator won't be working as hard to try to charge it. Likely not enough to be noticeable.
>2000 Mazda b3000
>Use 87 gas like it requires
>engine knocks like mad when over half throttle
>Use premium
>Runs fine even over half throttle
I'm going to change my fuel filter first, but if that doesn't fix it where else should I look? TPS?
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I'm definitely not an expert on electronics or anything, but I'm just trying to help my buddy out. Crank no start issue (no fuel pressure, has spark, compression, timing, etc.) on her 1992 integra. I've narrowed it down to a faulty ecu. She had some water leak into passenger footwell right on to it. I took it out and cleaned up the corrosion, plugged it back in and got the car to start, but it died after idling for like 15 seconds and back to crank no start. When it was running, it seemed normal and smooth. Most of the ecu looks fine except for right where the plug is, which looks like this. Would desoldering the connector, cleaning it up and resoldering it back in potentially solve this issue? Replacement ecus for the car are hard to come by and fairly expensive.
What's bare minimum for making a car track-ready, at least for a casual driver that doesn't need to take things too hard at first. I have a 2013 SL550 and I wanna give it a better stress test than casual highway driving.
>all fluids are good and full
>no leaks or cooling issues
>have a set of track tires or make sure your tires are good
>have a set of brake pads for the track (street pads will quickly overheat and then you have no brakes)
>you may have to put these sock like things over power steering fluid reservoir, brake fluid reservoir, etc. So that if the fluid boils over it doesn't spill on the track
>you may have to get a helmet
>you should consider having a fire extinguisher mounted somewhere inside the car
I'm sure there is more but that stuff is important
the small brown capacitor sort of bottom right center has completely spilled its guts and the board is corroded through the layers. don't waste your time with a soldering iron, that ecu is done.
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Damn... this one right?
buy another ecu and be done with it. that car will never run right with that much ecu damage.. 92 integra is obd1 so there should still be some floating around. you can do conversions to other ecus to which are very well documented on hontatech and such.
Even street brakes on a car that retailed for 200k new and does 0-60 in 4.5 secs?
How much will this cost to fix/touch up? I just care about the bumper itself. Not even sure how I got it, neighbors? Target parking lot?
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You can test capacitors and continuity fairly easy with most mid range multimeters. I mean it’s a risky thing to do your first soldering job on, but honestly those are easy components to deal with compared to more modern surface mount stuff. I was always skeptical about going that deep and replacing components on a board instead of getting a whole new whatever module it is, but if you think you can narrow it down to the correct component, that’s actually a cheap and easy fix, especially with a through-hole component like that.
Honestly I think I got it mostly out with scratch remover but need to see during the day. I might just buy a new bumper once I get a garage or something
I used regular flavour in carburettor float bowls with no problem. Your results may vary.
Regular might be fine. High heat seemed real similar to Steel Stik and stuff. But the high heat was the only one other than gasket makers that said it was safe with gas. Maybe the fine print on the MSDS says it somewhere on the other JBs.
yes, note that brown goop mixed with the precipitate, and you see how the bright green traces are discolored around it? the electrolyte from inside the capacitor has leaked and gotten into the pcb. it's not worth your time to try fixing because it will just continue to corrode inside.
Small car lot near me. 2008 Ford Focus S for $1,995. I need an A to B vehicle desperately and I'm strapped for money. Think it's worth checking out and taking to get it inspected? I've read online it's supposed to be reliable
It’s a 15+ year old Ford so meh. But honestly for $2k if the thing isn’t dumping oil or overheating and the trans is smooth, you can’t go wrong. A Corolla or Civic would be preferable but also 3x the price. Also it’s a small Ford sedan so if you’re willing to do any work on the thing yourself, there aren’t many thing that could break on that car before 200k miles that would cost more than $220 at AutoZone.

There were some Focus models with a bad trans issue, but I believe it was a couple years later like 2012+.
I ordered parts from rock auto and this is the third time I didn't get a fridge magnet with my order, what's the fucking deal?

