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>wait 15 years to finally get a car
>suddenly the entire "country" falls apart before you can get it
So uh, what happened to those who waited all these years to get a car? Did they still somehow get their Trabi in the end?
of course not

there were 300 cars per 1000 people in east in 1990 and 500 in the west, markets were the accomodating factor
if capitalism is so good at providing cars why are there only 1 car per 8 people in the world globally?
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pretty sure they shat on the trabi at that point and instead bought a based astra A from the western gibs instead
>there were 300 cars per 1000 people in east in 1990 and 500 in the west
That's surprisingly not that bad for the GDR considering the autarky, soviets stealing their shit &c.
What I find funny is how Trabis got scrapped left and right but after the walls fell the soviets came in and instantly vacuumed off all the Wartburgs
>if capitalism is so good at providing cars why are there only 1 car per 8 people in the world globally?
East bloc probably has more cars per capita than market economies with same income levels. East bloc had an insanely large heavy industry base, and there's an anecdote of USSR having 4x more tractors than US.
for a depressing country the cars looked surprisingly cute
Well, the Wartburg wasn't made of plastic and had a luxurious 1.0 L engine that could sort of keep up with traffic. The Trabant peasants had to make do with a 26 hp 0.6 L piece of shit.
I think the Wartburg also had a nicer gearbox.
Both used two-stroke engines before they got better engine tech from West Germany in the late 1980s.
>a luxurious 1.0 L engine that could sort of keep up with traffic. The Trabant peasants had to make do with a 26 hp 0.6 L piece of shit.
the traffic was 26hp 0.6 L piece of shits for the most part though so it wasn't about keeping up, it was about being in a rocketship
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Basic cars were pretty affordable for GDR citzens, hence the massive waiting lists. And the Trabant's bodypanels could only be produced at one speed so there was no reasonable way to ramp up production
>bought a based astra A from the western gibs instead
Can't buy a car for 100DM
But there was a massive run on used cars from all over europe, so it was much more likely one of these with some quickly patched over holes in the floor
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>what happened to those who waited all these years to get a car?

Fuck em. You had to be a good goy communist party bootlicker to get on the waiting list for a car. I'm glad those faggots waited for years and didn't get shit. Same with all leftie bootlickers who sided with the Soviet invaders. Glad their dogshit system collapsed and they walked away with nothing.


Not interested in commu-copes, NATO won.
The car was paid for in full at delivery, so if sb had money saved up they would just cancel the order and buy a western used car instead. Anyone that didn't cancel would recieve the car way sooner. And potentially pay 50% extra if they happened to get a Trabant 1,1

This is a TV skit were they showed up to deliver Trabants in the late 90s
Sure, but outside the DDR, the Trabant was a useless pile of scrap (and much of that scrap wasn't even metal).
The Wartburg had just enough performance that it could be useful elsewhere. If you didn't mind gassing people with thick 2-stroke smoke that was probably nastier than the output of 20 modern cars combined.
there seems to be a trend where despotic countries have colourful buildings while free ones tend to all be white or grey
slash your wrists zoomlet nigger faggot
The trabi driver fears the hills
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commutroon meltdown
Shit I should've bought a Trabant when they were still cheap
You're about 20 years too late.
I'm aware, but back then I thought my na mk4 sooprah was the greatest car of all time, only latter on were my eyes opened to the magnificence of Soviet steeds
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This is the number of registered 'bants in germany btw (as of 2 years ago but still interesting)
Reject modernity, embrace Trabants
Where the FUCK are they getting all the Trabants from??
aren't those cars quite stinky?
Barn finds I guess. I heard soviet cars started being cool and retro ~8 years ago, but they're way better than Trabants.
>but they're way better than Trabants.
>way better
"Soviet cars" is a very large net.
It's like comparing all of Americas cars to a chevy citation.

