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I wonder what the purpose of the little hairs on their bodies is.
Same as humans I would guess.
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Pop quiz, Africa or not?

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251 replies and 122 images omitted. Click here to view.
Nigger Dicks
>Olivia Rodrigo
No Doubt.
She joined them during a concert
Hope her and Gwen bumped uglies backstage
You just know...
No, it's actually this >>4848520

This is my first thread so I hope you all enjoy it
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lipfiller kino is BACK on the menu
unflattering makeup

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>Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance.
George S Patton
People may not like it but it's a true statement.
Lol. I need to watch that again.
There’s no evidence the United States actually developed or used a nuclear weapon in world war 2. Much more likely they used conventional weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and reframed the attacks as nuclear to intimidate the Soviets. They had already secured the Japanese surrender 4 days before the fire bombing of Hiroshima
The internet has really taken a huge downward turn now that all the retarded faggots can make a post about any retarded thing they can think of. Isn't your retarded mother bringing dinner down soon?
10/10 troll. Well done.
Just want to take note of the fact that this person is complaining about the downward turn of the internet while calling someone slurs (and not countering any arguments), while OP was civil and direct. Sounds like someone is insecure about their lack of historical understanding/education :)

Just got two 4k monitors, and need some nice wallpapers. It's been hard to find nice landscape pics like pic related that are not blurry in this resolution.
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Uzh and city called Uzhgorod
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Am I supposed to stand in that river or boulder up it
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doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style, just what I personally use. I only have two that are /k/omfy, so the third will be another one I sometimes use.
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How is that /k/omfy?
dude nothing bad ever associated with Tokyo!
It's supposed to be about /k/, you know, WEAPONS

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Dark souls city
Oh I never played Dark Souls. Too many other games ahead on my list.
Northern Italy is pretty ok overall, but many people (especially North Italians) say that the South is too dark/swarthy to be considered White. I believe that the overall genetics of modern day Italy is less White than in ancient Rome, and the South has been hit especially hard. The South's crime and corruption stats are worse. I believe that they are shorter overall, but I haven't personally seen statistics on that yet.
It's all nonsense to divide and control people.
>I believe that the overall genetics of modern day Italy is less White than in ancient Rome, and the South has been hit especially hard.

Any actual genetic study on that? Everywhere I look I learn the contrary

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any image of historical representations about peoples. (Or person)
modern representations included
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They would have had queens and countesses and whatnot same as the rest of the feudal Germanic states.

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guy standing over the table dot jpg
>if only you knew how bad things really are.

Also the dogs are tied to each other, wtf.
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am I allowed to make a thread about her on 4chin?
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Tight body on this one

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We haven't had a thread for this qt3.14 in a while.
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Gosh, she’s so pretty and amazing. And she’s a really good actress too. I’d pay every dollarydoo in my bank account to fiddle with her pussy for 15 minutes. She can headbutt me to death after that. Wearing a football helmet - headbutt me until my skull and brains are smashed into ground beef.
>headbutt me to death
only if her headbutting you was the first step of a Rube Goldberg machine that ultimately kills you

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Non-pornstar MILFS

Post some HD amateur/ non pornstar regular milfs
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Hey OP, please include 'coomer' or 'celeb' in the title so I can filter this easier next time. Thanks!
Keep up the good fight.

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The Goddess
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I don't see it
She has underwear on, he oversold it
she looks weird as fuck

yeah she's wearing panties, still super whorey
Her face is essentially realistic version of an anime character. Large wide eyes, narrow chin, prominent cheeks, etc. That appeals to a lot of people.
to each their own... but why are you here if you don't like the way she looks?

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Phone wallpapers
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Maybe the best she's ever looked
yeah, she's really good at showing off her beautiful rack
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how big is your fucking phone

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Hayley Atwell
93 replies and 44 images omitted. Click here to view.
Literally just google "Hayley Atwell nudes" my dudes. She shows her tits and ass, both are nowhere near as impressive as you may think.
Only because the pics are blurry
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That's a lot of milk...

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