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LDR thread, in celebration of her recent Coachella performance (and weight loss)
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spaghetti in the streets, lasagna in the sheets.
>recent Coachella performance
Mumbling incoherent babble alluding to being a whore isn't a performance.
I don't think you've listened to any of her music. Did you come over from /mu/, by any chance?
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Full color, lines B/W, Concept, Cover, Video Games, Mangas, anything.
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Not sure but this seems Japanese/Asian
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Did not expect anime in this thread.
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Does this count?

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Are we sure that isn't a wide moat?
Maschpark is a small, yet beautiful park just behind the imposing New Town Hall.

I'm thinking that's just a pond. Not a lake.
I started this thread months ago for the sake of it, glad to see it's still around.

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It was complicated since some covers are difficult to find in high resolution, but I finally managed to put together a collection of 242 covers of the magazine, I will be publishing them here, if you have any contribution, post it. I will try not to repeat the post.
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I wish I could remember the number. One of the first HM that I read. Was the story of a guy in a post apocalyptic future/planet. He falls in love with this girl he encounters but he's married and his wife who is in kind of a coma. He end up killing his wife and fleaing with this new girl.
I'd buy that for a dollar!
>Luis Royo art
anyone got a pdf somewhere? looks interesting! :)

Bonus points for obscure ones or older pics
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Giving cosplayers a job..... jeez and they went bankrupt you say?
Yes, very sad
Think I will go watch the X-Play musical again. That was a 5 out of 5.
Indeed it was. Morgan had a pretty decent singing voice, I thought
Hope she is enjoying life. Seemed like a really cool chick.

Art, Screenshots, Icons, etc. from any of the Fallout games or related media.
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NIce thread anon
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Old School Models Thread #2.

Starting off with the 1987 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

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Was ANYBODY hotter in the late 80s?
you just know
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Cindy comes to mind. Kathy ruled the '90s so hard as her 80s fame continued to raise her SI stats into Hollywood movies. It's the business operation, while super successful, seemed to age her harder.
Crawford, right. Was she the most lusted after woman ever in her prime?

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Pop quiz, Africa or not?
gotta say to me their look asian
Anyone got any reptilian fellas?
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In general yes, however I do not know if they are African.
To style?

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50+ only
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You'd treat an old whore who's sucked the life out of more cocks than a Tyson slaughterhouse like a princess??
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Something confusing you boy?

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Anything related to Studio Ghibli goes here.
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The dyejob fave.
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the context is haley has a tight butthole.
>has a giant crucifix tattooed on her leg
Noooooo, never
Where is this originally from?
I tried searching for it, but had no success.
And Madonna masturbated with crucifix. So?

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Mateus Manhanini
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Shearing the Rams, Tom Roberts, 1890
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Outdoor mass, St Patrick's College, Manly, 1934
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Happy St George Day, 1876 Sydney Sovereign featuring Queen Victoria and St George with the dragon
jealousy isn't a good look
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A reader in the Reading Room, Mitchell Building, State Library of New South Wales, 1943
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Bernays Family Photograph, Queensland, 1909

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Vintage ads. We'll go up as far as the 2000s and as far back as you can find.
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Is that what that was referencing?
everything about this is the wildest thing I have ever seen
I'm not sure. I just knew that
existed and it only took a minute to find.
My 1st thought was Bobby Hill?
I'd know him anywhere
>t. brewers fan

Golden Globe winner edition
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That's actually hilarious. I've heard things like that before where stars would laugh about how wildly off Google was, but this one I feel is pretty close. Wish I knew if she was wearing any sort of heels though.
I can at least confirm she's much taller than this though even without heels. There's no way any sort of heels can boost her up THAT much.
Can't give any concrete info but I know that Nolan said that she was cast in Tenet specifically because she could unlock the front door of a car from the back seat with her foot. My guess is 6'2"

and yeah google has had shit for facts for a long while now, just advertising bucks. net-worths are a big one for this, zero actual information it's all guesswork
Okay but her hips look insane here
>she could unlock the front door of a car from the back seat with her foot
Yeah, that's not what happened.

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