I'm pretty pissed, half the reason I work on my car is for the fridge magnets. Nobody understands my frustration, wtf? What am I doing wrong,?
Are you ordering like a single oil filter!
yo /o/, we bought a brand new RAV-4 HSD Trend (Hybrid) as a family car, how do I maintain it to get the most out of the guy?
I hear they really like their oil to be changed frequently, so I initially planned on changing it every 10k kms (6.2k miles for burgers) or 6 months, whichever is sooner.
Other than that and watching out for the hybrid battery cooling filter, what do I need to watch to keep it in top condition?
I had a 2001 focus right up until two years ago when I bought something much newer. For $2k it will definitely get you to work.
I used to work there. Its a nigger infested warehouse that's the equivalent of modern slavery. Expect no fucks given by the people who work 1 to 2 weeks before moving on to something else.
I always heard RockAuto ships from a bunch of different warehouses, like their prices are so low because much of the stuff is closeouts from random parts distributore, and they’re drop shipped from said distributors’ warehouses which is why you will often pay 3 shipping costs for 4 different items. If the stuff is coming from a random distributor, it makes sense that having a Rockauto magnet in every box might not be their biggest priority,
I got a mk4 supra magnet the other day. Breddy based
I bought an unused (but 20 years old) ECU from a third party.
I was going to flash my own binary onto it but its not working correctly at all.

Strangely, it supports only these 3 pids for 01/service:

01: Monitor status since DTCs cleared.
0A: Fuel pressure (gauge pressure)
20: PIDs supported [$21 - $40]

Is this ECU somehow locked by the manufacturer? I had no idea ECUs could have DRM
>see car i want for sale
>2016 acura
>46000 miles on it
>fair price
>body looks good
>carfax says 6 previous owners
Should that be a deal breaker?
>we bought a brand new RAV-4 HSD Trend (Hybrid)
>I hear they really like their oil to be changed frequently
Yes, nu-cars 10k and 15k mile oil change intervals are an absolute joke. oil should be changed every 5k or 7.5k miles at most
>what do I need to watch to keep it in top condition?
Rotate tires every oil change
Flush and replace all brake fluid every 2 years
Drain and replace coolant every 4 years
Drain and replace transmission fluid every 40,000 miles
If that piece of shit has awd, drain and replace the center and rear diff fluid every 50,000 miles
"lifetime" fluids are an absolute joke.
or better yet trade that abomination in for a real car
nobody here is going to have an answer for you, find an enthusiast board for whatever make of car it is or whatever cable you're using for programming
thx mang
are you only flaming because its a hybrid, or do you have something against rav4s in general?
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Tell me about driving in the snow, like in the Midwest or Canada or something where there’s legit snow in the ground every day for months. I live in the Deep South and really don’t know anything about this. The high temp today is 70°.

What makes a good snow tire? Does brand matter? Are there some with more aggressive tread than others (like all-terrains and offroad tires)? Does size? Do you just slap them in the cheapest rims you can find and keep them in your garage until the snow starts? When do you decide to put them in? When do you risk taking them off? Do they really wear down faster? What are studded tires; is that the same thing as snow tires?

How do chains play into all of this? When do you put in chains? Do you leave them in seasonally or just for emergencies or what? How do they attach?
it depends where in the midwest you drive. if you live in a city or a sizeable town, they're usually pretty good about clearing snow and salting quickly. in that case i wouldn't bother with snow tires.
if you do a lot of driving on country or rural roads, then yes, absolutely snow tire that up. you got it, cheap rims, swap twice a year. better brand name tires tend to be made of better quality soft rubber which will grip better, but anything is better than all seasons.
sorry forgot your chains question, those are only needed in very remote or mountainous areas. basically you leave them in your trunk until you need to drive on a very snowed over road, then you put them on. you don't want to leave them on for long periods.
Just retimed it and it did the same thing.
Absolutely. Why would I pay $500 for phasers made by the same people who fucked them up in the first place?
of course it's a gimmick. why on earth would a car need an app?
it seems like if you want to use android auto, you to use the app. I might be wrong?
my boomer dad got convinced by his boomer mechanic friend who got convinced by his retard son that using waze is 'mandatory' and now he wants it. I keep telling him no it's not necessary and he is luckily also noticing it's not necessary, but for all the extra bullshit android auto offers, it might be handy and my dad/dad's friend will shit up
I keep skidding at this one roundabout. It’s never too serious I always control it. Roads aren’t wet, no oil on road, tyres are fine, I don’t go faster than I do on any other roundabout. My car is fwd. what could be causing this?
>I want my car to be freezing cold and my windows iced over when I leave the house
Why? Just open the app, turn the car on, and make sure the defroster is on. Why wouldn’t you want this? How is it useless when it serves a very specific purpose?

