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21 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.
Was this the end of this set?

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Let's get an Emily Bloom Thread going to celebrate her upcoming Spicy May MyFreeCams Realistic Dildo Shower Fuck video release!
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I kind of go back and forth on her. The bulbous nose and thin lips rob her of being a top-tier beauty. She looks a bit plain but still pretty without strong makeup.

She's 31....probably only 3 years away from hitting the wall. She knows her best years are behind her and is desperately attempting to cash out on her depreciating looks by doing content she wouldn't have normally done when she was in her prime.

The reason she didn't do more explicit content early on is because she had delusional ambitions of being a big Hollywood actress. But nothing came to fruition outside of her short cameo on It's Always Sunny.

I'd give it 4 or 5 years before she starts doing the much more explicit videos, now that her looks are falling off and she doesn't have to worry about that stuff ruining her acting career anymore.
>But nothing came to fruition outside of her short cameo on It's Always Sunny.

True, probably had to suck some cock to get the role too kek

a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engine.
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this gave me a boner
Audi R8

Washington Crossing the Delaware, Emanuel Leutze, 1851
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Ha. Tesla had no time to be gay, the dude was way too busy being a mad scientist.
>took everything bad Bush was doing and turned it up to 11
>created worthless Obamacare
>sewed racial division
Yeah. Great at being a piece of shit.

kek - nice bullshit
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random hi-res.
mods please create /cel/ already so we can have this board back.
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Maybe another 10 years is all it will take.
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Get creative and post a collage of your favorite porn actresses.

previous thread
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but she likes it tho
so scrapbook style collages. I want to do the same thing but with Violet Myers and Natalie Mars, you strictly use photoshop???
Yeah I use Photoshop and the "object selection" feature then copy paste and delete the old layer. It's pretty good but sometimes needs touch ups.
theres a girl who works at my church in town (I deliver donations to them) that looks exactly like mia malkova and I cant stop thinking about her taking BBC when I'm small talking with her...
cool, will try it when I have time

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so breedable
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Katy Perry's Awakening
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nipple position looks off
You should suck mine while I look at katy
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she's biracial, not Ethiopian. her dad's a black guy from the US & she was born and raised in Scotland.

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Old Boy
I'm only 22.
At least it is a superhero pose.
posting someone from that abomination should be punishable by public execution

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Old School Models Thread #2.

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on your knees for our queen Miley
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>pit hair


Wait, that didn't come out right, let me use my best Aku voice.

Aku? Samurai Jack?
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Booty bump

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Please post high resolution pictures of Bryce Dallas Howard. Preferably some unseen ones at the Critics' Choice Awards.
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insane strong mommy vibes
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Mommy and auntie Paige.
i would love to snuggle up in the middle during movie night

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New bread >>4901677

Anything from true mid century era. I like Slim Aarons but I'd like to see other works from the 50s, 60s, 70s. Recently I found Julius Shulman and the streamliner kitchen in this pic is amazing,
/r/ is over there -->
>Anything from true mid century era
post 5 more
John Lautner is my favorite. Chemosphere and Sheats-Goldstein house are the two most iconic mid-century houses in Los Angeles in my opinion.

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