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Could be with cops or getting into accidents.
I used to go to car meets back in the late 90s before phones got popular, you could get away with a lot more back then. Some twink car dealer in a miata his dad bought him wanted to race my c5. We went after the official meet down a twisty section of roads in Southern CA, popular spot for races, even today. We played cat and mouse. First time I was on his bumper the whole time and overtook him on a straight and he never recovered. Then we switched, he had trouble keeping up with me and was getting reckless in corners just trying to stay with me, ended up overshooting and trading some paint with my rear fender. This faggot didn't even stop at the end of the race, just did a ficking ricer flyby. That pissed me off. I followed him for about 30 miles to a gas station by 80, when he got out I jumped him, dragged him into the bathroom, the door to which was just in the back of the building, and had my way with him. Now, I'm not gay, I never did anything remotely like that before or since, but just the domination of him was really something. I left him sobbing on the floor and drove off. Sold the vette, he never knew my plates, avoided the racing and car dealer scene for two years until I moved, nothing legal ever came of it. It really was a different time.
I feel like this didn't happen. Particularly because a Miata driver would be willing.
yeah I had a close call. the light had turned red for me but I still went because I knew I could make it, but then this onions guy coming in my direction just kept on accelerating and he barely missed me. motherfucker saw me going there, it was deliberate. I mean yeah sure it wasn't green for me anymore but I had takeout in my front seat and I didn't want to spill the drinks in the bag. I was also fiddling with my glucose meter at the same time so I was a bit distracted but a lot of people do that too, he saw me, he shouldn't have tried to provoke me or cause an accident because it was not my fault. like yeah sure I'm sorry buddy I was looking at the youtube video on my phone but not concentrating on it fully. shit happens it's real life

holier than thou fucking ASSHOLE
Based rapist
kek, good pasta
hol' up....
Take some responsibility you asshole, it was your fault.

shit happens, I don't think I was at fault cause if you start splitting hairs like that you might as well declare this a communist country and kill everyone who misses the yellow light barely

it's just not right. he saw me, he didn't have to do that
So any close calls that dont involve rape?
Closest call to death I ever had in a car was in my SN95 Mustang GT. I was traveling down a 65mph marked grass median divided 2 lane highway at 70 when some old fuck in a 750i misjudged my speed I'm guessing and pulled out from the opposing lanes of traffic to go into a service station on my side of the road. I was in the right lane and he saw me at the last second and just stopped with his nose in my lane and it happened so fast that I had to swerve onto the shoulder and fishtailed 3 or 4 times before managing to straaighten the car back out and proceed normally. I thought for sure one of the fishtails that my rearend was going to catch the gravel shoulder and have a rollover. Idk how I managed to avoid them but I was so mad, but couldn't even get to vent my frustration at them by flipping them off or anything. Probably the most adrenaline I'd ever dumped at one time in my life, desu.
Nope, this is 4chan
Damn near crashed into kids in a school zone when my tire blew out. And then they tried to rape me
>late autumn, dark outside
>following another car on a highway, doing around 140 km/h in a 100 zone
>the car in front of me starts slowing down
>I don't feel like overtaking so I slow down also
>soon we come to some street lights and I see that it's a cop car

>sunny day, driving along a country road
>doing around 140 km/h in an 80 zone
>been driving 120-140 km/h for the last 10 kilometers
>come up to some guy doing 80
>decide not to overtake
>from behind the next hill a cop car shows up

>driving around 140 km/h again on a highway in a 100 zone
>suddenly see a cop car with its lights and sirens on in the oncoming lane
>they start flashing their high beams at me like mad but they don't actually turn around and chase me
>figure they must have been too busy to actually go after me
i fell asleep driving on the highway, and woke up to driving in the grass median right next to the metal fence
>UK (right hand drive)
>short 2 mile long dual carriageway linking roundabouts
>in right lane because there's usually a queue at the end and I needed to be in the right lane for it
>still overtaking traffic
>twat accelerates up to my arse, flashes me a couple of times and undertakes me in the tiny gap between me and the car I was overtaking, almost causing an accident.
>give him the finger
>twat drives a bit ahead just out of view, then comes to a complete stop (this is a 70mph road)
>manage to notice he'd stopped just in time and stamped on the brakes of my 10 year old Skoda
>manage to stop literally a cm from his bumper and he drives off
>pulls up to the left of me at the traffic lights at the end and the mulleted twat gives the tosser sign... along with the 3 kids he had in the back.

Was only went I stopped about 10 minutes later that it dawned on me that if my brakes hadn't been well maintained or I'd been a second later noticing he'd stopped that I would have slammed into the tiny car he was driving and done fuck knows what to the kids in the back. Only time in the life something literally left me shaking and the people I was with noticed so I had to tell them what had happened.
Massive semi coming in the wrong side of the road almost got me
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>waiting to turn right into a 55mph road
>van in center lane trying to turn left onto the road I'm on
>finally get a clearing in traffic and go for the turn
>woops van is actually doing a u turn and went early
>have to swerve into grass to avoid a fender bender
>van sits on their horn and tailgates me for a minute in anger

>doing highway pulls at 3am
>70mph speed limit
>trying to see if an intermittent misfire is finally gone
>3rd gear pull
>blow past a state trooper going 120
>pulls me over
>explain the situation and show him my laptop with the datalog up
>get off with a warning
I wasn't driving but im pretty sure this was my closes call
>walking home after finishing with my classes
>was coming up to a 4 way intersection
>some bitch bimbo tries to take a left, steps on gas instead of brakes and heads straight for me
>luckily i see it, run back and she smashes into a bakery
>needed a minute to process what the hell just happened, start walking up to the car, she opens the door and just starts running
>see if everyone else is ok, wait for the police, give my statement and never hear back from anyone ever again
I ran down a highway at 130+ mph between two cops doing whatver at 1am.