Android Auto (and Apple CarPlay) are separate from various manufacturers apps. The Android and iPhone connectivity is for integrating your phone to the infotainment system (for things like hands-free calls, talk to text functions, navigation, streaming music, and so on). Things like myVE, Ford Pass, Dodge Uconnect, and so on access the vehicles connectivity for starting, various controls, getting location data, and so on.
Is it freshly striped? Some of that road paint is slick and diffs trying to do their thing with some drag especially will slip the tires.
Same happens on a roundabout near me. I'm not sure what it is, it is heavily used but there's no oil on it. However it does often have a "slick" look to it even on hot days.
There was once I was talking to someone in the car about it and how it's a deceptive roundabout and the car in front immediately spun out and ended up facing me.
Is it safe to run the car on jack stands? I want to flush and replace my transmission oil on my old beamer. I have to put the car in every gear and run it for a few minutes, as per the instructions on the bottle, and I don't want to drive it in first and second gear on public roads.
There is a lot of risk involved so please make sure the stands are very secure. If they fail for any reason you are launching that car into whatever is in front of it.
What car should I buy, I have $20k
2023 corolla
I hope I stand in front of the car if that happens.
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7.3 powerstroke. EBPV wire got shorted. I disconnected the connector, cut the wires and isolated them but truck still wont start (cranks fine, WTS light works fine). Hooked up a scan tool and connected but the connection dropped about a minute later and I am now unable to connect. PCM diode has visible damage but tests okay.
What do?

rare webm to solicit good response
Unable to connect the scan tool?

I’m assuming you checked all the fuses, right? Sounds like a fun wiring gremlin if the fuses are done, and might need a load on the end of the wire that shorted to really see where the issue is.

It’s not that bad. Not any worse than when you’re under the car yanking on shit with a big breaker bar and shaking it trying to get rusty parts off. Lots of cars’ TC doesn’t love when you’re running it in the air. If you’re not revving the thing with super unbalanced wheels, you’re cool.
>Unable to connect the scan tool?
Its iffy. The ODB port is getting power 100% of the time. But when I try to connect my scanner it only works maybe 20% of the time and thats usually after pulling the battery and reconnecting it. I had it connected earlier today and the only code I has was related to the exhaust back pressure sensor which is disconnected, so no hints there.
>I’m assuming you checked all the fuses, right?
Yeah I checked all the fuses in the power distribution box. And as I mentioned, the PCM diode has visible damage, but seems to be working. I have a replacement diode on the way.
If that doesnt fix it then I'll probably have to tow it to a shop because electrical stuff is over my head.

When I crank it I dont see any smoke coming out the tail pipe so me thinks its not getting fuel. Me thinks this BITCH ASS COMPUTER is no giving me fuel. I fucking hate electronics so much, my next car will have a carburetor
Are car auction gradings a standardized set of grades or is it one of those areas where an auction grade can mean whatever the hell the auctioneer wants it to mean in Japan. I'm looking to import a truck and wanted to know if grade 3 even meant anything since that's the most common number I see.
I just got my first car (hyundai genesis sedan 5.0) and I wanted to swap the rims out because they are ugly as sin and the car needed new tires anyways. I saw some r35 rims for sale and was wondering if it would be retarded to run the front gtr wheels with a spacer (20x9.5 45 offset) in place of my existing rear wheels (19x8 39 offset). The transmissions in these are also known to fail so I was also wondering if running out of spec wheels would contribute to breaking that.
I did a boost leak test on my car and found 2 small leaks (BOV and coupler between TB and IC pipe) but overall the car held boost very well and the rate of pressure loss was pretty slow. But the car is just not building or holding boost, even at max throttle it will not go above about 3 psi on my boost gauge. Could it be my BOV, is my boost gauge/sensor bad, or is something else going on?
looking for nissan/renault/dacia duster mk2 (2017) headlamp removal instructions
previously a long time wrenchlet, managed to do a similar job on fabia2 recently, pretty sure wouldn't be able to do it without advice
found some good mk1 manual, curious whether it's similar enough to work on mk2
based suicidal anon
check powers and grounds at the PCM. sounds like a likely blown fuse. there are usually multiple fuses covering the pcm so check all. check continuity on wire going from pcm to dtc connector. if fuses and connector good, likely blown pcm.
connect scantool and read the desired boost vs the actual boost numbers, is there a big discrepancy there? any codes?
hey, just want to double check, but i should cut into the provided brown wire and splice into the existing long brown wire, correct?

