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What's the trick to driving through a flooded road without killing your engine?
Stone skipping.
Have a snorkel.
Do not stop
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Oddly enough. that works.
My intake is higher than my headlights and I have a lovely flat undertray.
Nothing above axle deep.
Slow in and maybe fast out.
Good luck.
I still have to empty water out of a headlight from mid december.
In Britain it's a massive problem, people drive their cars through easliy passable floods but they drive too fast, and on most cars as soon as the water reaches bonnet (hood) level they're fucked.
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the korean army uses readily available amphibious vehicles
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>driving on a flooded road
>see my fog lights go out
I love how it just gets on the plane in the second shot, that's the way to do it.
Drive a Ford ranger.
Godlike driving from that KIA bro.
Ideally you turn the fuck around and find an alternate route. If you have absolutely no choice and the water level isn't higher than where your intake sits, then you drive through as slow as possible without stopping. Drive too fast and water is likely to end up getting sucked into your intake, hydro-locking your engine - drive too slow and you'll stall out from water getting up the exhaust, stranding you where you sit.

Just avoid the flood waters entirely, it seeps into places it shouldn't and can cause issues later on down the line, if not immediately.
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Proper truck. :)
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>What's the trick to driving through a flooded road without killing your engine?

Keeping air running through the engine. In most cases that means keeping your exhaust above the water or getting through the water quick unless you have one of those snorkel exhausts that vents out the top of the vehicle.
>drive too slow and you'll stall out from water getting up the exhaust, stranding you where you sit
This doesn't happen. Exhaust pressures can get up to 30-40 psi before engine stallout. Water pressure under two feet of water is less than 1 psi. Unless you stop the engine and let it fill with water, that is impossible.
Wanna bet? You have to be 18 etc.
Never say never because it will bite you in the bum.
It’s a huge problem in New Orleans. The entire city relies on a massive infrastructure of canals and giant flood pumps. If there’s too much rain too quickly, there’s widespread street flooding. If the negroes in charge didn’t tell anyone that 25% of the pumps were offline due to a fire, it can be disastrous/a fucking circus.
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Pertty much anywhere near a coastline you need a boat and food for a month and a helicopter.
Trucks are so last decade.
You have no idea what you're talking about and you type like a fag. Water will never flood your exhaust unless the engine is stopped. Exhaust snorkels are contingency for stalling underwater.
OK. Prove it big boy.
Go park your car halfway underwater and let it idle for a while in the name of science.
Mine won't do it. Try yours. Post video.
You can just look up cars driving through water on youtube and none of them stall out from exhaust backpressure. They either get hydrolocked or go through fine.
not that anon, but i do remember on the channel of the guy that posts clips of rufford mill ford kills and crossings, there was some mercedes minivan that reversed through the crossing at a bit faster than walking speed no problem
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Yours might do it. Mine motorboats.
Turn around and go back the way you came.
An understanding of hydrodynamic helps. You want your engine to ride in the trough of the wave, so that water doesn't get into places where you don't want it. Keep moving.
After fording water, you should wash your undercarriage as soon as practical to reduce corrosion.
Yep. Hammer down.
know where your actual air intake is, if its low, consider disconnecting the air filter or whatever at its highest point in the engine bay, drive slow so you dont create a wake, if you feel ohfugg floor it but only then and only if you think you will loose your car or life not doing it, dont stop engine once you get on the other side let it dry out either driving or idling.
simply turn 360 degrees and drive away
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Yes, that guy's a moron. Even if they were right and water flooded the exhaust pipes, it would still need to make it all the way up to the cylinder exhaust valves to theoretically stop the engine.
The "swallow your pride" edition:

- Drive slowly but surely in reverse.
- Pay someone to tow you through with the engine off and in neutral.
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mfw engine stalls halfway through
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Try this simple trick.
Don't drive too slow. The most ideal speed is when you enter slightly quick to propagate a wave through the water, then stay on the gas enough to follow closely behind the wave. That way you have less water to displace, and the water you are driving into is at a lower level = less chance of hydrolocking
Well from personal experience definitely don't drive fast through them with no hood and an open throttle body. Engines don't like ingesting mud/water very much.
That kid looks shopped in.
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Leave your car and take the bus.
Just a wet floor than can be cleaned after the shift. It needs 4-5ft tall water to stop a bus.
>Enter slightly quick to propagate a wave
In theory yes, but from the videos posted above most cars would be better of going at a crawling pace instead.
That initial push forces water everywhere so people fuck up their cars even with water levels far below the intake.

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