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50% Cute lady
50% Sexy fucktoy
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I love her, and her feet
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Always love to catch a glimpse of Jenna's legs.
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I'd love to make Jenna bigger on the inside
with my peanus weenus of course :)
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based filenames
Only if you're black
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Yep, she has god tier feet and good taste on high heels.
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Amazing taste in heels.
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Combining elegant dresses with fuck me heels is such a sexy ensemble.
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>Only if you're black
Oh, it's (You).
Fuck off with that cringe shit
Imagine Jenna having an urgent emergency and using the tard-is as her toilet. Ha-ha wouldn't that be funny?
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I love her
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>live action Xenoblade with Jenna in full Melia costume
Who says no?
Tardis aka Jenna's Poopy Box.
My face is her foot rest.
Would you slowly, sensuoysly lick her lovely, delicate feet, if she asked you to?
fuck yes
> Her whimpers as your tongue finds her sensitive spots and exploits them, tracing and teasing every inch mercilessly.
brother, not looking for a game master on my fantasy, just share good pics
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Of course.
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I'm okay to lick cum from her feet.
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I'd be okay licking cum off of her
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I love her feet in high heels so fucking much
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woaw the shoe pussy
The sublimely elegant (yet teasing) dress, combined with the brazen, gorgeous fuck-me heels
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That dress is tacky af tho
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It's a cute little cum dress.
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Jenna is always at her best in a sexy pair of heels, I just wish that she would wear leather more often.
>at least 7 different patterns sewn together randomly
>frilly little house in the prairie top with miniskirt bottom
>"sublimely elegant"
She's cute but that dress is an eyesore desu
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She is so cute.
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I want her to humiliate me and making their bulls to cum on her feet, and asking me to clean up.
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licking her black bulls' cum from her feet after she's furiously given them footjobs would be so hot
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You fuckin’ weirdos. I just wanna have sex with her, no cuck shit
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Well, I just want to watch
Finally found you from the cel thread,
unequivocally based
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Elegant hot is the only hot that matters
Jenna is bi???
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>he doesn't know
She holds her hands in the same way in every picture, tis cute
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Case and point!
Also... really digging her legs in this
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she has pretty hands
I understand why she likes holding them!
She can't keep her own hands off herself :3
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Not sure what's more mesmerising, her or the optical illusion that is that dress
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I don't think even that dress can distract me from her beauty
Well in that one it took me a good fee seconds to even notice the dress
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Oh, why?
I was just captivated by, uhm, her necklace, or something
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Her soon-to-be-added pearl necklace I bet
#0_0# don't know what you mean, anon
I want to vigorously pound her on all fours as she is facing a large mirror.
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I highly doubt that!
I will feign ignorance because it's more fun ;)
And I wouldn't want you to think you could just put thoughts into my head
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Now that’s what I’m talking about.
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Oh, I don't think I was the one who put it there!
... well
you drew it out at least
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And I'm not sorry!
... you know, I'm starting to forgive you anyway
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Wrapped like a cute Christmas present
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Must be fun to unwrap!
mhmm, the thought has occured to me
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What do you think the present will be?
... boobs
I hope it's boobs
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that is lewd!
Well, it's Christmas! And you asked...
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It would be a Christmas miracle!
She's smiling like it would be a Christmas treat for her too
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Jenna being an exhibitionist?
Christmas did come early
#0_0# now that's an idea
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A very... interesting one!
Mhmm, that one looks like it's one bad fastening away from helping her along
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Gosh, a wardrobe malfunction at the wrong time and place...
Lalalalala there's that putting thoughts in my head again
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She does go to a lot of events where she is in front of a large amount of people...
She's got to be tempted...
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That would be so improper! Putting on clothes she knows has a good chance of... malfunctioning at the worst moment...
She could make that statue feel inadequate though...
If uhm, those buttons are only for show
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You don't think she went to that event wearing nothing under that coat, do you?
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#0_0# That makes me think I was right!
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I certainly wish I had the evidence to prove you right!
Imagining is evidence enough
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We just need to have faith that Jenna is a slutty exhibitionist!
I mean, I'm struggling to picture anything else now - so it must be true!
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It is quite hard to imagine her wearing things like underwear now...
hard indeed #0_0#
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Feels like there's a double meaning there...
nooo, it's late and I don't have the mental capacity for such things...

she really does put a lot of faith in big buttons, doesn't she?
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One tug of that belt and her nudeness will belong to your eyes.

No panties for the Hotwife.
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>No panties for the Hotwife.
Easy access is desirable
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Essential I'd say
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The less time they're spending getting at what they want from her, the better
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Impatience is fully understood in this event
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Means they get to the good stuff even faster when they don't care about what she's wearing or worry about what's in the way
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Especially when she's just as eager to perform her hotwife duties
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And there's no doubt a line of people waiting for a turn in her
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The Hotwife is always open to forward advances.
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Slutwife resolendeng in vibrant red.
* resplendent.
It's called acting.
Have you ever seen her date another woman IRL?
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This hot sexy little fucker.
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Love the way that top presents a delightful opening to her gap.
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There's nothing more inviting than Jenna wearing a short leather skirt.

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