i made a little drawing in the bottom left with what i assume it should look like, with lil red but connectors. any tips
for running the wires tight? its a generic 4x8 harbor freight trailer and the 'tounge' hinges on it so it can fold.
looks like its one wire into the 'side lamp' and then it grounds out into the frame?

ill go watch a video.
I slid on the ice and a tow truck rammed into me last night.
I got hit with a ticket by a state trooper.
How do I find out the license plate of the guy that I know hit me?
I have a small, smooth brain. When people talk about staged headers they mean that the diameter is increasing or decreasing in steps as the piping moves away from the engine, right? The change in diameter is for changing the pressure and therefore speed of the exhaust gasses I suppose? Is this just a different method of trying to tune exhaust pulses when you don't have the room for as much runner length as you'd like?
>old holden commodore has twice in the last week flashed an error message saying "check actuator"
>shows up for literally 1 second and at weird times (first was when I put it into reverse, second was when I turned it on, both a few days ago and nothing has happened since)
How concerned should I be?
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is a rear disc conversion worth the hassle?
thinking of doing one on a GMT400.
accidentally flat towed my truck about 200 yards @5mph with the drive shaft connected. what are the odds I fucked my transmission
I don't drive much these days I could go weeks without starting up the car and when I do take it for a spin I go on the highway. Is there a set distance I should drive once a week to keep things running smoothly? I take it for a half hour drive or try to, something like 40 miles
In N and not dragging tires? that’s fine. I always heard the reason to drop the driveshaft was because trans fluid gets pumped from the input side so you have the output side spinning with no lubrication or cooling when you tow. That matters at highway speeds, but not for 200yds.
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How viable is it to make a gasket (not washer shaped) out of copper sheets for the coolant lines on a turbo?

Finding gaskets for my turbo is close to impossible so I'm thinking about making them
Bought my first car recently. Came with two sets of tires. On the car are all season tires with about 6.5mm of tread left. The other set are winter tires with about 5mm of tread. The place I live typically is around 0°C most winter, with spikes to -5 or even -10. for the future i'd like to have a set of summer and a set of winter tires. All season ones seem like a shitty middle ground.
The question now is: Do I change the tires to the winter ones for the rest of the winter (until March) or do I stay on the all season tires until November.
Another question: Once the winter tires are worn through, what do I replace them with? i.e. are all season tires better in the summer or in the winter?
Also, at what thread depth do you guy usually replace tires? Internet says 4mm for winter ones, law says 1,6mm. Is the 4mm thing just a jewish trick?
see >>28218357
strong FF manual transmissions, questionmark?
Street pads are optimized for cold braking power and get weaker when they get hot. Whether you need track pads or not depends on your track. If you take any bone stock car to a fast track like Nürburgring and really push it, the brakes will fade by the second lap.
Also, racing braking technique is quite different from regular braking, you're meant to go all the way on the brakes and then slowly let go. That way the pads wear slower and are less likely to overheat.
They sell specific gasket material so you can cut your own. Lots of people do it for hard to find gaskets. Go for it.
VW O2M, Toyota E153, Nissan 51H or RS6F51A
>Toyota E153
shit, i have one of those in my shed. thanks anon
Just to close this conversation:
It was the spark plugs. Swapping all four to new Denso sparks cleared all the codes. I admittedly bought parts I didn't need, but hey, spares right?
0% odds. that's literally nothing.
why not just use this?
kek. no.
>shitty fucking shift forks.png
I dont plan on slamming gears, i just want something that with good torque capacity that can stand up to boost without locking up or shearing gears (cough honda APG6, cough subaru)
>when they ask where all the shifts are gone
Would you guys buy a good condition 92 camaro 5.0 w/ manual trans for 7k? He said brand new fuel pump and clutch and ready to go. Only thing is the ac compressor (or condensor?) and drier has to be replaced but he's including those parts
Any Range Rover people know how to turn the fucking brake lights off on a dead battery? My shitty evoque is clearly having issues, jump starter will turn electronics on (and the alarm) while plugged in but not enough to start, and as soon as I unplug it the lights turn back on.
they're worth a few grand now - more people found out they're stupidly strong (like 500 ft lb daily kind of strong). you've got a beefy gearbox you lucky bastard
Any of you guys have experience buying parts from junkyards?
I put a large dent in my front bumper. Most quotes I'm getting for repair are around $1000. Buying a new bumper and getting it painted would be a similar price.
But I've found two bumpers online from junkyards that are in the right color. They are both very far away, so I wouldn't be able to inspect in person. Both cost around $150, but shipping would add quite a lot to that.
Should I just take the plunge and buy one of them?
Is there a difference between brake fluid brands and can I trust the claims they put on the bottles? (lasts x miles, boiling point, etc.)
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ripoff delphi v7 worked
>they're worth a few grand now
surprising, 5spd Camry V6s arent too terribly rare
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Is this true ?
>what is forced induction