Like would you either a trabant or a GAZ-24 Volga or a Tatra 613?
>B-but Czechoslovakia wasn't part of the Soviet Union
Yeah and 99% of americans don't give a shit, it was a satellite state and communist, so good enough.
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even this stupid idiot was far better, and it was near bottom of the barrell.
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>I heard soviet cars started being cool and retro ~8 years ago
You're imagining things
Everyone that had room for it just parked their Trabant as a family heirloom, because it was not worth scrapping, or just nostalgia.
Or bought one/got one for free when they were worth fuck all in the 90s. Trabants are perfect cars for cheap restauration. Engines can be sent away for a rebuilt or in exchange for a rebuilt example like an alternator. Costs 750€ last time I checked. (probably around 1k today) Composite bodywork doesn't need expensive repairs or paint, just take it off the car, weld up the rusty body, polish the paint a bit and put the panels back on. Anything else is available.
yes, and?
quick question:
were there any zaztavas or yugos around in east germany at the time?
Every block state sold cars to the GDR at some point, but often in limited numbers.
huh. who would have thunked
better in what fucking way?
There were even a couple thousands Volvos, Citroens, VWs and even Mercedes over there. You know, for those who were rich in a state where everyone is a "worker" and "the same"
Re-registration, old plates are probably not in the electronic database. My Moskvich 1500 is "new" too
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Volga all the way
Turquoise Gaz 21 with beige interior is just mmm oaaoao
Yeah the old M20 and 21 interiors are sex with their simplicity and surprisingly solid build quality.
Still personally prefer the 24 interior, probably due to personal bias as I own one myself.
How often do you lube the kingpins?
I could get either Moskvich 1500 or a black Volga, both for 350$, and chose the Moskvich because of the kingpins on Volga
Whenever I remember, usually like twice a year maybe, takes like all 15 minutes in total
>he took the moskbitch over the chad volga
Those fascist faggots deserved it for invading Russia. Same with all of the """"rapes"""" by Red Army chads, same what you stupid westoids are getting now as payback for colonialism lol
I blame EVs. Not a German but I'd rather drive 2 stroke commie crap than an EV.
Mid-20th century compact cars tend to be cute regardless of the country.
>Fiat 500
>Honda City
>Honda 600
>Citroen 2CV
>VW Beetle
>Fiat Panda
>Morris Minor
Just to name a few.
now look at what is on the roads now... what happened?
Join the 41% troon
Did you forget that Russia and the Soviet Union were also/is a colonizing power too? Everything and everyone east of the Ural's didn't just peacefully fall into Russia's hands.
trannies and gays are a western/white phenomenon.
all-metal body and not a 2-smoke. small, slow and miserable, yes, but it's an actual car, not a chainsaw on wheels.
Interestingly, trannies and gays make up the majority of western commies.
>inb4 "Hah I'm not amerimutt you stupid chud!"
Then you're a nigger. Communism was made for niggers, niggers and trannies are the only ones who legimatey push communism, it's a nigger tier ideology
You are either a nigger, a faggot, or both
>all-metal body
The cardboard body is what kept most at least visually """"""appealing""""" because it was the part that didn't rust like soviet metal
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Damn the USSR and Russia must be weak as fuck to keep jobbing to NAFO trannies
Nyet paint is too valuable to the party to lavish on outside the buildings
Only use for mural of party leader and sign to kill infidel
a qt
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not like 80s compacts were nice anywhere
A) You can't really turbo a volga
B) Volga's engine has pushrods, so it won't rev high
C) Metric fuckton of maintenance shit

My endgoal is to make a fun sleeper as close to stock is possible, and Volga just isn't the right platform and doesn't have the same vibe. Volga's chill, you take your gf to a river on Volga and then you fuck right inside because there's a literal bed there
I'll get one eventually, because I still like them
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But some were masterpieces
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>A) You can't really turbo a volga
You most definitely can, especially if you have the low compression engine
>B) Volga's engine has pushrods, so it won't rev high
Pushrods are not the reason why they don't rev high, it's more to do with the camshaft design.
The ZMZ-24 has a very flat power curve for a 4 banger and a surprising amount of low end torque due to the cam design.
>C) Metric fuckton of maintenance shit
It's not too different from any other soviet really. The main difference is that instead of replacing parts, you more often just maintain and/or overhaul them instead of outright getting a new one.
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ЗMЗ 24 IS low compression (6.6) but despite this it still needs AИ-93 gas, which is equivalent to modern A95. You could, in theory, make it less prone to detonation with better cooling and custom pistons, but it's just not a good start
Regarding rpm, picrel. You can make all that shit lighter all day long, but it still will be heavier than stock UZAM 412 sohc
>It's not too different from any other soviet really.
Old ones-yes. But the closer you get to 1991 the shittier's the quality.
Many people had to install the ignition from VAZ and a western carb just to make the engine work reliably. Gas pump hates the heat in summer, steering rack is basically a consumable, kingpins need to be lubricated not 2 times a year, but at least every month(or each 1000km), especially in wet weather. Otherwise you're eating into the "overengineering" part of your pins, and when they kick the bucket you won't get good ones, they literally don't make them as they used to, and chink versions are better than the modern "original". It will work for a very long time, but when they do break-it will be an extremely expensive and time consuming repair, quote:" nothing will unscrew there. Especially the bolts in the beam. Sometimes you need to turn them with a wrench with a one and a half meter lever, after heating the beam with a cutter until it glows crimson (no joke)"
Don't get me wrong, I love Volgas, and they are still "respected" on the road somehow, even when they are dirty and rotten, but yea
>trannies and gays are a western/white phenomenon.