Also took a hit off a bowl at a stop sign and looked up to see a cop perpendicular to me. He didnt notice.

Another one, got a speeding ticket while cooked out of my mind and it eas the quickest traffic stop of my life, got a ticket and was gone in under 5 minutes, every other stop ive been a part of.was 20-30 minutes for whatever reason.
>few years ago
>speeding down rural highway in 96 camry at night
>flying down a gentle dip/valley over a bridge
>as i reach the crest on the other side, see cop lights over the crest behind me
>going fast enough that i'd lose my loicense instantly
>fuck it, stomp the pedal and go even faster
>see a familiar sign on the road ahead
>remember that this section of highway has paved over gaps in the center median that otherwise separates each direction with thick, heavy brush
>see one up ahead, slam the brakes
>no abs so i'm trying to brake as hard as possible without skidding, very grippy tyres helped with this
>have to turn now or i'm fucked, thank fuck there's no oncoming traffic
>turn the wheel as far as i can and do the hardest/fastest fucking u-turn i've ever done in my life, some loose change and random shit in the center console goes flying
>turn off all lights and just cruise, paranoid that the cop might hear the engine
>not even five secs later, see pinpricks of cop lights through the trees and hear his engine roar past
>take first exit i see
>avoiding the highway, take twice as long, at least two hours, just to get home
>lie in bed wide awake for a few hours, hands still trembling
didn't touch the car for a few months after that, used my dad's one since he hardly ever drove it anyway. definitely not doing that again.
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>tailgating a prius that dropped down to 15mph
>he eventually stops in the road
>gets out and starts threatening me
>tell him i see the handicap parking tag in his mirror and he should get back into his vehicle
>he says "see what happens if you try it again" before complying
>speeds off at like 60mph
a few minutes later
>his car is just in the middle of the road, waiting
>starts to get out as i approach
>nuprius behind me decides to go around both of us
>nuprius has already been stuck behind both of us before and isnt waiting
>handicap guy jumps back in his car and floors it
>the two race into a one way bridge
>right before wrecking the bridge for everybody, the nuprius backs off
>handicap guy stops fucking around after that and just continues at a regular speed
That must have been exhilarating
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youre only use as a diabetic fat nigger is to remind me to filter tripfags again. hope its a semi with bad brakes that you cut off next time.
dont tailgate, anon.

what's your problem? it wasn't even my fault
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i try not to tailgate but i live in a hilly area where people will go down a hill at speed and then immediately brake upon going uphill again (as shown in my graphic) which causes any car behind it to quickly catch up, which is what happend.
it was a mix of
>ohshitohfuck wtf did i just do
>are the cops gonna find out? the cops are gonna find out, yeah that's it i'm fucked
>holy fuck i actually did that. i actually ran from highway patrol and GOT AWAY
>90s camry vs late model 300 srt and i fucking got away
as the days and weeks went by it slowly became the latter lol. mind you, i had basically been a good boy™ up until this point in life, never really got involved with the law beyond this so yeah for a first, it was wild for me. i'll definitely remember this one when i croak.
for me people ride the brakes downhill, seemingly unaware of the hill ahead that they need to get up again. and there's no speed traps either.
gravity assists people, exploit that shit ffs.
Commuting daily on a motorcycle it happens also every other day. I have gotten desensitised to it and decided to put a score board on my backpack.
Current leader board is 1) Old people 2) Women 3) Ambulances.
You still test your luck?
Should've plowed into him, he's gonna teach those little shits his driving habits anyway.
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>people will go down a hill at speed and then immediately brake upon going uphill again
Urgh, my pet fucking peeve. We have a vintage 3 ton truck that really struggles with hills, and there is one dip in particular near us that requires a decent runup if you don't want to have to change down a gear. If there's a car in front of us on the approach to the dip, then I always have hang back and try to increase the gap before the decent, otherwise I know that the twat in front will just slow down way too much on the way up out of the dip, forcing me to change gear and creep up at < 20mph.
i spun out in front of the cops and almost slid right into a parked truck that was behind them. took a freeway entrance way too quick in the rain and noticed the police there at the last second, hit the brakes, lost traction, i was feet away from a gaurdrail, moving traffic, a giant ditch, and two cop cars along with the scene of a separate accident. cops let me go and said to just slow down. i did desu.
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As for one of my close calls, I almost lost it when hooning one night. Never taken this particular road at speed before, but I roughly knew the corners from cruising in the day. What I didn't take into account, however, was how aggressive the bumps were, which at 30mph were barely an issue. Came around a kind of tight chicane-y bit at roughly 60 or 70 mph, and the bumps in the road were just aggressive enough that I nearly left the ground as I was mid turn. Luckily I managed to catch it just in time, mostly though luck rather than skill, but fuck me that was close. If I hadn't caught it I probably would have rolled it like pic rel and killed myself. Had plenty of other near misses, but none quite as desperate or split second life-or-death as that.
>the domination
Ur just a closeted faggot
Holy shit anon what the fuck
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Uhhh diz fagay
nah once was enough. now i just cruise a bit faster than the limit and warn traffic both in front of and behind me where appropriate of any speed traps
More literally a close call than an almost accident but an unbelievable dick either way.

>taking exit
>single lane
>didn't want to undertake a 55mph limited lorry on the exit slip road as I've seen too many last minute oblivious lane changes by truck drivers
>twat driving a coach comes up a metre behind me
>starts flashing
>gets even closer, cms away
>still flashing
>slip road pulls away from the main road so it's safe to speed up now
>leave the wanker in the coach in the dust as it turns out it's limited to 60mph

There are fucking psychopaths on the road.

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