A turbo is basically putting an extra 50% more fuel and air in an engine at 7psi of boost when you’re on the throttle, so at that RPM and boost, the 2.0L engine is running on 3.0L worth of air and fuel mixture.
waow a 1.5T from a late model honda civic drags tired old K24s up and down the highway? imagine that! must have some kinda extra component to make more power
How good are chinky ebay OBD tools?
No dash lights on, not 100% sure about codes. I have been meaning to buy evoscan and the connector (Evo 6) but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

The car runs fine but does feel sluggish and is nowhere near normal peak boost at WOT (~15 psi). I'm going to replace my BOV anyway because it has probably never been replaced.
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2006 civic hatchback for 1500€ as first car
Y or N?
seems high but i dont know the market for those, check other areas to see if the price is fair. but if you like it and you have the money, i say go for it
use car-part.com to search junkyards. try to find one where you can see it in person and pick it up, the shipping savings alone would likely make a multi-hour drive worth it and you can see if the paint is really faded or something before buying
if there's nothing in your region, i would just live with the dented bumper for a while and try back in 6 months.
you can search on bobistheoilguy.com for a specific brand, but these days most are pretty good. i would stay away from store brands. also DOT4 can be used and mixed with DOT3 safely and will increase braking performance (at the cost of needed replacement more often).
it really depends. if you can scrape together $100, i recommend the launch elite, it's been a really good cheap scanner and does most of the stuff dealer level tools.
MIL will usually only light if the fault is causing higher emissions. if it's not, it will silently set a code. i would highly recommend getting a decent scantool before trying to do any kind of troubleshooting, otherwise you're just poking in the dark
what do i clean battery terminal crud with? car didnt want to start today and there was a small amount around the terminals, i knocked it off and it started. i was thinking i should disconnect/clean the inside of the terminal connections with something
How do I convince a dealership to let me test drive an Audi R8 w/ MT?
I mix vineger and bakeing soda to get some bubble action, does the scrubbing for you. then I hit it with some WD, leaves a protecting film. I do this on all my cars for the past decade and have never had a problem starting any of them
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What are good low-end hand tools brands? I'm looking for pliers and crimps and dykes.
Craftsman is too expensive.
I like dykes as well, never been lucky enough to have a pair. Honestly when you're buying low end the name won't mean much as most brands have their lowest tier made by the usual suspects anyhow. As a self admitted cheap fuck I've always bought the bargain unit from the loose box on the bottom shelf, and then upgraded when it A: breaks, B: fails to do its job well or properly, or C: is generally unpleasant enough to warrant the cost. There are some strategic purchases that this won't work for like picking which cordless battery congregation you join, but for most of us "worked the few times I needed it" is good enough. I think the only real reason to stray from this logic is when you have one of every tool you want, which is scientifically impossible.
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How do I become as cool as this guy?
Cheap cutting tools and pliers where you really want grip are pretty terrible. But if you want to go get some cheap dykes that will be chewed up after a few uses, go to Harbor Freight. Pittsburgh is dirt cheap but awful. Quinn is probably on par with Craftsman for a couple bucks less. Try the Doyles maybe? I got some angled dykes from them but can’t tell yet if they’re going to be any better than Channellock or Milwaukee.

You can always look for a cheap multipack of Kobalt or Husky and they won’t be total ass.

Or be a champ and grab some Jappo pliers. Tsunoda and Fujiya have some super good deals on Amazon, I think it’s because Japan’s currency is weak compared to the dollar
WD isn’t a great choice for that.

Vinegar and baking soda is a boomer trick. I hit em with a wire brush. Get a tube of dielectric grease and coat the terminals with that to protect them, that’s the proper way to do it instead of WD-40 which might cause a fire.