>on discord 12 hours a day
>overstimulated by constant porn access
>constantly on pharma slop

A tranny is literally a creation of peak capitalism.
ZMZ-24 had a 2401 variant with even lower compression made for 76 octane fuel.
Also it's not like the UZAM revs that much higher than the ZMZ without throwing a rod. The ZMZ is more akin to a diesel in its operation with the hefty amounts of torque it produces down low, it doesn't really need to rev any higher as they tend to lose steam after 3k rpm or so.
If you really wanted to, you could put heavy duty return springs and push the lump to 6k rpm like they do with the track prepped Volgas and it will just eat it.
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>trannies and gays are a western/white phenomenon.
>without throwing a rod
Idk man, I bought my 2140 from a grandpa that practiced the "don't touch it if it works" philosophy, proceeded to floor it in the way home, and nothing happened. It just stops gaining rpm after ~6k, probably due to valve float
>and it will just eat it
But not for long, sadly. Look, I've researched all this shit for half a year before pulling the trigger, and Volga is really not for tuning. It's for being drived to an airport on a foggy evening
Btw, do your lights on the c-pillars work? It's such a nice addition to the vibe when they do, but ppl don't bother fixing them too often
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>>trannies and gays are a western/white phenomenon.
Oh ffs I need to get some sleep
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>do your lights on the c-pillars work?
If you mean the external ones on the intake fins then no as the previous owner for some reason swapped them out for non light covers. He had also swapped the chrome grille to a plastic one from a 2410.

Also my knowledge of Moskviches throwing rods comes from my dad who went full takumi mode with his Moskvich down the touge racing against his brothers Škoda 120 and it sent half the conrods through the block.
Mmm village tunink
I'll never understand why people do that to their cars
Could be a Moskvich 408, it has a different engine
>not like 80s compacts were nice anywhere
Did you just shit on the 205 you fucking pleb
I really love that photo.
Has a great mood to it.
Nah he had a 1.3 408 that spun the timing and trashed the engine, bought the 412 that threw a rod. He replaced the engine and transmission with a BMW M10 and a getrag 5 speed.

Also I've been trying to source those "park light wings" for my Volga to put them back on, but they're very difficult to source nowadays.
Managed to grab a couple of those chrome grilles and ditched the plastic shit because it's ugly, if only I could find one of those "prototype" quad headlight front ends.
>U.S. population by race and ethnicity
>Among adults who identify as transgender (in the US)
Could’ve tried better, retard.
REAL two-strokes just haven't been tried yet.
>those inconsistent wheels
>those moon runes
>those fingers
Why would you post AIslop
I could probably get you those, it's ridiculously easy to get parts for soviet cars here in Ukraine
Yeah Ukrainian junkyards and parts stores are still chock full of new and old parts, should've grabbed the wings too when I was there, only grabbed a transmission, fenders and the grilles.
Should've taken a 2nd gauge cluster too, but I was in a bit of a hurry
See >>28061758. Nonwhites are inherently gay, simple as.
Nice try
Communists get the rope
>nd the Trabant's bodypanels could only be produced at one speed so there was no reasonable way to ramp up production
here's a wild concept:
Add another line
Most people can't even afford a 110cc 500$ motorcycle, let alone a 13k$ car that's most probably not designed to run on unpaved roads.
You probably get this a lot but how's the war going?
Awful, thank to institutionalized antisemitism you goyim bastards are barley giving us chosen enough to squeak by
And that's how you spot a retard
All those numbers like "the US gave x$ of military aid" is not fucking money. Its vehicles that were sitting half-abandoned since the end of cold war. Utilising them this way saves money on storage, deactivation and creates jobs in companies making parts and new vehicles. Same with ammo, missiles. But you room-temperature IQ magas think that Ukrainian judeonazis steal your money
How should I know, I'm not an officer.
My general impression is that we are losing, for a number of reasons, one of the biggest being completely inadequate support from the western countries. One, of course, could argue that the west could do nothing at all, and would be wrong, since
A) Ukraine gave up the nukes due to joint pressure from US and russia.
This reason is more than enough, but there's more:
B)This war is like 13th century Mongol invasion. The Mongols were exhausted by the resistance of Ruthenia, and barely dipped into Western Europe as the result. Ukraine's literally saving your asses, because NATO like it was in 2022 couldn't do shit against russian invasion, I still remember how German instructors told our tank crews to just drive around the minefields lmao
I know I sound ungrateful, but this war wouldn't start, and so so many lives wouldn't be lost or ruined, if only the West didn't treat as some uneducated tribe from the very beginning- I have a shitton of examples as recent as 2023, some completely ridiculous like refusing to sell sensors to the biggest MANPADS manufacturer in Ukraine while also freely selling them to russia.
Putin is surrounded by jewish oligarchs, ethnic Russians are being replaced/brutalized by churkas as we speak, Putin cracked down on actual Russian ethnic nationalists, and judging from the AIDS rate, abortion rate, and other objective factors, le heckin' based tradpilled Russia maymay is a fucking joke.

Thanks m8. I appreciate it.

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