The chink bluetooth scan tools are as good as the apps you can find to use with them. I have a $25 Veepeak from Amazon that beats out my $125 Autel standalone scan tool on lots of stuff because I found a real good Jeep app
redpill me on the 2016-2020 escalades
Do women still call every suv a "jeep" or has this retardation already ended?
can anyone explain TFSI to someone who doesn’t know shit about cars other than how to drive them
The T stands for turbocharged. Google if if you want to know how that works.

FSI is their fancy name for direct injection, google that to see how it differs from normal fuel injection that was standard on most gasoline engines from like the 80s until a few years ago.

Both are fairly common things these days to try and get a couple more MPGs.
So nothing really special then?
>2000 ranger 3.0
>Get new IAC valve
>Install and rpm shoots right up to 3k on startup
I later read you need to buy a specific one that is programmed to that vehicle or something, but I also read about an idle relearn process. Can I use the one I already bought and do the relearn process or so I have to buy that specific brand part?

Alternately, can I just block off the IAC valve and forget about it? There seems to be a throttle stop screw I can adjust and my AC is broken anyways so that stays off.
Thank you both.
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I need some ideas on where to start looking for a brake rumble/shake. I recently redid both rear brakes on my 97 C2500. I replaced the shoes, wheel cylinders, and all the springs/hardware. I also had the drums resurfaced.
I turned the adjusters until there was a slight drag (then did the auto adjust procedure just in case), anti-seize on all the contact points, sprayed everything down with brake cleaner, bled the cylinders until there was nothing but brand new fluid coming out of both lines, theoretically these brakes should be brand new.

But while driving there's an obvious shaking when I brake. It was doing this before I refreshed the brakes too, when both cylinders were leaking. I'm at a loss as to where to start checking for problems. The driver's side tire has a slow air leak, but that's about the only issue I can think of. The shaking gets worse the harder I press the pedal, and as I come to a stop it slows down, almost like there's a lump that I'm slowly going over. The ride is smooth while driving though. And the pedal doesn't vibrate, the frame/cab does. The steering wheel also doesn't shake.
There's also a loud creak/squeak as I come to a stop, with its frequency slowing down as I come to a stop. Like there's a specific spot on the drums that's producing the sound as it passes a certain point.

I read on the forums that reinstalling the springs in the incorrect order can cause brake noises, but I followed the steps in every video and guide I could find.

I was going to ignore the shaking but I don't think it's safe to do so anymore.
It’s an Audi, right?

I mean they were doing turbos before most other cars, so it’s a little special. Gives you more power for a given engine size, and in a lot of cars if there’s a turbo model and a non-turbo, the turbo will be the higher trim. But it has kinda been the standard on lots of Audis and VWs, like a mid-00s Audi A4 might have had a 2.0L 4cyl turbo engine making 200HP, while a BMW 3-series or Mercedes C-Class will have a 2.5L-3.0L 6cyl engine making the same power. The turbo engine might get a little better gas mileage as well, the main downside of a turbo bring the power comes later as the RPMs rise and there’s a lot of extra parts on a turbocharged engine.

Direct injection is another thing that was fairly innovative for passenger gas cars like 15-20 years ago, but is becoming super common because of strict emissions standards. It basically allows the car’s computer to better control the amount of fuel sent into the engine. Main downside to that is going to be a little bit of added complexity because the fuel needs to be injected at a higher pressure versus regular fuel injection that mixes fuel with the air as it gets sucked into the engine, but it’s not that bad. And direct injection tend to have carbon build up on the intake side because there’s no fuel coming in that route to wash it away, and that requires a little bit of preventative maintenance to avoid other issues 100k miles later
Resurface the front rotors
the shaking is coming from the back, and if the rotors were warped the steering wheel would be shaking wouldn't it?

also to the tripfaggot, not sure if you replied to me but I filtered you last year so I'll never see what you wrote. sorry.
Not always. In fact in my experience it usually doesn't unless you're going really fast and have just the right amount of pressure on the brake pedal. Besides it's cheap and simple, I would do it just to rule it out
I don’t know much about your specific vehicle, but your ignition timing is either set wrong or your distributor is not adjusting your timing properly as you accelerate. You need to check that your initial timing is set correctly which is changed by loosening and rotating the distributor, and set with a timing light pointed at the harmonic balancer. If that doesn’t fix it you need to figure out what adjusts(advances/retards) your timing at different engine rpms and fix that.
For the first time i have a car with a sunroof. I played around with it in the summer. Figured out that its a good idea to keep it open while parked in the scorching sun to let out the heat. What are other use cases for a sunroof?

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